Key Eleven, The Science of Sound

Key Eleven, The Science of Sound

 2021 Gathering, Part Forty-One

Key number eleven is the science behind sound.

And there’s one key that is behind the science of sound, that is the key for everything, and it’s found in the sacred word. I’ve introduced that to you saying the OM and the AUM. What’s the difference in the sound of the AUM and the OM the way that we have been saying?

Adam: The OM destroys negative energy, and the AUM is a creative force for creation.

JJ: Right. So what’s the difference in the sound then, of OM and AUM, anybody figure that out?

Curtis: The vibrational frequencies are different.

JJ: So what’s the difference in the actual sound?

Asaph: The actual sound?

JJ: Yeah.

Nick: It seems like the OM is more like sort of outward moving and penetrating and the AUM, is a little more I don’t know, it’s just sort of sustaining its own field or something like that.

JJ: Any other comments?

Asaph: The tongue, when you say “OH” all of the tongue stops the voice, the sound. And when you say “AHH,” the tongue lays downward and releases; it lets the sound go openly out.

JJ: Well, I think he’s on the right path there.

Curtis: I think Nick says, I hear Nick saying when you hear the AHH, it’s more of a vertical, it’s more of an upward and always the OH is more penetrating, outward on the lateral.

Asaph: The Oh closes and the Ahh opens.

Curtis: So is that what you’re saying, Nick?

Asaph: I’m saying the OH closes and the AHH opens.

Nick: I’m saying the OM is moving outwards. It’s almost like clearing out the space or something or. . . (inaudible)

JJ: Okay, here’s the basic key of knowledge around this is that the hard sounds are destructive, and the soft sounds are building. The softest sound is the AHH, the hardest sound is OH.

JJ: When something goes really wrong – like if you have an accident, what do you say?

Artie: Oh No!

JJ: Oh, No! See the O sound is destructive because when you have something destructive in your life, that’s the natural thing to do is to use that sound in words. Those words did not materialize by accident.

You say, Oh, no when something destructive happens!

JJ: Both words have the hard O – Oh and No. Both have the hard sound and it’s the destructive sound. So if you want to destroy, you use the hard sounds. If you want to build, you use the soft sound. Ah.

Each vowel also has a different hardness and softness to it.

The A as the softest of all vowel sounds when used as in saying Aha, or audible

Then there’s the hard A that’s a more destructive side of the sound as in age.

The hard O is the most destructive of sounds and the  soft O, as in the  word smooth, is the building part. The  first two letters of the AUM represent the soft A and the U pronounced as the soft O

When we sound the OM, we use it constructively. We use destruction constructively because we seek to destroy anything that interferes with spirit, and that’s where energy follows thought. So we use the power of the OM to destroy negativity with this powerful . . . and that’s the most powerful sound there is for destruction, is Oh. Oh no! is the most potent sou8nd for destruction in the English language.

Oh, no! You overcooked my eggs, honey. Oh, no! Okay, so it’s interesting how these hard sounds are destructive. Then we have the AUM beginning with two potent soft vowel sounds.

It’s interesting how these sounds correspond to different emotions that we feel. Aha! When you get an idea, what do you do? You think? Aha, aha – and what do they call it? The aha moment. Even regular people call it that. It’s the aha moment. In other words, even people who don’t understand the science of sound use it correctly, naturally, because it just feels right. “I had an aha moment.”

And the second part AUM is the U (ooh), which is the soft part of the O. Ooh, like moon. Ooh. And this is associated with power.

The hard O is associated with power to destroy. And the soft O is associated with power to build. We think Ah and Aha when we get the idea and then the ooh when it’s happening. Consider that you use the sound ooh to express a feeling of pleasure.

The last part is a soft M. Mmm. Mmm, mmm. In other words, you feel satisfied because you have you have created something and that creation is a wonderful thing, and so you accept it for what it is. Mmm, mmm as in yummy. So, when you create words, or a mantram of any kind, it’s also good just to check the sounds to make sure the destructive and constructive sounds are in a positive sequence.

Now all the consonants have meaning. And one of our members, uh, Sharón, has written three books about what the meaning of different types of sounds are in connection with names.

She’s done a really good job of that. And I told her, “you know, you’re kind of tuning into one of the keys of knowledge there.”

But she’s trying to fine tune this to a large degree. And if you want to, check into what the various consonants mean, and if your name, for instance, starts with a D or T, it means something, if it ends with EY, it means something. Everything means something that she has given an insightful interpretation to the sounds. But the whole Key to the thing, the key that’s important for disciples to learn is the hard sound is destructive, and the soft sounds are building.

That said, let’s practice this for a moment.

Asaph: What about this sound of E, as in Eee.

JJ: Yeah. That’s another destructive sound because that’s a hard sound. So Eee would be a destructive sound like “Eek!” Matter of fact, think of the words made from these sounds, and they will give you a clue as to the effect that they’re having.

So the girl sees the mouse and she says, “eek!”, or a guy who is scary she calls a freak. She’s using the hard sound with the E similar to saying Oh No with the O. Then there is the soft E as in saying “eh?” or wanting more information. So you look at how all these sounds are used and that will give you a clue as to whether they’re building or destroying sounds.

Okay. Any other comments on that?

Curtis: Yeah. In martial arts, you hear the Orientals when they’re doing karate, they go, “hey” or “hi” you know, they’re using the destructive sounds, to offset the opponent. They disturb the space so much then they chop ‘em up. (laughter)

JJ: Yes, they make some interesting sounds in martial arts, and they’re all destructive, like sounds, hard sounds. They don’t, “Ah,” unless they’re warming you up to destroy you.

Now that we’ve explained this, let’s do the OM and the AUM with this knowledge in mind and visualize the OM as destroying anything negative in your life, with the group, or anything that we’re doing. So the only the positivity of pure spirit remains.

Group sounding OM:


So what do you feel when you just said that. Do you have that sense that it is destroying negativity?

Adam: A release.

Asaph: It seems like it is a cleansing.

JJ: Yeah, it’s a cleansing. Right, just like soap. You don’t want to eat it, but you want to use it. Okay, Same thing with the OM. You don’t want it directed toward you, but you want to direct it to all negativity out there, so only pure spirit remains.

Let’s say it two more times.

Group sounding OM:


JJ: This time, as you say it, visualize light increasing everywhere.

Group sounding OM:


JJ: Now visualize positive things happening like tonight during our meditation, visualize the meditation going very well, bringing down the spirit. And each sound has three aspects, especially in the building. And the first is Ah.

Group sounding A:


JJ: Again

Group sounding A: Ahhhh.

JJ: Aha.

Group sounding Aha: Aha. Ah.

JJ: 0oooh.

Group sounding U (Oooh)

Ooooh. Oooh. Oooh (with different inflexions)

JJ: Consummating now with sounding the M as if it is an expression of great satisfaction.

Mm hmm.

Group sounding M:

Mm hmm. Mm, mm, mmm.

JJ: Very good, my friends. Any more comments on this Key? Yeah.

Artie: Some people say, Amen (hard A), and some say Amen (soft A). Is that more proper because of the science of sound and we should say, Amen (soft A)?

JJ: That’s a really good point, Artie. The Christian world has taken a lot of powerful stuff and given it the destructive sound. Like for God they refer to Him as “Thee” and “Thou”, which are destructive sounds. So that means they view God as the destroyer, as somebody to fear.

This is why the Song of 144,000 does not use Thee and Thou. It uses You and Yours. “You,” we call God a You, and that’s a soft sound. So the song of 144,000 has only soft sounds, directed toward God.

The same thing with the Amen. They (The Christians) use A with the hard sound, meaning it produces a fearful vibration about God, that God is the destroyer. And we must avoid destruction by obeying all the commandments and doing everything the authorities tell us to do. So the correct way to say Amen is Ah-men. Matter of fact, in the Mormon scriptures, I think it calls one of the names of God Ah-men rather than Amen.

Asaph: In Hebrew, it is Ah-men.

JJ: With a soft A?

Asaph: Yeah.

JJ: Good. Okay, so it’s been corrupted. You’ll notice when any writing or teaching is taken and presented in a negative way and a fearful way, it is destructive, and these hard sounds creep in just at the right places like Thine and Amen, and different words such as this and even the name of Christ is a hard I. But and in the Greek, it’s called Christos with a soft i. So it’s soft in the Greek and turned hard in the eventual English because people are afraid of God, and they don’t feel like they can be like him. Even though they say God is love, they’re afraid of Him, but we shouldn’t be afraid of anything, really.

So it’s interesting to watch and see how these hard and soft sounds appear. Perhaps we’ll have Sharón again speak at a future gathering and we’ll share this key with her, and she will have some interesting things to say about it. Like I said, she’s written three books about how all the combinations of the sounds produce meaning. And she’s done a lot of intuitive thinking about this, and has come up with interesting interpretations. To find her on Amazon do a search for “Know the Name by Sharón Lynn Wyeth.” She has three books there on names.

Okay. Any other comments?

Sean: So Thou is hard as well, correct? The word Thou is hard as well.

Audience: As in Ow!

JJ: Or the word bow?

Sean: Or is it soft?

JJ: Thee definitely is . . . Thou . . . yeah that’s kind of hard. It’s kind of in between, but it’s harder than it is soft . . . ow. Yeah, it’s associated with the word Ow! Ouch. So that is more destructive than building. You look at the words that it’s similar to, like Ouch. Thou. That’s why none of my writings have been words like that that in those associations.

Curtis: Yeah, it’s interesting when you have a word with three Ah’s in it, it’s usually a positive, spiritual, or creative sound like, Shamballa.

JJ: Yeah, Shamballa.

Curtis: Or Abracadabra , has the creative sound.

JJ: Great word, Abracadabra.

Curtis: Just pay attention to words and you’ll catch the meaning of them.

JJ: Yeah, that’s a good point. Okay. Anything else?

Sean: Is that where we’re going on the meditation?

JJ: Shamballa?

Sean: Yeah.

JJ: Maybe. Who knows?

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