Why We Embraced the Mad Idea

Why We Embraced the Mad Idea

The Mad Idea, as it is called by A Course in Miracles is a subject if great interest to many. One question many have is this. Since the idea to make this world where here is pain and distress is presented as “mad” and “insane” by the Course then why would we, of our own free will, have volunteered to participate in it, as we are doing right now in this world?

“This mad direction was your choice, and by your faith in what you chose, you made what you desired.” T-21.III.5

I thought it would be interesting to present actual quotes from the Course giving us insights as to why we made the decision.

The first quote above affirms that entering the illusion was our choice and we made this world because we desired it.

“The world is an illusion. Those who choose to come to it are seeking for a place where they can be illusions, and avoid their own reality.” W-pI.155.2. This was “the tiny, mad desire to be separate, different and special.” T-25.I.5

Apparently, we knew we were entering an illusion and we wanted to “be illusions” to avoid reality. One would indeed wonder why we wanted to avoid the peace, security and love in the eternal world called heaven. Did we have too much of a good thing? Were we bored and wanted a little risk and excitement? We definitely wanted “to be separate, different and special.”

Then we are told this:

“This sense of separation would never have arisen if you had not distorted your perception of truth, and had thus perceived yourself as lacking.” T-1.VI.2

So, the Course tells us in reality we were not lacking but we distorted the truth and perceived ourselves as lacking. What do you suppose we thought we were lacking in within a realm that has everything?

The Course expands on this thought:

“The inappropriate use of extension, or projection, occurs when you believe that some emptiness or lack exists in you, and that you can fill it with your own ideas instead of truth. This process involves the following steps:

“First, you believe that what God created can be changed by your own mind.

“Second, you believe that what is perfect can be rendered imperfect or lacking.

“Third, you believe that you can distort the creations of God, including yourself.

“Fourth, you believe that you can create yourself, and that the direction of your own creation is up to you.” T-2.I.2

Sounds like we developed a number of beliefs that were not in alignment with the true reality including the belief that we can create ourselves as discussed earlier.

As the Sonship acquired distorted beliefs “You chose to forget your Father but you do not really want to do so, and therefore you can decide otherwise.” T-12.VI.2

This is an interesting quote which seems to tell us that we didn’t really want to forget our Father, but we chose to do so anyway. Probably because it was the only way to enter the fantasy of our own making. Perhaps the forgetting of our Father was the beginning of the manifestation of sacrifice.

Concerning this world it says, “It is clearly not the world you saw before you slept. Rather it is a distortion of the world, planned solely around what you would have preferred… For the dream of your ability to control reality by substituting a world that you prefer is terrifying.” T-18.II.1

So this world we saw ourselves enter was one planned around that which we preferred over heaven. We wanted to “control reality” even though we would be in a terrifying world. This was probably the beginning of fear. To control reality in our fantasy we had to encounter terrifying situations.

Apparently, we were also seeking treasure:

“He would sacrifice his own identity with everything, to find a little treasure of his own. And this he cannot do without a sense of isolation, loss and loneliness.” T-26.VII.11

Sounds like we knew all the pitfalls, but we thought there was treasure to be found in the experience.

We as Sons decided “To establish your personal autonomy you tried to create unlike your Father, believing that what you made is capable of being unlike Him.” T-11.VII.3

Our dreams “are your protest against reality, and your fixed and insane idea that you can change it.” T-18.II.5

As a result our “Dreams show you that you have the power to make a world as you would have it be, and that because you want it you see it. And while you see it you do not doubt that it is real. Yet here is a world, clearly within your mind, that seems to be outside.”  T-18.II.5

So, what was there about reality that caused us to “protest against” it? Did we have a need to feel special that we felt was not possible in heaven?  That seems to be a part of the problem.  These quotes from the Course paint a partial picture, but it would take assistance from the Holy Spirit to see the whole picture.

It is interesting to consider that some of these reasons for the separation are found in each of us or we wouldn’t still be here within a body. Perhaps doing a little introspection and reflection on these quotes will reveal our next step and speed our awakening.

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Mad Idea or Not?


Mad Idea or Not?

The actual separation and the mad idea are often briefly referenced as just something crazy that entered the mind of the Sonship for an instant and then was no more. Since the idea was mad and crazy leading to nightmares it just came and went instantly.

I submit that such was just not the case.

The beginning of time after the initial separation “goes backward to an instant so ancient that it is beyond all memory, and past even the possibility of remembering.” M-2.3

In our time this would be billions or possibly many trillions of years.

Yet even though the instant began and ended in that ancient time the effects are still with us for “it is an instant that is relived again and again and still again, it seems to be now. … What happened long ago seems to be happening now.” M-2.3 & 4

We just can’t seem to let that instant go for “that one instant still called back, as if it could be made again in time. You keep an ancient memory before your eyes.” T-26.V.5

So, if the idea was so obviously mad and crazy, as students assume, then why is it, of our own free will, “still called back” by us and relived because it “is looked upon as a new thought, a fresh idea, a different approach”? M-2.3

So, we here in present time are trying to make “again in time” this idea with the thought we can do it better than was done in the original attempt. We are recalling that ancient instant and reliving it. It was so meaningful to us that we wanted to “keep and make (it) eternal.” T-26.V.4

The ancient instant is over, but us recalling it and living in its effects is as if it is real to us and not over. After all, this is why A Course in Miracles was given to us.

Billions of Sons of God native to this planet have of their own free will accepted the mad idea, and that’s just a drop in the bucket.  There are over 200 billion star systems in this galaxy and trillions of galaxies in the universe.  All the inhabitants would equal many trillions of Sons within the Sonship who chose separation.

To those who made the choice the idea must have not sounded that crazy. Has anyone ever stopped to really think of what the attraction was and still is?

I submit that understanding the key elements of the attraction of the idea is essential to waking up. After all, one has to understand what he is leaving behind before he can let them go.

So, the question is this.

What is so attractive about the mad idea that we have gone to such great lengths to experience it and even try to make it eternal?

The first reason covered in the Course is the idea of creating ourselves. I think this is an important subject as it reveals one of the core reasons we entered the illusion and if we understand what brought us to this point of separation then we will have a great advantage in returning.

If you get lost in the woods, it is very help to be able to understand how you got there so you can retrace your steps and return to your camp.

That said, I think it would be helpful to give in a nutshell how I interpret creating ourselves from the Course.

When I first read the course, I thought it was an odd statement for I couldn’t imagine that which does not exist creating itself.  But a close reading of the Course reveals this is not the meaning

Concerning our creation by God the Course says

“You cannot separate your Self from your Creator, Who created you by sharing His Being with you.” T-7.V.6

Several times it makes the point that creation is done through sharing and God shared himself with us in our creation. If we are as God created us then we share His mind and being.

BUT we got the mad idea to break off from the shared creation and create ourselves which meant that we wanted to see what it was like to use our own ideas to create our identity which would be different from God and every other Son.

We see this desire to create our own separate identity play out in this world in that everyone wants to be unique. We dress differently, have different homes, cars, friends, bodies, personalities, desires for food and drink. The ingredients that make you distinct as you create yourself is different than any other individual.

It is different in heaven as we all share the same mind and come to the same conclusions for there the truth is obvious and no other choice is said to make sense.

Thus a great step forward in our journey home is to be able to let go of all of our desires to be different and sand out and be willing to accept oneness once again. This I believe is easier said than done as our egos place great value on being unique and standing out as superior in some way to others.

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Heavenly Instants

Heavenly Instants

Haven’t seen anyone closely examine what A Course in Miracles says about an instant. Yes, I know that there have been many comments made about the “holy instant,” but little has been commented on about the idea of the instant itself.

When the text of the Course is examined, we find the word is used in three ways. 

The first is the common usage as defined by the dictionary which is: “an extremely short period of time.”  Here is one of the many examples of that from the Course:

“Remember to apply today’s idea the instant you are aware of distress.” W-pI.33.4.

The second is the “holy instant.” Concerning this the Course says

“The holy instant is a miniature of Heaven, sent you from HeavenThe holy instant is a miniature of eternity. It is a picture of timelessness, set in a frame of time… the whole of Heaven lies in this instant, borrowed from eternity and set in time for you.” T-17.IV.11

The holy instant is an awareness, realization, or recognition, that comes to us in a flash, of the joy that resides in our true home. When we negate the past and still the mind the instant can be experienced:

“The holy instant is the interval in which the mind is still enough to hear an answer that is not entailed within the question asked.” T-27.IV.6

The third use of “instant” in the Course describes how it is experienced in heaven. This is more difficult to understand as we are in time and space here, but life in heaven is not subject to time as we know it.  Only the present has meaning there. “The present is the only time there is.” W-pI.164.1

A holy instant occurring in this world of illusion is a recognition of the quality life in our true reality; whereas an instant in heaven involves a creation event. We thus have instants of recognition and instants of creation. (see T-21.II.8) An instant in heaven can span zero time or millions of years for we are told that:

“Only an instant does this world endure. And we give thanks today the world endures but for an instant. We would go beyond that tiny instant to eternity.” Lesson 300

So this world which has been here for billions of years is only reckoned as a span of a “tiny instant.”

From the beginning to the end of the separation is also said to be only an instant:

“Merely a tiny instant has elapsed between eternity and timelessness. So brief the interval there was no lapse in continuity, nor break in thoughts which are forever unified as one.” W-pII.234.1

Notice though that this instant was called an “interval.”

To have intervals involves change yet the course tells us that there is no change in heaven. But then we have this:

Whenever we move from one instant to the next, the previous one no longer exists.  UR T 3 C 34

 So, in heaven there was an instant where the separation took place, but then the solution was created and we moved to the next instant and it was as if “the previous one no longer exists.”

What is it that moves us from on instant to the next? This can be answered by another question:   What is the main thing we do in heaven?

Answer We create

Except you share it, nothing can exist. And you exist because God shared His Will with you, that His creation might create. T-28.V.2.

He (God) created you (the Son) as part of Him.” T-24.VI.1 and “You were created only to create” T-14.I.4

That which we create are additional Sons of God adding to the Sonship:

“There is no end to God and His Son, for WE ARE THE UNIVERSE” and we are to “See His creations as His Son.” T-11.I.5. “The universe consists of nothing but the Son of God,” W-pI.183.10

How can one instant of creation pass and be replaced by another if there is no change in heaven?

To get the answer we must closely examine what the Course means when it says heaven is changeless.

“What is timeless is always there, because its being is eternally changeless. It does not change by increase, because it was forever created to increase.” T-7.I.7

This statement explains how there can be movement in heaven from one instant to another whole adding newly created Sons of God yet still be considered in a changeless state.  All there is “was forever created to increase.”

In other words what does not change is the eternal expansion of creation, or the universe. Or you could say what does not change is the continual change caused by creation expanding the universe.

We are clearly told that heaven itself is in this eternal state of increase:

“Beyond the body, beyond the sun and stars, past everything you see and yet somehow familiar, is an arc of golden light that stretches as you look into a great and shining circle. And all the circle fills with light before your eyes. The edges of the circle disappear, and what is in it is no longer contained at all. The light expands and covers everything, extending to infinity forever shining and with no break or limit anywhere.” T-21.I.8

So, heaven is encircled by “an arc of golden light that stretches…The light expands and covers everything, extending to infinity…”

All heaven itself, or all there is, forever increases by stretching and expanding to infinity.

As one instant of creation passes another takes its place and because only the present exists in heaven our entire focus is in the new instant of expanded creation. The current instant would include all creation from the previous instants so even though the previous instants are replaced they are not lost.

The instant where the mad idea surfaced “passed away in Heaven too soon for anything to notice it had come.” T-26.V.4

But even though that instant had passed it is still recalled and acted upon by Sons of God. It is called “The tiny instant you would keep and make eternal.” T-26.V.4

Normally the inhabitants of heaven focus on the current instant but some (which would include us) focus on that instant from the ancient past where the separation occurred. When this happens the dream is entered again and “in every judgment and in all belief in sin, is that one instant still called back, as if it could be made again in time. You keep an ancient memory before your eyes.” T-26.V.5

We are told that “the holy instant is eternal”. T-16.VII.6 This would apply to all instants in heaven for as life moves from one instant to the next all that was in the previous instants would remain.

Understanding the creation process as it proceeds in instants helps us to see the changelessness of heaven yet also relate to God’s statement in the Book of Revelation where he says: “Behold, I make all things new.” Rev 21:5

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Creating Sons of God

Creating Sons of God

In my recent post we established that the original “instant” where the separation occurred was a very long time ago, “an instant so ancient that it is beyond all memory, and past even the possibility of remembering.” That would have to be beyond the age of the universe which has a built-in memory of 13.8 billion years since its beginning. “Yet because it is an instant that is relived again and again and still again, it seems to be now.” M-2.3

Many students maintain that the separation was over in that ancient time and nothing is happening now for we are not even here. This text is often cited:

“We but undertake a journey that is over.  Yet it seems to have a future still unknown to us…. For we but see the journey from the point at which it ended, looking back on it, imagining we make it once again; reviewing mentally what has gone by.” W-pI.158.3-4

This idea that the mad event passed long ago gives way to two strange interpretations that never made any sense to me, for if the event is passed then why are we experiencing it now?

Here are the two explanations:

[1] We are reviewing the event like people watching a movie, but just became so involved we think we are really in the movie.  In this interpretation there is complete predestination. Every word you speak and action you take has already been filmed and all you are doing is exactly repeating the script. This would mean you have no free will, for every little detail of your life has been decided.

[2] If that idea is not strange enough interpretation two is even stranger which is: The separation is indeed over and you are not even here and nothing is happening or has happened. To one not familiar with ACIM this sounds like crazy talk, but for many students the declaration of “I am not here and nothing is happening” is praiseworthy insider lingo.

Neither one of these interpretations ever made any sense to me. If this world is such a nightmare, as the Course says, and we have free will, then why would we choose to relive the dream as if it is real? If you were burned alive in a particular life, would you choose to make it real again?  I don’t think so.

And as for the nothing is happening idea – whether this is a dream or not we are definitely undergoing an experience in time as the Course itself verifies: The separation is a system of thought real enough in time, though not in eternity. All beliefs are real to the believer.   T-3.VII.3

Since neither of the two orthodox interpretations make sense to many, the question arises as to whether there could be another one that does make sense that has just been overlooked.

To this I give a positive “yes,” but before we solve the mystery the student must understand that, according to ACIM, when the separation first occurred that not all the Sons of God participated. In fact, some tried to prevent it.

The parable of the Prodigal Son, referenced in the Course, relates that there were two sons. In fact the earliest references to it called it “The Story of the Two Sons.” In this account one son went into the world, but the other stayed home with the Father.

It is interesting that an account received by Helen Schucman corresponds to this:

“The Atonement actually began long before the crucifixion. Many Souls offered their efforts on behalf of the separated ones, but they could not withstand the strength of the attack and had to be brought back. Angels came, too, but their protection did not suffice because the separated ones were not interested in peace.” UR T 2 B 43

Many souls, or sons, along with angels, tried to bring back the separated ones but were unable to and had to be “brought back.”.

Understanding that only part of the Sonship separated is essential to seeing the full picture of the separation in a way that makes sense.

So how does this piece of knowledge help us understand the teaching that the separation instant “is relived again and again and still again”?

The answer is fascinating indeed.

The Course indicates a number of times that the returning sons are in heaven to stay and “there will be no Call to return.” T-5.I.5

So, what do the returning sons do in heaven along with the sons who never left?

We are told this: “He (God) created you (the Son) as part of Him.” T-24.VI.1 and “You were created only to create” T-14.I.4

As a Son you are to “accept your rightful place as co-creator of the universe.” W-pI.152.8 for “all His extensions are like Him” (the Father). T-12.IV.6

The Course clearly tells us that the Son of God (us) will have sons just as the Father had Sons.

“Without your Father you will not know your fatherhood. The Kingdom of God includes all His Sons AND THEIR CHILDREN, who are as like the Sons as they are like the Father.” T-7.XI.7

There you have it. The Sons of God will have “children, who are as like the Sons as they are like the Father.”

This idea is reinforced here:

“His joy lay in creating you, and He extends His Fatherhood to you so that you can extend yourself AS HE DID. You do not understand this because you do not understand Him.” T-8.VI.6

It is certainly true that many students do not understand the Father and Son concept, but it is further clarified here:

“the Son gives Fatherhood to his Creator, and receives the gift that he has given Him. It is because he is God’s Son that HE MUST ALSO BE A FATHER, WHO CREATES AS GOD CREATED HIM. The circle of creation has no end.” T-28.II.1

It is pretty clear then that eternity consists of an endless and ongoing creation process that creates additional Sons of God.

The returned Sons have satisfied their curiosity and would have no desire for further illusions, but what about the newly birthed Sons who have never known the separation? Does it not make sense that some of them would be curious about an experience so different than what they have in heaven?  Would they not share some of the same ideas their fathers once had?

And when the parent warns the child of the perils of making a world separate from heaven, is it not true that the child does not listen? Concerning us as prodigal sons it is written:

“What has been learned and understood and long ago passed by is looked upon as a new thought, a fresh idea, a different approach.” M-2.4

So, even though the original separation has been over and done we thought that we could use “a new thought, a fresh idea, a different approach,” and revive the original instant and make a much better world than did our parents.

Isn’t that typical of children? They always want to do things differently, but often wind up making the same mistakes as their parents.

It is interesting though that there was only one separation in one eternal instant, but because all instants in heaven are eternal, they can be revisited, and this is obviously what we did as created Sons.

We are now living in that instant, called the “unholy instant” by ACIM and have taken on a lot more pain than we planned. Now the call is to enter the holy instant and return to heaven.

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Reliving the Separation

Reliving the Separation

I’ve been getting some pushback on some of the teachings from A Course in Miracles I present, as some run contrary to that which is presented by orthodox teachers of the Course. When the typical student hears something that runs contrary to a group mindset it is common to automatically reject it without trying to see the reason and thought behind it.  I assure you that the ideas I present are not only logical, but supported by the Course itself, for sometimes one must carefully examine the wording to get the full truth.

The problem with the idea of ideas and thought being eternal is that this would include the mad idea of separation and students just want everything wrapped up neat and clean and not ever think of having the problem again.  BUT if it is true that the mad idea repeats it will be important to know, for whatever is true is a piece of the whole picture that will be needed at some time or another.

That said let us look again at a key passage.

“Time really, then, goes backward to an instant so ancient that it is beyond all memory, and past even the possibility of remembering. Yet because it is an instant that is relived again and again and still again, it seems to be now.” M-2.4

The first sentence tells us that time goes back to an “instant” extremely ancient past all memory and “In that unholy instant time was born, and bodies made to house the mad idea and give it the illusion of reality. And so it seemed to have a home that held together for a little while in time, and vanished. For what could house this mad idea against reality but for an instant?” T-20.VI.8

The mad idea then was given a home with the illusion of reality for an “instant” and then vanished, but not completely “For we but see the journey from the point at which it ended, looking back on it, imagining we make it once again; reviewing mentally what has gone by.” W-pI.158.3

This aligns with the second sentence of our first quote: “Yet because it is an instant that is relived again and again and still again, it seems to be now.” M-2.3

This brings up a question rarely asked by students, but to me it is the elephant in the room.

If the separation ended long ago then why are we still experiencing it.?

If there is to be “no Call to return” T-5.I.5. then why have we returned and decided to relive the separation?

Why are we of our own free will reliving the separation “again and again and still again”?

Why are recalling the instant of the separation and reliving it when we are told that we will not even remember it in heaven after we return?

“You will not remember change and shift in Heaven. You have need of contrast only here.” T-13.XI.6 “Memory, like perception, is a skill made up by you to take the place of what God gave in your creation.” T-28.I.2 “Nothing that you remember now will you remember. “T-19.IV.D.6

Seemingly contrary to that the Course says “What happened long ago seems to be happening now.” M-2.3

The conundrum comes down to this. On one hand we are told the separation came and went long long ago. A total solution was created by God and we are safe at home with no call to return. It is as if nothing happened for the separation was not a part of the true reality in heaven.

On the other hand, it speaks of “that one instant still called back, as if it could be made again in time. You keep an ancient memory before your eyes.” T-26.V.5

If the dream of separation was a nightmare that any sane Son would not want to repeat then why are we now of our own free will in the dream repeating it?

Since we have free will we had to choose to dig up an old memory and relive it. That would really be madness for someone who suffered great pain in the separation.

The answer to all this is quite simple.

In an ancient interval there was one eternal instant in heaven where the thought of separation occurred. After God rejected the idea, then part of the Sonship went ahead with the it. Immediately God created a plan of Atonement to bring the Sons back. After a long cycle of time, but just an instant in heaven, the world disappeared, the prodigal son returned which was “So very long ago, for such a tiny interval of time, that not one note in Heaven’s song was missed.” T-26.V.5

But fast forward to another cycle where we are and “is that one instant still called back, as if it could be made again in time. You keep an ancient memory before your eyes.” T-26.V.5

So here is what I present. There is no contradiction here because indeed the instant wherein the idea of separation occurred passed long ago, but nothing is lost in heaven and every instant that ever occurred there can be accessed and experienced. Sons of God who never experienced the world of time and space recalled this instant and decided to experience it.

Who are these Sons who did not participate in the initial separation, but are reliving it now?

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Does the Mad Idea Repeat?

Does the Mad Idea Repeat?

The Course makes this profound statement:

“What God and His Sons create is eternal” T-8.VI.3

The Course though makes a distinction between “create” and “make.”  It tells us that creation applies to things that are eternal and are a function of heaven, whereas that which is made applies to what we try to create in this world, which are temporary things.

The interesting thing about the “mad idea” of separation is that it was conceived by the Son while he was yet in heaven, before the making of the ego or of this world.

That would give an eternal quality to the manifestation of the idea if executed as indicated here:

“Into eternity, where all is one, there crept a tiny, mad idea, at which the Son of God remembered not to laugh. In his forgetting did the thought become a serious idea, and possible of both accomplishment and real effects.” T-27.VIII.6

So, this tells us the mad idea was conceived in “eternity” which made it “possible of both accomplishment and real effects.”

Notice that nothing attributed to this world or the ego is said by the course to have any possibility of “real effects.”

The only way the idea could have real effects, as “real” is defined by ACIM, was if the mad idea was executed by the Son in union with the mind of God in heaven.

This the Father could not allow for it is written:

“You were at peace until you asked for special favor. And God did not give it for the request was alien to Him, and you could not ask this of a Father Who truly loved His Son.” T-13.III.10

The Son did not take this rejection for an answer and manifested the mad idea the best he could in a separated state out of heaven. All this from beginning to end was said to take place in an instant.

An instant in the course can occur in a second or flash of time, or in heaven it can cover from beginning to the end of our whole world which lasts billions of years to us. Here it refers to the event of separation

“The tiny instant you would keep and make eternal, passed away in Heaven too soon for anything to notice it had come.” T-26.V.4

So, all of our time in the world of separation is only considered a “tiny instant” from the view of eternity.

Yet even though it has passed away in heaven it is still “an instant that is relived again and again and still again.” M-2.3 Thus we find ourselves reliving an instant that is no longer recognized in heaven.

All the instants originating in heaven are considered holy for “The holy instant is this instant and every instant.” T-15.IV.1 The Holy Instant we experience here on earth is a reflection of instants in heaven

Speaking of the holy instant available to us it says:

the whole of Heaven lies in this instant, borrowed from eternity and set in time for you.” T-17.IV.11

The instant involving the separation was an event concerning “the original error that shattered Heaven” T-18.I.12 so the Course calls it an “unholy instant,” even though it also maintains that all instants are holy. I suppose we can conclude it was a holy instant used for an unholy purpose.

Even so, it was still an instant that took place in heaven and “the whole of heaven” was within it and the Sonship used this instant to create a world after his own desires and make it real.

He did this using the divine power that given to him by God. Concerning this it is written:

This is the little part you think you stole from Heaven. Give it back to Heaven.” T-18.IX.1

Why does heaven want the stolen thought or “spark” from this instant in heaven?

Because each instant in Heaven has “the whole of Heaven” within it and everything in heaven is eternal including our thoughts. Each instant is eternal and the timeless present are always associated with an instant:

“the holy instant is eternal” T-16.VII.7 “Give the eternal instant, that eternity may be remembered” T-15.I.15 “the instant of peace is eternal.” T-15.II.2

Obviously, the instant where the separation occurred would have also contained “the whole of Heaven,” for “The holy instant is this instant and every instant,” T-15.IV.1

 and thoughts from there would have eternal consequences.

But how can this be when all things we see in this world and the visible universe are not eternal, but have an end?  All the bodies of living things disintegrate at death and even the earth, sun and the universe itself will have an end someday.

Where is eternity manifest in the creation/making of this world by the Sonship?

Answer: That which is temporary repeats and the repetition can last forever. If that which is temporary repeats eternally then it has an eternal aspect to it.  This eternal aspect will apply until all of the Sonship give back the stolen power to heaven.

The repetition of the mad idea is clearly enunciated here:

“Time really, then, goes backward to an instant so ancient that it is beyond all memory, and past even the possibility of remembering. Yet because it is an instant that is relived again and again and still again, it seems to be now. … The world of time is the world of illusion. What happened long ago seems to be happening now. Choices made long since appear to be open; yet to be made. What has been learned and understood and long ago passed by is looked upon as a new thought, a fresh idea, a different approach.” M-2.3 & 4

Time (which would include the separation), it says, goes back to an “instant” that “is beyond all memory, and past even the possibility of remembering.”

So, how far back would that be? Well, if celestial beings cannot even find the beginning of the separation then it has to be further back than humans can discover.

And what have they discovered?

By examining the memory clues built into the universe scientists have concluded that our current universe began 13.8 billion years ago.

That is one whopping long period of time, but it is within the built-in memory of the universe.

 The Course says that the original separation occurred way beyond “even the possibility of remembering.”

When would that be?

It could only be concerning a universe that existed before this one or perhaps many universes ago.

Many scientists are now theorizing that our current universe is only one of a long series of them. This agrees with many of the spiritual teachings of the east which says that there were many universes before this, and like the Course says, the beginning is beyond the possibility of any memory.

The quote continues saying that the original separation where time began “is an instant that is relived again and again and still again, it seems to be now.”

That statement makes it pretty clear that the effect of the original separation occurs “again and again and still again.”

And it makes clear it is not talking about the minutes, days or hours of our lives for it says “What happened long ago seems to be happening now. Choices made long since appear to be open.” That “long ago” instant was way back in time beyond the possibility of remembering and “Choices made long since appear to be open.” Think for a moment. How can what happened billions of years ago appear to be happening now? Brushing your teeth in the morning just doesn’t cut it for an answer. One of those choices was the separation itself indicating that the Sonship can choose a separation for a second time or more.

The conclusion we derive so far is this:

[1] The idea for the separation occurred within an eternal instant by the Sonship while in yet an awakened state where all creations are eternal.

[2] Because the idea of separation, time, form and space originated in eternity, and borrowed an eternal thought, it has an eternal quality to it.

[3] Because that which is manifest through the idea is unreal or temporary the only way eternity could manifest is by repetition. Time, space and form can manifest “again and again and still again.”

[4] The original separation is much further back than most students realize, far beyond “even the possibility of remembering,” indicating it is further back than the age of his universe which is calculated to be 13.8 billion years.

[5] The idea of the separation is repeated “again and again and still again.”

The question then is this. The Sons of God have free will, so why would Sons willingly repeat the separation when the Course calls such an experience a “nightmare?” After all, it says that there will be no call to return, so what is the explanation of the Sonship reliving the mad idea many times?

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Real and Unreal Ideas

Real and Unreal Ideas

I’ve gotten some strong resistance to my posts giving evidence from ACIM that ideas are eternal, even bad ideas. I stated that any idea, good or bad, cannot be destroyed. By that I mean that it cannot be in total oblivion to the extent that it can never be accessed by any life in the universe.

I realize that many Course students believe that when we enter heaven that every idea associated with the separation will be obliterated, impossible to ever come to mind again.

Yes, it is true that the Course teaches that when fully awake and in heaven that our thoughts are all in harmony with the mind of God and no unreal thoughts are there. Thoughts and ideas in harmony with God are called “real” because they produce eternal results.

Thoughts and ideas centered on love, union and eternity are considered real, as they deal with the formless world of pure spirit and the effects are eternal. In other words: “What is thought by the Mind of God is eternal, being part of creation.” W-pI.45.3

Then there are thoughts and ideas that deal with that which is defined by the Course as being “unreal.”  Unreal thoughts and ideas are not part of heaven and can only be entertained in the separated state.

Unlike real thoughts that create eternal things, unreal thoughts and ideas produce temporary things, or anything with a beginning and an end.

This includes anything that can be perceived with the senses for “Perception did not exist until the separation introduced degrees, aspects and intervals” T-3.IV.1 and when we return “nothing that the eyes have ever seen or ears have heard remains to be perceived.” T-27.III.7

Temporary creations from unreal thoughts and ideas include our physical bodies, trees, bees, flowers, sunsets the stars or basically anything you perceive because all that can be perceived is temporary.

So, you have two classes of ideas – the real, which creates the eternal and the unreal, which makes the temporary.

But there is one thing that both the real and unreal ideas have in common.

They cannot be destroyed to the point where no one can ever think them again.

Unreal, or wrong thinking and ideas, can be undone and replaced with real ones so their effects will no longer exist, but the actual formless unreal thoughts and ideas, positive and negative, have eternal existence.’

This confuses students because anything not in heaven is defined in the Course as not real or not existing.

It is as if the unreal does not exist in heaven because it is not allowed there. Here on earth, one cannot offer concrete proof of what happens in heaven, but we are told this: “Earth can reflect Heaven or hell; God or the ego.” T-14.IX.5

Let us then take a reflection of heaven by looking at a roughly similar example on earth, like Jesus did with the parable of the Prodigal Son.

A Father is in charge of a certain household and has certain ideas in place to which the children must abide if they are going to live there in peace.  All goes well for some time as the rules are fair and the benefits of living in the home are great.

Then one day a son becomes interested in smoking pot, but he doesn’t want to just smoke it outside the home, but inside where he spends his time. He asks his father’s permission to do so.

His father replies that dugs like that would lead to behavior that could shatter the peace and happiness of the household so he doesn’t allow it.

The Son really wants to smoke so he leaves the home and enjoys partying with friends. Then he winds up taking other drugs that he knows the Father would not allow. He gets severely addicted but finally comes to his senses, quits and returns home to a father who welcomes him again, and again complies with the ideas that govern the home.

The rules of the father are compared to real thoughts and those not allowed to the unreal.

Did the undoing of the wrong thinking of the son destroy the idea of taking drugs?

No. It is still out there, but it does not exist in his real home. When he is home, it is as if harmful drugs do not even exist.

In this world, which can reflect heaven, we can undo our wrong thinking so it is as if it never existed, but the ideas behind it cannot be destroyed and can surface again if wrong decisions are made.  If the Son truly has learned his lesson though he will never again embrace the idea of taking addictive drugs.

The unreal is not allowed in heaven so any ideas associated with it are like they do not exist, until a Son entertains the idea of separation, or the unreal, then all the unreal ideas are available and the power of the Sonship makes them seem real.

Unreal ideas include lots of dualities, good and evil, such as flowers and weeds, beautiful bodies and not so beautiful, marriage and divorce, hate and romantic love and basically anything you can see.  All these things are temporary, they come and go, but the ideas remain. Everyone who was married 1000 years ago is no longer here, but the idea of marriage remains for anyone who steps out of heaven.

But stepping out of heaven is an idea in itself. It was the original “mad idea” that originated with the Sonship while still in heaven giving it an eternal quality. Concerning our thinking process, heaven exclaims, “This is the little part you think you stole from Heaven. Give it back to Heaven.” T-18.IX.1 Concerning the Holy Instant it says: “the whole of Heaven lies in this instant, borrowed from eternity and set in time for you.” T-17.IV.11 This applies to every instant from heaven which would include the one where separation occurred: “The holy instant is this instant and every instant.” T-15.IV.1

Yes, an “instant” was taken from heaven and divided again and again to create (or make) the vast universe that we see through our telescopes.

The question one arrives at here is how can an idea that originates in heaven, where only the real exists, wind up creating the unreal, or things with a beginning and an end that is not eternal? Where is the eternal effect in this idea?

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Eternal Thoughts and Ideas

Eternal Thoughts and Ideas

A Course in Miracles teaches of things that are eternal and those which are not. It tells us that anything that is in this world which has form has a beginning and an end, even “the stars will disappear in light, and the sun that opened up the world to beauty will vanish.” T-17.II.4 “the time will come when all things visible will have an end.” C-4.1 In heaven, “nothing that the eyes have ever seen or ears have heard remains to be perceived.” T-27.III.7

So, what are things that are eternal then? This would be that which is formless, invisible and has no manifestation in time and space.  The Course tells us of two such things which are

[1] Thoughts

What is thought by the Mind of God is eternal, being part of creation.” W-pI.45.3

“Thoughts are not born and cannot die. They share the attributes of their creator, nor have they a separate life apart from his. The thoughts you think are in your mind, as you are in the Mind which thought of you.” T-30.III.6

[2] Ideas

The second is an idea, for we are taught of “of ideas that are eternal.”  T-9.IV.4

And where do ideas come from?

“Every idea begins in the mind of the thinker. Therefore, what extends from the mind is still in it, and from what it extends it knows itself.”  T-6.III.1

It only makes sense when you think of it that an idea cannot be destroyed. Let us take the idea of a house for example. You can manifest that idea by building a house but the physical house is temporary and will eventually fall apart and be destroyed. But the idea of a house is eternal so another can take the idea and build another house – and then another.  Ideas are eternal and cannot be destroyed.

This would apply to bad ideas as well as good. Take the idea of war, which most think is a bad idea. When we finished World War I, which was called the war to end all wars, we find that the idea remained and resurfaced in World War II and other wars.

The manifestation in form of all ideas is temporary, but the idea itself always remains.

So how about the craziest idea of all, according to ACIM?

“Into eternity, where all is one, there crept a tiny, mad idea, at which the Son of God remembered not to laugh. In his forgetting did the thought become a serious idea, and possible of both accomplishment and real effects.” T-27.VIII.6

So, the “thought” which the Course says “cannot die” manifests as “a serious idea” and ideas cannot be destroyed.

We are also told that “Ideas are of the mind…. ideas leave not their source.”  T-26.VII.4

And within whose mind is the source of the mad idea?

The Sonship

And since ideas leave not their source where will this idea eternally remain?

The Sonship.

Does this mean that because of freewill that there is no way to prevent the mad idea from manifesting again, even after this world ends?

So far  powerful evidence from ACIM tells us that ideas are eternal and cannot be destroyed.

Ideas fall into two categories,

First are those that are in harmony with heaven and create no form that can be perceived in time and space. The second are ideas that are not in harmony with Spirit and these create temporary forms in this world such as a flower, a body, a planet etc. Unlike creations in heaven all physical forms have a beginning and an end

Even though all form is a part of the “mad idea” the Course does recognize the value of the ideas behind the forms as in this quote:

“In you is all of Heaven. Every leaf that falls is given life in you.  Each bird that ever sang will sing again in you. And every flower that ever bloomed has saved its perfume and its loveliness for you.” T-25.IV.5

We see that the idea of a bird “will sing again in you” even though its body that does the singing is a part of the mad idea. Then too, the loveliness of that form we call the flower is saved. Each leaf that dies and falls will be given life again.

Those in this world consider these and other forms to be of great value, but they are still a part of the mad idea that ends in separation. But even though the body of a bird or a human or a planet cannot enter heaven the idea behind them is eternal and cannot be destroyed.

So, what happens when this current universe dies and all the stars, birds, flowers and people are no longer there?  It would seem as if nothing exists but heaven as described by ACIM.

Not quite. The idea of the universe of time and space remains and since we have free will a part of the Sonship could manifest it all over again.

Those of us who have spent millions of years in the separation and have returned would most likely have little interest in participating in a repeat, but other parts of the Sonship who have not yet experienced time and space would be curious about the experience just as we were.

The Son didn’t see the humor in the mad idea as did the Father and because what the Son recreates is eternal the idea “become a serious idea, and possible of both accomplishment and real effects.”

This seems to be the one thing the Father denied the Son, but the Son did the closest thing to it by creating the illusion that seemed real.  The idea was thought in heaven so it cannot be destroyed and if a Son through freewill wants dream up another ego then the ego can remanifest a world like this all over again.

Consider this:

“Yet He has created the Holy Spirit as the Mediator between perception and knowledge. Without this link with God, perception would have replaced knowledge FOREVER in your mind.” W-pI.43.1

Because what the Son creates is eternal then he would have been trapped in the dream forever if God had not intervened and created the Holy Spirit. Because of the Holy Spirit we can wake up, but the Sonship still has the free will to dream again.

From the reaction I have received to the above it seems that many are missing the point of what I am posting in that they are not differentiating between an idea and the manifestation of the idea.

The idea itself, whether good or bad, is formless and that which is formless cannot be destroyed.  On the other hand, the manifestation of an idea can take form, but when it does it always comes to an end.

I may have an idea to bake a pie. The baking process has a beginning and an end and the pie will be devoured bringing an end to that also.  A day or two afterwards one could say that it is as if I never baked the pie.  All form related to the idea is gone.

But wait!!!

The idea remains and a few days later I bake another pie.

Never in the history of the universe as anyone, even God, been able to destroy an idea.  We can ignore it though.  I can decide to never bake another pie, so for me it will seem that the idea does not exist, but Sue down the road picks up the idea and she bakes a pie. The formless idea remains, but the form comes and goes.

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Is ACIM a Metaphor?

Is ACIM a Metaphor?

Periodically I notice that when students come across a passage from the Course that disagrees with their mindset, they will tell us that it is just a metaphor and it does not mean what it appears to mean. They will often quote this passage from the course:

“Let us not forget, however, that words are but symbols of symbols.”      M-21.1

The first thing to note here is that ACIM uses a form of the word “symbol” over 100 times, but how often do you think it uses the word “metaphor”?

Answer: ZERO.

There is a reason for this. A word as a symbol represents a meaning as close as we can get to the real thing whereas a metaphor compares one image to another noting the similarities.

For instance, the word “God” represents our real Creator and is the closest word available to communicate this Being.

On the other hand, the term “Santa Claus in the Sky” is often used as a sarcastic metaphor for God, but is not meant to be a symbol accurately communicating the idea of Him.

The question remaining is this: Since words are symbols does this mean that the message they give us is not reliable?

We should be thankful that this is not the case, for if it where we might as well throw ACIM and other favorite teachings in the trash. While it is true that words often cannot relay the full meaning, that which they do communicate is usually pretty accurate.

Let us take the word “heaven” for example. This represents a state of being that is joyful and peaceful. Even an atheist gets a rough idea of what that would be.

But imagine the added dimension to your understanding of it if you actually experienced it? Then you might say that it is beyond our ability to accurately and fully communicate the experience in words. On the other hand, you would still use the word “heaven” when talking about it because it is the best word we have and gives us the general idea.

The Course backs this up

“As symbols, words have quite specific references. Even when they seem most abstract, the picture that comes to mind is apt to be very concrete.” M:21.2     

Concerning the phrase “I want the peace of God” the text says this:

“The world would be completely changed, should any two agree these words express the only thing they want.” W-pI.185.1

Notice it doesn’t say that the words written are a metaphor without understandable meaning, but the meaning is clear enough that just two agreeing on them could change the world.

And why not take the words at face value, for Jesus in the Course says “my words make perfect sense because they come from God.” T-9.IV.4

If the words in ACIM represented some obscure metaphor then they would not “make perfect sense.”

Then we have this: “You have surely begun to realize that this is a very practical course, and one that means exactly what it says.” T-8.IX.8

How could the Course mean what it says if the words are merely obscure metaphors that cannot communicate?

Then we have this as a coup d’é·tat

“you may believe from time to time that I am misdirecting you. I have made every effort to use words that are almost impossible to distort, but it is always possible to twist symbols around if you wish.      T-3.I.3

So, how does one “twist symbols around?”

One does this by taking the obvious meaning and telling us that it does not say what it is saying because it is a metaphor.

The bottom line is this:

Yes, words as symbols are imperfect and in the true reality, we will not even need them because communication will be instant and fully realized.

But that is not the case here. In this world words are our primary source of communication and can lead us to awakening if we do not alter their meaning to suit our preconceived notions.

A reader points out that there are numerus actual metaphors used un the Course.

My point wasn’t that ACIM does not use metaphors, for at times it does. But in actually using a variation of the word “symbol” over a hundred times and none for metaphor that it was placing emphasis on the symbolism of words for every word is a symbol of something, but not very word is a metaphor.

When the Course does use a metaphor, it is obvious to the reader that it is not to be taken literally, but then it says many things difficult for the average person to believe that actually should be taken quite literally. For instance, when Jesus said that faith could move mountains many thought it was just symbolic like a metaphor, but the Course sets us straight on this.

“It is hard to recognize that thought and belief combine into a power surge that can literally move mountains.” T-2.VI.9

“Why is it strange to you that faith can move mountains? This is indeed a little feat for such a power.” T-21.III.3.

So it goes with many statements in ACIM that are not obvious metaphors, but difficult to believe. Many will just dismiss them as symbolic and not to be taken literally when the intent was to be taken as written.

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Is ACIM a Metaphor?

Is ACIM a Metaphor?

Periodically I notice that when students come across a passage from the Course that disagrees with their mindset, they will tell us that it is just a metaphor and it does not mean what it appears to mean. They will often quote this passage from the course:

“Let us not forget, however, that words are but symbols of symbols.”      M-21.1

The first thing to note here is that ACIM uses a form of the word “symbol” over 100 times, but how often do you think it uses the word “metaphor”?

Answer: ZERO.

There is a reason for this. A word as a symbol represents a meaning as close as we can get to the real thing whereas a metaphor compares one image to another noting the similarities.

For instance, the word “God” represents our real Creator and is the closest word available to communicate this Being.

On the other hand, the term “Santa Claus in the Sky” is often used as a sarcastic metaphor for God, but is not meant to be a symbol accurately communicating the idea of Him.

The question remaining is this: Since words are symbols does this mean that the message they give us is not reliable?

We should be thankful that this is not the case, for if it where we might as well throw ACIM and other favorite teachings in the trash. While it is true that words often cannot relay the full meaning, that which they do communicate is usually pretty accurate.

Let us take the word “heaven” for example. This represents a state of being that is joyful and peaceful. Even an atheist gets a rough idea of what that would be.

But imagine the added dimension to your understanding of it if you actually experienced it? Then you might say that it is beyond our ability to accurately and fully communicate the experience in words. On the other hand, you would still use the word “heaven” when talking about it because it is the best word we have and gives us the general idea.

The Course backs this up

“As symbols, words have quite specific references. Even when they seem most abstract, the picture that comes to mind is apt to be very concrete.” M:21.2     

Concerning the phrase “I want the peace of God” the text says this:

“The world would be completely changed, should any two agree these words express the only thing they want.” W-pI.185.1

Notice it doesn’t say that the words written are a metaphor without understandable meaning, but the meaning is clear enough that just two agreeing on them could change the world.

And why not take the words at face value, for Jesus in the Course says “my words make perfect sense because they come from God.” T-9.IV.4

If the words in ACIM represented some obscure metaphor then they would not “make perfect sense.”

Then we have this: “You have surely begun to realize that this is a very practical course, and one that means exactly what it says.” T-8.IX.8

How could the Course mean what it says if the words are merely obscure metaphors that cannot communicate?

Then we have this as a coup d’é·tat

“you may believe from time to time that I am misdirecting you. I have made every effort to use words that are almost impossible to distort, but it is always possible to twist symbols around if you wish.      T-3.I.3

So, how does one “twist symbols around?”

One does this by taking the obvious meaning and telling us that it does not say what it is saying because it is a metaphor.

The bottom line is this:

Yes, words as symbols are imperfect and in the true reality, we will not even need them because communication will be instant and fully realized.

But that is not the case here. In this world words are our primary source of communication and can lead us to awakening if we do not alter their meaning to suit our preconceived notions.

A reader points out that there are numerus actual metaphors used un the Course.

My point wasn’t that ACIM does not use metaphors, for at times it does. But in actually using a variation of the word “symbol” over a hundred times and none for metaphor that it was placing emphasis on the symbolism of words for every word is a symbol of something, but not very word is a metaphor.

When the Course does use a metaphor, it is obvious to the reader that it is not to be taken literally, but then it says many things difficult for the average person to believe that actually should be taken quite literally. For instance, when Jesus said that faith could move mountains many thought it was just symbolic like a metaphor, but the Course sets us straight on this.

“It is hard to recognize that thought and belief combine into a power surge that can literally move mountains.” T-2.VI.9

“Why is it strange to you that faith can move mountains? This is indeed a little feat for such a power.” T-21.III.3.

So it goes with many statements in ACIM that are not obvious metaphors, but difficult to believe. Many will just dismiss them as symbolic and not to be taken literally when the intent was to be taken as written.

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