Gathering 2004, Part 25
Creating Wealth
JJ: “Prepare ye for the coming of the bridegroom, go ye out to meet Him for behold He shall stand upon the Mount of Olivet, upon the mighty ocean even the great deep upon the islands at sea and upon the land of Zion.” D&C 133:19-20 How will He stand upon the great deep? It says that when Christ comes again, He will stand upon the mighty ocean. Is He just going to be standing on the ocean for us to look at or what? As we talked about in the last session, we’re going to build cities on the ocean and He will come and stand upon the cities.
Audience: It seems like it’s describing all the different places that He could be and it’s basically saying everywhere.
JJ: Not everywhere. He’ll have to come where people are prepared to meet Him. Also this isn’t just one time, it’s different time frames. For instance, we aren’t going to build anything in Jackson County Missouri in the immediate future. There may not be anything ready for Him there when He comes, as a lot of the Mormons expect. One place where the pure in heart can be gathered together is upon the mighty ocean where they can create a system of their own making, free from all the governments of Earth.
There is a reason why three quarters of this Earth is water. Is that by accident? Is it in preparation for the last days when every ounce of land is claimed by someone and this is the only place left for the lights of the world to gather together and meet?
D&C 16, 116 “It shall be said in days to come that none shall be able to go upon the land of ZION UPON THE WATERS but he that is upright in heart.” There are two ways to read this. You think of going to the land of Zion on the Earth across the waters. That’s the usual interpretation but there’s another way to read this, going to the land upon the waters, meaning the land of Zion will be built upon the waters and the pure in heart will go to the land of Zion upon the waters. We shall build the land of Zion upon the waters where Christ shall come and place His feet even upon the great deep, the mighty ocean.
I wasn’t going to reveal this for some time but I feel like we’re a little behind schedule and people need to have a vision of things to come. This will not be immediate. We will gather first in cities and build businesses, create wealth and eventually gather our wealth about twenty years from now and begin the construction of the land of Zion upon the waters. “A highway shall be cast up in the midst of the great deep which shall be a place for the redeemed to pass over.” We will build the highway. The land of Zion upon the waters will be a highway upon the waters. Eventually it will connect the continents. Eventually there will be a highway built clear across the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. This will be the greatest construction project in the history of man. It may take a thousand years to complete. (Note from 2022: Enlightened people are presently laying plans to build cities upon the waters)
One of the purposes of the gathering is to gather the lights together so that they can create a system that has never been in existence before, better than any other system. When the operation of it has begun, the same thing will happen as when America was founded. People said, “We want to be more like America. Let’s make our constitution like theirs. We want more great freedoms like those people in America. They have all kinds of freedoms. We want freedom.” So the people of the various nations have demanded more freedom because of the gathering that took place in America. I’m not talking about the gathering of Mormons but the general gathering that created America, which was created with the gathering principle which is the principle behind all evolution.
The next gathering will be building a cooperative system which will incorporate the best of free enterprise, the best of capitalism but go beyond that and teach the principles of cooperation so that there will be no poor amongst the people, that are willing to work anyway, yet everybody will eventually be made rich. In America today only about 20% of the work force is working on creating wealth. The other 80% are moving the wealth around. They do nothing but move wealth, not create it.
Let’s say the average person works 40 hours a week and we decided to create a cooperative system where everyone shared in the manufacturing. This would mean everyone would need to work only 8 hours a week to create the wealth we now have. Imagine if we decided to double the wealth and work 16 hours a week. All the moving around of the wealth is done by volunteer work. The manufacturing is done by the citizens and we’d only need to work 8 hours a week to produce the wealth that we currently have. Of course, this presents an ideal to give us a rough target.
In foreign countries it could be as little as 5 hours a week because Americans are more productive than some foreign nations are. Imagine if we worked 30 hours a week and how much wealth we could have. We’d have so much wealth that it would be meaningless. There’d be so much wealth that you could pile up your wheelbarrow with stuff and take it home. If every citizen shared in the manufacturing working 16 hours a week could produce all the wealth that we wanted. Imagine if we doubled our wealth through cooperative living. It’s fascinating that only about 20% of the people are creating wealth and 80% are moving it around.
Let’s pick three people who have jobs. Ren, what do you do?
Ren: I drive the transit bus.
JJ: He’s not creating any wealth but he’s doing a necessary job in today’s society. There are necessary jobs then there is creating wealth. Who else has a job here? What do you do for a living?
Audience: I have a nursery and floral business.
JJ: A nursery creates a product and thus contributes to the wealth. If we concentrated on creating wealth and had volunteers who wanted to move it as a hobby then we could create a society with quite a bit of wealth. Larry, what percentage of people work in government, do you know? Is it 20-30%? That’s a terrific number. That doesn’t include public schools? Most of the people in government move wealth around. Managers move wealth around. A lot of people move wealth around.
The Salvation Army makes extremely efficient use of the money given to them by using volunteer workers. Their volunteers move it around without being paid. The Mormon Church does pretty good at this too. They move wealth around that’s given to them for the poor and different things. A lot of the churches are able to do this. Some are fairly effectively, others not. It’s possible to produce a system where the manufacturing can be done working much less time than we work now and producing more.
Audience: JJ: Are you talking about working for someone or being self employed?
JJ: You can be self employed and produce wealth or work for someone else and produce wealth.
Audience: inaudible questions
JJ: You can actually get by without a real estate agent. If you want a house and we have a cooperative system that says you can have a house, we have a volunteer who can show you a house if you want. It could happen very quickly.
Audience: I’m having some trouble with your definition of wealth in that I see only two basic areas for the production of wealth. One is through renewable resources and the other through fossil fuels.
JJ: Whenever you build a house you’re creating wealth. Whenever you manufacture a car you’re creating wealth. When you farm you have commodities that are wealth.
Audience: If I plant one seed I can grow enough for a loaf of bread. In other words I can produce enough food to feed 128 people in America. The definition of creating wealth is a little difficult to pinpoint for each person. It’s ambiguous.
JJ: Wealth is anything you buy in the store or anywhere else that’s worth money. You create these things. Another thing we can do is that we will also be having people create wealth for us because we will be innovative and have people who aren’t even part of our group do manufacturing for us also. The manufacturing we need that can’t be done anywhere else we can do ourselves. It wouldn’t take many hours to create everything that we need.
Audience: So what you’re saying about creating wealth is taking raw material sand putting them together to create something worth value to someone else then getting the money from them to buy more raw materials to create more amassing more. We’re actually becoming productive because we’re creating an item someone else considers valuable.
JJ: Right. When we are gathered we’ll also use common sense. We’ll concentrate on creating the wealth that is practical for us to create. If another nation can make widgets so cheaply that it would be spinning our wheels to make them ourselves so we’ll buy the widgets from them. Then we can eliminate making the widgets together and make something more ingenious than other people are doing. We’ll apply practical business concepts. The basic point I wanted to make is that theoretically it will not take that many hours to create the wealth that we’ll need for us.
Audience: I think one of the big reasons that’s being implied where we’ll have this extra time on our hands is that we’ll be working to create necessary goods rather than the excesses that we have. We won’t need a police force or lawyers.
JJ: Lawyers can be volunteers. We don’t need to pay a lawyer a million dollars to solve a case.
Audience: There is such a mountain of things we don’t need like advertising. There is so much that we now pay for that we really don’t need in a perfect society.
JJ: Anyone would be free to advertise but a lot of it won’t be needed. If everybody knows they can go get a house, who needs to advertise it?
Audience: The 3M principle is that you need to manufacture, mine or make new technology.
JJ: We’ll be concentrating a lot on new technology and also a lot on sales. We’ll be acquiring things from different nations and being international salesmen. We’ll train a sales force to do things that have never been done before. We’ll do it all from the ocean and all the profit we make will be tax free.
Audience: So people like doctors and teachers are volunteers?
JJ: Not doctors. We’ll still train them but many of the things doctors do can be done by volunteers. Many times you go to a doctor and he writes out a prescription. You could train someone in a month to write out that prescription and study the symptoms. There are certain specializations that will require a lot of training like now. There are a lot of things that doctors do that could be done by an intern. Same with attorneys.
Audience: If I understood you correctly we’d be doctored by volunteers.
JJ: We’re going to put a lot of concentration on prevention and natural healing so we won’t need nearly as many doctors as we do now.
Audience: Soil, cows, chickens, pigs?
JJ: We’ll have to farm and produce our own goods. If we use the minerals from the ocean as nutrients to farm with we’ll make tremendously nutritious food.
Audience: How can you have soil in the ocean?
JJ: We’ll bring it in rom the land and add nutrients from the minerals in the ocean. We’ll ship it in. We’ll also do a lot of hydroponics and buy soil.
Audience: One reason I think we’ll never create a society like that in the near future that will not require doctors, lawyers and police men is that it would be a lot more productive. . .
JJ: I never said we wouldn’t need doctors. We wouldn’t need as many.
Audience: Doctors today support all the people who make insurance claims and insurance companies. If the doctor took care of the patient while the nurse filled the prescription and another nurse took care of the minor things he’d be so much more productive.
JJ: I was reading about a doctor that got so fed up with all the paperwork that he switched to cash only. A lot of his patients were people who already had insurance that were willing to pay cash even though they had insurance just because they were getting much better care.
Audience: We’ll still need policemen even if we don’t think we will.
JJ: Yea, we’ll still need police, though not as many.
Audience: Even in a close to perfect society there are people who are ill with very complex psychological things but since often we don’t know the implications couldn’t someone arbitrate?
JJ: A lot of the things attorneys do can be done through arbitration but we’ll probably need professionals in a number of areas yet. Whatever the need is that’s what we’ll do. In other words, a lot of people make plans saying it’s going to be this way. I’m not saying that because you cannot perfectly plan any new enterprise. You need a basic idea. We want minimal doctors, minimal attorneys, minimal police force but how much we need will depend on circumstances. In the creation of anything there is trial and error.
When you see something isn’t working, you try something else until it does work. That’s why you have to do. When you have these organizations where you have some prophet saying it’s going to be this way and no other way it never works because it doesn’t allow for imperfections or correction. It doesn’t allow for dissolving an old system and creating a new.
That’s what made America so prosperous. Through trial and error they figured out what worked and what didn’t. There needs to be a certain amount of trial and error.
Audience: inaudible comment
JJ: Basically freedom was allowed to work and this always has to be the case.
No, nobody will be working for free. Everybody gets paid. I don’t have time to explain it all now. Eventually I may write a book on how I see it working. It’ll be in steps. The first step is the molecular business. I’ve already written that. That’s a bridge step because people need incentive and that still allows incentive. We can’t get into a truly cooperative society until people see how it works. It needs to be started with a lot of old-fashioned incentive to cause people to work.
Audience: I can see what you’re saying actually being manifested in the world right now. Computer software, for example. A lot of computer software is being made literally by volunteers and now big corporations like IBM use it and sell it. There is a lot of software out there now. In fact, most all the software on my website was created by volunteers so it cost me very little.
JJ: That’s what makes things work, when the guy at the bottom of the totem pole has power to add input. He’s often the one with the best idea. Any other questions on this before we switch topics? We’ll be talking more about it, maybe later on so formulate any questions you might have.
Music has charms to soothe the savage breast, to soften rocks, or bend a knotted oak. William Congreve (1670 – 1729)
Posted July 31, 2005
Copyright by J J Dewey
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