What is a Disciple?

What is a Disciple?

A student writes: “In your original comment you used the word ‘disciple(s).

“While I understand that Initiates are not necessarily to be thought of as being particularly ‘religious,’ I have found that the word ‘disciple” does carry with what I would consider to be a high level of ‘spirituality’ (versus religiousness) with it.

“In your response you now switch to referring to these people as Initiates and not Disciples — and I believe you have already identified these two before as Initiates.

“So what the IS the differences and similarities between a Disciple and an Initiate? Or is there any? As in are the terms completely interchangeable?”

JJ: Every disciple is an initiate to some degree but not all initiates are disciples dedicated to the light, for some are attempting to initiate plans that will further the dark side as Hitler did.

Loosely speaking a disciple in the light is one who is dedicated to moving ahead a portion of the plan that will bring advancement and evolution to humanity.

In an esoteric sense all true disciples are spiritual but from the viewpoint of the public they are not. Lincoln was criticized for not being spiritual because he did not belong to a church and he was always telling jokes and stories that were considered crass for his time, but now looks like stories out of a Normal Rockwell neighborhood.

Winston Churchill, another disciple, was criticized for not being spiritual as he drank, smoked and also told irreverent stories. He also had to make tough decisions during a war that cost many lives.

There are very few true disciples who are spiritual in the normal sense. The only one who comes to mind was Mother Teresa. The reason for this is true disciples ignore what others say about what they should spiritually be and concentrate on the work to be done. True work that moves humanity ahead is often seen as an annoyance by the public and not as something spiritual.

DK also uses the word disciple loosely. At one point he says this: “for all are disciples from the humblest aspirant up to, and beyond, the Christ Himself.”

Then other times he speaks of “an accepted disciple” as one who has passed the third initiation.

Thus in speaking of disciple one must always look at the context in which it is used.

This system of teaching by hints is designed to make you struggle and contact energies that have hitherto been dormant. It will increase your power of intuition and because of the stimulation you may find yourself receiving much more on unrelated topics at unexpected moments.

Do not fear being worthy. Contemplate this statement from “A Course in Miracles”:

“I Am as God created me.”

As you merge with your true self you will find yourself thinking things that may seem arrogant but always remember to trust that which comes from within you. The more you trust it the more you will be tempted from those on the outside to not trust.

The power of decision is shared by both your lower and higher selves. It uses your vehicles, but is not your vehicles. Every possible source will try and take this power away from you. It is a power we must regain. Many people think they are making their own decisions when they are merely following the dictates of some authority. The only way we truly make our own decisions and become masters of our destinies is to merge with the still small voice within and follow it. Then you can become that which your true consciousness decides to become.

Thanks for the birthday wishes, my friends, and a special thanks to a member for taking the time and thought to write a poem for little ole me.

I indeed recall the first time I heard the song by the Beatles — “When I’m Sixty-Four.” At that time 64 seemed a long way away. I’m sure it also seemed a long way away for Paul McCartney who sang it. Now I am sixty-four (in 2009) it indeed forces the truth upon my consciousness that one lifetime is not really that long. My life so far in a way only seems like an extended dream having only a tiny amount of the experiences available. We would all indeed be shortchanged if there were only one life as taught by orthodox religions.

I was asked if the baptism of fire is associated with discipleship. I wasn’t attempting to say that the experience of the baptism of fire indicates that one is an accepted disciple. To receive the fire of the Spirit one must be open as a child and of pure heart at the moment of the witness.

What I was saying is that a true disciple will stimulate others in the direction of this experience. Just as signs will follow those who believe, even so will the spirit follow those who teach by the Spirit.

Question: I always wondered about this scripture and, since I’m on a roll asking questions, what do you think about this scripture?

Wherefore, I will that all men shall repent, for all are under sin, except those which I have reserved unto myself, holy men that ye know not of.” D&C 49:8

JJ: I have written about this several times. Here is a quote from my book, “The Gathering of Lights”:

“This Master (DK) works in close connection with Koot Hoomi as well as Master Morya and all three of them are in close association with the Christ. They are all ‘resurrected beings,’ using Christian terminology. In esoteric language they are referred to merely as “the Masters” or the ‘Masters of Wisdom.’“

“A revelation given to Joseph Smith once hinted at these associates

‘Wherefore, I will that all men shall repent, for all are under sin, except those which I have reserved unto myself, HOLY MEN THAT YE KNOW NOT OF.’ Doctrine & Covenants 49:8)

“These holy men that the world and even many prophets knew not of were the Masters. There are many Masters, but the three mentioned above are of the most important from our point of view. Koot Hoomi is next in line to take over the position of The Christ in about a thousand years from now when the present Christ will move on to other work. These three men have known each other from many lifetimes and were the three wise men from the East who presented gifts to the Christ child. They understood the mission of Christ much better than His twelve apostles and helped to surround the babe with a protective aura in the first few years of his life.”

From The Gathering of Lights, Chapt 10, The 3 Revelations)

Question: “Finally, I’m curious about this scripture; keys by which Hyrum may ask and receive? What’s this?

“God, speaking of Hyrum Smith said, (D&C 124:95) ‘That he may act in concert also with my servant Joseph; and that he shall receive counsel from my servant Joseph, who shall show unto him the keys whereby he may ask and receive, and be crowned with the same blessing, and glory, and honor, and priesthood, and gifts of the priesthood, that once were put upon him that was my servant Oliver Cowdery;’

“So is this an ordinance like bowing to the East three times and speaking two special holy words or what? There is much in scripture that gets your curiosity going but does not fulfill it.”

JJ: The Key here is to be linked to one who is linked to the Holy Spirit. Where two or more people are gathered unto Christ there He will be in the midst of them. Oliver Cowdrey severed his relationship with Joseph and was on his own. He was not linked with anyone else to work this principle. Hiram was in great harmony with Joseph who was sensitive enough to receive revelation. This union caused Hiram to share Joseph’s light and Joseph could also share his.

This principle can work to some degree on the internet but the flow is much increased with personal contact.

Our latest moment is always our supreme moment. Five minutes delay in dinner now is more important than a great sorrow ten years gone. —Samuel Butler

Feb 7, 2009

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