Cycles and Crystallization

Cycles and Crystallization

As we all know this is a traditional time for us to make New Year’s resolutions. (Written Jan 2, 2003) I’ve never made a point to make resolutions at any particular date, but I have had numerous points of tension in my life where I have made resolutions to improve myself or my situation. At present it is all I can handle to follow my past resolutions which I have not yet achieved. New ones at this point may be overkill. It is therefore, probably wise for me to merely recommit to goals I already have.

It is interesting to contemplate the traditions, symbols and trends among humanity. As we do we will often see a communication from the world soul which is behind them.

What would be then the inner meaning behind the New Year’s resolution?

Quite simply this is a manifestation on the part of humanity to the of the Law of Cycles. The new year represents the end of a previous cycle, or year, and the beginning of a new one. Likewise the evolving soul goes through cycles where a goal will be consummated, finishing a cycle, and a new one will begin. At the beginning of a new cycle fresh goals must be set if the life lived is to be productive.

There are numerous cycles that we go through within a period of a life and it is extremely important for the evolving soul to take a short Sabbath of rest after the cycle and then begin afresh with new and higher goals.

One of our most important cycles is called the Saturn cycle or the Saturn return. Saturn circles the Sun every 29.46 years, but because traditional astrology is based on geocentric calculations the exact Saturn return in a chart will vary somewhat. The first Saturn return is thought to have great influence between the ages of 27-30 and the second between about 57-60. My exact second Saturn return is approaching and will be exact on July 8th of this year (2003).

The Saturn cycle is like a life within a life. When you think back to the ages of 28-29 and reflect upon it you will generally realize that this marked the end of a cycle of learning where you finally reached a state of maturity that allowed you to move on to greater things.

The tragedy is that many people will rest upon their learning acquired to that period and will learn very little for the rest of their lives. For those who do “turn over a new leaf,” make new goals and forge ahead with new learning they will achieve the evolution of two lives within one life by the age of 56-60.

After the first Saturn Cycle about half of the population fail to make the proper resolutions to insure the proper spiritual evolution. After the second Saturn cycle about 90% fail to make the commitment.

When the commitment to learning and progress is not made after the end of a Saturn cycle the entity is said by DK to have “crystallized.”

To understand crystallization think of raw honey when no heat is applied to it. Crystals begin to form and it will no longer freely pour and gets too hard and brittle to be usable.

This is what happens to one who finishes a Saturn Cycle and rests upon his past learning and no longer tackles new projects – no longer challenges himself.

So what happens when a person does crystallize? Essentially all he does is take up space. All the good he does do is through automatic pilot which enables him to get some work done through the benefit of past learning, but his progression will be mostly over for his life cycle.

How do you tell if a person has crystallized?

It is not always obvious, for many crystallized people are fairly intelligent and accomplished. The attitude of older people toward computers is a possible sign. The other day I saw an interview of an older, but famous and accomplished writer. In the interview he was almost bragging about the fact that he does not like to use computers, but prefers to write longhand. For an older person to be afraid to learn about computers, which are an essential part of this age is a sign that new learning is shut down and crystallization is set in. He may still accomplish a few things but it will be done on his old paradigm and will contain no new ideas or concepts.

How do we avoid crystallization? It is done through the force of Will. One must make new decisions and follow them through or continue to work toward objectives not yet accomplished. This is not too difficult at the end of the first Saturn Cycle. To accomplish this one must have some reasonable ambition. It becomes more difficult at the end of the second cycle as retirement age is approached. Many are tired of struggle and just want to relax for the rest of their lives. To overcome crystallization here it takes a greater act of Will. Then to continue to progress in old age after the third cycle takes a still greater act of Will.

Having said this let me leave you with this thought. As we contemplate our next set of resolutions (New Years or otherwise) let us continually ask ourselves this question.

Am I resting upon my past learning and abilities or am I pushing myself to always learn more and acquire new abilities?

It is a good sign that people in this group have computers, connect to the internet and are seeking to learn new concepts. But for all of us there will come a time that we will feel like letting our guard down and just relaxing for the rest of our lives. Periods of rest are beneficial, but we must never let ourselves give up on progression, even to the end of our lives.

The final thought of the disciple as he exhales his last breath should be upon his desire to serve rather than to be served.

Jan 2, 2003

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Cloning and the Raelians

Cloning and the Raelians

As many of you have heard, a group that the media has classified as a cult has claimed to have cloned a little girl who they named Eve.

Brigitte Boisselier is the doctor leading the project headed up by a strange group called the Raelians.

The Raelians were began by Claude Vorhilon who claims he met an alien called Yaweh Elohim on an extinct volcano in 1973.

He teaches that aliens produced the first man through cloning and that they will return to the earth around 2030-35.

The group believes they can achieve eternal life through cloning. The regular idea of cloning is the first step. They believe they will go further than this by eventually making a clone of ourselves and then transferring consciousness into it enabling one to continue living in the same shaped body as long as desired.

The group believes in promiscuous sex and meets in groups for free-for-alls.

Claude Vorhilon who they now call Master Rael states”

“Sect members should also not reject but have sex with another person if that person wants to gratify them sexually.

“Sect members can have heterosexual, homosexual and bisexual sex in couples, threesomes, foursomes and ‘moresomes’.”

This type of teaching does have certain appeal to those who want to go with the flow – the lower flow of matter rather than Spirit.

They also have some odd objectives. For instance they want to clone Hitler so they can put him on trial for war crimes.

Here are some questions:

If they cloned Hitler would it be Hitler so they could really punish him or would they be punishing an innocent entity?

If you had a clone made of yourself do you think it would look exactly like you or just close?

Would the clone be exactly like your personality or would it be a different entity entirely, but with similar energies in circulation?

Suppose you could create a clone and transfer your consciousness into it? What would be the result? Could you take over the young body, yet retain all your memories and personality?

Would this be a desirable thing to do? Why or why not?

Clone Thoughts

You gave some good answers to the cloning questions. Here are mine.

Question: If they cloned Hitler would it be Hitler so they could really punish him or would they be punishing an innocent entity?

Answer As soon as we die we start preparing for our next incarnation. Part of this preparation is working with our souls to prepare our next body which is a little like a computer programmer making the next version of a program. He builds on that which works from the old program, makes improvements and adds features. After a period of time is passed the entity would have little desire to return to the old body when a better one is in the works.

If they cloned Hitler they would probably draw some entity who is fascinated with Hitler to take possession of it. Either that or someone who owes some unique karma.

Whatever the case, they would be punishing the wrong guy.

Question: If you had a clone made of yourself do you think it would look exactly like you or just close?

Someone mentioned that the clone would be like an identical twin. It would look a lot like the original, but not exact because features are influenced by consciousness.

Below is a cute story that illustrates the principle.

The story of the painting, The Last Supper, is extremely interesting and instructive. The two incidents connected with it afford a most convincing lesson on the effects of right thinking or wrong thinking in the life of a boy or girl, or of a man or a woman.

The Last Supper was painted by Leonardo Da Vinci, a noted Italian artist; and the time engaged for its completion was seven years.

The figures representing the twelve Apostles and Christ himself were painted from living persons. The life-model for the painting of the figure of Jesus was chosen first.

When it was decided that Da Vinci would paint this great picture, hundreds and hundreds of young men were carefully viewed in an endeavor to find a face and personality exhibiting innocence and beauty, free from the scars and signs of dissipation caused by sin.

Finally, after weeks of laborious searching, a young man nineteen years of age was selected as a model for the portrayal of Christ. For six months, Da Vinci worked on the production of this leading character of his famous painting. During the next six years, Da Vinci continued his labors on this sublime work of art. One by one fitting persons were chosen to represent each of the eleven Apostles; space being left for the painting of the figure representing Judas Iscariot as the final task of this masterpiece. This was the Apostle, you remember, who betrayed his Lord for thirty pieces of silver.

For weeks, Da Vinci searched for a man with a hard callous face, with a countenance marked by scars of avarice, deceit, hypocrisy, and crime; a face that would delineate a character who would betray his best friend.

After many discouraging experiences in searching for the type of person required to represent Judas, word came to Da Vinci that a man whose appearance fully met his requirements had been found in a dungeon in Rome, sentenced to die for a life of crime and murder.

Da Vinci made the trip to Rome at once, and this man was brought out from his imprisonment in the dungeon and led out into the light of the sun. There Da Vinci saw before him a dark, swarthy man; his long, shaggy and unkempt hair sprawled over his face, which betrayed a character of viciousness and complete ruin. At last, the famous painter had found the person he wanted to represent the character of Judas in his painting.

By special permission from the king, this prisoner was carried to Milan where the picture was being painted; and for months he sat before Da Vinci at appointed hours each day as the gifted artist diligently continued his task of transmitting to his painting this base character in the picture representing the traitor and betrayer of our savior. As he finished his last stroke, he turned to the guards and said, “I have finished. You may take the prisoner away.”

As the guards were leading their prisoner away, he suddenly broke loose from their control and rushed up to Da Vinci, crying as he did so, “O, Da Vinci, look at me! Do you not know who I am?”

Da Vinci, with the trained eyes of a great character student, carefully scrutinized the man upon whose face he had constantly gazed for six months and replied, “No, I have never seen you in my life until you were brought before me out of the dungeon in Rome.”

Then, lifting his eyes toward heaven, the prisoner said, “Oh, God, have I fallen so low?” Then turning his face to the painter he cried, “Leonardo Da Vinci! Look at me again for I am the same man you painted just seven years ago as the figure of Christ.”

The interesting thing about this story is that historians tell us that it is most likely not true. Even so it does illustrate a true principle. That is, even the same entity over a period of time can have a much different look about him as his consciousness goes up or down in quality.

QUESTION: Would the clone be exactly like your personality or would it be a different entity entirely, but with similar energies in circulation?

Answer: When we leave an old body behind the soul moves us ahead in preparations for a new improved one. A clone would draw a different entity than the original – with rare exceptions. There would be similarities in personality because of the influencing energies of the body, but also marked differences because of the different consciousness of the new entity.

Question: Suppose you could create a clone and transfer your consciousness into it? What would be the result? Could you take over the young body, yet retain all your memories and personality?

Answer: This would involve more than present physical science to accomplish and would require assistance from knowledgeable unseen beings. If it were done it would probably be like being reborn with no memory and would have little advantage unless a way was found to download old memories.

Question: Would this be a desirable thing to do? Why or why not?

Answer: With rare exceptions it would not be desirable. This would keep you in an old version of your body rather than building a new and improved one.

One of the reasons for death is so we can forget the past and begin anew. Holding on to the past hinders our progression. Living three lives in cloned body would see less progress than one in a new incarnation tailor made for your evolving needs.

On the other hand, cloning research with the goal of creating new limbs and organs to help us in our current bodies could have great value, but we human beings are too curious to leave full blown cloning alone and some will pursue it. It may take a long time before all the repercussions are known.

Dec 29, 2002, 2002

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Leaving Pisces and Facing Scorpio

Leaving Pisces and Facing Scorpio

As far as the thirteen (12+1) goes I’ll add this. In the Piscean Age both the Light and Dark Brotherhoods used this number. Jesus, as we know, was the thirteenth in the molecule at that time.

The thirteenth stands for the voice of authority and for the good guys this is the voice of Christ. Since Jesus was the physical representative of the Christ he became the visible thirteenth at that time.

Even though the Christ Principle has no form, there is always one with form who represents the this principle on any planet with intelligent life. On earth he is presently the master who descended into the body of Jesus at his baptism.

During the Piscean Age the thirteenth was allowed to be represented by physical form because the people of that age could not see beyond an authority figure.

When Joseph Smith organized the LDS church he had a governing body of 12 plus a trinity representing the thirteenth. Quite a few members of the church were against the creation of this first presidency and for good reason. The church was created just as the Aquarian Age was dawning where authority would be de-emphasized. What the physical representation of the thirteenth did then was to create a very Piscean and authoritative church which will be out of place in the Aquarian Age.

In this the new age the thirteenth will not have a physical representative. Instead the thirteenth will be seen as the invisible Christ principle which is inside of us all. Through soul contact then all of us become subject to the one infallible authority. The highest teacher will be one of the visible twelve/twenty-four and will be seen as a lesser authority than the voice of the soul.

Those stuck in Piscean consciousness will continue to place emphasis on the visible thirteenth and will never progress beyond the outward authority even though they may deceitfully preach inner authority to obtain disciples.

Comment: In the chapter of The Lost Key that you posted the bad guy makes a surprisingly good argument as to why the left hand path is desirable which is kind of unnerving.

A lot of this will be addressed in the next visit with John. In Chapter 19 the Dark Brother got to present his side which was deceiving. The burden is always easier on the side of light when the whole is considered. My character in the book had such a hard time on earth because he was paying off debts from a distant past where he assisted the Dark Brothers. If he hadn’t made such a serious mistake then his sojourn here would have been much easier.


Thought I would make a few comments about the discussion on astrology. DK tells us that there are three levels of interpretation based on the consciousness of the person in question.

The first is called orthodox. This is astrology as the world knows and understands it. He tells us that this is not founded so much on the accuracy of the placement of the stars and planets as it is a thought form created by humanity over the ages. Because the thought form is so well established the power of regular astrological interpretation can be quite accurate on average individuals.

When a person becomes a disciple his actions will often run counter to thought forms and thus a standard astrological reading will often miss key points in his case. Djwhal Khul thus gives us a new set of ruling planets for disciples.

The next stage up is the Hierarchy within the Brotherhood of Light. Their astrology charts are interpreted with higher principles still.

As far as Scorpio or any other sign being a negative one let me make two points.

(1) First we all progress through the zodiac in our various births and each sign that we are born under has lessons for us to learn. Just because you are born in a certain sign does not make you good or evil. All it does is subject the pilgrim to unique influences. (2) The sign we are born in is called the sun sign and the sun is the greatest influence but only exerts about 25% of the influence of the chart as a whole. To understand the other 75% dozens of other factors and influences must be examined. (3) Each sign has its positive and negative aspects. (4) All of us have some influence from Scorpio in our charts.

So why is it that Scorpio has been picked on by some as a sign to avoid?

Part of the reason is that Scorpio, more than any other sign has been associated with death and divorce. On the negative side Scorpios are seen as emotional, unpredictable, secretive and one who may turn on you unexpectedly.

Of course, Scorpio does have a negative side as do all sign influences, but that which scares some is it’s association with death. This concern is caused by a lack of understanding.

To understand Scorpio we must examine the core principle governing the lessons to be learned in this sign which is governed by Mars both esoterically and exoterically.

DK gives an important clue. First he tells is that Scorpio is a key sign where the seeker becomes the disciple. A key phrase is:

“Warrior I am, and from the battle I emerge triumphant.”

Scorpio presents to the seeker a battle ground within the realm of the mind. When governed by this sign his soul will lead him into situations that will demand great courage. It does not mean he will face divorce and death in the normal sense, but in a spiritual sense he must muster the courage to face the feelings generated by death of the old way of doing things and he will face the feelings generated by friends and family who divorce themselves from him as he moves ahead of them on the path.

The most important courage to be obtained in Scorpio is the power to face your feelings of fear and dread at the no win situations which occur in life. When the seeker learns to face all feelings of dread and yet continue on the path with love and hope then he has crossed the threshold and moves beyond the negative aspects of this sign toward becoming a true disciple.

Dec 8, 2002, 2002

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Dark Brothers and Fear

Dark Brothers and Fear

Question: The question has come up as to whether even a Dark Brother can change and choose the path of light, for does not free will always exist?

Yes free will always does exist but so do limitations that circumscribe each one of us. Suppose that by making a bad decision you find yourself in free fall because you drove off a cliff; this does not mean all you have to do is decide to pick a safe path and all will be well.

No. In this situation, you would regret your mistakes but there would be no way out in this life. You would be doomed to dying in a car crash with the hope you would be wiser in the next life.

One can make very grievous mistakes and pay off his karma and chose the path of light, but when he makes a conscious decision to choose the dark path after the two paths are clearly presented before him then it is as if he has driven off a cliff and cannot return in this round if he wanted to.

What happens when the dark path is chosen is that a separate reality is created that is disconnected to the God principle. When this illusionary reality is fully entered into because the soul has been totally rejected, the soul then cannot be found no matter what effort is made. The failed personality is then destroyed and rebuilt in a future system. The Dark Brother will be redeemed, but it will be eons in the future.

DK tells us that we receive many warnings from the soul before the God Principle is severed. If we have within us even a slim desire to serve or to do good then we have not yet chosen the dark path.

Those who choose the teachings of light on any progressing system will be far from perfect. What you look at is the actual teachings which are supposed to be followed. For instance, many Christians have committed atrocities in the name of Christ yet the pure teachings of Christ are only good, beautiful and true. Because there are some bad apples and bad groups along the way does not diminish the light within the words of Christ.

Sometimes those who embrace the words of light do not set a much better example than those who embrace the words of darkness.

Are we to then throw up our hands and quit when we see a fellow brother or sister make a mistake? No. Because of the principle of dominating good the light will prevail in the end. We must endure in season and out of season for the time will come when each world will see a clear demarcation of light and dark. The side of light and love eventually becomes dominated with good guys.

Facing Reality and Fears

Whereas it is true that many of our fears are created by illusionary techniques the denial of fear only takes us into greater illusion. We cannot overcome fear by insisting it does not exist or that we do not feel it. Fear must be overcome by facing it.

Many people who have read the Course in Miracles (as good a book that it is) have a simplistic view of fear. Some wish to ignore it out of existence and others seem terrified to even use the word because they have the worst fear of all – the fear of fear. The fear of fear is the most important fear to overcome for if one fears fear he will refuse to even examine fears that may exist within himself. When one overcomes the fear of fear he can then talk about fear without raising the emotion of fear within himself and can take the appropriate steps in facing fears and overcoming them.

Many there are who wish the word “fear” to be removed from our vocabulary have not yet encounter the Dweller and other situations and vibrations that can induce fear that the novice has never before dreamed of. Until one has encountered all the pitfalls on the path to liberation and has slain the dragons of fear along the way he has no authority to preach to others about its final conquest. So far I have not met anyone who has preached to me about the conquest of fear who is even aware of what he has yet to face.

In saying this, I hope to not stimulate the fear of fear in any of you for each of us must smell the roses along the path and enjoy the joy of the moment when it comes. When we are ready that is the time our tests will come. There will be some fear, but if the pilgrim faces them and is completely honest with himself he will overcome and obtain tremendous joy.

Djwhal Khul says this about fear: You ask: What are the basic causes of fear? To that question, if carried far enough back into the esoteric history of the solar system there is no intelligible answer to be given. Only the advanced initiate can comprehend. Fear has its roots in the warp and woof of matter itself, and is par excellence, a formulation or effect of the mind principle, and a result of mental activity. The fact that birds and animals know fear puts the whole subject upon a wider footing than if it were simply a human failing and the result of the activity of the functioning of the human mind. It is not incident upon a man’s possessing a reasoning mind; if he used his reason in the correct way he could eliminate fear. It lies in what is called cosmic Evil-a high sounding phrase, conveying little. It is inherent in the fact of matter itself and in the play of the pairs of opposites-soul and matter. The sentient souls of animals and of men are subconsciously aware of factors such as:

  1. The vastness and therefore the sensed oppression of the Whole. 2. The pressure of all other lives and existences. 3. The working of inexorable Law. 4. The sense of imprisonment, of limitation, and of consequent inadequacy.

In these factors, growing out of the manifested process itself and persisting and growing in potency during the ages, are found the causes of all modern fear and the basis of all terror, above all that which is purely psychological and not just the instinctual fear of the animal.

To concretise the matter more clearly would not help. Of what use is it to be told that fear is a quality of evil (or of matter) which colours fundamentally or characterises the astral or sentient body of our planetary Logos? What have you gained if I outlined to you the problem of the great Life in Whom we live and move and have our being as He, on His Own cosmic plane, seeks liberation and faces His Own peculiar trials and tests? How can words adequate be found to convey a cosmic struggle between Lives so impersonal and exalted in consciousness that the words his, or he or tests prove simply laughable and convey no possible aspect of truth or reality whatsoever?

Treatise on White Magic Pages 298-299

Benefits of Fasting

A couple months ago I realized that I was really getting out of shape so I started jogging again after a hiatus of 12 years or so. I was surprised how difficult it was to get back into shape compared to my younger years.

The interesting thing is that I just finished a week fast on liquids only. I usually fast twice a year for a week each time. This time it had been a year since my last fast. Sometimes I just drink water and other times juice. For the last five days of my fast I didn’t feel like jogging so I took it easy. Monday, after I got my strength back I decided to go for a run again and thought I may have lost some of the gains of getting in shape because of taking it easy during the fast.

Well, I ran down the road by our house a few blocks to a hill I always go up. Usually by the time I get to the top of the hill I am pretty exhausted and have to force myself to go a little further and then I walk for a while. This time I got to the top of the hill and didn’t even feel winded so I just kept going. I kept wondering when I would lose my wind and have to walk a while, but the time never came. Usually during my run I walk about 40% of the distance, but this time I ran the whole duration.

Usually, when I return home I am exhausted and feel like collapsing. But this time I felt like I could go another round if need by.

I’ve talked to you before about the benefits of fasting but this indeed gives additional evidence of its value that even I did not realize before. I would not have been surprised at some improvement, but not to this extent. I hope it lasts.

Whenever you have something wrong with you and don’t know what to do fasting will certainly help.

Nov 22, 2002, 2002

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The Meaning of Eve

The Meaning of Eve

A reader asked for additional comment on my interpretations of various Hebrew words such as those for Adam and Eve.

She was referring this the statement I made: In the Old Testament Hebrew two words are translated as “man.” The first is ADAM and the second is IYSH. ADAM is sometimes translated as “man” and sometimes literally as “Adam.” ADAM is not the name of a person, but of a racial being that is the hermaphroditic combination of male and female in the image of God: “Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called THEIR name Adam, in the day when they were created.” [Genesis 5:2] On the other hand, the word IYSH refers to the single male only.

There are not many places you can go to learn the true meaning of the original language of the Bible. The best thing to do is get a Strong’s concordance and study the words yourself. With a little common sense you will be able to translate better than the experts who are handicapped by their attachment to dogma.

The Hebrew word ADAM is only translated Adam a couple times in the Bible but is usually translated as “man.” It usually refers to man of Hebrew descent. There have been many Adams. Each Adam is a new advance in human evolution. The account in the Bible is an account of the last new creation among humanity. The very first Adam was a hermaphrodite and after the split into make and female a number of Adams have followed.

Christ was called a spiritual Adam in the scriptures because he initiated a new group among humanity who follow the Spirit.

“Eve” is interesting word and comes from the Hebrew CHAVVAH. It is generally believed to mean “Life-giver” because of the following scripture:

“And Adam called his wife’s name Eve; because she was the mother of all living” in Gen 3:20.

The word “because” is not in the original Hebrew and has caused believers to give a wrong meaning to the word Eve. If she was indeed named Eve “because” she was the mother of all living then it would be logical to assume that Eve means “living” or “mother of all living.”

But if we read it more closely related to the Hebrew we receive a totally different slant:

“And Adam called his woman’s name Eve; the mother of all living.”

Here we are given a totally different slant. Eve was not called Eve “because” she was the mother of all living, but she was named Eve, and in addition to being called this name she was “also” the mother of all living.”

A examination of the root word from whence Eve comes from reveals much more truth about the word than the side comment that she was the mother of all living.

As I said Eve comes from the Hebrew CHAVVAH which is derived from the prime root CHAVAH. By studying the context of the six times CHAVAH is used one can see that the common meaning is “to reveal.”

What does this tell us? Adam called his wife Eve because she was a source of revelation.

Question: What does it tell you when you contemplate the fact that the female side of humanity is a source of revelation?

I received a comment from Assaf correcting me on a translation point concerning Genesis 3:20 as follows: “And Adam called his woman’s name Eve; the mother of all living.”

I left out the word “because” since it was not in the Hebrew of the source I was using. Assaf pointed out that the Hebrew KI is in the ancient manuscripts and is translated as “since,” as,” “for” and implies the word “because.” I checked this out and he is right so I stand corrected.

If the Hebrew we have was not altered it should read “And Adam called his woman’s name Eve; (because or for) she was the mother of all living.”

The Concordant version which I consider to be the most accurate Bible translates it as follows: “And calling is the human his wife’s name Eve, for she becomes the mother of all the living.”

Before I made my post I noted that just about every translation uses “because” or a similar word so I should have suspected they had reason to place it there.

One can certainly see why the root from whence Eve comes from is associated with “living.”

Even so I stand by my original conclusion that the Hebrew CHAVAH, from which EVE is derived, is close in meaning to the modern word reveal. I realized when I wrote this that “reveal” is not the common translation for CHAVAH, but there is an important point we need to realize. Many of the true meanings for the ancient Bible Hebrew has been lost or altered. When you think of it though it is indeed amazing that it has stayed as intact as it is. For instance, if we were transported just 400 years into old England we would barely understand English of that period.

In 4,000 years Hebrew has been altered less than English has been in 400.

Even so, the best way to find the meaning of some ancient words is to leave the scholars behind and examine how they were actually used in Bible times.

CHAVAH, the root word for Eve was used six times in the Old Testament.

Note how well “reveal” or “revelation” fits in with the meaning of them all.

“I will shew (CHAVAH – reveal to) thee, hear me; and that which I have seen I will declare; Which wise men have told from their fathers, and have not hid it” Job15:17-18

“And Elihu the son of Barachel the Buzite answered and said, I am young, and ye are very old; wherefore I was afraid, and durst not shew (CHAVAH – reveal to) you mine opinion. I said, Days should speak, and multitude of years should teach wisdom. But there is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding. Great men are not always wise: neither do the aged understand Judgment.

“Therefore I said, Hearken to me; I also will shew (CHAVAH – reveal) mine opinion. Behold, I waited for your words; I gave ear to your reasons, whilst ye searched out what to say.” Job 32:6-11

Job32:17 I said, I will answer also my part, I also will shew (CHAVAH – reveal) mine opinion.

The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth (CHAVAH – reveals)knowledge. Psalms19:1-2

It is therefore interesting evidence that every single use of the word CHAVAH in the Bible implies a revealing of some kind.

CHAVAH is very closely related to CHAYAH which does mean “to live” and this must be why Eve was associated with the living.

Whatever the case it is indeed interesting that the name Eve, the female half of Adam, is associated with revelation. There is certainly a true principle here.

The female energy has indeed been a mystery to humanity over the millennia and when the mystery is penetrated revelation follows.

Nov 14, 2002, 2002

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