The Name of Christ

This entry is part 08 of 98 in the series Principles

 Principle Eight

The Name of Christ

The name of Jesus Christ means “anointed to deliver.” Jesus did not intend to keep the name just for himself, but advised all of his followers to take the name upon themselves. All enlightened souls are anointed to deliver those of a lower vibration. When we have been “saved,” or elevated, by someone above us, then it is our mission to lift or deliver others to higher ground. There is a universal rule which tells us that we cannot go higher until we have given out what we have learned and assisted in lifting our brethren to where we are. When we have done this, then another will come along and lift us to higher ground. This is the principle behind the name of Jesus Christ. To believe on His name is to believe on this principle, that there are higher lives in the universe waiting to help deliver, or “save” us when we are ready.

This is verified by a correct translation of John 1:14. In the King James it reads:

“And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.”

The word “among” is from the Greek EN which is almost always translated as “in” not “among.” Let us render a more correct translation here in harmony with the ancient language:

“And the Word is BECOMING flesh and dwells IN US. And we beheld His (or Its) glory, a glory like an only begotten from the Father full of grace and truth.”

In fact we are promised that we shall manifest God beyond our comprehension. Jesus said:

“He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and GREATER WORKS than these shall he do; because I go to my Father … At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I (Christ) IN YOU.”  (John 14:12 and 20)

It is interesting to note that Jesus never did directly refer to himself as “The Christ.” In referring to himself he always used the title “Son of Man.”   Thus Jesus, the man, humbly associated himself with humanity. He never spoke the word “Christ” in relation to himself exclusively as others did. In fact there are only four occasions in the Bible where he actually spoke the word. Example:   “But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren.” (Matthew 23:8)   Example:   “For whosoever shall give you a cup of water in my name, because you belong to Christ, verily I say unto you, he shall not lose his reward.” (Mark 9:41)   Jesus referred to Christ in the third person because the title of Christ did not belong to him alone but to all members of the body that partake of the Spirit of God. Because Jesus referred to the Christ in the third person and did not directly proclaim himself as such the Jews were led to exclaim:   “How long dost thou make us to doubt? If thou be the Christ, tell us plainly?” (John 10:24)   Even to this direct question Jesus did not proclaim himself to be the Christ. He did not want to set himself up on a pedestal, but identified himself as a Son of Man so the sons of men would look for the Christ within themselves.

Many may not be surprised to learn that we may become sons of God as is Jesus, but few are prepared for this next claim that we will examine.

And what is that?

Others besides Jesus were called by the name of Christ, and such was written in the Bible itself.

The word “Christ” comes from the Greek word CHRISTOS which means “anointed”. Its equivalent in the Hebrew is “Messiah.”   CHRISTOS is derived from the Greek CHRIO which means “to anoint with oil or consecrate to an office or position.”

The Hebrew “Messiah” comes from MASHIYACH and means the same as CHRISTOS. It is derived from MASHACH which is the equivalent of CHRIO.

Any good concordance will reveal that Christ and Messiah are the same word, but from two different languages. Furthermore, it can be proved from the King James version of the Bible:

“He first findeth his own brother Simon, and saith unto him, we have found the Messias (Greek spelling of Messiah) which is BEING INTERPRETED, THE CHRIST.” (John 1:41   Also see John 4:25.)

This means that wherever in the Old Testament the original Hebrew for Messiah, MASHIYACH, is found, it could be translated correctly into the Greek CHRISTOS or the English “Christ.”

Interestingly, MASHIYACH is not usually translated as “Messiah,” but “anointed.”   If the New Testament CHRISTOS were translated the same way we would read “Jesus the anointed” rather than “Jesus the Christ.”   The word Christ is a name, but like all names in ancient times it had a meaning to convey. Those possessing this special name were anointed to a special office, position or mission.

There are only two places in the Old Testament that MASHIYACH is translated as Messiah. That is in Daniel 9:25-26. The reason it was translated as such here is that it seems to be a sure prophecy of Jesus. On the other hand, when MASHIYACH did not seem to refer to Jesus translators show their bias by rendering it “anointed.”

Let us be consistent translators and render MASHIYACH to its English equivalent “Christ” and see how some of these passages read:

“And the Priest that is CHRIST shall take of the bullocks blood and bring it to the tabernacle of the congregation.”  (Leviticus 4:5)

This refers to the priest that offered sacrifices according to the law of Moses.

In speaking of Saul, David said:

“I will not put forth mine hand against my Lord; for he is the Lord’s CHRIST.” (I Samuel 24:10)

In speaking of himself, David said:

“But thou (God) hast cast off and abhorred, thou hast been wroth with thine CHRIST.” (Psalms 89:38)

In another scripture MASHIYACH refers to all Israel:

“He suffered no man to do them (Israel) wrong: yea, he reproved kings for their sakes; Saying, Touch not mine CHRIST (Israel), and do my prophets no harm.” (Psalms 105:14-15)

MASHIYACH is even used in connection with a non-Jew: “Thus saith the Lord to his CHRIST, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have holden to subdue nations before him….” (Isaiah 45:1)

In the New Testament the Greek CHRIO is a near synonym for “Christ.” Jesus used the word concerning himself when he said:   “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed (Christed) me to preach the gospel to the poor….” (Luke 4:18)

The word is also used in connection with the followers of Jesus:

“Now he which stablishesth us with you in Christ (the anointed), and hath anointed (Christed) us, is God.” (2 Corinthians 1:21)

When we take the Greek and Hebrew of these and other scriptures into consideration we find that the following scripture which was previously quoted is not really so unique:   “For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being MANY, are one body: SO ALSO IS CHRIST.” (I Corinthians 12:12)

Those specifically named in the scriptures who are a part of the body of Christ, and thus bear the name of Christ are Saul, David, Cyrus, the ancient Israelites, the early Christians, and Jesus. Among the early Christians that bore the name of Christ according to the Bible were:   “First apostles, secondly prophets, thirdly teachers….” (I Corinthians 12:28)   It is beyond dispute that Jesus the Christ was referred to as the “Bridegroom” in the scriptures. See John 3:29, for example. The inhabitants of the New Jerusalem are “they which are written in the Lamb’s book of life.” (Revelation 21:27)   These people make up the body of Christ of whom Jesus “is the head of the body, the church.” (Colossians 1:18)   This body of Christ, or the New Jerusalem is called “the bride, the Lamb’s wife.” (Revelation 21:8)   If Jesus is the husband of those who receive the Spirit of God then a follower would automatically take upon himself the same name that Jesus had. Just as with David, Cyrus, and the early Christians we too can bear the name of Christ, or become worthy to be anointed as Sons of God by our Father God.

It is only natural that men and women who are the children of God should also be called by the name of Christ just as it is natural that Jesus, a Son of God, is called the Christ.

The scriptures tell us that Jesus became the Christ “by inheritance.” (Hebrew 1:4)   We are to follow that same process. Paul said:   “In whom (Christ) also we have obtained an inheritance….” (Ephesians 1:11)   Remember he said we are “heirs of God, and joint heirs of Christ.” (Romans 8:17)   Jesus prayed that many disciples would become as Christ:

“Neither pray I for these alone (the twelve apostles) but for them also which shall believe on me through their word; that they ALL MAY BE ONE; as thou. Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be ONE IN US: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. And the glory which thou gavest me I HAVE GIVEN THEM that they may be one, EVEN AS WE ARE ONE.” (John 17:20-22)

This scripture makes it very clear that the followers of Jesus are to receive the same “glory” and oneness as he did. In other words, they are to be “anointed” or made a Christ as Jesus was.

Jesus clarified this:

“To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am sat down with my Father in his throne.” (Revelation 3:21)

“To the one who is victorious I will give authority over the nations just as I myself have received authority from my Father.” (Revelation 2:26-27)

“If a man love me, he will keep my words, and my Father will love him, and we ( the Christ Father and Son) will come in unto him and make our abode with him.” (John 14:23)

“For if the firstfruit (Jesus) be holy, the lump (the followers of Christ) is also holy: and if the root be holy, so are the branches.” (Romans 11:16)

Paul calls the Christ principle a “mystery” which has been hidden for ages:

“Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints: To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is CHRIST IN YOU, the hope of glory.” (Colossians 1:26-27)

It is fitting then that Paul speaks of “Christ, who is our life … your life is hid with Christ in God.” (Colossians 3:3 and 4)   “God has now made (us) to share the very life of Christ.” (Colossians 2:13)

“And I looked and lo, a Lamb stood on mount Sion, and with him an hundred and forty and four thousand, having his Father’s name (Christ) written in their foreheads.” (Revelation 14:1)

The faithful will bear the name of Christ because “Christ” means “anointed.” Jesus was anointed to be our Lord or Master, and also High Priest. The rest of the faithful are anointed to be “kings and priests unto God and his Father.” (Revelation 1:6)   “And thou hast made us unto our God Kings and Priests and we shall reign on the earth.” (Revelation 5:10)

Speaking of ordinary mortals we are told that “saviours shall come upon mount Zion to judge the mount of Esau (carnal mankind) and the kingdom shall be the Lord’s.” (Obadiah Verse 21)

The full name of Jesus Christ literally means “anointed to deliver.” The most glorious and eternal work any of us can do is to reach forth our hands to lift up those who are struggling for greater light and truth. Aiding in the deliverance of our brethren and sisters is to become as Jesus and to take upon ourselves his name and become as Christ.

“Be wiser than other people, if you can, but do not tell them so.”

 — Lord Chesterfield (1694 – 1773)

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The Teacher-Student Relationship

This entry is part 07 of 98 in the series Principles

Principle Seven

The Teacher-Student Relationship

This concept has two extremes associated with it, and to really understand it completely you will need the second lost key of the Buddha which was revealed Book Three, but what I give here will be a big help to those who  register this key internally.

The one extreme is the idea that goes something like this:  “Me teacher — You student. You do, think and act exactly as I command if you want to learn or be anything.” The other extreme:  “There are no teachers and no students for we are all teachers, and we are all students. One person is not above another and everyone’s words have equal value.” Even though people in these two camps see each other as an agent of evil and opposite to themselves, the concept espoused by each has the same effect.

And what is that?

That effect is to turn the student into a non-thinking animal, or “beast,” as it is called in the Book of Revelations.

The Illusion Of Extreme Number One

There are many problems associated with Extreme One.

  1. No earthly teacher is flawless. Therefore, if you are limited to learning exactly according to the mindset of the teacher you will also inherit his flaws.
  1. This black-and-white method of teaching only allows for the dissemination of facts and not principles. It takes a thousand facts to create the understanding of one principle, but one principle can reveal an infinite number of facts. Therefore an enlightened teacher will stimulate understanding of principles.

For instance, the Keys of Knowledge are centered around principles and cannot be revealed as mere facts, or they will not be comprehended.

We will talk more about principles and facts in future books and posts.

  1. This method takes away freedom of thought. Instead of stimulating the student’s own intuition by directing him toward his own soul, the teacher steals his thought process from him by demanding that he accept everything without question.

An example of an extreme failure of a student from this mindset is the religious fanatic who will kill himself and others with a bomb tied to his back so he can secure a place in heaven. Another example would be the Jim Jones group who committed mass suicide. Still another — the group that goes to the mountain top to be raptured (because their teacher set a certain date) only to discover that Jesus seemed to have changed his mind because they were just not good enough.

These are extreme examples, but all who follow the black and white teacher of the first extreme have their progress tied up to some degree in actions of a similar degree of ridiculousness.

The Illusion Of Extreme Number Two

This is the “feel-good” extreme, the seemingly safe extreme, the “we-are-not-judging-each-other” extreme. How could this extreme be bad if the intent is to establish equality?

Remember another extreme that tried to establish equality? It was and is called Communism. The ideal of equality sought in Communism has nothing wrong with it, but because it diffused individual thought and soul contact it turned into a great evil.

The truth overlooked in Extreme Number Two is this:   In the reality we are presently in, there are teachers and there are students. Even though there is an equality on the soul level we are very diverse on the physical, emotional and mental levels.

To understand this we must first define what a student and teacher is. The student and teacher are a symbol of the two basic energies of the universe which are represented as positive-negative; yin-yang; male-female; light-dark; hot-cold, and finally giving-receiving. These two energies or items are called the dualities. Wherever there is form there exists positive-negative, giving and receiving.

Thus, in any relationship of two people one will be polarized as the teacher (giver) and the other as the student (the receiver).


In most relationships you are sometimes the teacher or giver, and other times the student and receiver. It seems egotistical to think of yourself as always the teacher.


All of us have within us the giving and receiving (positive-negative) principles, but we are talking about polarization here. If you are polarized as a male, this means you have more male energies within you than female. It does not mean that you do not have female energies available.

In a relationship, you both give and receive, but the giving and receiving is NEVER equal in this world. If you are giving more than receiving, then by default you become the teacher in the relationship. Because this statement is true and truth must be recognized to escape from this veil of illusion, then this student-teacher relationship must be recognized before true equality can even be dreamed of.

Let us take the relationship I have with Rick. Overall I am polarized as his teacher, but the true teacher will always be open to receiving from the student when the opportunity permits. Rick gave me that opportunity by presenting the idea of a mailing list. Now if I saw that this was a bad idea I would have remained in the teaching position and taught him why it was a bad idea, but because I could find no reason to object I became obligated to become the student for a time and let him carry the ball and let him teach me. As long as the direction he was going registers well with my soul I am obligated as a disciple of truth to follow.

The highest of the Masters who have overcome physical death would see themselves polarized as a teacher in a relationship with any of us, yet they still recognize that we can do certain things better than they can. For example, most of us in the human kingdom understand that we are of much higher intelligence overall than any animal. No animal, for instance, would have any concept about building an automobile or spacecraft as man has done. But on the other hand, a human can never build a beaver damn as well as a beaver. Beavers already have the knowledge to build them better and faster than we can.

The relationship of the God Kingdom to man corresponds to the human kingdom and the animal. The attention of the Masters is set on many lofty ideas that man does not even comprehend, yet there are many things in the human world that man is more capable of performing well than is the Highest of Masters.

This is the main reason we do not see more of them, as the more directly they become involved by doing for us what we can do for ourselves, the more things get screwed up.

The powers that be learned this painful lesson during Atlantis. During part of this period the Masters associated much more freely with humans and gave them much knowledge that they were not yet ready to handle. The result was that the entire civilization was destroyed and we had to start again from scratch.

The Masters learned their lesson and this time have committed themselves to only helping us when we cannot help ourselves. They do assist behind the scenes but only work through our personal desires and free will.

The goal at present is to move certain groups in the human kingdom towards alignment with the kingdom of God so heaven and earth can be brought together. This will result in a truly beneficial interplay between the two kingdoms that will assist rather than destroy humanity.

Now getting back to the Teacher-Student principle, I will say this. It is extremely important that this concept be recognized because without it we will be polarized on one of the above extremes; the only way we will advance toward the soul in that case is through tremendous pain. Discovering where your right place is in a relationship creates a detour around the pain and toward the greater light.

In the true student-teacher relationship authority is only recognized because it is earned.

Let’s say you want to learn Spanish and two teachers surface who say they can teach you. They both seem equally convincing, but the truth is that one of them knows the language well and the other one does not. If you accept either as an authority just because he or someone else tells you to, then you have a 50-50 chance of getting a bad teacher. What do you do? You test the teacher. Have him actually speak some Spanish. Give him several paragraphs from English and see if he can translate and then check out the translation for correctness. Finally, you will establish in your mind that one of them can truly teach you.

Once you have tested your teacher then you do not have to check up on him in every little detail; but when you have learned the basics and want to go to advanced Spanish, you do need to check again to see if he has anything more to teach you or if you need to move on to another teacher.

This point is dangerous ground for the student, for sometimes his false ego will convince him that he knows Spanish as well or better than the teacher when in reality he may not. In this case the student often goes off to teach before he has learned all the lessons.

To be a good student takes as much wisdom as it does to be a good teacher.

If a man or woman comes forth and presents or is presented as a spiritual teacher, you must not accept him or her (we’ll say “him” for simplicity) just because a claim is made. You must test him.

How do you test him? Listen to his words and test them with your soul. If your soul says no then drop him immediately. If your soul says nothing then test some more until you receive an inner response. When you finally do receive an inner response does this mean you should now accept the teacher?

Maybe yes, maybe no — because there is a true soul contact and a false one. There are many people who are sincere seekers who have never in their life received a true soul contact and therefore mistake a high emotional feeling for soul. This can be very deceptive and can produce the type of person who may have from a harmless delusion to one who will destroy others for his master. If you are not sure you have ever received soul contact it means you have not, because when you do, you recognize it and know what has happened. It is like coming home.

On the other hand, not all who are sure they have received soul contact have received it. Some feel a high emotional energy and are sure they have touched the aura of God Himself, yet are completely deceived.

Only those who have received true soul contact can know a thing for sure and can recognize a true teacher from a false one. The only way to know if another has achieved soul contact is to achieve it yourself. One person who has received this contact can recognize another who has received it.


If only a small number have soul contact and you’re not positive if you have, are you doomed to be deceived?


No you are not. Soul contact is available to all who with pure intent seek after it. You do not even have to be highly evolved to feel it. But if you are not sure if you have received it, yet then here are some guidelines to keep you on the right course.

  1. Keep your intentions pure and seek the service of the whole above the service to the ego.
  1. Seek with sincerity to know more and to go higher.
  1. Let common sense rule above lower emotional feeling. If your teacher says that Aliens are coming to pick you up on a certain date and then they don’t arrive, that ought to tell you something. No matter what excuses he makes he was wrong and now all his teachings should be suspect. Maybe you should be teaching him.
  1. When any degree of soul contact is reached and you receive direction from the soul, keep following that instruction until more is given. If you do not, you may be cut off for a long period and wind up in an illusionary path. Always follow the highest you can perceive.
  1. Remember the words of the Master: “Straight is the gate and narrow is the way that leads to life and few there be who enter, but wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to death and many there be who go therein.” The teachers of the wide gate are legion and are easy to find. The teachers who lead to the life of the soul are few, but fortunately can be verified by the soul. As one who claims to present true spiritual principles, I invite you to check with your souls about me, for the only authority I will ever use will be the same authority that I am subject to. If the One Holy Spirit of Truth speaks through me and you together, we will be as one mind.

“Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity.”
— Horace Mann (1796 – 1859)


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The Oneness Principle

This entry is part 06 of 98 in the series Principles

Principle Six

The Oneness Principle

In a nutshell the Oneness Principle corresponds to a spiritual Internet that allows those who properly tune in to receive understanding on any true principle. This principle, when applied, can instantly transform two who disagree into a unity of thought.

Here are some of my previous writings on this principle.

Now when two people are in the Oneness Principle they can speak from different backgrounds with a different way of looking at definitions yet sense the meaning the other is trying to convey. Reading Xavier for us English speaking people is a great example of this. Even though he sometimes struggles to convey his thought because his native tongue is French, most of us get a good sense of where he is heading even when he is using a weird selection of words.

On the other hand, when people are centered in the personality and ego and any disagreement arises this “feel” for what the person means goes out the window. For this cause it is good to have a uniform definition of terms.

Scientists use very exact definitions which allow them to communicate professionally with minimal distortion. Now we who are becoming spiritual scientists need to follow this same principle. Concerning myself I know that all members on the list cannot absorb by supernatural means what my true meaning is if my terms are fuzzy, so as a teacher I have some responsibility to make myself clear.

Seek first the Kingdom of God and come into the Oneness Principle where you will only be concerned about what the Spirit tells you to be concerned with. Now with me as an individual the Spirit did not tell me to be concerned over Y2K. It does tell me to be concerned over the threat of the extinction and of civilization and to do all in my power to prevent it.

Many fundamentalists have the idea that Jesus is going to show up and exterminate the wicked and somehow force everyone to live in peace. The scriptures are true, but the second coming will not take place as they expect. The picture of bringing peace by killing everyone who doesn’t accept you is of the adversary indeed.

We must take individual responsibility for our destiny as beings in the image of God, but my whole point was to seek within for guidance through the Spirit so each of us will know our own part. Then if we play that part successfully we will be told what to do for the highest good of the whole, and if we follow it there will be no need to worry, even if the worst should happen on a personal level.

There has been only a handful of teachers working through the Oneness Principle. I do not intend to sort them out for list members. That is to be between you and your own souls. But I will say this. That those who have arrived at the Oneness Principle will have an amazingly similar appreciation for the same groups of writings. Those outside of the Oneness Principle will either like every teacher that comes along or cling to one or two as the greatest and reject the rest.

Soul contact is the door that brings us to the Oneness Principle that I have often mentioned. When the door is open and the seeker enters in he becomes one in the body of the soul and two or more who dwell beyond this door together will see the same vision.

Now that this first great hurdle has been crossed a second major obstacle is now in the way. It is fine to enter into the world of soul and then return and be “in the world,” but when the consciousness settles down in this reality we tend to get spiritual amnesia and lose sight of the soul. Losing sight of the soul is especially easy to do in relationships. As far as the isolated individual goes there is not as much to get in the way of soul contact as there is with another human being. Why? Because most of us see ourselves as good decent humans trying to do our best. But those with whom we are in relationship with are another matter. They often seem dead wrong, cold hearted, distant, stubborn, mean spirited, and just plain nasty at times. When these negative aspects that are not part of the kingdom of the soul are focused on then the soul goes out of focus and the two remain two.

The principle of Oneness is this: 1+1=1. You being one communicate through the soul with another who is one and join through the soul into a unified life where you discover that the two of you are a part of one soul with one vision. Thus 1+1=1. This mathematical formula will be rejected by mind without soul, but makes perfect sense to the soul infused personality.

When you draw within to pray, meditate or seek for answers where is up or down, right or left? Technically they do not exist for the Spirit of God dwells in the very center of your being. When that center is found you seem to be lifted up in awareness and thus God is refereed to as “up there,” but it would be more accurate to describe him as “in there.” If the kingdom of God is within then it only stands to reason that God dwells in his kingdom does it not?


What are the barriers that prevent two people from entering soul contact together and experiencing the Oneness Principle? How do we overcome these barriers? We talked a little about this as it applies to a romantic relationship, but the same principles apply to all relationships.

If you have a friend or co-worker and all your attention is focused on what is wrong with him this takes your attention away from the face of Christ that is within him. Again, by an act of will we must direct our attention away from his faults and toward the soul. When this is done the seeker can then sense and realize the oneness of all mankind and that his brother on a higher level is one with him.


Can we have an awareness of the imperfections of another yet still see the perfection within? How is this possible?

The scriptures say:

“They shall see eye to eye when the Lord shall bring again Zion.” How can a group see eye to eye without the imposition of strong authority? We see how difficult it is with us don’t we? Is it possible for 200 or more to see eye to eye? Seeing eye to eye through the Holy Spirit uses all the heart and the mind so if anything being one in Christ is mind-full and heart-full.

If seeing eye to eye is “agreeing to disagree” then there should be plenty of people in the oneness principle right now. Oneness awaits a people who can see eye to eye in the building of God.

In our lower natures we have many disagreements and when we reach a dead end we may agree to disagree. Many people without soul contact do this daily. But as we approach building the kingdom of God, points will be reached where agreeing to disagree will not work but will cause progress to come to a screeching halt. When this happens the Oneness Principle must come into play and the two must contact the Spirit through the Soul together. Then the Spirit which is One reveals the same thing to both of then at the same instant and then two or more entities become as one mind joined in the one mind of God. The instant the revelation is received they no longer agree to disagree, but agree to agree and providing both abide by what they have received and do not deny the revelation of the Spirit. They will then move ahead seeing “eye to eye.” Notice that it does not say eyes to eyes? This is because of the emphasis put on the unity that is attainable through the window of the soul.

Soul contact is just the beginning of an endless journey. Just because we participate to a degree in the oneness principle does not mean that we have achieved all there is to achieve. When we become members of the Kingdom of God all knowledge is available to us if we earnestly put our attention on it, but which knowledge to bring into our sphere and what to do with it is an eternal process.

Consequently if there be two people upon the Path one will be in a different location than the other. If we are left to our own devices we will stumble on the path or wander off in strange directions in the dark. Sacred writings are given to us to help, but we often misinterpret them. The greatest aid to us is someone who has already taken the step we desire to take. This person knows all the pitfalls and most importantly he can testify that the step is really there to be taken.

By understanding a principle you can understand all the details related to the principle once the principle is clear in your mind. So by the power of this spiritual Internet we can tune in, by the oneness principle, to any of the lives here upon the earth, the principles that are going through those minds.

How do we tune in to it? One of the ways is through seed thoughts. You put a thought in your mind and you contemplate it. Contemplation is the highest form of meditation. When most people think of meditation they think of making their mind blank. This is a negative form of meditation and it has its place. It’s good to relax you but it’s not really a good way to discover knowledge. The way to discover knowledge and develop ability to commune through the oneness principle is through the meditative state called contemplation.

One of the ways to contemplate is by putting an idea or a thought in your mind and expanding on that thought.

And this should be our goal as individuals; is to develop this sensitivity and perhaps the greatest key to developing it is to follow the highest that we know. And when we follow the highest that we know we will receive more. If we don’t follow the highest that we know; if we disregard the last impression that we have; we have to go back and relearn that impression and follow it before we receive more. So, it is important that when we receive an impression that we follow and then if we fulfill it then we will receive more.

“Most men are within a finger’s breadth of being mad.”

— Diogenes, “The Cynic” (412 BC-323 BC)

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The Principle of Analogy or The Law of Correspondences.

This entry is part 05 of 98 in the series Principles

Principle Five:

The Principle of Analogy or The Law of Correspondences.

There is a method of discovery which can take us quantum leaps ahead of known observation.

This is sometimes called the “Law of Correspondences,” or the “Law of Analogy,” and works by taking that which we can observe as a known quantity and correlating it to a higher or lower creation with the idea of that which is lower will have similarities with that which is higher.

This can also be used to examine cycles such as historical ones. For example, one cycle of history will correspond to another. Correspondences will rarely be exact, but will be close enough to give us clues in the search for truth.

Here is a tributary law in connection with this key.

“Any principle which is true or leads to truth will have enough correspondences to known truth that a resonation will occur with the inner self when such correspondences are contemplated.”

As one proceeds from the lower to the higher, or the higher to the lower, there will be similarities between the various levels. Of particular note are levels that correspond to a higher or lower octave. By projecting possible correspondences in connection with reason and intuition one can discern probable realities in the unseen areas either in the higher or lower levels. Because of the Snowflake Principle no two levels are exactly the same, but similarities will always give clues to higher knowledge.

This Law of Correspondences led early scientists who had observed planets circling around the Sun to conclude that there were such things as atoms which had planet-like electrons circling around a center nucleus of much higher density.

Now that we have much exact data on the atomic world we know that there are certain things the early scientist concluded that was correct, but that the correspondence was not exact. An atom has similarities to a solar system, but with subtle differences.

From this and other studies of the Law of Correspondences we learn that there are always many similarities between the higher and lower worlds, but there are differences also. The use of correspondence is useful because it can point us in the general direction of the truth. Then it is our job to use our minds and instinct to put together the pieces of the whole.

There are three basic kingdoms where we can relate the law. First is the Macrocosm which is the larger universe of star systems and galaxies we see around is. The second is the Microcosm which is the atomic and molecular world. The third and often overlooked kingdom is the regular sized world, which we see around us and all the life forms that exist on this planet. We can just call this the World.

By observing facts in the known three kingdoms and correlating them to the unknown we can discover hints of truth. Let’s try this concept on the universe itself.

The whole of the macrocosm is the universe itself. What in our world corresponds to the universe? The closest known correspondence is the individual human being. Some religions take this a step further and teach that the physical body of God is the universe itself. Most religions teach that God is omnipresent throughout the entire universe just as our life force is omnipresent in our body.

Another evidence of the correlation between humans and the universe is that we both began with a big bang. At the conception of a human being there is a tremendous explosion of growth similar to an atomic bomb. The embryo starts with one fertilized cell called a zygote. This cell is divided in two. Then there is a division into four, eight, sixteen etc. just as what happens with the splitting of the atom.

Scientists tell us that there was a similar type of geometric progression in the beginning of the big bang and this is often related to a great atomic explosion.

The human being existed as a single cell and grows to twenty trillion (20,000,000,000,000) cells. The Big Bang began with a single point of matter and exploded into perhaps a similar number of galaxies. We haven’t finished counting them yet.

In the past many scientists thought that the universe would eventually by the force of gravity pull all the elements back into its center and then explode again. The Hubble telescope has given us great evidence that this will not happen. This agrees with our correspondence. When a human gets old and dies his cells do not collapse back into a single cell to then divide again.

What does happen? The human body expands for many years and then reaches a point of stabilization in growth for the better part of life. Then at death the force that holds the body together dissipates and the body disintegrates. After this point there are three trains of thought:

  1. That is the end of us as a human and life form.
  2. We are born again into some type of spiritual life with God in the next world.
  3. We are reincarnated into another physical body in this world and experience another big bang at a future conception.

Thus if we want to know the end (or new beginning) of the universe we must pick one of the above three possibilities as a correspondence.

Thus the future of the universe will be:

  • A long period of growth and expansion then a long period of stabilization followed by death, disintegration and an eternal void.
  • Same as #1 above, but after death and disintegration the universe is recreated in a spiritual dimension.
  • Same as #1 above, but the matter goes back into energy and is recreated as another big bang – the decay and rebirth of matter.

Astronomers tell us that the universe is still expanding, but may be nearing the end of this growth. If this is true then the universe corresponds in age to about a 16 to 18 year old child. If we follow the correspondence out then the universe has about sixty billion years to go before it disintegrates. This is a far cry from the ten billion years that many scientists have predicted, but I would be willing to bet that the life the universe has left will be much closer to sixty billion than ten.

If assumption #2 or #3 above is true, perhaps we’ll be around to find out.

“In America, through pressure of conformity, there is freedom of choice, but nothing to choose from.”

 — Peter Ustinov (1921 – 2004)

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The Principle of Freedom

This entry is part 04 of 98 in the series Principles

Principle Four:  The Principle of Freedom

The principle of freedom is a mystery just as most principles are. Why? Because it takes a certain degree of consciousness to apply the second key of judgment to understand and apply it.

When freedom is discussed among all people of divergent views it is interesting to note that all of them see themselves as struggling for freedom, even those who are enslaving others. Hitler often spoke of freedom. The Taliban speaks of their own freedoms. The Old South maintained they needed slaves to insure their own freedom. Abraham Lincoln noted this and observed that some people have a pretty strange idea of what freedom is.

Some think that freedom can only exist in a state of anarchy, but this is illusion for it takes a number of laws to insure the maximum freedom of the whole.

Others think we need laws to cover every detail of living to insure freedom, but too many laws and rules hinder freedom.

There are those who think life is not fair so they make restrictive laws to make everyone equal thinking greater freedom will result. This usually results in less fairness and diminished freedom for the whole.

The problem with freedom is that people view it from their own restricted vision. Instead of looking at it from its effect on the whole they look at it from the view of their own little isolated world. It may be true that a man could have had a slave and the slave helped him have a temporary increase in his own physical freedom, but the whole was less free.

The problem with freedom is we are looking for the manifestation of maximum freedom for the whole and to obtain this there has to be some restrictions on the individual. For instance, the individual burglar must not be given the freedom to break into homes. On the other hand, too many restrictions will suffocate freedom. Only those who see the fine point of balance in the middle and how the whole is affected will understand.

What is true freedom then? Again, it is the removal of restrictions either imaginary or real, so the power of decision has complete freedom within the sphere of its plan. Thus the true principle of freedom lies in the idea that the soul energy to accomplish is released so its life can flow through the ideas and thoughts of the pilgrim until all desires are fulfilled.

No matter what your belief system there will come trials in harmonizing the Principle of Freedom with personal feelings.

He who believes in the Principle of Freedom yet is against abortion must allow the woman her freedom of choice whether that choice be right or wrong.

He who believes in the Principle of Freedom yet is against gays living together must allow them that freedom of choice whether that choice be right or wrong.

He who believes in the Principle of Freedom yet is against illegal drugs must allow the user his freedom of choice whether that choice be right or wrong.

He who believes in the Principle of Freedom yet is against Neo-Nazis promoting their doctrines must allow them that freedom of choice whether that choice be right or wrong.

He who believes in the Principle of Freedom yet is against cutting down trees must allow others the freedom of choice within their own sphere whether that choice be right or wrong — as long as no great harm is done to the earth.

He who believes in the Principle of Freedom yet is against rules being laid down in a school, group or business must allow others freedom of choice within their own sphere of activity whether that choice be right or wrong — for the seeker retains the choice to work for another company, join another group or take another class.

Each potential disciple will have some final temptation to support the unreasonable restriction of others in the name of promoting his personal desire to see that which is good triumph. The deception is that true good can only magnify in an atmosphere of maximum possible freedom.

So the principle that the gathered lights will always apply is maximum freedom for the whole. The only time any freedom is taken away from the individual is when it increases the freedom for the whole. Like I say, we take away the burglar’s freedom because the burglar takes away the freedom of the whole so by taking away the burglar’s freedom we increase the freedom for the whole. The principle involved with freedom is the wholeness aspect; maximum freedom for the whole. The seat belt law is a simple little thing but it’s totally unnecessary to have a $200 fine for a seat belt infraction. It may force us to buckle up but on the other hand it creates big brother telling us what to do with outward authority over our lives.

What we need to develop is power to have our on personal freedom and do what is right because we decide to do what is right. We do right because we see what is right; to help our fellow man because we want to help our fellow man. By doing these things we can enhance the flow of the energy of God because the energy of the Holy Spirit operates on total freedom.

Where freedom is taken away, the Holy Spirit does not flow. People have gone to very oppressed nations and visited them, particularly Russia when it was totalitarian and was in full power-it’s a lot better now than it was-but when people have gone and visited these oppressed nations, people look depressed, they don’t talk to each other, there is no flow of ideas. They’re afraid that somebody will report what they’ve said. They’re afraid all the time. There is a spirit of fear. They’re doing what’s right maybe, according to the state, but they have no freedom.

The greatest evil is always generated when people are forced to do what is right. The force to do what is right has so much power behind it because they say, “We need to create a law to make this happen.” People say, “That would be good. Let’s go ahead and do it.” They don’t even think about the principle of freedom involved. They never argue the principle of freedom. When our legislators are talking about passing laws, they never think they’re taking away freedom. The argument is always over making people do what’s right. If they would only argue over what the maximum freedom would be generated. How can we make the law so freedom will not be infringed, freedom of the whole will be amplified rather than held back. There are, like I said, a small handful of laws for robberies and rapes and murders and these types of laws, are good for people but there are so many laws that infringe freedom.

The principle of freedom applies to a lot of things, even teachers, such as myself. If a teacher such as myself didn’t believe in the principle of freedom then he would attempt to set himself up as an authority over a group to control them.

“The Americans have need of the telephone, but we do not. We have plenty of messenger boys.”

 — Sir William Preece, chief engineer of the British Post Office, 1876

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Male-Female Energies

This entry is part 03 of 98 in the series Principles

Principle Three:  Male-Female Energies

All creation is produced by wavelengths, and there are wavelengths within wavelengths within wavelengths. All dualities are created by reflections and distortions of positive and negative energies that form the one wavelength. Reflections of positive and negative are good and evil, pleasure and pain, joy and misery, hot and cold, light and dark, and most important for this treatise, male and female.

The dividing point of all these dualities is Purpose. As the energy of the wavelength swings from positive to negative, the unifying energy of Purpose is sensed, and thus the energy of duality is recharged and sent on its way to expand or contract the form.

It may seem strange to say that good and evil is a reflection or correspondence to positive and negative, but an important point to remember is that all dualities correspond to these two energies. Good is a distorted reflection of positive and evil is a distorted reflection and misuse of negative. Good and evil repeats itself in history like a great wavelength animated by Purpose; and that which is good in one era can be evil in the next.

Male and female bodies are only symbols of male and female energies. The male energy is a correspondence to positive energy, or the Father aspect. The female energy corresponds to negative — negative polarity — not negative bad — or the Mother aspect.

All things that are manifest are created by male and female energies and all these energies are united in form through the process of marriage, or union.

All things in the universe are either positively or negatively charged. That is, they are influenced more by either the positive and negative energy, or they are either male or female. This includes everything from a sub-atomic particle to an atom, a human being, a planet, or a galaxy. Everything is either male or female. There is nothing that is 100% neutral except for the energy of Purpose.

Even though it is true that all forms are polarized in either male or female energy, it is also a fact that each form is composed of wavelengths with much interplay between both energies. Within the makeup of a human male for instance, there will be many female energies at work, and so will the female deal with numerous male energies within her.

Marriage, too, is much more than the joining of two physical persons; marriage is a universal order — a bonding relationship. It unites the male and female energies into a united whole. All male and female energies seek this marriage.

It is interesting to study the marriage of atoms. In observing them, we must realize that every form, whether it be an atom or planet, possesses a consciousness and life peculiar to itself and is either positively or negatively charged. In other words, it is either male or female. The chemist calls the male atom a positive particle and the female atom a negative one. Within the atom we also have the positive or male nucleus, and the negative or female electron shells which are married to the nucleus to produce something greater than themselves — a whole atom. In the case of the marriage of the female electrons to the male protons in the nucleus, the ratio is always one to one. If there are seven protons, for example, as in the case of nitrogen, they are balanced off with the energies of seven orbiting female electrons. These sub-atomic particles, which are the building blocks of all form, never deviate from this one-to-one ratio.

As we study the atomic and molecular world, we do so with purpose, for we seek truth in the ancient truism “as above, so below; as below, so above.” In other words, by studying the atomic worlds (the microcosmic) and the higher worlds of planets, stars, etc. (the macrocosmic) and corresponding their relationships with humanity, we can ascertain correct principles whereby stability may be produced. At present, social scientists tell us that three out four of our marriages are unhappy, or unstable. If we can find the secret of how tiny atoms achieve stability, we can then take those principles and apply them to humanity.

In addition to the electrons and protons, the atoms are also made of a third major particle called the neutron. This particle is relatively neutral and there are usually one or more neutrons for each proton in the atom. There seems to be no set rule governing the number of neutrons in each atom. Most of the lower elements have an approximate ratio of one neutron for each proton, but some of the heavier elements have a ratio of approximately 1.5 neutrons for each proton. In each atom there are always a certain number of neutrons that produces the most stable atom. In carbon, for instance, there are usually six protons, six electrons, and six neutrons. This is commonly called carbon 12. This is the most stable carbon atom. In nature there are also trace amounts of carbon with seven and eight neutrons. Carbon, with eight neutrons, is called carbon 14 and is unstable and is radioactive, and tends to break down to a more stable element.

To create balance, the proton (male energy) then has a marriage relationship with two particles: the female electron and the neutral neutron.

The neutrons have a balance of positive and negative particles, making it neutral. However, this is only a relative neutrality, for even though all life forms are seeking balance, or neutrality, none of them are exactly neutral. Anything that has form is either male or female, but sometimes the energy difference is very slight. The neutrons are slightly female. This evidenced in nuclear physics by the fact that neutrons will tend to throw off an electron (female energy) before they will emit a positron (male energy).

It is interesting to note that other galaxies in the universe are thought to be composed of anti-matter where all male-female relationships are completely reversed. One half of all matter is likely to be composed of such, creating stability for all form in the universe.

An interesting principle to contemplate is that all male and female energies in the universe are seeking stability, or neutrality. In other words, they seek to return to the energy of Purpose. The prodigal son of form is seeking to return to his father. This stability, or return, is always reached through marriage. Thus, marriage is a universal principle used to unite all male and female energies.

We have been talking about atoms in the microcosm, but there are also greater atoms in the macrocosm. Our Earth, with one moon, is like a great hydrogen atom, but the next true atomic correspondence is the Sun, with the planets circling it. On an even greater scale, the galaxies, which are composed of billions of stars, correspond to electrons and positrons, and the universe we live in is like a giant proton.

The sexual center is the only center with only one polarity in a body. The male body has one polarity and the female the other. To the male his polarity feels positive and to the female her polarity feels positive even though they are opposite. When they unite sexually they can each sense a completeness that occurs when both polarities are sensed simultaneously. In this sense they are no longer two, but “one flesh.”

Both the male and female have both positive and negative polarities in the other centers and do not have such a driving need to unite with the opposite sex to complete themselves. Nevertheless, when the other centers of the male and female share a similar vibration there is a non possessive transfer of energy that creates high states of joy in both of them.

To create balance, we must understand the purpose of the two energies. The male, or the positive energy, is radiant, action, or sending energy. The female, or negative energy (not negative as in bad, but negative as in electricity) is magnetic, attractive, and receiving.

This is most easily demonstrated in the physical bodies of the two sexes. It helps here if we remember that all physical creations are symbolic of spiritual energies as well as their outward manifestation.

During sex, the male body is the sender of the seed or sperm. With each orgasm many sperm are sent. The male genitals are indisputably the sending unit. The female body, on the other hand, is the receiver of the sperm or seed and the female genitals definitely receive the male’s. Only one out of millions of sperm is finally accepted for impregnation, but, when it is, the growth of the baby or new creation is an automatic process. The materials for the growth of the body are drawn to the woman by the power of magnetism, which is an aspect of female energy.

By taking what we know to be true here, we can correspond it to other areas and discover much truth.

If the male is physically the sender and the female the receiver, then this will correspond to male and female energy on other levels. We can say then, that as energy units the male, or positive energy, is the sender, and the female, or negative energy, is the receiver.

There are only two observable energies in the Universe. They are called by many names, but each of them is either male or female. For instance, the two energies that sustain the Universe are radiance and magnetism. The Sun and the stars give off light, heat and radiation that give life to and sustain all things. This is an important function but no more important than magnetism that gives form to all things and holds all creation together. Magnetic energy, such as gravity, is invisible, but its effect is just as powerful as radiance, which is visible. There would be no form to give off radiation without magnetism to create the form.

Because the female energy, or magnetism, is invisible, its full importance has often been overlooked. One of the reasons the male energy has dominated in recent times is that it is a more visible energy. Even females are deceived into thinking that radiant energy is more desirable than magnetic because the use of this energy is easier to perceive.

The feminine energy is indeed a mystique, or mystery, because its effects can be seen, but the operation of the energy cannot.

Another aspect of male-female energy is involution and evolution. Involution is the force that pulls spirit into matter, or the world of experience. Evolution is the force that pushes matter back up to the realm of spirit after a round of experience is over. Involution is female energy and evolution is male. In the early days of man, when his prime goal was experience, the female energy dominated. Desire, emotion, and feeling are also female energies and always push us toward experience. The biblical Eve dominated Adam with her desire for the forbidden experience. The yielding of Adam to Eve was symbolic of the time of involution, or the dominance of female energy.

Mind is a male energy which, in the cycle of evolution, is meant to dominate the female emotions in us all, intelligently direct us to avoid painful experiences and lead us from matter to spirit.

In ancient times there was a shift in the polarization of humankind from involution to evolution. Men no longer worshipped the goddesses, but male gods. Because mind is beginning to dominate the world, and is leading us toward Spirit, the male energy is naturally dominant.

The heavy male dominance is being counterbalanced, however, by the opening of the next faculty in man, which is the intuition, which is also feminine. But even when the intuition rules over mind, the male energy will still be slightly dominant because we are on the path of evolution, which is male and the overall dominating energy during the return to our Source.

In all male-female relationships the male unit must be mostly radiant and sending, and the female must be polarized as magnetic and receiving, or the energy of the relationship will be out of balance. This is especially true in the human kingdom, for humanity seems to be the only kingdom in nature where it is even possible for the sexes to not play their appropriate roles. In the animal and plant kingdoms the male and female accept their appropriate roles without rebellion.

Both sexes are equal in value. One cannot exist without the other. Just like there is no such thing as one hand clapping, there is no creation with just one sex. They must work together.

Now we must approach the grand purpose of our cyclic movement in and out of the sexes.

We must remember that the female is magnetic and receiving. The male is radiant and sending. Even though we are all polarized in one or the other sex in their lifetime, depending on the body we find ourselves in there are various male and female cycles.

“Herein lies the tragedy of the age: not that men are poor … not that men are wicked … but that men know so little of men.”
— W.E.B. Du Bois

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Cause & Effect

This entry is part 02 of 98 in the series Principles

Principle Two:  Cause & Effect

Of all the principles that govern the universe this is the most basic of them all. This is the principle from which all others are derived. There is no effect or creation without a cause and no cause that does not produce effect.

Cause and effect is the foundation of duality, which is the cause of all manifestation.

Cause and effect brings intelligence into being. From eternity effects have been observed and then causes are repeated with an improved end in mind. This brings into being the principle of evolution and creation.

Below are several comments on cause and effect from my previous writings.

There is no First Cause because cause and effect has always been and always will be.

Even if a person is in a state of complete forgiveness, or complete peace of mind, he is still subject to the laws of karma or cause and effect.

For instance if you misstep and fall down some stairs this is a result of your not playing along wisely with cause and effect created by gravity. No matter how much forgiveness you have been given you still have to watch out for this law because cause and effect and forgiveness have little to do with each other.

In fact about a month ago as I was getting ready to go upstairs and go to bed I had all the lights off and got turned around and took a step on the stairs going down instead of the ones going up. I assure you that even though I am a fairly enlightened fellow with a forgiving heart that I found myself fully subject to this law and fell down a flight of stairs. I was lucky. I had sprains and bruises, but nothing was broken. Even now my right arm is returning to normal strength, but for a while I had difficulty in even writing my daily posts to you.

Karma is like this. If we set causes in motion the effects come back to us. If we have sent forth destructive causes in times past in a way this is like borrowing money from a bank. We have to pay it back and we wish we didn’t have to. The key of wisdom here is to not wait until the bank comes after us for payment, but to pay off the debt so interest will not accumulate. With negative karma the best way to do this is through service. The more you serve the more negative karma is paid off. Zia said something that was a help to Jill. This put some money in her account to offset negative karma. If you do something even more dramatic like enter a burning building and rescue a child then you make a giant deposit.

Now don’t forget that there is also positive karma. Good people, as we have on this list, will have a lot of this in the bank and if we listen to our souls we will know the appropriate time to cash in on it. I know a lot of you will just want to reinvest it so the good will continue to multiply and benefit the world.

Whereas the law of cause and effect is an eternal principle, forgiveness is not. Forgiveness is a temporary measure that manifests in the state of illusion. The illusion that makes forgiveness seem real is the idea that there is something to forgive. As a reflection of God you are invulnerable and as such there is nothing anyone can do to hurt you in the real sense. This is a realization that all the great ones have attained. Once this understanding is incorporated into our being then forgiveness no longer exists or is possible because there is never anything to forgive.

But even those who have attained this high realization still have to deal with the law of cause and effect because this law is no illusion as it relates to creation.

Cause and effect (or karma) applies to the universe, galaxies, suns, planets, humans and even atoms… there is no escape as long as we are experiencing the life principle.

Some gurus argue with this by saying: “My consciousness is so high that I am one with a beingness that is beyond cause and effect.”

To this I answer: Look in the mirror. Do you see yourself? If you do then you have not left the world of cause and effect. Are you conscious of time and space? If so then you are subject to the law of cause and effect. Do you use money? Then you are in the world of cause and effect.

The trouble is that many read teachings about some ultimate reality that is beyond cause and effect and they immediately assume that this is the next step for them. Then after a short period of contemplation they assume they have taken that step and they then enter a world of illusion where they see themselves as untouchable by the normal laws of being. Entities who enter this illusion often receive a painful and alarming awakening by the law of cause and effect from which they see themselves immune. Sooner or later they are forced into the realization that they have not left the laws of the universe behind but must deal with what is.

Let us use a car as an example of this law. You get in your car and head out to the freeway and accelerate to seventy miles an hour and then put on the cruise control. You have now created cause that has the effect of making you cruise down the road at a certain speed.

Now that this cause and effect is a reality in this part of creation let us say that for some reason you want to change this situation and bring your car to a stop. If forgiveness has any effect on karma (or cause and effect) then all you would have to do is say to your car: “I forgive you for going seventy miles an hour and because I forgive you I expect you to stop!”

This seems like an obviously silly thing to do because there is nothing to forgive and even if there were it would not affect the speed of the car.

So it is with the burglar. Seen from the reality of cause and effect there is nothing to forgive and even if we think there is, nothing changes.

Let’s get back to the speeding car. Suppose you blurt out a mantra decreeing: “I see myself in the Eternal Now and decree that all is still!”

Does your car stop?



Because you created no cause.

So how do you stop the car?

There are several ways.

The worst method is to run head on to an opposing vehicle. This would stop you dead in your tracts in an undesirable manner.

You could run into a stationary object such as a building or a cow. This would also stop you, but is also undesirable.

You could take the cruise control and acceleration off and let natural resistances outside of yourself cause you to slow a stop.

But perhaps this method of stopping takes much longer than you desire. So what else can you do? Aha! You discover a device called a brake that works with cause and effect in the real world, and using such device you can bring yourself to a quick and secure stop. You have not negated the law, but worked with the law with intelligence so your desired end is achieved and under your control.

So the burglar who has created a thousand burglaries has many more effects with which to deal. It’s like a thousand causes for his car of life so it is going at the terrible speed of a thousand miles an hour. Now he wants to stop because he has discovered he is going the wrong direction. He needs to slow to zero, turn around and go the other direction. How does he do this?

  1. First he must realize that there are causes in motion that he must steer correctly. If he does not he is likely to have a collision and come to a disastrous stop which will take a long period of pain and healing from which to recover.
  1. He can turn off his cruise control and acceleration (stop committing burglaries) and let natural causes from the opposing direction bring him to zero. This is comparable to the burglar changing his behavior (he no longer is a thief).
  1. He decides to just “go with the flow” and applies no intelligence to apply the law of cause and effect in his favor. Thus what brings him to zero are a thousand negative resisting experiences happening to him. This stretches the pain out over a long period of time, but is still undesirable.
  1. The final and most desirable method of coming to a stop is to apply the brakes. Consider the miracle of the brake. A frail 100 pound weakling can apply a small pressure with his foot and bring a vehicle weighing tons to a complete stop in seconds, much faster than using the going with the flow idea. The brake applies the leverage principle wherein a pound a pressure can create a thousand pounds of resistance through intelligent application of law and materials.

So how does the burglar apply the leverage principle so he does not have to suffer the equivalent of a thousand thefts himself?

First he must come to the realization that he is going the wrong direction and take off the cruise control and acceleration (stop burglarizing homes). Then he must obtain a sense and awareness of his situation. He must become aware that he is going a thousand miles an hour and he must do something to slow to zero so he can turn and head in a positive direction. Once he obtains a sense of the energy (service) that is required to stop he then seeks power to manipulate this force.

There are a number of ways the wise burglar can neutralize this speeding energy; here is one.

The burglar changes his ways and seeks to live by the highest that he knows. As he does this he achieves a degree of inner contact and begins to get direction from within which tells him that he should strive to succeed and do good works to help his brothers and sisters. He follows this impulse and starts a business and becomes successful. After he achieves considerable wealth his inner self tells him he should be generous with his good fortune. He then sets up a scholarship program that helps a thousand kids go to college and improve their lives. This then becomes a lever that puts a brake on the great debt that he owes and brings him to a complete stop much much quicker than going with the flow will ever accomplish. In addition, he pays off his debt through joyous service rather than painful experiences.

This also illustrates the beauty of BECOMING. As we become that which we decide to become we discover more and more levers that give us accelerating power to make our decisions reality. We receive joy and peace as additional levers are registered by our consciousness and used with wisdom.


“Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge. It is those who know little, and not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science.”
— Charles Darwin

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Principles – The Foundation of Consciousness.

This entry is part 1 of 98 in the series Principles

Principle One:   What A Principle Is

A fact is merely a piece of information that anyone can incorporate into their brain memory. It can likewise be programmed into a computer. A principle is a different matter. A principle is the underlying truth that makes all facts valid. It requires judgment to use and cannot be programmed into a computer.

For instance, the Constitution of the United States is built around the principle of the Free Agency of man. Around this principle has sprung the Constitution and thousands of books containing millions of facts. In the days of the foundation of this country there was only a handful of enlightened people who were able to understand the principle of freedom. People of a lower order could not see it. There was no way that King George from England could teach or enlighten George Washington in any degree on this principle even though he probably had as many facts in his head on the subject as Washington did. On the other hand, Washington could have done much to enlighten the King if he was willing to listen.

It takes a thousand facts to paint a clear picture of one principle, but the understanding of one principle reveals thousands of facts. It takes a certain point in the evolution of the human being to comprehend the difference between a principle and a fact but when he does, and learns to go within and touch the soul, then all the understanding and vision of a principle is revealed in a flash. Sometimes a book can be written about a principle revealed in one instant.

What is the difference between a principle and a law?

A principle is that which demonstrates the intelligence of God and makes things in the universe work toward a dominating good.

A law is a description of the working of a principle, or principles. By law I am referring to universal laws and not man-made rules.

If the law is accurately described then the perfection of God is made manifest because such a description shows the consistency of the principle and allows us to predict the future actions of the mind of God in the universe.

For instance, all form is held in place through the principle of magnetism which is an aspect of the principle of Love.

All the laws we have concerning gravity are produced by observing and describing this principle in action.

Within our souls is the capability of recognizing whether or not a thing is true. When a principle is spoken, you’ll feel within yourself the vibration of certain chords that ring true.

A principle is true yesterday, today and forever, but knowledge (as data) changes by the hour (the temperature for example). The language of the Holy Spirit is composed of principles, not data. To know all things in the language of the spirit is to know all principles.

True principles are always in effect all around us. The universe is built upon true principles, held together by them and will be dissolved by them. True principles govern our lives, our deaths, our relationships, our sorrow and our joys.

The bird flies making use of true principles, yet does not understand the principle of flight or realizes it exists. So it is with us. We live in a sea of principles, which governs all things, yet until we touch the soul we do not even realize what a principle is.

Many of the best authors touch upon a principle. Some have a sense of that which they have discovered, while others do not discern them from facts. Sometimes you can find a principle in a book written by an author that does not know what a principle is.

A principle is not created. A principle is always present and always works without beginning or end.

Take the principle of cause and effect. Was there ever a time that it did not work? Cause and effect has always been here and always will.

Take another principle:

“If there is no beginning there will be no end.”

No one created this; it just exists past, present and future. Take a look at any true principle and you will see it had no creation, but just always is and always works and cannot be destroyed.

I think that truth, as a principle, is so abstract, that it needs its own “vehicle” in order to manifest. So, we have to speak of “knowledge of the truth” or “the light of truth.” When the light of truth is thrown on a conflict (illusion versus illusion), the illusion is swept away and the conflict vanishes.

A principle is an enunciation of what is. A principle isn’t made. A principle is eternal and it always is. Like Newton said, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. He discovered a principle. From that he was able to deduce a multitude of truths.


“The important work of moving the world forward does not wait to be done by perfect men.”

 — George Eliot (1819 – 1880)

Go to Principle Two

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