Enduring to the End

Enduring to the End

Several times did the Master Jesus make the statement:

“He that endures to the end shall be saved.”

What exactly did he mean by this?

To understand let us examine the famous scripture on the matter:

“Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake. And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.

And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.

But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. Matt 24:9-13

Here he told his disciples that many would be offended by them and hate them and eventually even kill them. Even though they were to expect many deadly trials they were told to “endure to the end” to be “saved.”

Many have heard this scripture preached in church, but let us look a little deeper.

“Endure” comes from the Greek HUPOMENO and means “to remain, abide, not recede or flee.”

“End” comes from TELOS which is “To set out for a definite point or goal, the conclusion of an act.” This implies that one makes a decision and perseveres until the decided goal is reached

“Saved” comes from SOZO which is “to save, deliver or protect.” The similar word “salvation” comes from SOTERIA which is more correctly rendered “deliverance” or “rescue.”

How then can we best translate this phrase.

“He who shall make a DECISION and take an immovable stand on that decision until the goal is achieved shall be delivered.”

But shall be delivered from what?

The answer is obvious. He shall be delivered from failure.

Why is it important to be delivered from failure?

(1) If the end goal (TELOS) is a noble one (as one proposed by Christ) then the achieving of that goal is of great important.

(2) If a person makes a goal and fails to achieve then he becomes weakened and usually has less power to achieve the next goal he sets.

(3) If a person fails in a noble venture affirmed by his soul, then to quit is to lose faith in the direction set by the soul. As a result soul contact will be diminished until the steps are retraced and success is achieved.

(4) Failure to achieve often brings depression, grievances, and too much attention on the little self – as well as the blame of others.

The power to endure to the consummation of an act of Decision is the power to achieve all things.


Because if a person makes a decision (in harmony with Higher Will) and then moves toward that decision without giving up, then no power in heaven or earth can prevent the person from achieving the goal.

Napoleon Hill spoke truly when he wrote these inspiring words:

“Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”

Throughout my life I have sold to and had relations with thousands of businesses in over 20 states and I have made it a point to observe those who succeed and those who do not.

One may assume that the successful ones are the smart ones, those who have business savvy, or perhaps are a bit shady – but these are not the criteria in common among those who succeed.

In fact, many of the most intelligent people I know have plunged in business have failed miserably and many people who are kind of slow and lack of imagination seem to come out in great shape.

What then is the characteristic that the successful ones have in common?

Answer: It is endurance. Those who endure to the consummation of their goal are the ones who achieve the goal.

Think on this. The moment you quit, no matter how intelligent, no matter how great your personality and no matter how much support you have – that is the moment the goal instantly fades before your vision and becomes beyond your grasp.

On the other hand, if you do not give up (and one-pointedly focus on the goal) no matter what your handicaps and how limited your support, it is only a matter of time before you draw to yourself the ingredients to success.

Now many of us here have goals much higher and in many ways more important than those of the business world. I am familiar with the goals of a number of you and I commend you for them. In addition to this, I have known many people throughout my life with spiritual intentions who have had high goals and made what they thought were definite decisions in relation to them.

Even so, it seems that the discouragement and frustration of those on the spiritual path are much greater than those entrepreneurs of business. Why is this?

Several reasons. First a goal on the spiritual path rouses the interest of the quiescent soul and new and living energy is poured into the seeker. This inflow of energy creates a vacuum in its wake that allows for negative energy to pull the seeker away from his decision. This is as it should be for each step forward and each success of a spiritual nature must be earned and cannot be given.

Thus the negative pull often overwhelms the unprepared aspirant and makes him quit on the verge of a great victory.

When he quits he always has many good sounding excuses which plays well to his lower personality. Here are a few of them that frustrates him in group work – for all soul inspired work is of group nature:

(1) The people I am working with seemed all right in the beginning, but now they have all gone astray and wouldn’t know what spiritual is if it stared them in the face.

(2) Several co-workers have insulted me. No one can expect me to work with such people.

(3) I was deceived about the goal. It seemed to be good, but now I see it is a bunch of BS.

(4) I have replaced the old goal with a new and improved one. (Note: This is possible but rarely the case).

(5) There’s too much conflict among those involved in the project. I will quit and work in more peaceful circumstances.

(6) No one listens to what I have to say.

(7) No one appreciates me.

(8) This revolting person joined the group and if he stays, I go.

(9) Several problems and delays occurred which are a sign from God that I should withdraw.

(10) No one is doing anything that will insure we achieve the goal.

Note: This next one always gets me because if the best people quit then things will only get more difficult.

(11) I will quit until the group gets their act together and then come back in when I can be of more service.

Note: This one gets me too because this person usually quits at the time of greatest need. When this happens he rarely comes back, and if he does, it is to enjoy the fruits garnered by the labor and endurance of others.

(12) The goal is too difficult. We can never achieve it.

Note: If that is what you believe then it will be done to you according to your belief.

(13) I am just in the way. (Here the victim is taking control)

(14) My spouse or family does not support me.

(15) The group is composed of hypocrites. I can’t be expected to put up with them.

This is by no means a complete list. Excuses are without number – and that’s what they are – excuses.

All who aspire to the spiritual path want to become an accepted disciple and beyond as quickly as possible, but often the most important key is overlooked.

What is that key?


He who endures to the consummation of the goal will be delivered from failure and move on to a new level of success, joy and peace.

May we all endure in the light of the soul and remember the Affirmation of the Disciple:

“I am a point of light within a greater Light.
I am a strand of loving energy within the stream of love divine.
I am a point of sacrificial Fire, focussed within the fiery Will of God.
And thus I stand.

I am a way by which men may achieve.
I am a source of strength, enabling them to stand.
I am a beam of light, shining upon their way.
And thus I stand.

And standing thus revolve
And tread this way the ways of men,
And know the ways of God.
And thus I stand.”

Stand my friends. Stand by your Decisions. Stand by your soul, stand by your friends and co-workers in season and out of season, in good times and bad and in the end a glorious salvation shall be yours.

July 10, 2002

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Questions on Immortality, the Plan and More

Questions on Immortality, the Plan and More

Question: Do the masters have physical immortality, or is there any such thing?

The Masters have power to extend and rejuvenate, but do not have physical immortality. If one had his head cut off (as in the TV show) he would die and have to reincarnate. On the other hand, a seventh degree initiate (two steps above a Master) can recreate or reassemble his body at will and could have physical immortality for the life of the universe if he were to desire, but the time always comes that the high initiate goes through the gates of higher evolution and moves on to things higher than physical form.

At the end of the evolutionary period when it became time for initiates to move on to the higher spiritual worlds there were three who refused (according to Djwhal Khul who says: “They turned their faces towards the gates of earth. Their friends went on….. They stayed behind…..”). These three sought physical immortality to retain their works in the worlds of form. The three eventually came to the earth and Fathered the Jewish race. DK tells us that the Jews are the oldest race living upon the earth.

Even these three ancient souls will eventually, in this round of evolution, realize that holding on to the physical will no longer serve them and move on.

DK further tells us that Jesus was a direct descendent of the first of these three initiates and because of his enlightenment set the momentum for the change of course necessary for the eventual liberation (salvation) of the three, the Jews and the rest of the world.

Speaking of high initiates the LDS scriptures state: “All things are theirs, whether life (spiritual life) or death (physical form).”

High initiates can choose their path, but all eventually choose the path of higher evolution.

Question: Apparently it would be possible for us humans to destroy ourselves. Would there then be no reincarnation?

As long as there is life there is reincarnation. Evolution of human life would begin anew, followed by another struggle between the light and the dark side.

Someone asked about the strange statements from the Apocryphal work of Thomas.

Let me say this. Many things quoted from Jesus sound strange because he never said them or were made up. Other things sound strange because we do not understand the meaning or the situation in which it was spoken. Still others sound wrong because they are wrong.

Here is the criteria I advise.

Pay extra attention to a proven earned authority, but for the final test of truth depend on verification from your own soul. If you do not receive verification do not trust it whether it comes from an angel, Jesus or one who seems to be God Itself.

As the Apostle Paul said, do not even be swayed by an “angel from heaven” if he teaches you something contrary to what the inner spirit has verified.

Question: How does one prevent one’s self from experiencing exhaustion from picking up negative feelings from others? How do I keep my energy? Being overly empathetic and not so wise in my compassion has shorted my circuits, so to speak . . .”

There are two reasons that sensitives pick up negative feelings.

First: You soul is sending it to you so you can be aware that there is a problem with a friend or loved one. When this is the case the solution is to listen to the feeling and discern who it is that is in need and seek to assist them in solving their problem. When you become an arm of the Holy Spirit in assisting others, who are the source of this negativity, then the spiritual endowment you will receive will neutralize the negativity on your end.

Second: You pick up vibrations of negative cantankerous people, or spiritual vampires who feed off your energy.

Treat these people with kindness and love as you would anyone else, but avoid being in a close association with them. Tune them out of your consciousness and in turn they will put little attention on you. Be very careful of the friends you make as the wrong ones can create problems for you.

If this negative person is one that you cannot avoid then see the negativity going through you as if it does not even exist in your consciousness. If you practice you can remain positive even though the whole world takes an opposite course.

Question: Why is the phrase the “little wills of men” used in the Great Invocation?

The reason is quite simply that the average human will is in its embryonic stage. Jesus said that if we have enough faith we can move mountains. Before one can have this faith one must tune into and align with the Will of God. Because our wills are in infancy they are “little wills” and we only have a small glimpse of the true power of the Will of God as it can manifest through the various lives of the universe.

Many of us humans are very determined, but determination is not Will. Determination is an aspect of the emotional body, but Will emanates from your higher spiritual body and to manifest the Will of God one must open the door of soul contact and ascend in consciousness to the Cosmic Fire of your Higher Self. When this is done the faith to do miracles is at hand.

Question: Why is it written – “Let light and love and power restore the plan on Earth.”

What is the Plan and was it once on the earth?

The plan is very great beyond the understanding of the Highest Master. It is like a great bud unfolding into a flower. We see a few of the pedals, but most of them are still hidden. But because the unfolding process is revealing great beauty we have faith that all the unfolding will be glorious and when the universe is in full flower all will eventually understand the Grand Purpose of the One Great Life.

Humanity has a sense that there is a Plan, but they know not what the Plan is. The Masters and the Higher Lives in Shamballa see a few of the pedals and understand much more than we do, but do not understand all. They do see enough of the Plan to further the moving forward of it on the earth.

In ancient times the Masters walked freely among humanity and when this was the case a portion of the plan was upon the earth with them influencing humanity.

After the partial victory of the Dark Brothers in Atlantis, and its later destruction, the Masters withdrew behind the scenes and with them the active presence of the Plan was also withdrawn.

When the Plan is restored the Christ and his associates will again walk with us and directly work with humanity in that part of its implementation that we are able to comprehend.

July 2, 2002

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True Freedom

True Freedom

(Written July 5, 2002)

My American Friends. I hope you had a good Fourth of July. And to those of you who are not Americans I hope you had as good one too, even though you did not celebrate a holiday.

On this day when many celebrate freedom and independence it would be a good idea to reflect on just what true freedom and independence is.

Unfortunately, illusion is increasing worldwide on just what freedom is and the dark clouds covering their vision is becoming so thick and so ubiquitous that the concept of false freedom is threatening to replace true freedom.

The two views of freedom are easy to state but hard for the masses to understand, yet the Lights must radiate the true principle to the masses or else the Dark Brothers will have their victory. The glorious vision of the New Age can only be manifested through the principle of true freedom. Without it, the coming age will be a mere repetition of the darkest of ages.

Just as there is Anti Christ there is anti freedom. The false view of freedom is as follows:

“I am becoming freer so long as my I have increased power to fulfill my desires, even though this causes a decrease in the freedom of others by forcing individuals or groups to forfeit their desired freedoms.”

True Freedom: “I cannot fulfill my desires at the expense of the freedom of others because I am one with my brethren. If the whole is diminished then the freedom of each individual is ultimately threatened. I can only enjoy true freedom for myself when the power I use does not diminish the freedom of the group or the individual. I take my freedom the day I allow freedom for all – the day that my use of power heals, not hurts; empowers, not diminishes; sets free and not enslaves. I am free only if my freewill increases the freedom of the whole.”

When one reads these two statements almost all will think they fit into the second category, but the true principle of freedom is so clouded by dogma and our own little desires that the majority fits in the first category in several areas of their thinking.

Abraham Lincoln understood these two views of freedom and was personally puzzled that so many otherwise intelligent people fell into the first category. Time and time again he heard southerners express the idea that they would lose freedom if they had to give up their slaves. Lincoln had difficulty having empathy for this idea since freedom in their mind depended on the slavery of an entire race and he commented on how faulty this reasoning was.

The idea of many in the Old South that fighting for the retention of slavery was a fight for freedom may seem odd to us, but it made sense to them within their framework.

They believed that their slaves increased freedom because:

(1) Their slaves did many menial chores and tiresome labor. The slave owner had more free time to work at enjoyable activities.

(2) The slaves normally received no wages so this gave the slave owner greater profits and more financial freedom. In fact it seemed that slave labor gave all the Southern States more financial freedom.

(3) They feared that if slaves were given their freedom that their own freedom would be threatened.

All of this was illusion. For one thing the North which had no slaves was richer than the South with slaves. The North also was not threatened by free blacks.

Then too, since the civil war we have been in an atmosphere of freedom where we have developed appliances and machinery that gives us much more freedom without slaves than any civilization had in the past with slaves.

It is interesting that all who seek to enslave the souls of humanity do so in the name of freedom. Even the most notorious of villains, Adolph Hitler sought to enslave the nations of the earth in the name of freedom.

Freedom for who?

Freedom for the handful of people who agreed with him, but to the great detriment of freedom for the rest of the world.

So now it is obvious to all of us that the first category is illusion – right?


Just like the people of the Old South were caught up in an illusionary idea of freedom, even so do the people of today do the same thing. The only difference is the focus has shifted.

“But no one in the free world supports the idea of slavery or totalitarianism today. Surely most people will support the second view.”

It would seem that way until one examines the new slavery which was prophesied by Isaiah:

“For thus saith the Lord GOD, My people went down aforetime into Egypt to sojourn there; and the Assyrian oppressed them without cause. Now therefore, what have I here, saith the LORD, that my people is taken away for nought? they that rule over them make them to howl, saith the LORD; and my name continually every day is blasphemed. Therefore my people shall know my name: therefore they shall know in that day that I am he that doth speak: behold, it is I. Isa 52:4-6

Here the scripture mentions the plight of the Israelites who were slaves in ancient Egypt, but in referring to the future he talks of a time when no money will be paid for the slaves (taken away for nought) and “they that rule over them make them to howl.”

Isaiah says that this slavemaster will be able to boast:

“I am prudent: and I have removed the bounds of the people, and have robbed their treasures, and I have put down the inhabitants like a valiant man:

And my hand hath found as a nest the riches of the people: and as one gathereth eggs that are left, have I gathered all the earth; and there was none that moved the wing, or opened the mouth, or peeped.” Isa 10:13-14

So who is this latter day slavemaster who makes his subjects “howl?” Who is he who thinks he is clever in removing the “bounds of the people,” (restricting property rights) “robbed their treasures” (heavy taxation) and “put down the inhabitants like a valiant man?” (treated those he robs as criminals if they do not cooperate).

And what is the attitude of the modern day slaves:

“…there was none that moved the wing, or opened the mouth, or peeped.”

Unlike the ancient Hebrew slaves, who wanted a deliverer, these modern slaves do not move the wing, open their mouths, or make a peep of resistance.

How is it that our situation corresponds to slavery?

The answer is quite simple. The first most glaring response is:


The average taxpayer in the United States (all hidden and obvious taxes considered) pays over 50% of his income to the government. Other nations fare even worse.

Before the Revolutionary War the United States had no income tax and the whole rebellion was ignited by tariffs imposed by the British without the consent of the governed.

Wouldn’t it be nice if the only tax we had today were a few tariffs? Instead of rebelling as did the Founding Fathers, most taxpayers would rejoice.

Another interesting point is that many of the slaves in ancient Greece, Rome and other states were allowed to keep 50% of what they earned and many eventually saved enough to buy their freedom.

What is the reasoning for this situation we are in where our tribute is higher than ancient slaves and often twice the amount of medieval surfs? The ancient slaves could buy their way out of their situation, but modern man is unable to do this at any price.

To understand this we need to look at the real cause of the rebellion of the Founding Fathers. The cause was not the amount of the tax itself, but there were two factors which very much concerned them:

(1) Taxation without representation.

(2) The fact that taxation could be increased without the consent of the taxpayer.

Unfortunately, we have this same situation today to an even greater degree with more arms of taxation than mere tariffs.

Many who pay taxes feel that they have no voice (representation) on how the money is spent.

On the second point few taxpayers feel they have any say or influence regarding continuing tax increases.

Why is it that the modern slavemaster (governments of the earth) continue to raise taxes to the strangulation level?

The answer is quite simple.

They feel that their main job description is to spend our money in ways that will please their constituents. Since it is in the nature and disposition of almost all people to perform their job well, the various representatives seek spend money in creative ways that will please the voters and pressure groups. In attempting to spend money on as many voters and pressure groups as possible they find there is never enough money to go a round. Therefore, they seek to continually raise additional revenue through an increase in taxation

This drift takes us toward a major problem which is becoming a threat to civilization as we know it. It is this:

As the powers-that-be tax the many and give to the few, the few become the many and the many want more and more from those who are taxed. Finally we reach a situation (as exists now) where the majority of the people are receiving benefits from the taxpayer from which they are making little or no contribution. We are also reaching the point where about half of the people in the United States do not pay any income tax with the other half paying excessive tax. Yet those who pay little or no income tax reap entitlements from the tax.

Consider this: If we have half of the people paying no income tax, yet reaping payments from the tax – how are they going to vote?

Because they pay no tax – will they be concerned about increasing the tax “on the rich” and not so rich?

No. This group will be happy to elect representatives who will increase taxes because they are free from the increased tax, but have increase benefits themselves.

This puts the taxpayer in the situation of the ancient slaves. The amount they are taxed is not determined by themselves, but by freeloaders who pay no income taxes.

Those who support representatives who are for higher taxes are therefore in category one mentioned earlier.

Let me repeat it:

“I am becoming freer so long as my I have increased power to fulfill my desires, even though this causes a decrease in the freedom of others by forcing individuals or groups to forfeit their desired freedoms.”

Remember when we applied this principle to the Old South and how it made sense?

But if we apply it to people today making the same error many will be offended. Even so, let us continue.

A hot topic of the day in the U.S. is free prescription drugs. Many who do not pay income tax (or pay tax and want their share back) want to become freer by forcing others (the taxpayer) to forfeit their desired freedoms to buy them drugs.

There are hundreds of government give-away programs where the same principle applies. Those who receive feel they are obtaining greater freedom and overlook the fact that this freedom is at the expense of the loss of freedom of many others.

They are like the Old South who felt their slaves made them free and had no desire to free them.

“But,” says a supporter, “many of the programs do so much good. People need prescription drugs, they need welfare, farmers need price supports, big business needs subsidies, the elderly need Medicaid, the sex life of the black beetle needs studied and so on. If we do not force people to pay for these programs through taxes then many will suffer.”

That’s what the Old South said when faced with freeing the slaves. “If we free the slaves, then all the benefits we receive from them will disappear, our way of life will change and we shall be devastated.”

But the slaves were freed and it was not long before they were more prosperous than ever.

Would the same thing happen if the modern slaves were freed and were able to give consent to the system of taxation? If we eliminated “taxation without representation” so the taxpayer could not be forced to pay tax by those who do not pay (or receive more benefit than they pay out), would our system collapse?

On the contrary. Things would get better. Much better. The economy would go through the roof, tax evasion would be reduced to a minimum because of true fairness.

The second way many of us are in a slave-like situation is:


Every year thousands of new laws are passed and virtually none of the old ones are repealed.

Each of these laws is a restriction of freedom. That is what a civil law does. It restricts.

What, therefore, should be our attitude toward law? Because law restricts freedom then to have the maximum amount of freedom we need the minimum number of laws.

Legislators should spend as much time figuring out how to eliminate laws as they do in making them until the nation works efficiently on only those laws which are essential to our well being.

If we were to educate the people on the right thing to do most of the laws could be dropped and society would be the better for it.

Thus we have briefly covered two principles in establishing maximum freedom. Do not increase the servitude of others so you can benefit and keep only those laws absolutely essential to our well being.

July 5, 2002

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Mastering Energy

Mastering Energy

Question: Could you clarify how the male and female energies achieve balance in higher lives such as the Masters?

Balancing the energies within you is a different thing from the energies in circulation within the physical, astral and mental worlds wherein there is form. Wherever there is form there is not a balance of energy because form is created by energy being out of balance. If all the male/female energies in your body were to suddenly be in perfect balance your body would instantly disappear no more to be found. All creation of form takes place through matter leaning to either the male or female energy, or polarization in one or the other.

When a Master achieves balance he does not end the polarization of the energy, but places his consciousness in the higher planes where polarization, as we see it, does not exist. He could theretofore be operating in a vehicle of strong polarization, either male or female, yet not be controlled by it because his focus of consciousness is in the formless worlds. He has just enough focus in the physical to function here.

We can see this principle at work to a lesser degree with geniuses in our history. Many of them are absent-minded because their focus is elsewhere. Einstein was so focused on the abstract that when he took a walk he often got lost and had difficulty in finding his way home.

I don’t claim to be a genius, but you can ask my wife about my difficulty in keeping my mind on driving, chores, or whatever in the mundane world.

Djwhal Khul tells us that the Masters are not looking forward to working directly again with humanity because it will be very painful for them to focus enough to function efficiently here. This out-of-balance male/female energy we have in the human kingdom is one of the main reasons for this.

Question: “Does he (a Master) receive an equal “fullness” from functioning in either energy?”

Whereas the humans function mainly in the astral (emotional) and physical, the Master functions mainly in the mental and spiritual. Therefore, the use of the male/female energies is largely mental. This would entail the giving (male) and receiving (female) of intelligence.

In the mental arena the answer is yes. When the cycle is flowing toward sending the greatest fullness comes from sending and when the cycle is in receivership the greatest fullness is in receiving.

Before the Ancient of Days came to the earth he was polarized in female energy as a disciple of the Solar Logos. But now he is here he is polarized as male or a sender for the whole planet.

Question: Earlier you taught about the two paths. One is the spiritual which requires that we go against the flow and the material were we go with the flow. How do they fit in with the flow of male and female energies?

There is a time to go with the current of strongest energy and there is a time (or place) to go the path of highest resistance. The two paths you mentioned are the spiritual and material. Because the material flow is by far the most powerful, the only way to ascend to the spiritual path is to go against the material pull. One must follow the still small voice rather than the noisy crowd.

This is a different situation than dealing with male and female energy for the two are at play on both the material and the spiritual path.

What one finds, however, when one ascends to the spiritual is that the spiritual energy is actually more powerful than the physical and dominates the whole. So in reality, finding the spiritual path is finding the path of least resistance from a wholeness viewpoint. We are merely deceived here in thinking that the material path is the easier, or more powerful, of the two.

A Master overcomes all things by finding the dominate energy, cycle, or point in the Will of God and going with its flow and assisting the completion of the cycle. Riding the male or female cycle assists in the fulfillment of the will of God and is associated with the Spiritual and not the material Purpose.

If you are strong in male energy you would be in a good cycle to fight a war. If you are strong in female energy you are in a good cycle to nurture as a peacemaker.

The highly polarized male would have much difficulty being the nurturer and the strong female difficulty being the warrior.

Question: If a Master came to this group would he be welcome, or would he throw off the balance of energy?

No, he would assist the energy. His physical body is polarized as male or female just like the rest of us. A Master has to balance the energies just like the rest of us. Because his consciousness is centered on the higher planes, he knows how to do it when working in the worlds of form.

When they are apart from humanity they do this by being male to their disciples as DK was a sender to Alice A. Bailey. The Masters are female to the Nirmanakayas, who are intermediaries from Shamballa. Technically they are female to Shamballa, for the Nirmanakayas are polarized in the female energy in the overall scheme of things.

Thus, by understanding and working with the flow of male/female energies they keep their molecules in working order.

If a master were to join a molecule with us on the physical plane he would still have to work with sending/receiving energies just like the rest of us. A master would help, not hinder the balance, providing he was accepted by the group.

A person becomes a Master because he understands the energies and directs them to the desired end in connection with the Will of God. He does not become a Master because his energies are neutral. If zero is neutral and five is the highest in male or female polarization, the Master is capable of being a five in polarization of energies flowing through the physical, yet directing those energies toward the desired end. His last life before obtaining Mastery is usually as a strong male so he has greater power to send forth his revelation. He is able to do this wisely because his vantage point is from the viewpoint of the observer from the neutral spiritual world.

You are not your car, but you have power to press the throttle and direct it to where you want to go. The Master knows he is not his sex, but he uses sending/receiving energy to obtain the desired result.

After the person has become a Master he can choose mortal incarnation a number of times again if he desires and if a female cycle is more advantageous he can choose this.

Christ could choose to come as a female. If he did he would be overshadowed by the Ancient of Days and speak as a receiver of one higher than himself.

Jesus spoke for one higher in his life in Palestine, but had to come as a male because a female messiah had no chance of being accepted. But he used his male polarization to start a missionary (sending) church… “go ye therefore and teach all nations.”

Question: As I understand it, members of a human molecule will be at all levels of progression, so the molecule could be composed of all kinds of atoms. How is this going to work out? Can we all just get along?

My book covers a lot of this. It will take a lot of gathering and sifting to create the first molecules, but after they are established extension will be much easier. People at various levels of spiritual evolution are capable of group soul contact if they can merely look past the personality and see the Christ in other group members.

All seekers must learn how to overlook personality flaws and be more inclusive and accepting of their brethren and sisters. This is actually as much of a science as it is an art on which we will put much attention.

June 30, 2002

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Immense and Constant Antagonism

Immense and Constant Antagonism

DK gives this advice:

“Those disciples who work today in the world and do so consciously in order to aid the Christ and His mission, come within the protecting aura with which the Head of the Hierarchy at all times surrounds certain work undertaken by the Hierarchy in connection with our planet. ‘This work of preparation for His coming is curiously fraught with danger because of the immense and constant antagonism it arouses (and is arousing increasingly) in the opposing forces of evil. The main attack of these forces is upon disciples and particularly those in a position and at the point in evolution where they can act with potency and greatly help in the task of reaching others. This you can do, and along with all disciples are, therefore, marked “for protection,” as it is esoterically called. This does not mean that you will be free from attack and—because you are a disciple—attack on all three bodies simultaneously, but it means that such attack will arouse in you no fear. Remember always, brother of mine, that it is fear that permits the entry of wrong potencies, and that such an attack may not be aimed at your weakest point but preferably at your strongest; it is there where disciples are often caught unawares and thus suffer a temporary setback.

“The astral plane is in a great state of turmoil today—but that is a theme upon which I will dwell in my next communication to this group of disciples. It is nevertheless something to bear in mind. This turmoil is caused by an increasing descent of the Christ energy from the buddhic plane into the astral plane—a necessary aggregation of spiritual forces of a strength sufficient to create a reservoir of this energy of which the Hierarchy can avail itself as it proceeds towards externalisation. Of that force (which is astral-buddhic in nature) disciples such as yourself can take advantage. It carries the qualities of “embodied light,” sensitivity to the new incoming vibration, and protective pliancy–I know not what other word to use. It can only be used by working disciples; therefore work, my brother, and let that penetrating energy find a channel through you.” Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 2, Pages 748-749

Comment: There are two key phrases here to which disciples must pay attention. First he tells us that as the coming of Christ draws near “immense and constant antagonism it arouses (and is arousing increasingly) in the opposing forces of evil.”

Indeed. The forces of evil that work to restrict and remove freedom from the human spirit do fight tooth and nail against anyone who stands up for the Principle of Freedom.

Support of the freedom of the human spirit is the main dividing point between the forces of good and evil and freedom must be preserved at all costs. Once basic freedoms are taken away then the forces of evil (which pretend to be for freedom) will then come out in the open and suppress them – North Korea style.

Many of the freedoms a threat are expressed in the U.S. Bill of rights. The most important of these is the first and is probably why it was made the first.

At risk here is:

Freedom of speech. We are increasingly told what we can and cannot say, what is politically correct or not, and what is hate speech that is not to be spoken, whispered or even thought about.

The Bill of Rights has protected us so far from the government making distinct laws to limit speech but that right is now hanging by a thread as many now desire speech restrictive laws and are seeking to enforce their own dogma by any means necessary including the following.

(1) Forcing businesses to fire or cease business with anyone who commits undesirable speech.

(2) Making rules within various organizations restricting speech.

(3) The media seeks to destroy anyone speaking out of line.

(4) Family and friends withdraw themselves from those who voice unpopular opinions.

(5) Even though the government is restricted (for now) from punishing free speech many seek to prosecute offenders by other means such as selective prosecution through tax violations or some obscure law they dig up.

Yes it is true there is some outrageous speech and opinions out there with which each of us disagree all the time, but if one side of the political spectrum gets to decide what we can and cannot say then light, and love will be suppressed for an age. We therefore must allow both the good and the bad be expressed else darkness and not light will cover the earth.

The First Amendment also speaks of religion telling us that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”

Most agree with the idea of Congress not getting involved in establishing or promoting any particular religion, however many are promoting their political point of view with a religious mindset even to the point of calling diverse counter opinions evil and unchristian. Even some atheists are doing this.

The most obvious infringement though is the “prohibiting the free exercise” of religion re attacks on religion itself. Many are doing all in their power to force various Christians to support policies contrary to their beliefs. Now there are many religious beliefs with which I disagree but each should be free, according to the Bill of Rights, to their own beliefs. This should be tolerated unless the physical safety of others is threatened.

Then the Second Amendment which gives us the freedom to bear arms has been increasingly under attack. Books have been written for and against this, but one thing we know for sure is that this freedom, seen as so essential by the founders that it became right number two is under threat.

The right of the Seventh Amendment to a fair trial by jury is also under threat. If the outcome is not acceptable we now have rioters arise causing destruction. The results of a trial must be accepted whether we agree or not.

The lights must preserve our basic rights if they desire others to remain.

Secondly DK tells us that those who are willing to take the heat from the attacks are “marked for protection.” His does not mean disciples will be free from attacks, but instead will receive a presence from the Hierarchy that will cause them to not fear and have power to stand for the side of freedom, light and love.

Jefferson indeed spoke truly when he said, “the price of liberty is eternal vigilance.”

Oct 2, 2020

Copyright By J J Dewey

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