Brexit and the New Age

April 3, 2019

Brexit and the New Age

Esoteric and new age students of today suffer a similar illusion as did the Christians in attempting to promote their ideals in past ages. Early Christians thought that if a little of good ideal was good then more was better and any movement toward the ideal was good no matter how it was achieved. Consequently, when their ideas began to dominate after Constantine they felt that expansion, even at the point of the sword and slavery, was a good thing. Snuffing out competing ideologies like Mithraism, teachings of Apollonius, Manichaeaism, banned books and all forms of gnosticism were seen as victories. Then, when the Conquistadors went to the Americas they forced the natives to accept their ideal religion or die. The means to the end seemed worth it as the ideals of the kingdom of God embraced were taken from the teachings of the greatest of us all, the Christ.

Now in this age we have a higher octave of ideals set before us in the Ancient Wisdom, particularly in the teachings of Alice A. Bailey and DK. The question is this: Are the mistakes of the past being repeated? If a little is good is more always better and is any means justified in advancing the ideal, even the taking away freedom of choice?

The teachings emphasize sharing and the rejection of materialism. Does this mean that the ideals of socialism and communism should be accepted, even at the point of the sword to loss of freedom?

Some are all in and even feel that totalitarianism is a price worth paying, despite DK’s obvious teachings on the importance of allowing for maximum free will.

Others are supportive but by lesser degrees. These reject totalitarian communism but support social ideals that infringe on free will, but are not totalitarian as of yet.

Yes, sharing and cooperation are important ideals for the new age, but they must be accomplished, not by force, but through processes that do not infringe on the freewill of the people as a whole. Here are three quotes from DK on the importance of freedom:

“Leave people free in all respects—with the freedom that you demand and expect for yourself.” Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 1, Page 427

“It is a law that human freedom may not be infringed. The staging of the Plan and its working out is, in the last analysis, an entirely human affair, once it has reached the stage of precipitation. It is dependent upon the responsiveness of human brains, and their recognition of need and its sources. This is a point which should be remembered.” Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 2, Page 362

“Like everything else that happens upon the subjective plane of human living, a major distortion of the process and of the new technique will appear in some form or other in human affairs and constitute a great obstruction (apparently and temporarily) to human progress. It will be in the nature of a sidetrack and a glamour, brought into impelling and compelling use by the enemies of humanity and by those who work constantly against the Forces of Light. Today, this distortion can be seen demonstrating in all totalitarian countries; the individual is not free and his fusion with the state and his progress as a state-absorbed entity—deprived of the right of free choice and forced through fear and penalty to relinquish his own self-directed life—is a growing menace to mankind.” Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 2, Page 353

We all acknowledge that more sharing and cooperation is good as long as it is accomplished without infringing upon free will, otherwise the warning from DK would apply:

“Socialism can degenerate into another form of totalitarianism.” Rays and Initiations, Page 747

Thus all rational people can see that sharing and cooperation is good when tempered by free will but if done at the point of the sword then the end result is no more virtuous than that achieved by the Conquistadors with the native Americans.

AAB students have the same problem with the United Nations. DK spoke of the importance of cooperation among the nations and had high hopes for the U.N. Consequently many students support the United Nations with no reservations with a black and white attitude as if it can do no wrong. Whatever they do should be supported. They overlook DK’s warning:

“The United Nations is still the hope of the world and can remain so; it is a great field of experimentation, but is suffering today from an initial error. That error was the admitting of a totalitarian Power into its nations. For seven long and terrible years the Forces of Light had been fighting totalitarianism. In the early days of the post-war period the Nations compromised with principles and admitted Russia to the United Nations. Had they proceeded to unite all the other nations of the world on the sure ground of economic reform, of needed national reorganisation and of regional groups, Russia would have been forced to conform, for her very existence would have been at stake. An initial error can lead to much trouble, and it is this type of trouble which the United Nations today faces.” Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Page 640 – April 1948

Since this time, instead of putting pressure on totalitarian regimes, we have admitted more of them and are still faced with having to incorporate them instead of pressuring them toward freedom.

Again the wise student will judge the work of the U.N. through the lens of progress toward freedom and cooperation rather throwing them mindless support.

A current problem that concerns students is the issue of Brexit where the people of the UK voted to exit the European Union. Most esoteric students and those who embrace new age teachings are against Brexit and think that the UK should stay in the union, even if the majority of the people are against it. There are even groups getting together supporting meditation to influence the end result of the EU staying intact.

Why is such a high percentage of students taking this approach? Basically, it is because of the black and white unthinking approach to the ideal set forth by DK. He speaks of a future where nations will be more inclusive, cooperative and united, have loose borders and not require passports – where they will join in cooperative efforts, yet still maintain their national identity. The end result will be a fairly united one world where nations still maintain their individual identity yet cooperate together as if they are a part of the one world. This will not happen overnight but evolve over time.

Because a cooperative union is a desired goal the black and white student will tend to support any step toward union without doing any analysis of its ultimate good, or consider the free will of the people involved.

Students often forget that no good ideal is worth the sacrificing of the free will of the human spirit. This must be preserved at all costs.

Let us look at the old Soviet Union, for example. This was a union of nations which was at first supported by many esoteric students, but most finally conceded that the cost of human freedom was too great and the break up of the forced union was a good thing.

Now, through the European Union, humanity is witnessing another union of nations. Unlike the Soviet Union this one has taken place through the free will joining of the various nations. Thus, this initial union was in harmony with the principle of free will. But then the people of the UK saw the central authority of the EU became too intrusive and the benefits too few so they had a vote and the majority of the people d decided to exit the union. The vote was 52% for Brexit with 48% wanting to stay in the union.

If we then honor the free will of the people there should be no problem supporting the will of the majority. After all, if an organization is drifting toward to much central authority then it makes sense to question the value and withdraw while withdrawal is still possible.

What do you suppose DK would say about this political situation if he were to speak today to the most enlightened of the people who he called the New Group of World Servers? To get an idea let us see what the said in the past:

“They are occupied with the task of inaugurating the new world order by forming throughout the world—in every nation, city and town,—a grouping of people who belong to no party, take no sides either for or against, but who have as clear and definite a platform and as practical a programme as any other single party in the world today. They take their stand upon the essential divinity of man; their programme is founded upon good will, because it is a basic human characteristic.” Esoteric Psychology, Vol 2, Page 637

So here he tells us that these true servants of humanity will “take no sides either for or against” in partisan conflicts but instead “stand upon the essential divinity of man.” In other words, the divinity that is in humanity will eventually prevail – leading us in the right direction, but “Divinity, however, awaits the expression of man’s free will”. Reappearance of the Christ, Page 164

So, think about it. Why did he stress that the NGWS take no sides?

The reason is simple. The main goal of the NGWS is to promote goodwill among humanity for that is the key to solving the most serious problems on the planet and establishing peace on earth. If the servers therefore openly take sides and promote an issue that is opposed by half the people or more then what chance do they have in creating goodwill among that opposed half?

In fact, more than half, 52% of the people voted for Brexit. Therefore, if NGWS take a side against that 52% what chance have they of establishing goodwill among them by showing trust in their divinity that “awaits the expression of man’s free will”?

Instead, what have we? The 52% are looked upon as unenlightened near-do-wells who need to be corrected by the elite who know what’s good for them.

Do you suppose that there are no enlightened among those 52% who support Brexit? Who is to say that there are not more among the ranks of the NGWS among the pro Brexit as the anti Brexit?

How would the NGWS expect to establish goodwill among the 52% of the pro Brexit voters if they openly oppose their legal and democratic majority vote? After all, DK tells us that the NGWS and people of goodwill will be found in every religion and every political party.

At this point one may ask what are the principles involved that cause the Hierarchy to take a stand for or against a position? Unrealized by many students is the fact that they rarely take a stand. Normally, in a conflict they let both sides duke it out and merely work with the divinity in those of both sides with the idea that there will be progress toward good in the end. (See Externalization of the Hierarchy, Pages 475-477). The conflict of World War II was the exception. Here is his reasoning:

“On the basis of these distinctions, it is surely apparent that God is on the side of the allied nations, for it cannot be supposed that Christ is on the side of Hitler and the rule of cruel aggression. The spiritual Hierarchy of the planet is throwing the weight of its strength against the Axis powers just in so far as the spiritually minded peoples of the world can collaborate, for there can be no coercion of man’s free will.” Externalization of the Hierarchy, Page 187

Free will, not a forced union, is the deciding factor and the only one that causes the Hierarchy to take a side. Otherwise, disciples are advised to merely work with the divinity that is in us human beings, for once that spark is lit, goodwill will manifest and we will naturally be headed the right direction. When we therefore look at the Bexit situation we see that 52% of the people of the UK have chosen it of their own free will and this needs to be honored whether we personally agree with the decision or not. The key of wisdom here is that free will decisions will come from the divinity which is in humanity and we should trust that free will to eventually take us to a positive conclusion.

“The democracies, with all their present ineffectiveness, have in them the germ of that which is truly new, for they are the expression of an upward surging towards self-rule and self-mastery by humanity as a whole.” Externalization of the Hierarchy, Page 199

“The will of the people will then be seen in the light. It is in this connection that Great Britain will emerge into renewed activity for her personality ray and India’s soul ray are the same” (Ray One). Esoteric Psychology Vol I, Page 53

I can sympathize with those who want a united and effective European Union. It would be great if such a union were a great benefit but DK says, “Cooperative unity differs from an enforced unity in that the subjective spirit and the objective form are functioning towards one recognised end. Today, such a thing as a true democracy is unknown, and the mass of the people in the democratic countries are as much at the mercy of the politicians.” Externalization of the Hierarchy, Page 52

The key statement here is that “Cooperative unity differs from an enforced unity.” If the majority of the UK are voting against the uno then overriding that by the elite creates “an enforced unity.”

DK further States this:

“Still another reply, upon which I would ask you to ponder, is that Christ and the spiritual Hierarchy never—no matter what the incentive may be—infringe upon the divine right of humanity to achieve freedom by fighting for freedom, individually, nationally and internationally. When true freedom covers the earth, we shall see the end of tyranny, politically and religiously. I refer here not to modern democracy, which is at present a philosophy of wishful thinking, but to that state of the realm in which the people themselves will rule; these people will not tolerate authoritarianism in any church, or totalitarianism in any political system or government; they will not accept or permit the rule of any body of men who undertake to tell them what they must believe in order to be saved, or what government they must accept. Externalization of the Hierarchy, Pages 617-618

He always gives freedom the greatest weight, above unity, sharing or any other virtuous endeavor. Only in an atmosphere of freedom will ideals materialize into the dominating good. Disciples must not give into the temptation to attempt to speed the process by the exercise of undo force.

I’ll end this treatise with a digest of goals DK set forth for The New Group of World Servers:

“No word must be spoken or written which could be construed as evidencing partisanship, or as an attack upon any ruler, any form of government, or any national activity. ‘Hatred ceaseth not by hatred; hatred ceaseth by love.’

“Nothing must be published in any pamphlet, newspaper, circular or letter which could evoke antagonism from any government, any political party, any economic strategist, or any religious organisation. ONLY PRINCIPLES OF UNIVERSAL APPLICATION MUST BE EXPRESSED, AND NO PARTISANSHIP IS PERMITTED.

“Members of the New Group of World Servers are never to identify themselves with any political, religious or social propaganda. Such propaganda is separative in its effects, and breeds divisions and hatreds.”

Esoteric Psychology, Vol 2, Pages 680-682

The New Group of World Servers “constitute a third group or ‘middle party’ (to borrow a phrase from the field of politics) between those who are fighting for, and those who are fighting against, any group, religious organisation, political affiliation or form of government.” Esoteric Psychology, Vol 2, Page 676

The only exception to this. as noted earlier, is if the Principle of Freedom is at stake, for there can be no progress toward the light without it.

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Inspired Works


Inspired Works

Our Mormon friend writes:

“The core reason I don’t run away from you and your list when things like this come up is because of your stance on agency or “decision” as being the core principle. I believe the best definition of good or evil must be intricately tied to whether or not something increases one’s ability to choose or diminishes it.”

JJ: I am extremely pleased you have stayed with us so far. Few realize the hurdles that one must cross when he comes from a strict religion that his life and lifetime has been dedicated toward.

Most of the people in this group have not come from a past that was dedicated to a structured religion and probably do not appreciate your struggle.

Let us imagine presenting some of the teachings we have discussed to a Catholic priest, a Seventh Day Adventist minister, A Televangelist, a Jewish Rabbi, a Jehovah’s Witness. etc.

Now many who see a greater light may look at these people with some contempt and feel that they deserve the darkness they are in, yet there are many loving sincere truth seeking people caught in dead works from which they cannot escape. Many of these people are potential lights that are trapped in prison and their iron bars are the rules set by their established religions. The frowns of their elders on outside teachings are locks that keep the prison doors shut.

Now you, being a Mormon are one of the few within highly structured religion who is taking a look outside. Most who look outside and see something unsettling, like the word Lucifer used in a positive light, will tremble with fear and retreat again behind the prison doors, no questions asked.

One of the problems you may have is that some of the group that you teach may think you are in league with the devil as you relate some these teachings to them. Hopefully you have prepared them well.

Both Blavatsky and Alice A. bailey are difficult reading and many read a few pages and quit.

The Master Djwhal Khul who was one of the three wise Magi from the East and currently works in association with the Christ was the main source of knowledge for both of them.

The works of Alice A. Bailey are superior to Blavatsky for several reasons. First because they are a later revelation and secondly because they are the actual words and thoughts of a Master in an higher state.

Blavatsky received many teachings from the Brotherhood but put them all down in her own words and mixed many of them with her own ideas and thoughts. There is therefore, much truth in what she writes but they must be read in the light of the soul to make sure the truth is discerned.

Alice A. Bailey’s writings are so accurate that my soul almost gets lazy when I read them. Seldom has a red flag gone up as I have plowed through the books.

There is a strong correlation between Alice A. Bailey and Joseph Smith. Joseph was tutored by a teacher who had overcome death and appeared to him in a physical body. He was told that he would meet with the messenger periodically until the time of his mission.

Even so Alice A Bailey received her first contact with a Master in a physical body at the age of 15. One named Koot Hoomi appeared to her and told her of a mission she had, but first there would be a time of preparation.

Just as all the revelations of Joseph Smith were given in full consciousness so were the writings of Alice A. Bailey. Outside of the Spirit of Truth, the greatest witness to her work is to read a book she wrote on her own and then read one that was dictated to her by Djwhal Khul. On an intellectual basis alone one can see they were written by two different people. – one a reasonably intelligent disciple and the other a Master of Wisdom.

And concerning free will. Yes the dividing difference between the Brotherhood of Light and the Dark is free will. This is the point where the great struggle lies. Bailey and Blavatsky definitely teach in this direction. I personally would not support an angel from heaven if he taught otherwise.

For your first book I would suggest A Treatise on White Magic. Keep in mind here that a white magician is one like the Christ. When you begin reading this I would advise that you force yourself to read the first 100 pages. After you get that far you will be hooked.

As you begin reading either Bailey or Blavatsky it is a good idea to use a metaphysical glossary. There is an extensive one for free at: LINK



I received a   question as   to whether Jesus actually sweated blood as described in Luke 22:44 which reads, “his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling to the ground”.

Why would the word “blood” be used in connection with “sweat” here unless

blood was involved?

If we translate this verse correctly we have additional evidence that

something like sweating blood occurred. The word “drops” comes from the

Greek THROMBOS which literally means “clot,” another word associated with


The literal translation is: “his sweat became as great clots of blood.”

In the Gospel of the Nazirenes, taken from the oldest Christian manuscripts on earth we read:

“And being in agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as if it were great drops of blood falling to the earth.” Chapter 77 verse10

The Aquarian Gospel also verifies this. It reads: “In agony he prayed; the strain upon the human form was great; his veins were burst asunder, and his brow was bathed in blood.” AG 163:50

In the Book of Mormon we read:

And lo, he shall suffer temptations, and pain of body, hunger, thirst, and fatigue, even more than man can suffer, except it be unto death; for behold, blood cometh from every pore, so great shall be his anguish for the wickedness and the abominations of his people. Mosiah 3:7

In the writings of H P Blavatsky who had direct contact with the Brotherhood we read:

“They make it clear that he would rather have lived to continue what he considered his mission, and that he died because he could not help it, and only when betrayed. Before, when threatened with violence, he had made himself invisible by employing the mesmeric power over the bystanders, claimed by every Eastern adept, and escaped. When, finally, he saw that his time had come, he succumbed to the inevitable. But see him in the garden, on the Mount of Olives, writhing in agony until “his sweat was, as it were, great drops of blood,” praying with fervid supplication that the cup might be removed from him; exhausted by his struggle to such a degree that an angel from heaven had to come and strengthen him.” Isis Unveiled, Vol 2, Page 545

All indications here is that Jesus was under tremendous stress that at least caused an appearance of sweating blood.

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Morning Stars


Morning Stars

A Mormon reader asked me to elaborate on the Bailey teachings linked to Lucifer.

Since he is from a Mormon background he might be interested in knowing that Joseph Smith has been criticized for a similar reason.

He was a Master Mason and within some of the inner Masonic teachings Lucifer is presented in a positive light.

Not only that, but the Bible itself uses the name in a positive light. Here are some words from none other than Peter:

“We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts.” II Peter 1:19

The words “day star” is taken from the Greek word for Lucifer which is PHOSPHOROS.

Now let us retranslate:

“We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and Lucifer arise in your hearts.”

If Lucifer refers to the devil himself maybe the Christian world should burn their Bibles.

Another variation of Lucifer is Morning star. Note the actual promise of Jesus to the faithful:

“And I will give him the morning star.” Rev 2:28

Evidently Jesus will give us the power of Lucifer.

Even more shocking Jesus calls himself a Lucifer:

“I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.” Rev 22:16

Let us retranslate this:

“I am the root and the offspring of David, and Lucifer.” Rev 22:16

Morning Star is only translated as Lucifer once in most Bibles as follows:

“How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! [how] art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north.” Isaiah 14:12-13

Even here most Bible scholars believe Lucifer refers to the king of Babylon which was addressed by Isaiah. Nevertheless, Isaiah often spoke with dual meaning and this has a definite correspondence to a fallen being.

Lucifer is a Roman word applied to the Hebrew HEYLEL and the GREEK PHOSPHOROS which literally means “One who brings or carries forth light.” It could also be translated as “one who is able to hold light.”

Now let us see what the Mormon scriptures tell us about this name. Outside of Isaiah the name is only used once here:

“And this we saw also, and bear record, that an angel of God who was in authority in the presence of God, who rebelled against the Only Begotten Son whom the Father loved and who was in the bosom of the Father, was thrust down from the presence of God and the Son.

“And was called Perdition, for the heavens wept over him–he was Lucifer, a son of the morning. And we beheld, and lo, he is fallen! is fallen, even a son of the morning!” D&C 76:25-27

Notice her that Lucifer was “a” son of the Morning, NOT “the” Son of the Morning.”

Also notice that it says he “was” Lucifer not “is.”

He is fallen and no longer can be called a “Son of the Morning.”

What is a son of the morning?

It is a being who was with God at the beginning, or morning, of time as we know it.

The name, Lucifer, which refers to a son of the morning, is not the name of one evil being, but is a reference to pristine and holy ancient beings who were conscious creators before this earth rolled into existence.

Here is another reference to the Lucifers:

“Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding. Who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou knowest? or who hath stretched the line upon it? Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? or who laid the corner stone thereof; When the morning stars (Lucifers) sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?” Job 38:4-7

Now here is a thought. If the Lucifer that fell lost his status and there is more than one Lucifer (or bringer of light) – that means there may be some good ones out there somewhere.

Lucifer also refers to Venus and for good reason. It has been called the bright and Morning star for thousands of years. When it is visible it will often be the only star (or planet) to be seen in the early morning light.

Brigham Young made the interesting statement that the first man (the first Adam) came from another planet and that he had already passed through human existence and had overcome all things and became exalted. After he came here he took upon himself mortality to father the race of mankind.

Then he also made the statement that Adam was our God, “the only God with whom we have to do.”

This harmonizes well with the writings of Bailey and Blavatsky who also teach that the first man came from another planet. They tell us that the Ancient of Days, Sanat Kumara, came here from Venus (the morning star) 23 million years ago.

They also teach that he once lived as a mortal man like ourselves in another system eons ago and came here to be a father and God to the human race.

When the ancient of days came here he arrived with a number of morning stars called Kumaras. Here is Alice A. baileys writings about the one who we call the fallen Lucifer:

“In every grouping,-whether in heaven or on earth-there is always evidenced a tendency by some units in the group to revolt, to rebel and to show some form of initiative different to that of the other units in the same grouping. When our solar universe came into being, we are told in the allegorical language of the ancient scriptures, there “was war in Heaven”; “the sun and his seven brothers” did not function with true unanimity; hence (and herein lies a hint) our Earth is not one of the seven sacred planets. There is, as we know, the ancient legend of the lost Pleiade, and there are many such stories.

“Again, in the council chamber of the Most High, there has not always been peace and understanding, but at times, war and disruption; this is made abundantly clear by several of the stories in the Old Testament. Symbolically speaking, some of the sons of God fell from their high estate, led, at one time, by “Lucifer, Son of the Morning”. This “fall of the angels” was a tremendous event in the history of our planet, but was nevertheless only a passing and interesting phenomenon in the history of the solar system, and a trifling incident in the affairs of the seven constellations, of which our solar system is but one. Pause and consider this statement for a moment, and so readjust your sense of values. The standard of happenings varies in importance according to the angle of vision, and what (from the angle of our Earth’s unfoldment in consciousness) may be a factor of prime importance and of determining value may (from the angle of the universe) be of trifling moment.” Esoteric Psychology, Vol 1, Page 394

Because the name Lucifer is now so rigidly associated with evil instead of light few dare use the term openly, but originally Lucifer was a glorious title.

Even now it is a glorious thing to bring light to others. This principle is behind the entire concept of salvation as we covered earlier.

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