Helping the Poor

This entry is part 26 of 73 in the series 2015

Oct 3, 2015

Helping the Poor

Let us start by acknowledging this one point. The rank and file of both the left and the right want to help the poor. The problem is that they have different ideas as to how this should be accomplished.

The person of the left may respond to this and say something like:

“The right are hard hearted and couldn’t care less if the poor starved to death.

One on the right may also accuse:

“The lefty only wants to give tax dollars to the poor to buy votes. If the majority of the poor voted for the right then he wouldn’t give a hoot about them.”

There are threads of truth in both accusations. There are a handful on the right who are against any form of assistance, though these rarely get elected to office. Some feel that the poor are just lazy and if they would be willing to work then they wouldn’t be poor.

Also, on the left there are those who mainly want to help them because they vote for their side. Unlike the right, many of these do get elected to public office so this gives them a big political advantage.

But among the rank and file of the left and the right are good-hearted people of compassion who are willing to go to same degree of sacrifice to assist the poor.

If both the left and the right would just tone down their accusative spirit a little and admit that most of the general public on both sides have compassion and want to help others, then a lot of the conflict would subside and maybe something positive could get accomplished.

If this is true then why does there seem to be a huge difference in the two sides?

The difference is not in the desire to help, but how to help and how much assistance should be given.

The right is prepared to spend some of other people’s money (tax dollars) to help supply basic needs such as food, shelter and some medical. Most would like to see those assisted to make some type of contribution to assist themselves and to encouraged to take steps to become financially solvent on their own.

The left generally wants to assist way beyond food and housing and extend this to complete medical, dental, education, and hundreds of assistance programs that go beyond basic needs.

This is where the conflict comes in. The right wants to keep expenditures of our tax dollars to a minimum for public assistance and fill in the gaps with free will charities while the left never reaches a level of assistance that satisfies them. When they pass one level then they move to another costly level that they begin to promote.

For instance, as soon as they passed Medicare, they began to promote additional expenditures that led to Obamacare. Now they have Obamacare they want single payer universal care. Then, if that is achieved, some other expenditure will be desired.

These two approaches are in great opposition to each other. The only peaceful way to resolve them is to place all such ideas before those who will foot the monetary bill and let the majority of them decide how much they want to assist and then use that donation supported by the majority while ceasing to borrow our grandchildren’s money for our pet programs.

One positive step both sides can make in the present, without the need of great political change, is to just see the good in each other’s hearts. The vast majority of both sides have compassion for the down and out and realize that if the right circumstances happened that they could be in need also.

If both sides start with this good will assumption in each other and cease bitter accusations to the contrary then perhaps we, as a society, can make a little progress toward achieving practical solutions and live in greater harmony.

I speak here as one who has been through some very difficult financial times in my life.

My dad was a big drinker, party guy and gambler and even when he made reasonable money my mom seldom had enough for groceries. Then at the age of 12 it finally looked like we were heading toward abundance when a major fluke caused us to lose everything. We had no money to pay rent or buy food and had to move into a shack with maybe 200 feet of living space located in my sisters prune orchard in Letha, Idaho.

Then, to make matters worse my Dad took off to Central America in search for gold and we never received any financial support from him again. We were completely on our own with no help from anyone except the shack supplied by my sister and my brother-in-law.

As far as I could discern my younger sister and I were the poorest kids by far that went to our school. None of the other kids had to live in a shack. Living in the shack didn’t seem too bad, but the difficult part was the embarrassment we suffered if someone found out where we lived and they felt sorry for us. Being felt sorry for was much more difficult than the poor circumstances.

As far as feeling poor, even though I didn’t have advantageous circumstances and no government help I never felt poor. I hated the word and refused to identify with it. Both my mother and I made the best of our situation and sought out whatever work was available. For me it was generally orchard work and picking fruit. I was a fast fruit picker and made good money at it and bought all my clothes, school supplies and personal needs. I also did a lot of hunting and fishing and we often dined on pheasant, duck, bluegill, crappie and bass that I brought home.

We lived in that shack for about a year and after that we moved into an old house and gradually became more secure largely through the shear will power of my mother. Through my high school years my mother and I picked fruit in the summer and she worked for near minimum wage in a potato plant in the off season.

The funny thing is I made pretty good money picking fruit and always bought expensive clothes for myself and kind of felt sorry for other kids who depended on their parents and had to wear the cheap stuff. I wondered why they didn’t get an orchard job, which was available to anyone who applied.

Any way, some have accused me of being out of touch with the poor, but I understand what it is like to grow up in difficult circumstances. Then there are other circumstances I could tell you about. For instance, I had a string of unbelievably bad luck where I worked for about a dozen companies a row that went out of business causing me to lose my job again and again. One of them had been in business for 150 years.

I understand difficult financial circumstances, but I also understand that you do not have to have the victim mentality and that it is more humiliating to be pitied as a victim than to be one – at least for me it was.

After all I have went through my basic philosophy toward those in need boils down to this. Help them when they cannot help themselves and do all in our power to help them to help themselves. The worst memories of the scarcity of my youth had nothing to do with the lack of material things, but the pity I sometimes encountered. That was much worse.

Anyone who wants to examine my plan that will assist those in need without bankrupting the nation go HERE.

For the full plan one can check out the link there to my book, Molecular Politics.

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True Spirituality

This entry is part 25 of 73 in the series 2015

Oct 2, 2015

True Spirituality

Even though at least 90% of what we discuss here revolves around the accepted norms of spirituality some have accused us for not being a spiritual group for a number of reasons. Among them are:

(1) They do not agree with our conclusions.

(2) We are not pious enough.

(3) We do not discuss their favorite subject enough for them. Meditation is a recent example.

(4) We do not tell members what to do.

(5) We sometimes discuss subjects that are not seen as spiritual in nature, such as science and politics.

This last point has been brought up several times lately in an attempt to convince us we are not a spiritual group.

The criteria for what is spiritual is revealed by the answer to this simple question.

What is it that takes us toward spirit and what is it that takes us away?

The answer is very simple. Truth takes us toward it and falsehood takes us away from it.

For instance, those who saw truth in the words of Jesus and accepted them moved closer to God while those who rejected them moved away.

Truth leading to spirit not only applies to spiritual teachings, but any endeavor.

For instance, those who accepted the actual truth revealed though Galileo moved closer to spirit while those who rejected moved further away.

Those who accepted true principles that established freedom for the human spirit at the foundation of the United States moved closer to spirit while those who rejected moved further away.

In politics today, those who accept the principle of freedom and reject excessive force will move closer to spirit than those who endorse force to further their political desires.

The quest for maximum freedom is perhaps the most spiritual endeavor that is possible to undertake. After all, what is always stated to be necessary to free us from the wheel of rebirth?

In every teaching it is the attainment of liberation through the acquisition of greater freedom.

He who believes that freedom is only important in some inner spiritual reality is fooling himself. The inner and the outer are intertwined and interconnected. You cannot have maximum freedom on the inside without freedom on the outside. Correspondingly, you cannot find all truth in the inner world if you cannot see what is true in the outer world. If one is deceived by those in the outer world who distort then he will be deceived by thoughtforms or spirits in the inner who also distort. It takes the power of spiritual discernment to see truth no matter where it is, inner or outer, political or religious.

The basic division in politics boils down to the true and false application of the Principle of Freedom. Even the guy who is willing to enslave his brother to get his way will claim he is the true advocate of freedom. For instance, the South, who fought to keep their slaves claimed to be the ones on the side of freedom.

Seeing the true path to freedom is a very spiritual ideal indeed and most make some mistakes in their judgments as the true vision is obtained as a result of many accurate decisions. He who can clear away the fog and see the true next step to take in the direction of maximum freedom is on the real spiritual path.

The seeker will often come to a fork in the road. There are arguments for either one as representing the one of greater freedom. The eyes of the emotional based personality have difficulty in discerning so it goes with its bias.

Even so, it is true that one choice will represent greater freedom than the other and that choice takes one in the true spiritual direction.

To consistently see that true choice requires one to raise above the emotional plane, penetrate the veil of illusion and see reality as it truly is.

He who can do this is indeed a pilgrim on the true spiritual path and is moving toward liberation.


Richard questions whether our individual identify As you move forward you do not lose your identity, but merely that which you identify with.

For instance, the atheist believes that all he is is represented by his physical body. Later he learns that he is not his body and no longer identifies with it. Even so, he remains an individual entity.

As he moves forward he changes that with which he identifies. He moves from his emotions to his mind and finally the causal or soul body itself. He realizes that he is none of these things, but he is still an individual existence within the mind of God.

Thus shall it be worlds without end.

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Dialog with Readers

This entry is part 24 of 73 in the series 2015

Sept 29, 2015

Foolish Virgins


I did argue with exactly what you said You said


I pointed out several areas where you argued with what I did not say and you have not commented or corrected the error.

As far as quoting the foolish and wise virgins all you have done is quote a line from the scripture and distort my meaning but did not argue with my points on it which were.

The principle is that if we are limited in what we have and need a certain amount to accomplish a goal then it is not wise to share so much (either voluntarily or involuntarily) that the goal cannot be reached. In this case neither the one with the oil or the one receiving will have enough, as pointed out by Jesus.

I used this to point out the need to control immigration. With completely open borders and no controls a wealthy country can be overrun to the point where all are diminished. Where we share our abundance wisely through controlled immigration then all will have enough.

I used the same principle talking about social programs, of which helping the down and out is just a small part of such spending. If we throw money at everything social that sounds good then pretty soon our oil will be depleted…


That has just about happened as we are over 18 trillion in debt with no way to pay it back. We have to borrow the money to pay the interest.

If we do not control our social spending we are in danger of running too low on oil and going bust to the point where we all become poor.

Not a good thing.

I never said that all the poor are in that condition because they are foolish. The word foolish to those who were have-nots was a choice of words by Jesus, nit me, though I think most of us have lost money and have been in bad financial circumstances because of foolish decisions. It seems like you related to us some foolish financial losses you have experienced.

If you want to argue with me about why people are poor then you need to argue with what I say which is.

People are poor for a number of different reasons.

Some are born into very difficult circumstances.

Some are poor by choice because they want to do a minimal amount of work to get by.

Some have experienced temporary losses through poor choice or bad judgment, but will soon be back on their feet.

Some just make foolish decisions, contrary to good judgment and will not get ahead until they change their ways.

There are a number of reasons various people are rich and poor and to read into my writings that either is just due to one thing is to read my writings with no desire to understand.

Oct 1, 2015



Just tell me what made you spiritual




and define what you mean by that word?


That which IS – when emotional interference and illusion are stripped away.

When we discuss politics it is always around the very spiritual Principle of Freedom. The quest for TRUE maximum freedom and liberation is the most spiritual of endeavors.


So JJ when you say that the science of global warming is not truth, as I recall that you have, you think that is spiritual?


Which science are you talking about? There are all kinds of different conclusions reached by scientists about global warming. Actual science in any department has to rely on truth.. How the science is interpreted is subject to a lot of illusion and a political agenda. Any interpretation I have of global warming or any other area of interest based based on true facts as far as they are available. You cannot find one thing I have said about global warming that uses any false data.

Truth is spiritual wherever it is found. There is no such thing as spirituality without truth.

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The Pope and the People

This entry is part 23 of 73 in the series 2015

Sept 29, 2015

The Pope and the People

I’ve noted that there is a danger of a spiritual leader with much power attempting to influence the political direction of this country. This should be a concern, whether we agree with his views or not. If one agrees with the Pope he is likely to think, “Great, my political views are getting a shot in the arm!”

That may seem well and good at the time, but then after this protocol is established the next Pope may attempt to push some quite different and alarming views.

It wouldn’t be too troubling if the Pope wasn’t using the power of his great authority with the people to push his political agenda. If he is going to jump into the political fray then he should make it clear that he is speaking as an individual and not on behalf of Christ. He should make it clear that there is no risk for a member’s salvation to disagree with him on politics.

As it is, some are going along with his political views just to make sure God won’t be frowning on them when their souls are taken.

It is interesting to watch the power of authority at work. When a person gives to a fellow human some or all the authority that should only be given to the inner Voice, the impact of their words are greatly amplified. The power of glamour makes the ordinary seem extraordinary.

I noticed this with the Mormon prophet and other church authorities when I was a member decades ago. Even though I supported the church at that time I was repulsed by how the members seemed tremendously more impressed with the words of the authorities than should have been the case.

It has always been my approach to judge the greatness of words by the words themselves, not by who said them. Outer authority does not create greatness in words. Instead, it is intelligence and spirit in the words that gives them their value and impact.

Consider this, one of my favorite quotes:

Be like the bird who, pausing in her flight

Awhile on boughs too slight,

Feels them give way beneath her,

And yet sings, knowing she hath wings.

A thought expressed so eloquently needs no authority to give it value. It carries an inspiring living thought no matter who originated it. In this case it was Victor Hugo.

I remember when I was in the church – that faithful members looked forward to hearing the prophet speak in conference in the hope that some new revelation, teaching or profound thought would be expressed.

Instead of some new deep thought we heard repetition of what was said before – things like.

Keep the commandments

Read the scriptures.

Obey the Sabbath

Pay your tithing

Attend church

Support the church authorities.

Then came a time that the prophet at the time (Spencer W. Kimball) said something new. He boldly told the members to clean up their homes and make them more presentable, specifically telling members to paint their houses and groom their yards.

That is probably good general advice, but what amazed me was that many members took this for a great revelation.

On the other hand, if your next door neighbor told these same members to clean up their homes and yards they would not see such advice as profound at all. They’d be inclined to tell the guy to mind his own business.

I see the same thing happening with the Pope as I did the Mormon prophet. He gives us advice that one could easily find in Joe’s Bar and Grill, but because he supposedly speaks for Jesus his words are seen as much more profound than the same thing said by your friends at the bar or over dinner.

Here I paraphrased several things that were seen as so profound that they made John Boehner and others weep.

We shouldn’t pollute and work to keep the earth in a healthy condition.

Well, yeah… we all believe that. How to accomplish such a thing without creating tyranny is an idea where some profoundness could enter in.

Seek unity, not division.

Good advice you could also get at Joe’s Bar and Grill, but what specific steps are we to take?

Well he does say this:

“We must move forward together, as one, in a renewed spirit of fraternity and solidarity, cooperating generously for the common good.”

I don’t think anyone would disagree with that feel-good statement as an ideal goal that we all have but does not materialize.

Be accepting of immigrants.
The Pope is preaching to the choir here as almost all of us are very accepting of immigrants. He didn’t say anything about accepting those who break our laws and are here, but have not immigrated.

Love your neighbor.

Good plan, but we have heard this before.

Fight poverty and share your wealth.

You can hear a sermon on this in most any church.

Families and family life are good to have.

I think we are all on board with this thought.

Lots of bad guys misuse wealth and power. This must stop.

Yeah, we’ve heard this before many times, but how is it to be achieved?

So, it is interesting that a powerful authority does not have to say anything that profound or new, but if he presents it with the aura that God is speaking through him then true believers will provide their own embellishment.

So, what do I think of pope Francis? Is he a good guy or bad guy?

I see him as a man who is further along on the path than other Popes in my lifetime, except for John Paul I, who I believe was poisoned after only 33 days in office.

Pope Francis is a man of strong personal discipline, strong beliefs and strong adherence to what he sees as the right path. He is making some changes of direction which shows he has some power to initiate

He strongly identifies with people in need and wants to help them. His intentions are good and he is doing his best to make a difference in a positive way.

BUT… Good intentions does not make a person correct. Chamberlain was a decent fellow who did his best in negotiating with Hitler. After he secured an agreement that seemed to secure “peace in our time” they held a ticker tape parade for him and the media praised him more than they currently are the Pope. Then, just a short time later, after Hitler invaded Poland, his judgment was seen as the greatest folly of the age.

Just because the Pope is a spiritual leader and reaffirms the pleasant platitudes of the past and admonishes us to attain the goals set by religion does not mean that we should shut down our minds and not critically examine what he says.

Few leaders in history have mastered illusion and until this is mastered the best of intentions can take us toward disaster instead of the Promised Land. Even after illusion is dispelled the person is still fallible, for none of us have perfect judgment. We always need to use our own minds in discerning whether a thing is true, or the best course of action.

So what is he doing that is right or wrong in my judgment?

As far as his spiritual calling goes he is doing a good job. He is relaxing the discipline on the outdated doctrines of the church on birth control, divorce and the attitudes of exclusion of the past. He’s emphasizing tolerance and forgiveness, even for those who have had abortions. All this is good and may result in a permanent positive advance for the church.

On the other hand, it appears that his political views, if established, could do a lot more harm than good as they seem to have a lot of illusion in them. Why do I say this?

Let us just look at his full endorsement of the orthodox global warming approach. If he had mastered illusion he would have not made a judgment on the matter unless he had investigated both sides of the issue and it is pretty obvious he has not. He’s just tuned into what appears to be the majority view of the authorities and goes with it.

Unfortunately, this is how most people decide what they will support. They will listen to the authorities “on their side” and just go with that, ignoring the key of Judgment.

Should the Pope not have political views then?

We all have political views and should have the freedom to express them. The trouble is that when someone who is seen as speaking for God, such as the Pope, the Mormon prophet or the Ayatollah Ali Khamene, then the power of his words take on other worldly influence that can lead to undue influence in a wrong direction.

The safe route is for all of us, no matter how inspired we think we are, to express our political views as coming from our own minds and judgment and that the listeners are free to take or leave what we say.

Actually, this should also be our approach in spiritual teachings as well, as all of us are fallible and all of us have the power to check the truth of matters with the Spirit of God within us.

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Principle 95 – The Sabbath

This entry is part 92 of 98 in the series Principles

Principle 95


The Sabbath

Few consider that the Sabbath is a principle. Instead, many merely see it as a strict commandment from God. It is pretty simple. God rested from his work on the seventh, or Sabbath day and we should follow his example and do likewise.

This commandment was taken so seriously in ancient times by the Jews that a person was put to death if found working on the seventh day.

After Christ the Christian church changed the day of rest from the seventh day to Sunday, the first day of the week. The Jews and some Christian rejected this. The Seventh Day Adventists and a number of other sects believe it to be an item of extreme importance that we rest and worship on Saturday. We just have to get the day right or God will be angry at us.

So the question is this: Is the Sabbath just a letter-of-the-law, black and white thing, or is there some type of principle involved?

It is interesting that key scriptures revolving around the Sabbath suggest that it is not to be taken so literally as some assume. After God had worked for six days of creation it is written:

And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. Genesis 2:2

Here we see that God did two things on the seventh or Sabbath day. He ended his work and then he rested. And what was the ending of his work? Just a few verses later we learn that he created man as well as the Garden of Eden. So it appears that God continued working on into the seventh day and when finally finished He finally rested.

Even Jesus acknowledged that God worked on the Sabbath:

And therefore did the Jews persecute Jesus, and sought to slay him, because he had done these things (healings) on the sabbath day. But Jesus answered them, My Father worketh hitherto, and I work. Therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him, because he not only had broken the sabbath, but said also that God was his Father, making himself equal with God. John 5:16-18

Jesus here acknowledged that he was working on the Sabbath and was just following the example set by God who also works on that day.

Paul also had problems with people being too literal and judgmental about the Sabbath:

Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ. Col 2:16-17

So Paul had a problem with his people judging whether or not a person was righteous by how exacting they followed the Sabbath. Interestingly, he said the holy days were merely a “shadow” of things to come.

What was it a shadow of? A clue is given in the fact that Sabbath and rest are virtually identical and interchangeable in the Hebrew.

And what is the promise given to the righteous? They are promised that they will enter into the “rest” of God. The promise of rest and heaven are very similar in the scriptures.

After a period of intense labor here on the earth we will enter into a Sabbath or rest in one of the “mansions” of the spiritual worlds. Similarly, keeping the true spirit of the Sabbath while here on the earth is taking a rest and enjoying the fruit of our labors.

Is there anything more heavenly or enjoyable than finishing a difficult, but useful work and then just kicking back and savoring a time of rest and reflection?

When we do this we catch a glimpse of heaven on earth.

The principle of the Sabbath is this.

We labor for six cycles and rest and reflect on the seventh. If the work needs a little fine tuning we can finish our work and fine tune it during a part of the seventh.

Is a Sabbath suppose to occupy just one seventh of our time?

Not necessarily, if we correspond it to Genesis. Notice that the six days of labor had a set beginning and an end. Each one had a morning and evening attached to it. Not so on the Sabbath. No morning and evening were mentioned which is to say that there is no specific beginning and end as there is to work. When entering into the true Sabbath the seeker takes whatever time he needs to rejuvenate, rest and prepare for the next cycle of endeavor.

Each of us knows internally when a time of rest is needed and sometimes, as they say, a change is a rest. If we tune into the rest that we need and take it when possible we will all live healthier and happier lives as well as living the true spirit of the Sabbath.

Copyright 2016 by J J Dewey

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More on Purpose


April 15, 2016

More on Purpose

A reader asked if I could say a few more words about purpose. The problem is that the full meaning of esoteric Purpose, or Purpose as it exists in the mind of God, lies beyond the consciousness of humanity. If a Higher Life came and attempted to explain it to us it would be comparable a disciple of today attempting to explain the meaning of spiritual love to cavemen, or at best the rougher elements of humanity before the coming of Christ – who set the example steering us in the right direction.

This doesn’t mean that we should make no attempt to understand this or any other important principle that stretches our reach. As I said earlier my contemplation on the subject led me to obtaining a glimpse into the meaning.

In searching for understanding on different levels it is always a good idea to bring in the Law of Correspondences.

Humanity has a view on what purpose is so we can assume the next level up is that which the Masters understand. Their view does seem to be on a higher level than humanity as hinted at in the Great Invocation which says:

From the Center where the Will of God is known, Let Purpose guise the little wills of men – the Purpose which the Masters know and serve.

This indicates to us that the Masters see Purpose on a higher level than humanity else it could be merely written: the Purpose which we know and serve.

Then too the Masters are not the highest lives in the solar system. The Solar Logos and his associates are much higher and we can assume that their understanding of Purpose goes beyond the consciousness of the Masters. Even at that DK tells us that the Logos must wait until Its next incarnation before He is able to fully express and demonstrate Purpose. At present He is seeking to perfect the Love/Wisdom aspect and He’s only about half way through achieving this. All we have to do is turn on the evening news and we can clearly see that perfect love does not yet exist in this system.

As I said in as previous post Purpose as it is generally understood consists of having a goal that one desires to achieve and then working toward it. This working toward a goal gives added value or “purpose” to one’s life.

Without purpose, even as we understand it, life would have little meaning. We can assume that the idea of giving meaning to life would be an ingredient on all levels. After all, why did God go to all the trouble of creating the universe to begin with? There had to be a purpose behind it. Without purpose, even God would not have had the incentive to enter into the stupendous work of creation.

We can thus say that on all levels of being Purpose gives meaning to creative work so the various lives will do their essential constructive work.

Now let us compare Purpose to the human level and then stretch our minds and envision the next level up.

Human level: Purpose gives meaning to our endeavors.

Higher level: Similar, but the meaning has a higher level of understanding.

Human level: Set a goal that may or may nor reach completion.

Higher level: Set a goal, but successful completion is sure.

Human level: Set a goal and calculate the time to complete it.

Higher level: Set a goal and see the end result in the present without considering time.

Human level: The goal originates in the minds of men is often not practical.

Higher level: The goal of creation originates in higher realms where only truth resides and it is always workable.

Human level: Most humans see purpose only as it applies to them.

Higher level: Higher purpose moves the whole forward and not just the part. One has to have an inclusive consciousness to see this higher Purpose, but when seen and embraced great power is then made available to the disciple. When Purpose is seen or touched then the true power of faith becomes real in his life.

I’ll leave the group with this final thought. If a seeker wants to catch a glimpsed of higher purpose then he must put only that attention on self that is necessary to function well but the main attention should be on this question: What more can I do to move forward the Will and Purpose of God?

Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Matt 6:9-10

Copyright 2016 by J J Dewey

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The Molecular Principle

This entry is part 91 of 98 in the series Principles


Principle 94

The Molecular Principle

Atoms join together to create molecules. We learned that in basic chemistry, but what we didn’t learn was what a magical happening this was.

Take the atoms of hydrogen and oxygen for example. We all know what oxygen is. It is that element in the air we breath that keeps us alive. And hydrogen is the most basic of elements, the most abundant in the universe.

If these two elements are cooled way below zero they will turn into liquid that can be used for rocket fuel, as was the case in the Saturn rocket that sent men to the moon.

But the real magic comes in when these two elements combine together in a bonded relationship that enables them to share their energies. When two atoms of hydrogen bond with one atom of oxygen they suddenly cease to be ingredients of rocket fuel or part of the life giving air we breath. Instead the two elements become something much different than they were before. They become water, or H2O.

Even though water has much different properties than either hydrogen or oxygen the two elements do not lose their identities. If they separate they go back to being just oxygen or hydrogen and are no longer water.

That said, let is define the Molecular Principle.

It is the tendency of all the creations in the universe to find complimentary parts and join with them to create something greater than themselves.

Water is, of course, just one example of greater creations made from the joining together of atoms. There are millions of molecules in our universe composed of many different combinations of atoms.

This molecular principle does not begin or end with the combing of atoms. Atoms themselves are composed of many subatomic particles that have joined together to create it. Then molecules join together to create greater substances and even life as we know it. One human cell is compose of billions of molecules that have joined together and the human body with all its numerous parts are composed of over 30 trillion cells.

The molecular principle does not stop there. Humans join together to create families, tribes, gangs, cities, states, nations, businesses, corporations, churches, teams and most any kind of group one can imagine. In each case the person maintains his identity, but when acting as a member of the group he is no longer just an individual, but a part of something greater than himself.

Each seeker who desires to advance on the path of spiritual evolution must apply the Molecular Principle to some degree and indeed there are numerous degrees of application. It ranges from a loose association with a group to a fully-fledged bond. I have written a book called The Molecular Relations that tells us how this principle will lead us toward creating our next great step in evolution through the creation of a greater spiritual life.

In the meantime each of us needs to ascertain how we can be of the greatest possible value to the whole by joining in and doing our part to serve our brothers and sisters.

No man is an island entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main; if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as any manner of thy friends or of thine own were; any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind. And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.

John Donne

Copyright 2016 by J J Dewey

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The Power of Purpose


April 8, 2016

The Power of Purpose

A reader asked me to elaborate somewhat on purpose. We’ve talked somewhat about the will of God and how to discover it. Is it also possible to find the purpose of God? This is a question worthy of consideration.

DK only gives a few hints about the true meaning of purpose. He tells us that it is connected to the first ray influence and that the first ray is the least developed of the three major rays.

The third ray of active intelligence was the center of evolution in the previous solar system. In that system intelligence was programmed into matter and matter reached a high degree of evolution. Because of this intelligence in matter the evolution of life as we know it here on earth has become possible.

Scientists think that life evolves and adapts to situations because of a natural selection, but the reality is that billions of years of intelligent effort went into programming matter to make it possible for it to evolve and participate in greater creation.

We are presently in the second incarnation of this solar system and in this system the Solar Logos is placing his attention on the Second Ray, the Love-Wisdom aspect. This aspect is developing but the lives in this system are far from fully comprehending and implementing it. When real progress is made here on earth we will finally have peace on earth, goodwill to men, as was given by the herald of angels at the birth of Christ.

After this solar system has run its course it will disintegrate and be reborn in a new life with concentration on the development of the first aspect, generally called the Power aspect, but is broken down to three sub-aspects of Will, Power and Purpose, the highest of which is Purpose.

DK tells us that since the first aspect is in the infancy of development that our understanding is lacking. This especially applies to Purpose of which little is understood.

Reading his thoughts on this roused my curiosity and I spent considerable time contemplating the principle. If the esoteric meaning of purpose is far above the heads of the great thinkers on this planet then, obviously the esoteric Purpose is much different than it is defined in the dictionary today. When its true meaning is grasped then we’ll probably have to invent a new word to set it apart.

Purpose as it is generally understood consists of having a goal that one desires to achieve and then working toward it. This working toward a goal gives added value or “purpose” to one’s life.

Since the word “purpose” was used to describe this mystical aspect I figured that esoteric purpose would be related to it, but just have a higher meaning. I used this as a seed thought along with the other sub-aspects of will and power.

One day in the midst of contemplation my mind was lifted up and I was able to catch a glimpse of the Purpose of God. Indeed I saw that there is indeed no word in the English language for it and whatever I say here will be incomplete. The closest word that I have come across is the Greek word for faith, which is quite different than the modern English word. For further elaboration on this see Principle 89. Even this word falls far short of representing the full meaning. My understanding after the glimpse also falls short for he who could see the fullness of it would have all power in heaven and earth. None of us could be trusted with this.

My glimpse revealed to me how purpose is to eventually be used by humans on the earth. Here is what I came up with.

The intelligence of God knows the end from the beginning and that end is seen outside of the equation of time. This means that if a thing is set to manifest on the earth that this event is seen much differently in and out of time. In time it may seem far away, impossible and unreachable. Outside time the event already exists and nothing can stop its manifestation in time and space.

When we humans tap into Purpose we can see a piece of the plan that will manifest. The only thing between the reality of us and its manifestation is time. When Purpose is seen and sensed the disciple has a sure faith that the manifestation will come. When he sees this and works to shorten the time period between the present and manifestation he takes the side of Purpose. When he takes the side of Purpose he releases the power of faith as it is spoken of in the scriptures. The more firmly he places his focus on the Purpose he sees the more power will be given to him to manifest that Purpose. With a full vision and understanding of the effects of purpose great miracles become possible.

One of the reasons Jesus had such power to perform miracles was because he caught a glimpse of Purpose and fearlessly stood by what he saw. He saw that it was a part of the plan to manifest the Love of God on the earth. He was thus able to perform miracles because each one of them was a manifestation of love.

If a seeker wants to discover purpose he must discover the plan of God for humanity as a whole and then throw energy and attention behind it. Then his power to serve will be amplified. Let us hope we all can find a piece of the puzzle and be empowered to do our part in manifesting it.

 Copyright 2016 by J J Dewey

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This entry is part 90 of 98 in the series Principles

Principle 93


The pilgrim who seeks to journey upon the path of liberation leading back to his spiritual home must discover the principle of synthesis and actively use it.

A synthesizer is one who can look upon the sea of diverse elements or parts and gather from them what is needed to create something that is new and useful.

All the tools and items we see about us that we find useful are the result of synthesis – your car, the house you live in, your computer, phone, television etc. They are all made of diverse materials that may not have much value by themselves, yet combined with other elements, often much different than themselves, they make a complete whole which is of much more value than the part by itself. What good is a nail if it is never used to create something of which it is just a part? Not much. But when used synthetically to build the nail becomes an essential ingredient.

There are two kinds of people in the world. Those who are synthesizers and those who are not. What is the difference? Here are a few.

(1) The ordinary person only uses the tools that are commonly available.

The synthesizer makes new tools by gathering and combining what he has available.

(2) The ordinary person only sees the obvious in people.

The synthesizer sees more and helps others merge together to create something useful.

(3) The ordinary person just puts in his time at work and does his job.

The synthesizer is always looking for ways to improve, not only his performance, but the whole company.

(4) The ordinary person merely believes what he has been taught through a chain of authority.

The synthesizer looks at all possible beliefs and gathers from them that which is useful and makes sense.

(5) The ordinary person when on a team will concentrate on his performance.

The synthesizer will go beyond this and focus on the performance benefit of the team as a whole.

(6) The ordinary person only acquires and applies knowledge as needed or required.

The synthesizer throws out a wide net, gathers in more knowledge than required and discovers wonderful ways to put it to use.

Obviously the true seeker needs to become a synthesizer, for without using this principle his usefulness will be limited.

One of the most obvious characteristics of a synthesizer is that he or she will not see or judge things with a black and white attitude. Instead of seeing black and white he will often see many shades of gray. This expanded vision though will not make him indecisive but will allow him to make wiser decisions and judgments than the non synthetic person.

He will value the words of Solomon who gave us these words of wisdom:

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;

A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;

A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;

A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;

A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;

A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;

A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.

Eccl 3:1-8

Copyright 2016 by J J Dewey
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Lessons from Miracles

April 6, 2016

Lessons from Miracles

A reader asked me to comment on the meaning of the healing of Jairus’ daughter by Jesus. It is really a story of two miracles. Here is the account from the New International Version:

When Jesus had again crossed over by boat to the other side of the lake, a large crowd gathered around him while he was by the lake.

Then one of the synagogue leaders, named Jairus, came, and when he saw Jesus, he fell at his feet. He pleaded earnestly with him, “My little daughter is dying. Please come and put your hands on her so that she will be healed and live.”

So Jesus went with him. A large crowd followed and pressed around him. And a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years. She had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and had spent all she had, yet instead of getting better she grew worse.

When she heard about Jesus, she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak, because she thought, “If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed.”

Immediately her bleeding stopped and she felt in her body that she was freed from her suffering.

At once Jesus realized that power had gone out from him. He turned around in the crowd and asked, “Who touched my clothes?”

“You see the people crowding against you,” his disciples answered, “and yet you can ask, ‘Who touched me?’

But Jesus kept looking around to see who had done it. Then the woman, knowing what had happened to her, came and fell at his feet and, trembling with fear, told him the whole truth.

He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.”

While Jesus was still speaking, some people came from the house of Jairus, the synagogue leader. “Your daughter is dead,” they said. “Why bother the teacher anymore?”

Overhearing what they said, Jesus told him, “Don’t be afraid; just believe.”

He did not let anyone follow him except Peter, James and John the brother of James. When they came to the home of the synagogue leader, Jesus saw a commotion, with people crying and wailing loudly.

He went in and said to them, “Why all this commotion and wailing? The child is not dead but asleep.” But they laughed at him. After he put them all out, he took the child’s father and mother and the disciples who were with him, and went in where the child was.

He took her by the hand and said to her, “Talitha koum!” (which means “Little girl, I say to you, get up!”). Immediately the girl stood up and began to walk around (she was twelve years old). At this they were completely astonished.

He gave strict orders not to let anyone know about this, and told them to give her something to eat.

Mark 5:21-43

There is a lot to be gleaned from these verses, but will just cover several important points.

The first thing of interest is how little things have changed as far as medical expenses go for orthodox treatments. Concerning the sick lady it was written:

She had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and had spent all she had, yet instead of getting better she grew worse.

How many times do we hear patients today tell this same story? People get sick and, even with insurance, they spend all they have trying to survive but often to no avail.

The second thing of interest was the identity of the man who initially sought the help of Jesus. He was the leader of a synagogue. And why is this important?

Because the Jewish leaders, as a whole, scorned and mocked Jesus. This would be comparable to Bernie Sanders today going to Donald Trump asking for help.

The guy obviously loved his daughter and most likely, like the lady, had tried everything available to help his daughter and nothing worked. For both people Jesus was the last resort. Nothing else worked so let’s see if the crazy guy can actually do something.

The lesson here is that we should start thinking out of the box before we become desperate. Those who search for answers through self-imposed motivation are richly rewarded. Those who wait until they are desperate will rarely encounter a helper like Jesus who can turn things around at the last minute.

Another thing of significance is that when the woman touched his garment Jesus felt power go out of him, or through him. This tells us that there is a universal power source that can be tapped into that will stimulate healing. We must seek to be good conductors of it as was Jesus.

Another point is that Jesus did not tell Jairus to go jump in the lake merely because he belonged to a group of sworn enemies. He responded to a plea for help without casting negative judgment.

Then as he proceeded to assist Jairus another miracle happened along the way.

The lesson here is that as the seeker willingly serves with all his strength, more strength and power to serve are made available and opportunities blossom.

Finally we come to the most significant lesson. When Jesus began the journey he only allowed Jairus and three believing disciples to come with him. Then after he arrived he made everyone leave his presence except for Jairus, his wife and his three disciples.

Why was this?

Raising the dead was a miracle few could accept and if unbelievers and mockers were present, even Jesus could not have performed the miracle.

After all, we are told that he could not perform any miracle in his hometown because the people there had no faith in him.

Miracles will be few and far between if you are in the midst of a crowd hostile to them or those attempting to perform them.

If one person has a consciousness directed toward Spirit and finds another so directed then their power is amplified. If he finds many their power is magnified beyond belief.

This principle will eventually be demonstrated in the Molecular Relationship.

Copyright 2016 by J J Dewey

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