Discerning Spiritual Energies

Discerning Spiritual Energies

A member told a story about a spiritual group who sent light and love to a member who was having marital problems. At this same time she sent out the thought that she wished her husband were dead. At that same moment he had a car accident and died. He figured therefore that the spiritual group was responsible for the tragedy.

Most of the members disagreed and seemed to believe that the thoughts of the group had little or no effect on the guy killed. I tend to take the middle ground here.

It is true that other people’s thoughts and feelings do have an influence on us, more subtle than actions, but effects nevertheless. Powerful negative emotion tends to send the effect with a lot more force than mere thinking does.

Even so, the guy did not have to have an accident. He evidently picked up the energy, but it was his fault he allowed himself to be distracted. If a guy has an accident because he looks at a pretty girl the accident is still his fault. The pretty girl was a distraction it is true, but she did not force his hand in driving into the other car.

I have picked up negative thoughts and emotions many times in my life and have discovered that when this happens I must pay particular attention to avoid accidents.

Another interesting note is that when another person is angry at me I can see his or her negative energy in my aura even though I am at peace with myself. When this happens I find that saying the Song and some OMS helps to dispel the negativity.

In my last post I talked about the dark mantras and the guy who related the story seems to think that any implanted thought comes from our subconscious.

Actually the accident goes against this idea. The reader seems to think that the guy who had the accident did not do so because of his own negative thoughts, but because of an impression received from other beings. If such an impression can come from mere normal humans then the advanced Dark Brothers or the Brotherhood of Light surely has even greater power to send impressions.

Do the two Brotherhoods just sit around all day and ponder their navels and ignore humanity???

No neither of them ignore us, but have a great deal invested in the human kingdom and are in opposing struggles to influence us.

There are numerous types of communications beyond the normal physical and as the disciple develops soul contact he learns to distinguish between their various vibrations. Let us name several.

(1) Communication from the astral or emotional body.

Many beginners believe this is soul contact because it may be the highest they have yet received. Most people take the highest they have received and see it as God talking to them. Unfortunately, the information received from the astral is wrong about 90% of the time. Many of those who have swallowed the prophesies of doom that never happened rely heavily on the astral.

(2) The Higher mind.

This is like a great computer and delivers much more accurate information than does the emotional body, but it will be wrong about a third of the time without soul contact.

(3) The soul and higher worlds. Even though there are differentiations here we will group all these higher contacts as “soul contact” for the soul is the doorway to all higher contact.

The soul only recognizes that which is true and does not even see error. Therefore the soul only vibrates when truth is spoken or presented. When a truth is spoken and it just seems to “ring true” that can be a soul confirmation if the seeker has moved beyond the emotional influences.

(4) A Master or Higher Life sending you a communication through the soul.

Receiving this is very much like receiving impressions from your Higher Self through the soul for to accurately receive either of them one must look within. But even though one looks within and receives a communication from a Master through the soul, the actual communication originated from without and there will be a different vibration to it than an impression from your Higher Self, or Solar Angel. The vibration from your own soul will be extremely consistent, but if you get a communication from two different Masters you will note two different vibrations or signatures. Just like each of us has a different face even so does each living entity have a differing vibration that has a different feel to it and the disciple can learn to recognize them.

(5) An astral entity communicating through the astral body. Most channeling is done this way and is not very accurate unless the mind of the receiver is well developed.

(6) A Dark Brother or one of their associates.

Whereas the receiving point for communication from a Master originates in the innermost core of your being the reception area for the Dark Ones is in your outer aura.

The Brothers of Light first penetrate to the core and vibrate outward filling your whole being with light, but the Dark Ones first penetrate the outer periphery of your being and attempt to work toward the core until the darkness hides the inner light.

You will know for sure you have soul contact when you can tell the difference in vibration in these six different areas. Soul contact begins when the seeker learns the difference between emotional contact and soul contact.

May 8, 2000

Copyright by J J Dewey

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