Past and Future Lives, Part 3

This entry is part 25 of 49 in the series JJ Lectures

What finally made me take reincarnation seriously was a disc0overy of two handwritings that matched. The one was a living person who I knew well and the second was a person who had died long ago. Comparing the handwriting of one life with another will sometimes be a close match if the person has not changed a lot. There are no two handwritings that are the same just like there are no two fingerprints that are the same and finding two matched handwritings is like finding two fingerprints that are the same. I found two handwriting samples that matched almost identically and even had a couple little quirky things that are in maybe one out of every thousand writings. Then when you add several of them together it would make the probability of them being this close one out of millions. I stepped back and I thought I had been seeing this evidence and I had rationalized and now I had to take a second look and look at it with fresh eyes.

I had been seeing what the church told me to look at it and now I must look at it without the church’s influence. I decided to take all the scriptures and read them anew as if I did not know anything and when I did this I found hundreds of pieces of evidence both in the Mormon scriptures and in the Bible that there is reincarnation. It was amazing how many there were. Some of the early church fathers in the Christian church were against reincarnation and when the first bibles were put together there was a lot of editing where they took doctrines out but they could not get everything out because the subtle things proving reincarnation they missed. Like with John The Baptist for instance, there is a prophecy that Elijah was supposed to come again and precede the Messiah. Well the disciples came to Jesus and said if you are the messiah than where is Elijah? And Jesus said point blank, Elijah did come again and he came again in the person John The Baptist. John The Baptist is Elijah and so and he did precede the messiah so the prophecy was fulfilled.

That is about as clear as word can be in the Bible and when you give this to a religious person the only counter he will hit you with is the account of somebody coming to John The Baptist and asking him if he was Elijah and he said no I am just a voice of one crying in the wilderness. There are several reasons why John the Baptist said no and Jesus said yes. First, Jesus saw with a higher vision than John the Baptist and it is quite possible that John the Baptist did not know that he was Elijah and maybe he just did not remember. Secondly if he would have said he was Elijah he probably would have been killed prematurely and he wanted to avoid giving a dangerous answer. After all, Jesus was killed for not denying he was the messiah so John had a really good reason to avoid answering that question directly and he said no I am just a voice crying in the wilderness.

So anyway, I read all the scriptures through and I found evidence after evidence and from that point on I changed my course of study. I have always been interested in oddball things. I studied hypnosis when I was 16 and supposedly a good Mormon but then I started studying many interesting things that were far outside the realm of the church. One of the things that caught my attention the most were the writings of Alice A. Bailey, I think her writings are the deepest writings on the planet and contain tremendous depth of teaching and many of the things that are taught by the new age gurus comes from the Alice A. Bailey writings.

When I first took people back I used hypnosis but after using hypnosis for a while it did not take me long to see that it is not as dangerous as the elders in the church use to warn me about but it does have some negative effects. If a person is hypnotized on a regular basis, he gets more susceptible to hypnosis so what I did was switch from hypnosis to guided meditations and in guided meditations you do go deep enough to loose the awareness of what is going on around you. In regular hypnosis you go so deep that when you are awakened you do not even remember what happened and when you get that deep it is really easy to take people into past lives. Guided meditation works just about as well and I have not been able to find any negative side effects with it and as a matter of fact everything associated with it is positive as long as the intent behind the meditation is good.

We will now proceed with a guided meditation for the whole group.

The first thing we will do is relax ourselves and the more relaxed you are the easier it is to go back. Relax clear your thoughts and we are going to concentrate relaxing all the muscles in the body first and get ourselves in a nice relaxed state of mind. This makes it easier to go through the guided meditation. First of all concentrate on your right leg and let your concentration go clear up to your toes and visualize a beam light coming through the ceiling and touching your toes producing a nice warm tingling sensation. Now the beam of light is proceeding up your toes to your feet, then your ankle and moving slowly up your leg and as this beam of light moves up your leg you can feel that there is something about this beam of light that is relaxing you. It is moving up past your knee to your thigh to your hip, your whole right leg is completely relaxed and feels very, very good. Now the beam of light switches over to the toes on your left foot, it is proceeding upward covering your whole foot, on up your leg to your knee, your thigh, your hip, and now your whole left leg is totally relaxed and feel both of your legs and they feel like they are floating on a cloud or in warm water, they are so light. They feel very relaxed, now concentrate on your right arm and the beam of light is now touching the fingers on your right arm producing that nice, pleasant warm sensation and livening you yet relaxing you at the same time.

The beam of light is proceeding up your hand to your wrist, your arm, up to your elbow and now proceeding up to your shoulder and you can feel your whole right arm completely relaxing and now the beam of light is proceeding to over to your left hand and proceeding up your left arm relaxing all the muscles in your left arm completely relaxing your left arm, proceeding up to your elbow and shoulders and both arms and hands are now completely relaxed. They feel like they could float they are so relaxed. Now the beam of light is centered in the top of your head and again you feel the warm sensation from the beam of light, it is proceeding down your forehead and touches both of your eyes and it is very comforting. Your nose, mouth, your cheeks, your throat, your neck, all the muscles in your head are completely relaxed like they have never been before. Now the beam of light is centered around your neck area and is moving down your body, all around your shoulders, to your ribs, stomach and covering all of your torso, until your whole body is now covered with the beam of light and every single muscle in your whole body is now completely relaxed. You have never felt so peaceful, so tranquil, like you are floating on a cloud, just floating away without a care in the world and it feels very, very pleasant and you feel very relaxed, very relaxed.

Now in this very relaxed state it is easy to visualize and see anything you want to see. You see your self floating, floating up and there is a cloud above you and you float up to the top of this cloud and you are laying there not worried about anything. You can look down from this cloud and because you are so light it is impossible to fall because you are as light as a cloud. You look down and you see a path, a path that is leading to a forest, and you decide to jump off this could and gently descend to the path. You land on this path and you start walking on it and you look ahead and some distance ahead you see a forest. The path continues into the forest and you decide to walk on the path into the forest. There are little birds chirping as you walk along the path and little cute, harmless animals running around in the forest. You continue walking and you come to this wall, you look at this wall and you think you want to go to the other side, you walk back and forth and you discover a door and somehow you know this door will take you wherever you want to go. It can take into the past or into the future. This particular door will take you into the past. You grab the door and you pull it open and discover ten steps downward. As you move onward down the steps and reach the tenth step you will be in your past life. You will be able to think as you did then, feel as you felt then, to see as you saw then, to remember as you remembered then and you will be able to remember who you have been in the past.

You walk through this door and this takes you back into the past. You begin to walk down the ten steps and when you get down to the tenth step you will be back in your past. You step on the first step, the second step, the third step and each step that you take you feel more comfortable and very much at peace, prepared to see whatever there is to see. You are on the fourth step, fifth step, sixth step, seventh step, each step takes you to a deeper more comfortable relaxed state, eighth step, ninth step, and to the tenth step.

Who are you is the question? You are back into a past life, you ask yourself, who are you? I am going to count to three and the answer will come, you know who you are, where you are, what you have been doing, one…two…three, who are you? Think to yourself that you know who you are, I know who I am, I know who I am. Say it to yourself three times, I know who I am, I know who I am, I know who I am, You know where you are and you know what time period you are in. Now you are proceeding along this lifetime to the time that you met the person that you love very much. It could be a spouse, family member, someone you admired. This person is coming into your view. You know who he or she is and you know what the relationship is.

Now you can step back from this life and look at it as an observer. Look at the beginning of this life and you can follow it along clear to the end of this life and you can get a good idea of what this life was all about. Now you are an observer again just observing and you see another wall, there is another doorway that takes you back to another life still. You open the doorway and there are ten more steps and it will take you to another life even farther back in the past. You open the door and you begin to descend, one step, two, three, you are going even deeper than before and you are more relaxed and peaceful, four, five, six, seven, eight, just about there, nine and ten. You know who you are. Think to yourself, I know who I am, I know who I am – think that to yourself. You can see this lifetime and you know what you are doing, if you have accomplished anything of worth or not, a lesson that you have learned and so on. I am going to count to three and the name in this life will come to your mind. One, two, three, your name comes and you know what your name was and you know who your friends are. Now there was a particular lesson that you had to learn in this life and this particular lesson is coming to you, I am going to count to three and the lesson that you learned in this life will be made clear to you. One, two, three, the lesson that you learned is coming to your mind. Now we are returning to the present and I am going to count to three and you are going be in the present and you are going to remember very clearly everything that you saw and encountered in your past. One, you are returning to the present, two, you are almost there and three you have returned to the present feeling very good.

Okay now we’ll check with some of you to see what kind of memories you retrieved.


Copyright 2011 by J J Dewey

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Past and Future Lives, Part 2

This entry is part 24 of 49 in the series JJ Lectures

When I was about twelve our neighbor got a book about Bridey Murphy. Has everyone heard of that? She was talking about it with my Mom and referring to past lives and I thought that is it! That makes sense to me. This really struck a chord and from that moment on I believed in reincarnation. Then my Dad, who was an inventor, invented this kitty litter and in 1956 he sold everything he had and invested it all in this kitty litter plant. Customers bought a kit that had a cardboard litterbox and a bag of kitty litter. You open up the kit and you throw the bag of sand in the box and when it was used then you throw the box and the sand away and buy a new one. He and my uncle put everything they had into this and everything looked good and they began to sell everything locally and were ready to go national. Sears placed a large order and they put every penny they had into producing as many of these as they could. The printer that was printing these boxes did a bad job and so they had to have all the boxes reprinted. But they had spent all their money and did not have enough money to reprint the boxes and so they went under. If not for that one little fluke then I would probably have a really big inheritance today. Because kitty litter is a really big business today and my Dad was the one who invented it.

So he lost everything. At that time we had a 1956 Studebaker Golden Hawk and it was the best looking sports car around and everywhere my dad went people would gather around to take a look at it. Well that was repossessed and we got this old 1936 Ford pick up that was about on its last leg. We moved over to the big city of Letha, Idaho in between New Plymouth and Emmett. I found out that I made up about 2% of the population there and that is where I met Wayne. His dad owned half the town and was still a poor man.

Audience: Laughter

JJ: But anyway we went from just being on the verge of living the good life and making millions to losing everything almost instantly. In Letha is where I kind of got some influence from the church because my grandmother thought, ah Joe is moving here and I can get him going to church. My grandmother loved the church very much. She was a very sweet gal and everybody that met her thought she was the most wonderful person in the world and my dad liked her too. When my dad was growing up she always hauled him off to church and he could not say no to her because she was so sweet. When my mom married my dad she thought she was marrying a religious guy who always went to church. But right after they got settled into the marriage she says to dad, lets go to church and he said, I am never going to church again as long as I live. And she says, what I though I married a good Mormon here! And he says, no, my mom hauled me off to church every Sunday since the day I was born and I could not say no to her and now that I am away from her I am never going again! So my dad became a notorious drinker and partier for pretty much the rest of his life. He was an interesting guy to be around but he was not really religious or anything.

JJ: So anyway my grandmother had her sights set on me when we lived there and she used to drive by and pick me up for church. I would look through the window on Sunday morning and if I saw her driving by (we lived near a prune orchard) I would hop out the back window and run off in the orchard and hide.

Audience: Chuckling!

JJ: But sometimes when she drove up I was asleep and she just caught me and she was so sweet that you just couldn’t say no to her and I could understand why my dad could never say no to her. She was just the sweetest little gal you ever met. So when she caught me I went to church. When we went to church me and this other kid, Larry Larson – who Wayne will remember – in Sunday school we were the best behaved and the teacher would always point out to the rest of the class how much Joe and Larry over here were so nice and paying attention and why could not he rest of the kids be more like us. Larry and I would look at each other and say, that is because we are bored stiff!

Audience: Chuckling!

JJ: These other kids were throwing candy and erasers and we were just bored with this whole church thing. Then one day it was Easter and I was feeling a little guilty and I thought I should go to church since it was Easter and so by this time my mom had moved about a block away from the church and I was walking over to it. I was thinking to myself, lets look at this church thing logically. According to religion if I am a good guy and go to church every Sunday then when I die I will go to some heavenly bliss for all eternity. I thought that is really not a bad deal if the heavenly bliss is what they build it up to be. After all, a snap of a finger in relation to a lifetime is like a lifetime in relation to eternity.

I began to reason within myself that it is kind of like taking a test for an hour to determine the quality of the rest of your life. I thought why would I not endure a test for an hour even if it were boring if the reward was so great? So I thought maybe I should try this out logically and I made a deal with myself to attend church for six weeks. The only trouble was I didn’t know if I could handle the boredom.

Interestingly, a few weeks before that the bishop called me and he says how come you do not go to church regularly? I told him because it is really boring. And he says, boring!!! He acted like he had never heard anybody say that before. He says what could it possibly be boring? I said the songs; the hymns are just so boring and they put you to sleep. He says they are lovely hymns and everybody loves them! I said not me, now Elvis I like him, and rock and roll is fine and I am sorry but it pains me to listen to the hymns. He says what else bothers you? I said the speeches and sermons; they are just so boring. The speakers say nothing new and they just drag along. He says we have some wonderful speakers in our church and I don’t understand for everybody loves them. I said well not me they are just boring. Anyway, a few weeks later I was walking along and I thought if I decide to got to church the only thing that I am not sure that I can handle is the boredom. So I will make a deal with my self and go for six weeks and if I can handle the boredom for six weeks then I will go the rest of my life and if I can’t then I will be like my dad and eat drink and be merry.

So I started going for six weeks and thanks to friends like Wayne and others that were like him in the group of guys I seemed to have handled it.

Wayne: We taught him how to be rowdy!

JJ: They taught me how to enjoy myself but rather than just follow I took the lead and I started these contests as to who could bring the most outrageous thing to eat and the biggest thing to drink during the Sunday meetings and not get caught. Well our friend John Cannon won the contest; he brought a quart bottle of Pepsi and drank the whole thing during the Sacrament meeting without getting caught. That was pretty hard thing to do! I brought pork chops and eat them.

Audience: Laughing!

JJ: All the kids thought that was the most outrageous thing they had ever seen. Then I learned to join in with the rest of the kids in doing some hellraising and it kind of broke the monotony.

The bishop hauled me in one more time and said I heard you believe in reincarnation and I said well yea and he said let me read you a scripture, “it is given in a man once to die and after this the judgment.” And I read it and thought; it does seem to say that doesn’t it. He said yes there is only one life. Then he said I also heard you drink and smoke. I said well, sometimes! I was only twelve!

Audience: Laughing!

JJ: He says you are not supposed to drink and smoke. I said really I did not know that! So he committed me to not drink and smoke. So I was a pretty good guy for quite some time and obeyed all the rules. Then my brother in-law who was interested in a bunch of oddball stuff, came by one time and he and he left this book on hypnosis. In those days, around 1959, you could not even find a book on hypnosis, and now these books are widely available. He had gotten this book written by a stage hypnotist and I read all the way through it and then at the end it finally told you how to hypnotize someone. So I studied it over carefully and experimented with a couple of my friends and it seemed to work and then I started doing it at school and at church and it seemed to work at the time and after church I would take people into a room that nobody was in and hypnotize them. And then at school during the lunch hour I would take some kids out on the lawn and then have them do crazy stuff. Then I got it from two different sides, the bishop calls and says you are not supposed to be hypnotizing people and I said does it say anything in the Bible about that?

Audience: Laughter

JJ: He says well no and I said I would just keep doing it then. (Laughter) He really did not have a good answer for me and he said well you just be careful because that could be dangerous.

The same thing happened in high school. My teachers all pointed me out right in the middle of class and said, you should not be hypnotizing people! I said, why not? Is it illegal? The teacher answered, Well, no I don’t think so. Is it against school rules? Not that I know of. They did not have anything in the school rules about it so I said well I guess I will just keep doing it then. Laughing! I had a couple teachers that were really negative on me but there was no rule against it so I just kept doing it.

So we had a lot of fun things happen and I will tell you about one in particular. This one guy comes up to me and says I hear you can hypnotize somebody to eat an onion and it will taste like a peach or something like that. I asked him if he wanted to do that and he said yes. So I started to put him under and there is one thing I discovered about hypnosis at that time, is that nothing takes a person out of a trance faster than laughter. As a matter of fact, people will not laugh under deep hypnosis unless you tell them to laugh, So I was putting him under and it was going well, well enough so that he could eat an onion and it would taste like a peach and then someone cracked a joke and everybody started to laugh. The guy came partially out of his trance and he started laughing too. I was not positive how deep I had him under because the laughter kind of broke the atmosphere but I thought had him deep enough and so I told him after I wake you up we are going to go down to Brownies, the local grocery store, and get you an onion and you are going to eat it and it will taste like a peach. So I woke him up and a big crowd of us students goes down to the corner local grocery store and there is nobody in it but one clerk. There was big box of onions next to the counter and the guy goes up and says, I want one onion please, and he grabs the onion and looks at it and the clerk looks at him like, what are these high school kids up to now. The kid then takes a bite out of the onion and begins chewing and then all of a sudden he spits it out all over the floor. Laughing! Apparently I did not have him under deep enough!

Audience: Laughing!

JJ: That was one time I lost a little bit of credibility with that group. I had done this many other times where I had them do stuff like that but that laughter must have broke the trance and suggestion. Hypnosis kind of led me to discover past lives and the first time that really got me going was when Wayne and I were double dating. That is Wayne from the book right over there, and to break the monotony Wayne tells the gals that my friend here is a hypnotist and would you like to be hypnotized and the gal says yes.

She was a pretty good subject and I had taken several people back to the day they were born and it was kind of interesting to see them re-live their first few hours. Some people say they can’t see hardly at all for a couple days and it takes a while for their eyes to adjust and almost everybody says they really feel and sense their mother’s love, so anyway I took her back to the day she was born and as I said she was a pretty good subject. As a Mormon we believed in pre-existence but not reincarnation and the Mormons believe in only one life but you did live before you were born in heavenly spheres. So I wondered what would happen if I took her back to before she was born and what she would say. So I told her to go back before she born and then she began speaking with an English accent and gave her name – that she lived in northern England. What was interesting about this was when I was a young Mormon I went on a 2 year mission to northern England exactly in the area where she said she lived in a past life.

What is interesting about England is that accent is different in different parts of the country just as the accent is different for people in different parts of the south or in Boston and so on. It is the same thing in England where there are different variations of accents in northern and southern England. Most of what we hear is what they call the Queen’s English or the James Bond accent but in northern England they speak a lot faster and it is a lot harder to understand. But anyway in her past life she had lived in northern England and I had spent 2 years in northern England so I knew the accent well but what really got my motor going is that when regressed she spoke with a perfect northern British accent that hardly anybody here would recognize. I thought wow she speaks with a perfect northern British accent, this is amazing. That was the first scientific evidence that made me really doubt the one life idea.

Then I had this girlfriend over in Portland and we were attending a party after church and it was at a member’s house. It was kind of boring so I told everybody there that I was a hypnotist and that I could take people back to the day they were born if someone wants to go back. Everybody said, oh really, they seemed to have doubt that this was possible. Then the lady of the house said put me in a chair and take me back. Now about this time as I was getting ready to take her back her husband had to run out for snacks so he took off to the store. Then I took her back to the day she was born. Then I thought lets try going back to the previous life and see if anything materializes again. Now this was only the second time I had tried to take someone back beyond their birth.

So I took her back to before she was born and she went back to the days of the Roman Empire and said that she was married to a Roman senator named Marcus Aurelius, not the emperor but another guy with that name in the senate, and another interesting fact about that life is that he was killed in battle. Then I took her back to an even earlier life in prehistoric primitive times and she described different types of animals than there are today. Then her husband returned and I brought her back to the present and everybody says take him back. He did not know what was going on so he said, back where? So we sat him down and took him back with the same procedure and I said what is your name?

He said Marcus Aurelius, a Roman senator. You should have seen all these Mormons because they were not supposed to believe in reincarnation! So I quizzed him and I said how did you die and he said I was killed in battle. He gave the same story she gave and then I took him farther back and he went back to prehistoric times as well and I said was your current wife your wife in prehistoric times? He said yes, we did not have an official marriage back then but we spent our lives together. I asked him, when you met in this life did you seem familiar to each other and he said yes, he proposed about a week after they had met and they knew immediately that we were supposed to be together. So we had discovered two lifetimes they had together and that explained why they immediately recognized each other in this life and being good Mormons they thought that it was from the heavenly spirit world that they knew each other but by taking them back we discovered it was reincarnation.

The interesting thing is that it shook up a lot of people there and people came to me said, this shakes my testimony and I said I do not want to destroy anybody’s faith and this could be like a genetic memory and there a number of explanations for it. And even though I had seen all this proof myself I still did not believe it 100% and I did not believe it 100% until I had several other unusual experiences.


Copyright 2011 by J J Dewey

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Eternal Lives, Chapter 1

This entry is part 1 of 17 in the series Eternal Lives


Search for the Truth

Note: This book includes many LDS references to assist them in understanding the important principle of reincarnation, but people of all belief systems should find something of interest here.  Those who have read my shorter treatises of Reincarnation and the Bible and Reincarnation and Mormonism will enjoy the additional material and references included here.

When I was a young boy I remember hearing my neighbors discussing the story of Bridie Murphy, a girl who under hypnosis was able to recall previous lives on the earth.  At the time I thought that the doctrine of passing through numerous lives sounded fair and just and I accepted it with the faith of a child.  I thought that, for instance, if one were to die with unfinished goals or be cut off when he was young or happened to be crippled or blind all his life that it would indeed be fair to receive another chance. If there was only one life why is it that we are all born in such diverse circumstances – some favored, some disfavored?  How could a baby who had only taken a few breaths and died possibly gain any mortal experience?  We may hear many platitudes about how great his situation is in heaven, but why should he be denied the knowledge gained from a long mortal experience for all eternity.

J. Reuben Clark once said that he could not understand how one single life of trial even if we had a long one, could qualify us for an eternity of bliss since life seemed so short, and neither could I.

Life isbut a flicker of light between two eternities.  What great effect could one little flicker have on either of them?  A great effect could only come by many flickers.

When I started attending the LDS church about the age of 13 someone finally told me that we only have one life – that this was the doctrine of the church.  Since I believed the church I had to mentally accept this, but in my heart I still felt that those who had only lived a short life should have another chance to see what they could do if they had at least an average life span.  Finally, after I became more steeped in church doctrine I came across the scripture: “And as it is appointed unto men ONCE to die, but after this the judgment.” Heb.9:27.  There it was at last!  Now I was convinced. Man dies only once and he is born only once so there is no reincarnation. That settled it.  From then on I decided to put my faith in the justice of God, that he would make things right in the end, and not worry about it any more.  I went on a mission and if anyone brought up reincarnation I quoted them Hebrews 9:27 and bore my testimony and generally they had no defense  Then one day a newspaper ran an article about a couple who had lost a pair of twins in an Auto accident.  A short time later this couple gave birth to a second set of twins.  As this second set grew the couple noticed that they began to look and act exactly like the first. They even had moles in the exact same location.  As they learned to talk they even had flashbacks to their lives as the previous twins and remembered their old toys and began to show the same quirks of character as the first set.

When the non members and even some of the members asked for an explanation of this article I found that for the first time on my mission that I was without a satisfactory explanation.  About all I was able to come up with was that it must be a trick of the devil or else a very astounding coincidence, still in my heart I wondered about the whole truth of the matter.

Later on I did some experiments in hypnosis and took numerous people back to what they described a previous life.  Some were able to speak foreign languages and dialects and give detailed descriptions of ancient times.  I viewed these experiences with great wonder, but I wasn’t about to let them “shake my testimony”.  After all Joseph Fielding Smith and others said it was a doctrine of the devil – so it must be false.  The trick was in how could I explain this regression to previous lives?  I had several theories:  (1) Some tricky evil spirit took possession of their bodies during hypnosis and was trying to fool me.  Well, if this were the case the evil spirit was certainly consistent.  It seemed as if about ninety percent of those hypnotized were able to go back, even many who did not believe in reincarnation.  Also this evil spirit seemed to have a good memory as a person can be regressed weeks or even years later and recall the same past lives..  Also I have had experience with evil spirits numerous times in the past.  I have been attacked by them and have administered to others who have been possessed and each time I was able to discern them through the Spirit.  This time the spirit told me that no evil spirit was present so I went to my next theory: (2) I called this the race memory theory.  This theory states that each cell of the human body has inherit in it the memory of all our ancestors and at the moment of conception the memory of all of one’s ancestors are passed on.  This would explain why one could have in his subconscious mind memories of past lives.  This sounded the most logical so I accepted it.

Then one day I had a rather amazing occurrence.  I had become acquainted with a newly married couple and when we were having a party I hypnotized the wife while the husband was at the store. I took her back to several previous lives and she described names and dates in great detail.  After I brought her back to the present her husband returned and he was completely unaware of anything his wife had said (No he wasn’t listening at the door).  He agreed to hypnosis and to my amazement he described two previous lifetimes in exactly the same detail as his wife.  His wife had stated her husband’s name in a previous life and he recalled that same name. They were husband and wife in at least two previous lifetimes. Their stories coincided exactly.  Maybe that old devil was at it again I thought!  Still my faith was unshaken and I decided to put it on the shelf and wait.

Meanwhile I found out that many people went back to previous lifetimes under hypnosis to discover that they were of a completely different race.  They were regressed to people that they could not have been related to.  My race memory theory began to break apart. Still I figured that there could be no reincarnation as it would shatter too many cherished principles of the gospel, yet there must be an answer.

Finally, the answer came.  I will not give out all the details, but the spirit of the Lord came to me and gave me a difficult commandment that would not only affect me in this world, but the one to come.  Why would the Lord command me to do something contrary to my will and contrary to producing a state of happiness? I thought.  I would be damned if I obeyed and damned if I disobeyed, yet I put all the faith I had in the goodness of God and submitted.  God did not come down and erase all the problems his commandment created, I had to struggle with them, but as compensation to those who obey His will he paved the way for greater knowledge.  I began to see that His commandment would only be fair if there were more than one life.  Perhaps there was something I had done in a past life to warrant the commandment I had received, then if there were future lives all inequalities could be justified.  I began to ponder on this idea considerably and as I did I began to experience the truth of the words of Alma:  “If it be a true seed, or a good seed… behold it will begin to swell within your breasts; and when you feel these swelling motions, ye will begin to say within yourselves it must needs be that this is a good seed, or that the word is good, for it beginneth to enlarge my soul; yea it beginneth to enlighten my understanding, yea, it beginneth to be delicious to me.”  Alma 32:28

As I pondered more I saw how reincarnation was a master piece of a giant jigsaw puzzle that threw light on the entire scene. I began to see how little we really know.  It is like the story of the three blind men and the elephant.  One grabs a leg and says “I perceive that the elephant is like a tree.”  The second grabs the trunk and states:  “No, no the elephant is like a large hose.”  The third grabs the tail and says:  “you’re both wrong.  The elephant is like a rope.”  Actually, all three men were right, but because they only had a portion of the truth they had an entirely wrong idea of the whole elephant.  This is the way it is with us.  That portion that we have is correct, but we as a people have an entirely wrong idea of what the whole elephant looks like.  The Lord has said “I shall also speak unto ALL NATIONS of the earth and THEY SHALL WRITE IT.” II Nephi 29:12  The Lord has indeed spoken to all nations of the earth and they have written it, but because that portion describes the tail, trunk or ear of the elephant and does not agree with the leg that we have we rise up and condemn them as being of the devil.  The key to judge was given by Moroni:  “Wherefore, all things which are good cometh of God.” Moroni 7:12  Read all of Moroni chapter seven and you will have a good idea of how to find the “best books” that Joseph Smith was commanded to search out.

Yes, the idea of many lives began to be delicious to me and enlighten my understanding, and broaden my mind.  I can, however, understand many people’s repulsion to it for as many say  “Once is enough!”  They say this because they never want to go through the trials they have had in life again, but what men fail to realize is that this earth is the hell most often talked about in the scriptures and it will continue to be until we follow Jesus’ advice to “take my yoke upon you… and ye shall find rest unto your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”  Matt 11:29-30.  When a person reaches a certain point of progression along the path he begins to overcome his enemies and actually looks forward to future trials and almost relishes in them.  The burdens and cares of earth life begin to be light “And they desire a better country, that is an heavenly.”  Heb. 11:16.

Reincarnation also answered some strange aspects of LDS doctrine.  For instance, The church believes that not only will all men be resurrected but all living things will.  This is derived from the scripture:  “For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.”  I Cor 15:22  This “all” we are told means everything including animal, birds, bees plants, insects and even bacteria.  Has anyone ever stopped to think what this would mean?  It would mean that every fly that has ever lived would come back and be immortal.  Taking into consideration the shorter life span of the fly the results would spell disaster indeed.  For every person now living there may have only a couple times that amount since Adam, but for every fly now living there would have been thousands perhaps millions!  This could mean that in the resurrection there may be a million times more flies than there is now!!!  Do you call that heaven?  How about bacteria?  A human grows much more than his body weight in a lifetime of bacteria alone.  A man’s body will not be able to hold all of that when he comes back so what will happen?  Are we going to have immortal heaps of bacteria scattered around to distort our countryside?  Even if the animals alone are brought back they would be so numerous that it would make life unbearable for humans.  I might ad:  Let us hope that the immortal mosquito does not attempt to get whatever is in our immortal veins!

If such a point as this is brought up to the typical Mormon he will smile and say:  “Don’t worry yourselves about such matters.  God will work it all out.”

God not only “will” work it all out, He already has.  The fly will never reach immortality as a fly, even though his intelligence will never die and always progresses.  Instead at death the fly goes to the spirit world and comes back a short time later as a fly again.  Thus there is a limited number of spirits that take bodies as flies so we do not have to worry about being overwhelmed in any resurrection.  An oversoul for an insect may even control numerous bodies at one incarnation.  This is why there is such great unity and cooperation in various groups in the insect world.  Another interesting point is the fly, when it fills the measure of its’ creation will disappear completely from this earth.  Then the spirits will be free to seek another and higher form.

“But that can’t be true!” says one. “All things will be resurrected and be immortal.”

Sorry, but that is not what the scriptures say.  According to them only one has achieved immortality: “That thou keep this commandment without spot unrebukeable, until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Which in his times he shall shew, who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords; WHO ONLY HATH IMMORTALITY, dwelling in a light which no man can approach unto… I Tim 6:16.  This is indeed an amazing scripture for it plainly tells us that only the Christ possesses immortality or the Greek ATHANASIA which means literally “Deathlessness” and is only found three places in the scriptures, none of which conflict with the above.  If this scripture is true, it would mean that those who were resurrected with the Christ are not yet immortal and will die again.  That also means that, at least up to the time of Timothy, no one else had experienced an immortal resurrection as Christ did.  That means that there is more than one type of resurrection as is plainly manifest in the scripture:  “Others were tortured not accepting deliverance; that they might obtain a BETTER RESURRECTION.”  Heb 11:35. There are three Greek words in all from which the word “resurrection” is translated.

Putting all the pieces of the puzzle together we can safely say that only the highest resurrection produces immortality and man must pass through numerous lifetimes and “receive not a fullness at first… but continue from grace to grace (life to life), until he receive a fullness.”  D&C 93:12-13.  We must do as Jesus did and progress from life to life until we become like unto: “a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.” Eph 4:13  Then we may step forward ourselves and be like the savior as we have been commanded (Matt 5:48) and become the savior of an age: “That you may come unto the Father in my name, and in due time (after many lifetimes) receive of his fullness.” D&C 93:19.

Copyright by J J Dewey

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True Faith

This entry is part 52 of 62 in the series 2010

Posted Oct 17, 2010
Dan asked this some time ago:
JJ, you have expounded upon the conventional definition of true faith giving this improved definition: “proving a thing true or false by evidence, argument, reason or experiment and through the guidance of your inner authority”, just as 1Thes 5:21 admonishes us to “test all things”.

But in applying true faith as you have defined it, specifically in the context of discerning the truth/falsehood of a matter (for instance whether XYZ is a true principle or not), how could pre-judging XYZ as true (or false) according to my desire and trying to maintain an unshakeable conviction/belief (the conventional definition of “faith”) in it’s truth (or falsehood) in advance of testing it possibly be anything but a hindrance to correct judgment/discernment of (the truth of) XYZ?

With true faith you do not pre-judge a thing to be true, or perhaps I should say one does not make any rigid judgment. It’s more like the guy at the carnival who guesses your weight. He doesn’t know but he makes his best guess. But he doesn’t leave it at that or assume he is correct. He gives his estimate a test by having you get on the scales and when the number of pounds appears then you know. His estimate may have been right on, close or far off. But if he was correct then we have a rough example of faith for that which he thought to be true was proven to be true.

Let me give another example that brings us closer to true faith.

Let us say that Jim, Bob and John are all inventors and have all created household items that they think many people will want to buy and if they just had enough money to start production and buy some infomercials that they could make lots of money. They all believe hey could succeed and believe they have faith. But do they?

Then an investor comes along and fulfills their dreams and finances them. Here are the results:

Jim’s toilet paper with jokes printed on the sheets didn’t cut the mustard and lost money.

Bob’s improved hamburger grill about broke even.

But John’s barbecue sauce was a big hit and customers couldn’t get enough of it.

Did Jim have true faith? No. He had a belief, but a false one. He didn’t have true faith because he could not manifest his belief.

Bob didn’t lose money. Did he have faith?

No. He was closer to true faith, but he also fell short of manifesting his belief.

Did John have true faith?

Yes. He calculated that his sauce would be a hit and make money and his actions manifested and proved his belief.

Most people mistakenly think faith is an unfounded belief, but according to the Biblical Greek an unfunded belief is not faith, but blasphemy.

Only beliefs which are provable as being true can manifest faith.

If you believe in miracles but die without ever experiencing one then you die with a belief only and no true faith in this area.

But, if you believe in miracles and proceed to manifest them in your life then you have demonstrated true faith.

You gave some good quotes from the archives on faith. I’ll repeat them here.

JJ [archives]: “What’s interesting about that is when you look up the Greek word for “faith” which is PISTOS it means the same thing. […] It basically means to formulate something in your mind and focus upon it until you prove whether it is true or false. So if you have faith in God, according to the way it is used in the Greek, it means you’ll prove to yourself whether or not there is a God.” –

JJ [archives]: “Proclaiming a belief does not make it true.” –

JJ [archives]: “Without the testing of a belief that belief cannot be turned into a real experience, and without a real experience the truth cannot be fully known and the seeker cannot be truly free.” –

JJ [archives]: “The final test of the validity of a belief is whether or not the belief can be demonstrated.” –

JJ [archives]: “An open-minded person needs logic and facts to convince him. A mere statement of belief by another person will mean little to him.” –

JJ [archives]: “When has blind belief or blind faith ever brought more benefit to humanity than the reasonable course of action? Never. There is not one example in history.” –

JJ [archives]: “The word “faith” is not really a belief but it is a state of mind that is aligned with Purpose that can override all the influences on the physical world even to the production of great miracles including the overcoming of death.” –

JJ [archives]: “When the disciple becomes one with the mind of God and discerns Purpose then true faith can manifest. Purpose does not have to be believed to manifest faith, but accepted.” –

JJ [archives]: “When you know then no faith is needed. Faith is a means to discover truth so you can know.” –

JJ [archives]: “True faith is always logical …” –

JJ [archives]: “In the New Testament faith comes from PISTIS, which is derived from the root word PEITHO which basically means ‘to prove a thing true or false by evidence, argument, reason or experiment and through the guidance of your inner authority.'” –

JJ [archives]: “If a teaching or principle is true, faith will prove it. If a teaching or supposed principle is false, true faith will prove them false and lead to the true.” –

JJ [archives]: “… many of the people Jesus healed were simple folk who didn’t apply much reasoning, but just believed and were healed. Isn’t faith then just a simple belief? […] If all faith was or is a simple belief, then why is it that most of the things that people believe in do not materialize? Some people believe they will be healed and are healed. Others also believe and are not healed. Did the second just not believe strong enough? I’ve seen some pretty strong believers not get that they want. […] Even so it is with the simple folk who Jesus healed. They must press the right button of faith or it just will not work. […] Again, the meaning I gave for faith is “to prove a thing true or false by evidence, argument, reason or experiment and through the guidance of your inner authority.” Timothy believed a spiritual healing was possible and sought to prove the truth of this through experiment, through reason, through evidence and through guidance from his inner authority.

Even though the first three healers did not work for him he believed that a healer with the correct knowledge could help him. By faith he proved his belief to be true when he met Jesus.

He did not give up on proving his belief to be true and when it was proven true he, at that moment, realized he was exercising true faith.

If a teaching or principle is true, faith will prove it. If a teaching or supposed principle is false, true faith will prove them false and lead to the true.” –

JJ [archives]: “Those who boast of great religious faith remind me a lot of a neophyte in a multilevel marketing program. When entering the program they are pumped full of zeal by various distributors. I have met many of those individuals who think they are going to make a million dollars or so in the next year and they have unshakable faith that this will happen. But sooner or later hard facts and reality hits them […]

So the born again full-fledged gospel believing Bible thumping proselyter who does not want to apply works will want to change the subject when his faith is put to the test. If he reads his Bible perhaps this scripture will glare him in the face: “He that trusteth in his own heart is a fool.” Psalms 28:26 Those with unworkable faith merely trust in their heart, or their feelings, which is not faith at all. “Faith” comes from the Greek PISTIS and literally means: “a mental conviction one has proven true by argument or reason”. Thus if one has faith he will go to heaven he should be able to justify it by logical argumentation. One will notice that Paul, a big believer in faith, spent much of his time in logical argumentation.

The book of Hebrews gives an expanded definition: “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Heb 11:1 We can again find that the Greek will give us a much clearer translation here. “Substance” comes from HUPOSTASIS and in modern translations it is usually rendered “assurance” or “confidence” but in reality one English word cannot do it justice. It more literally means “That state of mind which supports an idea through a sustained effort.” “Evidence” comes from ELEGECHOS which means “to prove a matter true or false”. The word indicates that faith establishes the true reality. Thus a clearer translation of the preceding verse would be: “Now faith is having that state of mind which sustains that which is hoped for and reveals the truth of those things we do not see.” This definition corresponds much better with the root meaning of the Greek PISTIS which is translated faith.

If we have faith, we can sustain an idea until it is proven true or false. It is never a blind unreasoning belief.

The correct definition of faith should make the word more acceptable to the more enlightened and intelligent persons who were previously repulsed to using it. We see that Edison, for instance, had great faith. He sustained the idea of the light bulb until he proved its validity by making it a physical reality. When faith is sustained on a true principle a physical manifestation occurs. “Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed.” Heb 11:2 We are also told, “But without faith, it is impossible to please Him” (God). Heb 11:6 Unless we can sustain an idea or conviction and prove it by argument or externalization we cannot please God.

By this scriptural definition of faith I know of very few pious religious people who have any semblance of faith, but ironically, there are numerous non-religious people who have it.

If those who claim to have faith do not actually have it, then what do they have? After searching through numerous words in the Biblical Greek the closest I can find to match what is commonly miscalled “faith” is BLASPHEMOS which in the English means “blasphemer”.. BLASPHEMOS literally means “to hinder by stating an unfounded, rumored’, or unreasonable statement”. Interestingly, most of those who claim to have faith cannot support their belief with any logical foundation or reasoning, but merely repeat what they have been taught, therefore, instead of having faith they are committing blasphemy.” –

Dan writes:
So true faith requires 1) testing that which one believes and 2) manifestation of that thing – or it is not true “faith”.

1. Does it matter how one arrives at that initial “best guess” or belief?

Good question – one I was hoping you would ask as a full realization of faith requires this be answered.

Yes, it does matter how the initial belief was arrived at.

As they say, a stopped clock is right twice a day. If you have a watch stopped at 5 o’clock and someone asks you the time at that hour do you deserve any credit for being right?

No. You were just lucky.

Even so there are some who have a belief in a thing and it is just pure luck that their belief turns out to be correct.

Did such a person have true faith?


True faith requites that the seeker first tune into the source of all truth, the Spirit within.

But faith is more than a matter of just tuning in, getting a clear message and then going for it. When the seeker first attempts this, the truth is not clear. The Still Small Voice is competing with the roar of many other voices, accumulated from ages past, that speak very loud and make the true voice extremely difficult to hear and understand.

Still, when the birth of the Inner Christ commences, a new voice seems to be heard, however faint. The seeker is not sure if he imagined it or not. He must test it out. When he applies various tests and discovers the voice was true he has exercised true faith.

But… the quest is far from over. The next time he may be deceived by a competing voice from the past. This is why he must test the message and apply. If the message proves to be true then he proves his faith.

Time and time again the disciple must test his faith and each time the loud voices of the past quiet down a bit and the true voice becomes a little clearer. In the quest the seeker becomes the disciple who becomes a master who is one with God and becomes the Voice. He and the Word of God are one.

So, in regard to the search for the truth of a particular teaching – take reincarnation for instance. True faith in this teaching cannot really be expressed until/unless one achieves continuity of consciousness because there is no way to test/prove it for oneself until then, correct?

The seeker may prove a truth like reincarnation or some other teaching in a number of ways. I had many proofs of reincarnation before I proved it solidly to myself.

Here was my first encounter with this truth as mentioned in my previous writings:

The first person I regressed to a previous life was a young lady. I was quite surprised at the ease and familiarity with which she went back. She recalled a life over one hundred years ago in the North east of England and began speaking in an English accent recounting events from that life. Anyone listening would have been amazed at the accent coming from one who had never been to England in this life. However, I was particularly startled because I had spent several years in Britain and most of it in the area she described.

Anyone who travels England becomes acutely aware that most of England does not speak the “Queen’s English”, but there are numerous dialects. There can be a noticeable accent change in a distance of fifty miles. However, there is a marked difference between the way the people in the North and South of England speak. I believe it is a greater difference than the accent change between the North and South of the United States.

What amazed me is that this young lady said she had lived in the northeastern part of England and her accent exactly duplicated the dialect in that area. We must take into consideration that the Northeast British accent is much more difficult to imitate than the Queen’s English which is usually used by movie stars.

In America one rarely hears a North British accent over the media and I was 99% sure that the female involved had never even once heard a North Englander speak – at least in this life.

Another time I was attending a church party and decided to liven it up somewhat. I told the group that I could take people back to any point in their lives, even the day of birth, and have them re call it. People seemed interested in this and the first volunteer was a newly married lady whose husband was out shopping for some snacks for us.

I not only took her back to her youth, but before the entire non believing crowd I took her back into three past lives. In two of them she knew her current husband. One life was back in prehistoric times when they had no names and the other was in the days of the Roman Empire. She said she was married to a Roman senator named Marcus Aurelius who was later killed in a battle.

The details she gave certainly awed everyone there, but the best was still to come. When her husband came home everyone insisted that I take him back also. He was a good subject and regressed to prehistoric times and described the same surroundings that his wife had. But then, amazingly, he went back to the days of the Roman Empire and said his name was Marcus Aurelius, a Roman senator who was killed in Battle.

Everyone was so stunned at this that they began to doubt their belief in the church and I found myself being the one to reassure them that the church was correct and not to let this bother them for I still felt that there must be some logical explanation besides reincarnation. Even this and other amazing regressions did not make me cast aside my church’s doctrine in the one mortal life.
End quote

Finally, I was hit with even stronger proof that forced me to consider it. It was at that point I went within and for the first time began to get a sense from the inner voice about its truth and implications. I then began to have faith that it was true and since then proof after proof has come to me to verify this turning faith into knowledge.

LWK writes:
I presume that since JJ said this particular Marcus Aurelius was a Senator who died in battle he was not talking about the much more famous Marcus Aurelius who was an Emperor of the Roman Empire (and did not die in battle).

You are right Larry. this person was not the famous emperor but evidently someone named after him – similar to Martin Luther King being named after Martin Luther.

Often when someone identifies themselves with a famous name the reason is because he lived in the same time period in a past life and admired the person so the name comes up in his consciousness more than his own name in a past life. I ruled this out as being the case though because both the husband and wife produced the same name and background independently.

Just out of interest, what was this husband and wife doing in their current lifetime?

I think they were gong to college at the time. The recognized each other when they first met and decided to get married after a few weeks.

Blayne writes:
Anyone with an open mind who spends a little time researching Dr Stevenson’s
life work will be convinced of reincarnation if they doubted it before.

You are right there Blayne. His work is very convincing and I’m surprised even atheists do not take note. in fact I used some of his material in one of the chapters of my book – Eternal Lives.

Also you do not need to be hypnotized to be regressed. JJ does not hypnotize you when he helps people go back you are in complete control.

In my youth I experimented with hypnosis and determined that it was not good to use it repeatedly on people – that it affects their will and self determination. A deep hypnosis state should be used very sparingly – maybe to retrieve important information. Instead I use guided meditation. It is not as potent but harmless as far as I can tell.
Copyright 2010 by J J Dewey

Evidence of Reincarnation

This entry is part 53 of 62 in the series 2010

Posted Oct 19, 2010
Alex writes:
Strictly speaking, regressive hypnosis can not prove reincarnation. It proves that a person under hypnosis is able to reproduce or play back some information, which this person can not consciously know. Indeed, the person becomes sort of a VCR, and the medium can rewind the tape to any point.

However, it does not prove that the events described by a hypnotized person are related to THIS PERSON’s previous life. Admit it, it can be a fragment of anyone else’s life as well. It can be a random snapshot of some events, like a video tape randomly picked up from the store and inserted into the “VCR”.

First, let me state that my accounts of regression provided interesting evidence, but did not prove reincarnation to me.

The evidence through regression had little effect on me but the inner voice took over and spoke to me. This caused me to seek for even more proof. The real kicker for me was the discovery of the handwriting of a person’s past life and finding it to be a match so close that it was beyond the laws of probability that they could not be the same entity. (This person was not me, by the way. My handwriting has changed a lot in this life let alone multiple lives so I would not be a good subject).

After this discovery I figured that if reincarnation were really true that proof of it should be in the scriptures. I didn’t recall reading anything about it in the several times I read them but this time I decided to start at the beginning and read them all the way through as if I had never read them before.

When I did this I was amazed indeed. As I read through the Bible as well as the LDS scriptures I found hundreds of scriptures that could only be true if reincarnation was a fact. I was beside myself that these went over my head in the past. It is amazing how much truth a belief system can hide from a person.

Since this time I have had confirmation of the truth of reincarnation on a regular basis.

Alex says that a person regressed can tune into the mind of the past life of someone other than yourself. This is possible and I’ve had someone do this before but when the person is directed to recall his own past lives why would he recall someone else’s’?

Evidence that one normally returns to his own past lives and not that of random minds floating in the ethers is this. I have returned numerous people to past lives after a space of time has elapsed. In each case where the person had good recall he went back to the same past lives. If he was tuning into one of billions of other entities one would think he would go back to different entities in the same time period.

I already recited some pretty powerful evidence from regression. Now I’ll give you one more that rules out tuning into the memories of another.

After I separated from my first wife I figured that I would soon meet another person from my past lives and would marry her. I knew who she was and felt within myself that she should be arriving soon and kept an eye out for her. She finally did arrive but about a year later than I expected. I asked her why she did not show up earlier as she moved here from Indiana.

She told me that at the time I was expecting her that she received a message to move to Idaho, but she ignored it until it became too strong to resist.

When she moved here one of the first guys she met was my good friend Wayne. I first learned of her through my nephew Curtis who came to me one day and said:

“Guess what? Wayne’s got a new girlfriend and this one is actually good looking. He wants us to have lunch and meet her.”

We met them at the Sizzler and I was pleased to see that Wayne found someone who was both nice looking and intelligent.

Nothing unusual registered with me until Wayne gave me a call the next day. He said his girlfriend (named Brenda) was very impressed with what I had to say and thought I had a lot of knowledge. She wanted me to teach her.

I told him I thought that was unusual since she was his girlfriend. But he said this was fine with him and insisted I give her a call.

I gave her a call and we talked for a couple hours. After I hung up I knew this was the person I had been waiting for. I visited her several times and answered all her questions.

I found out why she wanted to contact me. She said that when we all had lunch together that she saw a blue light around my head and thought this was some kind of sign. After teaching her a couple times I received a spiritual confirmation of who she was and that I was to marry her. But then I decided to take it a step further. I asked her if I could regress her. I wanted to see if she would go back and give me the name that would prove who she was.

She was a good subject and went back in full consciousness. She not only gave me the name I was looking for but other information that she couldn’t have known from this life.

After this I approached Wayne (who was still dating her) and gave him this information and asked him if he would give me permission to pursue her romantically. In an act of great friendship he stepped aside and actually encouraged me onward.

We were married for four years and even though it didn’t last what we had was meant to be to consummate a relationship began in a past life.
Copyright 2010 by J J Dewey

Handling Difficulties

This entry is part 55 of 62 in the series 2010

Posted Oct 21, 2010
Blayne writes:
I feel like I have been living The Immortal for for the past month or so. As I have been trying to work on my log home it seems one adversity after another has come my way, it reminded me of Joe going from one seemingly impossible task to the next.. I wondered how I was going to get the roof on, I had no help and it was slow going till my neighbor came up helped me out of the blue loaned me equipment etc.

I even tried to hire some help but no one was interested then a fellow log home builder called and I hired him (even though I couldn’t afford it). So with the 3 of us we got the structural roof on and papered so it can weather the winter but it still needs a sleeper roof with insulation and the metal etc. I was feeling pretty good about that then my truck broke and a few days later my car broke. Then within a day I was driving my wife to the airport and her car broke, all within one week. And the next night my son called and his car had over heated… Needless to say I was beside myself wondering what the heck was going on…

So I have spent the last week working on cars and we had to buy one so we at least had two running cars as My wife’s car is shot the engine threw a rod meaning it needs to be replaced or rebuilt (not cheap). Now I am broke but we have two cars at least. I haven’t even had a chance to work on the truck but It is just the alternator so I can fix that.

After having gone through a number of life experiences where my bad luck seemed to defy the laws of probability, I feel for you. If it is any comfort I might add that in my experience, sooner or later, things normalize and then even some good fortune presents itself.

It does seem though that the good fortune is usually earned by the sweat of your brow whereas bad fortune can sometimes come like an unannounced tsunami.

Alex writes:
Can regressive hypnosis cause or trigger certain events in future? – Is it any good for everyone, indiscriminately to have access to past lives information? Can it cause damage? Is it always better not to know something one is not supposed to know?

Each of us has been through many past lives. Some have been pleasant and some not so pleasant. I have found that people are much more likely and willing to visit and explore the more pleasant lives than the painful ones.

Also with a difficult life a person is more willing to recall the good times than the bad times. This is not a black and white rule though for I have had subjects return to very painful times.

It is interesting that returning and reliving painful experiences in past lives can alleviate current physical problems. This is one of the correct things taught by Scientology.

I think I told you the story about a lady who had terrible neck pain in this life. I regressed her and she relived an experience where she was beheaded. After going through this her neck pain disappeared and never came back.

Returning to past lives can therefore at times be helpful rather than a hindrance – but not always. Sometimes past memories can be a distraction in the present and this is one reason we forget so we can forge a new path without the past holding us back.

In this life a terrible mistake can paralyze us so we do nothing but feel sorry for ourselves. But when such a person dies and is reborn with a blank slate he no longer has that memory to hold him back.

Overall I haven’t seen much that can be considered bad results from taking people back. Even when people discover something uncomfortable it usually doesn’t settle with them as strongly as a memory in this life. For instance, if you harm someone in this life you may feel guilt over it, but harm done in a past life is seen more from the viewpoint of the observer and permanent guilt is not likely to resurface.

There is some risk in anything we do so if you decide to be regressed first check your internal barometer and see if taking such an action feels right.
Copyright 2010 by J J Dewey