Molecular Question

April 9, 2016

Molecular Question

I would like to thank all those who have given likes and especially those who have shared the quotes I have been placing on Facebook. I want to continued to encourage group members who are my friends on Facebook to continue sharing the quotes. I have been placing a new one each day and the results are encouraging.

Dan Writes:

I work for a small 50+ employee health care organization (nursing home + assisted living + home health care) that provides care to 35 long term care residents, 9 assisted living suites and about 20 home health clients.

The present owner is rapidly becoming disenchanted with governmental regulation/medicare reimbursement and general employee disgruntlement to the point she is looking for a way out.

There MAY be an opportunity to buy/remake the business over on an employee-owned/cooperative/molecular business model (or ?). The building/grounds/equipment is owned by and leased from the County by the present Administrator/Owner.

Marci and I are both employed there, well-respected and may have a powerful enough voice to help effect a change of this nature, but I need more specific direction regarding how a more molecular business model might work in this situation.

Any input appreciated.


To create a full fledged Molecular business it would be desirable to create a totally new one so you don’t have to go through the process of converting existing employees, some of which may not be friendly to new ideas.

There are several molecular principles that a new owner can place into an existing business. An important one is the election principle. Most employees would like to have the power to elect their leaders rather than have them appointed – often on the good ole boy principle. The only one that would be likely to complain about this would be existing leaders. Normally the initiate is except from election because he goes through a natural election when the group joins with him. It is up to him as to whether he lets himself be challenged.

The other thing you can apply is some type of ownership opportunities for employees. This would require the company be a corporation and issue stock. More and more companies are becoming employee owned.

Here in Boise WINCO groceries started out in 1985 as a local employee owned group of stores that has blossomed to 105 stores with 15,000 employees. The employees purchased the basic business from an existing company and streamlined it. Maybe you could do something similar.

It is important to realize that the Molecular concept is not a democracy, though it uses ingredients from it. It incorporates the election principle causing leadership to arise from the bottom up. But when elected the leader has the decision-making powers. Because he can be challenged at any time he will seek to keep employees happy by responding to their needs and suggestions.

Copyright 2016 by J J Dewey

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