Understanding Mind

Understanding Mind

Question: What other things need to be taught to assure the world that a new age of peace can really be established?


How will disciples reach the masses?

There are indeed many great and wonderful things that will be taught in the new age. There is one most important principle that has been overlooked and here is the hint.

The Age of Pisces which we are leaving is ruled by which element and what does it symbolize?

The Age of Aquarius which we are entering is ruled by which element and what does it symbolize?

The shift from the element of Pisces to the element of Aquarius indicates the new comprehension that must be known. What is it?

We can see this shift playing out in the polarized elections and political divisions of today.

A reader pointed out that the element of Pisces is water symbolizing emotions and that of Aquarius (air) symbolizes the mind

The shift of attention by humanity from an emotional base for decision to the mind will insure the stability necessary for an age of peace to prevail.

As humans begin evolution we start with attention centered in the instinct/physical. Next we evolve to the emotional/astral. Then we move to the mental/thinking and finally to the intuitive/soul.

What do you suppose is the percentage of humanity that has risen to the plane of the mind to some degree?

Many feel that emotion (misnamed heart by many) is higher than mind, but why is it necessary that mind controls emotion rather than the other way around?

Are the heart energies connected with mind or emotion? Explain

This answer to the percentage was actually given by Djwhal Khul through Alice A. Bailey back in the 1940s. The answer he gave was about ten per cent. Sometimes, however, I feel that it must be lower than this for sometimes it is difficult to find a logical person.

Another thing to consider is that humanity is evolving and that it is likely that this figure has risen perhaps a few more percentage points.

Now some have thought that certain degrees of mind is active in all people, but this is not quite the case. It is true that those not included in the ten percent may have some mental activation, but just not polarized there yet. Even so, there are many in which the principle of mind lies dormant.

One may object and declare that everyone thinks, it is just that some think with more accuracy than others.

On the contrary my friends, the truth is that all use their brains, but all do not think. The cause of this world wide misunderstanding is that the use of the brain has been related to thinking, but…

The brain does not think.

Instead the brain is a piece of equipment equal to a super computer. This super computer has many built in programs and is capable of many calculations, but it does not think.

What does it do then?

Answer: It calculates. Calculating and thinking are two very different activities.

The emotionally polarized person has instinct, can calculate and feel, but does not think.

This is why most of the people on the planet have the mark of the Beast of authority. Only by the development of the ability to think can one break the mold of being controlled by programming, break free and become truly independent through thought.

The brain corresponds to a super computer, but the thinker corresponds to a programmer sitting at the keyboard with the realization that he does not have to go according to program, but has the power to work creatively and rewrite things.

The thinker is in charge of his destiny.

The non thinker must be controlled by a program.

The thinker does not lose contact with emotion, but increases contact, but learns to direct feelings intelligently.

Just as light has a higher vibration than sound and yellow is higher than red even so is the astral vibration higher than physical and the matter of mind is higher than astral/emotion.

This does not mean that light is “better” than sound or mind than feeling for both are essential on their level. It does mean that one is higher in vibration than the other and the higher vibration is always more difficult to comprehend and master.

All of us have a mental body, but the elements of which it is composed are not available for our use until we begin to master thought


Many feel that emotion (misnamed heart by many) is higher than mind, but why is it necessary that mind controls emotion rather than the other way around?

All of us feel emotion, but for most this feeling comes through the solar plexus center which is a reflection of heart energy. Few have felt the full power of the heart energies.

Emotion leads us into experience with no plan to master that experience. Mind must eventually be brought into play to create plans and direct the emotion and the experience in a constructive direction. Without the dominance of mind over emotion there will always be a lack of completion of purpose and a drifting off randomly in a new direction.

Emotion without mind is self destructive.

There is no such thing as mind without emotion for one must pass through the world of emotion to develop mind.

There are those who suppress emotion, but the emotion is still there.


Are the heart energies connected with mind or emotion? Explain

The heart center is composed of twelve energy petals that slowly unfold as we evolve toward Spirit. Six are different types of love energy and six are differing types of wisdom energies.

These wisdom energies in connection with the two head centers are very much linked to mind and thought as well as spiritual feeling. Solomon talked about thinking in the heart and indeed he was teaching a profound realization.

Let us now seek greater understanding in differentiating between the thinker and the non thinker.


Is one who has graduated from college as an engineer likely to be a thinker?

Is one who has patented three inventions likely to be a thinker?

Is the author of a best selling book likely to be a thinker?

Is one who has started a new and unique business likely to be a thinker?

Which is most likely to be a thinker?

(a) A member of a dangerous cult.

(b) An outstanding member of an orthodox church.

Name an individual who you believe to be using mind.

Nov 15, 2000

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An Unruly Child

An Unruly Child

A child desired attention from his parents so he started leaving clever notes written on the refrigerator in crayon, thinking that his witty sayings would convince his parents of his beaming intelligence.

The parents saw this and smiled and were concerned, for the mother had to spend time cleaning the unwanted crayon marks off the door.

They sat the child down and said:

Your writings are very clever and we encourage you to write them elsewhere but please do not write on the refrigerator door any more for it causes us extra work to clean off the marks.

The child listened, but was not discouraged and wrote again upon the door.

The parents were aghast and brought the child to them and said.

“Did we not tell you to cease writing on the door for it causes us problems?”

The child smiled cleverly and said.

“But I did obey you. I did not write upon the door. Look and see – I printed my messages!”

The parents were incredulous and said:

“The printing causes the same problems for us as your handwriting so let us make ourselves clear. Please do not write with crayon on the door in either handwriting or printing. If you desire to write there is plenty of paper available and any family members who are interested can then read them.

The parents thought this would solve the problem but the child was not yet discouraged and wrote again upon the door.

The parents looked once more and were flabbergasted and scolded the child: “Did we not tell you to cease writing with crayon upon the door?”

The child smiled a clever smile and said. “Yes you did and I was obedient. Look again. I did not write with crayon, but used Magic Markers.”

Now the parents were becoming irritated with the child and said: “You are being willingly disobedient to the spirit of our commands. You will hereby cease from writing on the door or we will have to ban you from even touching the refrigerator.”

They thought that this would finally solve the problem but the next day they were unnerved at what they found on the door. There were about 20 pieces of paper with writing on them taped on the door. The mother did not like the mess they created and removed them and the parents one more time called forth the child and said to him:

“We know what you are going to say. You are going to say you are obedient because you did not write on the actual door but you wrote on paper that happened to be placed upon the door.”

“Yes, said the child. I was obedient. I did not write on the actual door.” Then the child started to cry and said, “I have tried again and again to be obedient and I am still not good enough. What do you want of me?”

Then the parents sought to teach the child that the spirit of cooperation is more important than strict obedience and told him that he could not touch the refrigerator door until he learned this lesson.

Note: This illustrates the importance of receiving the spirit of a communication as well as the literal wording. Hopefully this analogy makes a point to those who disregard the spirit of our one rule here which involves off topic posts.

Another Parable and More

I am amazed at all the lack of understanding on our simple rule of posting on topic. I thought that my parable the other day would help some see the simplicity of the cooperation that is called for here.

Let me give another parable.

There was a man proficient in Spanish and wanted to share his knowledge so he invited all who desired to learn this language to attend his class free of any charge. None were refused.

Several who attended the class were familiar with other languages and also desired to teach, but could not find enough students for a class and thought they would teach the students in the class their languages of preference.

While the teacher was yet handing out lessons one stood and started speaking ancient Hebrew. Then another stood and spoke Latin.

Few students showed much interest in these languages for they wanted to learn a practical one that they could speak in present time. Even so, the two students continued to interrupt the class attempting to teach languages with which they were familiar.

Instead of having the effect of enhanced learning, the only effect seemed to be a disturbance.

Student after student complained that they did not want to learn Hebrew or Latin and that the two students should go elsewhere if they insist on teaching something other than the curriculum.

The two students were incredulous and could not understand why two, three or even four languages could not be learned and discussed, and continued to force their will upon the group.

Up to this point the teacher was tolerant and made the best of an awkward situation, but he was faced with two problems.

The first were complaints from sincere students and the second was that many students became frustrated and left the class.

Finally the teacher had to implement hard and fast rules that caused the students to direct their attention to Spanish or leave the class and go elsewhere.

Those who refused to focus or honor the free will direction of the group were disgruntled and accused the teacher and the rest of the students as being dictators and narrow-minded, but when the dust settled there was peace and at last Spanish was taught, learned and spoken.

That said let us now go forward in a relaxed manner yet with an intent to learn the curriculum. There are many other classes as well as many free-for-alls available for those of a different bent who may find themselves out of place here.

A reader complains that I am ignoring her posts and wants an apology and explanation.

If it is important that I apologize for missing or bypassing comment on your posts I will. You say I should give a reason. I have done this and will do it again now.

It is at great sacrifice that I attempt to teach this class.

Outside of time out to eat, my business keeps me busy Monday through Friday from the time I get up around 9 AM to about 2 AM the next morning. Sometimes later than that. Then around 2-3 in the morning I finally have some free time which for the past couple years I have dedicated to writing for the group. I usually write until about 5 AM sometimes 6 AM.

I am not one of these people who thrive on little sleep and often I do miss things and make typos when I post. Even if I were to make no mistakes time makes it impossible for me to answer each post. I do study them all over each day and often sit back and write my comments from the memory of the general trend of the group’s writings. Other times when I may have a little more time I will search out quotes and comment on them. This takes extra time and I cannot do it as much as desired.

So come back and join with us as a valuable wanted needed member of the group.


I see a new member has concerns that he will not be welcome, apparently because of some of the friction we have had recently.

From my experience with this group and its members I have found them overall to be a fine bunch of individuals, yet indeed they are individuals. There are only three things members have done to make themselves unwelcome.

(1) Express rudeness with name calling and bad language.

This has been very rare as most are civil to each other.

(2) Disregard the fact that this course has a direction and curriculum that is the reason most people joined in the first place. If one Spams the group with unrelated material or seeks to post unrelated material and seeks to change the direction of the class, members tend to get a little testy. Members are allowed to post short interesting tidbits that are off topic if they label them OT. For long posts we advise them to refer us to a web page.

(3) Challenge every teaching I present with no apparent desire to learn from the class situation.

Now I personally do not mind this and have met every challenge that has been presented to me, but a challenging attitude is seen by most members as disruptive causing us to slow to a crawl as far as progressing through class discussions. Many also feel that these challenges often lead to an endless dialog, are very distracting and take us off course. I cannot blame them for thinking this

Some of our members also have old computers and printers and find it expensive to print out all these discussions they do not want to read.

Therefore, unless you see yourself in one of these three categories you will find yourself in very friendly territory.

Any sincere questions or disagreements are always welcome and rarely criticized by anyone.

But all must realize that the group and individuals are human and therefore, a certain amount of tolerance is called for.

The good and loving people should be the ones most determined to stay and assist in the triumph of the dominating good.

Nov 13-15, 2000

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Understanding Freedom

Understanding Freedom

After reading my views on freedom many who seek a better world with more cooperation, sharing, equality and brotherhood may ask:

If we do not use force to take from the rich and give to the poor, to make people treat others with equality, to force people to stop using hate words and use loving words instead – then how shall it be done?

The answer is: TEACHERS!

Do you think that when Christ comes again he will be the lone teacher here on the earth?

Far from it. To usher in the new age we will need thousands of teachers and many of them need to be here before he manifests again.

One of the most important things that will be taught will be the Principle of Freedom. The simple understanding of this is desperately needed throughout the world.

As the book of Revelation tells us the Beast has seven heads, and in addition to corresponding seven world kingdoms since the beginning of recorded history, it also is symbolized by seven divisions of mankind which are:

(1) Politics/government (2) education (3) military/enforcement agencies (4) the arts/entertainment (5) science/medicine (6) religion (7) business and organizations – lodges etc.

These also correspond to the Seven Rays and the Beast of authority does permeate each one of them.

However this Beast is not slain by changing these organizations, but by shifting the attention of the individual from the authorities on the outside to the authority of the Spirit within. A person can be a member of a benevolent church, business or organization and yet still mindlessly follow the authorities without.

The Beast is the mindless following of anything – good or bad in design. Even mindlessly following the words of Jesus in the Bible carries the mark of the Beast.

For more details of my teaching on this please read my first 100 posts where this concept is thoroughly explored. (Note: this is also covered in my book, The Unveiling)

Yes, there are problems with all of these organizations and if we solve these problems and inject more freedom of choice into their functioning then it will make the lives of those who have the mark of the Beast more enjoyable and provides an atmosphere where this mark can be removed.

However, as I am presenting the matter I am talking about business and government as existing on their own outside of the mark of the Beast. The Beast is not caused by anything “out there” but is created by the focus of the minds of the people. One can escape the mark of the Beast no matter how corrupt things are “out there.”

That said, there is a big difference between big business and big government in the wielding of power and that is this: In the United States, for instance, business as a whole is split into millions of divisions. In turn big business is divided into thousands of larger divisions. Among these divisions there is fierce competition one with another which aids in better service and lower prices.

On the other hand, the federal government is only one entity. Now some may argue that there are three divisions within it, but there are also three or more divisions with each big business so for the sake of correspondences the government is like one big business having a monopoly within its sphere with no competition allowed.

The government’s position of power is far far removed from the power of any one big business, with perhaps the exception of the Federal Reserve, which is rarely open to criticism. But then the Federal Reserve (which is a private business) has its power because of the endorsement and grants from the federal government – so again government and not business is to blame here.

To blame big business for our ills is like blaming groups of people. The people are composed of many individuals, good and bad. As a whole we could point our fingers at this wholeness and blame our problems on humanity. So what should we do? Take away the freedom of individuals to choose good and evil so all humanity as a whole will do no wrong?

God forbid.

Even so, business is made up of thousands of entities who in turn are made of millions of people, some good and some not so good. Should we take away the power of businesses to choose between good and evil so none can dare offend us?

God forbid.

If freedom is allowed to flow through individual entities, corporate entities, and group entities then water will reach its own level and the end will be good even though there are problems in the middle.

Government does have a purpose and that is to protect freedom and the purpose of any law or restriction should have an end product that the freedom of the majority is enhanced. But, at present, all governments gravitate toward greater and greater restrictions and force, where the majority is not served, thus causing the minorities to eventually be not served also.

We speak of the advantages that big business has over small business. I have been a small businessman most of my life and I have never, not once, suffered an injustice from a big business. I could probably imagine one, but in fairness I cannot think of one.

I am presently in the sign business. The big national sign businesses in our area are Signs Now and Fast Signs.

What are their advantages over my wife and I?

National names

National Advertising

More money to run TV ads, big yellow page ads

Closer ties to government bids and contractors.

So, does this destroy the little me?


These local franchisers had to invest over $100,000 to start their business.

We had to invest about $5,000 to provide the same service.

They hire employees that cost not only salaries, but other expenses due to government regulation.

We have no employees.

Consequently we have a big advantage over Big Sign.

We can provide a quality product (usually better than Big Sign) for a lower price.

Consequently we rarely advertise any more because we keep as busy as we can be. Sometimes we wish customers would go away.

If there were not so many problems created by government in hiring employees we would take a stronger look at expanding, but this has put on hold because our expansion interests are now in the direction of publishing.

Bottom line: Is anyone here in Boise forced to go to Big Sign instead of us?


Before this business I was in real estate. I chose not to go into big real estate such as Century 21. Instead I started out working for a small broker with only two agents that made a deal with me for a 90% commission split if I helped pay office expense. Now if I worked for Century 21 I would have only received a 50% commission split.

People entering real estate are advised to have enough money to live on for six months. When I entered I had enough to live on for two weeks, but I went to work and sold and closed a house within the two weeks and I was off and running. By the third month I sold seven homes in a 30 day period. I could have never done this working for Century 21 for they did not allow me the freedom I needed to work creatively. As it was my broker did not care what I did as long as it was legal and I attribute my quick start to this freedom.

I have also worked in advertising and found similar benefits to being the small guy over the big guy. On the other hand if I decide I want to be the big business instead of the small I have the right to go for it, but I can tell you this. I greatly admire successful businesspeople bigger than myself for the chances they have taken to get where they are. There is great risk involved in expanding a business (which I know from experience) and whoever succeeds by following the rules certainly deserves what they receive.

I have been a traveling salesman and sold in about half the states in this country and talked face to face with over 20,000 small businesspeople from New York to Ohio, to Missouri to New Mexico to California to just about every city in the Northwest. And what do they complain about?

Let me tell you what affects them is much different than you hear on the filtered media or the political organizations who are supposed to serve them

I can’t even remember an instance of a single complaint about some big business creating a problem for them. Not even service stations. More often than this they will complain about some other small business down the street causing a problem. They realize that a big business could move in and hurt them, but most seem to accept that possibility.

And what is their major complaint?

Far above anything else is government interference, over regulation and taxation. You have no idea how much happier most of them would be if they could just work in freedom with big brother not being part of their every day problems.

The key to the greatest freedom for the greatest number lies not in going to the extreme on either side, but following common sense and good judgment. Government has its place in making laws and regulations, but because legislators see this as their job description they think they are doing a good job when they give us most any law or regulation, even a bad one. They need to see their job as only giving us what we need instead of something that makes it seem they are doing something.

Both big and small business make their share of mistakes but overall they do better when they have minimal interference. There are times the government should step in, but this should happen only when it is seen as necessary by the majority of the people.

Nov 11, 2000

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