The Threshold of History

This entry is part 31 of 43 in the series Molecular Relationship

Chapter Thirty-One
The Threshold of History

Today we stand on the threshold of a new era. This approaching age has been called many names by the various peoples of the earth: Among them are The Great Millennium, the Age of Peace, the New Age, The Golden Age, The Dispensation of the Fullness of Times, and The Age of Aquarius.

In the end it matters not what we call it. All people, whether they be Jews, Christians, adherents of the New Age Philosophy, those belonging to the eastern religions and even atheists, are looking forward to the great day. What does matter to us all is that this long-awaited event does materialize. Unfortunately, many people cannot seem to get it through their heads that the manner of the manifestation of this glorious age is dependent upon the free will of humankind.

Therefore, we cannot idly sit back and “let George do it”, but Joe and Jim and Curt and Pam and Sue and thousands, perhaps millions of others must do their part.

Look within. Feel the Christ Center in the core of being speak the words ever so softly: “If you do not act who will? And if you do not participate in the role you feel gently pushed towards, perhaps the part will not be taken and the curtain will not raise on the grand play of the ages. Perhaps the responsibility of the future rests upon your shoulders… Perhaps.”

Many people feel that they have an important part to play in the bringing forth of the New Age, but I find that most of them feel somewhat frustrated with the feeling that they should be doing more. What that “more” is, is difficult for them to say, but the feeling lingers, deep inside, that their potential to serve is greater than they realize… that they are on the threshold of some new glorious opportunity. Many thousands are looking, waiting, seeking… And now, finally, in this moment of world tension the long night of searching is over, the opportunity lies open before us. It is the same opportunity that precedes any great evolutionary event: the opportunity for UNION.

In the beginning, families of similar interests merged into tribes and enhanced their life quality through UNION.

Tribes merged into nations and again enhanced their life quality through UNION.

Not many centuries ago, people from all over the world gathered to America and enhanced their life quality by the creation of States, again using the principle of UNION.

Not long after this, common circumstances forced the states together in UNION and again the quality of life was enhanced.

It is unfortunate that the enlightened people of the world have not followed this same sequence of social evolution. Many seekers seem to be presently corresponding to tribal living, for they all have their little tribal-sized groups making their own little efforts to improve the world. We try to tell ourselves we are doing enough, that we are operating through individual effort in what has been called the Aquarian Conspiracy, making little hints here and there about creative change, that this is the most effective way to work to change the world.

But is it?

This is the ONLY method the enlightened people of the world have ever used in recent times. Is it logical to say that because this is the single way we have followed that it is the best way? There are other alternatives. How can we deny them when we have not tried them?

The point is that the principle of union through free will has been tried again and again, and it has been proven to work and has never failed. The union of Souls always creates more power to accomplish than individual Souls and the union of groups will always manifest more power than the dispersion of energy through scattered groups.

The only reason the enlightened people of the world have had any power to create change in their scattered condition through the Aquarian Conspiracy is because they are “the light of the world.” Therefore, even though their energy is diffused, it is still potent; but imagine what would happen if the lights are gathered together, and not hid under a basket but placed on a hill for all to see to enlighten the world! Would not the effect be marvelous and wonderful?

At that time any hint of a conspiracy would cease and the lights of the world would walk openly among men and women in the light of day.

The time has arrived. The clarion call is now issued. Let the laborers come forth from their tribal consciousness, from the dark caves of the earth, and cease withdrawing into the land of shadows for safety. Let the Lights come forth into UNION and show forth the light of the Sun at midday for all the Sons and Daughters of the race to see! Let us create an ensign to the nations. Let us UNITE!

How do we unite and under what principles?

This is the grand question, for each spiritual group seems to have its own peculiar philosophy or area of interest. Some concentrate on healing, others regression and reincarnation, still others on rebirthing, awareness, self-discovery, eastern philosophy, study groups, inspired writings, health foods, world peace, a guru, an enlightened church, personality and dozens of other areas. Still, we have found that despite their diversity, there are an amazing number of points they all have in common.

We have contemplated long and hard on the basic unifying principles of the New Age, under which banner no enlightened person would shrink from supporting. In fact, these principles are so universal we feel that they may well draw numerous supporters from more orthodox beliefs and raise some of them up to a higher level of awareness.

Please read with care the following Twelve Principles of Synthesis:


  1. We believe in the equality of men and women, the equal rights of each race and in the sacredness of all life.
  2. We believe that we have the capacity to see Eye to Eye with each other through the application of the principles of non-deception, open communication and contact of higher intelligence that lies within.
  3. We accept the responsibility of maintaining our bodies, emotions and minds in a state of maximum health and vitality. We Seek not to hurt but to heal.
  4. We believe in the principle of Harmlessness, for when we harm another person, we only harm ourselves. We shall not inhibit, restrain, or oppress the free will or privilege of any individual to explore new concepts and philosophies.
  5. We believe in the principle of Free Agency, and that there is a power within that enables us to proceed with purpose and accomplish many great and important works pertaining to the coming Age of Enlightenment.
  6. We desire to initiate a New Age of Peace, prosperity and spiritual attainment through the intelligent application of the principles of Love, Knowledge and Wisdom.
  7. We acknowledge the Christ-God-Consciousness as the single creative source manifesting through the Universe, and that this Power lies within each one of us.
  8. We affirm that the power of Love is the greatest unifying principle and send only the pure Love of Christ/God to all.
  9. We believe in the principle of Service, for when we serve one another, we serve ourselves. We retain only that which we have given away.
  10. We disclaim all totalitarian and secular controls over our lives, and affirm the power of the people to enjoy a free, democratic society with maximum liberty for the individual.
  11. We promote World Peace through the complete elimination of nuclear and doomsday weapons, international aggression, and the eradication of world hunger and poverty.
  12. We seek not to be separative and isolated but to unite and join hands with all spiritually-minded groups and individuals who desire to bring Peace on Earth and Goodwill to all humankind.

We stand at the cusp of history. Never before have the Brothers and Sisters of Light worked in harmony toward a perfect union. Together we can initiate an age of peace, prosperity and synthesis that will improve the quality of all our lives. This will require the united and concentrated effort of all enlightened people, beginning with ourselves.

The above twelve principles will be gladly accepted by anyone with a vision of the New Age. They are not dogmatic or restrictive in any way but are already embraced by all the workers in the Light across the world. Thus no one will have to condescend or compromise in order to unite, and up to this day, this has been the basic problem. Spiritually minded people are independent and refuse to compromise their perception of the truth, and even more importantly, they refuse to be restricted in any way in their search for greater truth and meaning.

This independence has been their greatest strength, but also their greatest weakness. It is strength in the fact that it has led them into new realms of light, but it is weakness in the fact that they have instinctively resisted any effort to unite for fear they may lose some of their individuality or freedom.

This is the same fear that plagued the original thirteen colonies of the United States. Now, when we look at the success of the union of the states, we see that the fears of the original colonists were unjustified. Union is to never be feared as long as there is a preservation of freedom and human rights. Therefore, we seek to establish a union of those who feel a responsibility to assist in the ushering in of a New Age of Peace and Prosperity.

We also will seek to participate in projects to promote the following categories.

  1. Maximum freedom of the individual and the group as the first priority and World Peace as the second.
  2. Seminars, debates, retreats, and educational projects.
  3. Promotion of ideas through the established news media.
  4. Syndicated columns and articles in the media.
  5. Human rights.
  6. Encouraging responsible government in the various nations.
  7. The promoting of enlightened ideas through entertainment such as movies, music art etc.
  8. Promoting constructive change in the educational world, seeking to enhance ability rather than indoctrination no matter how wonderful the doctrine seems.
  9. The support of practical plans and ideas that will prevent a nuclear or other doomsday disasters.
  10. Gather the Lights and synthesize enlightened groups and promote good will.

To enhance this last point let us consider The Declaration of Goodwill as follows:


We, the people of goodwill from all nations, who desire to see the people of this planet progress in a state of peace, safety, and friendship, find it necessary to act and issue this Declaration of Goodwill.

Polarizing rhetoric, accompanied with vitriol and name-calling, from leaders, celebrities and media spawns tension among the masses and undermines goodwill and cooperation. Therefore, we, the silent majority and people of goodwill on this planet, have decided to take action and issue a call to correction. Such a correction is essential, for our leaders have power to take us into wars and conflict that could destroy our civilization.

We do not expect our leaders to be perfect or agree with us or each other on all matters, for that is beyond the present ability of most individuals. But there is one thing all can do that will pave the way to quieting the present conflict and opening the door to peace on earth.

We can all be civil to each other and send goodwill rather than the prevailing ill will we currently witness. Loving our neighbor as ourselves is at the core of the teachings of every great messenger of the past and we need to be reminded of this now, perhaps more than any time in our history.

The great majority of us who are not in power do not hate those who vote or think differently than ourselves, nor do we care about their race, sex, or status; we are willing to extend a hand of friendship and goodwill to all who will accept it. We do not call others hateful names or desire to hurt them, but seek harmlessness in all discourse and interaction. Name calling is out of the question for us and it should be for our leaders as well.

Many leaders and media personalities seem to think that personal attacks are justified, as it highlights how bad the “other guy” is in order to affect change; but negative tactics often beget negative rather than positive change. Calling our neighbors “haters” when they see themselves as loving people results in resentment and often fuels the emotions of the projected name calling. The attack thus brings forth the hate that was not previously there. Many leaders and media personalities understand this principle and use it to polarize and create false animosity where none should exist.

So much grief in the world can be avoided if our leaders would embrace the spirit of goodwill, as it is longed for in so many of us who silently watch these reckless attacks.

Therefore, we the people of goodwill call on leaders and media who fail to embrace a higher path to match the positive spirit of goodwill that exists in most of humanity, the common people.

The day of watching leaders bring us to the brink of destruction is over. Sending peace and goodwill is our charge as we seek to transform our societies throughout the world.

It is true we have problems to solve which require rigorous debate and uncomfortable discussions, but we cannot solve them by demonizing each other. If we look for the best in one another and give our neighbors the benefit of the doubt, we have a much better chance of solving problems and reaching agreement.

Therefore, we the people of goodwill can no longer silently stand by and watch angry persons of power set the world aflame. All those with influence must be held accountable and shamed from hateful speech and emotion toward goodwill and friendship for all.

We, therefore, will watch our leaders and others with influence and call them out when they violate the principle of goodwill. When such a violation occurs, we will write them letters, emails, make posts on social media, and communicate our displeasure in every peaceful means possible to make them aware of their destructive behavior.

On the other hand, when people of influence perform positive acts of goodwill that deserve recognition, we will go out of our way to praise and recognize them.

Leaders and people of influence include:

  • Political, spiritual and business leaders
  • Celebrities of any kind
  • Those in the media, especially writers
  • People of influence in social media and on the internet
  • Last of all, there are those of lesser influence among family, friends and associates who need to be reminded to be and remain civil.

The simple fact is this. We need to start with ourselves. If each of us does our part to extend goodwill and friendship to all, and encourage others to do the same, the world will be healed and we can safely enter into a new era of peace and goodwill.

Instead of signing some endorsement we invite you to endorse the idea by joining the Goodwill group on Facebook. By joining you are saying you support The Declaration of Goodwill. After joining you are under no obligation for further participation though we hope all members will support Goodwill at every opportunity.

An initiate is one who works to “initiate” a new idea; something no one has done before. We seek to unite the Lights of the New Age so we can have real power for beneficial change beginning here in our own back yard. It is a rare opportunity and one that will be lost when the real work is done, for once an idea has materialized, the call to initiate is passed and one has to wait for a future opportunity.

It takes vision to be an initiate, to see the merits of an idea before it has been proven in the world. We believe we will find the right people and that we can work together so the brothers and sisters of the New Age and those with thoughtful common sense can have a much stronger voice in the world.

 To support Goodwill, go to Facebook and search the groups for “Declaration of Goodwill”. Joining the group merely shows that you support the promotion of goodwill.

To search the website, containing millions of words, replace the word “search” with the word or phrase you want to find and place the entire line in the Google search box.


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