Mind Stuff


Mind Stuff

A reader says:

“Separateness is created by human mind. Separation then does not exist but in the human mind. It does not exist in reality. Time, space and motion are projections of our mind. All mental projections or thoughts still remain in the mental consciousness despite our belief that they exist out there. All our beliefs are illusion in which we live our lives as personalities unless we are aware of of that which we do with our mind.”

Maybe I should give this philosophy a try. Let me get this straight. My mind has created duality which includes space, time, form etc. Thus I take it that, since my mind created all of this, that it can also undo it.

Let me give this a try. I am typing on many keys, but my mind is playing a trick on me. Stop it mind! Ah, yes. Now I am only typing on one key. This is much easier. I think I am writing to many people, but this is another trick of my mind. OK mind, stop it. Let me see the oneness. Wow. It’s working. Paul just disappeared! Whoops, there goes Ed and Zia, Rob, Glenys, Rick. Man look at them go. I never realized that you guys were just a part of my mind. You’re all gone now except for Xavier. Man is he putting up a fight, but he’s finally starting to fade.

This is kind of disappointing. All this time I thought I was writing to a group; now I have only myself to write to with only one key.

Now I look around me. There is still a lot of tricky duality present. OK mind turn off the rest of this illusion. There goes my TV, my phone, my computer and now my chair – whoops, that hurt. I’ll make the floor go next and now my house. Now I’m just standing on the ground looking at the sky and my wife is angry at me for making this happen. I forgot about her. There she goes. Now she’s gone there will be no more complaints from her.

Now there’s still the earth and the rest of the universe. These are more than one so my mind must have created them too. Earth, disappear.

WOW!!! This is weird. I’m just a dualistic body floating in space. I’m on a roll though so I think I’ll see where this leads me. Some say it’s supposed to be eternal bliss.

OK stars and sun you’re next!

WOW again!!!

I’m just floating in a void. Feels weird, but not blissful yet. I’ve still got the duality of my body. That is next. Now it’s really weird. There’s just the duality of my mind and the void. If I make my mind go then I will finally be One in the void, but with no mind with creative power I will not be able to come back. That’s scary

Which is going to go? My mind essence or the void?

Wait! Am I crazy? Do I want to be reduced to the nothingness of a void just to be one? No way. Mind get busy and create everything again just as it was.

And it came to pass that JJ created the heavens and the earth.

So good to be back. Now I’ve got more than one key for typing I can tell you this experience. Enjoy.


Concerning the I AM BECOMING, vs I AM I will say this. The early Hebrews wrote for intuitive interpretation more than is the case with modern languages. This is why even scholars cannot agree on the translation of many phrases.

The translation in The Immortal was I AM BECOMING THAT WHICH I DECIDE TO BECOME. The word “decide” was not in that original phrase, but many of the early Hebrews received the correct meaning through intuition, something scholars do not use, but the I AM BECOMING wording is compatible with 20th century scholarship.

The name of God was written without the vowels for the same reason. They were filled in through the intuition and when the intuition was lost the name of God was lost with it.

Between Consciousness Attention and Decision, Decision was the first to manifest, but then was sustained by the triangular energies of the three. The first decision that caused us to manifest as entities was “to be or not to be.”

The first decision was a little like throwing the dice, which created the impulse to be. This impulse pulsated around the first duality which was the possibility of becoming vs. not becoming or eternal pralaya.

The fact that we exist or that God or anything exists is the greatest miracle of all and boggles the mind of the highest initiate.

Our latest discussion on simple things like heroes and the fact that it is difficult to reach harmony on even something so outrageous as to whether Hitler was a hero or not demonstrates the difficulty in reaching oneness as the molecule demands. If we cannot all agree that Hitler was not a hero how will be able to agree on the things of the Spirit?

I led us up to the most outrageous item I could think of to see if there would still be disagreement and there was. It did not matter what item I picked.

Here were other possibilities that I could have used?

Would it be a good thing if a doomsday bomb destroyed half the earth tomorrow?

How about all the earth?

Is torturing animals for medical advance a good thing?

Was Tim McVey really a good guy? Was he a hero as the Oklahoma City bomber?

I started with drug addiction, but it wouldn’t matter what I asked. A first grade class would probably be unified on the answers, but not us.

We’ve got to not let too much knowledge confuse us. Of course, we all realize that good comes out of evil, but that does not make evil good, it only makes the overall plan good.

Jesus said: “Offenses must come but woe to him by whom they come.”

In other words, evil will come, but don’t let yourself be the agent of it or you’ll regret it.

The only path to achieve oneness is to reach the soul together as a group. Only by doing this and being willing to listen to the inner voice will oneness be achieved.

Let us sing the Song and renew our attempts at oneness through the soul.


There are many more correspondences to Brigham Young and Solomon.

The book – Secret Places of the Lion points out two interesting ones. Solomon built the temple “without the sound of a hammer” and Brigham also built the Mormon tabernacle without the sound of a hammer because he had no nails at the time.

He also built a good portion of the Salt Lake temple without a hammer.

Lions are often mentioned in relation to Solomon and had statues of them in the temple. Brigham was also associated with lions. His house was called the “Lion House” and the members called him the lion of the Lord.

Brigham loved Riddles and so did Solomon.

If you read his writings and then read the Proverbs of Solomon in the Bible you will pick up a similar intelligence and vibration.

Keith is right. Disciples and initiates often do make mistakes, sometimes big ones as did Count Alessandro Cagliostro. One of the differences between them and ordinary humans is that they move forward into action at the risk of making mistakes. If one’s heart is pure there is no need to worry. When the mistakes are revealed they will be corrected.

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The Food Chain

The Food Chain

Paula expressed concern about people who are cruel to animals as well as human beings.

It is certainly true that cruel people are hard to stomach. One of the worst punishments we can give them is to not associate with them. If cruel people only have other cruel people for friends then they may be pressured into reform to move into better company.

You took a step in the right direction by confronting people cruel to animals. If everyone did that, cruelty would soon diminish in the human race.

Do you forgive these people? Forgiveness is really for our benefit and here is how I deal with cruel people. I just see them as people of limited consciousness that do not know any better. Do we forgive a cat for tantalizing a mouse before he eats it? No, there is nothing to forgive because that is just the way it is with a cat and if you want to keep your pet rat or bird safe you must keep them away from the cat. Having negative feelings toward the cruel person, the cat or any other living thing is a waste of energy. Instead do everything in your power to be harmless and spread harmlessness.

Even though one should forgive all people that does not mean you have to associate with them or accept them into your life.

Jesus forgave the Jews who crucified him yet he also chased them out of the temple in anger partially for their cruelty to animals.

Along this line a lurker wrote me the following question:

“If you wouldn’t mind, I do have a problem/question that I would like to ask you and hopefully you will have an answer to it. I look to the universe and I do see the order, the design, the plan that manifest throughout nature and believe that this indeed is testimony of a Loving Creator. However, I will never understand how this “Loving Creator” could of ever ever come up with the food chain! It seems to be blasphemy to design with love other to implant the need to devour life. Often this is carried out in the cruelest of manner as one species feeds of another and on and on and on. WHY??? I have great difficulty with this entire concept and someday God has a lot of explaining to do.”

JJ: Interesting question. Man is indeed cruel to man, but the animals eating and hunting each other on the food chain is indeed a fierce thing. Something I think is even worse is the hunger and cold they have to go through during winter months in the wilderness.

Animals have an advantage over humans for living in this hunting environment. If a human learns he is facing a threat then he worries about it all the time, but because of a difference in consciousness an animal only has fear when confronted with immediate danger (in normal circumstances anyway). Thus a deer that is in danger only one day a month will live 29 days in relative peace. A human in the same circumstance would be in edge all 30 days.

This does not answer your question, but perhaps it will give you the understanding that in many ways the hunted animals live in greater peace than we do.

Why does God allow such apparent cruelty in the food chain?

Many people think that God can just snap His/Her/It’s fingers and make everything right if He wants to but such is not the case. The evolution through the food chain in this sphere is the only way God can figure out to evolve the higher lives in this dense sphere. Without this process you and I would not be here. There is no other way at present.

I know we have heard in all the religions that God is all-powerful, but God has reflected Itself into unlimited lives of which you and I are one and each life must work out its best methods of survival and evolution. If there was another way, the reflections of God who create evolution would have explored it, but apparently the way things are in the animal kingdom is the best we have been able to engineer so far.

One thing that is helping the animals live more peaceably is that many humans have adopted them as pets and raised others for food and in doing so the domestic animals have become much more gentle than the wild animals, but also very dependent on us.

Hitler a Hero?

A reader says:

“By your definition Hitler should be one of your greatest heroes for he was definitely “true to his own Self. He made his own decisions based on what he felt within,” just as you describe.

I would like all four of you to answer this question for us.

Was Hitler a hero?

One of the problems is that we do not seem to be using any standard dictionary definition of words.

Let me make a declaration for this list.

Hear yea hear yea.

From now on we use regular orthodox earthly definitions of words (unless otherwise specified) so we can maintain a semblance of communication.

Red means red not esoteric blue.

Up means up, not sideways in another dimension or standing still in an ultimate reality.

Planet means planet, not dried out sun.

Good and evil means something going on now as humanity understands it, not a vision from an ultimate reality that we no nothing about.

Here’s what my computer dictionary says about hero in the context I used it:

“A person noted for feats of courage or nobility of purpose, especially one who has risked or sacrificed his or her life.”

Now Moe does not fit this dictionary definition and Hitler certainly does not and to maintain that Hitler is a hero either takes extreme sophistry or an attitude that is looking for strong argument and polarization in the dualities.

Hitler was no hero for anyone centered on light and love.

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Follow The Highest


Follow The Highest

Rick posted some interesting quotes from Ouspensky who was a great thinker.

As you know I posted my own writings on the origin of Oneness in the first chapter of the Molecular Relationship. Here I stated that all the worlds are created by an illusionary principle from the aspect of Purpose. Purpose does not flow. We in duality can flow toward it in consciousness but it cannot flow toward us because it is already here in us, thus there is no flow from the highest to the lowest. There is only the illusion of flow from us to It.

The trouble is many of these ephemeral teachings on a world beyond duality where we are supposed to go to is that no one can explain it. We often make the same mistake as the religionists who paint a picture of God, the Trinity, the purpose of God as so far beyond our understanding there is no sense in trying to understand. Thus they do not advance in knowledge. The key for all of us is to follow the “highest that we know,” not the highest that we do not know.

For instance, how can two points exist as some say and have a flow between them, yet have no space between them? This is beyond our understanding, but we are supposed to accept it. Why accept that which you do not understand? Even in order to have two points or two of anything there has to be the illusion of two. Thus there is no such thing as two of anything without creation through the principle of illusion.

But just as in a dream the events are real when you are going through them and you would much rather have good dreams than bad, even so in this higher version of a dream we should seek to have good dreams and make the best of them until we wake up. Then when we wake to a greater dream still we can savor the experience we had in this dream

The present is all we have whether we are dreaming or not so why try and pull the plug on making the dream a great experience in becoming.

Would we rather be a stagnate Moe or a Robust Phil or Richard?


Keith writes:

“Moe made all of his own decisions! He never let his companions in the office or in the wilderness make decisions for him.

“When Moe decided to go into the wilderness with his companions the first time it was because he wanted to go. When Moe left the wilderness the first time because he couldn’t handle the situation it was his decision. Moe never let the others become his beast by letting them talk him out of his decision to leave. Moe decided to return to the wilderness later because he came to his own decision.

“Moe is a true example of a searcher who is decision!”

Nice original thinking Keith. There was no beast within the group. If there were there would have been some punishment meted out to Moe for turning back, or extreme pressure or illusion put before him.

As it was Phil and Richard were disappointed when Moe turned back just as we are disappointed in daily life when we plan to see a movie, for instance, with a friend and the friend backs out. That does not make you the beast to that friend.

Moe backed out not because of the inner voice of the Spirit but because of the inner voice of fear. He knew when he entered into the agreement that there would be dangers, but let his fear negate his decision to have a great experience.

When we retreat because of fear then the time comes that we must face that fear again as Moe did when he saw the advantages gained by Phil and Richard because they faced their fears. How can Moe be the hero when he was envious of the path that Phil and Richard had blazed? Moe followed Phil and Richard, but Moe offered no path that any were desirous to follow.

In reality, all of us here are Phils and Richards because we decided and agreed to come to this wilderness earth and go through many lives of danger, pain and sorrow for the ultimate reward of enhanced joy and livingness.

The Moe’s are those who decided to not take physical bodies and play it safe. There are thirty billion Moes and Curlys. and sixty billion Phils and Richards.

Anni asked about Curly’s fate. The parable was not an exact correspondence, but no soul is ever lost forever. There is always a second chance somewhere down the road

In answer to your other questions:

“Is there a relationship between the New Jerusalem and the great pyramid? “

Answer: Yes. Many mystics and sages have had some type of vision of the New Jerusalem and made some type of pattern of it on the earth. The ancient pyramids in the east and west were quite similar for this reason and the disciples within them had inner communion with each other to a degree.

“I would like to know whether the sword of Laban in the Book of Mormon is the same sword as Excalibur? “

No. They were two different swords. Excalibur was a symbol of the Rod of Initiation held by the Ancient of Days.

“You can interpret Brigham Young’s role in history as either an enlightened leader and successor to Joseph Smith or a usurper!”

Brigham Young was a disciple. He was Solomon in a past life, but as Brigham he made many mistakes and did not have a clear understanding of the Molecule and was not a usable instrument to link up with the Brotherhood. He also encouraged an inner order called the Danites which were inspired by the Dark Brotherhood to destroy the light in the church. This order got some of the oaths of darkness into the temple ceremony, such as slitting the throat.

From the Book of Moses we read:

“And Satan said unto Cain: Swear unto me by thy throat, and if thou tell it thou shalt die; and swear thy brethren by their heads, and by the living God, that they tell it not; for if they tell it, they shall surely die; and this that thy father may not know it; and this day I will deliver thy brother Abel into thine hands.” Moses 5:29

This is a symbolic beginning of the oaths popular amount those who do works of darkness and they were embraced by the church.

Joseph was working to insure that this would not be included in the temple ceremony near the end of his life and was one of the reasons he was killed. The Danites felt he betrayed them and that is why they tried to cut off his head after he was shot, but divine interference prevented it.

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Journey Into Duality


Journey Into Duality

A reader speaks of a one flow that we are supposed to tap into which is beyond dualities and time and space, yet the very fact that you call it a flow indicates otherwise. If it “flows” then it moves. If it moves then it is not unchangeable, for to flow or move it would have to move from point A to point B. Because we have a point A and a point B dualities are created. How can you say this flow is beyond duality when there would have to be a duality (points A & B) to even have a flow? Points A and B would have to be separated by space and if there is space and movement then there is time.

Time is not created by consciousness for time passes even when we are unconscious. Instead time is registered by consciousness. Time is created by motion through space.

Thus any flow that does exist is created in space, time and motion, and exists in the principle of duality.

If you can explain how a flow can exist with no space, time and duality and in a state of changelessness I would be interested in hearing.

Perhaps you need some other word than “flow?”

Journey into the Wilderness
A Parable

Phil, Richard, Moe and Curley all worked together in a government bureaucracy. All of them were pretty much settled in for life. Their positions and retirement was secure. Each payday there were no surprises, they received their pay with standard deductions taken out. There was also much routine in their jobs and everything was very predictable. The four often ate lunch together and complained about the monotony.

“I’ve got an idea,” said Phil. “From a friend of mine I learned about a wilderness area that few people have ever hiked before. Let’s all take a vacation week and go in there together and spend the whole week having a new experience.”

“I’ve heard of that too,” said Moe “and the few people who have gone into it have faced many dangers. There’s grizzly bears, rattle snakes, ticks and dangerous cliffs, but perhaps the most dangerous of all it is that it’s very easy to get lost in there. I believe several people have gone missing in that area, never to be heard from again.”

“I don’t care, “said Phil. “Our life has been so boring lately that I would actually relish a little danger. Maybe it would make me feel alive again. Look at us! We come and go in this job like the walking dead!”

Richard stood up, “You know, Phil is right. What good is living if you don’t feel a thrill or two while you are going through it?”

The other three agreed and the venture was planned.

As they entered the wilderness they had to first climb a high mountain and then enter a deep ravine on the other side that was a very precarious descent. About half way down and several close calls from slipping on loose rocks Moe stopped in his tracks. “Whoa,” he said. “Sure I wanted some excitement, but I didn’t ask for this. There is real danger here. I’m turning around and going back.”

“Come on,” said Phil. “We knew this wasn’t going to be a piece of cake. Would you rather be alive here or a zombie back home?”

“The boring office is better than this,” said Moe as he turned around and headed for his safe haven.

Phil sensed a question mark in the minds of his two comrades and encouraged them onward. “Look,” he said. “We came here for an adventure. We’ll never have it if we turn back. I know that we do not know everything that lies ahead of us, but what kind of adventure would it be if we had each step preplanned for us? Let’s not consider going back, but only forward.”

Then Phil went ahead hoping that the two others would follow. Richard followed immediately, but Curly hesitated until Moe was out of sight, then he caught up with Phil and Richard.

They hiked until sundown until they were deep into the unexplored wilderness. Curly brushed up against some type of poison ivy and began to complain. Phil sensed he was having second thoughts about the excursion, but continued leading into seemingly more dangerous territory. By the time they pitched their tents they had heard the cry of many wild animals that did not sound friendly.

That evening in the pitch black night a grizzly bear came into the camp and poked his head into Curly’s tent. Curly ran out the back as fast as he could go. Phil and Richard saw him run into the night and that was the last they saw of him. No one ever did find out what happened to him.

The bear next came after Phil and Richard, but they grabbed flaming sticks from the fire and together they were able to cause the bear to retreat into the forest.

“That was close,” said Phil. “I guess this does seem like a crazy idea to you by now,” he said looking for Richard’s response.

“I was just thinking that,” said Richard. “As we were advancing at that great bear I thought to myself: Good God what am I doing here? I must be out of my mind!”

“So you want to go back then?” said Phil.

“Hell no.” said Richard. “I haven’t felt this alive in my entire life.” He held out his arms and hands and said: “I feel my blood pounding through my limbs and it feels great. Anything is better than the stagnation we have suffered through.”

Phil’s eyes lit up. “If you’re willing, I’m willing. I say we make a commitment to each other that we will indeed follow through with this quest no matter what and we will make it through because we will support and protect and maybe even save each other, just as we united our forces to defeat the bear.”

“Agreed,” said Richard.

The two men continued on their quest and it was even more difficult than they supposed. They had to cross a raging river and Richard for a time was lost in the current, but Phil who was a strong swimmer managed to save him. Another time Phil ate a poisonous berry, but Richard who had a knowledge of wild herbs made him a tea that saved his life and carried him upon his own back when again pursued by another bear.

A second bear incident occurred on the fourth day and it caused them to lose their compass and most of their gear and provisions. For many days they wandered through many dead ends trying to find their way back home. Now they had no tents they had to make makeshift huts for shelter and live off natural berries. They also made a hook and caught a few fish and set some traps for wildlife. Many times in their attempt to get out of the wilderness so they could return home they had to retrace their steps and start again, then move backward and plan again. Finally after being in the wilderness for almost 40 days Richard remembered he had a sewing needle in a pouch that had some magnetism in it and they were able to determine the true North by floating the needle on still water. Once they found their true direction they were able to return home in just a couple days.

When they returned to the office they now found the boredom there somewhat refreshing, but then after a few days they became dissatisfied with it. They met Moe who said to them:

“Thank goodness, I didn’t follow you guys. What a time you had! And poor Curly seems to be lost for good.”

“Yes, It was quite a time,” said Phil, “and I wouldn’t trade the experience for all the money or peace in the world. Before we were lost I was as if I were dead, but now I am alive. More than alive. I feel vibrant!”

“Same here,” said Richard. “I feel reborn. I just can’t describe the satisfaction.”

Moe seem intrigued by this and said: “So even though you went through great risk and even were lost and hungry you think it was all worthwhile?”

“Like we said, we wouldn’t trade the experience for anything,” said Phil. “Richard and I achieved a oneness and bonding that you guys in this boring office will never know.”

Moe reflected and said, “Well maybe I made a mistake in coming back, for I admit my life needs some type of jump start. How about if we try this again on our next vacation?”

“You can take some other guys from the office and go to it,” said Richard. “The dangers we went through were well worth it, but we have learned our lessons and do not need to repeat the experience. Instead Phil and I are moving on to danger on another level. “We have both sold everything we own and are investing in a business together. Again, we may lose everything and there are dangers ahead that only time will reveal, but taking a great risk is a lot better than stagnating here with such sameness day after day.”

“But if I go in the wilderness I will need you guys. You have learned your way around there, know how to survive and can find your way home.”

“No,” said Phil. “you don’t need us. You need to find your own way and in the process the group you are with will learn to become interdependent and by assisting each other you can reach a new level of becoming.”

Moe was upset by this, but after much thought he gathered the courage together to tackle the wilderness again with a few good friends.

Phil and Richard ventured on to risk and danger on another level. Because they did not know much about business in the real world they lost everything they had three different times, but on the fourth attempt they succeeded and their joy was full.

Comment: the boring office represents the state of just “being.” The journey into the wilderness represents the process of Becoming.

Question: Why does the process of Becoming and creating our own changing reality take us o a higher level of enjoyment than just staying in the safe place away from the dualities?

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Oneness Through Principles


Oneness Through Principles

John writes:

“I have studied many teachings, and have never found any that I couldn’t take issue with. I teach Zen, Tantra, and Tao, and can take issue with all three, on many points, but that doesn’t mean the other 99% isn’t pure Gold. When I read the Immortal, it was put to the test. When I came here I studied every post in the archives, before making a decision, yet all through them I already knew what that decision was going to be. It had already been made for me!”

I smiled when I read this. Before John posted anything on this list he not only read the Immortal, but poured through all 500+ of my postings from the web site.

Every hundred or so postings he read he wrote me some of his comments and questions. I noticed that the thing that bothered him the most was that he could find nothing to disagree with. Finally he found something, but I wrote back pointing out that we did not disagree after all. He felt justifiably disturbed at reading through so much and agreeing all the time, but such is the world of the soul. When two or more tap in to it they become one in seeing how the principles play out.

One may like red and the other yellow as their favorite color but they will see eye to eye as far as principles are understood.

I know there are others like John that look towards principles rather than facts and in principles reflected from the soul within there lies oneness – the key to the next great step forward.


Directing Energy

Laura asks this question:

“So, JJ, would Jesus be a bad example of the use of soul energy? Or was his mission to ruffle the feathers of the authority at the time and catch their attention? One would think if he practiced the ‘harmless as a dove, wise as a serpent’ rule that he would have lived to a ripe old age. And also, is it that we need to remember not to release a lot of soul energy around others of the 1st and 2nd categories, or should we just limit soul energy period? Personally, I think limiting yourself and your soul is not what we’re here for.”

I wouldn’t call His example in this light as good or bad. He merely did what was necessary to accomplish His mission. Part of His mission involved the demonstration of the resurrection after a definite public execution. If he would have been killed in the desert and raised again no one would have been impressed. But where He was crucified publicly for all to see then the coming back to life was quite impressive.

To create a public execution He had to become a threat to the authorities and get under their skin. To accomplish this all He had to do was go forward and be himself. He spoke openly about his thoughts without holding back even though they infuriated the religious leaders.

If you think I cause conflict you ought to read Matthew, chapter twenty-three. I am milk toast compared to the way Jesus attacked the authorities.

He accomplished miracles that they could not even dream of, a thing which caused them to feel humiliated because they were supposed to be the spiritual ones that God was working through.

He taught powerful doctrines, which if accepted would seem to destroy their religion.

Jesus did all these things in the energy of the spirit without regard to offending people or not and sure enough it was not long before they plotted to destroy Him.

Now we have a different mission than Jesus, and for most of us, it would not help us to accomplish our goals to incite the authorities to wrath.

To be wise in avoiding the release of soul energy to the wrong people does not mean that you have to limit the flow that comes through you.

In our business, for example, my wife and I deal with regular people all the time. By regular people I mean those who do not have any higher interest in the mysteries of being beyond typical church teachings or the next football game.

We are friends with many of our repeat customers and I’m sure many would be surprised and alarmed to find out that I am the author of a book such as the Immortal and teach on a discussion group such as this. When I deal with these people I do not see myself as out of the soul, but I try to adjust to their consciousness and talk with them on their level. The funny thing is that many of these people who currently think I am a great guy would think I was possessed of a devil if they knew everything I have written and believe.

Then there are times that I get a certain feeling about someone and do speak the words of the soul to him. I generally find I am quite accurate when I follow my instincts here.

Let me just give you a short example. Several years ago when I was in real estate a young man came to see me about investing for himself and several friends. He told me that other realtors would not give him attention because he was so young and wondered if I would help him. There was something about this fellow that told me that there was a connection between us and that he was highly talented.

After we had talked together for several minutes about real estate with no mention of any philosophy I looked at him and just blurted out: “We have been close friends in past lives and you are supposed to eventually work with me in this one.”

He seemed shocked for he didn’t even believe in reincarnation. Nevertheless, my words struck him to the core and by the end of our meeting he said to me: “All that I make is yours for the asking.”

He left that interview with a feeling that he was supposed to help me do something and was prepared to give me all his material goods if needed.

I won’t tell you the whole story but the guy is now in a high position with a major corporation. The time is not yet right for me to call him into service but I believe the day will come that the inner voice will send me to him again. He will, of course, have the free will to gather with us or not, but I believe he is being prepared for some important mission of assistance.

To sum up this answer then I will say that soul energy will not be diminished by being selective with whom you share energy. The main thing that will diminish your contact is to not follow the highest that you know. That highest that an individual ego knows may lead one to crucifixion, but another to praise, honor and glory.

I will repeat that the crucial mission of the lights in this age is to live, build and teach rather than to be sacrificed to lions. Many of them have been through so much pain in past lives of service that they are having difficulty in adjusting to this new paradigm of the new age. Those who sacrificed in Pisces are to reap the reward with interest in Aquarius, but we must be prepared to receive.

Copyright by J J Dewey

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