David Whitmer Descendant Talk

Visits from Immortals

I received a lead the other day on this very unusual interview. This guy claims to have been in physical contact with all kinds of resurrected immortals from the scriptures and more. Whether you believe it or not it provides interesting reading. Take a read and see what you think.


NOVEMBER 18, 1993

After 2.5 years we taught 112 people and baptized 112. We never even taught a lesson to anybody except they got baptized. I mean we even hit the number one atheist in Tacoma who was a 19-year-old kid that had an IQ of over 200.

When he was 14 he had challenged every major religion to a big debate.’, He challenged the Catholics, Baptists and they would meet in a large ‘hall that seated 300 or 400 people. He had won every debate but he couldn’t get any Mormons to come and debate. The full-time missionaries would come and teach him but they wouldn’t discuss Adam-God theory, or polygamy, and all that. He had slipped in to one of our baptisms where we were baptizing a couple, and he had heard there was going to be a baptism and he wanted to see what it was like. Right after the baptism he slips out the door.

Arly and! were getting dressed and we usually baptize one or the other and then we would switch on the confirmation. When I go to confirm them I can’t find Arly. So I confirm them both and we get all through and I go out into the parking lot and there is Arly. He had slipped out and the Spirit had said go get him. So Arly had headed him off and he said “What I want to do is learn about the Adam-God theory, polygamy, and all that stuff.”

Arly said “we will teach you anything you want to know.” And he said “OK” come over to my house Thursday night.’ So starting Thursday night on we taught him?????? Arly took my watch, I had, one with the hand on it going around. He took my watch and he says “John is there any elements in that watch that you couldn’t find out here in the earth”?

John says “no.”

Arly says “what are the chances of all them coming together and actually working”? And John goes, he figures it all out, “really there is no Chance of that happening”. Arly, then says “someone had to make it, huh? “OK, I finally believe there is a God”. There is no way I can get passed that one. Then with tears in his eyes John says “now teach me about God”.

He ended up joining the Church and then he went on a mission, then he came to BYU and I haven’t heard much from him since. Arly would head off people all over town. I learned on that fifth stake mission how you do it by the spirit. If you don’t have revelation you have to knock on every door. If you have the Spirit you just pass up the ones that aren’t ready even they make an appointment. He is the one that opened the door on it. So when I moved back from Tacoma up to Salt Lake here the first week I went to church as a Seventy they Said “our group instructor isn’t here. Here is the lesson manual. Would you mind teaching us lesson number such and such”? I stood up first time in the ward and taught the lesson and after that they set me apart as the Seventy instructor.

The second week the High Priest group instructor wasn’t there and they asked if they could come in. And about three years later they made me a High Priest and I still teach in all the Seventies and High Priests and I was there 8.5 years teaching them. Two and a half years working in the River Jordan temple in the baptistry every wednesday.

I had a goal that took me fifteen years to reach. I wanted to be able to speak to the church of the Firstborn and the resurrected beings. Even going on a mission I needed personal revelation of some kind that said “Yes, I want you to go on a mission, and here is where I want you to go, this is what I want you to do”. Rather than just assume I am supposed to be going where the Church told me to go based on there was an opening that happened to be there. I wanted to be more. I went for fifteen years fasting, praying filling every position that I had, doing everything I could by the spirit until I started receiving my first visions and revelations. That would have been eight years ago now.

My first vision I had Jesus taking me by the hand and we were sailing over, what turned out to be, most of the state of Utah. We were at an incline about like this ‘/’. We are about two or three hundred feet in the air and He is showing me all the destruction that is going to happen to Utah. He kept saying “I’ll clean my house first”. My house meaning those that are the closest, those that have the most, will be where I clean first.

There ‘vas a woman climbing up over rubble. She was all beat up, she had dried blood on her, scabs, everything was a mess on her. She was digging thru rubble like it was her home. She was saying “Oh God, I’ve lost everything”, “I’ve lost everything”, and just a wailing. And Jesus said “no, you I’ve lost everything that you thought would save you: Unless all of you turn your hearts to me, and come to me, “this is what’s going to happen to you”.

I don’t know how long this vision took but When it finished I was sitting on the end of my bed. I went downstairs and walked around for about 45 minutes. I came back up and just sat on the edge of the bed and was just starting to lean back onto the pillow when the vision started again. It was exactly the same thing, exactly, same words, everything perfect. When I got thru I was sitting on the edge of the bed again so I went down and walked around for a little over an hour. I went back up and was just starting to sit on the edge of the bed when it started for the third time. After the first one ‘remember thinking ‘when my wife wakes up in the morning I am going to tell her we’ve got to move away from Salt Lake. After the second one we’ve got to move away from the Wasatch front and after the third one we’ve got to move out of Utah because then ‘remember seeing Logan, St. George, Vernal, and everyplace in Utah., ‘remember seeing headlines, like news headlines’ saying “Look what has happened to, Utah. These were God-fearing, family-oriented, upright, clean living people. If that can happen in Utah what is going to happen to the rest of us”? I was seeing newcasters saying the same type of thing.

Question: Was that an earthquake type of thing, or nuclear?

Answer: There wasn’t much standing. ‘remember seeing the temple but it was like the temple was sticking out of some water. I could only see the top spires of the temple. The rubble was mostly upon the benches but it looked like there was a lot of water here). Since then I have found out that there is a 200-300 foot shelf of salt underneath the Whole Salt Lake valley. A geologist at the University of Utah was telling me that that salt in the last years has been dissolved and most of it is gone now and it is just a hollow cavern down there. When they drill they can hit an area of 300 feet thick with nothing in it, it is just empty. So it is like the earthquake shakes and this falls down and then the water from the Great Salt Lake rushes in.

The Indians talk to say that in their prophesies it is something like the salt woman, they call this the salt woman and the salt woman is going to raise up and clean the valley. But all I can tell you is what I saw which was a lot of destruction and when this woman says, “I’ve lost everything”, all He answered was, “you’ve lost everything you thought would save you”.

I don’t think I’ve told you this but I saw a couple of visions where I could see me standing on a corner in Salt Lake and I’m telling people that now is the time to repent, now is the time to get your life in order. ‘remember a guy coming up with a three- piece suit on and a briefcase and he asks if he can go home and tell his family about this? And I say, “Yes”. I see myself there a few days later saying the same things and another guy in a three- piece suit and a briefcase comes up and asks if he can go home and warn his family and I answer, “no, there isn’t time”. I can see myself turn and like I was heading west and when I got somewhere out on the desert, I could see a lot of people behind me and a lot of people out-in front of me, all traveling, but I felt like a big whoosh behind me. It was just like something brushed the back of my head, and the back of my shoulders and my pants and the heels just went whoosh like something fell down. I turned around and it was like I was looking through glass or plastic.

Everything was swirling. There were people, cars, trees, and houses swirling up in the air and they had a horrified look on their face. That’s when my wife says, “we want to be in front of you”. (He moved right out to Vancouver, WA). I had an angel come and say, “you ‘re now ready to be rebaptized in preparation to receiving further ordinances”.

Question: Did the angel give a name?

Answer: He eventually did but he didn’t when I first met him). I went and told my Bishop, told my Stake president, told the 1st councilor in my stake Presidency who lived in my ward, and told them all everything that was happening. I thought that they would line me up an appointment at the temple or something to go get baptized. It was stuff I didn’t know much about, the ordinances for rebaptism.

I asked the angel, “what’s this about?, What do I need to do?”. I want you to go up to the Church archives and get a copy of David Whitmer, the witness, his patriarchal blessing. The next day I went up and requested a copy and they punched in the computer and said, “there is none”. So that night this angel shows up again and says, “I want you to go up and get a copy of David Whitmer’s blessing”. I say there isn’t one and he says, “yes, there is”.

I went up again and they had a supervisor gal there that kept putting it in the computer and saying, “there isn’t one”. So I went home and the next night here he comes again. I am thinking that this guy is a broken record. There is one or there isn’t. I wasn’t arguing with him but I just said, “they tell me there isn’t one.

The angel says, “there is one”. “OK, I’ll go”. I go up and just make another request and they say, . “there isn’t one”. I said, “Do you have somebody that knows why there wouldn’t be one?” There is a guy that has worked here for 45 years. He looked like he was 80 years old. He kinda looked like Joseph Fielding smith. He looked like he had worked in the archives all his life. He’ tried the computer also and then said he would look in the actual stacks. He came back out and said, “Yea, there is one back there but it’s a file that’s got all three edges taped together with red tape and red tape across the front. Written on the red tape across the front is “Do not open except in the presence of the First Presidency”.

The old man says, “the only way you can get a copy is by requesting it with this form”. He helped me fill out the form. I put down that he is an ancestor and I want a copy to put in my book of remembrance. He says, “that is a valid reason.” Two weeks later I get a letter from Dean Larson, the general authority in charge of historical department of the church, after deliberation, the First Presidency has denied your request for a copy of David Whitmer’s patriarchal blessing.

The next night the angel comes back. I said, “I am sorry I could not get a copy of the blessing”. The angel said, “I just wanted you to know there was one”. I said, “I believe that there is one”. The angel then said, “I am going to tell you who I am now. I am David Whitmer and Joseph Smith gave me that blessing. I am now going to tell you what was in that blessing”. A lot of the same stuff that he told me (he shifts directions here for a while)

Now let me jump back; When I was 2.5 years old my mother ran over me in a car. They rushed me over to the Sanford???? clinic. I had 68 bones broken and I swelled up and they had to cut my clothes off. The doctor said I wouldn’t make it to Phoenix and we can’t save him here so just take him home because he wouldn’t make it thru the night. My grandfather, the one who grew up with Spencer Kimball, . (more background about his grandfather) My grandfather had a little boy that drowned. The little boy had been stuck in a head gate of an irrigation ditch for 4 hours. The family members couldn’t find him and they finally went and got granddad. He jumped off the tractor and knelt down and he could see in a vision right where the kid was. He ran over and jumped a few fences and ran right up to this headgate and jumped in and the water was up to his chest. Even though the water was muddy, granddad could see where the boy’s hand was because of the vision that was shown to him. He pulled him out, put his left hand on his head and his right arm to the square and commanded the Lord to make him live.

Water shot out of his mouth about fifteen feet straight in the air. Every year on his birthday he gives granddad a book or a little present. My grandmother passed away one day and the relief society had taken her over to the church house to get ready for burial. Granddad had come home and found out she had died he said, .”no she hasn’t, she has a family to raise”. He went to the church took her hand with his left, raised his right arm to the square and commanded her to rise, and she did. He dragged her all the way home (sounds rougher than it was) and she had to take the stitches out when she got home. She still had the scars from where they had sewn up her lips and eyes.

They had five more kids after this. I am giving you an idea what my grandfather was like. So he gave me a blessing when I was 2.5 years old and was ran over. Everybody knew that I was going to die, but he told me I wasn’t so I didn’t. I still have a big scar on my leg that reminds me of it.

When I was 19 Spencer Kimball gave me a blessing and the blessing really scared me. .’think I was on my fifth stake mission in Tacoma when my grandfather passed away in Arizona. He passed away for about 17 minutes. He had had a heart attack and the paramedics had rushed him to the hospital and they were preparing an operating room for him. He was all hooked up to the machines and had left him alone in a dark room and when they came back the machines showed he was dead flat for 17 minutes. Grandfather said he had met the Lord and had talked the Lord into letting him come back. He wanted all of his posterity to come down and hear his testimony.

The whole family went to Arizona. I would have been about 30 years old. (I could have been anywhere from 28 to 32). Grandfather told everyone how he had met the Lord, what it was like, and how long he knew his wife would still be here. Grandfather told everyone that he had come back to bear his testimony that the Lord lives and has been resurrected, etc.

That afternoon he came and took me by the hand and took me out around the house where there are no windows on one side and where a trampoline is, which they leaned on. Grandfather said, “The only reason I came back is to repeat a blessing to you. The Lord told me to repeat a blessing to you. Do you remember the blessing I gave you when you got ran over?” I said, “I remember that you gave me a blessing but I don’t know what was in it.” He said, “no one has told you what was in it?” I said, “no.” When he started talking about the third word I knew it was, word for word, the same blessing that Spencer Kimball had given me in his office when I was nineteen. It had some of the same stuff in it that David Whitmer’s patriarchal blessing had that he was given by Joseph Smith. The one that is sealed at the archives that can’t be opened except the First Presidency is there.

Every time I’ve heard the blessing it scared me. It is mainly dealing with family though. From the church standpoint it deals with family. I have a mission with my family. . . (1985) The Lord took me on those three trips of destruction, preaching on the corner, and then my two grandfather’s appeared to me. They had both died since then. They appeared to me in my bedroom. My dad’s father and my mother’s father. My mother’s father didn’t say anything but he would nod his head whenever my other grandfather would talk. (background) Both grandfather’s served full-time missions, both married in the temple, both had four sons and four daughters each, all their sons and half the daughters of each served full-time missions, they all married in the temple and served in bishoprics and stake presidencies. Three sons are stake patriarchs now. They are both real straight arrow type families, real solid.

One grandfather has 63 grandchildren and the other has 64 and all of them married in the temple. Both of them served full time missions with their wives after they retired. One worked 20 years and the other worked 22 in the Mesa Temple and the Salt Lake Temple. With that background here they are telling me “Where we are we can’t progress until you, on the path you are on, continue on that path and receive the Patriarchal Priesthood, and the sealing power of Elijah and seal us into your family.”

I said, “What, say what?” They told me this three times that night, “You need to go on your path, and stay on it, and obtain the Patriarchal Priesthood and the sealing power of Elijah and seal us into your family or we can’t progress.” I went through two months of searching everything trying to figure out what they are talking about. They have done everything that I hoped to do, they covered all their bases, they have done everything by the numbers. I am wondering what they missed, or what they say they have missed out on. The next Sunday, after they visited me I got up to teach the High Priests and Seventies and I prepared whatever the lesson was, and when I opened my mouth the Spirit had me give a whole lesson on the Patriarchal Priesthood and none of it I had ever heard before. I was just like a spectator in the room listening to the same lecture on Patriarchal Priesthood. I couldn’t believe it.

On the Aaronic level men hold the Priesthood because they need to learn how to serve others.’ Women don’t need the Priesthood because they already serve others, they already know how so they don’t need to learn it. On the Melchizedek level the woman share in the Priesthood with their husbands, but they don’t need their husband there to do it. They can anoint with oil, they can bless, they did it back in Joseph Smith’s time, and in Brigham Young’s time. On the Patriarchal level they hold the priesthood independent of their husband and some can have a higher Priesthood than their husband has but it is all independent.

I am saying all this and saying where is all this coming from? I have never heard this, never saw it, don’t even have a whisp of it. I get the Whole thing out and afterwards, out of 32 men in the class, at least 20 come up and say we have never heard anything about this. Where did you get this? I said, “I have no idea.”

That was Sunday and on Wednesday we had stake temple night. Out of those 32 men 30 went to the temple but I did not go. I got 2 phone calls at 11:00 that night. The Bishop and the first councilor both called and said, “Boy, you wouldn’t believe what happened to us tonight. We went to the temple and had an hour set aside for a question and answer time to talk about things you can’t talk about except in the temple. When we got there and the temple President came in and said, “We have a letter from the First Presidency saying that we cannot give these question and answer periods anymore. We are only supposed to give you a lecture on the importance of corning to the Temple.” He introduces his first councilor who is going to give us the lecture and then the President left. When the first councilor opened his mouth, Out comes every word that you (David) said on the Patriarchal Priesthood but the first councilor also had all the footnotes, he had every place that you go to get that information.

Right after the lecture the bishop made an appointment with him for you and I to go to his house. He is a stake patriarch and he is the first councilor in the River Jordan temple. Saturday at 8:00 a.m. he will show us where he got all this. John Taylor, Brigham Young Joseph Smith, Wilford Woodruff were all quoted. The two brethren from his ward stated that this was a second witness.

It was a Sunday or two after that that I was told to resign from my job as teacher of the High Priests and Seventies and concentrate on my family. I told the High Priest group leader that I wanted to be released and he asked why. I told him that I was supposed to concentrate on my family. When I got home that day the stake president calls me and comes rushing over to my house. He had been the president for 2 months. Prior to that time he had served in the presidency for 8 years. He went through a lot of scriptures but his bottom line was; “When I was in seminary my seminary teacher showed me these scriptures and told me that I need to develop my own personal relationship with’ the Lord, that I need to have communion with the Church of the First-Born, and the resurrected, and righteous, and just saints. I need to have ministering angels. He listed them all.

Then he continued by saying, I went on a full-time mission, I got married in the temple and I was put right in the bishopric, then I was made the next bishop. Then I went right into the stake presidency and ! was the first councilor for 11 years and now I am the stake president. This has not happened to me and it can’t be happening to you. I have to excommunicate you because! don’t want anybody following you, I don’t want anybody coming over and talking with you and if I don’t excommunicate you then everybody will.”

That was the most devastating thing I have heard about in my life. Number one I can tell you that if you say that membership in the church is more important to you than a personal relationship with the Lord, I can tell you what you are going to end up losing because that is one of the first things that will go. I went through a week and a half of horror. I plead with the Lord, I prayed, I would do anything. My whole goal up until that time was to become wealthy in construction and then teach seminary for a $l.00/yr wherever they wanted me to. That is all I actually wanted to do and I only had a half of a year of college to finish. I just wanted to teach for a dollar a year and then take my students during the summer and put them in my construction crew and teach them how to work and how to be a son or daughter of God all the time you are working and enjoy it.

(So they went ahead with the action?) “Yes.” The stake president said, “I don’t even want you at the trial, it won’t make any difference, I’m going to excommunicate you anyway.”

Question: Did they give you any reasons?

Answer: The stake president said, ” I’m just going to put down that you have departed ‘from the doctrine of Christ.” ‘I actually went over and drove around the church house, at least five times, when the trial was going on because I wanted to go. I actually had angels that kept me from going but I wanted to go anyway just so I could say I listened to it and see how it was.

I had three high council men come over to my house afterwards and say, “Every time he would ask for a vote we would all vote ‘no.’ We saw no reason to excommunicate you. Then he finally read a letter from one of the Seventies. It was a Poulson, or something like that. But he’ read a letter from a General Authority and in the letter it said something about following the advice of your Priesthood leaders. I don’t know the wording of it. I kinda had their versions so I won’t get into because I wasn’t sure but in it, it said that if ‘your Priesthood leader chooses the way to go you have to sustain him. After the third ‘no’, and the stake president was the only one to vote to excommunicate me. He read this letter from one of the General Authorities and then said, “I as your stake president have chosen to excommunicate him so therefore to sustain me you all have to vote yes.”

Then we all voted yes because we wanted to obey our Priesthood leader. I said, “That’s fine it doesn’t bother me a bit.” The reason it didn’t bother me was because the Lord, in one of the nights I was in this anguish, came and said, “David, what man gives you man can take away. Let them. Now what I’m going to give you no man can take away. Now which one is it you want? What is that you want to hang on to?

I’ll take whatever You are going to give me.” That was the bottom line and so from then on it didn’t bother rue. Since then, I’ll just run through the next year or two.

I was baptized by John the Baptist into the Church of Christ. Not the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints but into what they call the Church of Christ, that level. Then I was baptized into the Church of Enoch and then I was baptized into the church of the Firstborn.

Question: I don’t understand What the Church of Christ is.

Answer: It is part of the Kingdom of God.

Question: You can’t go directly from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day saints to the Church of the Firstborn. Is that what you are saying?

Answer: I can’t even envision how that would happen. You have seven levels. The Book of Revelations is primarily for just these people in the last-days. The elect people in the last-days can read the Book of Revelations and it is just for them. When John keeps saying ‘let him Who hath an ear, hear’ what he is saying is if you can hear what I am saying this is just for you. It isn’t for anyone else. It hasn’t been for anyone else in the entire ages until right now.

There is seven churches in there that they talk about; Ephesus, Smyrna, Thyatira (see Revelation chapter 1:11). All they represent is the seven levels you personally have to go through getting into the presence of God. There is the Church of the setting in Order, that is the first one. The Church of the Restoration, the Church of Christ, the Church of Noah, the Church of Abraham, the Church of Enoch, and then the Church of the Firstborn.

Question: They are not called that in the Book of Revelations?

Answer: no, but the spirit will teach you what it is all about. John has written it in such a way that nobody by their reasoning power can figure out what he is talking about. As you progress through those levels, basically what it means is, you have to prepare your body for the I AM spirit in you to now fill that temple with the Spirit of God – which it is. When that spirit, the I AM of you, receives its glory it will burn the carnal body up because the carnal body hasn’t been prepared yet. You have to (prepare your body so that every physical cell in your body matches , the spiritual cell of your spirit body. When the spirit is in control and every cell of the spirit of you is in control of your physical body it will go through that, seven year process of replacing every cell to match perfectly, DNA and everything, with that spirit body. Then, and only then, will that body be able to withstand the Glory of God.

The Second coming of the Lord is just talking about the spirit of you coming forth and taking over.

Question: In order to do this you have to be baptized into the Church of Christ?

Answer: That is just one of the levels. It isn’t that you have to be baptized in it’s that the church of the setting in order means the physical part of you and your mental mind has to, let the Spirit start setting yourself in order. Then you have to restore all things. You have to restore everything so that the spirit has all the power.

Then the Christ level of Church means that the I AM part of you is now taking over everything. Not just beating your heart, which it already does, the spirit part of you controls beating your heart, and your eyes blinking. If you had to think about it and do it yourself your mind would wander and your heart would stop. You have to obtain a faith in Christ enough that you say I know you’re beating my heart I so I know that you can control the rest of my life. You can control what I eat, when I sleep, what I think, where I go and what I do. I’ll turn my life over to you and let you control it. That’s’ putting faith in Christ. You believe it will take care of you. Then God feeds you, God’ clothes you, and God takes care of you.

Now you’re putting yourself into His hands. As that spirit now renews your body and replaces those cells (pause) I’ll go to the Sacrament level. On the Aaronic level the sacrament is bread and water. On the Melchizedek level the sacrament is red wine and unleavened bread. On the Patriarchal level the sacrament is everything you eat becomes your flesh. It becomes the flesh of the I AM spirit part of you which is the same as the spirit I AM part that’s in Jesus. The part of Jesus that’s the Christ’ is the I AM part that’s in Him so therefore the I AM part that’s in you can become the same in Christ.

As, the spirit takes over and you eat something you sanctify it because it becomes your flesh. That’s taking upon you His name – you’re becoming that Christ. As you eat you sanctify it and it becomes your flesh, you drink and sanctify it and it becomes the blood in you. Have you been washed by the blood of the Lamb means let the blood in you” as you drink this it becomes your blood – let that blood cleanse and as the spirit casts out of each cell that which is unclean – it can be preservatives or whatever is in there – but as it cleanses every cell it puts it in the blood and the blood is what’s washing you clean.

As that blood washes you clean and as What you eat keeps replacing your body you become a body that matches perfectly the spiritual body that’s already in there. Then you’ll be able to withstand Jesus’s presence or the Father’s presence.

Question: You had this vision where Jesus came to take you before you had this?

Answer: The Holy Ghost can cover you and do all that. They can take you to the city of Enoch to baptize you in the Temple there and they just clothe you in the Holy Ghost and take you there – that’s all that amounts to. It’s like a spiritual person stands right behind but you’re enveloped in their aura so then as you go through it can’t bother you. What does Nephi say – the Holy Ghost will tell you all things whatsoever you should do.

The Holy Ghost, all it means is that it’s complete. A complete whole, w-h-o-l-e. As your spirit becomes whole and in charge of the whole body it’s a Holy Spirit – it’s complete and that’s all they’re talking about. Now the Holy Ghost out there is anyone on the sanctified, any of the Church of the Firstborn, any righteous and just person who hasn’t been resurrected yet, or who hasn’t even come down and got their body yet can officiate in the office of the Holy Ghost.

In the temple when the Father says, “Jehovah go down and tell the man Adam” Jehovah turns and says, “Peter, James, and John go down and tell the man Adam”. Jehovah is in the office of the Son (Father, Son) and Peter, James and John have just been assigned, in the office of the Holy Ghost, to go tell Adam something but it could be your grandfather, it could be your great-grandson who hasn’t even been born yet. These could be ones assigned to you. When Jehovah turns and tells someone (shall tell them who?) Joseph Smith and Joseph Smith assigns the one that is assigned to you, your guardian angel, that guardian angel can come and testify to something you’re reading, or something you’re praying about. He’s coming in the office of the Holy Ghost (to specifically???) but he does not add anything to the words or He doesn’t take anything away. Whatever the Father says, and Whatever the Son says, and whatever Joseph says that is exactly what you end up getting. It is the words of Christ that you’re hearing.

Question: What you are telling me is that the endowment we are watching is personal.

Answer: There you go. If you take everything personal, If you say the earth itself has to go under a big cleansing change now to get ready for the coming of the Lord, they’re not talking about the earth they’re talking about your body. Get it ready. Get it cleansed. It’s going to have to have earthquakes, it’s going to have to have tornadoes in it to get out all the parts. All the earth is a symbol representing what has to happen to your body.

When they say, “I have a mansion in heaven” the mansion in heaven is your body. Where is your spirit going to dwell and live through all eternity? In your body; so renew it. Your whole purpose in coming here was to get a body. Don’t leave it in the grave and go up there and say now what am I going to do? They’re saying you got to go resurrect your body in the grave. How do I do that? It’s a lot harder now then it was while you were still in it. You let the physical part of you stay in control. When it said “I’m hungry” What did you do? You ate. Who does that give power to? The physical part. Who was in control? The physical part. Now you’ve got to go get it back. You’ve got to go raise it up. You’re not going to get a mansion in heaven unless you take it with you there. This is the time to prepare to meet God. That is basically it.

Question: When I am talking personal I am talking Patriarchal, right?

Answer: Right. Let’s go Patriarchal. When Ezra Taft Benson comes into any of your homes he knows who presides when he gets there: The father of the family presides. Doesn’t even matter if they’re Mormon or not, they don’t even have to be Mormon, but they still preside because the father has the first level of the patriarchal Priesthood already sealed on him by God before he even comes here.

That much Patriarchal Priesthood is greater than the highest level in the church. So even the President, Prophet, Seer and Revelator of the Church, when he enters any home, he immediately goes under the direction of the Father because that’s a greater Priesthood. You take that Priesthood, which came from God” and that’s the Priesthood that God has to continue giving you. Remember Abraham said, “Melchizedek ordained me to become ‘a King arid a Priest” but the Lord came and put His hands on my head and sealed me a King and a priest after I was willing to sacrifice Isaac. Then, and only then, did he say now I have a Priesthood.

Question: We are introduced to the Patriarchal order?

Answer: Right. What the sealed portion of the gold plates are, are ramblings about the Patriarchal order. There’s pieces of that that will pertain just to you. Then you get to the Patriarchal level and find someone on the other side of the veil who takes you under their wing, you might say, then they’ll instruct you and slowly guide you so that you gradually become aware of what you need to do on the Patriarchal level. The women have an independent – they have to get their revelation and their inspiration on what their path is and what they need to do because they receive priesthood too. It wasn’t that the men had the Priesthood and the women had nothing. It’s that the women didn’t need to have it because they didn’t have the natural man’s instincts of “me first.”

All my kids would know that if they came up to me and asked for a bite off of my plate I never stuck in their mouth the one I was saving for my last bite. You know what I mean? There is the best part of any steak. The wife will always give that to any kid. They’ll even give the best steak to their husband, won’t they? Naturally, that’s because they already know how to serve others. Men have to learn that so they’re given the Priesthood in order to put a harness on them and make them do it. Make them go home teaching, make them pass out fast offerings. They’ve got it all twisted around here they say, “gee, look at me I’ve got power.” I’m up here passing the sacrament.” All it is, is that this is the only way we can get you to learn to do what the women already know. They don’t need it, they don’t have to do it.

All you get from that point on is further instructions pertaining to what you need to do. When a husband teaches his wife what the Lord or your patriarchal father tells you to teach her. The Lord knows what your wife needs to learn, or what she needs to know about you – that you do care and you do appreciate her. The Lord. will have you tell her that.

When you get home from work, if you have four kids, you go hug all four kids. Some of them are thinking ‘oh geez, here’s dad again. He’s, just going to hug me and I don’t need a hug right now. But there’s one of them that’s going to say, “Oh dad, hug me, little longer, longer. I needed it all day.” The Spirit is going to say, “Go take that one and go sit down and spend a whole hour.” The others don’t care so it doesn’t matter right now. When their time comes, that ‘they’re weepy or something has happened during that day, and you come home that’s when the Spirit says take them aside and spend some time.

When you do it by revelation you fill all their needs. You fill all of their needs. You don’t need Primary. All the church function is for is we are going to teach these fathers, wives, and children what the fathers aren’t teaching them and should’ve been. That’s all it amounts to.

Every time Moses, or anybody, says the Lord wants a nation of Priests, Holy Priests, that’s what he’s talking about. We want the fathers to get their own revelation, get their own instructions and teach their own. When they finally come up to their wife’s level, which is patriarchal, then the wife can get hers. But if the Lord says, “Look, you guys have been together for 20 years now. I’m going to go ahead and start giving your wife all this Patriarchal priesthood authority and she’s going to be in charge of this and this and you just keep coming. What would most men think right then? She’s got more authority than I do. What would most men do? Quit; that’s right. So the Lord says let’s just wait until he actually gets there.

I met Moroni, the brother of Jared, seven different Jaredites, about six or so Nephites, including Moroni, two of the three Nephites that are translated. All of them gave me different things, different things to do with the patriarchal Priesthood and what I need to do just for my family. Joseph Smith and Joseph Smith Sr. came and that was the first time I actually saw the Lord in person and not just in a vision. They ordained me to what they called a probationary Patriarchal Priesthood and then sealed me as a son to Joseph Smith Sr.

I was puzzled then as to why Joseph Smith Sr but since then I’ve found in the ‘Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith’, on page 38 (I think), it’s where Joseph Smith gives his father a patriarchal blessing. In that he actually gives him the keys to stand as Adam on the earth in the last-days. He is Adam to this last dispensation. He will be able to sit at Adam-Ondi-Ahman with of all these Patriarchal sons adopted to him. Everyone on the Patriarchal level will be adopted to him and he’ll sit at Adam-Ondi-Ahman and then turn them all over to the original Adam.

Anyway, at the time, all I knew was that I was assigned, as a son, to Joseph Smith Sr.. Then he gave me by revelation every step I had to do. Basically, everything was how to get me prepared so that I could meet the Lord himself. In a sense, he was functioning on the Holy Ghost level to me and received a lot of instructions through him and other people on the Holy Ghost level and I received instructions from King David, the King David of Israel. He was one of my guardian angels. David Whitmer, the Book of Mormon witness, Brigham Young, John Taylor, two of the translated Nephites, the brother of Jared, and Moroni. All these weren’t all on that same level.

There was a period of time from when I was assigned to him, and the impression I had was I was sealed to him forever. If you talk to anybody that knows Patriarchal stuff they say your Patriarchal father is your father forever but when he released me and introduced me to the Lord he said, ” I’m releasing my sealing to you and now you will be sealed to the Lord.” Then I was sealed as a son to Jesus himself. From that moment on I didn’t have anymore visitations on the Holy Ghost level. There rarely would be a day that He didn’t come but when he didn’t he’d assign someone else to and someone else could that was on His level who is already a joint heir with Him. That would be when I met Abraham, and some of the guys that are on that level. How long was I at that level? 8 months. In that eight. months all He was trying to find out was if He said jump would I jump or would I discuss it and try to find out why I’m jumping?

He was trying to get me to a point when I would stop saying why. I want to know why – kind of thing. The nearest thing I can describe it to is if you take a broken horse, like a cutting horse, when you get that cutting horse to where you can just hang onto the saddle horn and not do anything except pick out which calf it is the horse is not going to say ‘why is it that calf?’, ‘why not that one with the limp?’

The horse doesn’t do any of that though we all do naturally. You point to the calf and then hang onto the saddle horn and the horse does everything. That’s what He wants. That’s when He says a broken heart and a contrite spirit. He’s saying broken So that I can just hold onto the saddle horn and you do whatever I already pointed you to. Don’t keep saying “Well how long do we have to do this?”, “Can I quit after ten jumps?”, ‘Can I jump back and forth ten times and then quit?’ That horse doesn’t ask. He’d do it for four hours if you didn’t pick up the reins again, wouldn’t he? {Yes} OK, that’s what He’s trying to get.

When He gets you to that point then He says I’m going to introduce you to my Father. Which He did. I’d have to say, up until now, that is the best thing that ever happened to me. It was like I am going to go meet Him {the Father}. Jesus is going to introduce me and now and then when ‘really have a special reason maybe I’ll get into another meeting where I can see Him{Father} again. Jesus takes me up and says Father here he is ‘This is my son David in Whom I’m well pleased. He’s yours.’ Then Jesus takes my hand and puts my hand in His Father’s hand and then He leaves. I’m going, ‘whoa, wait a minute here now, what’s the deal?’ The Father seals me to the Father as a literal son.

Question: The Father seals you to the Father? Who is the first Father?

Answer: It is Jesus’s Father. He actually sealed me to Himself first and then He introduced me to my Father.

Question: The second Father is your spiritual Father?

Answer: Right. You come out of your spiritual Mother as a set of twins a male and a female. The male happens to come out first but it doesn’t have anything to do with who is better than the other.

{Question: Were we created spiritually by sexual intercourse?

Answer: That is true. You are born as a male and a female at the same time. It just happens that the male comes out first and he holds the hand of the female When you come out and now you are twins. A brother and a sister as full twins. He introduced me to my Father and told me what His name was. Theoretically, there are no names on the other side of the veil you’re only known by your title of whatever office you’re working in right now. So if they call someone Samuel that means whatever the office of Samuel is – that’s What they’re doing right now. Adam is a title. Even though they had the title of Adam when they came down here each one of them had separate offices in the councilor the quorum of the 13 Adam’s. Technically there were 144, 000 of them. Jesus’ Father is the spokesman for the 144, 000 fathers. They don’t say fathers and mothers because when you say father you’re talking about both your Father and Mother. The title father includes both.

Question: The title father means parent?)

Answer: Right. Eloheim is technically feminine. That’s because most of the Eloheim that visits and talks to people like Abraham if it’s in a feminine form he says Eloheim which is the feminine form of it. Or he will say Father if they’re both there. You can meet just the Father without the Mother but if you meet the Mother it is the same thing as if you’re meeting them both. They’re both one.

Anyway, He introduced me to my Father who told me His name was Seth. From then on all I’ve dealt with is Seth. I can get daily instructions from Him. I can ask for something specific and get that from Him or He’ll just come daily and see how I’m doing and what’s happening and tell me here’s what you need to work on and things like that. I rarely get anymore visitors on any of the other levels but I can have a visitor of anyone of the 144, 000 fathers and it’s the same as if Seth himself came. Jesus’s Father is the spokesman for that group but they’re all exactly the same. Whichever one He assigns to do something it’s the same as if He were doing it.

Jesus is the spokesman on this next level, or generation. All those that become joint heirs with Him (and Jesus says, “My sheep hear my voice, my sheep will follow me, my sheep are numbered, and my Father hath promised that I’ll not lose one.” What Jesus is talking about is the 144, 000 that are going to be on His level. There are multiple mortalities. If they came down and rode around on their motorcycle and didn’t do what they were supposed to they might have to do it again. I don’t want to open up a whole can of worms on that either. You have to have a real good reason to do anything but everything is done for a good reason. Jesus’ sheep He’s looking for are the 144, 000 which means the first born spiritual son of each Father. We can play all kinds of numbers games. I’ll go with you through a numbers game.

You take Jesus’s father who He says, “This is my Father. I have done nothing but what I’ve seen my Father do and I have said nothing but what I’ve heard my Father say.” There are 144, 000 of them on that level. Jesus is now the spokesman for 144, 000 which happens to be the first born son of each one of the fathers. Each of the fathers had 144, 000 sons.

Why is He interested in finding His firstborn? So that He can get His Firstborn busy finding the rest of them. Why is He looking for the first born – what is the Church of the Firstborn? Every birth has two, a male and a female. Which is the male? The first born. That’s what they’re talking about. Ephriam wasn’t the first born, Jacob wasn’t the first born, Isaac wasn’t the first born, you can go on and on. Abraham wasn’t the first born, Heron was older than him. Nobody was the first born but how come they’re all in the Church of the Firstborn? Because they were born to their spiritual Father first, before their sister was, is basically all it means. If I don’t do what I’m supposed to as my Father’s firstborn He can take anyone of the other 144, 000 of His sons and seal him into the same position. He doesn’t take any of my free agency away because I can say, “no, I am not interested.”

Here is the one mighty and strong; Everybody is looking for one mighty and strong. Anyone of the 144, 000 Fathers are one mighty and strong. Anyone of their sons are one mighty and strong. Anyone that does and uses any of the power that they have is the one mighty and strong. Now if anyone claims to be the one mighty and strong, all I can tell you is, he isn’t. If he was the one mighty and strong he would never say it. If he says it this is what he is saying to all the rest on his level, “I’m better than you, and I’m higher than you.” That’s really what he’s doing so he would never do that because he knows that he is only one of 144, 000.

Therefore, they can say are you one mighty and strong? and he won’t say. If he does say it, it means that somewhere he got a revelation that says you can be one of the one mighty and strong. In other words, we are going to bring you up to this level but before he gets there he starts claiming it. He starts saying, “I jumped to a conclusion on what someone said way back here and that’s why I know I’m the one mighty and strong.” All that means is, “I don’t understand what I am saying.” Everyone Who does, knows he doesn’t, because he didn’t finish his ordination, he didn’t go on. Therefore he’s out claiming all this but he isn’t.

Question: Does that happen?

Answer, Yes, there are at least three in the valley, right now, all claiming it. They’ve all short circuited their own progress.

Question: If someone wanted to get on the straight and narrow and get started, how would you advise them?

Answer: Just do what God tells you to.

Question: With the strife that’s going on in the Church right now (incomplete)?

Answer: Stay in until God tells you to leave. What I’m trying to say is don’t do anything until God talks to you personally and if God is not talking to you personally then do whatever it takes to get him to. I can already tell you He already can talk to you. It’s that, you’re not in tune yet or you’re not ready yet. Get ready. Say, “What do I need to do? Take away from me everything that’s keeping me from you. That’s a real dangerous one to write. I guarantee He’ll do that. In other words, what is there about me that’s keeping me from coming to you? He’ll say are you willing to give it up then?

Most of them it is, a picture of a guy hanging on a cliff, hanging onto this branch, and he’s saying Lord save me. I don’t know what’s down there but it is a swirling mist and I don’t want to fall into it so please save me. The Lord says, “OK, I’ll save you, let go”. After a few years of pleading this is how he changes his plea, “Lord, please ‘save me and this branch.” The Lord says, “I can’t save the branch, just let go.” Then he says, “Please save me and the branch and get me up there we’re safe and then I’ll let go of Whatever it is, the church, my job, my house, my wife.”

When I started this I had a good job in the church, I had a good wife, good children, good income, good house, good everything and I lost every bit of it. ‘Not one thing did I end up with. I ended up giving it all to the Lord. Now, He has given me back, my wife followed me to Arizona. I said, “What do I do now? God said, “Go get a carpenter job and feed them.” Why do I have to feed them I gave them to you; they’re yours. God said, “Yes, but you said you would feed whoever I told you to feed, you would clothe anybody I told you to, any of my children.” I said, “Yes.” God said, “Here are my children. Feed them.” I said, “I’ll feed any of yours but these were mine, I gave them up.” He says, “I know you did and now they are mine. Now I am telling you to feed them.”

I went and got a carpenter job and started feeding them. Then we moved back to Utah and then I moved up to Washington and they stayed here. As soon as they found out where I was here they came again. He says, “Go get a carpenter job and feed them.” I said, “Are they going to follow me everywhere?” God said, “That is their choice but if they choose to, you get to feed them. So get feeding them.” I said, “You want me to go get a job?” God said, “What’s wrong with being a carpenter?” Nothing.

Another time, I thought I was being sanctified and I had this big sliver go through my thumb. How can that happen to me? I tried and tried to pull it out but it had broken off and wedged back against the bone. I had pulled it with pliers until I’d nearly pass out. Well, I had better go to the doctor. I am sitting in the doctor’s and they gave me a shot and then he slices it open and pulls this big thing out and then he leaves. I am thinking how could this happen to me? I mean me of all people. I see this hand come through the veil and it has this big (nail) mark in it. God said, “Look what happened to me.” ‘ I said, “Oh well, mines not that big.” God says, “You wanted to know how that could happen, just be more careful.” I said, “You had slivers when you were a carpenter? and He said, “Yes.” God said, “Stop Whining about it, see mine?” He (God) brings me up short all the time.

I literally had to go through a lot of things to get rid of greed, get rid of pride, and get rid of ego (my wife helped me with this also.

Question: Was any more said about when the First presidency wouldn’t let you read David Whitmer’s blessing?

(first cousin fifth removed his ‘grandfather is my fifth great grandfather) Answer: He came to me because I was the only one in the whole family (he said) that was on the path and willing to continue on the path. He said what was in the blessing was that he, David Whitmer, had been given all of the keys for the gathering of Israel in Jackson county for the building up of the temple. As the Lamanites came with all their materials to build the temple he would just coordinate things with Ephraim and any whites that wanted to help.

He wasn’t in charge. No one has the authority to tell the Lamanites what it is they’ll be doing and when and trying to organize them. He is to coordinate anyone else’s efforts with what the Lamanites were doing. He was given all the keys – that’s why he was the president of the stake of the New Zion in Jackson county. When the church left Jackson ‘county he Just moved across the river and stayed right there until he died because he was waiting for people to come back. His mission didn’t have to do with anything but the New Jerusalem.

Question: What about the spiritual partner that was created at the same time?

Answer: I’ve seen where even a guy in the stake presidency runs into his spiritual sister twin. He had such a marvelous spiritual experience just being in her presence that he just knew he had to some way be sealed to her. He ends up having an affair with her and getting excommunicated and he can’t understand why. I said because you were having an affair with your spiritual sister, your twin, and it wasn’t meant that you have an affair just happened to run into her. She is sealed to someone else. It doesn’t mean that when you get next to them you won’t know. You will know that here is someone special. It might not be your exact twin sister, it might be the your next brother and sister. But it might be the same spiritual Father and the same spiritual Mother. You’re going to have a real close tie there. You will run into people that you know is your brother.

Abraham’s promise, the church’s view is that everyone that is the literal seed of Abraham is going to be blessed, going to be holy people, and they are going to benefit the rest of the population. What it really meant was that ‘anyone of his seed, which could mean you, that finds out who he really is – that the I AM in him is the key to everything and let’s the I AM in him take over and control everything. In other words, as he develops into a God he becomes what it is HE AM. He begins to be what Jesus began to be, the Son of God that He was.

Question: Did you notice that when it started happening to you?

Answer: Yea, but my father Joseph, and a lot of them would take me to a scripture and have me read it and I would say ‘No, that’s not what that scripture means. Oh, that’s what that scripture means and then it started to dawn on me.. Anyone of his seed who realizes and develops into a complete being like Jesus did now will bless all the population of the earth and they’re the elect. That’s all it’s saying. If you happen to be from someone who wasn’t Abraham you can be adopted in and it’s exactly the same as if you were anyway.

Even if you run into someone who is a direct descendent of Joseph smith, or David Whitmer, or Parley P. Pratt it isn’t any different than if you just get adopted in anyway. There’s no difference. All it means is, in other words, if I were a literal descendent of Joseph Smith and now Joseph was now going to pass me onto the Lord it would be harder. Another key is going to women. If you took just 10, 000 women in this valley and said meet the Lord .Jesus Christ and they met Him and they felt the love that He had for them and He put His arm around each one of them. Every cell in their body would just be in ecstasy, I guarantee you. And Jesus said, “Come and I’ll seal you mine.” These women, out of the 10,000, I would really be surprised if even one of them said, “Let me go call my husband and tell him I not be coming back.” They’re going to go with who they find that they know can take them all the way to the celestial kingdom. That’s why a lot of women would try to get sealed to Joseph Smith in the temple after he was dead. After Brigham Young died hundreds went down and got themselves sealed.

The men stopped doing that because they didn’t want their wife, after they were dead, to run and get sealed to somebody else that they knew had a better chance. Technically, all Joseph has to say is, yes I accept you or. Jesus to say, yes I accept you. It doesn’t do any good to center on your wife and say I’m going to try to save you with me because if you don’t make it and she gets a chance she’s gone anyway because she is already qualifying and you’re not.

I’ve had men say, Heber C. Kimball says I’ll do anything you want Lord except I don’t want to lose my wife, Vilate. It’s right in his journal. So what does the first revelation that comes through Joseph say? It says, go tell your son Heber he is supposed to bring Vilate over and give to you as one of your plural wives. He tells Heber. Heber goes three days, can’t sleep, can’t eat, anything. Vilate saying what’s the matter? She goes and prays and an angel tells her that he’s being tested from God and he’s supposed to do it. She goes right out and grabs him and says, you do, whatever it is; you do it.

So he marches over to Joseph’s house in Nauvoo and his tracks look just like two skis because he dragged his feet. When he gets over there he knocks on the door and Joseph comes and he takes Joseph’s hand and Vilate’s and puts them together. Joseph let’s go of Vilate and hugs Heber, tears running down his face. They are hugging for 15, 20 minutes. Then he takes them in the parlor and seals them by the Holy Spirit of Promise; he seals them for all eternity. Now what did he have in order to get her for all eternity.

He had to give her up. But he only had to give her up because she was the only thing he wouldn’t do for the Lord. Just tell the Lord I’ll go on a mission for you as long as it’s not cold and let’s just see what happens. You’ll end up where you need lots of long johns. My dad did that and he still can’t understand why he was in Winnepeg Canada when he asked for someplace warm. It’s because the Lord can’t find out if you will serve Him doing what it is you want to do. He is trying to find out if you will do all things whatsoever He commands you. All. So if He can find something that you might not do that’s the first thing He will ask you to see if you will do it. As soon as He realizes, that it doesn’t matter what I ask, this guy he is going to do it.

Justification is when you reach a point that the Holy Ghost, the guardian angel that is in that office for you, will take you before Joseph Smith and the Lord, put his left hand on you and put his right arm to the square and say, “I justify everything this man has done.” That’s all justification is. When the Holy Ghost will do that, that’s when he will turn you over to the Lord. That’s when you get your second endowment, that’s when you get your calling and election made sure. That’s justification, that’s all it is when he’ll justify everything you have done, meaning – The Spirit told me and I did it.

When Nephi killed Laban he was justified. If you say, “No, I won’t kill anyone.” You can make the list anything you want that says this is what won’t do. You have a guardian angel writing it down. I can guarantee you that it is on your list of what to do because that’s the only way they can test you.

Question: What about the earthly ordinances, Holy of Holies, second anointing, washing of the feet. Baptism is a requirement to enter the celestial Kingdom, is it a symbolic baptism?

Answer: It is symbolic. What the baptism of water really means is you need to be washed, and completely immersed in the love of God. When that’s happened to you, you come out pure as you think you are when you come out of the baptism, you’ve been completely immersed in water. That just represents the love of God that you have to be completely immersed in. When you’re immersed in the love of God you have no anger or hatred in you. Every cell in your body is filled with the love of God. That’s what has to happen to you so the baptism of water is just a symbol of.

Joseph Smith said if you don’t get that love in every cell of your body you might just as well be baptized in bags of sand. You can do that in the temple too if the people don’t get immersed in the love of God. Now the baptism of fire, and the Holy Ghost, is being baptized with the Light of Christ. Every cell in your body has to be in the control of the Light of Christ, or the I AM that’s in you shining forth with its glory. When that happens, the more light you get the less clothes you have to wear.

All the garments represent is the light that you used to have. When you can turn that light on you don’t need the garments anymore. The garments aren’t there to protect you they’re just there to remind you that there’s something you still need to get, you need to get clothed in the Light of Christ.

Question: everything is a symbol, right?

Answer: The temple is a temple made by hands representing the Temple of God that’s made without hands, which is your body.

Question: The question I had was specific to the Holy of Holies, is that a necessary ordinance?

Answer: No, none of the outward ordinances are; they’re just representative of what you have to go do. They’re all the Aaronic level. When someone doesn’t do what God wants them to do, personally, then He gives them something to do just to keep them busy.

If you’re not going to sanctify everything you eat then let’s at least sanctify something so that you’ll think it’s sacred, the sacrament. We’ll sanctify this little piece of bread and this little cup of water seeing that you are not going to do it to everything else you eat. If you are not going to live the one law of loving God, then let’s break it, that’s what Moses did, he broke it, ground it up, mixed it with water and made them all drink it so they would all be taken it upon themselves, their own curse. Then he comes back with the lessor law which has Ten Commandments but the people keep getting worse and worse.

The worse the people become the more rules you end up with. If you go down to the prison and you are really a bad guy, they will let you know when you wake up, when you go to sleep, how you dress, when you eat, and everything in your life is controlled. That is no different than the Jews became when Jesus .was in Jerusalem when he was growing up.

They went from 1 to 10, and from 10 to 300,000 commandments when Jesus was born. These commandments told them how to bake their bread, how to grind their wheat, how to sacrifice animals, how to butcher animals, how to prepare the meat, how far to walk, who they had to help, who they didn’t have to help, what they had to pay, every 7 years they do this, and every 50 years you have this, and every feast. If your wife was on her period and she sits on the bed and you sit down on the bed then you had to go through seven days of purification.

On and on – 300, 000 commandments. Which gives you an idea how far you can go if the people say, “We want to know what to do.” He will keep giving them things to do. He even started the Word of Wisdom stating this is not by way of commandment yet they wanted it as a commandment.

Question: Is this what the Church is doing with us now?

Answer: Exactly.

Question: Is it because we are so rotten?

Answer: No. It is because the role of the church changed, I don’t know what section it’s in, but it’s where it says, “the whole church is now under condemnation” and in that same scripture it will say something about, “but not the individual”.

In other words, the church is under condemnation. It can’t save you from now on; it’s no longer even going to get the ordinances that can save you but individually you can come to Me and come on up. That’s all that scripture was trying to say and from that point on there’s nothing in the church that can save you. That was clear back in 1843 or 1844.

Question: Are you talking about the Manifesto?

Answer: Even polygamy is not going to save you. Polygamy is not a Celestial law it is Telestial. The Celestial level of the Patriarchal Order of Marriage or the Plurality of Wives means that until you blossom in your Patriarchal Priesthood you are viewed by the Gods as being female, meaning you have no Priesthood, which (being) female means you don’t even need to have Priesthood.

When my wife and I get sealed to become a King and a Priest, and Queen and Priestess, we get sealed and now we make a covenant with Jesus. There is no place in the scriptures that I’ve found yet, there might be, but whenever they refer to a bridegroom they’re always talking about one person – Jesus. If Jesus is the bridegroom, who are we? We are the bride. If I’m a bride and my wife is a bride and the two of us covenant with Jesus and we obey our husband in righteousness.

I’ve never run into a wife in this valley yet that can actually say her husband is righteous, and everything he has asked me to do is righteous, therefore, I obey him. There’s some that don’t understand that and they might think they are.

The first covenant I make in the temple is obedience to Him. The first covenant she makes is obedience to her husband. On a lesser level she assumes that’s me. On the Celestial level it’s Christ, He is still the Bridegroom. If she obeys. Him and I obey Him what’s Jesus going to do? Bring us closer and closer. You draw near to Me and I draw near to you.

How as I become one with Him and she becomes one with Him and we become one with each other, what happens? Now the Holy spirit of Promise seals us but only when we get to that point.

Now you can say the Godhead is a triangle pointing down, and you and your wife and Jesus are the triangle pointing up and as the two become one there is the star of David.’ The star of David is just for Israel meaning in God’s reality you have become real to Him, you’ve blossomed into what it is you are – same as a mustard seed blossoms into what it is.

If you have the faith, as a grain of mustard seed, you become what you are like it will become like it is and that’s all you have to do. I become that and I become a star of David meaning I am one with God therefore I am real to Him and that’s Israel. So I’ve become Israel. Israel is not a tribe or a group of people it is whoever does that. That’s how they become Israel, Israelites.

The star of David is my symbol, my wife and I are one with Jesus and we can go on now into the Patriarchal Order – plurality of Wives – How many wives does Jesus end up with when you do it that way? A bunch. That is the Patriarchal Order of Marriage and Plurality of Wives. That’s God’s program.

Let’s find out who else has a program out. Satan has a program that goes like this; if were not going to make this covenant with God then let’s, at least, we’ll put the man in the position of the Lord and we’ll tell the woman that you have to obey him. He can have other women but they all have to obey him. He is their lord and master. As they all obey him, and all their children obey him.

If you’ve ever known any polygamy groups ask yourself how many of the children or wives have any free agency? Any free agency at all? Dress like they want? Play when they want? See what I’m saying? They take away all their free agency. In other words, Satan’s plan is to save all of you but you have to be sealed to me, and you have to do everything I tell you, and then I’ll save you. Otherwise you’ll be cast into hellfire and damnation.

That’s his plan. As I am their lord and master, let’s say another guy shows up and says, “I like what you’re doing with your family. What I really like is how you have seven wives and forty kids. I want the same thing.” The new guy can’t do it by going to God and finding out what he is supposed to do because the original guy already knows.

The original guy says, “I’ll make you my patriarchal son and now you are my lieutenant. Now I’ll tell you who you can marry, and what to do with them.

It is still Satan I s plan and now, he has lieutenants. What happens to the whole group? This is how it comes from our Father’s perspective. If I am in charge of one of these groups I go to Father and say all of these people are sealed to me, I claim them all. If you accept me you can have them all. That is exactly what Satan is going to do at the very last of the Judgment Bar. He is going to say, “All these are mine. I’ve sealed them all to me. I’m their father.”

There is going to be a lot of people there that are going to be real surprised that they are even in that group. Then Satan will say, “If you accept me you can have them all.” That is Satan’s plan.

What does Jesus say, “They, are all yours. This is my Father’s glory. I will pass them on.

Develop your own relationship. Find out yourself what ‘you are supposed to be doing.” One has free agency and the other doesn’t. That is the Patriarchal order and the Plurality of Wives. I never ran into a polygamist yet that even understood it yet they can see it. I like to talk to a polygamist with at least two of his wives there. You might be able to keep a secret with one of the wives, you can bribe her enough that she won’t tell, but you get two of the wives in there and there’s no way you’re going to keep it secret from the whole rest of the group.

I’ll take the man, step by step, right down through the process of. His intention, as he meets with me, is that I’m going to teach Bro. Whitmer that he has to live polygamy or he can’t go to the Celestial kingdom. I ask, “Why are you living polygamy?” Because of Joseph Smith was and then he quotes D&C 132. Harvey Allred has this ‘Leaf in Review’ which is merely all their arguments right in there. There is a lot of pamphlets that they give out. I haven’t ran into any new arguments yet but the argument is that Joseph Smith was commanded and unless you live that you’re not going to go to the Celestial Kingdom.

Do you know what “Simon says” means as compared to , “Father may I?” If the Father initiates, it and it comes down thru the Son and to the Holy Ghost and to you, this is “Simon says”. In other words, to play the game you have to do everything that Simon says, but unless it’s “Simon says” you can’t do it.

In D&C 132 it says Abraham did all things whatsoever he did by commandment, and by My word, by revelation. (D&C 132:37) And Abraham, and also Isaac and Jacob did none other thing than that which they were commanded. Therefore, they sit upon thrones and are Gods, not angels. The key there is you do everything that Simon says and don’t do anything that isn’t Simon says.

Now concerning “Father may I” – the best example is D&C 132:1 “Verily, thus saith the Lord unto you my servant Joseph, that inasmuch as ye have inquired of my hand to know and understand wherein I, the Lord, justified my servants Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob … had many wives and concubines, I’ll tell you.” That is not ‘Simon says’. Inasmuch as you were asking, in as much as you were trying to find out. Why was he trying to find out? Why would the Lord think you would be asking why all these guys get polygamist wives? That is want he wants, so it isn’t Simon says. Even if God tells you do to something you’re still OK if you do it.

The polygamists say God told Joseph to live it so therefore I’m living it. Then I say, “Show me your ark.” They’ll go, what? Show me your ark. God told Noah to build an ark, show me yours. I don’t have one. Why not? God didn’t tell me to build one. I said, “Then why are you living polygamy? God hasn’t told you to. I’m not going to buy the argument unless you show me your ark because I can prove to you that God told Noah to build an ark. Just go out and start it. Put a couple of 2X4’s together and say here it is. Then you have to do everything. Get your first-born son ready to be sacrificed. You can go on and on with, “because God said it to somebody I have to do it.” If God tells me, “Simon says”, I do it.

The polygamists get down to I fasted and prayed for a year and a half before I finally got the Lord to tell me I could do it. That’s ‘Father May I’ isn’t? After a year and a half he told you to go ahead but why did you pray for a year and a half to live it? I could tell what was ‘in his heart anyway, but right from his heart comes this, “I wanted to see what it was like to live with more than one wife and have sex with more than one wife.” That’s the bottom line right there.

His two wives sat there with their mouths open. They looked at each other and said that’s not what he told us. He was saying that he had to or God would cut him off. Today they are not married anymore. He and his seven wives are all divorced because they found out real fast. The women say, “We’re out here doing all he wants us to do in his program.” And he isn’t using the Father’s program he is using Satan’s.

It is easy to show that it’s Satan’s program. You show me a father that exercises unrighteous dominion which is just merely putting the child in a position where they don’t have free agency. How easy is that to do? You either do this or else. You either go on a mission or I’m not going to pay for your college. Any “’this or”, is taking away free agency and when they do that, amen to the priesthood of that brother.

Take any fourteen year old kid, and it can be a girl or a guy, and unless they are really brow-beaten and have no concept of what free agency is, they can recognize in their father, or any other man, whether they have authority or not. A fourteen year old… think about it. You can be over at church and He can look you right in the eye and he knows you’re a phony. You have exercised unrighteous dominion on your own kids or even on him. They can see it in your eyes, that you’re hollow, you’re sounding like brass, you’re a whitened sepulcher.

They understand this but they don’t know why. They’ve gone through a seven-year cycle of being trained and they are baptized at eight. Then they go through a seven-year cycle of experimenting, trying things, and seeing how the consequence is. Put your hand on the stove and it gets burned. Now grab that kid by the hand and try to put it on the stove, he’ll pull back because he knows. but people still say keep kids away from the stove because they will get burned, no, that’s the best thing for them.

If they get burned once there’s no way on earth you can get them to again. Let them taste the evil whereby they know to prize the good. In other words, let them, with their free agency, taste. Taste the sweet, taste the bitter, taste the sweet, taste the bitter. They’ll come back but it will be with their free agency.

Now you use Satan’s plan, “I am going to save all my kids.” They’re all going.to have to go to church, they’re all going to have to do this. But you take any fourteen year old and he can recognize authority. I’ll put this to you: If all your kids were wandering around downtown and Jesus came and sat in the park and started reading, telling them parables, and your kids got just within earshot, they would recognize and say, “Here’s someone who isn’t a phony.” They would recognize the authority so fast; first the children and then the women. Here’s somebody with something that my husband doesn’t have.

They recognize it without even knowing what they’re recognizing. They would be right there listening. When you become like Him and you start telling them they will recognize it too. Men, today, are drowning, and they’re trying to save everyone else from drowning and they’re doing it by trying to climb up on top of the others and saying, “I am in charge, I am the head.”

There are only two plans; one of them has free agency. Wouldn’t you rather have free agency? They have a quote in a newspaper that Joseph Smith said, “No one will ever be excommunicated from this church by differing in doctrine with me.” Brigham Young said the same thing too.

(After we started breaking up the meeting some good questions were raised. Most of what is left is harder to hear but I will give you all the pieces, whether or not they make sense or are complete.)

As to what I will be willing to do for you. In other words, until now I’ve been afraid that if I say, “Lord, if turn my life over to you you’re going to have me down in Guatemala preaching on a corner and my wife and kids will wonder where I’m at.” Really, that’s what you think about it because as soon as it becomes Simon says, you don’t get to choose. You are saying, “Right now I am choosing.” Then we’ll test you, here goes! And you’re gone. You don’t say how long. You become the horse. Now He can use you for what He wants but until you get your own information (incomplete).

Your danger is finding an answer from someone else and then start following someone else. That guy can call you to the gutter real fast. Satan’s helper will say, “the first thing the Lord wants you to do is take out your check books and whatever your balance is write a check for that amount and put my name on it. Then I want you to sell your homes and give me that money and the Lord is going to bless you.” That is the first thing that can happen because he (Satan’s helper) has to start a whole group.

The guy (the helper) is going to put himself in place of the Lord, who is resurrected and already here, but you guys all look at me, ask me, give me your money. That’s the thing that I will never do because I don’t want all you guys to be my servants.

When you get your calling and election you have to pay for your own sins. I would end up in the Celestial Kingdom and say, “I claim all these. They didn’t do what they were supposed to because I stopped their , progress but now I want him to wait on me, and I want him to take care of my yard, see what I mean? Every time you bring me my plate of food you will slap it down there like saying, “You turkey, look what you did to me;”

Question: How do we not be deceived from the angel of light?

Answer: (Big sigh) How to take the Holy Spirit for your guide and be not deceived? That means that you can be deceived by the spirit but how can you be deceived? If I have the Patriarchal Priesthood and tell my guardian angel, “Go tell his guardian angel that if he reads this testimony, that it’s true.” Now you go pray and as you are asking, “Is this true?” what is your guardian angel going to say? “Yes. ” Then you say, “I want to be specific, Who told you to tell me that this is true?'” “The Father.” All patriarchs are the father, so he: says “the Father”. Now what do you assume?

That his Heavenly Father told him to say that. That’s how easy it is to be deceived. All he can testify to is truth. So if I write something and it is true and I hand it to you and you read it and ask (if it is true) and I say, “Tell him it’s true.” Is he telling the truth? Yes. And if you say, “Who told you?” and his answer is “The: Father.” Is he telling the truth? Yes. There are people that can do that. Find out (where the answers are coming from) when you start getting answers. When you say, “I need to know.”

It took me fifteen years to get my first answers and in the last eight years I’ve had 10,000 answers. You can’t get into as much trouble for not doing as you can for trying. Even if you’re trying you’re saying, “If I put my hand on this stove will it burn me?” Let’s say an evil spirit says no. Put your hand on the stove and jerk it back and say, “Gee, here I trusted you and you told me it wouldn’t. Why did you tell me that?” Eventually you’re going to find out, “Who told you to tell me to put it on the stove?” Did this come from who? who?, who?, and find out where it originated. You will find out that Satan is in there.

What I use as my key is: “Jesus is the Christ and the only way to the Father.” (answer should be yes) Evil spirits will admit that Jesus is the Christ but they won’t ever say He is the only way to the Father.

Then I would say, “Is the Book of Mormon a second witness of Christ who is the only way to the Father.” (answer should be yes) Then “Does Joseph Smith hold all the keys to the last dispensation” (answer should be yes) I get those three answers then I ask the question again, “lf I put my hand on this stove will it burn me?” Answer is yes. Ahhhh, it’s a little different. It’s a different answer of ‘yes’ than the other three yeses. I go back and ask the three questions again and then I ask, “Should I put my hand on the stove?” Yes. Ahah, get thee hence Satan. I find out that the spirit that was trying to tell me to put my hand on the stove was the evil spirit-and so I’d say, “Ahah.”

Whenever somebody says something I’d say, “Oh, well what’s the answer?” “Yes.” “Is Jesus the Christ and the only way to the Father?” No answer. “Get thee hence, Satan.” You have (emphasis) to learn how to find out where it is coming from.

You can get a lot of tangents, you get off the razor’s edge. If you want to find keys of finding out if things are from your Heavenly Father or not. Your Heavenly Father is always going to be this nature of answers: You’re my son, I’m well pleased, I forgive all yours sins. When you read from the D&C and you read any of that stuff you know that it is right from the Father.

Question: Does He ever ask you a question? You ask a question and he will throw one back.

Answer: Yes. Like, why do you want to know? or why do you do this? Here is the Father’s program so you can use it as a guide to see how but first you have to believe what I am telling you about it but you can test that. The Father’s program is this; My son Keith, if you plant corn I’ll cause it to grow. If you plant weeds I’ll cause weeds to grow but you are going to have to eat whatever one you plant. In other words, you plant hatred, you plant love, you plant forgiveness, whatever you plant I’ll cause to grow and you’ll end up eating it. That’s the only law of God there is. What you sow, you reap. There is no other law.

Mark E. Peterson and a lot of them say there are a lot of laws. Ellie Scaron(?) there’s only one law and then she says here’s a law, and that there’s a law irrevocably decreed in heaven for every blessing. That means a lot of laws. No, what it means is; whatever you plant that’s what you get. That’s the only law there is. ‘The Father is going to say, “What it is you want, plant. I can cause it to grow but whatever it is, you have to eat it.” Basically that’s all He is going to say. He’ll say, “If you do this, this is what you’ll get, if you do this this is what you get.” But He will never tell you which one to choose. He wants you to test it and find out. Now Satan will step in and give you a revelation and his revelations are: You either do this or I turn you over to the buffetings of Satan.

Now, take those two keys and go read the D&C and find out. Take a highlighter, a yellow one and a pink one. If you can tell that’s coming from the Father – if it’s love, forgiveness, and it deals with the law of the harvest – do it yellow. When you run onto something saying, “You either do this-or else.” Start doing pink. You can be right in mid-sentence when all of a sudden it will switch· back.

When Joseph is receiving a revelation in the D&C and the revelation is coming to Him from the Father, and the Holy Ghost is there saying repeat (?) and Joseph’s mind – here’s the scripture, my favorite one, “Be still and know that I am God.” Be still means stop thinking, your natural man mind must stop, it’s an enemy to God, has been from the beginning, so stop thinking. In other words, be still and know, know that what I am telling you is coming from me. Don’t get off the razor’s edge, one way or the other, just stay right here, know.

Now God only has one time and that is now so knowing means you are in the now state. So as the revelations come in and Joseph is thinking “Oh”, and starts thinking a tangent, the Lord stops talking and Satan steps right in. I mean, before you can blink your eye, and Satan finishes the sentence and now it switches over to “You either do this or else.” As soon as Joseph’s mind stops thinking the Lord’s takes over. He doesn’t go back and redo what Satan just did, He lets you go.

When I first found this out I said, “I’m going to go through and straighten all these out. Take out all of Satan’s out and put in what was actually supposed to be because I could see the revelation coming that Joseph got and I could see right where Joseph had started thinking and how Satan now puts his little piece in there and then the Lord, then Satan. I was thinking I am going to edit this and I was into it about two months and I get “Who told you to do this?” Uhhhhh, I wanted to. I knew that I was in trouble. “Why did you want to do this?” I wanted all these people out here in the valley to see where you can get deceived by the Spirit. “How did you find out?” By the Spirit. “Why don’t you let them find out like you did? So they’ll have a testimony of the Spirit instead of a testimony of you.” That’s pretty good and I haven’t done anything with it since.

Question: When you first started this day you pointed out to us that there was a gentleman that taught you a beginning. There has always got to be someone, somewhere along the way that teaches the beginning.

Answer: Find out if he’ll claim that Jesus is the only way to the Father. Satan claims he’s a way to the Father. If he can get a 99.999% of everybody what does the Father have to do sure I’ll accept you, come on back. You will find that I will never tell you anything that you can’t eventually go find out yourself. If anyone wants help from me I’ll help hold them under water until they reach the point they say, “Lord, save me.” Or if they are hanging on the cliff I’ll just grab them and chuck them off.

To me there is no love in prolonging their misery. I’d rather just chuck you over the cliff and you either say, “Lord, save me, completely.” Turn your whole life over to God because you know you are going to lose it all anyway, rather than help you back up and say let’s get started again because then you end up with crutches and hobble along.

I had a guy in one of the last meetings ask me, “Where do you think we’re at right now here in the valley?” I said you are all decorating and repainting your deck chairs on the Titanic. You think you have to get everything in order but it is all going down and it isn’t going to matter what color it is.

Nov. 1, 1942 – Nov. 18, 2014

Sandy, Utah-David A. Whitmer, 72, of St. George, UT, passed away surrounded by love on Nov. 18, 2014.

David was preceded in death by two children, survived by two former wives, nine children and many loving grandchildren, great grandchildren, and brothers. David was a fun loving father, grandfather and friend.

David loved homing pigeons, horses, music, and practical jokes. He also enjoyed movies and reading. He made a good career out of building homes and being creative. He had a great sense of humor and loved making people laugh. He could tell fun stories for hours and enjoyed entertaining people. He will be deeply missed and loved always.

A memorial will be on Saturday, November 22, from 6:00 to 8:00 PM at Starks Funeral Parlor, 3651 South 900 East, Salt Lake City.

Published in Salt Lake Tribune on Nov. 20, 2014


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All Things New

March 7, 2017

All Things New

Many standard religious writers preach against new things thinking that God is always the same. He may be the same in speaking of being consistent and dependable, but according to the scriptures he also does new things.

It may be true that we should not seek the new just because it is fashionable, but indeed we should seek the new.

The worst hell that there could be would be to reach a state where there are no new challenges, where we just rest in some type of eternal perfection forever. If such a thing were to happen our life would dissolve and we would disappear into non existence. Eternal life is only attained by a willingness to encounter eternal challenges.

“And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new.” Revelation 21:5

“Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the days of old. Behold, I will do a NEW thing; now it shall spring forth….” (Isa 43:18-19)

We shall live in a new heaven, a new earth and a new city, but this is just the beginning. Everything will be new, improved and different when compared with today. These words are “true and faithful,” meaning we can depend on them coming to pass

And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely. Revelation 21:6

In this new world all the good things that bring joy and happiness will be abundant and readily available. Money will no longer be necessary, for all the needs of humanity will be readily available and any services needed will be done by volunteers.

He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son. Revelation 21:7

If we overcome all things concerning the lower nature then we can qualify to live in this new heaven and new earth.

Meaning of the Word New

“And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new.”

The word “new” here is translated from the Greek KAINOS which means “new – especially in freshness.”

Here are a couple other scriptures where new is translated from KAINOS:

“they put new wine into new (KAINOS) bottles, and both are preserved.” Matt 29:17

“And laid it in his own new (KAINOS) tomb, which he had hewn out in the rock” Matt 27:60

“And they were all amazed, insomuch that they questioned among themselves, saying, What thing is this? what new (KAINOS) doctrine is this?” Mark 1:27

The other scripture being from the Old Testament is translated from the Hebrew:

“Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the days of old. Behold, I will do a NEW thing; now it shall spring forth….” (Isa 43:18-19)

Here the word new is from CHADASH which is similar in meaning. Strong Concordance gives the literal meaning as, “new:—fresh, new thing.”

Here are a couple other places where CHADASH is used:

Now there arose up a new (CHADASH) king over Egypt, which knew not Joseph.” Exodus 1:8

“When thou buildest a new (CHADASH) house, then thou shalt make a battlement for thy roof,” Deut 22:8

“When a man hath taken a new (CHADASH) wife, he shall not go out to war,” Deut 24:5

Obviously the word “new” here implies that God is a lot like us in that he likes to do new things and just not repeat the same things over and over.

Copyright by J J Dewey

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Keys to Liberation

March 1, 2017

Keys to Liberation

The various religions have different ideas of salvation. The most popular one for Christians is that we will be saved if we merely believe in the right version of Jesus. If you accept the wrong version then you will go to hell.

If you ask them what they are to be saved from they’ll usually just say hell.

It is pretty vague exactly what heaven and hell are except that hell is bad and heaven is good.

Other Christians require more than a mere belief and demand members do good works in addition to believing in their version of Jesus.

The Mormons place a somewhat different idea as to our fate. They think that all but a small handful that sin against the Holy Ghost will be saved and go to a place better than this present world. The goal for good Mormons is to be exalted. In this state they will still have sex and family relationships and can progress to become like God. To be exalted they have to go through the temple and keep all the commandments given though the prophet.

Those of us who study the Ancient Wisdom and accept reincarnation rarely use the word salvation. Instead we use the term liberation.

Actually, liberation is closer than salvation to the original Greek word used in the days of Jesus. The word “saved” comes from SOZO which is “to save or deliver.” The similar word “salvation” comes from SOTERIA which is more correctly rendered “deliverance” or “rescue.”

A liberation is very close in meaning to a deliverance. Our goal is to learn all the needed lessons of mortal life through a series of incarnations. When finished we will graduate from the earth school and be liberated from the need of further lessons here. We can then go on to even greater challenges and fulfillment.

Today I’ll present a question for consideration.

How far will a regular religion take the pilgrim toward liberation?

Let us suppose that Jim believes in Jesus, does good works and obeys all the commandments that come down the pike. He does everything he is told to do in his religion.

How far down he path of liberation will this take him? What is his next step likely to be? What additional steps will he need to take to obtain liberation?


March 2, 2017

The First Three Steps to Liberation

Good comments on liberation my friends.

Adrian says that “Liberation is a never ending process.” Very true statement. All of us high and low are seeking to learn more and gain more power so limitations can be removed. The tricky thing is that sometimes the path to the next step of liberation is much different than appears.

Next Adrian says: “Religions can take one so far, then the soul will sense there is more to be had. I consider most earthly religions are akin to kindergarten – they serve a useful purpose but one would be bored if one stayed there beyond the end of term.”

This is a problem that many thinking people have with religion. No matter which church you go to the sermons and Sunday School lessons pretty much repeat the same basic things over and over.

I didn’t attend church until I was thirteen. The reason was not that I was a non believer, but church just bored me silly. Finally, at that age I started attending because of a sense of duty. Then, around age 16, I read the scriptures for the first time and found them very fascinating and thought to myself,” How can church be so boring when they have such great material as a base? Do the members even read them?”

The problem that came later after I absorbed the scriptures, church history and the best from authorities in my religion was that I hungered for more and at that point there was nothing more for me. I found myself on my own to search within as well as without and to my delight I found there is more to learn than I imagined.

Shakespeare was certainly correct when he said:

“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”

Then Bryan gave an amusing account of what may be the result of religious people’s own thoughtforms as they go to their self created heaven or hell. It kind of reminded me of the Twilight Zone episode when the guy died and thought he was in heaven, but later found out he was really in hell.

Ruth mentions the important point that the authority of the beast must be overcome. Good points were also made by Olivia, Tom and Jason.

As students who have been with me know there are three major hurdles that must be crossed before one can really be saved, or have his calling and election made sure.

In speaking of this attainment I am talking about the seeker reaching a point on the path where he is no longer in danger of retrogression but will receive a “Well done, good and faithful servant” when crossing the veil at death.

This point of attainment is much more difficult than believed by church goers. Just going to church, being a decent person and following the rules is at best a beginning step.

There are three hurdles that must be mastered before our Higher Self and Higher Lives will see the seeker as one that can be trusted to not backslide, or choose a dark path.

The first is the pull we receive from the material world that diverts our attention way from Spirit. This deceptive pull is called maya in the Ancient Wisdom.

In this cycle, consisting of many lifetimes of learning, the seeker must master and control the pull of sexual attraction and learn to not misuse these energies. He must also learn the right use of money, possessions and material things. His use of them should not be for purely selfish purposes and he will follow a harmless path as he seeks to provide himself and loved ones with the necessities of life. He must learn to value things of the spirit above the material and when he reaches a point of attainment in this cycle he will have a spiritual experience that will give him great encouragement to keep moving forward upon the path. This experience often convinces the seeker that salvation is secure, but he still has a long way to go.

In the next cycle he learns to master his emotional self, his ego and all the glamours associated with them.

In the third cycle he learns to master the mind and use it to unravel illusion to see a reality not obscured by fog. He learns to be guided by reason and wisdom tempered by basic common sense as it applies to his purpose in life.

Work in these three spheres of mastery may overlap, but one will always master the first before the second and the second before the third.


How much mastery in the three areas can one accomplish in a religion? What must be accomplished outside of an organized religion?

For more on maya, glamour and illusion go to this link:


March 3, 2017

The Three Guardians

The door to liberation is protected by three guardians that must be mastered before the disciple can pass through into true spiritual vision.

The first is an extremely handsome man, who does everything in his power to divert the seeker’s attention away from the door through the use of vast material powers. He will use beauty, sex, money and power all placed in locations far away from the door so attention will be on them, keeping the door away from the angle of vision.

The second is a beautiful woman who puts the sirens of Ulysses to shame. She deceives through the distortion of love, emotion, feeling and authority. She deceives the seeker into thinking that love has elements of possession and selfishness. She directs the attention away from the door by causing him to love his own ego first while professing the love of Christ. Because his ego comes first his motives are built around its satisfaction. He is deceived into thinking he is more important than he is, smarter than he is, more popular than he is, more loved than he is, stronger than he is and more. He draws to himself friends who feed his ego and continue to take his attention away from the door.

The third guardian is a master magician who directs the seeker away from the door with trickery and illusion. The magician causes the seeker to see things that are not there or to not see correctly see what is in front of him. Worst of all, he sees the door where it is not and nothing where the door really is.

This final guardian will require the seeker to use all the powers of mind, reason and intuition to unravel all of his tricks.

In a nutshell, to pass by these three guardians the seeker must overcome the attractiveness of materialism, master the emotional self and assume the full power of the mind to see through illusion to behold the real door.

How far can an organized religion take the seeker in his quest to pass by the three guardians?

Actually some that make significant demands on the followers assist with the first step. Self-control is needed to master the first guardian and it takes significant amount of it to be a good member of many of them. They will demand such things as:

To be a faithful mate

Various degrees of prescribed sexual behavior, some of which mar require significant discipline.

Giving money to the church. Some require 10% or more. It indeed takes some control of self to part with one’s money.

Various demands on what to eat and drink. Mormons, for instance, are forbidden to smoke, drink alcoholic beverages, tea and coffee. Muslims and Jews do not eat pork. Some religions do not allow any meat consumption.

Many religions advocate some form of fasting or giving up something desired.

They make demands of the member’s time through church attendance and various assignments given.

Overall a religion and give the seeker some structure to his life and assist in developing self discipline which is needed to defeat the first guardian.

Even if his path takes him away from his religion he can still take with him the virtue of self-control. The main difference is he will then decide what needs controlled rather than church authorities doing it for him.

So, how about the other two guardians? Is the religion of any assistance here? It may help a little with the second if the member takes to heart teachings of brotherly love. Loving your neighbor as yourself takes attention away from the ego. A problem though is many who are not members of a religion believe that the religious ones show no more love to their neighbors than they do.

This may be true in many cases, but some members do take teachings concerning love to heart and this will help them on their journey.

A religion can often add to the problems of defeating the second guardian by feeding his ego with a feeling of self importance because he is righteous, saved, had spiritual experiences, or is special in some way.

Religion is of zero help in aiding in the seeker’s mastery of illusion as there is much illusion in the religion itself. The only way one can say that it is of assistance in mastering the third guardian is that the religion itself is an illusive maze that challenges the seeker. If he figures a way out of its prison he has taken a major step to overcoming other illusions.

An organized religion can assist with overcoming the first guardian, but the seeker is pretty much on his own in mastering the other two. His thinking that he is saved, or on the way to an exclusive heaven, is generally based on an illusion that is holding him hostage to the second and third guardians holding him back from real deliverance.

Copyright by J J Dewey

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Eternal Progression


Logical Doctrine

It has been said by many, from the greatest to the least, that after the resurrection when one is assigned to a kingdom that he remains in that kingdom for eternity. He may go down to the lower kingdoms, temporarily, but he cannot go up. Most believe that he can merely progress within the kingdom to which he is assigned.

Some believe that the progression in the three kingdoms is like three cars all going at different speeds.   The celestial car is going the fastest, something like one hundred miles per hour; the terrestrial trailing at sixty; and the telestial creeping along at thirty miles per hour. This continues for all eternity.   Consequently, those in the lower kingdoms will never catch up to those in the higher, BUT eventually those in the lower will reach the point where the higher has been.

Interestingly, Joseph Fielding Smith pointed out in DOCTRINES OF SALVATION that this notion is a fallacy. He accurately stated that if a telestial being reached a state in progression which had formerly belonged to a celestial person, then that person would be in the celestial kingdom and would no longer be a telestial being. Assuming therefore the idea that a telestial person can never leave his assigned kingdom President Smith stated that the telestial beings will never in all eternity reach the celestial and only progress within a limited sphere within their own kingdom.

Both of the above reasonings have a certain degree of accuracy, but if sound reasoning is based on a false premise then the greatest logic in the world will produce false doctrine. And what is that false premise?

The false premise is that which disagrees with the scriptures.

And what is that?

It is the false teaching that those in the lower kingdoms cannot progress to the higher as we shall proceed to prove from the Standard Works, the writings of Joseph Smith, and with good old down to earth common sense.

It is amazing that so many in the church today universally proclaim that the inheritor of each kingdom is doomed to that kingdom forever and ever, especially since this teaching is contrary to the scriptures. Some of the Brethren have come forth and proclaimed such doctrine in their own name with no logic, reasoning, or scripture to back them up.   Is a doctrine proclaimed in an authorities own name to be taken as infallible truth?


Even the leaders of the church decry the doctrine of the infallibility of the Pope so surely the church authorities opinions are no better than our own if we have the Spirit. Joseph Smith told the General Authorities of his day: “Advance no principle but what you can prove for one scriptural proof is worth ten thousand opinions.”   DHC 3:396

The belief of eternal confinement to a kingdom is a carry-over from the Protestant belief in the eternal hell. Until Joseph Smith came along nearly all of Christianity believed that once you went to hell you stayed there forever and ever. However, the Lord explained in a revelation that he allowed the scriptures to be written to sound that way in order to scare people into repentance: “Nevertheless, it is not written that there shall be no end to this torment, but it is written endless torment. Again it is written eternal damnation; wherefore it is more express than other scriptures, that it might work upon the hearts of the children of men, altogether for my names glory…   Behold, I am endless, and punishment which is given from my hand is endless punishment, FOR ENDLESS IS MY NAME.” D&C 19:6-7, 10 The Lord clearly tells us here that “It is not written that there shall be no end to this torment”.

Complementing this Joseph clearly taught that if a thing has a beginning then it must have an end. He said: “I take my ring from my finger and liken it unto the mind of man – the immortal part, because it had no beginning. Suppose you cut it in two; then it has a beginning and an end; but join it again, and it continues one eternal round. So with the spirit of man. AS THE LORD LIVETH, IF IT HAD A BEGINNING, IT WILL HAVE AN END. All the fools and learned and wise men from the beginning of creation, who say the spirit of man had a beginning, PROVE that it must have an end; and if that doctrine is true, then the doctrine of annihilation would be true.” DHC 6:311

Joseph was as sure “as the Lord liveth” of this doctrine. He could have easily elaborated on this principle and said: If the spirit of man began at birth it will have an end and be no more, but if it has always existed then it will exist forever. If a punishment has a beginning then it will have an end. The only way a punishment can last for eternity is if it never had a beginning. Similarly, if we have a beginning to our habitation of the telestial, terrestrial, or celestial kingdoms then “as God lives” there will be an end.

The doctrine of eternal confinement to a kingdom is quite comparable to the Christian doctrine of hell for similarly, on the first reading it does sound as if one will be confined to his assigned kingdom forever. Consequently, it does “work upon the hearts of the children of men” to cause some to try harder. Yet when one does cease being a child and mature a bit spiritually, then scare tactics are no longer necessary and it will be to his benefit to learn the truth.


All Judgments Not Given

In speaking of those who do not regain the presence of God the Lord said: “And now behold, I say unto you, never at any time have I declared from mine own mouth that they (the wicked) should return, for where I am they cannot come, for they have no power. BUT REMEMBER THAT ALL MY JUDGEMENTS ARE NOT GIVEN UNTO MEN…” D&C 29:29-30

Here the Lord leaves the field wide open. He does not say the wicked will not someday learn their lessons and return to his presence, but he merely says he has not stated such a thing and woe unto him that would condemn a man to the telestial kingdom for an eternity for he has made an unbelieving judgement in an area where “My judgements are not given unto men”. When many lift up their heads in the telestial kingdom they will certainly pray that their “eternal damnation” will not last forever.

In all the scriptures there are two that indicate that those who fall short of the celestial glory or Godhood will seemingly never attain it.. The first reads as follows: “And they (the telestial inhabitants) shall be servants of the most High; but where God and Christ dwell they cannot come, worlds without end.” D&C 76:112

This scripture is easily explained. As long as the telestial inhabitants live the telestial law they will dwell in the telestial kingdom and as long as they are in this state they cannot join God and Christ in the Celestial kingdom worlds without end.

There are worlds without end in all three of the kingdoms and as long as one is attracted to the laws of the lower kingdom he is stuck there, but as soon as he begins living the higher laws he is in the higher kingdom in spirit. For instance, this earth is part of the telestial kingdom but as soon as we live the celestial laws our spirit has already entered the celestial kingdom and after judgement our consciousness will be transferred from a telestial world to a terrestrial or celestial one.

There are also worlds without end towards which the God and Christ set over us are aspiring and if one waits too long to live the higher laws then he may have to wait for the next eternal round and be subject to another Christ and another God who will be appointed over them in the far future. Thus a person may be separated from our present God and his Christ for what might as well be forever from our point of view.

The second scripture mentioned reads as follows: “Therefore, when they are out of the world they neither marry nor are given in marriage; but are appointed angels in heaven; which angels are ministering servants, to minister for those who are worthy of a far more, and an exceedingly, and an eternal weight of glory. For these angels did not abide by my law; therefore they cannot be enlarged, but remain separate and singly, and from henceforth are not Gods, but angels of God forever and ever.” D&C 132:16-17

This scripture is somewhat easy to misinterpret similar to the way the world does Bible teaching that the wicked “shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.” Rev. 20:10 The Doctrine and Covenants teaches us that in reality the wicked will not be tormented eternally but all punishments have an end.   We are told that punishments were made to sound eternal so it would have a greater effect.

This scripture we have just quoted was also written for effect. Those who do not abide the highest celestial law will be separate and single forever as long as they live the lower law. On the other hand, there is eternal progression which means eternal opportunity and when these angels learn and live the higher law then they will go to the higher kingdom.

They are only confined to a lower kingdom forever and ever as long as they do not abide the higher law.

Joseph Smith taught this very principle and said that all men would eventually return to the presence of God and that there is no such thing as a punishment without an end. See DHC 4:79

Let us stretch our minds and try and comprehend some of the concepts Joseph Smith taught and see what direction they take us. As we mentioned Joseph stated over and over that that which has a beginning “as God lives” will have an end and if a thing endures forever then it could have never had a beginning. He further stated “That which has a beginning will surely have an end…If the soul of man had a beginning it will surely have an end.” TEACHINGS OF THE PROPHET JOSEPH SMITH; Page 181   “ANYTHING created cannot be eternal.” DHC 3:387 The intelligence of spirits never had a beginning neither will it have an end…That which has a beginning may have an end.” DHC 6:311

Let us use the Prophet’s logic and see where it takes us. We are told that “Man was also in the beginning with God. Intelligence or the light of truth, was not created or made, neither indeed can be.” D&C 93:29 Joseph further stated that at this time our spirits were “co-equal with our Father in heaven.” DHC 6:311.

When we were with God and “co-equal with him how long of a period did we dwell with him? We are told that neither us or God had a beginning so obviously we were with God for an eternity as indicated in God’s word to Adam: “And thou art after the order of him who was without beginning of days or end of years, from ALL eternity to ALL eternity.” Moses 6:67 Remember we are speaking of our intelligence and not the spirit body.

We thus establish from the writings of Joseph Smith that man and God are co-equal and both are from eternity; both had their intelligence together for that infinite period; all things that are created have an end; and that which has no beginning will have no end.

According to Joseph then was there a beginning to man’s union with God?


Therefore, will there ever be an permanent end to man’s union with God? Could he ever be eternally separated from him?


According to Joseph was there a beginning point for all men when they were separated from God?


Because there was a beginning to the separation does that mean there has to be an end to it?

Yes. Joseph said that if there is a beginning there has to be an end.

Therefore is the scripture literally true which reads that God “will have ALL men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.”? I Tim 2:4 Does God truly have power to fulfill his will and eventually bring everyone to the knowledge of the truth and back into his presence?

Yes. If Joseph is a prophet this doctrine must be true. According to Joseph’s logic if a person has a beginning to his separation from God, then he will have an end. Man has been with God for eternity and eventually he shall be with him for eternity again. Water vapor in the air may condense and fall on the earth, but sooner or later it will evaporate and return to its source, but all the molecules do not return at the same time, each returns in its order.


Ask for a Fish

We are supposed to believe that God is our Father and we are his sons and daughters and that God loves us even more than we love our children. If this is the case then we should examine the good we try and do for our children and then expect that God, being our Father, would do an even greater good for us as his sons and daughters.

If a child fails the first grade do we condemn him to stay in the first grade for all eternity, or even a lifetime? No. We have pity on the child and try and help him as much or more than ever and when he finally attains the second grade we rejoice at his progress.

If an earthly parent is this good in his thoughts then what about God? The scriptures answer: “Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone? Or if he ask a fish will he give him a serpent? If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your father which is in heaven give good gifts to them that ask him?” Matt 7:9-11. We are commanded to “ask and it shall be given you.” Matt 7:7

This scripture doesn’t apply to this life only, but for all eternity. God did not put a limit on it. Therefore if a man in the telestial kingdom asks for the means to go higher will not God provide a way? If you were with God and that person in the telestial kingdom asking was your son would not you rejoice in providing him with the opportunity to join you? If we are that good in seeking the welfare and progression of our children would God not go one better? Will God give a stone of eternal damnation to a son in the telestial kingdom who seeks to go up? Are we capable of greater good than God?

But, says one, God has his hands tied and he is subject to laws. But we ask: What laws are you talking about? Why bind God by laws that do not exist?   Where is this law written that we hear rumored about the church and who established it? Would it not have been God? But if it was God why would a loving Father establish such a damning and unjust law?

Alas! We know there is no such law, but such a law is thought up by those who feel secure in their own salvation and exaltation and want to limit opportunity to their own sphere. They are like established doctors and lawyers who are secure in their income and want to establish rules for newcomers so difficult that few will make the grade thus eliminating competition.

We forget that on God’s endless worlds there is room for all and as soon as a man “asks” the opportunity will be given for God “will have all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.”   I Tim 2:4 “Even so it is NOT THE WILL of your Father which is in heaven that ONE of these little ones should perish.” Matt 18:14 People who doubt the scripture will say that God’s will is not always done, but they forget that “with God NOTHING shall be impossible.” Luke 1:37. They also forget the prayer of Jesus: “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Matt 6:10

I contend that if it is the will of God that none shall perish, or that all shall eventually be exalted, then nothing can hold back that Will from being accomplished. If God “allotteth unto men according to their wills” (Alma 29:4) then he shall surely be able to fulfill his own will. If God cannot fulfill his own will then you and I have great reason to tremble and fear for he may not have power to save us even if we repent! Behold, the Spirit testifies that God can save and exalt whoever will use his free agency to conform to the appropriate laws, regardless of whether that decision was yesterday, today, or a million years from now.

There is much about the Plan of Salvation that has not yet been clearly revealed as indicated by Joseph Smith: “I have never had the opportunity to give them (the Saints) the plan that God has revealed to me.” DHC 3:286 Joseph also said: “Paul ascended into the third heavens and he could understand the THREE PRINCIPLE ROUNDS of Jacobs ladder – the telestial, the terrestrial, and the celestial glories or kingdoms, when Paul saw and heard things which were not lawful to utter. I COULD EXPLAIN A HUNDREDFOLD MORE THAN I EVER HAVE of the glories of the kingdoms manifested to me in the vision were I permitted and were the people ready to receive them.” DHC 5:402

It is very interesting that Jacob’s ladder has THREE ROUNDS to it. In other words the three kingdoms are merely three rounds to one ladder that both Jacob and Joseph Smith saw. Jacob’s ladder has three steps on it: The three kingdoms. Would God build a ladder with three steps and force his children to stay on the first? If a man has better sense than to do such a thing then surely God does also. The ladder of God would have been made to climb up all the steps each person desires until he reaches the top.

Another question to keep in mind is where does Jacob’s ladder take us if the celestial kingdom is the third step? That indicates there is something above the third step for a ladder is merely a bridge that leads us to something higher. We will discuss what is above the celestial in a moment.

I will first give more evidence that the Lord does not always mean “forever” when he says “everlasting”, “eternal”, “perpetual”, “without end”, or “forever”. We have already elaborated on “eternal damnation”. In another case Moses was told that a slave should serve his master “forever”. Exodus 21:6 Here, of course, he meant until the end of his life. The Lord said that certain ordinances in the law of Moses was to last “forever” (Num 18:19), but of course they did not. The law of sacrifice was to be a perpetual statute (See Leviticus 3:17; 7:34, 36; 16:31). On the other hand, it is not now required. Circumcision also was an everlasting covenant (Gen 17:13), but the law of circumcision is now done away. Since nothing with a beginning can actually last forever the Lord has to speak relatively when using such words.

If you discovered that you or your children did not have a prayer of entering the celestial kingdom on the day of judgement, but may have to go to the terrestrial or telestial would you not hope that God in his mercy would somehow grant you another opportunity? Actually, very few members of the Church now possess spirits in a celestial condition and if the truth were known of the true percentage that are worthy of the presence of God the cry would be long and loud for another chance to progress.

Interestingly, Brigham Young taught that even the sons of perdition will have another chance at the celestial kingdom. He said that “They will be THROWN BACK TO THEIR NATIVE ELEMENT from which they originated, to be WORKED OVER AGAIN.” Journal of Discourses 2:12 He also said that this process would take “myriads of years” but sooner or later they would be back where they started which would of course mean that they would have another chance at the kingdom of God.

If the son of perdition eventually gets another chance then surely the telestial and terrestrial people will someday move up higher and enter the presence of God.


 Celestial Candidates

If the average church member could be convinced that the chances are that he, in most probability, is not worthy of the celestial glory, then perhaps he would be a bit more open minded to the reality of true eternal progression for all. Let us see the caliber of person we must be to enter that glory. John Taylor said: “If any man or woman expects to enter into the celestial kingdom of our God without being tested to the very uttermost, they have not understood the Gospel. If there is a weak spot in our nature, or if there is a fiber that can be made to quiver or to shrink, we may rest assured it will be tested.” THE KINGDOM OR NOTHING By Samuel W. Taylor; Page 345.

How many have been tested to the uttermost or still have a fiber of their being that can be made to quiver??? If you are with the majority here then it is off to the telestial or terrestrial kingdom you go. Those who make it as high as the terrestrial will be fortunate for one must be honorable, honest, and receive a real testimony of Christ to even go there.

Those who go to the celestial glory are to receive a crown. Suppose the angel at the gate asks you what you have done to be worthy of a crown? What will you say? “I say unto you, can you imagine to yourselves that ye hear the voice of the Lord, saying unto you, in that day: Come unto me ye blessed, for behold, your works have been the works of righteousness upon the face of the earth? Or do ye imagine to yourselves that ye can lie unto the Lord in that day, and say – Lord, our works have been righteous works upon the face of the earth and that he will save you?” Alma 5:16-17

We are also told that we must be “valiant”. If the Lord were to ask you what valiant acts you have done, what would you say? How long would be your list? What valiant testimonies have you born? How can you claim a kingdom with Abinadi who stood alone in bearing a testimony at great risk to the wayward church leaders of his day?

We are told that you must be “overcome by faith”. D&C 76:53 Are you overcome by faith? Tell us your deeds that put you in the same class as Nephi, Abinadi, Alma, Mormon, Moroni, Daniel, Noah, Job, Paul, and others who were overcome with such faith. How many do you see in the church about you that are overcome by this faith? Even if you are, is your family? Are you going to have to go to the celestial kingdom alone?

It wouldn’t really be heaven if you couldn’t have your family would it???

If you have one wayward son, daughter, parent, or friend who is separated from you forever in a lower kingdom with no chance of eternal union how can you still love them and enjoy any type of exaltation for yourself? If the doctrine of eternal separation were true one would have to deny the pure love of Christ to let oneself have any joy in an exaltation while seeing our loved ones have no hope of joining us.

Another qualification of entering the celestial kingdom is to be “sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise”. D&C 76:53 Going to the temple does not fulfill that – only having the Holy Spirit come to you and seal you his does. Has this happened to you? When?

You must be one of those “into whose hands the Father has given all things.” D&C 76:55 Has this happened to you?

We must receive a “manifestation of the Spirit, WHILE IN THE FLESH, (that) they may be able to bear his presence in the world of glory.” D&C 76:118 We are told that this is more than a mere warm feeling, but it includes having things revealed to him that is “not lawful for a man to utter.” Verse 115 These are things “seen and understood by the power of the Holy Spirit.” D&C 76:116 Have you received this manifestation? Then how do you expect to enter the world of glory???

Joseph Smith said: “Any person who is exalted to the highest mansion has to abide a celestial law, and the whole law too.” DHC 6:185 Have you lived the whole law? How about the United Order? How do you expect to hop into obedience to that law in the celestial glory when you have not been tested on earth as to whether or not you can live it? Did not Joseph say: “To get salvation we must not only do some things, but everything which God has commanded.” DHC 6:223 He also said: If a man would attain to the keys of the kingdom of an endless life; he must sacrifice all things.” DHC 5:555 Have you sacrificed all things???   Look around you. How many fellow church members do you know who are worthy of a celestial glory? Obviously, the scripture is true which states “many are called, but few are chosen.” D&C 121:34

Those who now cry the loudest that the less valiant will be damned forever in the lower kingdoms will be the first to find themselves unworthy for the celestial glory and on their lips will be a prayer hoping that they were wrong about eternal separation and this treatise is correct.


Basic Accepted Truths

Now let us take the truths we see to be self evident and see where they lead us:

  1. We acknowledge that God has given to all men and women their free agency. This agency is given not only for time, but for eternity. We have no indication that God will ever take it away, even from the least of souls. God even allows the devil to do what he pleases.
  2. All church authorities acknowledge that there is eternal progression within all the kingdoms. Both the telestial and terrestrial persons receive ministers from higher kingdoms (D&C 76:86-88) so they must advance.
  3. God, being a loving Father would never forcefully prevent a man from receiving more knowledge, but encourages it through the ministrations mentioned above.
  4. We are commanded to “ask and ye shall receive”.

These four statements that are presently accepted by the church can lead to some interesting conclusions indeed.

First, free agency is an eternal principle. We know it existed before we came to the earth because that was what the war in heaven was all about and we also know that Christ will win the fight to establish the principle forever.

Therefore, if a man in the telestial kingdom desires to begin living the higher terrestrial laws what is to prevent him from exercising his free agency and doing so? After all, they are ministered to by angels. (D&C 76:88) Do you think the angels are teaching them the telestial laws they are already living, or something higher?

This earth is a telestial world. This is acknowledged by authoritative church teachings and is taught in the temple. Do the angels that administer to us teach us earthly laws or something higher?

Something higher, of course

The terrestrial inhabitants are ministered to by the celestial (D&C 76:87). Now will these celestial people be teaching them the terrestrial laws already being lived, or the higher celestial law? The answer is obvious.

If then a group of telestial people begin living terrestrial laws they begin to form a terrestrial kingdom, and if a group of terrestrial inhabitants live celestial laws they begin to form a celestial kingdom. This very principle will be demonstrated on the earth which is now in a telestial state. When enough of us live the terrestrial laws the great millennium will come and the earth will be changed to a terrestrial state. After that Satan is loosed for a short period, and then destroyed, the inhabitants will live celestial laws and the earth will be changed again and become part of the celestial kingdom.

Is it not obvious that when a group of people use their free agency to live the higher laws that the kingdom they are in is changed? In examining statement two all men must concede that there is some type of eternal progression for everyone. And what are they progressing to? Of course, everyone wants to become like God. If three people have a goal of reaching a point ten miles away and they are all heading toward it at different rates, then as long as no one gives up they will all arrive there, but at different times. Obviously, if there is eternal progression for all, then all will eventually reach their goal.

Statement three tells us that God will not stop a person from receiving more knowledge. Joseph Smith said that “A man is saved no faster than he gains knowledge.”   He also said: “In knowledge there is power. God has more power than all other beings BECAUSE HE HAS GREATER KNOWLEDGE; and hence he knows how to subject all other beings to him.” DHC 5:340

This is indeed interesting. God obtained his power through knowledge. Therefore if we obtained the knowledge of God we could obtain the power of God. Now we are all gaining knowledge, but at different rates. Let us suppose that at death John Jones merely had enough knowledge to obtain the telestial kingdom.   Even though he obtained the lowest glory that is no reason to assume that he will not gain more knowledge. Therefore, Mr.. Jones will continue to increase in knowledge even though it may be at a slower pace than the inhabitants of the higher kingdoms. Let us suppose, for instance, that it would take a trillion pieces of knowledge to obtain the knowledge of God necessary for celestial glory. Even if this telestial inhabitant only gains one new piece of knowledge a year, he could still obtain the celestial powers in a trillion years.

Isn’t it obvious that if there is, in reality, eternal progression, then ALL goals are obtainable by everyone? Being eternally damned because of one short lifetime of error is like being refused a higher education and sent to the coal mines for your entire life just because you flunked a one hour exam. Would that be fair? Of course not, yet many say that it is justice to send a man to the telestial kingdom for eternity because he flunked his test in this life, which is less than a minute in relation to eternity.

Is common sense yet alive in Israel?

Fourth, we are commanded to ask and we will receive. Now if you were in the celestial kingdom and you had all power, and you had a son in the telestial kingdom and upon visiting him with tears in his eyes asked you to open up the way for him so he could join you in the celestial kingdom, what would you do? If you had all power would you not open the way for your own son? If you, being evil, are that good, would not God equal or better you?

After all did not the Lord say: “There is NO END to my works, neither to my words. For behold, this is my work and my glory – to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.” Moses 1:38-39.

The Lord clearly tells us that there is “no end” to his works to bring about our eternal life and the scriptures plainly tell us that part of his work involves an organization of ministerings to the terrestrial and telestial kingdoms. Obviously the work of God in the lower kingdoms is for the purpose of bringing about the “immortality and eternal life” of the inhabitants.

Let us at least hope this is the case because church members are clearly taught that we are in the telestial kingdom even now. During the temple ceremony in the telestial room the speaker reveals: “Brethren and sisters, this room represents the telestial kingdom, OR THE WORLD IN WHICH WE NOW LIVE.”

In addition various church leaders in the past have pointed out that the earth is in a telestial state now. If then the place in which we now live is a part of the telestial kingdom, are we going to stay here forever??? Do we not have a hope of going to the celestial?

In the temple members advance from the telestial room to the terrestrial, and finally through the veil to the celestial. Why is there such a ceremony if there is no such advancement from kingdom to kingdom? How the whole church can fail to grasp the meaning of such a simple teaching from the Lord is an amazing thing.

Joseph Smith gave us some startling information about the inhabitants of the terrestrial kingdom: “By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death…Many have supposed that the doctrine of translation was a doctrine whereby men were taken immediately into the presence of God, and into an eternal fullness, but this is a mistaken idea.   Their place of habitation is that of a TERRESTRIAL ORDER, and a place prepared for such characters he held in reserve to be ministering angels unto many planets…But we shall leave this subject of terrestrial bodies for another time.” TEACHINGS OF THE PROPHET JOSEPH SMITH; Pages 170-171

This is indeed interesting for we find that a righteous man like Enoch and his people are as yet only in the terrestrial kingdom. Apparently they have not yet made it to the celestial. Is Enoch and his people doomed to the terrestrial kingdom for eternity or is God going to continue his work and bring about their immortality and eternal life?

If assignments to the various kingdoms is permanent and Enoch has only made it to the terrestrial, how in God’s name to members of the church expect to fare better? What great works has any church member done that would cause him to go higher than Enoch???

Obviously Enoch will make it to the celestial kingdom in due time simply because there is progression from kingdom to kingdom.

“But”, says one, “You’re talking about circumstances before the resurrection. Things are different afterwards.” They are? Who told you that? Where is it written? Nowhere does it tell us that movement from kingdom to kingdom will ever cease, but we are told that the works of the Lord are “one eternal round” which indicates an eternal cyclic effort of the Lord to advance all men. The belief that the resurrection changes eternal principles is patterned after tradition similar to the belief patterns of the Lamanites.


Kingdoms Higher Than Celestial

If the reader still insists that there is no progression from kingdom to kingdom we would like to see how they explain the following scripture: “The place where God resides is a great Urim and Thummin. This earth, in its sanctified and immortal state (the celestial), will be like unto crystal and will be a Urim and Thummin to the inhabitants who dwell thereon, whereby all things pertaining to an inferior kingdom, or all kingdoms of a lower order (the telestial and terrestrial kingdoms), will be manifest to those who dwell on it; and this earth will be Christ’s.   Then the white stone mentioned in Revelation 2:17 will become a Urim and Thummin to each individual who receives one, whereby THINGS PERTAINING TO A HIGHER ORDER OF KINGDOMS WILL KNOWN; and a white stone is given to each of those who come into the CELESTIAL KINGDOM.” D&C 130:8-11

What’s this!!!   Higher kingdoms than the celestial??? Nonsense you say. But how do you explain the scripture where it is written as plain as the nose on your face?   If you still maintain there is no progression from kingdom to kingdom, then you are damning yourself to at least the celestial where you will not be permitted to attain the “higher order of kingdoms”.

We are plainly told that those who live the new and everlasting covenant will not merely inherit one kingdom, but many: “Ye shall come forth in the first resurrection; and if it be after the first resurrection, in the next resurrection; and shall inherit thrones, kingdomS, (Plural) principalities, and powers, dominions, all heights and depths.” D&C 132:19

Just as Enoch left the telestial and is now in the terrestrial and waiting to go to the celestial and then to the “higher order of kingdoms” so are we who keep the new and everlasting covenant promised that we shall inherit “kingdomS”. We are not destined to go to one kingdom, but through many. Now we see why Jacob’s ladder had a kingdom for each step and how we will eventually go up many steps. How can one claim to believe the scriptures and deny this?

It looks like they will also have to deny the words of Joseph, the prophet: “What did Jesus do? Why I do the things I saw my Father do when worlds came rolling into existence. My Father worked out his kingdom with fear and trembling, and I must do the same; and when I get my kingdom, I shall present it to my Father, so that he may obtain kingdom upon kingdom, and it will exalt him in glory. He will then take a HIGHER EXALTATION, and I will take his place, and thereby become exalted myself.” TEACHINGS OF THE PROPHET JOSEPH SMITH; Pages 347-8

The prophet also said: Paul saw the third heavens AND I MORE.” DHC 5:392 If Joseph saw more than the third heaven (or the celestial kingdom) then there must be a forth, a fifth, and probably more for do we not believe in eternal progression???   Do we not believe that if there is a beginning to our entering the celestial or third kingdom, then there must be an end? Someday there will be an end to our stay in whatever kingdom we are assigned and go on to the “higher order of kingdoms”, worlds without end.

In speaking of the higher kingdoms Joseph said: “Many persons think a prophet must be a good deal better than anybody else. Suppose I would condescend – yes, I will call it condescend, to be a great deal better than any of you. I would be RAISED TO THE HIGHEST HEAVEN; and who should I have to accompany me?” DHC 5:401 What was this highest heaven where there would be no one to accompany the Prophet?   It was not the celestial kingdom, for that was the goal of the saints, and Joseph expected company there. He knew of higher orders of kingdoms to which none of the saints could yet obtain.

Are we going to continue to damn ourselves by clinging to the selfish, ungodlike, separative belief that each individual is doomed forever to his assigned kingdom after the resurrection? Even if we make it to the celestial do we want our progression to higher kingdoms damned by such a belief?   After all we are told that “as a man thinketh in his heart SO IS HE.” Proverbs 23:7 If you think your progression is damned or ended then it will be.

Isn’t it obvious to the mind as well as the heart that God allows all to progress in both time and eternity according to their labor and desire? The challenge goes out to all in harmony with the words of the prophet Joseph: “The scriptures say it, and I defy all the learning and wisdom and all the combined powers of earth and hell together to refute it.” This challenge can be made on any truth. As Joseph said: “truth will cut its own way”. Once a truth is presented in an enlightened manner, it will then forever on hold its own, for those who have the Spirit will discern it and create a nucleus of light which will eventually enlighten all.

Remember to apply Moroni 10:4-5.

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The Fate of the Sons Of Perdition

Feb 24, 2017

The Fate of the Sons Of Perdition

The fate of the sons of perditions has long been a big mystery in the Mormon church. Most believe they will never be forgiven or given another chance, especially when considering these words of Jesus about the unpardonable sin:

“whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.” Matt 12:32

The word “world” here comes from the Greek AION which should be translated as age. These, therefore, will not be forgiven in the age in which the sin was committed, or the age to come. What is overlooked is that there are many ages after the one to come. In fact Joseph Smith used the word age in reference to our originating intelligence when he said, “Intelligence is eternal and exists upon a self-existent principle. It is a spirit from age to age and there is no creation about it.” DHC 6:312

Such punishment is also spoken of as being eternal but the scripture clarifies this:

“Nevertheless, it is not written that there shall be no end to this torment, but it is written endless torment. Again it is written eternal damnation; wherefore it is more express than other scriptures, that it might work upon the hearts of the children of men, altogether for my names glory… Behold, I am endless, and punishment which is given from my hand is endless punishment, FOR ENDLESS IS MY NAME.” D&C 19:6-7, 10

The scripture clearly tells us here that “It is not written that there shall be no end to this torment.”

In addition, this caveat is thrown in:

“And now behold, I say unto you, never at any time have I declared from mine own mouth that they (the wicked) should return, for where I am they cannot come, for they have no power. BUT REMEMBER THAT ALL MY JUDGEMENTS ARE NOT GIVEN UNTO MEN…” D&C 29:29-30

From these scriptures we gather that God has allowed his prophets to warn of punishments in the starkest terms to scare people into following the right path.

This tactic was especially needed among the primitive thinking people in the past who thought in terms of black and white. Fortunately, we are entering an age of greater reason where seekers can progress at a faster rate with a fuller concept of the truth.

Joseph Smith was a pioneer in moving beyond black and white thinking by revealing that all things that have a beginning will have an end. He said:

“I take my ring from my finger and liken it unto the mind of man – the immortal part, because it had no beginning. Suppose you cut it in two; then it has a beginning and an end; but join it again, and it continues one eternal round. So with the spirit of man. AS THE LORD LIVETH, IF IT HAD A BEGINNING, IT WILL HAVE AN END. All the fools and learned and wise men from the beginning of creation, who say the spirit of man had a beginning, PROVE that it must have an end; and if that doctrine is true, then the doctrine of annihilation would be true.” DHC 6:311

Here is another account recorded by Mathew S. Davis:

“I believe that God is eternal. That He had no beginning, and can have no end. Eternity means that which is without beginning or end. I believe that the soul is eternal; and had no beginning; it can have no end.” Here he entered into some explanations, which were so brief that I could not perfectly comprehend him. But the idea seemed to be that the soul of man, the spirit, had existed from eternity in the bosom of Divinity; and so far as he was intelligible to me, MUST ULTIMATELY RETURN FROM WHENCE IT CAME. He said very little of rewards and punishments; but one conclusion, from what he did say, was irresistible–he contended throughout, that everything which had a beginning must have an ending; and consequently IF THE PUNISHMENT OF MAN COMMENCED IN THE NEXT WORLD, IT MUST, ACCORDING TO HIS LOGIC AND BELIEF HAVE AN END.

DHC 4:79

If you as a parent punish your child would you consider punishing him forever? Of course not. If you banish him to his room, it will only for a reasonable period of time so the lesson sinks in.

Even so with God, who Jesus tells us goes further to assist his children than we do.

The punishment of the son of perdition (which in reality is self caused) will have a beginning thus it will also have an end.

This must be the case else this scripture cannot be fulfilled:

“For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior; who will have ALL MEN TO BE SAVED, and to come to a knowledge of the truth.” I Tim 2:3-4

Since it is the will of God that all be saved then our Father will indeed find a way to make this happen, if not the age to come it will be in some future one.

This was backed up by Brigham Young who was taught by the prophet:

The Lord said to Jeremiah the Prophet, “Arise, and go down to the potter’s house, and there I will cause thee to hear my words. Then I went down to the potter’s house, and, behold, he wrought a work on the wheels. And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hands of the potter: so he made it again another vessel, as seemed good to the potter to make it.” THE CLAY THAT MARRED IN THE POTTER’S HANDS WAS THROWN BACK INTO THE UNPREPARED PORTION, TO BE PREPARED OVER AGAIN. SO IT WILL BE WITH EVERY WICKED MAN AND WOMAN, and every wicked nation, kingdom, and government upon earth, sooner or later; they will be thrown back to the native element from which they originated, to be worked over again, and be prepared to enjoy some sort of a kingdom.

Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses 2:124.

“When the elements in an organized form do not fill the end of their creation, they are thrown back again, like brother Kimball’s old pottery ware, to be ground up, and made over again.”

–Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, 26 vols., 1:, p.275 – 276

Here is my conclusion on the matter:

Our originating Intelligence is eternal and never had a beginning nor will it have an end. It created our spirits (called souls or higher self by some) and our spirits create our mortal essence. When the entity advances to the point where he can receive through the Holy Spirit, but rejects it in favor of selfish attachment to the things of the world, and persists until he is in such a state of spiritual denial that there is no return for him, then he meets the fate of the son of perdition.

His originating Intelligence will see that his creation is a failure and will draw back the essence to itself. Both body and soul will be destroyed over a period of time, which process will be long and painful for the lost soul.

The originating Intelligence will have to pass up the opportunity to move ahead with the other souls of the present creation and plan a new creation with a new paradise, a new solar system and new earth. He basically begins progression all over again and ages hence he will live again on another earth in the hope of making wiser decisions this time.

Fortunately, only a few meet with this total failure in this creation. Most will turn around after lifetimes of failure and pain that is caused by rejection of Spirit.

Many see Judas as the most evil man of all time because he betrayed the greatest of us all. What is not realized is that a similar betrayal of any person is just as bad because what we do to the least of us we do to Christ.

It is believed by most that Judas had the intent of forcing Jesus to prove who he was by showing that they wouldn’t be able to put him to death. When he saw his error he was so sorrowful he killed himself.

Now, if he was in the true state of mind of a son of perdition he would not have regretted that which he did, but would have been glad to see Jesus die on the cross.

On the cross Jesus said, “Father forgive them, for the know not what they do.”

Judas did not know what he did with his betrayal so it is quite possible he redeemed himself in future incarnations.

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Who Are The Sons Of Perdition?

Feb 23, 2017

Who Are The Sons Of Perdition?

Many are curious about the fate of those who commit the unpardonable sin mentioned by Jesus:

“Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men. And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.” Matt 12:31-32

The LDS in particular take interest in this sin because it is expanded upon in their scriptures in such a way that causes one to shutter and desire to avoid it at all costs. It is written:

“Wherefore, he saves all except them–they shall go away into everlasting punishment, which is endless punishment, which is eternal punishment, to reign with the devil and his angels in eternity, where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched, which is their torment–

“And the end thereof, neither the place thereof, nor their torment, no man knows; Neither was it revealed, neither is, neither will be revealed unto man, except to them who are made partakers thereof;

“Nevertheless, I, the Lord, show it by vision unto many, but straightway shut it up again; Wherefore, the end, the width, the height, the depth, and the misery thereof, they understand not, neither any man except those who are ordained unto this condemnation.” D&C 76:44-48

Those who commit the unpardonable sin and have to endure this punishment are called the sons of perdition and church members seriously speculate as to what one must do to accomplish this, as they want to avoid such a destiny at all costs.

The general idea in the church is that the sin against the Holy Ghost is to receive a witness through the Spirit and then deny that witness which you know to be true. It is said to be like denying the sun exists when you are outside looking at it in the noonday.

The authorities in the church have never clarified exactly how far one has to go to commit this sin and many speculate that merely offending the church authorities enough to get excommunicated will do the job. Hence, the fear of this punishment is enough to keep most members in line and do whatever is necessary to keep their name on church records.

A second mystery in the church revolves around whether or not these sons of perdition will ever be forgiven. It sounds like they will not, but other scriptures seem to indicate differently.

A third mystery is where this great place of punishment will be. I haven’t even seen any speculation on this.

First, let us deal with what one has to do to warrant such punishment.

There are two things the seeker must understand.

First, “God is love” as the scriptures say and He is called our Father by Jesus because He loves us and will work with us as His children. Jesus said this about God:

“Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone? Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent?

“If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?” Matt 7:9-11

Any sincere person who is a parent knows that he will do most anything possible to help a child when he is in a bad situation. Jesus points out that God is a much better parent than we are, and he will try harder and go further to help us than we will for our own children.

This teaching directly contradicts the view of many standard religious people about God. Many view Him as a tyrant who is easily offended and will send people to hell for a wrong belief, offense or minor sin.

Instead, Jesus tells us that God will go to much greater lengths to help us than we will our own children. He is like the shepherd with a hundred sheep who will go out of his way to find and save the one that wandered off and was lost.

When we consider this we will realize that no one will become a son of perdition unless he will completely and consciously reject all of God’s efforts to reach him through his spirit.

The second thing that needs understanding is that punishments are not meted out by some angry god on a throne, but are the result of natural cause and effect. Correspondingly, all the problems our own children have are natural effects from natural causes. We as parents can help them if they will invite us in, but as long as they reject us there is nothing we can do. Because our Father God allows us free will He is in the same situation.

In considering what one must do to commit this grave sin, these two points must be considered. When doing so we must conclude that he who receives such punishment only does so after resisting every possible effort from God to save him. Secondly, the punishment will be a natural result of his choices and not something imposed by a Heavenly Father upon his child.

That said, I am going to give you my conclusions about this sin.

A person cannot even commit this sin until he has made reasonable progress through many lifetimes upon the path of return. Then when he achieves various types higher contact through the Spirit he enters in to a realm of new choices. Will he follow in the direction of Spirit or will he follow the selfish path of lower desire?

Many revert to the lower path for a period of lifetimes and commit great errors, but through self-inflicted pain come to the realization that the path of the Spirit is the more desirable, even though much sacrifice seems to be involved.

To commit the unpardonable sin one must reject the overtures of the spirit, not once, or twice, but time and time again until the entity builds up and impenetrable wall between himself and his loving Father.

When the wall is dense enough nothing from the spiritual realm can reach him and he becomes a lost soul, that is, he has lost all chance of higher contact and is on his own. He has now placed full attention on the lower self and its satisfaction is all he desires.

You have not committed the unpardonable sin if:

  • You have any desire for spiritual contact and guidance.
  • If you have love for other human beings and are willing to help them.
  • If you have at least some desire to do good in the world.
  • Being an atheist is a phase we all go through and is not related to the unpardonable sin.

Next: What is the fate of the Sons of Perdition and will they get another chance?

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The Gods

Feb 22, 2017

The Gods

The universe had a beginning and it will have an end just as do all forms within it such as galaxies, suns, planets and all life forms. However, there is an external cause behind all forms that has no beginning or end.

Even though the universe is very ancient, it is only one of many. There were many before the one we are in and will be many after it moves back into undifferentiated substance billions of years hence.

After the Intelligences created this universe and projected themselves down through the seven planes to the dense physical they began they great work of mastering the three worlds of form which are the material, the emotional and the mental. As solar systems were born and then died the progress was slow, but over a long period of time many became masters of all things in the lower worlds. Then when new solar systems appeared those who had overcome all things be came as gods to those new souls just beginning their early rebirths.

There is a universal law acknowledged by all who tread the path of return that after one has made an advance that he must reach back to others behind him on the path and help them. When you help someone behind you advance then some intelligence ahead of you will help you.

The first round of masters in this universe thus followed this eternal rule and sought to help humans struggling with mortality and the weaknesses of the human flesh.

Natural hierarchies were established with a Logos or God over each planet with life therein. Others presided over entire solar systems and groups of seven solar systems and higher.

Our God is called the Ancient of Days in the Book of Daniel for he is ancient indeed having mastered physical existence on a planet that has passed away long ago. There have been numerous civilizations on earth that have come and gone and he incarnated as the first Adam, but other Adams came later. He now has his abode in a spiritual realm on this planet and guides the progress of all life here.

The Christ belongs to our humanity and is our elder brother. He was the first among us to master the physical plane as much as he did, but he is not done yet. When he makes his Second Coming and walks among us again he will indeed be challenged and he will have a very difficult task. It will be a learning experience for him that will take him one more step in his own eternal progress while helping many of us progress further along the path.

The Ancient of Days has many assistants, but six great ones. Counting him there are seven. These are the Eloheim, or Gods, for our planet.

Some question as to why they are called Gods when there is One God over all.

The answer is they have a consciousness that is one with God and being one with God return all glory to the one God. Therefore, when we give glory to the God of this planet the glory goes up the hierarchy of Gods to the One.

The One God is the One and the many.

Jesus came to this great realization in his life in a way that no regular human had before and this opened he door to communication beyond his higher spiritual self to his originating intelligence, his personal Father in Heaven.

Our originating intelligence still resides in the bosom of the One God so contact with this great light brings an understanding of oneness that opens the door to all the mysteries of godliness and power.

Our goal at this time as humans struggling along the path is to follow in the footsteps of Christ and seek ever higher inner contact. Seek contact through the Holy Spirit with that higher part of yourself which still resides in the celestial world and then higher still until your originating intelligence is contacted. When the seeker becomes one within himself and his higher parts which are linked to the one God then he reaches the prophesied state:

“Wherefore, as it is written, they are gods, even the sons of God– Wherefore, all things are theirs, whether life or death, or things present, or things to come, all are theirs and they are Christ’s, and Christ is God’s.” D&C 76:58-59

Indeed. They can choose “life or death.” They can serve in the spiritual worlds where death has no power or they can choose death and enter again in a mortal state as a servant and work directly with the children of humanity.

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The Great Descent

Feb 21, 2017

The Great Descent

The first level of the existence of God and all the intelligence within his universal body is called Divine Space. This space may be considered nothingness from an earthly point of view but from a higher vision it contains everything. Within it are universes of undifferentiated substance. When wavelengths appear and differentiation occurs through the guidance of intelligence the foundation of all forms are made.

This Divine Space is composed of an unlimited number of eternal points. When a point is stimulated and vibrates the light of intelligence becomes manifest as if it were a star on the path to becoming a blazing sun in the body of God.

The intelligences manifested in many degrees of glory and the greater ones gathered to themselves the lesser ones and planned universal creation.

Thus we have the highest three levels of the Life of God. The first is Divine Space, the Second is the manifesting intelligences and the third is the organizing and planning by these intelligences. The thought and planning created a universe of innumerable Divine Ideas, the third kingdom.

The goal was to descend way down to the level of physical matter and they still had a long way to go.

One more level had to be created before form could manifest. This was a sphere or kingdom where the ideas where drawn up into blueprints. It is one thing to create an idea, but another to formulate a plan so the manifestation of that idea becomes possible.

Finally, the intelligences were ready to create forms, but before they could create physical forms in dense matter they had to create them in more refined spiritual matter created by the interplay of thought with undifferentiated substance. They combined their light and thought and created beautiful celestial worlds. Imagine all the beauty that the combined minds of humans could create if they could just use their imagination in a positive way then one would only have a glimpse at what exists in this celestial world.

Thus through the interplay of thought from eternal intelligences the Celestial Kingdom was created.

“But,” says the skeptic, “wouldn’t the celestial kingdom be the highest? Yet you say there are four levels above it.”

The scriptures indeed tell us that there are kingdoms higher than the celestial. We are told that those who inhabit the celestial kingdom will be given a white stone.

“Then the white stone mentioned in Revelation 2:17, will become a Urim and Thummim to each individual who receives one, whereby things pertaining to a higher order of kingdoms (higher than the celestial) will be made known;” D&C 130:10

Verily, there are four kingdoms higher than the celestial. The celestial though is the highest kingdom in the worlds of form, for in that kingdom form is easily created by the power of thought.

The intelligences by the power of their thought manipulated the spiritual matter of this celestial sphere to create a great paradise world that has all the beauty that can be imagined by them.

The next step was to actually enter this world themselves. They decided to project a portion of their essence into this world while keeping most of their light in their own kingdom. They would thus be able to guide their creation from a higher angle of vision. They therefore impregnated the spiritual matter with their thought and the creation of spiritual beings of form commenced. Even though these spirits did not have all the light and intelligence of their creators they still were greatly endowed from our point of view.

The spirits progressed as far as they could in this celestial world until they were ready to take the next great step which was to come down into the dense physical plane. Earth was one of the planets prepared for this purpose.

Following the example of their Creator Intelligence the spirits projected part of their essence into physical bodies while keeping most of their consciousness and light in the celestial world – similar to what their originating intelligence did to them.

As it turns out our originating spirit corresponds to our Mother in Heaven and our originating Intelligence to our Father in Heaven.

Our Mother in Heaven is really a higher part of our self, often called the Higher Self, and our Father in Heaven is a higher part yet, our originating intelligence linked up to the one God. Thus the one God can be aware of all of us through the higher parts of ourselves which are linked up and one with Him.

After the physical plane and life on it manifested and began to develop and expand the lower desire nature was born, became very powerful and created many problems. Celestial mind began to interplay with desire born from the physical plane and created another kingdom made of spiritual matter impregnated with desire. This caused a kingdom to be created composed of emotional matter or energy.

We thus have three kingdoms of form – the physical worlds, or the telestial, the plane of emotional matter – the terrestrial and the plane of thought, paradise or the celestial.

“But,” says the typical member. “The righteous go to paradise after death and then after the resurrection he goes to the celestial kingdom.”

Not so. Paradise and the celestial kingdom are the same as taught by Joseph Smith in the King Follett Discourse.

“those who have died in the faith are NOW in the celestial kingdom.”

Those who are attached to the material world go to the realms of the terrestrial world created by desire matter. Those who have more noble desires will go to areas that are paradise compared to this earth but still contains many illusions. It is not as paradisiacal as the celestial sphere where a greater reality is understood. The lower parts of the emotional world are temporary hells or prisons that spirits must work through.

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Co-Equal Intelligences

Feb 20, 2017

Co-Equal Intelligences

Some of the greatest words written by Joseph Smith are:

“Man was also in the beginning with God. Intelligence, or the light of truth, was not created or made, neither indeed can be.” D&C 93:29

He also said this:

“The mind or the intelligence which man possesses is co-equal with God himself. … The intelligence of spirits had no beginning, neither will it have an end.

“I take my ring from my finger and liken it unto the mind of man–the immortal part, because it had no beginning. Suppose you cut it in two; then it has a beginning and an end; but join it again, and it continues one eternal round. So with the spirit of man. As the Lord liveth, if it had a beginning, it will have an end.” DHC 6:311

These words by Joseph enunciate a great principle that leads to much knowledge if contemplated upon. The principle is this. If a thing has a beginning then there must be an end, but there is no beginning then it will have no end. It also follows that if something has no end, then it also had no beginning and if it has an end then it had to have a beginning.

The one thing in us that is eternal, without beginning or end is called by him “intelligence.”

It was said by him to be “co-equal” with God. The authorities in the church thought he couldn’t have really meant to say this so they placed the word “co-eternal” in parenthesis, figuring that must have been what he really meant.

But it was not a mistake. He said co-equal, because that is what he meant.

So, now the question arises: Why would he teach such a brazen thing? Isn’t God far above us and much greater?

To understand why he used this word we must go back to the words of Jesus. Concerning himself he said:

“I and my Father are one.” John 10:30

Then concerning his disciples he said, “Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are.” John 17:11

If Jesus is one with God or the Father this would make him co-equal with him. But then the kicker is this. If we are one with God and Christ then we are also co-equal, just as Joseph said.

Now let us extend Joseph’s reasoning further. He tells us that the co-equal part, the intelligence, was not created, but never had a beginning and will never have an end.

What does this say about us right here, right now?

Since this is an eternal condition this means that, this uncreated part of ourselves, our intelligence, is co-equal with God even now.

How can this be? All of us have flaws and there are some really bad dudes out there that seem to be very far from being anywhere equal with God.

The answer is that we have forgotten who we are. Jesus was the first to fully remember (or realize) and after such recollection he could then declare, “I and my Father are one.” In other words, we are co-equal.

He also taught the importance of recalling (or realizing) this to his disciples. Thus he prayed that they could understand who they are and realize oneness also.

This oneness is not something that we will attain in some far off world. We have it now, but must realize that which we have and that which we are.

Before we explore further we must understand how our intelligence, or the immortal part of ourselves is co-equal and one with God.

Before physical creation occurred all substance existed in what one might call Divine Space, of which the space around us and the heavens is a dim reflection. Existing in this unlimited space, beyond the limits of time, were divine sparks of light and truth which were manifestations of the life of the One God.

The stars we see manifesting in space above us are a rough correspondence to intelligences manifesting in Divine Space.

The body of the One God was all space and the intelligences manifesting within that space. After creation God’s body included all forms in the universe.

Each intelligence was linked to the total life of God and partook in oneness of the one mind.

The process of how our original intelligence partook of the oneness is described somewhat in the book of Moses:

“And it came to pass, as the voice was still speaking, Moses cast his eyes and beheld the earth, yea, even all of it; and there was not a particle of it which he did not behold, discerning it by the spirit of God.

“And he beheld also the inhabitants thereof, and there was not a soul which he beheld not; and he discerned them by the Spirit of God; and their numbers were great, even numberless as the sand upon the sea shore.” Moses 1:27-28

Even so, as an intelligence there was not one other intelligence that you did not behold.

Now, imagine being back there and sharing in the wholeness of the life of God with the realization that you were one with all other intelligences and the wholeness thereof.

Would we not all be co-equal, just as Joseph said? Your fellow intelligences could not be any more or less one than you.

We had it pretty good back then in a very blissful and peaceful existence, but we wanted something to challenge us so we all participated in the creation of a universe that would test us to the maximum possible. For maximum growth we realized that we would have to enter an existence that was much more limited than our place of origin. Overcoming the problems and limitations would bring an increase to the light and truth we shared.

We were like many drops of water in the ocean of space. A drop of water in an ocean identifies with the ocean and may even say it is the ocean. When removed from the ocean it seems separate and alone until it returns.

This is an imperfect analogy that many teachers have used, but it helps the mind to understand.

We made an interesting journey from oneness to this creation in which we find ourselves.

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Where Did We Come From?

Feb 17, 2017

Where Did We Come From?

The LDS take great pride in telling prospective members that they have an answer to the great mystery of where we came from. Most Christians merely believe that God created us at birth and that was the beginning of our existence, but Mormon missionaries add a new dimension to our existence by explaining that we had a life with God before we were born.

Yes, it is true that the LDS have a piece of knowledge here that sets them apart from most other Christian religions, but unfortunately it is only a piece when many pieces are needed for a clear picture to be obtained.

Here is the essence of the church doctrine. We existed forever as intelligences until God came along and gave birth to those intelligences into spirit bodies. It is assumed by most members that God had a wife who was our heavenly mother.

Just about anything else one can assume about the pre-mortal existence is considered speculative by the church and nothing further is taught in any church classes.

This doesn’t stop members from guessing what our past life was like. Here are some things that most Mormons students assume.

The male God, who is called Heavenly Father, along with his wife (or possibly wives) obtained their exaltation on another earth something like this. They were resurrected and the planet along with them were changed into a celestial glorified state.

After moving into the celestial state our heavenly parents started having children, lots of them. Their resurrected physical bodies had sexual relations and our heavenly mother gave birth to intelligences into spirit bodies.

It is assumed that our heavenly parents then raised us from being babies to adults on that planet similar to how ideal Mormons would raise their children. When we became adults we looked very close to what we look like on earth in our prime, except our spirit bodies were perfect. No one was overweight, ugly or had blemishes or handicaps.

Members assume that we made numerous commitments to our heavenly parents and many of us chose the person who was to be our mate while in this realm.

How long we lived with these heavenly parents and all our billions of brothers and sisters is a mystery. Members figure it must have been quite a long time for our parents to give birth to enough spirits to populate the whole earth, which would be 30 billion or more. They wonder if perhaps the gestation process was speeded up in our Heavenly Mother. Maybe she could give birth to lots of children in a short period of time by some process unknown to us.

In addition to the birthing mystery there are many others that curious Mormons ponder such as:

(1) Before we were born into spirit bodies we were intelligences. What an intelligence is and what that existence was like is completely unknown.

(2) Do our heavenly parents have their planet all to themselves or do they share it with thousands of other gods who were resurrected and exalted with them? If they share the planet then where would they find room for the children of the other gods? After all, members are taught that all the billions here on earth have the same God as our Father.

(3) It is believed that our God had a father and his father had one. Was there a first God. If so, how did he get started?

(4) The Mormon scriptures say that our God has created worlds without number and there are many earths like this one with His sons and daughters on the surface.

Where did God raise these trillions of other children for other worlds and how could a wife or two give birth to so many? How birth was given to the billions of earth spirits is mind boggling enough to consider without taking many other worlds into consideration.

(5) How is God able to hear or answer prayers of billions of his children while at the same time spend time teaching and preparing spirits on his planet who are yet to be born?

(6) Some of the writings of Joseph Smith speak of there being one God who created all things and others saying there are many Gods. How is this contradiction explained?

(7) What is he fate of the Sons of Perdition who have committed the unpardonable sin? What does it take to become one? Will they ever be given another chance?

If a member asks any of these questions to church leaders he will get the standard reply which is:

“The answer is not necessary to your salvation. We’ll find out soon enough in the afterlife. Right now we need to learn more about faith and how to live more perfect lives.”

That response never satisfied me as I take Joseph Smith’s words to heart:

“A man is saved no faster than he gains knowledge.”

Gaining knowledge is the great quest and knowledge does indeed shed light on the mysteries. When light and truth arrive the seeker will often have to completely rearrange the picture of the whole that he had previously arraigned in his mind.

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