The Pendulum

The Pendulum

The evolution of mankind corresponds to the motion of a great pendulum. In the beginning the motion was small. Then it seemed as if a great force amplified its motion until the swing back and forth became very pronounced. Then there came a time of maximum swing and the general force of the pendulum began to subside.

There are two forces involved here. The first is the power that swings the pendulum itself. The second is the power of the swing from the right to left and left to right. Our little wills have little to do with the power that swings, but we directly participate in the swing itself.

Between the swings there is a midway point, the point identified with stillness, as if the pendulum were not in motion. The journeys of mankind with the force of the pendulum that goes to the left and the right are journeys into experience and illusion. The crossing of the midway point is the crossing of the middle way which is a point of truth which is always registered to some degree, but as humanity swings from the left to right and right to left they are taken away from the point of brightness until it is remembered with dimness. Then comes the time the great voice is heard: “O my people, You have forgotten your one true God. The time of passing over my face is come again. I call forth my servants to see the midway point and swing my people over the flash of light that will be seen.”

After the voice speaks those who register the voice go forth and grab hold of the force that is swinging to the right (or left) and with great effort, pain, joy and resistance reverse it and pull the people toward the Presence of the great Master. The swing is reversed according to the decree and the servants rejoice when the swing crosses the light, love and power of their Lord, but are saddened when the swing does not stop but continues until it reaches the other extreme.

The servants seem discouraged for a time and feel as if their efforts are in vain but at a point of darkness they hear their Lord again:

  “Well done my faithful servants. The force did not stop at my Presence on this swing, but notice that because of your efforts the swing is not as great now. Go and pull the swing back the other way now and then do it again. Each time the people pass by My Face the light will be a little clearer until the motion stops and all the sons of men and daughters of women will be still and know that I AM BECOMING through them and they are BEING through Me and our joy will be full.”

So it is that the beliefs of the people swing toward one extreme. Then the teachers of mankind realize that the other side is not being presented and teach the other extreme. In their life the teachers are persecuted and shunned but in their death they are remembered with great honor as the people seem to miss the point of truth again and swing to the other extreme.

For instance, Moses presented impossible black and white rules by which to serve God and Paul presented a simple “believe-and-be-saved” extreme. Both were great teachers, but both took mankind into great illusion on each extreme of the pendulum. This experience is necessary, however, because humanity as a whole, and as individuals, must go to the extremes time and time again before the point of truth in the middle can be accurately seen and appreciated.

The understanding of the second key is the understanding of how to find the midway point of truth in all things. With a physical pendulum finding the midway point seems easy. This point seems to be exactly between the two extremes. The true middle way is the eventual point whereon the pendulum will stop, but while it is  swinging what seems to be the midway point is an illusion. Let us say the swing is at only half way to the maximum on the right. This means that what seems to be the midway point is about 25% off the true midway point when the pendulum is stopped.

To find the true midway point we need to know where the current swing of  the pendulum is. Without this knowledge that which seems to be the middle may really be an extreme.

Look at society today.  Overall, has the pendulum swung to the left or the right? If so how much? What is the false and true middle way in our present time?

Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past. —George Orwell

Jan 30, 2009

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