


Why would balance be so essential to the disciple and why would a balanced nature often bring conflict?

Almost all people, with the exception of high disciples and adepts, swing back and forth like pendulums and only take a passing peek at the true midway point as they swing by it.

It is the nature of almost all people to want to take a particular side, left or right, black or white, born again or new age.

What is the reason for this?

The answer: Because they do not have to think. When a particular side is taken there is always a special set of answers peculiar to that side and when one extreme or the other is embraced then one does not have to make any decisions or do any thinking because everything has been pre-formulated.

Because of this tendency to take a side where formula answers exist the majority of people therefore turn into extremists, but because there are so many on each side of the extreme, the extremes seem normal. Where the extreme seems normal the one who has balance seems to be the extreme.

Here is an example

Many people in all religions believe that only this planet supports life. This belief is maintained even though it is the only one little orb in this universe of billions of galaxies with billions of star systems. All the lights in the sky are just for us to look at and enjoy.

When you think of it this is indeed an extreme view not supported by logical or balanced thought.

Many religions believe that a simple declaration of faith will suddenly make them enamored in the eyes of God and He will prepare a blissful place for then for eternity while more pleasant people who do not make the declaration will suffer untold torture for eternity.

Does this idea seem balanced or extreme when you think about it?

Many religious people believe that the earth and universe is only 6-10,000 years old even though there are mountains of evidence against it including the fact that we have spotted galaxies whose light has taken twelve billion years to reach us.

Metaphysical and new age people laugh at the religious extreme, but how about them? Are they also affected? Let’s take a look.

Many believe they are somehow immortal or al least just about immortal. Why? Merely because they believe it to be so or some alien (Zor) is coming to transform them. The question is why would the aliens pick them over a bunch of ranchers in Grangeville, Idaho? Or why would a mere act of belief make them immortal any more than the born againers belief will cart him off to heaven?

We indeed have extremes on both sides of the belief system?

Many believe every teaching they come across that claims to be channeled, even if one teaching contradicts the other. I have met New Agers who believe some channeled material that teaches reincarnation, for example, and then also believe other material that teaches that it is not true.

Is it extremism to believe that two opposing doctrines are both correct? Verily, yes – unless there is some good explanation that tells us of a misunderstanding.

Many believe that they have escaped the world of duality and live beyond polarity in bliss and oneness. But when you think about it your body, as well as the earth around us, are created out of duality. The duality of a positive nucleus circled by negative electrons in the atoms create all our material forms. If we really escape duality then our bodies, this earth and universe would disappear as A Course in Miracles teaches. If we still see the world around us then we are still in duality.

Isn’t it extreme to believe that we are not affected by duality? Yes again. If you do not believe me stick your hand in boiling water and see if the duality affects you. Ask yourself why you even live in a house or apartment which protects you from the dualities of wind, rain and cold.

Thus we see that there are extremists on both sides. And what happens when a balanced person who looks at both sides, makes an independent logical conclusion and tells them his opinion?

If he tells the religious one that he is not saved any more than any other decent person such a one will often become angry, not because of an attack from an extreme position, but because of balanced view.

What happens when a balanced one tells a New Ager that he has not escaped the polarities or that he is not on his last life or that he is not yet physically immortal? Again the extremist will become angry at a balanced point of view.

Thus we see that balance in the disciple often leads to the path of high resistance and much discipline and perseverance is needed to plow through the strange teachings before a small path of real truth is open to view.

Here are the qualities of the disciple mentioned so far:

(1) Soul contact

(2) Holding the mind steady in the light

(3) Detachment when necessary.

(4) The ability to either send or receive

(5) Reflection – contemplation

(6) Talent.

(7) The power to initiate

(8) The ability to create and sense a point of tension.

(9) Willingness to sacrifice

(10) Discernment

(11) Perseverance

(12) Inclusiveness

(13) Harmlessness

(14) Sensitivity

(15) Trust

(16) Balance

We now come to number 17 which is, “Understanding and making efficient use of time.”


How can we become more efficient in time management?

How can we avoid wasting time?

Is it possible to perform more than one task at a time?

What is the principle behind the Sabbath of rest?

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Enhancing Communication

June 13, 2017

Enhancing Communication

We have covered the reasons for the political divide and the fact that the two sides do not effectively communicate with each other because they speak two different esoteric languages. This problem of lack of communication and understanding has been greatly acerbated in recent times. It goes beyond the natural differences in focus to a willful refusal to do anything to reach any harmony or compromise with the other side.

This is evidenced by the fact that the voting in Congress has been close to 100% different on each side. This has not only happened with major legislation such as Obamacare as well as its repeal, but even with the recent Supreme Court nominee, Neil Gorsuch, where the vote was basically along party lines. This is unusual as in the past party lines have been crossed to insure that the important vacancies can be filled, even though the nominee is far from their choice.

The last conservative the Democrats embraced was Scalia in 1986. The vote was 98-0 to confirm. A new tone was set the next year when 54 Democrats voted to prevent Robert Bork from a position on the Supreme Court. This trend continued with the next conservative nominee – Clarence Thomas who was barely voted in with 46 Democrats voting against.

As recently as 1993 all but three Republicans voted for Ruth Bader Ginsburg, perhaps the most liberal justice of all time.

The attitude of cooperation from both sides has changed and we will not see much cooperation again unless the general public demands it. Casting their actual vote on election day has the most powerful effect. If voters reject those who are stuck on the extreme partisan position then our representatives will start turning around fast.

The question that arises is what can be done to shake the politicians loose from their fixation on their bias and sincerely look for what is for the good of the country more than maintaining power for their party?

What I think is in favor of the people is that there is still a majority in this country who do not lean to the extreme but sincerely desire to move the country ahead in a positive direction. These people normally do not raise their voices loudly or march in the streets, but quietly go about their lives in the hope that common sense will prevail in the end.

This silent majority vote and that has been the main way that they have made their voices heard, but they could be roused to more action if they saw a way.

I have introduced a plan that can harness the power of this majority that could take us back to ta rule by common sense. Here is the link.

Another thing I would like to see would be the creation of a group that would do a lot of mass advertising that corrects the distortions in the media. They could just be short sound bytes, but could be very powerful as long as they were true. They would go something like this:

This is what you have been told.

Here is the real proven truth:

(Then present a short explanation of truth and common sense)

The big problem is that the vast majority of the people are polarized so much to the left or right that their judgment is affected and they cannot see the truth in the middle. Some are affected much more than others, but few there are that look to the left, the right and then the middle with an objective mind. These few need to step forward and lead the battle toward common sense and a new Aquarian Age of liberty, justice, abundance and right human relations.

I have written the Principles of Political unification, which is composed of twenty statements that most common people can endorse, but which our representatives and leaders need to absorb and apply in their own lives. A lot of the division we experience would be healed if we lived by these principles.


The Principles of Political Unification

(1) I seek that which is good for my country and the world above that which is good for my party.

(2) I support the principle of free speech. All shall be allowed to express their political and spiritual views, however repulsive, without legal restrictions.

(3) I support the principle of freedom and work toward securing the greatest possible freedom for individuals and groups in every situation. I accept the principles of freedom enunciated in the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.

(4) I commit myself to sending good will and the spirit of friendship to all involved in the political process, especially those with differing political views.

(5) Even though the majority may not always support my views, I realize that the majority, when properly informed, rarely will lead us on a dangerous path. I therefore seek to honor the majority will of the people. When I disagree with the will of the people, I will not seek to forcefully control them or change them, but will use peaceful means to inform, educate and enlighten them.

(6) There are a number of issues that cause division, heated debate and anger; examples are abortion, gun control, climate change, social programs, drug legalization, military activities and others. Most cannot be resolved in the near future through the conversion of the other side to my side. I support the following unifying approach: to support the principle of fairness on controversial issues, both sides must be heard even though the other side may be repulsive to me. Free speech and thought is the most important principle and the prime directive of unification and ultimate peace. I therefore commit to the principle of fair play, realizing that both sides deserve to be heard and have their representatives in positions of power. Both sides should have freedom to present their views without legal restriction. Fairness is not to be forced, but allowed and tolerated.

(7) I believe in integrity and honesty, and will seek to be truthful no matter what the opponents do. I seek not to distort or lie for the benefit of my party or for personal gain.

(8) I accept that we must be fiscally responsible and will do all in my power to create a balanced budget, except in times of national crisis. I will only support programs for which funds can be raised without adding to the national debt.

(9) I agree that the people are taxed enough and seek to keep the budget within the range of current tax revenues (or preferably lower) and to not raise the percentage of taxes on anyone unless the majority of taxpayers agree.

(10) I agree to put the security of my country and the world above the views or actions of my own political party. If others of my party sabotage national security, or undermine a just effort toward the elimination of threats, I will be just as critical of them as the opposing party.

(11) I accept the fact that there is great waste and inefficiency in government spending and commit myself to eliminate waste and increase efficiency wherever and whenever possible.

(12) I accept and support the idea that we can save ourselves much grief by learning from the mistakes of history so we do not repeat them. It is therefore of extreme importance that the youth be accurately taught, without censorship, national and world history in a way that is of interest and will be absorbed by them. I will oppose all those who revise history in a distorted fashion for political gain or in support of a political agenda.

(13) I agree that extremism has been and is the cause of many problems in the world and seek to not impose extreme views on the people. If I happen to have extreme views that I believe to be of value, I will seek to persuade by education rather than by force.

It is also a problem when political opponents are called extremists when over a third of the public supports them. Such accusations are extremist in disguise. I seek to not be extreme myself in distorting the image of opponents by calling them extremists when such is not true. For instance, it is not extremism to be simply for or against abortion, as there are many on both sides of the equation.

(14) I support the elimination of poverty but realize there are two approaches to this. The first is to give a helping handout and the second is to provide circumstances so the person may help himself. Extremists on this issue have warred against each other and have been the cause of much division. I reject extremism on both sides and seek to recognize the value of both sides. There are times of helplessness when people need direct assistance, and times when they need to be encouraged to stand on their own feet. I do not support handouts to those who are capable of helping themselves and refuse to do so.

(15) I support the separation of church and state, but reject extremism on both sides. I reject the extreme that the government should endorse any specific religious influence on public policy even though all religions have the freedom to express their views. I also reject the other extreme that any mention of God, religious values, or the public display of religious symbols is not to be tolerated.

(16) I support equal rights for all races, both sexes and members of all religions and ideologies. I recognize that the large majority of both sides of the political spectrum seek what is best for all races and minorities (even though the opposition has a different approach) and refuse to manufacture accusations for political gain.

(17) I recognize that the large majority on both sides of the political spectrum seeks what is best for the environment, but, again, both sides have a different approach.

Two extremes causing division are: the first is preserving the environment even if there is strong economic and job loss. The second is seeking profits at the expense of the environment. The truth is the two are interdependent. A strong economy can provide funds to help the environment and a healthy environment provides for a good long-term economy. I seek, therefore, to work with both sides of this issue and will desire cooperation rather than assigning blame. I seek to aid the environment without harming the economic structure.

(18) I recognize we are a nation of laws and will not support the subversion of law for political gain. I will condemn such subversion of those who share my views as well as those who do not.

(19) I will support the establishment of necessary law as well as the elimination of bad, as well as useless laws that clutter the system.

(20) In the end, I support the example of John Kennedy who, while campaigning, found good things to say about his opposition. Instead of tearing them down, he said, “we can do better.” I support the idea of converting by good works and ideas rather than tearing down the opposition, who represents approximately half the country, many of whom are my friends and neighbors.

For Part 1 of this Treatise go HERE  Part 2 HERE

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Extremes and Extremism

Book Of Quotes

Inspirational, Spiritual and Metaphysical Quotes From The Writings Of JJ Dewey

1  The problem here with average seekers who are polarized on one side or another is that they will adore the initiates on their side of the fence, but completely miss what the Brotherhood is trying to accomplish with the opposing initiate.

2  A prime area where this battle between the emotions and the mind is being fought is between those who are black and white in their interpretations of philosophy and religious thought, and those who see shades of gray and points of truth between the two extremes.

3  The incorrect extreme for those seeking the Spiritual path is to seek unlimited wealth through teaching that elevates your status on the physical plane much above your students.

4  There are extremes in all things.

5  To see the point of truth between the two extremes of the Pendulum Principle takes another principle – The Principle of Discernment.

6  The true seeker will see where the true extremes lie and avoid taking a blind unthinking position on that extreme as he would a plague.

7  The sad truth is that many of the popular beliefs and positions of average humanity are extreme and lacking judgment. Some of these extremes are accepted as being moderate if popularized by the mainstream media.

8  When the extreme seems normal the one who has balance seems to be the extreme.

9  When one extreme or the other is embraced then one does not have to make any decisions or do any thinking. Everything has been pre-formulated.

10  Is it extreme to believe that two opposing doctrines are both correct? Verily, yes – unless there is some good explanation that tells us of a misunderstanding.

11  Balance in the disciple often leads to the path of high resistance.

12  The extremist will become angry at a balanced point of view.

13  Because of a tendency to take a side where formula answers exist, the majority of people turn into extremists.

14  Almost all people, with the exception of high disciples and adepts, swing back and forth like pendulums and only take a passing peek at the true midway point as they swing by it.

15  It is the nature of almost all people to want to take a particular side, left or right, black or white, born again or new age.

16  One should always seek to fulfill the needs of their mate as long as their own needs are not sacrificed to an extreme and there is no harm done.

17  In seeking freedom of expression, people often go to the extreme and do not balance themselves with order as demanded by nature.

18  Some will read these words and take them to the extreme.

19  The religious right takes everything too seriously, and literally, and many on the left throw the whole Bible out the window thinking it is like kindergarten and needs to be left behind.

20  Many great teachers in the East have put emphasis on the overriding, control, directing and sometimes neutralization or elimination of emotion in order to reach higher states of consciousness. Many students have interpreted this to mean that we should “kill out desire” completely, move beyond it and never experience it again. This is an extremist point of view and as Buddha taught neither extreme is the path to liberation.

21  Just before a person truly develops the intuition and receives enlightenment and thinks inclusively, they often finds themselves in an extreme position because of certain black and white facts which seem to stare them in the face.

22  Most Identity people do not hate other races just as they do not hate animals, but view them with an extremely separative outlook and believe they are incapable of acquiring the attributes of godliness.

23  There will be times now and again when declarations of extreme import will go forth in the name of Christ or the Hierarchy, but this will be because of either the urgency of the times or special circumstances.

24  As the masses swing from one extreme to another a point of truth at the center is sensed (however dimly) and a yearning is created within the hearts of seekers to return to that point.

25  Separatist and elitist thinking doesn’t come from observing or describing what is, but by the distortion of what is.

26  Most people believe the mid-point to be a point between the two extremes of thinking and action because it is the norm. The problem with the standard equation of the norm is that it is a floating target.

27  He who stands in the true middle is seen as an extremist by the real extremists.

28  We have the same problem in our society with divorce as we do with abortion. The masses gather on the extreme views on one side or the other, instead of looking at both sides in the circumstance and making an informed decision.

29  If one moves too far a distance from the mainstream he will lose the support of the people even if he is one hundred percent correct.

30  Going to the extremes always leads to illusions and we can go to an extreme by living too much in the past, the future or the present.

31  The trouble with many people who influence society is that they are extremists.

32  Fanaticism of correct speech is indeed an extreme that will be due for correction in the near future.

33  Humanity swings back and forth between two extremes on a cyclic basis. There are larger and smaller cycles. Because there are cycles within cycles it may seem that there are times that a moderate extreme is followed by a greater extreme. But what is usually happening instead is that a lesser cycle is followed by the ending of a greater cycle.

34  The true extremists–probably over 99 percent of humanity–are those who have not found the middle way.

35  You must not be reading the newspaper, watching television or listening to radio if you do not hear and see people pointing fingers and labeling those who do not agree with them as extremists.

36  The person pointing the finger is usually more of an extremist than the one accused.

36  To obtain a desirable result there is always a wrong extreme on the left and on the right. On the other hand, there is always a way to achieve the goal.

37  When we look at all the alternatives between the two extremes, there is always a point of decision which is the most accurate.

38  The way of enlightenment is neither extreme, but between the two extremes.

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