Another Messiah

Another Messiah

(Note:  This was another post to the person who thinks he is following “Christ Come Again.” I have lost track of who this would be messiah is, but it would be interesting to see if he is trying to attract followers.)

If your knowing is “truly based” you should not be evasive about answering any questions. It looks from my point of view that questions make you nervous.

The Christ of the Bible relished questions and answered them so well that people were nervous about asking him.

My objective with you is the same as it is with anyone who is willing to talk meaningful philosophy. If another has something that I do not have then I would like to learn it. On the other hand, if I can be of service in shining any light on the other person’s illusions or lack of knowledge, I will do that. That is what every true teacher in every age has done. Surely you do not find fault with that.

You have initiated a dialog here which, if true, would mean that more knowledge and power to serve is available through the reappearance of Christ than the mind of man can imagine. If this were really true, I would want to be a part of it. Since John (the proposed messiah) is one of many claiming to be Christ, and many more are on the way, then I would have to have some reason to accept him above all the others. Even if there were no others claiming the title I would need a reason.

One thing that would impress me is if he knew things that I do not know. Even one principle would be impressive. Surely the Master knows more than the student.

Another thing that would impress me is if he offered some type of method of finding out the truth about himself. Jesus offered this as well as other world teachers.

If you sincerely ask me my knowledge of the Tibetan [DK — Djwhal Khul] I would be happy to honestly answer you. I cannot quite understand why the question would offend you. I wasn’t challenging you.

I am familiar with Manly Hall’s writings and others of the Theosophical Society, but have not studied them in depth. I have found that I get more out of Alice A. Bailey than anyone else associated with Theosophy, but I have read quite a variety.

I am also impressed with “A Course in Miracles.” I would be interested in having you ask John who transmitted that? Who do you think?

From the tone of your writings it sounds as if you are unable to relay to John any questions I ask. Is this because of your unwillingness or his? I really hope you answer this one. Is John fairly willing to answer questions?

Back to my previous questions:

If John has always known that he was the Christ then he had to have been born with a full consciousness. Has he said this is the case? Can he remember back to the day he was born? Did his mother have any revelation that he would be the Christ? Does she believe in him now?

I would like an idea of how many followers he [the “Christ Come Again”] has. For the sake of truth it doesn’t matter if it is large or small, I would just like an approximate idea.

Have you noticed the similarity between the style of Creme’s writings and John’s? They sound very similar to me.

I have taught for many years that Jesus also had twelve female disciples. I would still like you to tell me if John has a correspondence of the twelve disciples.

It would also impress me if John could tell me why Jesus had twelve male and twelve female disciples or if he could tell me the meaning of the pods as it applied to them. If he truly has the past life memory of Jesus he would know what I mean.

Could you tell me if John has any plans to “reinstitute the mysteries of initiation”? Has he done anything with this concept yet or is it on the drawing board? Or perhaps you just assume that he will carry this out.

Matthew 16:20 is not evidence that Jesus told anyone clearly that he was the Christ. He said this right after Peter revealed to Jesus that he knew he was the Christ. The Father revealed this to Peter, not Jesus. There is no record in the Bible that Jesus made a public announcement of who he was. If John is proclaiming himself as the Christ, he is following a different pattern than did Jesus.

Jesus did give hints that he was the Christ, however.

It sounds as if you may be evading answers because you just don’t know. If this is the case please just say so. There is no need to be embarrassed.

I would like you to continue corresponding with me for a while longer. No matter how outlandish a claim is I always check it out. Every once in a while, it pays off.

I will compliment you on this. You are doing your best to spread light as you see it even though you are dealing with a controversial subject. Even if you are wrong you are making people think.

Yesterday is a cancelled check. Tomorrow is a promissory note. Today is cash in hand. Spend It! —John W. Newbern

Jan 25, 2009

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