Zion, Part 2

This entry is part 42 of 49 in the series JJ Lectures

The desire for self-preservation is one thing that a lot of disciples don’t understand in others and this is the thing that frustrated the building of Zion in the early Mormon Church for they were a threat to the system. We have all heard the stories about the early Mormons and how they bragged to their neighbors that they were going to take over the world someday – that Zion was going to be built and there would be no room for outsiders. That was a big threat and it really alarmed non-Mormons. One thing the disciples of this age have to learn is to not present themselves as a threat to the system or a threat to anybody.

There is a principle which is called; “the principle of harmlessness” and this must be learned by the disciples of this age because the disciples of this time are different than any other age. This is the age where we finally reach a point where we have the intelligence and the spiritual evolution to cause the true creation of Zion. One of the reasons it will be created is because the laborers will understand the principles of creation. They will understand the principle of harmlessness and not present themselves as a threat to the people. That has always been the problem in the past.

Look at Jesus and the apostles back in His day. When the early Christian Church started they killed all the apostles then they found the Christians and threw them to the lions and did everything they could to destroy the entire Christian Church. Why? Because, Rome saw the Christians as a threat to their system, and other religions saw them as a threat as well. In order to create anything in this world you have to not be overly threatening to the powers that be. Now many people are very threatening. For example, let’s say a guy does not agree with the tax system the way it is. Suppose he’s going to create an anti-tax program and gather tax protesters. What happens? Automatically the government comes after him and tries to destroy him.

That is not the way to create change. Which is more powerful; a handful of tax protesters or the government? What is more powerful – a small movement or a big movement? Every time throughout our history the powers that be have always destroyed the saints, as it says in the scriptures, the antichrist “made war with the saints, and prevailed against them; until the Ancient of Days comes.” (Daniel 7:21-22) It is interesting that the saints will be overcome again and again and again. Other scriptures says they will be worn down. (Dan 7:25) If you ever tried to build up any work of light or anything that improves society, even if you are working for a government office and say you want to improve something in that office, you will be worn down with opposition.

If you are working for a big company and you want to improve it you will often be worn down and this is what the scripture says – that the powers that be will wear out the saints of God and this is what has happened time and time again. The last attempt to build Zion was in the days of Joseph Smith, and this wearing down happened all over again. They attempted to build Zion and the saints were worn out and everything changed and was altered so now nothing is as the way it was.

Most LDS do not realize this because they do not know their own history. People that are raised in the church today think that the way things are in the Church today is the way it was back in the 1840’s and it is not. It is totally different. For instance, in Boise a few years ago there was a group called the Godmakers and they introduced a film. It was a strong anti-Mormon film trying to illustrate how absurd it is that Joseph Smith said  that men can become as God. This Godmakers film centered on this idea, and they were advertising all over the place in the papers and in the media. So I called my nephew.

We did quite a few things together at that time and I told him the scriptures and the Doctrine and Covenants says that if anyone challenges us like this that we should confound our enemies and challenge them to meet us in public and private and if we are in the right it says the spirit of God will be with you to the confounding of your enemies. (D&C 71:7) I said the church is actually breaking this commandment. It says in the D&C to confound their enemies and what were they doing with their enemies? They were ignoring them. I said since the church was not obeying this commandment then we ought to obey it. I said lets run an ad in the paper and we will challenge these Godmakers to a debate.

Curtis thought that sounded like a good idea so we spent a good deal of money to put together a nice little ad and we ran it in the major paper in Boise. We challenged anyone who believed in the film The Godmakers to a debate on the principles that Joseph Smith taught about man becoming god and we would discuss it from the Biblical scriptures.

After we ran the ad we waited and we did not get one single call from any born again Christian that read this paper but we did get some calls – and you know who called us? The LDS church authorities. They were the only ones who called and do you think they wanted to give us a pat on the back for defending Joseph Smith? No, as a matter of fact they probably thought we were wayward members of the church that did not understand the church’s approach. The brethren from the church just wanted us to just lay low and let this thing pass. We told them that we were not members of the church and we are not under their authority and we were going ahead with this no matter what they said so they could just forget about instructing us what to do. Of course, he did not like that answer.

So anyway I told Curtis this was amazing that we did not receive one call from the anti Mormons who must be a bunch of cowards. I said lets run another ad twice as big. We worded it something like this, “Two weeks ago we ran an ad challenging the people who made the film The Godmakers or anyone that believes in the film to a debate on the principles that Joseph Smith taught about man becoming god and there has not been one person, not one member of any Christian congregation willing to defend his faith or his God. We virtually called them a bunch of cowards.


Well this time the phone did not remain silent. This time it rang constantly and everybody wanted to debate us. We got calls from 12 year old kids wanting to debate us, from old men, from housewives, from ministers…  We received responses from almost every state in the United States. We just ran the ad in Boise, so how did this happen? Because people clipped out that ad and they sent it to people they knew outside of Boise. We even got calls from famous authors wanting to debate us.

We thought boy this is pretty good and we had a good time answering all those phone calls. So I said to Curtis lets pick the two best ones to debate us. So we picked the two best responses. This was about 20 years ago that we did this. Anyway one was from a guy named Dick Hunt, and at the time he had sold millions of books so he was a well-established Christian author and at the time I think he had the number one selling Christian book in the country. He wrote us back and said he had “gotten several letters saying that you wanted to debate me about Joseph Smith out of the Bible. Is this is a Joke?” He did not think it was possible to defend Joseph Smith out of the Bible.

So he said if it is not a joke he would debate us so we contacted him and informed him it was not a joke and we were willing to debate him. The other guy was Wally Tope. He was a famous anti-Mormon guy and he was totally against the church and whenever a temple opened he would visit the area and pass out anti-Mormon literature. He traveled from temple to temple and he was perhaps the most famous and notorious anti-Mormon guy and was totally focused.

So we picked these two guys and the local Christians were very enthused about this because they thought we were going to be totally humiliated. The Christian community picked up the ball and they did all the advertising and rented a big ballroom at Boise State University and arranged for us to be on the radio. They encouraged their congregations to see this debate. You would think the Mormons would have been interested in this but the Mormon authorities from Salt Lake City issued a command to the local people and it circulated all throughout the local regions that no Mormon was supposed to attend this debate. They were just supposed to ignore us hoping we will go away.

So when the big day came we went into the big auditorium and the only Mormons that were there were Curtis’ Mom and Dad who reluctantly came to support their son. I think there were about 1300 people there and the place was full and there were only two Mormons in the whole audience to see a defense of Joseph Smith. This is kind of sad really.

What was funny about this event though was whenever Wally Tope and Dick Hunt got up and shouted that Jesus is Lord and God, Hallelujah – the audience would rise up and repeat this and scream with approval.  Then we would take our turn speaking and they would boo us. It was like Daniel in the lion’s den. I never felt so much negativity in my life. We were lucky to get out of there alive. Chuckling. My friend Wayne came and another friend of mine came that was not a Mormon. I think we had about six people supporting us, and the rest of the 1300 people thought we had been belched right out of hell.

So it was a pretty interesting debate but we held our own. I made the mistake of over preparing. I don’t usually prepare when I make a speech but I prepared for that one because I thought it was important. The first segment of the debate I felt like I was not impacting anyone and then the second segment I threw away my notes and just talked off the cuff and this worked out a lot better. But what was interesting was that we were the ones who used the scriptures and they hardly used any scriptures. They just rambled on about Jesus being lord and the audience cheered them along. They did not really have any good points in the debate but because they kept touching on what the audience believed in they had the audience on their side. If you listened to the audience you would really think that they won the debate and they were convinced they won because a good portion of their debate consisted of them shouting Christian catch phrases and the 1300 standard Christians in the audience cheering completely overwhelming our six supporters. The cacophony made it sound like they were winning but if you listened to the words then we won the debate of reason. It was an interesting experience.


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Zion, Part 1

This entry is part 41 of 49 in the series JJ Lectures


JJ Seminar West Jordan, Utah, 2006

Susan asked me to speak on manifesting Zion and since we are in strong Mormon territory this is probably an interesting subject here. As you know I have written on many things not related to Mormon Doctrine even though I do have a Mormon background myself. I was not really raised in a church and my parents were pretty much alcoholics. When I was young I used to have to take my little sister and go downtown and drag my parents out of the bars and try to get them to come home. They would often want us to stay so we would stay and I would drink beer with everybody else when I was a little kid – so I was not raised in a religious background.

My Mom thought she was marrying a religious guy because my grandmother was ultra, ultra religious and she was just so sweet that you could not say no to her and that is why my Dad went to church when he was young. So anyway, my Mom thought she was marrying a good member of the LDS church and then when they got settled into the marriage she said well Ted lets go to church and he replied, “I am never going to darken the door of the church with my presence again, I have been forced to go to church all my life and now I am done with it and that is it.”

This was a rude awakening for my Mom. My Dad had always drank a little on the side but started drinking more and my Mom felt like she would have to drink and party with him or else stay at home so she decided that she was going to go out with him. My Dad was a notorious drinker for most of his life. He used to do a lot of prospecting and mine consultation and he would take me on trips where he would look at mines and give advice. When I went on a trip with him when I was a kid he would go in some bar in a far away place and he would walk into that bar even in the middle of day and someone would say, “Oh Ted where have you been?” Everywhere he went people knew him and he was quite a character. He knew a boat-load of jokes and he would tell stories and everybody would gravitate towards him. He loved to buy drinks and whenever he got ahead financially he would throw parties and would spend all his money.

So this was the background I came from – so I didn’t grow up in a typical Mormon family by any means. My Dad took off to Nicaragua for a year or so leaving my mom, me and my sister to fend for ourselves with no support or communication from him. He went there to mine for gold and built a huge machine to dredge river bottoms for gold. He and my uncle got some investors to invest a large amount of cash to do this and they went broke. After this they got some more rich guys behind them and invested in the first bus line in Central America that went from one end to the other on a schedule. They had machine guns on the bus to keep people under control.

So he was down there having these adventures and he went broke and he came back home and showed up like nothing had happened. We had not seen him for over a year and we got word one time that he was dead and then we found out he was not dead. Later he shows up one day and I asked him what was the story about him being dead? He said, “Well I was down in Nicaragua and I came out of this bar and I was hit over the head and I woke up with nothing but my shorts on and they even stole my false teeth. I could handle everything being stolen but losing my false teeth was really a handicapped for me until I got back to America.”

So anyway he showed up like there was nothing wrong at our door and my Mom begrudgingly let him stay and he was making him some eggs and he was grumbling about something and my Mom told him,  “You know those are my eggs you are eating there.”  Now this really set him off and he took one of the eggs out of the carton and he threw it at her and that was the last straw and she threw him out.

When I was thirteen, after the divorce, we bought this little house in the big city of Letha, Idaho between Emmett and New Plymouth. I talk about Letha a lot because I made up about 2% of the population. The dad of my best friend, Wayne,  owned half the town and he was a poor man so that tells you a little bit about Letha. There was a church in the town that drew members from the surrounding area and we bought the house only about a block away from it.  I was under pressure from members to go to church and then one  Easter  I had felt guilty about not going so I thought I better attend since it was a special day.

On my way there I was thinking that I had to make a decision about this church thing. Now if I was a good guy and I do what I was supposed to do and go to church then I was to be rewarded with heavenly bliss for all eternity. I thought that is not really a bad deal because this life here on earth is like the snap of the finger and eternity is forever. So I reasoned to myself that I would have a great reward for eternity which may be worth enduring the boredom of the church.

I asked myself if I could handle the boredom because I found the church really, really boring but, on the other hand, if it was true than it would be worth be being bored to get that eternity of happiness. I will not tell the whole story because I told it at the last gathering but to make a long story short I determined that it would be worth it if I could handle the boredom and I decided that I would commit to going for six weeks and if I could handle the boredom for the six weeks then I would go for the rest of my life. If I could not handle it then I would just be like my Dad and party and have fun.

So I went for six weeks and I learned to handle the boredom and then I took it seriously and started reading the scriptures. When I read the scriptures it was really an awakening because I previously figured if the church people were boring then the scriptures were probably even more boring. But when I read the scriptures I found them quite fascinating and then when I read the history of the church I found that even more interesting and I thought wow these people here have some really good history and everybody was just preaching just the standard watered-down stuff.

So I was amazed at what the people in church seemed to be missing. Then after I started taking the church seriously everybody said that I needed to really study the scriptures and start taking them seriously and I said well then that is what I will do, I will read them and study them. When I did this I found all kinds of unusual things in the scriptures that were not taught in the church. But after I took the scriptures seriously I got thrown out for studying and believing them. I got in trouble because I read the scriptures and found things in there that was not taught in the church. I did not get thrown out of the church for plural marriage by the way. Almost everybody who got thrown out of the church in that day was for plural marriage or some transgression. What got me in trouble was I discovered that there is progression from one kingdom to another in the next world.

I wrote a little treatise on this and gave it to my nephew and I told him not to show this anybody or it would get him in trouble and he thought that was kind of silly. He said why would this get me in trouble? So he attends his local church and he shows it to everybody. Then the Bishop calls him and says we are removing you from of all your jobs and we are having a trial for you before the High Council in 3 days.

Well I went to his trial and defended him and that led to me getting investigated and thrown out. So basically what led to me getting thrown out of the church was writing a little seven page treatise showing that there was progression from one kingdom to another. It was really a minor thing to get thrown out for but it led them to questioning me and when they questioned me they found out I believed in all kinds of strange things. They felt that they could not handle having a guy with strange beliefs in the system. So this led to me getting thrown out of the church. What was interesting about getting excommunicated was that Curtis and I did not break any single rule. At that time I was paying my tithes and living the Word of Wisdom and doing everything I was supposed to do and not breaking one single rule and I still lost my membership. I got thrown out because of what I thought.

I did nothing wrong and obeyed all the rules and I had eight jobs in the church at the time of my trial. I did all that I was supposed to do but when they found out what I was thinking I got thrown out because I was not thinking correctly according to them. Now, was that right or wrong?

A lot of people would think such an action is hard to believe because the church is reluctant to excommunicate members for regular sin. You’d just about have to rape a bishop’s wife to get thrown out but if you think incorrectly,  you become dangerous. You become dangerous if you are thinking things that make sense that other people may believe.

If you rape the bishop’s wife then everybody realizes that it is wrong and they try and get you to repent but if you think something out of the mainstream that makes sense which may sway other people and may catch on, then they feel it is like a disease and they have to get rid of you because you could pollute the whole system. The Mormon Church is not the only one with this problem. Every system on the earth has this problem – every religion, every government, every organization, every position of power tries to protect itself from change, from things that will threaten and one can understand this to a degree. If you have a family and someone threatens your family then you will do everything you can to protect them, so when you look at it logically we cannot blame the church or the government or whoever they may be that is trying to protect themselves from change because  the first instinct as an individual or group is to protect ourselves.

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The Literal Gathering of Israel, Chapter Sixteen

This entry is part 16 of 16 in the series Literal Gathering

Chapter Sixteen

Gathering  Reflections 2012

As I stated earlier I wrote this treatise back in 1979 when I had quite a different mindset than I do today. I have been hesitant to publish it because it is not very representative of my writings today.  My later treatise, The Gathering of Lights comes much closer to reflecting my thinking of today.

Even so I decided to post it for several reasons:

(1) It represents my thinking during a turning point in my life.

(2) It is written in a language and with authoritative quotes that speaks to the LDS.

(3) It reveals a doctrine that is currently suppressed in the LDS church and may cause some to start thinking out of the box.

There are a number of ways that my thinking is different today than when I wrote this treatise:

(1) My manner of expression.  My style of writing was very religious in tone.  This was partly due to the fact that I was writing to the LDS who use this manner of expression.  Another part of the reason is that from 1958-1978 I was very immersed in the church and had spent a lot of time studying the scriptures and writings of the early LDS leaders.

(2) I no longer connected in any way with the LDS church and neither do its doctrines define my philosophy. There are many enlightened teachings throughout the planet and I seek to incorporate the best of them all as well as learning through inner communion.

(3) In 1979 I was very concerned about an approaching destruction.  There were two reasons for this.  The first was the many warnings in the scriptures as well as the early leaders of the church.  The second was that I received an internal warning that there was a danger of great destruction by the year 1985. Whether or not there was destruction would be determined by the choices humanity made.  This gave me a strong sense of urgency in putting together the treatise, sounding the warning voice and attempting to set up a place of refuge.  I did all in my power to sound the warning voice to the LDS for about two years with very little results.

Then, after Reagan was elected, shortly after the failed assassination attempt, I received another message telling me that circumstances had changed and the destruction was going to be avoided.  I wasn’t told the details but had the impression it had something to do with Reagan.  If Reagan hadn’t been elected or would have been killed by an assassin I believe our history would have taken a much different turn for the worse.

For 120 years every president elected in a year ending with zero was killed in office.  It seemed to be a curse of some kind.  The interesting thing is that Reagan, who was elected in 1980, came extremely close to getting killed.  If the trajectory of the bullet was just a couple millimeters different Reagan would not have lived.  As it is, few realize how close he did come.

I am wondering if the Hierarchy itself did not know for sure if Reagan would be killed.  If this was the case and Reagan was going to do something to prevent the destruction then this would explain the conditional warning I received.

When there is great eminent destruction the Hierarchy will normally prepare a refuge for the pure in heart to escape. I think it is probable that because no such refuge was going to be available in 1985 that they preserved Reagan’s life and used him to buy us some time.

As it is, I have not felt an urgency concerning future destruction since 1982.  Of course, over the years I have felt concern over economic swings, terrorist threats, war etc but nothing has occurred to trouble me in spirit the way I was for the two years after I received that message.

One thing that is the same between the me of 1979 and 2012 is an understanding of the gathering principle.  This principle of gathering can move human kind forward into spiritual progression.  When the most enlightened souls gather together they create a better society than the one left behind. For instance, the discovery of America caused the more intelligent and freedom loving people to gather here and once gathered they created a better government than had existed in recorded history.

The gathering of the early Mormons drew some very intelligent souls and had the makings of creating a better society. I believe the benefits were limited because of the early death of Joseph Smith.  Brigham started a much more authoritarian rule to the extent that anyone who openly challenged him was in danger for their lives. This limitation on the freedom of the human spirit probably doomed the LDS gathering more than any other thing.

There will be other gatherings in the future that will push mankind toward a higher spiritual level so long as the leaders encourage freedom rather than suffocate it. These gatherings will be fairly self-sufficient and thus provide a place of refuge from future calamities. Blessed are those pure in heart who live to see the hand of God separate the wheat from the tares.

Copyright 1979 by J J Dewey

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The Literal Gathering of Israel, Chapter Fifteen

This entry is part 15 of 16 in the series Literal Gathering

Chapter Fifteen

A Roar From Zion

After Zion is established in her strength we are told that “The Lord will roar from Zion, and utter his voice from Jerusalem; and the habitations of the shepherds shall mourn.” Amos 1:2

Which shepherds shall mourn? They will not only be the shepherds in the Mormon Church, but all other churches for they will see that the light of truth will cause their foundation of sand to crumble away. Also the shepherds in the governments of the world will mourn for their people will demand more freedoms like unto Zion and the leaders will no longer be able to leech off the people. All other shepherds shall also mourn: shepherds in education, finance, science, industry – even all departments of human life which have their growth restricted by Babylon.

The day will soon come when “the saints of the Most high shall take the kingdom, and possess the kingdom for ever, even for ever and ever… And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey Him.” Dan 7:18&27

Of Zion the Lord said: “Thou art my battle axe and weapons of war: for with thee will I break in pieces the nations, and with thee I will destroy kingdoms.” Jer 51:20 Then of Babylon he said: “Behold, I am against thee O destroying mountain, saith the Lord, which destroyest all the earth: and I will stretch out mine hand upon thee, and roll thee down from the rocks, and will make thee a burnt mountain.” Jer 51:25 In other words, the kingdom of God will destroy those that destroy the earth in order to prevent the end of all flesh as Jesus mentioned. But remember, it is the system that will be destroyed arid not necessarily all the members thereof.

“But fear not thou, O my servant Jacob, and be not dismayed, O Israel: for behold, I will save thee from afar off (America is far from the land of Israel), and thy seed from the land of their captivity; and Jacob shall return, and be in rest and at ease, and none shall make him afraid. (Such is not the case with the present inhabitants of Israel.) Fear thou not, O Jacob my servant, saith the Lord: for I am with thee; for I will make a FULL END OF ALL THE NATIONS WITHER I HAVE DRIVEN THEE: but I will not make a full end of thee, but correct thee in measure; yet will I not leave thee wholly unpunished.” Jer 46:27-28

During the building of Zion we are told that Babylon will fall and in this time John said: “The cities of the nations fell.” Rev 16:19 After the fall of these cities the Lord commands: “Enlarge the place of thy tent, and let them (The inhabitants of Zion) stretch forth the curtains of thine habitations; spare not, lengthen thy cords, and strengthen thy stakes; for thou shalt break forth on the right hand and on the left; and thy seed shall inherit the Gentiles, and MAKE THE DESOLATE CITIES TO BE INHABITED.” Isa 54:2-3

Isaiah also tells us that the righteous are not the only ones who gather together, but that the wicked will gather together for the purpose of destroying Zion: “Behold, they shall surely gather together, but not by me: whosoever shall gather together against thee shall fall for thy sake… No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord.” Isa 54: 15&17 “The Lord of Hosts will be gracious unto the remnant of Joseph.” Amos 5:15 “And kings shall be thy nursing fathers, and their queens thy nursing mothers: they shall bow down to thee with their face toward the earth, and lick the dust of thy feet; and thou shall know that I am the Lord: for they shall not be ashamed that wait for me.” Isa 49:23

Isaiah also tells us that the ruined cities will be rebuilt: “And they shall build the old wastes, they shall raise up the former desolations, AND THEY SHALL REPAIR THE WASTE the desolations of many generations. And stranger shall stand and feed your flocks, and the sons of the alien shall be your plowmen and your vinedressers. But ye shall be named the priests of’ the Lord: Men shall call you the ministers of our God: YE SHALL EAT THE RICHES OF THE GENTILES, and in their glory shall ye boast yourselves.” Isa 61:4-6

Ezekiel speaks in a similar vein: “And the cities shall be inhabited and the wastes shall be builded: And I will multiply upon you man and beast; and they shall increase arid bring fruit: and I will settle you after your old estates, and will do better unto you than at your beginnings… Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean: from all your filthiness arid from all your idols will I cleanse you. A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you a heart of flesh, And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments and do them. And ye shall dwell in the land I gave to your fathers… And they shall say, this land that was desolate is become like the Garden of Eden; and the waste and desolate and ruined cities are become fenced and are inhabited.” Eze 36:10-11,25-27, 36

It is interesting that after the destruction of the wicked Ezekiel says: “And they that dwell in tile cities of Israel shall go forth, and shall set on fire and burn the weapons, both the shields and the bucklers, the bows and the arrows, and the handstaves and the spears, and they shall burn them with fire (use them for fuel) SEVEN YEARS.” Eze 39:9

These scriptures all appear to refer to a time near the beginning of the millennium. We will cease here as far as the future goes for most of us are familiar with the prophesies of the thousand years of peace.


It is hoped this treatise gives the reader an idea of the importance of the gathering in the Lord’s eyes. It is hoped that he will grasp that Zion is more than just church members scattered throughout the world. After all John Taylor said: “I repeat, our mission is to preach the Gospel, and to gather the people who embrace it. And why’? That there might be a nucleus formed, a people gathered who would be under the inspiration of the Almighty, and who would be willing to listen to the voice of God, a people who would receive and obey his word when it was made known to them. AND THIS PEOPLE IN THEIR GATHERED CONDITION ARE CALLED ZION, or the pure in heart.” J.D. 23:262

Orson Pratt said that the gathering is so essential that it would be a sign of a false prophet if the principle were left out of his teachings: “Now supposing that Joseph Smith had all these proofs that I have named to testify concerning the divinity of this book, and had said nothing about the gathering, what then? Why you and I could go to our homes and say ‘Good bye Joseph Smith, we do not believe you to be a prophet.’ Why? Because the latter day dispensation was to be characterized by the gathering together of all things in one that are in Christ, and you have said nothing about it, and therefore we reject you.” J.D. 17:275

Using Orson Pratt’s logic then it looks as if we must reject the Mormon leaders today, but he not only includes the leaders with this principle, but angels: “Now if this angel who brought this gospel from the heavens, and commanded this church to be organized, HAD LEFT OUT THIS GATHERING TOGETHER IN ONE, we would have reason to suppose him TO BE AN IMPOSTER. why? Because the great essential feature of the latter day dispensation was a gathering together in one of all things in Christ.” J.D. 18:45

We have also indicated that the gathering, that is a literal gathering, will be essential to our physical survival. This is nowhere more vividly portrayed than by Joseph F. Smith “In the days of Noah, when he preached the gospel to the antediluvian world, he was given a special commandment, to build an ark, that in case the people would reject him and the message sent unto them, that himself and all who believed on him might be saved from the destruction that awaited them. In this dispensation there is a principle or COMMANDMENT PECULIAR TO IT. WHAT IS THAT? IT IS THE GATHERING THE PEOPLE UNTO ONE PLACE. The gathering of the people is as necessary to be observed by believers as faith, repentance, baptism, or any other ordinance. It is an essential part of the gospel of this dispensation, AS MUCH SO, AS THE NECESIITY OF BUILDING AN ARK BY NOAH, for his deliverance, was a part of the gospel of his dispensation. Then the world was destroyed by a flood, now it is to be destroyed by war, pestilence, famine, earthquakes, storms, and tempests and the sea rolling beyond its bounds, malicious vapors, vermin, disease, and by fire and lightenings of God’s wrath poured out for destruction upon Babylon. The cry of the angel unto the righteous, of this dispensation is, Come out of her my people, that ye partake not of her sins, and that ye receive riot of her plagues.” J.D. 19:192

This statement by Joseph F. Smith when he was a young man was made during his finest hour. If he had the stamina to follow through with this conviction in later life he would go down in the history books of the millennium as a great man, but unfortunately, later in life he seemed to lose his zeal for the gathering.

We were told that to fulfill the commandment to gather we are to build cities unto the lord. Sidney Rigden said that the gathering together “into cities appointed” was “the object for which the saints are gathered together.” Elders Journal I Pg 53

Yea, the time will again soon come when actual cities of light will be raised to the Most High and the pure in heart will gather there and a modern Noah’s ark will be established.

Many will ask where these cities are to be and when they will be built. When a significant number respond to the gathering message the places of gathering will be made known.

“And the spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.” Rev 22:17

The invitation is out for the pure in heart to gather and Joseph Smith’s words still apply to us today: “Some may have cried peace, but the saints and the world will have little peace from henceforth. Let this not hinder us from going to the stakes (Cities); for God has told us to flee, not dallying, or we shall be scattered, one here, and another there. There (in the cities) your children shall be blessed, and you in the midst of friends where you may be blessed.” TPJS Pg 160

Up to now the church has been blessed with a degree of the Lord’s Spirit even though it has been out of order, but now the invitation to the wedding feast is going out; those who reject it will be disturbed in spirit and there will be will be a noticeable change in the spirit of the members of the church in the next few years.

The time is verily approaching when the saints are to gather anew. Is it not obvious that the final days of this age are upon us and that great desolations await the wicked and the time of the next gathering is at hand? Come, then, out of Babylon, my friends that ye receive not of her plagues for great will be the physical and spiritual suffering of those who do not heed the commandment. Will you not drop to your knees my brethren after having read this with a prayerful heart and then ask God in the Name of Christ if this principle of gathering still applies to us today as outlined here? Do this really wanting to know and He will manifest the truth to you by the power of the Holy Ghost accompanied with the peace that passeth all understanding. Others have received this witness, and God is no respecter of persons. Will he not answer you? Verily, yes.

My desire is that all who wish to call themselves Latter-Day Saints will heed the words of Brigham Young who pleaded: “O ye saints in the United States, will you listen to the voice of the good Shepherd? WILL YOU GATHER? Will you be OBEDIENT to the heavenly commandments?” Mill Star 14:22


Copyright 1979 by J J Dewey

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The Literal Gathering of Israel, Chapter Fourteen

This entry is part 14 of 16 in the series Literal Gathering

Chapter Fourteen

Zion – The Salvation Of Israel

When we speak of the gathering of Israel we include not only those who are descendants of Jacob who will build Zion, but also of the Jews who are to return to Jerusalem, and of the Lamanite or Indian people who are called a “remnant” of the Jews. D&C 19:27 Finally, we also include the Lost Ten Tribes as well as all people who are pure in heart.

We find evidence in the scriptures that there will be several gatherings: “The Lord God which gathereth the outcasts of Israel saith, YET I WILL GATHER OTHERS to him BESIDES those that are Fathered unto him.” Isa 56:8

The Moffatt version renders this a bit clearer: “Here is what the Lord, the Eternal, says who gathers Israel’s outcasts in: I will yet gather others in, besides those I have gathered.” Isa 56:8

Here we have an indication that there will be more than one gathering but few realize that all the spiritual gatherings depend upon the building up of Zion which will come to pass according to David’s prayer: “O that the salvation of Israel were come out of Zion! When God bringeth back the captivity of his people (When God gathers his captive people), Jacob shall rejoice, and Israel shall be glad.” Psalms 53:6 There is one important word here that is mistranslated and that is the word “salvation” should be “salvations” or plural. Obviously it did not make any sense to the translators to render it plural, but is makes a lot of sense when we consider that there will be several major groups of Israelites who are saved or delivered and all of their salvation will “come out of Zion.”

Many look upon the present gathering of those who are called Jews with great awe and respect and may say that they are gathering without any help from Zion and that they are fulfilling all the prophecies of old. Because of this believers are willing to blindly support any move they make. Is it possible that the gathering in Israel today is merely preparation for a future greater gathering where greater light will be manifest?

Jesus prophesied that the Jews would accept a false teacher or Messiah:  “I am come in My Father’s name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his OWN NAME, HIM WILL YE RECEIVE.” John 5:43 This statement alone should make us somewhat cautious of believing that the Jews there are inspired in their every move, but there is another interesting and apparently contradictory statement from the Book of Mormon: “But behold, thus saith the Lord God: ‘When the day cometh that they (The Jews) SHALL BELIEVE IN ME, that I am Christ, then have I covenanted with their fathers that they shall be restored in the flesh upon the earth, unto the lands of their inheritance.” II Nephi 10:7 This interesting scripture strongly indicates that the Jews will not be gathered until they actually accept the Christ. Nephi speaks of this again: “They (the Jews) shall wander in the flesh, and perish, and become a hiss and a by-word, and be hated among all nations. Nevertheless, when that day cometh, saith the prophet, that they no more turn aside their hearts against the Holy One of Israel, (Christ),.THEN will he remember the covenants which he made to their fathers.” (The main covenant was to gather them). I Nephi 19:14-15

Nephi again gives us a third indication: “And it shall come to pass that the Jews which are scattered also shall begin to believe in Christ; and they shall begin to gather in upon the face of tile land; and as many as shall believe in Christ shall also become a delightsome people.” IT Nephi 30:7

It is also written: “And after they hake been scattered, and the Lord God hath scourged them by other nations for the space of many generations, yea, even down from generation to generation UNTIL they shall be persuaded to believe in Christ, the Son of God, and the atonement, which is infinite for all mankind – AND WHEN THAT DAY SHALL COME THAT THEY SHALL BELIEVE IN CHRIST, and worship the Father in his name, with pure hearts and clean hands, and look not forward any more for another Messiah, then, AT THAT TIME, the day will come that it must needs be expedient that they should believe these things. And the Lord will set his hand again THE SECOND TIME to restore his people from their lost and fallen state.” II Nephi 25:16- 17

Nephi also indicates that the Jews will accept the true church of Christ when they are gathered in: “That he has spoken unto the Jews, by the mouth of his holy prophets, even from the beginning down, from generation to generation, until the time comes that they shall be RESTORED TO THE TRUE CHURCH and fold of God; WHEN THEY SHALL BE GATHERED HOME to the lands of their inheritance, and shall be established in all their lands of promise.” IT Nephi 9:2

Here Nephi clearly indicates that the Jews will be gathered when they accept Christ and also when they are brought into the true church. On the other hand, we see a great gathering of those who say they are Jews in the land of Israel today, yet they neither accept Christ, neither do they belong to the Church of Christ, yet Nephi said that these two things must take place before GOD WILL GATHER them. Thus, if we take the Book of Mormon seriously we must accept that the gathering that is taking place in Israel today is not in fulfillment of the prophesies of old. It may be paving the way for some of the fulfillment, but it is not the true gathering of the Jews that believe in Christ spoken of by the Book of Mormon.

Actually the situation among the present inhabitants of Israel is quite similar to the situation in the LDS church. In the church we have a few who really believe the scriptures and the same is true among the Jews, there are a few who really have faith in the scriptures that they have, but even most of these are mislead by the craftiness of men. Concerning the church in America the Lord prophecies: ,”And liars and hypocrites shall be proved by them, and they who are not apostles and prophets shall be known.” D&C 64:39

On the other hand, concerning the Jews it is written; “I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.” Rev. 2:9

In Jeremiah chapter 24 the Lord talks about the dispersed of Judah and compares them to good and bad figs. We are told that the bad figs will eventually be destroyed. (See Jer 24:1-8)

Jeremiah also indicates that the true gathering of the Jews will be in the days of the one often referred to as the Branch. It shall also be in the days of the returning of the ten tribes for other tribes besides Judah will have an inheritance there. We are told that these tribes of Israel “shall dwell in their own land.”

Ezekiel also gives us an insight into the gathering period: “Thus saith the Lord God; when I shall have gathered the house of Israel from the people among whom they are scattered, AND SHALL BE SANCTIFIED in them in the sight of the heathen, THEN SHALL THEY DWELL IN THEIR LAND that I have given unto my servant Jacob. Arid they shall dwell safely therein, and shall build houses, and plant vineyards; yea, they shall dwell with confidence.” Eze. 28:25-26

Here we clearly see that they shall dwell in their own land AFTER they are sanctified. When they do possess this land it will be in peace, and not in the state of turmoil Israel is now in.

Ezekiel also says: “For I will take you from among the heathen, and gather you out of all counties, and will bring you into your own land… Arid ye shall dwell in the land I GAVE TO YOUR FATHERS… Thus saith the LORD GOD; In the day that I shall have cleansed you from all your iniquities I will also cause you to dwell in the cities, and the wastes shall be builded. And the desolate land shall be tilled.” EZE 36:24, 28,33-34

We see here that Israel will definitely be gathered back into their own land, but this gathering consists of much more than the kingdom of Judah. The Lord said: “And I will make them one nation in the land upon the mountains of Israel; and one king shall be king to them all: AND THEY SHALL NO MORE BE TWO NATIONS, neither shall they be divided into two kingdoms any more.” Eze 37 :22

The two kingdoms consisted of all twelve tribes of Israel. Thus when the true gathering takes place there will be a gathering of all the tribes of Israel. Even Manasseh and Ephriam will have an inheritance there. For an account of the allotting of land to the tribes of Israel read Joshua chapters 13-18

The scriptures truly indicate that Zion will be the real power behind the gathering of the true Israelites which gathering will begin on the American continent. After peace is obtained on the earth then will the gathering of the righteous be toward the land of Israel which will again become a power for righteousness on the earth. For a correct sequence of events one may read III Nephi chapter 21. First it tells us that the United States will be established as a free country. Then it mentions the coming forth of the Book of Mormon and the Gospel. Next it warns the Gentiles not to harden their hearts against the gospel. Then it talks about the destruction of our cities and then the building of the New Jerusalem. After that the ten tribes will be taught. After all this Jesus says: “Yea, and then shall the work commence with the Father, among all nations, in preparing the way whereby his people may be gathered HOME TO THE LAND OF THEIR INHERITANCE (Israel) And they shall go out from all nations; and they shall not go out in haste, nor go by flight, for I will go before them, saith the Father, and I will be their rearward.” III Nephi 21: 28-29

The sequence given in this chapter is much different than that expected by the Mormon and other Christian people today, but the true gathering of the Jews is not yet, but by and by. This is again verified in the Book of Mormon by the words of Christ: “And it shall come to pass that the time cometh, when the fullness of my Gospel shall be preached unto them; and they shall believe in me, that I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and shall pray unto the Father in my name. THEN shall their watchmen lift up their voice, and with the voice together shall they sing; for they shall see eye to eye. Then will the Father gather them together again, AND GIVE UNTO THEM JERUSALEM FOR THE LAND OF THEIR INHERITANCE.” III Nephi 20:30-33

Again we see that the true gathering of Israel will be from all the twelve tribes who believe in Christ. The gathering that is in the land of Israel today is most likely a practice run to prepare for the real thing.

Another group to be gathered in are descendants of Lehi or the Indian people and descendants thereof. We are told that they “shall blossom as the rose.” D & C 49:24 we are also told that the Gospel will be declared unto them “and then shall they rejoice; and they shall know that it is a blessing unto them from the hand of God; and their scales of darkness shall begin to fall from their eyes.” II Nephi 30:6

Interestingly the true gathering of the Lamanites is a part of the gathering of the Jews for we are told that “they are descendants of the Jews.” II Nephi 30:4. We are also told that the Book of Mormon is “My word to the Gentile, that soon it may go to the Jew, of whom THE LAMANITES ARE A REMNANT.” D&C 19:27 Obviously, then, the Indian and the Mexican people will be a part of the true gathering of the Jews and many of them will eventually return to their homeland in Israel. The Book of Mormon also verifies this: “Wherefore, let us take of the branches of these which I have planted in the NETHERMOST parts of my vineyard (American Indian), and let us graft them into the tree FROM WHENCE THEY CAME.” (Israel) Jacob 5:52

Nevertheless, there will be a great work to do among the descendants of Lehi before that day and they as a people will be more receptive to the fullness of the gospel than the American people.


Copyright 1979 by J J Dewey

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The Literal Gathering of Israel, Chapter Thirteen

This entry is part 13 of 16 in the series Literal Gathering

Chapter Thirteen

Until This Be Accomplished

 On March 27, 1837 when Joseph Smith dedicated the Kirtland temple we are told that the prayer was given by revelation. See the preface to section 109 and DHC 2:420. In this revealed prayer Joseph said: “And whatsoever city thy servants shall enter, and the people of that city receive their testimony, let thy Peace and thy salvation be upon that city; THAT THEY MAY GATHER OUT OF THAT CITY THE RIGHTEOUS, that they may come forth to Zion, or to her stakes, the places of thine appointment, with songs of everlasting joy AND UNTIL THIS BE ACCOMPLISHED LET NOT THY JUDGMENTS FALL UPON THAT CITY.” D&C 109:39040

If the saints had continued the gathering until the present day the act would now be “accomplished” and the great judgments of God would be poured out, but because the righteous are now scattered with the wicked or the wheat mixed with the tares to a greater extent than ever the Lord is withholding His judgments, but he can only withhold them for a limited period as He did with the Nephites. Then comes the entire destruction if the words of God are not heeded. Nevertheless, it is the will of God to gather out the righteous and this will be done at all costs, then cometh the fall of Babylon, but “How can Babylon fall, so long as the saints stay and hold it up?” Mill Star 32:233 You will remember that when the Lord appeared to Abraham and told him that he was going to destroy Sodom and Gomorra. Abraham was quite upset and he asked the Lord if he would destroy them if there were fifty righteous people in the cities and He said: “If I find in Sodom fifty righteous within the city, then I will spare all the place for their sakes.” Gen 18:26 Then Abraham proceeded to bargain with the Lord for the physical salvation of the city and the number decreased from fifty to forty-five to forty, to thirty, to twenty and finally to ten and the Lord said “I will not destroy it for ten’s sake.” Gen 18:32 Then the angels went to Sodom for the purpose of finding the righteous and gathering them out and all they could find was four souls who would listen, but only three escaped because Lot’s wife disobeyed and looked back. Lot tried to save his relatives, but they laughed at him and only he and his two daughters escaped with their lives, but just before they left one of the angels made an interesting comment to Lot: “Haste thee, escape thither; FOR I CANNOT DO ANYTHING TILL THOU COME THITHER.” Gen 19:22

Here we see that even the presence of FOUR righteous souls prevented the angels from carrying on the work of destruction.

And what was the main criteria that determined a righteous man in Sodom? He was judged to be righteous if he would listen to the warning voice of either Lot or the angels and flee for their lives. Of course, only those who had done other works of righteousness had the Holy Spirit to the degree necessary to know that the warning voice came from God.

Finally when three righteous souls escaped “The Lord rained upon Sodom and Gomorra brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven.” Gen 19:24

Just as the story of Joseph and others from the Old Testament foreshadows greater events in the Latter days so does the story of Lot for another cycle of destruction will come and only those who listen to the warning voice will escape, and again the numbers will be few just as they were in the days of Lot.

Listen to the words of Nephi: “Behold, my brethren I say unto you, that these things must shortly come; yea, even blood and fire, and vapor of smoke must come; and it must needs be upon the face of this earth; and it cometh unto men ACCORDING TO THE FLESH if it so be that they harden their hearts against the Holy One of Israel. For behold, the righteous shall not perish; for the time surely must come that all they who fight against Zion shall be cut off… AND ALL THAT FIGHT AGAINST ZION SHALL BE” DESTROYED.” I Nephi 22:18-19, 14

How do you fight against Zion? One way is to fight against the gathering by not participating in it.

Joseph told the Elders “You must faithfully warn all and bind up the testimony, and seal up the law, and the destroying angel will follow close at your heels, and exercise his tremendous mission upon the children of disobedience; and destroy the workers of iniquity, WHILE THE SAINTS WILL BE GATHERED OUT FROM AMONG THEM, and stand in holy places ready to meet the bridegroom when he comes.” DHC 2:309

He also said: “The servants of God will not have gone over the nations of the Gentiles with a warning voice until the destroying angel will commence to waste the inhabitants of the earth.” DHC 2:263

The Lord also indicates that the destruction will be after the similitude of ‘Sodom and Gomorra: “Go ye out from among the nations, even from Babylon, from the midst of wickedness, which is spiritual Babylon. But verily, thus saith the Lord, let not your flight be in haste, but let all things be prepared before you; and he that goeth, LET HIM NOT LOOK BACK LEST SUDDEN DESTRUCTION SHALL COME UPON HIM.” D&C 133:14-15

We can well understand why the early leaders wrote: “If we throw overboard the principle of the gathering, we cast away one of the most important principles connected with the work of God and salvation of humanity.” Mill Star 33:326

We are also told: “Israel shall be gathered: the seed of Jacob shall be gathered from their long dispersion. There will be a feast to Israel, the elect of God. It is a sorrowful tale, but the Gospel must be preached and God’s ministers rejected: but where can Israel be found and receive your testimony and not rejoice? Nowhere! The prophecies are full of great things to take place in the last days. AFTER THE ELECT ARE GATHERED OUT, DESTRUCTIONS SHALL COME on the inhabitants of the earth; the nations shall feel the wrath of God, AFTER THEY HAVE BEEN WARNED BY THE SAINTS OF THE MOST HIGH. IF YOU DO NOT WARN THEM, OTHERS WILL, AND YOU WILL LOUSE YOUR CROWNS.” DHC 2:197

We see here more evidence that God will held back the destruction until the inhabitants of the earth are warned and if those who were called do not warn the children of men, then others will. Verily, the church is called to warn the people of the earth, but they are not even warning their own people, thus God is calling anyone who has a listening ear to participate and share the crown of glory.

The original twelve apostles in the church declared: “For the time is rapidly approaching when the saints will have occasion to regret that they have so long neglected to assemble themselves to ‘ together and stand in holy places, awaiting those tremendous events which are so rapidly approaching the nations of the earth.” DHC, 4:410

Brother Joseph said: “The saints have not too much time to save and redeem their dead, and gather together their living relatives, that they may be saved also, before the earth will be smitten, and the consumption decreed falls on the world.” DHC 6:184

How often is this principle repeated by the prophets. Again the Prophet Joseph said: “If they do not do this in all humility, making preparation from this time forth, like Joseph in Egypt… and if we do not exert ourselves to the uttermost in gathering up the strength of the Lord’s house that this thing may be accomplished, behold there remaineth A SCOURGE FOR THE CHURCH.” DHC 2:145 How plain can the word be? Let us quote the Prophet Joseph further: “Take away the Book of Mormon and the revelations, and where is our religion? We have none; for without Zion, and a place of deliverance, WE MUST FALL; because the time is near when the sun will be darkened, and the moon turned to blood, and the stars fall from heaven, and the earth reel to and fro. Then, if this is the case, and if we are not sanctified and gathered to the places God has appointed, with all our former professions and out, great love for the Bible, WE MUST FALL, WE CANNOT STAND; WE CANNOT BE SAVED; for God WILL gather out his saints from the Gentiles, AND THEN COMES THE DESOLATION AND DESTRUCTION, AND NONE CAN ESCAPE except the pure in heart who are gathered… If Zion is not delivered, the time is near when all this church wherever they may be found, will be persecuted and destroyed.” DHC 2:52-53

Is it not obvious that the Latter-Day Saints have fallen from their high and holy calling to gather the elect, especially when you read such statements as: “The place of gathering for the Mexican saints is in Mexico; the place of gathering for the Guatemalan saints is in Guatemala; the place of gathering for the Brazilian saints is in Brazil; and so it goes throughout the length and breadth of the whole earth.” Bruce R. McConkie, Sep 2, 1972 CHURCH NEWS. This would sound feasible if they did actually gather in these countries, but THERE IS NOT ONE gathering place for a future refuge set aside in Mexico, Brazil, or any country on the whole planet by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Of course, we must remember Brother McConkie’s definition of the gathering as previously quoted. He said that the gathering consisted of worshipping in the congregations of the saints all over the world. In other words, he believes in a figurative gathering, but listen to the early brethren on this: “Why do the saints gather to America? Why can they not be saved in their own land? These are questions often asked BY THOSE WHO DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE GOSPEL OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST. Neither have they read or studied the scriptures much. If they have, they have been void of the Spirit of God to guide them.” Mill Star 21:648

Clearly the early brethren believed that Zion is the American continent and this is the place where we must gather. The church cannot use the excuse that there is no room left here for there is plenty of room in the United States alone for every Latter-Day Saint many times over. The only legitimate objection people have today is the difficulties in immigrating, but even with this obstacle the church could still effect a great gathering using the great pull it has today. It could re-establish the perpetual immigration fund set up by Brigham Young to help the saints immigrate and eventually when they become the wealthiest of all people they would be able to buy immigration favors legally with gold if necessary.

As it is there is little hope for the church to do this in it’s present spiritual stale so the job will be left to the faithful few workmen who want to do the Master’s bidding. The time will come when all will have an opportunity to come to Zion. Joseph Smith said: “There will be here and there a Stake for the gathering of the saints. Some may have cried peace, but the saints and the world will have little peace from henceforth. Let this not hinder us from going to the stakes; for God has told us to flee, not dallying, or we shall be scattered, one here and another there. There (in the stakes) your children shall be blessed, and you in the midst of friends where you may be blessed. The Gospel net gathers of every kind.

“I prophesy that THAT MAN WHO TARRIES AFTER HE HAS HAD AN OPPORTUNITY OF GOING WILL BE AFFLICTED BY THE DEVIL… We ought to have the building up of Zion as our greatest object. When wars come we shall have to flee to Zion.” J.D 6:239

In the near future there will be here and there a stake or city of Zion for the gathering of the Saints. Those who have the Spirit will feel the impulse to gather and those who do not will be against it, with many openly fighting against the principle.

“I’ll follow the prophet, right or wrong” attitude does not wash in the courts of heaven. We are responsible for our own actions, not the prophet. Is that not our second article of faith: “We believe that men will be punished for their own sins…” If the prophet is wrong you cannot blame him for your sins at the last day. You are required to find out for yourself. We are commanded to “prove all things; hold fast that which is good.” I Thess 5:21 1 hereby offer a challenge: Prove the truth of the gathering, or if I am wrong, prove it. God has commanded you to. He does not expect you to walk in blindness, even if you are right.

O Lord, let the light from Thy presence shine forth upon thy people, many of whom are trying their best to live thy commandments, but are deceived by the craftiness of men. Let the light be as seven times the strength of the sun that the black shield over the eyes of thy people may be penetrated. Let thy voice be as the sound of the seven thunders that their ears may be pierced, let Thy Spirit reverberate as the many waters that Thy influence may be felt above the influence of men that Thy people may be gathered in one that the great Zion dreamed of by the prophets may finally gain a foothold on the earth that all nations will be one under the Ensign Thou shalt establish!

One important aspect of the gathering that is often overlooked is that it is an eternal Principle. The basic reason that the Celestial Kingdom is such a good place to live is that the gathering principle is applied to make it such. The Celestial Kingdom is merely a gathering together of the righteous on the other side. That is the reason the city of Enoch was taken up – because through the principle of the gathering they created a kingdom that was higher than the telestial earth. We are told clearly in the scriptures: “And he that receiveth these things receiveth me; and they shall be gathered UNTO ME IN TIME AND IN ETERNITY.” D&C 39:22 IF we do not want to gather unto the Lord in time here on this earth, then how can we ever expect to be gathered unto Him in eternity? This principle is made clear in the scriptures for the Lord said that those who go to the telestial kingdom are “they who will not be gathered with the saints, to be caught up unto the church of Firtstborn.” D&C 76:102

It is clear that John Taylor understood this principle of eternal gathering. He said the Lord would “gather together his elect from the four quarters of the globe; through whom he could introduce upon the earth the principles that exist in the heavens, that we might be taught to do the will of God on the earth as it is in the heavens.” J.D. 24:198. Obviously the gathering is one of the principles that exist in the heavens.

Think a moment. If you love this telestial earth here and want to stay in it and build it up and receive the glory thereof, and have no desire to gather with the saints what makes you think your desires will be any different in the next world? If you love the telestial conglomeration here then that is what you will naturally seek in the next world. If one will not gather to create a higher kingdom on this earth then why should he want or be given one in the next world? Many of the church members who testify loudest of going to the celestial kingdom would resist it if it was handed to them on a platter. Many are lucky if their spirits are prepared to be a telestial bright star at best, for their minds are not prepared for the glories to be revealed. Like the children of Israel in the days of Moses they would ask God to withdraw His presence if he should come.

Let us remember the words of the scriptures: “And your minds in times past have been darkened because of unbelief, and because YOU HAVE TREATED LIGHTLY THE THINGS YOU HAVE RECEIVED.” D&C 84:54 Have we not received the gathering in the scriptures? Does the church treat this principle lightly? Verily, they do not consider it at all.

Let us continue with the scripture: “Which vanity and unbelief have brought THE WHOLE CHURCH under condemnation.” Verse 55 Do we really believe the scriptures today? Is the church still under condemnation?

“And this condemnation resteth upon the children of Zion, even all. And they shall REMAIN UNDER THIS CONDEMNATION UNTIL they repent and remember the new covenant, even the Rook of Mormon (Which covenants to gather Israel) and the FORMER COMMANDMENTS which I have given them, (Such as the gathering), not only to say, BUT TO DO according to that which I HAVE WRITTEN. (The Lord has written time and time again about the gathering). That they may bring forth fruit meet for their Father’s kingdom; otherwise there REMAINETH A SCOURGE and judgement to be poured out upon the children of Zion. For shall the children of the kingdom pollute my holy land? Verily, I say unto you, Nay.” D&C 84:56-59

Such scriptures as the above should give one a desire to gather with the elect, even if the whole world, including church leaders should take an opposite course.

Copyright 1979 by J J Dewey

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Keys Posts 2012, Part 2

This entry is part 6 of 40 in the series 2012A

Jan 17, 2012

Glenda Green & Jesus

Glenda seems to claim much more than an impression. Here are some quotes from her book – love Without End:

Jesus appeared to me and was with me for almost four months between November 1991 and March 1992.

In the fall of 1992, much to my surprise, those special circumstances were arranged and another vision was brought to me. It happened in a little country church where I had given the evening presentation. During the closing prayer, I noticed the rare fragrance I always sensed when Jesus was in my studio. Lifting my head and opening my eyes brought confirmation of what I suspected. He was there! Without a word to startle the others, I quietly beheld a fascinating process. With every passing second He regressed in age until He became an infant in His mother’s arms. Mary was young and classically Hebrew in appearance. In her loveliness, she was the image of innocence and barely more than a child herself. After a few minutes, the vision stabilized and remained unchanged for the two months required to paint it. The Flame of Love, as the painting came to be called,

A wry grin began to take shape on His face as He focused a quizzical look at me.

“His eyes were like clear pools of water, as I gazed into them, and beheld the simplicity of His succinct reply.

While nodding to the reality of our history, His countenance remained calm and serene. A comforting smile spread across His face…

In His presence there was love overflowing. Glowing with an aura of contentment and happiness, His face radiated joy, and He often smiled from ear to ear. I was fascinated, however, by the fact that I never saw Him laugh.

Jan 17, 2012

Sarah’s Story

Sarah: I was diagnosed dyslexic at the age of 7, as well as intellectually gifted. At 15 I was diagnosed ADD and medicated with stimulants. At 21, I was diagnosed Bipolar and they added an anticonvulsant and an antipsychotic to the mix. At 24, they added a sedative. At 25, I found freeread.com, got off all my meds that very night, told my doctors an parents I was not mentally ill…then I went crazy for a bit as I withdrew and then I changed my diet to predominately raw vegan and added vitamins and supplements including Klamath lake blue green algae.

And now I’m perfectly normal.

My cousin is diagnosed with Aspergers as well as other labels. His mother, my aunt, is a biologist as is a clinical coordinator of some kind for autismspeaks.org.

There is no real biological evidence that famous people who are no longer living had Aspergers. They also say most of them were ADD and Bipolar as well…back when those diagnoses were up and coming.

Just my two cents. I am also an artist. I believed I was mentally ill my whole life because doctors labeled me and plus artists and musicians usually are crazy. But, I decided that was bullshit and I had control over my own mind.

Sent from my iPhone

JJ I would think that i would have a heck of a time typing a message like that on an iphone.

I’m really glad the writings helped you. I’m curious what you read on freeread that first night that altered your course so.

My boy asked me which supplement I would recommend if I was limited to just one and it was the one you mentioned – the blue green algae from Klammath Falls.

Jan 19, 2012

Can Love Be Defined?

JJ DK didn’t say that there are things that cannot be put in words but that we lack the words to define some things. He often complained that AAB had a limited scientific vocabulary and this limited his ability to explain some things clearly.

Some languages completely lack words that are common in English so this would limit their ability to put some things into words. If I am trying to explain a concept for which we do not have words I will usually put a new twist on an existing words – such as my use of Purpose in the Molecular Relationship.


Jan 19, 2012

Newt Gingrich Handwriting?

LWK asked me to take a look at Newt’s handwriting. It looks like only the first link supplied has a serious attempt to analyze Newt. I’ll make a few comments.

Lets look at the sample here: http://www.crackingthecodesite.com/

Let’s examine some of his analysis.

1. Major daddy issues. This is probably true. He thinks he can greatly exceed the accomplishments of his parents. There are things about his childhood and upbringing he would just as soon forget.

2. He points out an undotted i. I checked out other samples and he seems to leave around 20% of his Is undotted. This can merely mean absent mindedness, but in Newt’s case it seems to mean lack of attention to details that are not essential in his view.

3. “Maniac d” then he says – “yes, the trait that is in serial killer’s handwriting.”

This is a d with a slant that shifts quite a bit farther to the right than the surrounding letters. I checked out two other samples of his handwriting and this shift in slant did not occur there. Strange shifts in slant of the letters whether they be Ds or other letters is a sign of inner emotional turmoil. These shifts often occur in teenagers as they are trying to figure our who they want to be. Newt does indeed act like an emotional teenager at times, but then other times he has pretty good control. This shows up in his various handwriting samples where some are more stable than others.

Looking at the handwriting as a whole there is not much likelihood he would be a serial killer but he is likely to react strongly to an attack as evidenced by his reaction to Romney’s ads.

4. Explosive. He will explode now and then but not an abnormal amount. He’s very sensitive and when offended he feels like lashing out but usually just lets off enough steam to stay sane.

5. Nasty, nasty, nasty temper. Yes he has a temper and lets off enough steam to avoid dangerous explosions.

6. A seriously mean person.

Sometimes uncaring, neglectful, and capable of vengeance, but I wouldn’t call him seriously mean.

7. Is dishonest. Actually in normal circumstances he is quite honest. He likes to be direct and to the point. He enjoys openly and honestly sharing his conventional thoughts. On the other hand, he has secrets, perhaps a secret agenda that he keeps to himself. Aside from these things he likes honest sharing.

8. Ruthless towards his enemies. This could be true if his feelings are stirred.

9. Careless. Yes, sometimes, but not always.

10. Unethical. Probably about like your average politician.

11. Greedy. Sometimes.

12. Skirts the rules. He will do this when it makes sense to him.

13. He says Newt Gingrich is The Inventor – INFP (Introvert – iNtuitive – Feeler – Perceiver) + Analytical. I agree with this.

14. He says Newt Gingrich is unqualified for leadership.

He’s better at coming up with ideas than gaining the trust of his fellow men in carrying them out. How effective he will be as a leader will largely depend on who he chooses for his inner circle. The trouble is that he will ignore the advice of his inner circle if convinced his ideas aren’t being advanced.

Overall he is very intelligent, never at a loss for words, intuitive, fiercely independent and determined to go his own way. He’s also very emotional and overly sensitive. Sometimes he’s at peace with his inner feelings and other times he is in conflict. He has a big ego and loves to be the center of attention – not as bad as Obama, however.

Jan 22, 2012

Possible Life on Venus Found   http://www.digitaljournal.com/article/318302


Jan 27, 2012

War with Iran

Ruth asked me to comment on this: “Ramtha has warned on several occasions war with Iran is likely if Republican is President.”

JJ There is a danger of war with Iran no matter who is president – except for maybe Ron Paul. We may avoid war for a while by following a pacifist policy as we did before WWII but the best course when you have enemies is peace through strength – as well as smart policy.

Jan 28, 2012


Rut asks about the timeframe before great destruction will come.

JJ I’ve never placed a time on a scenario of great destruction but have merely said that the gathering needs to have a serious beginning between 2025-2030. It may be 100 years or more before something is created that could really be called Zion where the inhabitants see eye to eye or soul to soul. The gathering will provide a refuge from all sorts of possible calamities that may befall the planet as the communities will be self sustaining. The work I am involved in extends way beyond this life.

Jan 28, 2012

Re: Bill Wood Interview with Project Camelot

JJ Even though we do not have video there were dozens of witnesses who actually saw the plane hit he Pentagon and none of them saw a Tomohawk missile. They all saw a plane and I hear one guy interviewed who said he was close enough to see the windows of the plane and people inside.

Jan 28, 2012

Re: The Literal Gathering of Israel, Chapter Four

Ruth: So there needs to be a small gathering first of 24 or 144,000 people? and then a major gathering might take place later on.

The people that gather first are the ones who are directed by soul to get together in the flesh at a specific destination? This is where I am confusing the time lines and phases of Zion.

JJ No, that’s not what I said. We may have to gather thousands before we find the 24 capable of creating the first molecule. The first 24 gathered will not create a working molecule. How many we will have to sift through before 24 can be found who can take all kinds of grief yet remain firm in the soul is hard to say. Time will tell.

After the gathering begins it will continue from henceforth for thousands of years with gatherings from the gatherings and regatherings as time goes on.

Feb 2, 2012

Possession Problem

Stephen, The fact that you are experiencing this problem after attempting automatic writing indicates that you opened yourself to an external entity or at least elemental negative forces. It doesn’t sound like the Dweller experience proceeding the third initiation because you have not mentioned anything indicating the Angel of the Presence.

You mentioned that things seemed worse after saying the Song. This could indicate the entities revulsion toward the Song and that you should say it more not less.

Reread everything I’ve said about the principle of attrition in Book 3 and the archives. Even though you undergoing a painful experience proceed with your life as if nothing negative is affecting you or even in your presence. This is a state of mind you must acquire. Don’t do any type of meditation until you are healed. Prayer is fine.


Feb 2, 2012

UFO Crash Site?

To this Dan writes:

I can do ya one better:


Copyright 2012 by J J Dewey

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The Literal Gathering of Israel, Chapter Twelve

This entry is part 12 of 16 in the series Literal Gathering

Chapter Twelve

A Pure People

In a word the Lord gave us the basic reason for the gathering of His people: “For I will raise up unto myself a pure people, that will serve me in righteousness.” D&C 100:16 the gathered are to be “a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, AN HOLY NATION, a peculiar people; that-, ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you cut of darkness into his marvelous light: which in time past WERE NOT A PEOPLE but are now the people of God.” I Peter 2:9-10

Right now the people who will compose Zion are not a people, but soon will be “an holy nation.” The fact that Peter hoped to see a holy nation established in his day indicates that he expected, or at least hoped to see the Kingdom of God established in his day.

This is also indicated in the Book of Revelation “And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars: And she BEING WITH CHILD cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.” Rev 12:1-2

The scriptures clearly tell us that the woman is the church, but what is the child? Most believe it is Christ, but we are told that the woman, that is the church, delivered the child, so Christ alone does not exactly correspond, but what does correspond exactly is Christ and the kingdom of God together. It is the church which is the stepping-stone to the kingdom and gives it birth. In the previous dispensations the church “cried” as it was about to give birth to the kingdom because there was great “pain” or persecution.

Each time this persecution was directed at the best of the saints and the kingdom was not delivered. Even in this dispensation, after the constitution of the kingdom was given by revelation, the church again “cried” because of the pain of delivery and gave up the labor for the moment. But the labor pains can only be held back so long and then the child must be delivered as written: “And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a red of iron: and her child was caught up. unto God, and to his throne.” Verse 5. The time is at hand when there will be gathered out of the church a nucleus of people who will give birth to the kingdom of God which will rule all nations. But to successfully give birth to the kingdom there must be a people prepared who are sanctified. Joseph Smith said: “If we are not sanctified and gathered to the places ‘God has appointed, with all our former professions and our great love for the Bible WE MUST FALL.” DHC 2:52.

God gave a further qualification: “And no one can assist in this work except he shall be humble and full of love, having faith, hope, and charity, being temperate in all things, whatsoever shall be entrusted to his care.” D & C 12: 8

It only makes sense that for a people to0 be sanctified they must be gathered out and cleanse themselves in the righteousness of the saints for how can one swim in the dark ink of unholiness and remain unspotted himself? Church leaders today complain over and over about how wicked the world is today and its disastrous effect on the youth and they use every stretch of the imagination to devise programs to keep the saints unspotted, but to little avail for each succeeding generation becomes more entrenched in Babylon than the one before. The words of Alma still apply today: “And now I say unto you, all you that are desirous to, follow the voice of the good shepherd, come ye out from the wicked, AND ‘BE, YE SEPARATE and touch not their unclean things.” Alma 5:57 Brigham Young, indicated the spiritual purpose of the gathering. He said: “neither forget to pray for the Holy Spirit to rest down upon them (the saints), and upon these who speak to them, that each and all may be directed to act at all times by that Spirit that is able to guide into all truth. This is certainly the object for which we are gathered out from the nations of the earth.” JD 2:335

George Q. Cannon said: “We ‘ should become a distinct people, a peculiar people, a people whom He could use according to his mind and will, and through whom he could accomplish his mighty, His marvelous, and His wondrous purposes. THIS IS THE OBJECT He has had in view in bringing us together, to SEPARATE US FROM BABYLON.” JD 25:300

This is further verified by George A. Smith: “A great many people have wondered why it was that it was necessary for the saints to gather together. The fact is, the human mind is so weak – so susceptible of false impressions, that while the people of God were scattered in the nations of the earth, to come in contact with all the corruptions, prejudices, and traditions of the world, IT WAS LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE FOR THE HUMAN MIND TO RESIST THESE PRESSURES.” JD 6:161

We are also told: “The time has never been when the people of God dwelt in harmony, and in the bonds of fellowship, with the wicked and ungodly, AND IT NEVER WILL BE THE CASE as long as the earth revolves on its axis.” Millennial Star 36:171

“There is no Latter-Day Saint enjoying the light of the Spirit, but what realizes the difficulty of living in Babylon WITHOUT- PARTAKING IN SOME DEGREE UP HER SINS. As well think of handling pitch without being soiled, as to think of joining with the corrupt nations of modern Babylon without being contaminated by the abominations and wickedness that abound on every side.” Mill Star 47:251

Brigham Young observed: “You, no doubt, discover that you are very much inclined to mingle with and participate in the feelings and exercises of the society in which you are.” JD 7:267

Another wise statement: “How can Zion be built up, unless the saints gather and build it up? And how can Babylon fall, so long as the Saints STAY AND HOLD IT UP?” Mill Star 32:233

The references to this doctrine are numerous, but the point is so important that I will risk belaboring it. Wilford Woodruff said: “The question is often asked by sectarian ministers, why could you not live in New York, Liverpool, or London, as well as going to Zion? Because we should be in the midst of sin and wickedness and abomination, and it would be very difficult, while so situated, to keep from being polluted by the evils which reign upon the face of the earth.” JD 12:280

Brigham Young said: “We are gathered together to sanctify these bodies, to deal, act, transact and do everything we do in the love of God.” J.D. 11:288 He also said: “Do they keep the faith and stay in the midst of the wicked? No they do not.” J.D. 11:101

Then this observation was made: “If all Israel will not be sanctified by the law which their Moses FIRST OFFERS THEM, they will peradventure receive a LAW OF ORDINANCES administered to them, NOT ACCORDING TO THE POWER OF ENDLESS LIFE.” F.D. Richards J.D. 1:321

Taking these things in consideration what does it all mean? It means that if we omit the principle of the literal gathering we will be comparable to the Israelites who rejected the higher laws that Moses brought. We are clearly told that we cannot be a holy people while living in the world. Now, today the church is following the admonition of John A. Widtsoe: “The time of gathering is past. We now live in the time of scattering. We want to scatter our people over the face of the earth that we might leaven the whole lump.” Truth Sep 1952 pg 103 Mr. Widtsoe was merely reiterating the advice of Heber J. Grant who said: “Many of the saints, who come here, could be far more useful-in assisting to strengthen and build up the church in their native lands, than by making sacrifices to come to Zion.” Messages of the First Pres., Clark, 5:269

Joseph Fielding Smith said: “Our building of foreign temples is to encourage the saints to stay in their own countries.” Oct 17, 1936 Deseret News. Bruce McConkie said: “We are becoming a world church… every nation is the gathering place for its own people.” Church News Sep 2, 1972

It indeed sounds like the original concept of the gathering was lost as a new generation of Mormons took the helm. The early leaders understood well their responsibility “How could His children escape if they are SCATTERED OVER THE FACE OF THE EARTH? Foreseeing these dangers, the Lord instituted the gathering of his people from all lands, that they might ‘stand in holy places, and NOT BE MOVED” Mill Star 60:350

Here’s another interesting comment from the early brethren: “The subject and practice of gathering is a great stumbling block to many who make but a partial investigation of the gospel as revealed through the prophet Joseph Smith; for, they say, ‘Cannot God save me as well in my native land, as in the land of America? Why is it necessary for me to leave the lands of my fathers, and take my journey to the wilds of a distant continent? Nothing is impossible with God, and He can save me just as well in one place as another!” With these consoling reflections they quiet any feelings of uneasiness which may arise in their minds, caused by the signs of the times, or by the declarations of the servants of God. Doubtless the Lord could do many things which he never will, and there is one thing for certain HE NEVER INTENDS DOING – THAT IS, TO SAVE A MAN WHO WILL NOT STRIVE TO SAVE HIMSELF, by rendering obedience to the principles laid down in the Gospel. The doctrine of the gathering has been taught to a greater or lesser extent in every dispensation given to man.” Eli B. Kelsey, April 1850, Mill Star 39:212

The very fact that none of the Latter-Day Saints today are in a gathered state is in itself strong evidence that the church is out of order and contaminated with Babylon for even the leaders themselves are not gathered and therefore according to the words of the prophets they are not without spot. Furthermore, they have no inclination whatsoever to follow the admonition of Brigham Young: “Our business is to build up the Zion of God on the earth. Do you think you will do it and go hand in band with the wicked? No, never.” J.D. 12:231 Or how about the words of Heber C. Kimball: “You have heard brother Brigham preach it here time and time again, and other men, that A SCATTERING SPIRIT WAS NOT THE SPIRIT OF GOD; AND I KNOW IT IS NOT.” J.D. 4:362

Orson Spencer said: “If men have not the spirit of gathering they are blind and cannot see afar off, and are nigh unto burning. The gathering is one great test of faith, BY WHICH YOU WILL KNOW WHO IS ON THE LORD’S SIDE.” Mill Star 9:310

How else will the Lord cause the great division between the righteous and the wicked except by the gathering for Nephi said: “For ‘the time speedily cometh that the Lord God shall cause a great division among the people, AND THE WICKED ‘WILL HE DESTROY; and he will spare his people, yea, even if it so be that he must destroy the wicked by fire.” II Nephi 30:10

Just as the five foolish virgins were too late a last ditch attempt to gather the people will be too late. A lot of people seem to think that if a future gathering is necessary then it can be done at the immediate call of the prophet, but the scriptures say: “Let the work of the gathering BE NOT IN HASTE.” D&C 58:56 Believe me if any gathering is in the mind of the authorities today it is not one of haste, but would turn to one in a calamity.  We are told not to gather “in haste, lest there should be confusion, WHICH BRINGETH PESTILENCE’.” D&C 63:24 Those who wait for the last ditch attempt to gather to escape the calamities will suffer pestilence according to the scripture.

The leaders today should think as Orson Pratt did: “My view on the subject is this – TO GATHER AND STAY GATHERED, to be organized into the government of God.” J.D. 1:134 Because they have not stayed gathered, the saints have lost the Spirit to a large degree and they are not sanctified. Many would lose their lives in a calamity because they trust in the arm of flesh and seek not for the Spirit. Let us be like Nephi of old: “O Lord, I have trusted in thee, and I will trust in thee forever. I will not put my trust in the arm of flesh; for I know that CURSED IS HE that putteth his trust in the arm of flesh. Yea, cursed is he that putteth his trust in man or maketh flesh his arm.” II Nephi 4:34

If we accept the advice of any prophet, priest or king without seeking verification from the Holy Ghost then we are cursed. In this case would it not be better to pray and find out what the Lord says about the gathering of Israel? The early and the later authorities disagree on the matter. They cannot both be right, but the Spirit will always lead correctly. Do not the Latter-Day Saints today really have enough faith to receive an answer from God for themselves? Let us hope for the best.

It is ironical today to go to the Mormon Church and listen to the sermons there about the corruptions in the world, and how difficult it is to live in the world and how it is much harder to be righteous today than it was in years gone by. It seems as if the Latter-Day Saints do nothing but complain about the results of their breaking the commandment to gather Israel. It is like the Bank robber who complains of his jail sentence. Even though he has the punishment coming he still complains.

Mormons complain of the movies today, yet they still go to them. They complain of what comes over their television, but are the first to call their repairman. They complain about the magazines available to their youth. They complain about the pot and drugs available in the schools and the liberal teachers. They complain that their children’s friends are spaced out and leading their kids astray, but even though they complain of all of these things they seem to have no desire to live the law that will neutralize all of these evils.

John Taylor summed it up when he said that the purpose of the gathering was “that we might be taught to do the will of God, on earth as it is in the heavens, that we might be a pure people, a virtuous people, a holy people, FREE FROM THE VICES AND CORRUPTIONS OF THE WORLD, and that we might learn the laws of light, truth and intelligence from the fountain of all intelligence for we are told the glory of God is intelligence. THIS IS WHY WE BEEN GATHERED TOGETHER.” J.D. 24:198


Copyright 1979 by J J Dewey

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Keys Posts 2012, Part 1

This entry is part 5 of 40 in the series 2012A

Jan 1, 2012

Gaps in Words

LWK Speaking from personal experience, the _only_ thing that will really convert the atheist mindset is pain; physical, emotional, and spiritual. They have to see for themselves that they need to somehow step outside the paradigms they have defined for themselves and take a leap of faith (“faith” as JJ defines it in The Gathering of Lights, Ch. 19 – Real Faith).

JJ You are right here Larry. In fact I have been arguing with atheists on another forum for the past couple days, kinda as a diversionary vacation, and I use their terminology and of course have changed no minds. I did find one guy who explained to me why he lost his faith who may have some hope.

Anyway, we are all like the alcoholic who has to hit rock bottom before we will make real change. I’m not clear what turned you around but I am sure it was something painful rather than a peaceful argument.

Jan 2, 2012

Re: Intelligent Aid

There are indeed two ways that we evolve. The first is through trial and error. Eventually the next learning point dawns on us as we stumble forward.

The second is with the assistance of a teacher or some type of guidance beyond the physical, perhaps from a higher life.

Now, even in the first category we are not alone for we slowly progress through interaction with other lives who are fellow travelers. These may not be able to explain to us the knowledge we need but they may stimulate or motivate us.

On this note DK gave an interesting thought. He said that higher lives looked upon primitive humans and their struggle to survive and basically felt sorry for them. They decided to help them and came to the earth and stimulated their minds greatly speeding up their evolution. He said that if they had not done this humanity would have still moved forward but much more slowly. The most advanced among us would be living like the Australian Bushmen in a primitive condition with little civilization. It would have been a long time in the future yet before we would have arrived where we are now.

As I’ve reflected on this it could give an explanation as to why we have not yet picked up an intelligent radio signal from another solar system. Perhaps we are one of the few planets that have received such stimulation and most of the life on other planets is still quite primitive. Maybe one of our purposes is to visit them in the future and stimulate them.

Jan 3, 2012

Odds on Candidates

Back in May I gave my odds on the various potential candidates getting the nomination. Since we are approaching the first primary in Iowa I thought I would revamp my odds.

At that time I gave Romney the highest odds for the nomination stating that he has karma on his side because of the way the press destroyed his Father when he ran for president in 1968.

I think he still has the best chance for the nomination, but it’s been a weird year. Every month or so a new favorite has arisen who has looked like he would eclipse Romney so far this hasn’t happened. Romney hasn’t seemed to move much up or down but of late he has been inching upward. In his favor is that he seems to be a known quantity with no hidden vices, actions or comments that can be exposed and he’s performed well at the debates without making a major error.

The greatest criticism at the debate came from him offering to bet Perry $10,000 that he was correct on a point. In my book I thought it was his finest moment but others were upset the average person could not bet $10,000.

My overall odds have changed as the landscape has changed. Here they are.

Romney: 60% chance for the nomination. Odds of beating Obama if nominated 70%

Ron Paul: 10% chance for the nomination. Odds of beating Obama if nominated 30%. It looks like he will do reasonably well in Iowa but his past newsletters is starting to hurt him with new converts as I earlier predicted. If Romney views him as a threat he will do to him what he did to Gingrich with an attack ad blitz

Rick Santorum: 10% chance for the nomination. Odds of beating Obama if nominated 45%

Gingrich: 10% chance for the nomination. Odds of beating Obama if nominated 60%

This leaves a 10% chance anyone else will get the nomination

There’s a 30% chance Donald Trump will run as a third party candidate. If he does all bets are off and a reevaluation will be made at that time. A third party run by Trump would definitely increase the odds of an Obama win. A third party in development called Americans Elect started by Obama supporter Peter Ackerman has about $22 million to advance its cause and could wind up with someone like Trump or Huntsman for its candidate and could help Obama get reelected. This may be its purpose. In my view this has a 20% chance of having a significant influence on the election. We’ll hear more about this group as we approach the election.

Another thing that could change the election equation is if Hillary is selected for vice president. Most Democrats want this to happen, but the two people most opposed to it are Obama and Clinton.

I think Obama doesn’t want her because she may overshadow him and he doesn’t trust her in that position. Clinton is reluctant to seek the vice presidency because she wouldn’t have much power there. If she were nominated for this position it would increase Obama’s election chances by about 10%.

Only time will reveal the truth for sure. It will be a interesting political year.

Jan 6, 2012

Re: JJ Quote from the Archives for Today

JJ Quote: “Each odd number representing a ray or plane (and even years) is polarized in the positive energy and the even numbers are polarized in the negative energy. Notice that concerning this great number of seven that we have four positive numbers and three negative which gives all creation a domination toward the positive, or the dominating good.”

Ruth: I am wondering that now we are entering an even number year which means the polarization more towards the negative energy, or rather female/intuitional/receiving/magnetic energy may come into play more in all aspects of living etc.?

JJ When we speak of the energies being positive and negative the meaning is not to be taken in black and white as good and evil. Both polarities are necessary for creation. Nothing would exist without the both of them. Both male and female aspects have their positive points and there would be no dominating good without them both working together.

The odd years will reveal more male energy and the even numbered years the female or emotional side will be stronger. It is no accident that U.S. elections are on even numbered years where emotion reaches a high point.

Jan 7, 2012

Re: Big Bang Theory

It’s one of my favorite shows.

I also like Revenge, Chuck, The Mentalist ,Hell on Wheels, Castle, The Middle, Two and a Half Men, and Fringe.

Jan 9, 2012

Re: A question for JJ on the Face of Jesus.

This gives me an idea for a group assignment. There are two portraits online where the artists claimed to paint Jesus from actually seeing him. The first is the one you mentioned by Akaine at: http://shroudofturin.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/princeofpeace13.jpg

The second is by Glenda Green at: http://www.lovewithoutend.com/

Take a look and these two and see if either registers as a true image.

Next go to Google image search at: http://www.google.com/imghp?hl=en

Type in “Jesus portrait” and scroll through the images. If you see any that strike a chord give us a link with your impressions.

Jan 10, 2012

Re: A question for JJ on Jesus.

Thanks for your comments and participation on the face of Jesus. There is something one can say for sure about him if he were to come across a true picture which is this. The eyes would be interesting and exude intelligence and a strong life force. Take this picture for instance: http://www.popularmechanics.com/science/health/forensics/1282186

It is a composite put together using research and guesswork and though some ingredients may be more accurate than the traditional pictures the eyes are surely way off. The guy just doesn’t look very bright and if a person is truly intelligent it is revealed through the eyes as well as the whole look of the individual.

Other pictures make Jesus look weak, wimpy, and effeminate in a syrupy way. These type of pictures can be ruled out as being good representations

I do not see any pictures on the internet that strike me as being 100% accurate but some capture part of his essence. I would have to say that I like Akaine’s picture best at: http://shroudofturin.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/princeofpeace13.jpg

I did see one many years ago in a tabloid that impressed me as accurate. I cut it out and saved it for a long time and was finally lost in one of my moves. It hasn’t surfaced anywhere on the internet. I wish I had it to show it to you. I’m sure the group would be impressed.

It was painted by a lady who claimed to have had a vision of Christ when he was in his twenties. His hair wasn’t that long and he didn’t have a beard at the time, but it was the most interesting looking human being I had ever seen.

Ruth brings up an interesting item of discussion. If one has soul contact does this mean he would recognize a true picture of Jesus?

Not necessarily. If one had known Jesus in a past life this would be possible but if he had not then it would require true psychic powers rather than soul contact to bring forth the right image.

Remember soul contact deals with principles more than data. Sometimes when it is important the soul will send an impression on a piece of data but more often than not we are on our own to reason it out. On the other hand, the person with reliable soul contact is very capable in seeing true principles and how they play out in this reality.

Jan 10, 2012

Re: recognizing Jesus.

Dan: How about if the overshadowed Jesus were actually standing before us? It seems almost incomprehensible that MOST folks wouldn’t feel the impact – I suppose to some it would just evoke irritation rather than peace but SOMETHING would register in almost everyone wouldn’t it?

JJ The actual presence of a person is much different than a photo or painting. In this case soul contact is a great help for you can sense the aura of the person as well as his inner being. As I said before one with soul contact can recognize another with it in their physical presence and often in communication away from their presence.

Jan 12, 2012

Ron Paul & World War II

Ron Paul was drafted for service He had to go. FDR did not get the approval of Congress to help Churchill during the war before 1941 but had to bend the rules. His good judgment made a world of difference – something Ron Paul would have never done. I doubt if Paul would have declared war on Germany until they were at our shores.

Keith: Ron Paul may or may not have gone to to war in 1941 if he was President. There is no way for anybody to know for sure. I honestly do not know. My gut instinct tells me Ron Paul is being unfairly painted as an isolationist who would never go to war. I do not believe this is true.

JJ No one is saying he would never go to war. He has made it clear the conditions in which he would go to war though.

(1) The United States must be attacked by the enemy. (2) Congress must first officially declare war.

His statements indicate that he would have not responded to Hitler until he had attempted to invade our shores and that wouldn’t have happened until he had first conquered all of Europe and Russia. At the end of the war he was close to developing nuclear weapons and if he had some more time he would have had them available when the time came to attack us. Even so, with Iran Paul wants to do nothing to make them mad but will wait until they send a nuclear bomb somewhere.

As far as controlling spending and reducing the size of government I am with him 100%.

I would guess that Paul would have declared war on Japan but waited on Germany even though they were allies. Their alliance was not that tight before the U.S. got into the war. I’m not even sure he would have declared war on Japan since Hawaii was not yet a state. After all he was opposed to even going after the terrorists in Afghanistan (after 911) until a revolt by his staff changed his vote at the last minute: http://dailycaller.com/2011/12/26/fmr-staffer-ron-paul-planned-no-vote-for-afgha\ nistan-invasion-staff-threatened-mutiny/

I’m not saying he wouldn’t have done anything after Pear Harbor, but not sure he would have retaliated with an all out war. If he was set on not retaliating for 9/11 then it is probable he would have been reluctant to do much because of Pearl Harbor, specially since Hawaii was not a state.

Here is additional powerful evidence I am correct with his own words:

Journalist Jeffrey Shapiro posted a 2009 interview he held with the GOP’s leading candidate, in which Paul clearly states that if it were up to him at the time, saving the Jews from annihilation in Europe would not have been a moral imperative.

“I asked Congressman Paul: If he were president of the United States during World War II would he have sent American troops to Nazi Germany to save the Jews? And the Congressman answered: No, I wouldn’t”

“I wouldn’t risk American lives to do that. If someone wants to do that on their own because they want to do that, well, that’s fine, but I wouldn’t do that,” Shapiro wrote.

(Like someone on their own was going to make war with Hitler)



Jan 12, 2012

Inside Ron Paul’s Mind

Here’s another quote, this time from a former member of Ron Paul’s staff, Eric Dondero: Ron Paul is most assuredly an isolationist. He denies this charge vociferously. But I can tell you straight out, I had countless arguments/discussions with him over his personal views. For example, he strenuously does not believe the United States had any business getting involved in fighting Hitler in WWII. He expressed to me countless times, that saving the Jews, was absolutely none of our business. When pressed, he often times brings up conspiracy theories like FDR knew about the attacks of Pearl Harbor weeks before hand, or that WWII was just blowback, for Woodrow Wilson’s foreign policy errors, and such.

I would challenge him, like for example, what about the instances of German U-boats attacking U.S. ships, or even landing on the coast of North Carolina or Long Island, NY. He’d finally concede that that and only that was reason enough to counter-attack against the Nazis, not any humanitarian causes like preventing the Holocaust.

There is much more information I could give you on the sheer lunacy of his foreign policy views. http://ace.mu.nu/archives/325052.php

Jan 13, 2012

Re: Ron Paul Predictions

Keith: The only part I slightly disagree with is your assessment that we are not in a dollar crisis. I think we have been in a dollar crisis for a few years now.

JJ I think you misread me there. Here was the dialog.

Ron Paul: An international dollar crisis will dramatically boost interest rates in the United States.

My response: Didn’t happen. Interest rates have been very low over the past 10 years.

What didn’t happen was a dramatic rise in the interest rates due to any dollar crisis. I made no statement saying there was or was not a dollar crisis. It’s up to interpretation whether one would call the current instability of the dollar a crisis, but there is certainly a danger with it considering the world situation. The danger from the European situation is much greater right now than the fact that we have printed so much money.

Copyright 2012 by J J Dewey

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The Literal Gathering of Israel, Chapter Eleven

This entry is part 11 of 16 in the series Literal Gathering

Chapter Eleven

The Kingdom of God

It is not planned at this time to enter into a full treatise on the kingdom of God yet certain things need to be covered. First of all it needs to be understood that the church is not the Kingdom of God prophesied of by Daniel. Joseph Smith prophesied, as has been pointed out, that this will be set up beginning in the Rocky Mountains and then eventually moving to the center stake. The church is sometimes called the Kingdom merely because it is a part of the kingdom. Actually, it was designed to be an auxiliary of the kingdom, just as the Sunday School is an auxiliary of the church, yet when we go to Sunday School we often say that we are going to church.

The Kingdom of God, as organized by Joseph Smith was first called a “special Council.” It was created March 11, 1844 just a few short months before the prophet’s death. It was generally referred to as “The Council of Fifty” but was officially called “THE KINGDOM OF GOD AND HIS LAWS, WITH KEYS AND POWERS THEREOF AND JUDGMENT IN THE HANDS OF HIS SERVANTS.” (See DHC 6:260-1 for partial account of the organization.)

The whole purpose of the gathering of the saints was to the end that this kingdom prophesied of by Daniel could be set up, and that end was realized by the prophet Joseph just before he died. For fear of greater persecution from the world the kingdom continued in semi secrecy for decades, but was discontinued about the same time the saints lost interest in the gathering.

It is no secret that the Lord had the idea of an independent state in mind for the saints for he clearly said: “Wherefore, hear my voice and follow me, and you shall be a free people, and YE SHALL HAVE NO LAWS BUT MY LAWS WHEN I COME.” 7 D&C 38:22 The gathered  saints were also promised that they would “stand independent above all other creatures beneath the celestial world.” D&C 78:14 We are also told that “out of Zion shall go forth the law” Isa 2:3. How can all of this be without the organization of a political kingdom?

Brigham Young pointed out that members are in the habit of calling the church the Kingdom of God “but there are further organizations. The Prophet gave a full and complete organization of this kingdom before he was killed… The Kingdom of God will protect every person, every sect and all people upon the face of the whole earth in their legal rights; I shall not tell you the names of the members of this kingdom, neither shall I read to you ITS CONSTITUTION, BUT THE CONSTITUTION WAS GIVEN BY REVELATION The day will come when it will be organized in strength and power.” JD 17:156-157

In speaking further of this political kingdom Brigham said: “This kingdom is the kingdom that Daniel spoke of, which was to be set up in the last days; it is the kingdom that is not given to another people; It is the kingdom that is not given to another people; it is kingdom that is to be held by the servants of God, TO RULE THE NATIONS OF THE EARTH.” JD 17:156

This is all in perfect harmony with the scriptures. We are told: “In the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever.” Daniel 2:44 The word for “kingdom” comes from the Hebrew Malkuw which means “dominion.” The church today has no dominion whatsoever over the kingdoms of the world, nor is it designed to have dominion, but the Kingdom of God is. Joseph Smith organized this kingdom it is true, but it is not yet set up as Daniel prophesied. Daniel says that “In the days of THESE KINGS shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom…” Who are these kings We are told that they are ten kings symbolized by the ten toes of the image. These are the same ten kings as spoken of in the Book of Revelation where the ten kings are symbolized as ten horns “which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength to the beast. These SHALL MAKE WAR WITH THE LAMB and the lamb shall overcome them… Rev 17:12-14

It is somewhat of a mystery as to what these ten kings will be be but the scriptures indicate they will represent ten kingdoms that will dominate the earth after the fall of the Roman Empire. Some believe they will be ten European nations that will unite under an antichrist but any union there does not seem to be represented by the number ten.  I tend to believe the ten kings represent the ten current political divisions of the entire planet which are:

(1) North America

(2) Central and South America

(3) United Kingdom, including Australia and New Zealand

(4) Europe

(5) Russia and neighboring countries

(6) Africa

(7) India

(8) China and Taiwan

(9) Japan and Korea

(10) The Middle East

The scripture says these will have one mind and unite to fight against the Kingdom of God.  Thus the kingdom could not have been set up for the days of the ten kings uniting as one and receiving power has not yet arrived. It is possible the world will become as one super nation and have one money system for the whole. Since this day is may not be far off we may safely assume that God also is making plans for the setting up of his kingdom in power to fulfill the prophecy of Daniel.

“In that day it shall come to pass that the inhabitants of Zion shall judge all things pertaining to Zion… and there shall come unto her out of every nation under heaven. And the day shall come when the nations of the earth shall tremble because of her, and shall fear because of her terrible ones. The Lord hath spoken it.” Amen.’ D&C 64:38, 42-43

The inhabitants of Zion will be able to judge all things pertaining to Zion because they will have their own government ruled by the Council of Fifty that Joseph started. Even though Joseph created the seed organization the kingdom yet awaits the setting up as mentioned by Daniel.

It may sound fairly far-fetched to talk of setting up a kingdom in this day and age. How could it possibly be done? It is true that in the present conditions it would be extremely difficult and the present rule of other governments would make a kingdom here in the Rocky Mountains well neigh impossible, but remember the prophecies previously quoted. That is there will be great tribulation which will overtake this and other countries which will cause the collapse of many governments. At that time many people will be forced to group together for their protection and try and form governments of their own. It will be at this point that the Kingdom of God will be set up in power. On the other hand, many smaller governments set up by individual efforts will be created that will initially compete with the government of God, but in the end the government of God will bear rule. In that day the words of Isaiah will be fulfilled: “A little one shall become a thousand, and a small one a strong nation: I the Lord will hasten it in its time.” Isa 60:22 “And they shall call them, the Holy people, the redeemed of the Lord, and thou shall be called, SOUGHT OUT, a city not forsaken.” Isa 62:12 The Lord repeats this prophecy in our day: “The little one to become A STRONG NATION, two shall put their tens of thousands to flight.” D&C 133: 58

What is the little one that is to become a strong nation? It nothing less than the stone which Daniel saw that was cut out of the mountain without hands.  It will begin as the smallest of nations. That stone shall begin as a little one but shall become a strong nation. The Kingdom of God will begin as a mustard seed, but eventually grow to be the greatest of nations and just as the fowls rest on the branches of the mustard tree so will other nations rest secure under the protection of the Kingdom of God,

There can be no doubt that the Kingdom of God consists of both the spiritual and the political government. Since the political government, then, is a major portion of the Kingdom of God, it would only he logical that the Council of Fifty would share the keys of the kingdom. This was verified by Joseph Smith: We are told that “he stood before that association of his, select friends, including all of the Twelve, and with great feeling and animation he graphically reviewed his life of persecution, labor and sacrifice for the church and THE KINGDOM OF GOD BOTH of which he declared were now organized AND THE KINGDOM upon the earth, the burden of which had became too great for him longer to carry, that he was weary and tired with the weight he had so long borne, and he then said, with great vehemence: ‘And in the name of the Lord, I now shake from my shoulders the responsibility of bearing off the kingdom of God to all the world, and here and now I place that responsibility, WITH ALL THE KEYS powers and privileges pertaining thereto, upon the shoulders of you the Twelve Apostles IN CONNECTION WITH THIS COUNCIL; and if you will accept this, to do it, God shall bless you mightily and shall open your way; and if you do not do it you will be damned.’” Johnson to ‘Tibbs, Page 10.

Here we see that Joseph Smith gave the keys of the kingdom to not only the twelve, but to all members of the Council of Fifty, and interestingly, some of the members of that council were not even members of the church. This indicates strongly that since the keys were given to non members then the priesthood was given to them also, for one does not have to be a member of the church to have the priesthood. it is common knowledge that Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery received the Priesthood before they became members of the church.

The prophet Joseph was not the only one who saw the advantage of establishing a political kingdom. His good friend James Arlington Bennett wrote: “If they are drove farther west, they may set up an independent government, under which they can worship the Almighty as may suit their taste. Indeed, I would recommend to the Prophet to pull up stakes and take possession of the Oregon territory in his own right, and establish AN INDEPENDENT EMPIRE. IN ONE HUNDRED YEARS FROM THIS TIME, NO NATION COULD CONQUER SUCH A PEOPLE. Let not the history of David be forgotten. If the prophet Joseph would do this, MILLIONS WOULD FLOCK TO HIS STANDARD AND JOIN HIS CAUSE. He could then make his own laws by the voice of revelation, and have them executed like the act of one man.” DHC 5:171

This idea was suggested to the prophet Joseph two years before the actual political kingdom was set up.. Some time later the prophet Joseph wrote: “I instructed the twelve apostles to send out a delegation and investigate the locations of’ California and Oregon, and hunt out a good location, where we can remove to after the temple is completed, and where we can build a city in a day, AND HAVE A GOVERNMENT OF OUR OWN, get up into the mountains where the devil cannot dig us out and live in a healthful climate, where we can live as old as we have a mind to.” DHC 6:222

Brigham Young tried to carry out the purposes of the Kingdom which Joseph commenced and attempted to establish the nation of Deseret which was to be much larger than Utah is today. In the short time that he was able to work unhindered by his enemies he ruled the land through members of the Council of Fifty and he did away with all taxes and made preparations to finance the government through the tithing of the people so tithes and offerings would be their only tax. He desired  to build the Kingdom envisioned by Joseph Smith, but he was hindered not only by the non members from the outside, but by his own people for they were like Israel of old who wanted to be like the other nations around them so they could be popular in the eyes of the world. The saints began to demand and petition for Statehood, instead of creating their own government. Brigham Young, on the other hand, said: “We have assembled ourselves together to become one, to become the children of God, the children of Zion, the children of light. We are here for the express purpose of separating- ourselves from the world and ESTABLISHING THAT ORDER OF GOVERNMENT THAT WE READ OF IN THE HOLY SCRIPTURES; and we desire to see the glory of Zion upon the earth that has been spoken of by the prophets of God.” JD 12:266-7

Heber C. Kimball supported this idea: “He has called us to the work in which we are engaged, and he is educating us, as I said before, in order that by and by HE MAY HAVE A NATION of kings and priests, judges and rulers to help him bear government and RULE OVER THIS EARTH IN RIGHTEOUSNESS when the curse shall be taken from it, and when truth shall prevail from one end of the earth to the other.” JD 26:102-4

How can we deny that the early brethren looked forward to the actual establishment of an independent government in which they themselves would be kings and priests? If they could have only converted their own people to that idea the nation of Deseret would be an independent empire in the Rocky Mountains today. Has anyone stopped to think of what would have happened if Joseph, Brigham and others were successful in setting up such a thing? Mr. Bennett predicted that “in one hundred years from this time, no nation could conquer such a people.”

Although Mr. Bennett was a non member he seemed to speak with the voice of inspiration for even though the nation of Zion, or Deseret, may not have been that attractive to the Gentiles at first, if it had inspired leadership it would have grown much more desirable with time, especially after all the taxes which vex this people and other nations were introduced. Today our nation and all others have a very unstable money system and many investors are glad to trade American dollars for anything with real value that will not be devalued with inflation.

Now if there was a nation of Zion established in the midst of the Rocky Mountains today with a stable money system and no taxes at all, would not the rich of the world who are worried over losing their wealth want to invest such a secure nation? Would not large corporations want to set up manufacturing and headquarters in Zion where they would have no taxes and could make a much larger profit?

Just because the church missed one glorious opportunity to establish such a nation does not mean that all opportunity is lost for such an event is prophesied and the word of the Lord does not fail: “Who are these that fly as a cloud, and as doves to their windows? Surely the isles shall wait for me, and the ships of Tarshish first, to bring thy sons from far, their silver and their gold with them, unto the name of the Lord thy God, and to The Holy One of Israel he hath glorified thee. And the sons of strangers shall build up thy walls, and their kings shall minister unto thee: for in my wrath I smote thee, but in my favor have I mercy on thee. Therefore thy gates shall be open continually; they shall not be shut day nor night; that men may bring unto thee the forces (from the Hebrew CHAYIL, which can also be translated as wealth or power) of the Gentiles, and that their kings may be brought (More accurately translated “And with the kings leading). For the nation and kingdom that will not serve thee shall perish; yea those nations shall be utterly wasted… The sons also of them that afflicted thee shall come bending unto thee; and all they that despise thee shall bow themselves down at the soles of thy feet; and they shall call thee, the city of the Lord, the Zion of the Holy One of Israel.” Isa 60:8-12,14

We are told several interesting things in this scripture. It is written that those who come to Zion will “fly as a cloud, and as doves to their windows.” This language describes modern air travel as clearly as language could in the days of Isaiah; moreover it indicates that the Lord knew that the nation Zion would not be built in the days of Joseph Smith, but our own day when we can land in airports as doves on a window.

The second important thing we are told is that they will bring “their silver and gold with them” They will also bring their “forces” which should be translated as wealth or power. When Zion then receives the wealth and power of the nations she will have the power to “rebuke strong nations afar off” as prophesied by Micah.

A third important occurrence is that “the sons of strangers will build up thy walls, and their kings shall minister unto thee.” Orson Pratt gave his view as to how this will come to pass: “I will here again prophesy on the strength of former revelation that there are no people on the face of the whole globe, not even excepting London, Paris, New York, or any of the great mercantile cities of the globe, there are no people now upon the face of the earth, so rich as the Latter-Day Saints will be in a few years to come. Having their millions; therefore, they WILL PURCHASE THE LAND, BUILD UP CITIES TOWNS AND VILLAGES, build a great capital city, at headquarters, in Jackson County Missouri.” JD 21:136 Brigham Young also made many promises about the great wealth the people of the Lord will one day have, that the Lord will put much gold in their hands, and with all of this wealth we can hire all the labor and assistance needed from “the sons of strangers.”

The forth thing we are told is that “the nation and kingdom  that will not serve thee shall perish; yea those nations shall be utterly wasted.” This will not come to pass because Zion will use great physical strength to subdue them and force them to become one, but the unyielding nations shall perish for two reasons: (1) The common man will rebel against their leaders for not yielding to Zion, for when he learns of the glory and freedom there he will demand such privileges for himself. (2) Natural principles of cause and effect which one may term the wrath of God will be poured out upon such nations until they repent or perish. All are promised that God will fight the battles of Zion for a freedom won by blood must by blood be maintained, but if it is won by faith, it may be maintained by faith.

An interesting principle few realize is that the events in the Bible are actually a foreshadowing of a greater event in the last days and one of the greatest foreshadowings is the story of Joseph who was sold into Egypt and eventually spent seven years in prison. But when all looked darkest he was released arid given power over all Egypt second only to the Pharaoh. With this power he bought and stored the wheat of the world and when the famine came the wheat was worth its weight in gold and he was able to buy up the world. This foreshadows a great event not too distant in the future. The present true church, or saints of God are in the wilderness similar to the prison of Joseph. They will soon become spiritually free and gathered out and great wealth will be given into their hands and they will buy up the wheat and supplies of the world as did Joseph.

If this comes to pass in this manner then all the authorities of the world whether they be religious or political would either yield to Zion or try and fight them.

Daniel tells us that the kingdom of God will strike “the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay, and brake them to pieces. Then was the iron, tire clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces together, and became like the Chaff of the summer threshing floors and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them: and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth.” Daniel 2:34-35

One can see how the Kingdom of God can be established in the future after the governments of the world collapse, but many feel as if the hands of freedom are tied at the present and there is nothing much we can do to establish the Kingdom, but this is not so. Unless great preparations are made the next opportunity will also pass us by for even the prophecies in the scriptures are subject to the free will of man, else why did God say that there was a chance that the earth would be wasted at His coming? The question is then what are we to do? We are to prepare for the Kingdom of God by “buying lands and gathering together on them.” Once we are gathered together then such a people can be more fully taught in ways of righteousness and be prepared to become literal kings and priests of the Most High. The Lord does not expect us to upsurge any government ourselves, but to gather unto Him. He will deal with the nations for the benefit of Zion, and the Anti-Christ powers will fall by a natural means. When such a time comes that there is no supreme government in the land then it would be natural for a gathered people to set up one of their own. In the absence of government we would be violating no law for there would be no supreme law of the land, but if a people are unprepared for such an event then they will eventually turn into a mob themselves

We must be a free people and the word of the Lord to Jeremiah applies to us today: “Therefore, thus saith the Lord, Ye have not harkened unto me, in proclaiming liberty, everyone to his brother, and every man to his neighbor.” Jer 34:17


Copyright 1979 by J J Dewey

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