Yes or No
This recent yes or no discussion presents a good principle for consideration. And what is the principle?
It is really a branch stemming from the principle of duality itself, and duality is the principle behind all creation. Everything in creation is reduced to vibration, or the sounding of the Word, and vibration is reduced to wavelengths and wavelengths are created from the projection of Purpose vibrating to create waves with a top and bottom creating up and down, light and dark, hot and cold, plus and minus etc. All his duality reverberates down to our world, having correspondences appearing such as yes and no.
Just as physical creation is composed of many wavelengths, even so, considerations of reality and philosophy often consists of numerous YESes and NOs. Because all the YESes and NOs are not always apparent, two people will often see the same subject with a much different view. The one who sees the most YESes and NOs will be closer to the core truth whereas the one who overlooks or denies their existence will get caught in illusion that will cause him to miss the mark.
The seasoned seeker will find the duality in all things. He must find the black and white, the up and down, the yes and no if he wants to uncover the full truth of all things. Each part of this duality he can uncover is like a piece of the puzzle of our existence. The more pieces he can find and place together the clearer will be the picture of the whole.
Consider this. The beginning of our existence in this universe began with this yes or no. The Life of God asked Itself whether it wanted “to be or not to be.” That was the question.
It decided YES, it wanted to be.
Each of us existed as points of light in divine space and we responded yes or no as to whether to be or not to be.
We have been responding with yes or no ever since as at the core of our being lies the Principle of Decision and the power behind it.
Our progression is accelerated each time we answer yes or no. Some of these decisions are baby steps and some are big steps, but they are all steps and there is no other way to move forward on the path of advancement than taking steps through decision based on yes and no.
Many are the temptations that lead us away from yes and no … and why are these temptations so appealing?
Quite simply, because we humans are lazy and seek the easy path. A yes or no decision requires effort such as.
(1) Any yes or no response requires thought before it is given. Many seek to avoid anything that requires additional thinking.
(2) Justifying the yes or no requires judgment which takes even more effort that human nature tries to avoid.
(3) A yes or no often requires labor or effort extended after the decision. Humans seek to avoid extra labor.
(4) A yes or no often leads to more decisions or thinking to follow which the person does not want to consider or face.
Let us pick a subject, such as whether God exists.
Some have never answered yes or no on this but have just adopted the belief of their parents, or group, and ran with it. Those who have thought about it and decided yes or no are led to other decisions. If the answer is yes then other yes or no questions present themselves such as:
What is God?
Is there a devil?
Where did God come from?
Is God good?
Is the Christian view on Him correct?
Has He given me a path to follow?
Can I follow such a path?
Do I want to?
This one yes in response to a belief in God can lead to hundreds if not thousands of questions, each leading to some yes or no.
One way to tell how far down the path a seeker is, is by examining how many yes or no questions he has entertained and answered for himself on this and other subjects. On the subject of God the neophyte has only considered a couple answers. He may figure that God is good, the Bible is His word and it is his duty to obey that word.
For the advanced seeker the situation is much different. His yes in acknowledging some Higher Intelligence we call God leads him to many questions and many answers of yes and no which in turn lead to other questions leading to still more YESes and NOs.
Questions for discussion:
(1) Tell us about an argument you have had where the yes or no has been so diffused that no progress toward the truth is to be had.
(2) How is the idea of quantum physics deceptively used to escape thinking that can reveal a yes or no?
(3) Have you noticed that many politicians refuse to answer yes or no questions? Why is this?
(4) Is the dismissal of yes and no as linear thinking merely a way to escape reality? Explain.
I have had this happen many times. When you can’t get a straight answer out of someone it is very telling to merely formulate a yes or no question and then ask it followed by this request.
“A simple yes or no please.”
Often when you do this the guy will go into some lengthy obscure explanation that reveals nothing. The mistake many make is they then let him off the hook. Instead of letting him off one should repeat the question with another request for a yes or no. This should be repeated at least three times or until the obfuscator starts screaming or his hair catches on fire.
A memorial use of this technique in my memory came when Curtis and I had an encounter with Bruce R. McConkoe and Mark E. Peterson who were the virtual heads of the LDS church at that time as the Prophet was incapacitated. Here was he dialog used by my Nephew Curtis Harwell with McConkie:
“Brother McConkie, I have an important question I want to ask you and if you answer I will be satisfied. I am not just asking it for myself, but for my parents. You see my parents are faithful members of the church and do all in their power to honor its precepts and look upon the words of brethren such as yourself almost as the voice of God. I want to ask you this question and then go home and tell them what you gave as the answer.”
“What’s your question?” said McConkie looking somewhat uncomfortable. Both of us counted ourselves as fortunate that we were still there. I was beginning to sense that they really wanted us gone.
“Here’s my question,” said Curtis. “Do you, Bruce R. McConkie, believe in the scriptures given by Joseph Smith as well as his teachings?”
McConkie stared back and said: “Today, we have a living prophet. All you need to know is that there is a prophet on the earth and we should follow him.”
“That’s not what I asked,” said Curtis. “Now I will make this easy for you. A simple yes or no will do. Do you believe in the teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith?”
McConkie looked growingly impatient as he slightly raised his voice and emphatically said: “All you need to know is that there is a living prophet!”
“You’re still not answering my question. Please. Give me a simple yes or no. Let me repeat — yes or no! Do you believe in the writings of the Prophet Joseph Smith?”
McConkie stood up and raised his voice about double volume: “All you need to know is that there is a living prophet!”
“I’ll take that as a No, said Curtis.
Dan made a good point that an argument needs to be broken down into its components so yes or no answers can be discovered. The trouble is that when you ask many a yes or no question they will say something like this:
“The answer is complicated and needs some explanation.”
Then, even if the question is simple he may go on with a lengthy dialog.
On the other hand sometimes the guy will have a point. Some questions cannot be answered with a yes or no. If you want yes or no answered then one must break down the question to the basic components.
If the person with whom you are having a discussion is reasonable and cooperative then you will get some positive and negative answers and the advance forward may take a step or two. Unfortunately, many are more concerned about keeping their mindset intact rather than seeing a new insight and will avoid clear answers indefinitely.
(2) How is the idea of quantum physics deceptively used to escape thinking that can reveal a yes or no?
The double slit experiment where subatomic particles exhibit the qualities of either a particle or a wave depending on whether it is observed has provided tremendous fodder for a famine of logic in the search for truth.
This is especially true in the new age community, but has spread to other avenues of thinking also. You’ll note that Allan’s group uses quantum logic to support some of their ideas.
When many say that quantum physics supports their case what they are really saying is that the truth us whatever they think it is. If they say that 2+2=5 then quantum logic makes it five. If this idea is taken too far the guy may wind up being no use to God or man but will dwell in a fantasy world of his own making.
Thoughts are things and do have an influence on reality, but we dwell in the macrocosm, not he subatomic microcosm and must deal with the laws as they apply here. If you step off a cliff you will fall and no quantum logic will save you.
(3) Have you noticed that many politicians refuse to answer yes or no questions? Why is this?
They are afraid of offending supporters as well as afraid of being proven wrong.
Those who are reluctant to answer simple yes or no questions should consider this. Who are the greatest masters of avoiding answering yes or no to simple questions?
It is the politicians.
And what do people think of politicians?
They rank several degrees below used car salesmen. In an amusing opinion poll a while back they rated lower than cockroaches.
Those who avoid answering questions or give fuzzy answers should consider the class of people they are in sync with.
(4) Is the dismissal of yes and no as linear thinking merely a way to escape reality? Explain.
Many use this linear thinking accusation as a means to avoid looking at a logical sequence in reasoning. When they see that logic will prove them wrong they may pull the quantum card or the linear card.
The fundamentalists Christians do the same thing, but with different wording. When they get cornered in an argument they will often quote some scripture like Isaiah:
For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. Isa 55:9
They will then accuse the logical one of not understanding the mind of God – though he seems to think he does.
Am I then saying that the only way to discover truth is through linear logic?
No, but if we discard logic the truth will not be found. The seeker must use all the means at his disposal as he advances along the path. Then there will be times he will appear to hit a brick wall and can’t seem to go any further. He then must use all the means at is disposal to solve the problem while at the same time throwing the questions out there to the quantum worlds in the higher planes. After he has poured sufficient energy into the problem and a point of tension is created he will reach a point where the dews of heaven will distil upon his soul and the answers will come. These answers will come from a place beyond that of mental calculation, but when they come they will be logical and reasonable. 2+2 will still equal four.
Copyright by J J Dewey 2015
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