A Vision

A Vision

There has been discussion in various Mormon related groups about the vision of Mosiah Hancock about our premortal life.  I’ll quote the vision in this post and make comments in subsequent posts.

[Beginning of Quoted Material]

A Vision of The Pre-Mortal Existence of Spirits

“I shall now return to Payson. {visions} About the time I was one and twenty years of age, I know not whether to call it a dream or a vision; some have classed it a dream. I do not expect to give it in full: for to me it is sacred, beyond expression, especially some things I have no power to describe in words or to express in writing. Me thought I was taken away somewhere to Oh! such a Glorious Realm. I saw He whom at that time we Reverently spoke of as The Great Eternal. I saw the females at his right side. I have no idea of their number. I there saw the Savior; and calling me by name He said, ‘Mosiah, I have brought you here that you may know how it was before you went to yonder earth.’

Thinks I, What earth? for it seemed to me that I had no knowledge of an earth. He said, ‘As it is written in the Beginning, God created man, male and female, created He them. And know you that no man is man without female, and that in the Lord. And no female is female without the male, and that in the Lord.’ I shall not attempt to tell how they were formed…suffice it to say, they were created in pairs, the male and his female. And as they came up to the throne of the Great Eternal the mothers seemed to name the females, and Oh! the respect they seemed to entertain for each other as they marched forth. The right elbow of the female seemed to touch the left elbow of the male. I should judge the males, generally to be about six feet two inches in height, and the females some three or four inches less. Their forms seemed as perfect as a new born infant, with no interference. They marched forth clothed in robes of a light color, tied in front.

“They were instructed in everything that could be imagined, the finest oratory and everything of literary turn, including astronomy, trigonometry, surveying and the use of most delicate machinery. The females were taught to weave, to knit, to sew and to work in everything in their departments. Oh! the music of those spheres; I seem inadequate to touch upon the least of those accomplishments of the Heavenly Characters. Yet they were so orderly and harmonious that it seemed as if one could hear a pin drop. I saw some who became more efficient in science or other knowledge and they were advanced from class to class. It seemed as if the female always kept with her companion for they were always together, for I never saw one fall behind. Even those who had been placed to overlook the classes were always together. The male overlooking the males and his female overlooking females. I even had a companion with me that needed no prompting. It seemed that I had been with the Savior so long, it seemed that I wore the same vesture as his. All at once a Heavenly voice seemed to reverberate, as it were, through the immensity of space and said: ‘Hear all ye, Oh my children! We have a world for you on which you can dwell and you can have the chance on coming up as we have come up.’ We then gathered together in counsel to devise means of redemption, should it be needed. One arose whom I had always looked upon as the Savior and said that he would go down and lay before the Children of men the gospel that they might have the chance of attaining the glory as the Gods had done by the obedience to the Divine Plan of Life. Then I saw another who supposed his plan to be superior to the plan of the first for he said that he would save all; only that he wanted the glory. I saw that he and his plan were not accepted, so there was considerable commotion. At last I saw, as it were, a platform extended where the contest could be decided. I was indignant at the opposition as we fought with our opponents. The one called Levi became my father, and the one called Clarissa was my mother here on earth. My father seemed a savior as he strove to bring me up in the admonition of the Lord; and blessed be the name of my parents. Clarissa became my mother and she certainly did a Christian duty to me. But there are others who have no right with me or mine, that I cheerfully leave in the hands of One that I know doeth all things well. Although I have been weak at times, I trust that I can be worth of Glory hereafter.

From the Autobiography of Mosiah Hancock 1834-1907

Another Account

Here is another version taken from his journal

“When about twenty-one years of age, I was permitted by the power of God, to go into His presence and into my former abode. I saw the Eternal Father on His throne and His wives on His left side, all shining in glory, I saw the Savior and knew Him. It takes the power of the Holy Ghost to tell the difference between the Father and the Son, they look so much alike

Jesus said: ‘Mosiah, I have brought you here to show you how it was before you went to the earth.’ I had been to the earth; everything looked so natural and familiar. I seemed to have been a companion of the Savior and talked with him like a friend. Again, He spoke to me and said: ‘Look and see man as he came forth.’ I looked in the direction indicated and saw an innumerable line of God’s children extending further than I could see. They were arranged in pairs, male and female, and passed in front of the Eternal Father who named them; and they were clad in long white robes with girdles tied around the waists; each pair seemed to have been created mates.

“When thus clothed; they were arranged in classes of about two hundred; the males sitting in front and the females behind them. They were taught in the arts and sciences, and everything necessary to make the heart happy The teachers of the classes received the instruction they imparted from certain notable ones, who in turn got their directions from the Father and the Son- I thought I was one to overlook the classes; I also saw Joseph, Brigham and many others engaged in this work of education. I thought as some became more efficient than others they were advanced from class to class I thought my name was Mosiah, and the names of the other brethren there were the same as upon the earth. All at once there was a gathering of these spirits and the voice of the Great Eternal (for that is what we called God there) spoke: ‘Oh, ye my children,’ and His voice penetrated throughout space, so countless were His offspring ‘We have an earth prepared for you, on which you can dwell and have a chance to come up, thru obeying our Heavenly laws.’

“I there heard the question asked: ‘Who will go down and set an example of humility and faithfulness to these my children, that they may be brought, thru obedience to our laws, back into our presence?’

“I thought I saw one in the express image of the Father say, ‘Father, I will go down and set a pattern of humility and patience that your children, thru my example, may be brought back again.’ How noble, I thought, He looked when He offered Himself to patient before the children of our Father.

I saw another, who seemed to be a very high military officer who arose and said: ‘I will go down to yonder earth and surely I will bring all your children back to you so none of them shall be lost.’

The plan of the first was accepted as being the only sure plan for an exaltation The plan of the second was rejected with great kindness, but the second was not satisfied; and while the first stood in great humility by the side of the Father, the second with many who stood in with him, went about among the Heavenly hosts to advocate the plan, that was put forth as the rights of the second. This one was Lucifer, a son of the morning, for any had been with the Father for countless ages, and learned their lessons well, and he had been no dull scholar.

Finally, Lucifer openly rebelled against the Father and the Son and six other mighty ones who stood faithful with them and declared, ‘I will have it my way.’ I saw the faithful ones gather around the Father and the Son, and Lucifer’s workers gathered around him, when one of the notable ones, who was called Michael, arose and said, ‘We will decide the contest.’ It seemed that a platform was extended into space,. upon which we could operate, by what power I could not tell. We who were faithful to the Father and the Son, had a white star upon us, and the others chose a red star, about one third of the males and females would not accept of either star, but withdrew from the conflict, the females taking the males by the arm, said, ‘Come, let us not take part with either side. Let us retire-’ (When they were cast out after the manner of spiritual warfare,) they had no power to return. When they were all cleared from the platform and Satan and his followers were all cast down, their female companions wept, and we all wept.

“No females took part against the Father and the Son, but all took sides in their favor, except the. neutral ones already mentioned.

After the tears were dried, from our eyes, the voice of the Great Eternal spoke again and said, ‘Hear, O ye my children;’ His voice penetrating the immensity of space so that all could hear it; it is decreed by the Great Eternal that the females shall not follow their males in their banishment, but for every male that has kept his first estate and fought valiantly for the Father and the Son, there are two females. Again it is decreed that those males who have taken no part in this great conflict shall keep their females and a race of servants shall they be.’

I then saw that the notable ones who had taken such an interest in the rights of the Father and the Son were appointed to gather up those lone females whose companions had been cast down They were again placed in classes. each man having two females in the ranks behind him. I there saw that they were again taught in their classes, which now contained about three hundred.

I next saw Michael and his companion proceed a long way off, to people the earth where Lucifer and his FOLLOWERS HAD BEEN CAST. As time passed, other notable ones followed as they were appointed. During all this time the classes met frequently, being taught by instructors appointed. Each member knew his or her own-place, and took it each time, and the best of order prevailed. They were asked, first the males, and then the females behind them, ‘Will you obey the Gospel of Jesus Christ, when you go to that earth?’ Some would answer, yes, but not all. Some could be asked, Will you obey that law which placed the Gods on high? And in very few cases I would hear the females say, ‘I want my own mate’ Sometimes the question would be asked of a male, ‘Will you obey that higher law?’, and he would answer, ‘I wish to enjoy myself with the females.’

Sometimes when the question would be asked of the females she would reply ‘I wish to enjoy myself with the males.’ Again the question would be asked of the males, ‘If you will not join the Church of Christ, what do you wish to be? He would sometimes say, ‘I wish to be a judge, or an officer of high rank among the people.’ Then he would be asked, ‘Will you sustain the laws of God and also the rights of all mankind?’ and the answer in every instance was, ‘yes. ‘

I saw there that those who were proficient in their classes were advanced more rapidly until they became most perfect in those heavenly teachings, but some males, even there in Heaven would neglect their females and their classes and not meet with them. They would go off, arm in arm, as men now go, not having any desire for their duties.

I never saw a female leave her place in the class assigned her by the Heavenly powers. I saw Abraham, when he came back from the earth, and many of the notable ones, when they came back to be crowned I saw them step upon the platform of the Gods and receive their crowns, and enter into their exaltations. At last I saw the time when Joseph was to go forth, and the voice of the Great Eternal said, ‘Oh, my neglected daughters, gather around these my faithful servants who have been faithful in teaching you the principles of righteousness and of our kingdom, that others may come up and have the chance to be glorified-’ I saw many of them gather around Joseph and form a ring with him and the Savior in the center. They made a covenant with him that they would meet him on the earth and help him establish that great work upon the earth.

I saw many of them gather around Brigham Young, John Taylor, Wilford Woodruff, and many other notable ones, and around many who have not become so notable. They formed rings around each of them with Christ in the center each time, for He rehearsed to them the Covenant. They would take each other by the hand, in the circle and bow their faces down to Him, in the center, and in the most solemn manner agree to meet them here, until every one of those neglected daughters was provided for; and they were filled with such joy that their songs made a paradise of the realm.

“At last The time came for me to go to the earth. The Savior came to me and said, ‘Mosiah, it is time for you to prepare to go. You have been faithful so long here it is time for you to go, that you may return and be as we are.’ As I beheld Him, I thought, ‘How is it that I am not as you are now? For it seemed, that I knew nothing of the earth or the changes a probation there would make in me. However, I said, ‘Who will go down to that earth, and be my father, and help me that I may be brought in the ways of truth and righteousness?’’ A male by the name of Levi stepped forth, in the presence of the Son, and said, ‘I will go down to yonder earth, and by the help of the Great Eternal, I will try to do as well by you as you have done for me, for I am grateful to you for all your kindness to me.’ He returned to his place, being an instructor of a class. I was one among others who was appointed to instruct him and the other teachers of classes.

A female came out of the class and bowing before the Savior and me, said, ‘I will go down and be your mother.’ In a short time the man disappeared and was immediately followed by the woman. I knew my departure was near at hand and I asked, ‘If on my return I could have the same position I then held.’ Then the Savior said, Yes, and greater, but you have to go down to the earth, and take a lowly position and be misunderstood by man, even your brethren and endure many hardships ant set many examples of humility and patience, that you may return and enter the glory, even such as I have.’ He then added, ‘Your time is now come to take your mission to the earth,’ and He laid His hands on my head, as He had done to others, and set me apart for that important mission. He again said to me, ‘I will see you safely thru until you return again.’ I fully believe on that promise. It seemed as though a way was opened before me, and I dived down toward the earth with the speed of lightening and awoke while sailing thru space.

[End of Quoted Material.]

Dec 1, 2007

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