Autism and Teachers

This entry is part 9 of 50 in the series 2011A

Thanks for your comments about vaccinations and autism. Since one of the prime directives of this group is to find and recognize truth – this controversy provides an ideal situation to exercise this ability.

Both sides make good arguments, but the question is which side is correct?

The establishment makes the Global Warming defense that the science is settled – there is no further discussion or investigation necessary.  They merely pronounce their version of the truth as fact.

The trouble is that that no good studies are available to prove which side is correct.  All we have so far is anecdotal evidence which is just not accepted by the Powers-That-Be as acceptable.  Perhaps the best study was from the parent in the video where he said he had talked to about 1000 parents with autistic kids who witnessed a correlation between vaccinations and autism in their children.

He then tells us that kids receive an average of 36 vaccinations by the age of five.  I think back to my youth and I had only one vaccination before high school and that was for polio. He points out that one single vaccine may not be the problem so much as the quantity.  After all, the autism rate has increased from one in 10,000 to one in 110 in the past few decades.  Something has to have caused this and nothing else has been identified, even in an anecdotal way.

The parent in the video calls for studies of the effect of numerous vaccines given at once.  Typically a kid may receive 6 vaccines during one single appointment.

It is my gut feeling that he is on to something here.  I would think that a small child receiving six vaccines at one time could be in danger of a number of things.  Such a barrage of poisons could indeed induce a number of ills.

I think the parents of autistic children should do all in their power to encourage some legitimate studies to determine once and for all if there is a connection of some kind.  The trouble is that the medical establishment and the drug companies do not want such studies for if it turns out the parents are correct then medical practitioners will be embarrassed and drug companies will lose money.

On another note John C writes:

A person who possesses such “soul vision” would be intuitively aware of what the soul knows and what the soul sees. And the key of intuition can be used most effectively when consciousness, and therefore attention, has risen above the level of the personality.

I wonder, then, whether such a person would be in constant need of a teacher to explain all things to him, or whether he would be able to look through the eyes of the soul and “just know”, though the oneness principle, that for which he or she seeks.


As far as students needing “a teacher to explain all things to him…” I do not think this applies to anyone here.  Such thinking applies to some cult members and dumbed down adherents of some tightly controlled religions.

When a person achieves soul contact he does not instantly know all things, but progresses precept by precept and line by line, as the scripture says, until he achieves full enlightenment. That which is seen through the eyes of the soul (not the emotions) is accurate but that does not mean the person sees all things.


Finding the Truth about Vaccinations

This entry is part 6 of 50 in the series 2011A

There has been a huge controversy over whether or not vaccination shots have caused autism in children. This presents a good opportunity to use our powers of discernment and judgment to discover the truth.

First, watch the following video
Autism/Vaccination Video

Both sides of the argument were presented.  Which side made the best case and why?

Where do you think the truth lies?