The Principle of Love

The Principle of Love

Many people believe that Love cannot be defined or explained. It just seems to be something that is and can be mysteriously felt, but not understood.

The truth of the matter is that anything that exists can be put in words. If it cannot then it does not exist for all things are created by the power of the Word, or vibration, and without the Word there “was not any thing made that was made.” (John 1:3)

If Love can indeed be put into words then why is it that so many insist that it cannot? There are several reasons for this.

In the majority of people Love most prominently effects the emotional body. This body does not reason, but just feels. A feeling cannot explain itself. The only way to truly understand and explain Love is to focus beyond the emotional body to the realm of the mind and above. That which is above can comprehend that which is below but that which is below cannot fully understand that which is above.

Am I saying that Love originates in the lower part of our nature? Of course not. Love originates in the divine essence of God and permeates all things. If a person has his consciousness centered in the lower nature, or the emotional/astral body, then that is where his consciousness will perceive Love. Love will be in the lower emotions, but the perception there will be distorted and even upside down.

Those who see Love from the center of emotion will feel it but not be able to explain it accurately. In the emotional world Love is turned from being unselfish to selfish. Others are Loved for what they can do for the emotionally based person. The object of Love is seen as a desirable possession.

Because of this distorted view, Love seems to be a whimsical thing, not predictable at all and certainly not something that can be explained.

Even so, the feeling generated by Love is so powerful that even many materialistic thinkers recognize that Love comes from a divine source.

The problem with supplying an explanation of the principle of Love that all can embrace is that its energy descends through many spheres and densities and is seen on many different levels and experienced in numerous different ways.

Even so, it remains eternally a principle that can be expressed in the word.

What then is the principle behind Love?

Actually, the answer is very simple for the workings of all core principles are simple. A principle is the simplest essence of a thing that explains the whole.

In the beginning was the One that multiplied Itself and became the many. In the end, the many unite and merge and again become the One. Love is that force which draws the many back to their source so they eventually become the one and enter into the great rest of God — pralaya.

Love can only exist when there is more than one life. It is the attraction of one life towards another life with the immediate goal of union and the ultimate goal of going back to the One Source. It only manifests in the many. When the many return to the One then Love enters a state of rest for there is no longer the many to be pulled into the One, but is the one holding all parts of itself to the center.

Overall there are two aspects of love. The first pertains to the universe of time and space where the one pulls all the parts of itself back to the universal center.

The second occurs when all the parts have returned to their source.  Then the Creator holds all parts of itself to its center through the powerful attraction of divine love.

One of the reasons that God made the many was to experience a new aspect of Love. In oneness there is peace, but not Love as known in time and space. Love needs the duality of two or more to be felt and express itself. When the many are drawn into the One then there is no form to supply a vehicle of expression for Love. During the great rest between creations, Love remains as an idea in the eternal mind of God holding all things together in the universal mind.

In our world the seeker first learns about the magnetic pull of Love toward union through his emotional self. He eventually transcends selfishness and catches a glimpse of the heart of God and sees Love from the vantage point of unselfish giving of himself to advance the purpose of the many merging toward the Source, the One.

The Pain of God

A reader raises an interesting point that I will phrase in this question:

Because we are in God and God is in us does this mean that God feels all our pain? Since there are billions of people on this planet and billions of planets does this mean that God is always in a state of unimaginable pain, feeling all of it on the planet and universe at once?

Fortunately for God, the Masters and the higher lives this is not the case. Could you imagine how terrible it would be for the Planetary Logos to feel all the pain at one time that is just going on in this small planet? If this were the case no one would apply for the job of being at the top of any spiritual hierarchy.

Let us go back to the Law of Correspondences. We are a god to the cells in our body in similar manner as the Planetary Logos is the God over the earth.

Now every day in our livers millions of cells suffer and die. But does this fact interfere with our own consciousness? Do you feel all the death and suffering of the older cells in your body?

No, of course not.

Even so God does not feel all the pain of the billions of individuals within his body but feels his body as a whole the way we feel ours. If the whole body is sick or disturbed then God will get the message, otherwise he is quite at peace on his own plane.

Now the Masters are but sons of God who are linked to each other through a Molecular Relationship and their consciousness is in a state of eternal joyousness not effected by the pain of humanity. They are aware of the sufferings of humanity and can tune into them when necessary, but are unaffected by them in their normal living. Even so, because they have passed through the human state, they have empathy for the human condition and seek to do all in their power to lift us to a higher state of consciousness wherein pain as we know it does not abide.

“Pick battles big enough to matter, small enough to win.” — Jonathan Kozol

April 20, 2008

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