Principle 56

This entry is part 54 of 98 in the series Principles

Yes or No

This recent yes or no discussion presents a good principle for consideration. And what is the principle?

It is really a branch stemming from the principle of duality itself, and duality is the principle behind all creation. Everything in creation is reduced to vibration, or the sounding of the Word, and vibration is reduced to wavelengths and wavelengths are created from the projection of Purpose vibrating to create waves with a top and bottom creating up and down, light and dark, hot and cold, plus and minus etc. All his duality reverberates down to our world, having correspondences appearing such as yes and no.

Just as physical creation is composed of many wavelengths, even so, considerations of reality and philosophy often consists of numerous YESes and NOs. Because all the YESes and NOs are not always apparent, two people will often see the same subject with a much different view. The one who sees the most YESes and NOs will be closer to the core truth whereas the one who overlooks or denies their existence will get caught in illusion that will cause him to miss the mark.

The seasoned seeker will find the duality in all things. He must find the black and white, the up and down, the yes and no if he wants to uncover the full truth of all things. Each part of this duality he can uncover is like a piece of the puzzle of our existence. The more pieces he can find and place together the clearer will be the picture of the whole.

Consider this. The beginning of our existence in this universe began with this yes or no. The Life of God asked Itself whether it wanted “to be or not to be.” That was the question.

It decided YES, it wanted to be.

Each of us existed as points of light in divine space and we responded yes or no as to whether to be or not to be.

We have been responding with yes or no ever since as at the core of our being lies the Principle of Decision and the power behind it.

Our progression is accelerated each time we answer yes or no. Some of these decisions are baby steps and some are big steps, but they are all steps and there is no other way to move forward on the path of advancement than taking steps through decision based on yes and no.

Many are the temptations that lead us away from yes and no … and why are these temptations so appealing?

Quite simply, because we humans are lazy and seek the easy path. A yes or no decision requires effort such as.

(1) Any yes or no response requires thought before it is given. Many seek to avoid anything that requires additional thinking.

(2) Justifying the yes or no requires judgment which takes even more effort that human nature tries to avoid.

(3) A yes or no often requires labor or effort extended after the decision. Humans seek to avoid extra labor.

(4) A yes or no often leads to more decisions or thinking to follow which the person does not want to consider or face.

Let us pick a subject, such as whether God exists.

Some have never answered yes or no on this but have just adopted the belief of their parents, or group, and ran with it. Those who have thought about it and decided yes or no are led to other decisions. If the answer is yes then other yes or no questions present themselves such as:

What is God?

Is there a devil?

Where did God come from?

Is God good?

Is the Christian view on Him correct?

Has He given me a path to follow?

Can I follow such a path?

Do I want to?

This one yes in response to a belief in God can lead to hundreds if not thousands of questions, each leading to some yes or no.

One way to tell how far down the path a seeker is, is by examining how many yes or no questions he has entertained and answered for himself on this and other subjects. On the subject of God the neophyte has only considered a couple answers. He may figure that God is good, the Bible is His word and it is his duty to obey that word.

For the advanced seeker the situation is much different. His yes in acknowledging some Higher Intelligence we call God leads him to many questions and many answers of yes and no which in turn lead to other questions leading to still more YESes and NOs.

Questions for discussion:

(1) Tell us about an argument you have had where the yes or no has been so diffused that no progress toward the truth is to be had.

(2) How is the idea of quantum physics deceptively used to escape thinking that can reveal a yes or no?

(3) Have you noticed that many politicians refuse to answer yes or no questions? Why is this?

(4) Is the dismissal of yes and no as linear thinking merely a way to escape reality? Explain.

I have had this happen many times. When you can’t get a straight answer out of someone it is very telling to merely formulate a yes or no question and then ask it followed by this request.

“A simple yes or no please.”

Often when you do this the guy will go into some lengthy obscure explanation that reveals nothing. The mistake many make is they then let him off the hook. Instead of letting him off one should repeat the question with another request for a yes or no. This should be repeated at least three times or until the obfuscator starts screaming or his hair catches on fire.

A memorial use of this technique in my memory came when Curtis and I had an encounter with Bruce R. McConkoe and Mark E. Peterson who were the virtual heads of the LDS church at that time as the Prophet was incapacitated. Here was he dialog used by my Nephew Curtis Harwell with McConkie:

“Brother McConkie, I have an important question I want to ask you and if you answer I will be satisfied. I am not just asking it for myself, but for my parents. You see my parents are faithful members of the church and do all in their power to honor its precepts and look upon the words of brethren such as yourself almost as the voice of God. I want to ask you this question and then go home and tell them what you gave as the answer.”

“What’s your question?” said McConkie looking somewhat uncomfortable. Both of us counted ourselves as fortunate that we were still there. I was beginning to sense that they really wanted us gone.

“Here’s my question,” said Curtis. “Do you, Bruce R. McConkie, believe in the scriptures given by Joseph Smith as well as his teachings?”

McConkie stared back and said: “Today, we have a living prophet. All you need to know is that there is a prophet on the earth and we should follow him.”

“That’s not what I asked,” said Curtis. “Now I will make this easy for you. A simple yes or no will do. Do you believe in the teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith?”

McConkie looked growingly impatient as he slightly raised his voice and emphatically said: “All you need to know is that there is a living prophet!”

“You’re still not answering my question. Please. Give me a simple yes or no. Let me repeat — yes or no! Do you believe in the writings of the Prophet Joseph Smith?”

McConkie stood up and raised his voice about double volume: “All you need to know is that there is a living prophet!”

“I’ll take that as a No, said Curtis.

Dan made a good point that an argument needs to be broken down into its components so yes or no answers can be discovered. The trouble is that when you ask many a yes or no question they will say something like this:

“The answer is complicated and needs some explanation.”

Then, even if the question is simple he may go on with a lengthy dialog.

On the other hand sometimes the guy will have a point. Some questions cannot be answered with a yes or no. If you want yes or no answered then one must break down the question to the basic components.

If the person with whom you are having a discussion is reasonable and cooperative then you will get some positive and negative answers and the advance forward may take a step or two. Unfortunately, many are more concerned about keeping their mindset intact rather than seeing a new insight and will avoid clear answers indefinitely.


(2) How is the idea of quantum physics deceptively used to escape thinking that can reveal a yes or no?

The double slit experiment where subatomic particles exhibit the qualities of either a particle or a wave depending on whether it is observed has provided tremendous fodder for a famine of logic in the search for truth.

This is especially true in the new age community, but has spread to other avenues of thinking also. You’ll note that Allan’s group uses quantum logic to support some of their ideas.

When many say that quantum physics supports their case what they are really saying is that the truth us whatever they think it is. If they say that 2+2=5 then quantum logic makes it five. If this idea is taken too far the guy may wind up being no use to God or man but will dwell in a fantasy world of his own making.

Thoughts are things and do have an influence on reality, but we dwell in the macrocosm, not he subatomic microcosm and must deal with the laws as they apply here. If you step off a cliff you will fall and no quantum logic will save you.

(3) Have you noticed that many politicians refuse to answer yes or no questions? Why is this?

They are afraid of offending supporters as well as afraid of being proven wrong.

Those who are reluctant to answer simple yes or no questions should consider this. Who are the greatest masters of avoiding answering yes or no to simple questions?

It is the politicians.

And what do people think of politicians?

They rank several degrees below used car salesmen. In an amusing opinion poll a while back they rated lower than cockroaches.

Those who avoid answering questions or give fuzzy answers should consider the class of people they are in sync with.

(4) Is the dismissal of yes and no as linear thinking merely a way to escape reality? Explain.

Many use this linear thinking accusation as a means to avoid looking at a logical sequence in reasoning. When they see that logic will prove them wrong they may pull the quantum card or the linear card.

The fundamentalists Christians do the same thing, but with different wording. When they get cornered in an argument they will often quote some scripture like Isaiah:

For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. Isa 55:9

They will then accuse the logical one of not understanding the mind of God – though he seems to think he does.

Am I then saying that the only way to discover truth is through linear logic?

No, but if we discard logic the truth will not be found. The seeker must use all the means at his disposal as he advances along the path. Then there will be times he will appear to hit a brick wall and can’t seem to go any further. He then must use all the means at is disposal to solve the problem while at the same time throwing the questions out there to the quantum worlds in the higher planes. After he has poured sufficient energy into the problem and a point of tension is created he will reach a point where the dews of heaven will distil upon his soul and the answers will come. These answers will come from a place beyond that of mental calculation, but when they come they will be logical and reasonable. 2+2 will still equal four.

Copyright by J J Dewey 2015

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Principle 57

This entry is part 55 of 98 in the series Principles

The Vacuum Principle

I once mentioned on Allan’s forum that I was not concerned about my spiritual advancement – something to the effect that it was not a top priority to me.

This statement was interpreted in the most negative light possible. They pretty much saw it as an admission on my part that I was a spiritual near-do-well with no desire for higher contact or progress.

This would be a good subject to explore today as well as provide a basis for explanation of my words. To understand my approach we need to examine the Vacuum Principle.

It is said that nature abhors a vacuum. This not only applies to matter rushing to fill empty space but it also applies to a vacuum created by a seeker.

Contemplate this. The seeker is often filling his mind with facts, knowledge, images, thoughts etc. What happens when he stops, stands still and empties himself of all these things? Think about how a vacuum on planes above the physical can assist with revelation

The first key to understanding this principle is that a vacuum can be created in the non physical worlds and that the effect is similar to what happens in a physical vacuum.

To see or hear a vacuum at work just open a can or bottle of soda. You’ll instantly hear a rush of air going into the container. A partial vacuum created when the soda was bottled causes this. The air was taken out at bottling so the liquid would be exposed to as little oxygen as possible to preserve its freshness. Then, when you pull off the top, the air rushes in to fill up the vacuum.

Now let us apply this to other levels. The seeker wants to know the answers to his questions so he finds all the information that he can and fills his mind with hundreds or thousands of details and facts. Pretty soon he has so many pieces of information in his mind he becomes more confused than he was before. Some of the data conflicts with other parts and information brings up new questions. To solve the dilemma he studies all the more but he seems to have reached a state of saturation and nothing seems to help.

Finally, he gives up and moves on. He fully takes his mind off his pursuit and relaxes for a while. Then after a period of time something magical happens. He is driving down the highway singing a Beatles tune when out of the blue a piece of information from the past comes into his mind. It is not books of data as he previously surrounded himself in but maybe just a single sentence from a million pieces of data. He thinks it strange that a phrase from his past comes back to him on a subject he has put aside, but he finds it interesting and contemplates it. Then an intuitive flash comes before his consciousness and he sees a principle that he has not seen before and understands the knowledge in a light he has not seen before.

Then a few days later the same thing happens again and additional intelligence is distilled upon his being.

Later, this happens a third time. This time he thinks it odd that when he was burning the midnight oil in study nothing much came to him but now he is not even trying he is advancing in understanding as never before.

This is the vacuum principle at work. When the seeker pushes away all the data from his mind he creates a vacuum that seeks to be filled. The vacuum send out magnetic forces that draw the solutions he is looking for.

Other great minds used this principle. This is why many great thinkers are called absent-minded. When Einstein went for a walk he was often so absent in normal thinking that he would come back to reality and not know where he was and had difficulty in finding his way home at times. But on the positive side it was during these periods of absent-mindedness that his greatest inspiration came.

This principle also applies to the seeker and his spiritual progress. At the beginning of the journey along the path it is beneficial for the pilgrim to seek for his personal spiritual progress, but seeking it for yourself will only get you started. The advice of Jesus enunciated the vacuum principle giving us knowledge of how it should apply. He said:

Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it. Matt 16:24-25

We could reword this a little with no loss of truth:

If any man will come after me, let him not think of his own progress, and take up his cross, and follow me. For whosoever will seek his own progress shall lose it: and whosoever will lose himself in the service of his brethren will find abundant progress and spiritual life. You will be given all the talent you need to be of service.

So by not thinking of your own progress and needs but plunging ahead as if the realms of the spirit are at your disposal you create a vacuum that creates a wind at your back so you make much more progress in the end than you would have if you had concentrated on merely making progress for the benefit of self.

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Principle 59

This entry is part 56 of 98 in the series Principles

The Linking Principle

The true beginning of the mission of Jesus as Messiah was at his baptism. At this event something very unusual and wonderful happened which was anticipated by John. He was told to look for something specific as a sign of the appearance of the Christ. God told him that, “Upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending, and remaining on him, the same is he which baptizeth with the Holy Ghost.” John 1:31

Then, at the baptism of Jesus John saw the spirit of a Holy One descend as a dove and enter into the body of Jesus and remained with him.

Jesus called this presence his Father. Here is an example:

HE THAT HATH SEEN ME HATH SEEN THE FATHER; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father? Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? The words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: But THE FATHER THAT DWELLETH IN ME, HE DOTH THE WORKS.” (John 14:7-10)

Here are two more:

“Though I bear record of myself, yet my record is true: for I know whence I came, and whither I go; but ye cannot tell whence I come, and whither I go. Ye judge after the flesh; I judge no man. And yet if I judge, my judgment is true: FOR I AM NOT ALONE, BUT I AND THE FATHER THAT SENT ME. It is also written in your law, that the testimony of two men is true. I am one that beareth witness of myself, AND the Father that sent me beareth witness of me.” (John 8:14-18)

Later they asked him again: “Who art thou?” and he told them: “I do nothing of myself; but as my Father hath taught me, I speak these things. And he that sent me IS WITH ME: THE FATHER HATH NOT LEFT ME ALONE… I speak that which I have seen with my Father…” (John 8:25, 28-29 & 38).

Jesus indeed applied the linking principle in that he was linked with one greater than himself with more power and knowledge than he alone possessed. He freely admitted, “my Father is greater than I.’ John 14:28

This linking with the great entity who is Christ is promised to all the faithful:

“Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.” Rev 3:20

Now this event may seem like a far away dream to many seekers, but even though one may not be called to save the world as a messiah he can still apply The Linking Principle. In fact we are directed to do such a thing. We are to take upon ourselves the name of Jesus Christ. This involves more than merely being called a CHRISTian as indicated by Paul;

For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.” Gal 3:26-27

In the Greek the name Jesus Christ means “anointed to deliver.” Thus the job of the disciple following the example of his master is to link himself with one behind him on the path and lend a helping hand to deliver him or bring him up to where he is. Then the pilgrim looks onward and finds another further along with a hand outstretched to himself who will help him move forward on his journey. Thus those who take upon themselves the name of Jesus Christ are linked in an eternal chain that moves onward in the Purpose of God to new heights of joy and achievement.

Aside from this great spiritual linking The Linking Principle is essential in our individual regular lives.

If you have learned a trade you have probably linked yourself to a teacher (or teachers) who knows much more about the subject than yourself. It may be possible for you to build a house with no one to teach you, but it would probably be a disaster. You are much better off to link yourself with someone who knows the building trade and learn to do it right and avoid all the pitfalls. To make a living most have to link themselves with some company where the worker helps the company and the company helps the worker. In turn the company is linked to its customers.

Marriage is a linking process and works as long as the principle of Christ is applied and the two seek to help each other and not just themselves. Then they have children and are linked to them and their children.

We also link ourselves to organizations, churches, government and country. The giving and receiving process continues.

Many take pride in being independent and not needing help, but those who distance themselves from others who can help them as well as not helping others themselves will soon find their progression coming to a standstill.

These wise words are indeed worthy of consideration:

No man is an island, entire of itself. Every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main… any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls it tolls for thee.

John Donne, Devotions XVII

The most important life in which the disciple must link is the Holy Spirit through the magical power of the soul. Once this is established all other links fall into their correct place.

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Principle 60

This entry is part 57 of 98 in the series Principles

The Principle of Hierarchy

As we approach consciousness in the Kingdom of God we are like a child and instead of differentiating we just want to lean on Father/Mother God and keep things simple.

The truth is that God is a body composed of “many members” and to truly prepare ourselves to be “kings and priests” in the kingdom we must understand the make-up of that kingdom. We have many hierarchies here in the human kingdom, but above us there are indeed numerous additional.

Those who have the feel-good new age belief that there are no teachers or students, no leaders or followers, no great or small in the kingdom of God are in for a surprise for the great truth and the principle behind all creation is this:

All is Hierarchy – Hierarchy is the ALL.

The principle of hierarchy is this.

Wherever there is a need for intelligent organization to fulfill some purpose a hierarchy will manifest, for such is needed to sustain a useful creation.

There are two types of hierarchies. All hierarchies belong to one or the other, or are combination of the two.

(1) The Top Down Hierarchy.

In this hierarchy the leaders are either appointed or self appointed and usually control those under them with strong authority. Tyrants and dictators and those appointed to positions under them fall under this category.

Also in democratic nations there still exist many top down hierarchies. For instance, in the United States, where we have numerous elected government officials, we also have many appointed ones such as the leaders of the IRS, Environmental Protection Agency, Homeland Security etc. To register the difference between the two just visualize the difference in your reactions to receiving a knock on the door from an IRS agent or some official running for political office.

(2) The Bottom Up Hierarchy

This brings us to the second type of hierarchy. This is a hierarchy where the leaders are not appointed but elected from the bottom up. Many countries have elected governments and the people have less fear of those they can hire and fire with election than those over who they have no power because they are appointed.

The bottom up hierarchies range from tightly controlled organizations with lots of rules, regulations and structured elections to more loosely knit ones where leaders emerge through a quiet consensus.

For instance, we may have a situation where several friends get together for a Bible study. The group doesn’t plan on having a hierarchy, but after it experiences some growth they discover they need certain members to take charge in making sure they have a place to meet, keep a mailing list to inform members of meetings, figure out a class schedule, arrange for snacks, coffee and numerous other things as they expand. In some cases no official election will be required as natural leaders will just surface as the natural choice of the group. Such people are just silently elected by group approval, but still elected and supported by the will of the group nonetheless.

Overall people are happiest when governed by a hierarchy that is created from the bottom up where the leaders are seen as servants to the group rather than agents that require service devoted to them. The less interference in the lives of men the better as was enunciated by Henry David Thoreau:

“That government is best which governs least…”

The ideal governing principle of the bottom up hierarchy was enunciated by Jesus:

And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant: Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many. Matt 20:27-28

Thus the greatest leaders in the kingdom of heaven are the greatest servants and God, the greatest of all, has served us all by giving us life “for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.” Matt 5.45

Whether we look to this world or the next, strong authority or minimal authority, some type of hierarchy will be there.

For instance in the United States we have the three branches of the federal government–the presidency (our logos), the judiciary (Christ energy), and Congress (Saturn energy). In addition to this there are numerous departments, such as housing, welfare, energy, agriculture, interior, IRS, etc.

Below the federal we have state government with a lower reflection of the higher three–the governor, the judiciary and the senate and house. From these come many additional appointed bodies.

Next down we have the governor of a city, the mayor, the city council and local judges. Below this we have many other governing bodies–our schools, PTA, civic organizations, businesses with their hierarchies, etc.

Now if you were to explain this to a young child who had recently attained self-awareness he would be likely to be mystified by the complexity of it all and just settle in his mind to understand the government of his Mom and Dad and be happy with that.

When we consider this we realize that the information given out concerning the Spiritual Hierarchies and relating them to our own only give us a small glimpse into the workings of the higher lives.

While it is true that the state, as a whole, is aware of each and every one of us (just try not paying taxes or a traffic ticket if you question this), it is also true that most members of the state are oblivious to us as individuals. I know the President has never heard of me and no one in Congress has given me a call lately. The governor’s wife was one of our customers, but overall, I as an individual, am not in the consciousness of any governing hierarchy, excepting a few businesses.

BUT–would it be possible for me to get their attention?

Yes. An easy way to do it would be to rob a bank. Then several hierarchies would take an interest in finding me.

A positive way to do it would be to start a consulting firm. If the mayor hired me I could give him good advice and have his daily attention.

I could run for governor. If I were a good candidate the present governor would pay a lot of attention to me and spare nothing in finding out everything about me.

If I studied medicine and found a cure for AIDS or cancer then I might even get a call from the President.

Now this same principle applies to the hierarchical lives over us in that body we call God, instead of the State. Some of them are of such evolution that that they are much more aware of the whole and the parts than are our own leaders, but rarely do they give us individualized attention any more than do our earthly leaders.

Closest to you in the Spiritual Hierarchy are your “Guardian Angels,” but above them you have to do something extra to get their attention.

If you wanted to get the attention of a certain master you would have to be able to offer some useful assistance to his particular field of endeavor with which he is presently engaged. This principle applies on up the line.

Just as the leader of a country only has a few people selected who are useful to his goals, even so it is not likely that many of us would cause the Great Ones to pay much individualized attention to us. As we are progressing on the path, the main attention we receive from the Spirit is through our own souls and our fellow humans.

We like to think that the angels or masters are fighting over the privilege to communicate with us, but such communications are rare. Instead, they put most of their attention on groups as a whole. The best way to get the attention of a master is to be in, or start a group, in alignment with their purpose.

The Christ attracted the attention of the Father who he said was greater than himself because he became a useful tool in His hands and initiated teachings that would change the whole world.

As long as we need the services of one another there will be a hierarchy of those who serve and those who receive the benefits of the service.

“If thou seest the oppression of the poor, and violent perverting of judgement and justice in a province, marvel not at the matter: for he that is higher than the highest regardeth (many scholars think that this refers to Jehovah) AND THERE BE HIGHER THAN THEY.” Eccl 5:8

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Principle 58

This entry is part 58 of 98 in the series Principles

The Lion Principle

I have talked briefly about this principle a number of times. This is an important one and certainly belongs in the Book of Principles.

This principle has a strange name indeed but it is quite fitting when one realizes exactly what it is and what it accomplishes.

The use of this principle enables the disciple to overcome one of his last hurdles to enable him to keep his mind focused in the light and open a permanent door to the soul.

And what is that hurdle that causes such a problem?

It is the flaws that are seen in our fellow humans, some real and some imagined. Among those which have some basis in reality many are minor flaws that are blown up to become major flaws in the eye of he beholder.

Jesus talked about this problem quite pointedly:

“Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye?

You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

Matt 7:3-5 NIV

This is a universal problem that most of us have to deal with. Just consider your own life. How many times have you been approached by someone about a small flaw that you are supposed to have when the guy trying to correct you has obvious huge flaws to which he seems oblivious.

The funny thing is that often this large flaw is him looking at others with a jaundice eye on a self appointed mission to correct others before straightening himself out. It is difficult to find a more annoying flaw than this.

This trait of seeing the flaws in others and allowing them to create a grievance is indeed a source of major blockage to full soul contact.

It is amazing that many who see themselves as spiritually advanced have such a problem with this and come up with excuses such as:

“Jim is destroying the peace of the group and we need to set him straight or throw him out.”

“We just can’t function well as a group if Bob will not do his share.”

“I have to speak up about Betty and the way she dresses. If I don’t know one will.”

“John is arrogant and someone needs to take him down a notch – besides he has that smirk that drives me crazy.”

Unfortunately, when group work is involved and people need to work closely together these small minded critics begin to surface and the group being of a spiritual nature is no insurance that they will do much better than the Rotary Club.

In addition to dealing with small flaws, the disciple will also find he will have to deal with real ones that do interfere with progress. All these flaws that we encounter indeed are difficult for most seekers to master. Often the seeker will seem to have made a lot of spiritual progress. He has gained a lot of knowledge, takes good care of his body, gives money to charity, does service work, but then has a grievance in his heart because of something said that shuts the door to his own soul.

Negative feelings should never be suppressed or denied but must be understood, dealt with and sent to their right place. Denial and suppression gives the negative feelings power to diminish your physical and spiritual energy and can lead to disease.

If someone irritates you then you must learn how to neutralize this negative emotion without injuring yourself.

What is needed is to use The Lion Principle. If you get in a cage with a lion he will most likely do you a lot of damage and this could be very irritating. When looking at the caged lion you know he can kill you but you do not get irritated at his behavior. Why.

Because he’s a lion and that is his nature and there is nothing you can do about it. If you do not accept the lion for what he is you could be annoyed all the time.

Even so, irritating people are what they are whether they are in our lives or not. If we let them get to us then that is like entering the cage with the lion. Keep your emotional distance and realize that they just are what they are and there is generally nothing you can do to change them.

If you find another person irritating or obnoxious then take the vantage point of the observer so they do not affect your emotional body no matter what they do. Then make no effort to include them in your life any more than necessary.

If you see an opportunity to help them, fine, but the guy with a beam in his own eye often does not take criticism kindly.

I’ve dealt with some very difficult people in my life and when this has occurred I have looked upon encounters as practice sessions. I practice keeping focused in the light and seeing the Christ within the guy while letting his negativity breeze through me without effect.

The strange thing is that when the disciple learns to neutralize the negativity of others so there is no grievance, the negative one often becomes more enraged. He will either insist you are in the same state as he or he increases his negative attack.

The key path for the disciple is to be at perfect peace even if he is navigating through numerous emotional storms. The story of Jesus calming the waters is a great symbol of what must occur within us.

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Principle 61

This entry is part 59 of 98 in the series Principles

The Principle of Control

The Principle of control is this:

The events and happenings in your life occur either because you are in control and made them happen, or someone or something else made them happen. You are either in control of what is happening or you are not. The key to a happy life is to put yourself in charge of your own destiny.

The further one is on the path to liberation the more he will be in charge of his life. After all, final liberation is nothing more that being freed of limitations.

You’ll notice therefore that the young soul will often feel he is a victim to a hostile world whereas the seasoned traveler will seldom complain, and though he has problems to solve he works on them from a point of empowerment rather than seeking power and permission from others.

An area of life where control is a powerful factor is our health.

Those who put little attention on control see ill health as a mere act of fate and the only thing they can do about it is go to the doctor and give additional control over to him.

Those who take control will see that most aspects of their health are under their control. If they become ill they do not charge it up to fate, but will figure they have somehow caused it and seek for the cure. Such a person may use a doctor, but he will not give him his power. He will take advice he knows is advantageous but will search out the cause and the cure for himself. Then when he removes the cause the loss of control is gone and he is again in charge.

Finance is another major category where control is in play.

Those not in control feel they have lost life’s lottery and are doomed to living in needy circumstances the rest of their lives. Those lacking control feel limited by an assortment of reasons such as:

  • Whether or not they have a job depends on someone else giving them one.
  • Their employer decides what the salary is.
  • The government decides which desired handouts they receive.
  • Parents did not give enough help.
  • They do not know the right people.
  • They do not have resources.

Those in control create different situations.

  • They can work where and when they want because they are either self-employed or have obtained a skill that is in great demand.
  • They would rather help themselves than wait for assistance from government bureaucrats.
  • They do not see themselves as victims but are their own greatest resource to get ahead.

Now some who are in control do not feel the need to have many possessions and are happy with a modest income. Many not in control make a good income but still feel give away their power and feel like victims.

Relationships are a third major area where control is at play.

He who has not assumed control will complain incessantly about his mate, family, loved ones, friends and associates. To listen to such a person you would think that God is up there pulling strings just forcing all these people into his life.

But how did they get into his life? They are in his life because of his own decisions.

He who is in control has a different approach. He realizes that anyone is in his life is there because of his choices. If he doesn’t want them there then he ceases to invite them in and ceases to give them any attention. If he feels his mate is a bad choice he gets a divorce and gets a new one. If his friend is a pain in the neck then he gets a new and improved one. If a family member is annoying then he avoids him. As a whole, he who is in control will find himself surrounded by people he likes to associate with.

He who is not in control may say: “I try to get good people in my life but they seem to be in short supply.”

The problem here is most likely a lack of control over himself. He who comes across as a victim is avoided by what he calls, “the good people.” Like draws to like and to control your relationships requires, first of all, control of self. Make yourself desirable and you will then have power to pull desirable people into your life. Complain about people in your lives and you will draw even more complainers into it.

In addition to these three categories we have power of control in more areas than we realize. Some additional ones are:

  1. Our free time.
  2. What we can learn. An unlimited amount is available to all.
  3. What we choose for entertainment.
  4. Where we live.
  5. Who we help.
  6. Whether to be pleasant or not.
  7. Many aspects if your looks and much more.

All of us have some limitations beyond our immediate control, but few if us assume control in all areas of life readily available. This, the disciple should seek to accomplish.

Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love, and then, for a second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

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Principle 63

This entry is part 60 of 98 in the series Principles

The Principle of Absolute and Relative Truth

Some say that truth is relative and others that it is absolute. What both do not realize is they are both correct from the vantage point from which they are looking.

Those who say truth is relative often give the example of the three blind men and the elephant. Each sees the elephant differently.

One blind man touches the leg says it’s like a tree, the second one touches the ear and says it’s like a carpet, and the third touches the trunk and says it’s like a large hose.

Because each man gave a different but accurate answer to what he perceived many maintain that truth is relative.

Those who claim that truth is absolute will give the example that 2+2=4. The answer is four and no other answer in the universe is true, proving that truth is absolute.

To the casual observer both examples of truth seem correct, but there is a difference between the two examples. We can only solve the dilemma of absolute and relative truth by discovering what that difference is, which is this.

Absolute truth is truth which is broken down to its basic indivisible element and correctly stated. Relative truth is a piece of information that is a part of something greater than itself yet the whole may be quite different than the part.

2+2=4 is absolute truth because it cannot be broken down into a more basic statement as far as math is concerned.

Now to feel an elephant’s leg and to state that it feels like a tree is a mistake in relativity. The blind man is assuming he is embracing the whole elephant yet he is only perceiving a small part. It is comparable to an alien landing in the Arctic and declaring that earth is an ice planet. Of course it is not. Yet it is an absolute truth that part of the planet is covered with ice. It is also absolutely true that the leg of an elephant is somewhat similar to the trunk of a tree.

Thus we see that what is called relative truth is in reality the observer merely mistaking a part for the whole. The blind man thought the leg was all there was to the elephant. This is not true and he was mistaken. He would have been correct if he said, “The part of the elephant I feel is like the trunk of a tree, but I am not sure if I am feeling the whole elephant.”

Other things identified as relative truth are merely mistaken perceptions or erroneous conclusions derived from perception. The earth looked like it was flat in ancient times so they assumed it was flat. Some sailors with better perception noted a slight curvature of the earth in the horizon of the sea and concluded the earth was round.

When it was finally proven that the earth was a globe the truth did not change. What changed was our perception of the truth. It is absolute truth that the earth was a globe in the days of Columbus as well as today.

As we fine-tune our perception and reasoning, it is the accuracy in which we see the truth, not the truth itself that changes.

A third argument for relative truth is the changing of circumstances. Today the high temperature may be eighty degrees and tomorrow it may be ninety. The argument is the truth has changed.

This is false reasoning. The truth has not changed but the circumstances have. The high temperature on this date of history will not change because tomorrow’s temperature will be different. Circumstances will be different tomorrow, but tomorrow’s change will not alter the truth of the events of today.

The bottom line is that relative truth is merely the result of relative word play. When the point of actual truth is discovered it will be found to agree with that profound statement from A Course in Miracles which says:

The truth is true and nothing else is true.

Two plus two equal four and it equals nothing else.

This does not mean that any should assume that he is free from being a victim to the illusion of relative truth. As we look for truth in all things all of us see only a piece of the elephant. We must all be aware that we do not see the whole truth but only a piece of the elephant. Even if we see that piece correctly we must consider that there may be other pieces that will greatly alter our concept of the complete truth. Openness to more truth is the key to moving forward.

There is no religion higher than truth.  P. Blavatsky

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Principle 64

This entry is part 61 of 98 in the series Principles

The Principle of Limitation

We all grumble about our limitations, but few realize that the challenge of growing through overcoming limitations is one of the main reasons we chose to come to this earth in the first place.

In the beginning, where we resided in the highest realms of spirit, there were no limitations as we know them. Here on earth, space and distance are great limitations that separate us. Not so in the higher realms for all intelligences are linked and suffer no separation.

Here on earth we often lack strength to perform a task. In higher realms no strength is needed.

Here on earth there is pain and suffering. In higher realms there is only peace and bliss.

So why in the world did we decide to come to this place, which would seem to be hell by comparison?

The answer lies in this question. Why do athletes subject themselves to the limitations of the various games they play? Pick your favorite sport and you will see all kinds of limitations in play such as.

  • Limitations of time – the clock must always be watched.
  • Limitations as to how you can handle the ball.
  • Limitations of space, and what is in and out of bounds.
  • Limitations of action, which, if broken, can produce a severe penalty.
  • Limitations because of size, strength and skill.

So I ask again, why do athletes voluntarily subject themselves to such limitations?

The answer is obvious. They subject themselves for the joy of playing the game, and the hope of winning drives them forward causing them to endure whatever pain and suffering is necessary to achieve the goal.

Sure, many of them could choose to not play and spend their days relaxing, watching TV and surfing the internet. Instead, they leave behind the life of ease and endure pain, suffering and limitations for the shear joy of growth, accomplishment and winning at achieving their goals.

Even so, we could have chosen to remain in the bosom of the Father/Mother God in formless comfort. Instead, we chose a path of limitation with an end goal of transforming bliss to eternal joy through the overcoming all the limitations of time, form and space.

It is irony indeed that, that we are now here, half way to achieving the victory, yet many spend their time grumbling about the circumstances that we created for ourselves.

Who quits in the middle of a great game? Few would who understand what is at stake. If each of us search deeply within our souls we will discover that the goal is not to just get out of here as soon as possible, but to stay and fight to win and become a master of all situations.

After winning the game it is written:

“Life is now liberated, owning the quality of conscious knowledge and the fruit of all experience. These are the gifts of soul and form combined.” DK

When we long for life without difficulties, remind us that oaks grow strong in contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure. Peter Marshall

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Principle 65

This entry is part 62 of 98 in the series Principles

The Principle of Economy

Some have used the phrase “Law of Economy” but I haven’t seen the principle behind it described. It is time someone put it into words.

Here it is:

When any form of intelligence manifests a workable idea into physical existence the final, most useful form will have eliminated all excess motion and energy expenditure. In other words, the final creation will operate at maximum efficiency with as much simplicity as possible.

The French Franciscan friar, William of Ockham, in the 14th century did not fully define this principle but observed its effects and described how they manifest as follows:

“Entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily” or “Plurality should not be posited without necessity.”

Previous to him Aristotle expressed a similar idea, “Nature operates in the shortest way possible.”

Since Ockham’s time scientists have simplified the idea to read: “when you have two competing theories that make exactly the same predictions, the simpler one is the better.” They have even simplified the name, reducing it from “Ockham’s Razor” to “Occam’s Razor.”

Finally human culture has reduced it to, “Keep it simple stupid,” or the simplest of all – KISS.

The Principle of Economy allows us to understand the creative process from the engineering aspect from beginning to end; whereas Occam’s Razor gives us the logical approach to reverse engineer something an intelligence has designed.

In other words, a competent creator uses the Principle of Economy to successfully manifest his idea. Therefore, an intelligent being who wants to understand the creation by studying it is wise to consider that all the ingredients function in the simplest way possible. If he sees with too much complexity he is not likely to understand correctly.

Those using Occam’s Razor are like the scientists who have found an alien spaceship and are trying to figure out how it works.

Those using the Principle of Economy” are like scientists who build a spaceship from scratch with the idea of making it as functional and efficient as possible.

Occam’s Razor and the Principle of Economy imply that simplicity rules in intelligent creation. This does not mean though that all creation was a simple thing to accomplish or understand. A flower, for example, is an extremely complex creation. Even so, all its parts and processes function in the simplest way possible. Without the use of simplicity and great efficiency, the flower could not even manifest.

The flower is so complex that all the scientists in the world have yet failed to reverse engineer one, yet as they look into creation, step by step, great simplicity is revealed within that which is complex.

In Darwin’s day scientists thought that the cells of a flower, or even a human, were merely a simple mass of nebulous protoplasm. They never dreamed about the complexity of DNA, RNA and all the intelligent electrical interplay among the trillions of atoms of which it is composed.

Still, as scientists make discovery after discovery they find great simplicity and efficiency amidst the great complexity of creation.

The use of Occam’s Razor is useful for scientists as they proceed step by step in discovery of this universe, and all that is in it, but it cannot quickly reveal all the layers behind the creative process, except through a long process of time.

However, when discoveries are made we always find that the Principle of Economy was at play in any successful creation.

Why is it that atoms of hydrogen, helium and oxygen have the same components and function in a far away island universe (called a galaxy) as here in earth?

The answer is the Principle of Economy guides intelligence to manifest the same creation in far different locations. Two creators following the Principle of Economy with the same idea will wind up creating the same thing operating on the same principles, even if they work independently of each other.

It is interesting that on the same day that Alexander Graham Bell applied for a patent for the telephone that another man, Elisha Gray, also applied for the same thing. The only reason Bell got the patent is he technically applied a few hours earlier than Gray.

Were the two phones totally different?

No. Because of the Principle of Economy in creation they both operated on the same principles.

A computer is generally considered to be a very complex instrument, but all of its mind-boggling processing begins with the great simplicity of the binary system of just two numbers, zeros and ones.

By putting billions of these zeros and ones together in the most efficient way possible for usefulness they are able to create thousands of complex computer programs, such as Microsoft Word that I am using as I write this.

The same goes for the creation of your body and everything in it. As we descend further and further into microcosmic matter we cannot find anything solid. All we find are wavelengths composed of an up and down corresponding to the zeros and ones in your computer.

The creation of all things begin with the duality of positive and negative. The two polarities multiply and then are intelligently organized. When guided by intelligence they organize according to the Principle of Economy to manifest some grand idea that is to be made flesh, or into a usable or beautiful material form.

That’s been one of my mantras – focus and simplicity. Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it’s worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains.  Steve Jobs

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Principle 66

This entry is part 63 of 98 in the series Principles

The Business Principle

The world of business is often considered an evil enterprise by spiritual seekers. If at all possible they seek to withdraw from the world where goods are exchanged for profit and seek an uninterrupted spiritual quest in a monastery, some type of ashram, a cult, or even their parent’s basement.

Ahh… to be free from business to them is like being free from the greed of the world. With such freedom the seeker can then pursue his spiritual quest for peace and enlightenment without distraction.

I wonder if such a person has ever asks himself this question.

Who travels faster upon the spiritual path? The one who withdraws and concentrates on moving the self forward to the light…


The honest businessperson who seeks to make a living for himself and others by providing a product or services needed and appreciated by many people?

It would indeed be an ironic twist of fate for the dedicated spiritual, but isolated, seeker to learn, upon achieving true soul contact, that the businessperson may have taken the higher path.

In the end he may discover that the apostle Paul was one of the greatest examples of one who treads the Path. He supported himself through his business of tent making while learning and teaching others about the things of the spirit.

Imagine how different the Christian Church would be today if he had not made those tents and sold them for a profit. He may not have had power to accomplish his mission, and without Paul, it is entirely possible the movement would have withered into oblivion just as many other great movements have before and since.

Let us just look at the spiritual benefits from someone like Paul compared to the monk who withdraws from the world.

Let us examine Paul first:

(1) Through his business he supplied others with shelter through making tents. How much profit did he make? Probably the going rate, but without the possibility of profit the tents would not have been made and the shelter would not have been available. Maybe some children would have died in the hot sun.

(2) Paul was more concerned about bringing light to others than to himself. He exerted great zeal and effort in teaching others the highest he knew and in the process changed the church and the world.

(3) In addition to teaching he proved to be a great server. He said:

For though I be free from all men, yet have I made myself servant unto all, that I might gain the more. I Cor 9:19

So even here, in being a servant of Christ, Paul sees the principle behind gaining a profit for your work saying “that I might gain the more.”

He understood the great principle taught by his Master:

For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel’s, the same shall save it. Mark 8:35

If one loses himself in the service of others without thought of self then he will experience the greatest possible benefit to himself as well as those he helps.

But, if one puts service to self first then little if any benefit will be gained.

(4) In losing himself to service additional light was given to him until he was caught up to the “third heaven” and heard “unspeakable words.”

He again discovered the truth of the words of his master:

For whosoever shall give you a cup of water to drink in my name, because ye belong to Christ, verily I say unto you, he shall not lose his reward. Mark 9:41

When Jesus spoke of water he generally meant the gifts of the Spirit, but that does not diminish the value of giving physical food and drink.

Let us compare this to the one who withdraws from the world to seek enlightenment of self. What benefits come to him or others?

(1) He is of very little service to others. Perhaps he makes himself useful by sweeping the floors in the monastery.

(2) He may gain a little self control and focus he can use in another lifetime, but will be of little use to God or man in this one unless he becomes a true server.

The popular health author, Andreas Moritz, gives an interesting account of his own escape from separateness:

A few years later, I began working for, and with, the founder of TM, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, to spread his meditation to the rest of the world. Little did I realize during the following ten years that I had become just as strong a fanatic in pursuing this mission as the early missionaries who tried to convert ‘lost and Ignorant souls’ to become children of God.

In fact, I had become exactly what I dreaded seeing in others. The Maharishi told us that his meditation would solve every kind of problem in life, no matter of what origin. Therefore, as a teacher of this meditation, called ‘Governor of the Age of Enlightenment’, I believed 1 knew the answers to every difficulty. I would feel guilty if I missed a few minutes of meditation since I was supposed to meditate for a certain length of time twice daily in order to gain enlightenment and help create world peace. Being a very devoted and ‘responsible’ teacher, I was absolutely regular in my practice and spent whatever time and resources I had available in spreading TM to the world. I had no ‘time’ for personal relationships for over ten years and when I learned that not listening to the master’s (Maharishi’s) instructions or going against his wishes would incur such bad karma that not even God could save such a person, I became even more disciplined and meticulous about how I lived my life.

All I had done was replace the fear of God and the Catholic Church with the fear of a spiritual master, another God. I wanted to become spiritually enlightened so badly because I believed this would save me from hell. Thirty years of meditating twice a day, several years of which I would dedicate eight hours a day to the going-within practice, certainly helped me develop qualities of serenity and patience and other values, but it didn’t bring me enlightenment. I had unsuccessfully searched for something I already was…

From his book, Lifting the Veil of Duality

Then instead of meditating eight hours a day he spent the rest of his life dedicated to the book publishing business giving out useful information on health that has been appreciated by many thousands.

I’m sure he still did some meditation, but not to the extent that it would interfere with service to others.

Many seekers who are not able to withdraw from the world still hold a disdain for business. It is frustrating for most that they have to depend on some kind of business to make a living. Even if they work for the government they are paid with taxes earned from business, so there is no escape from some type of reliance on them.

The question before us is this. Is this faction justified in their negative view of business? If not, then what is the cause of their illusion?

The first step in resolving this is to put the Business Principle into words. Here it is:

The Business Principle consists of several ingredients.

(1) Find a service of product that that is useful enough to the public to be desired by them.

(2) Figure out a way to efficiently provide that product or service.

(3) Figure out reasonable price for consumers to pay based on:

(A) What they are willing to pay.

(B) Incorporating enough built in profit so the business can pay itself and its employees a high enough wage to keep the business viable.

(4) Figure out a way to promote the business so the public is aware of the products and services.

This could be condensed into the following:

The Business Principle consists of serving your fellow men and women by providing a more valuable service or product than the money exchanged for them.

For instance, if I purchase $1.00 worth of bananas I have decided that the bananas are worth more to me than the dollar I am exchanging for it. If it is not, then I will keep the dollar and not purchase them.

“Okay, says the skeptic. You make business sound like it is almost spiritual. How do you explain all the greed and corruption that we see on display?

The answer is quite simple. Wherever there is power, or an exchange of power, you have the built in possibility of constructive or destructive used.

Does this mean that the goal should be to eliminate all use of power so no one has power to do anything?

Of course not. That would be plain silly to consider such a thing.

What needs to be accomplished with any power is to put it to constructive use and do our best to eliminate harmfulness.

Business is a real source of power that causes civilization itself to work and exist, but there are other powers.

Political or governing powers are higher up the ladder than business for they can tell business what to do. It is true that business influences government, but government has the last word, the deciding vote.

Is there misuse of political power? Indeed; Hitler’s destructive use of it made business people look like Mother Teresa by comparison.

Even in the best of governments we see more greed and corruption than we can take.

How about religion? Is there a misuse of power there? Indeed we see almost daily stories about corrupt ministers, priests, and members doing outrageous things with their power.

Here is a couple of paragraphs that turned my stomach from this morning’s paper:

QADIYA, IRAQ — In the moments before he raped the 12-year-old girl, the Islamic State fighter took the time to explain that what he was about to do was not a sin. Because the preteen girl practiced a religion other than Islam, the Quran not only gave him the right to rape her – it condoned and encouraged it, he insisted.

He bound her hands and gagged her. Then he knelt beside the bed and prostrated himself in prayer before getting on top of her.

When it was over, he knelt to pray again, bookending the rape with acts of religious devotion.

“I kept telling him it hurts – please stop,” said the girl, whose body is so small an adult could circle her waist with two hands. “He told me that according to Islam he is allowed to rape an unbeliever. He said that by raping me, he is drawing closer to God,” she said in an interview alongside her family in a refugee camp here, to which she escaped after 11 months of captivity.

From: New York Times, August 13, 2015

I have never experienced any harm from any business that comes close to the above misuse of power – and that from people claiming to represent a benevolent God?

Power is exercised in all areas of life, through the media, Hollywood, science, education, law enforcement, money, lobbyists, associations and even family.

All power can be used for good or evil.

To single out one use of power, such as business, and to classify it as evil and some other source as good is illusion indeed.

It is essential that power be available for use in all areas of life, just as we insist on maintaining our power of free will. Many misuse free will but none of us would relinquish it. Yes, free will and power are risky elements in the hands of humankind, but essential to our progress and happiness.

Slowly the wheels of justice turn and guide us toward right use of all power granted to us.

It is written:

Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled. Titus 1:15

Basically this says to me that if you have a pure heart you see the good in all things, the glass half full. You see the good that is in politics, religion, science, the media, education and even business – or perhaps, especially business.

“There are two types of people who will tell you that you cannot make a difference in this world: those who are afraid to try and those who are afraid you will succeed.” Ray Goforth

Copyright 2015 by J J Dewey

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