Gathering 2005 Sun Valley, Part 6

Gathering 2005 Sun Valley, Part 6
Visualization of the Path

Audience: “When you were talking about prophecy and the ability to prophesy, I’m not sure I have her name right but I think Sister Anne Catherine Emmerich, a nun in the 16th century who never left the convent she was in. The book, I think it’s called ‘The Chronicles of Christ,’ is a day by day, almost hour by hour account. She went though such an experience that she almost experienced his life so thoroughly. The only reason I’m saying this….”

JJ: Is that the source of Gibson’s Passion of Christ?

Audience: “I don’t know. I have the book but I didn’t bring it with me. It’s also co-written with a man who was a psychic, a physicist, an astrologer, a Dr and a whole host of things. He collaborated with her. What she says about Christ is similar to what you said the last time. She didn’t say the silver cord was broken when he died but she said he went on. When he resurrected and because he could no longer live in Jerusalem because of the situation, he left with Mary Magdalene who was his wife and also with his mother. They went to France. France has a tremendous history. They said he had 5-7 children with her but she was also able to pinpoint the hour, the minute and the day, and this book is very documented.”

JJ: It’s really hard to say for sure if her prophecies are true there because it’s a period of history that’s hard to define scientifically.

Audience: “They did find the house where Mary lived with Jesus and they found things in that house that she said would be there.”

JJ: Really!

Another interesting thing is that an early Catholic mystic predicted the next 112 Popes. In his predictions about 60-70% of them seem to be pretty close. The Pope we have now is the 111th from the beginning of the prophecy and people think the next pope may be the last pope. This pope is supposed to have something to do with an olive branch. The current Pope (2005), Benedict, is from the Order of Benedict’s which is associated with olive branches.

The next pope is supposed to be associated with the name Peter. I wonder if he picked the name Benedict for that reason. Even he isn’t a 100% infallible and they had to stretch it a bit to match some of the popes to his predictions it is a fairly impressive prophecy.

The best thing for making the future predictable  is to make a decision and if you are firm in fulfilling your commitment to your decision, you can predict something that will happen. These are the things that are really predictable. If either we, or the lives higher than us, have something planned out then that can be predicted. Certain scientific ideas can help us to predict things. We’ll talk more about this over the next couple of days.

We’re going to do a past life regression but I think before we do that we’re going to do an interesting little psychological meditation to prepare your mind for what’s next. You can keep your eyes open or close them. It really doesn’t matter for this.

Visualize yourself walking along a path. In the distance the path goes into the forest. Between where you are and the forest is a path. Here is what you want to ask about the path. Is the path worn or has it been traveled on by many? Does the path ascend or does the path go downhill or is it on level ground? Does the path go straight or does it curve to the right or left?

Visualize this path in your mind with all the ingredients of it. As you’re walking along the path, what kind of day is it? Is it cloudy? Is the sun shining? Is it raining? What kind of day is it? Take all these things into consideration and look ahead on the path as it goes into the forest. As you go into the forest what do you see? Does the forest completely shade the sun? Is it dark there or is there still light in the forest? Do you see much vegetation? Are there any animals in there?

Keep on walking along the path.

Now you come to a body of water. What’s this body of water look like? Is it a stream? Is it a pond? Is it an ocean? You look at the water. Is the water clear or is it murky, stagnant or alive? Are there any fish in it? Are any fish jumping? What kinds of life are in this body of water? You walk along the body of water and you turn to the left and pretty soon you come to a wall. You know the path continues on the other side of the wall. You want to get over the wall. Is the wall too high to climb over? Can you climb over it? If you can’t climb over it, do you look for another way around it?

Somehow you manage to navigate to the other side of the wall, either you climb over or find another way. Now that you’re on the other side of this wall you find a place where you’re going to be staying — an abode. It could be a cabin, a house, a mansion, a castle or whatever. Visualize this abode. You go into this dwelling place and there is a table there. Upon the table is something to drink from, a cup of some sort. Visualize in your mind this cup. Is it a big cup? A small cup? A big glass? A mug? What type of drinking utensil is this?

You go outside and on the front door is a key. What does this key look like? Is it a new key? An old key? A shiny key? A dusty key? A modern key? An ancient key? See all the variances of this key in your mind. Does everyone have all that? This is an easy one.

Everyone can visualize these types of things pretty well. Next, we’ll interpret the meaning of what you saw.

Aug 29, 2009

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3 thoughts on “Gathering 2005 Sun Valley, Part 6

  1. During one meditation I was flying through the universe, seeing stars , planets. At the very end of flying I saw just dark sky. You said something or asked me something. I was ready to stop the journey as you asked that question and in a split second I saw on the horizon new Light…I saw the universe expanding. I didn’t say anything at the time and have wanted to tell you and here it is 10 years later and the time seems right to me to tell you. I’ve wanted to tell you before and couldn’t. Today I came her to the website and did some reading and clicked on the sun valley Gathering and started thinking about what saw. So , now you know . The importance of this was no…???? Anyway I was strongly impressed to share this today . 🙏🙏🙏

    1. Some who have had near death experiences saw a dark void at the end of the universe, but felt the presence of God in it.

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