Questions on the Molecular Relationship


Questions on the Molecular Relationship

My friends,

I received some interesting questions that I feel that may also be in the minds of others in the group, so I received their permission to post them here.

First, let me say that it is commendable that group members are putting what their soul says to them above me as a teacher. All souls are one and when we all speak the language of the soul together we will see as one body. But even those who do their best to retain soul contact can question and disagree because of incomplete communications.

I love the Rick’s attitude in his questioning. He is not challenging me or trying to show any superior intelligence, but just shows a sincere desire to find the truth and to serve. What more could a teacher ask for?

Now I’ll quote from his letter:

“… I’m hoping you will provide more information, on the subject. My soul tells me that I can still be complete by being a bride of Christ. It also suggests that it may be possible to link up with one’s “soul mate” without actually being together physically.”

I’m sure your soul is guiding you correctly here. Sometimes when our soul points a direction, we cannot see all the ingredients in the upcoming path. But when that direction is followed we always discover that the soul pushed us gently in the right way.

It is possible to have various types of non physical contact with a potential mate. A soul mate is, however, created rather than some special split off of yourself at creation. From a higher point of view we are all soul mates. When you find a person that you can be one with then you will have a mate that you can communicate with soul to soul, which is a true soul mate.

Let us suppose you met a potential soul mate on the net or some other way. There would come a time that you would want to complete the relationship on a physical level.

Completeness in relationship comes through interplay of all levels. Nevertheless, it is possible to go quite a distance through non physical interplay.

Rick responds, “There is so much here that I wish I could have known about when I was younger. I forwarded a copy to a friend and plan to give copies to my daughters. I have to admit that the information has truly left me in a spin. If creating this “perfect” marriage bond is a prerequisite to getting into heaven, then I fear I have thrown this life away and have little hope of salvaging it, at my age. At 49 years old, 3 times divorced, a single parent and all the other stuff I’ve already told about, I seem to have little hope of ever connecting with Ms. Right.”


All of us go through many lifetimes without finding Mr. or Mrs. Right. Although it is indeed a heavenly experience to find a soul to soul mate there are many spiritual experiences along the path to this union. If you follow the highest you know at all times you will build a heaven for yourself right here on the earth and beyond, even though you have not found the person of your dreams.

All of us have a hope of becoming Masters and overcoming all things, even death, but because we have not arrived there yet should not become a point of discouragement. We must smell the roses along the way and enjoy special moments of progress as we proceed toward the goal.

Rick continues:

“And just how did all my heroes manage to get to such heights without the benefit of a good woman beside them? Was there a Mrs. Moses or a Mrs. Christ? Ben Franklin was a womanizer. Thomas Jefferson slept with the help. Edison had a rocky marriage. Einstein married his cousin, because she was a good cook. If all these great men had such a hard time of it, what chance have I?’


Moses was married twice. His first wife was an Egyptian lady he married and quickly dropped in order to conquer her city when he was in the Pharaoh’s army. Later when he was on his spiritual quest he married Jethro’s daughter Zipporah who was his faithful wife.

Christ had several women in his life who inspired him.

But you are right. There are numerous fairly great men who were womanizers, John Kennedy for one. Nevertheless, all these men who dissipated their energies will eventually have to learn to intelligently direct sexual energies toward union to achieve their full potential.

Lincoln is an interesting study. He had a relationship that was much worse than no relationship. His wife Mary Todd was the worst first lady in history. It is said that the reason he entered politics was so he could be away from his wife for greater periods of time, so perhaps history would be greatly changed if not for his bad marriage.

She had a terrible temper and was always embarrassing him. For example, when he was President and they were having an important dinner for dignitaries she threw a plate of food in his face because he did some small thing that offended her.

She saw herself as co-president and asked to be called Misses President. She was also a spendthrift and always kept the family in debt. She eventually went insane after he was killed and was put in an asylum.

Even though Abe had good reason to get something going on the side he was a faithful husband through all his days. If he lived in this age he would have probably got a divorce, but a divorce in that time would have ruined him politically and he knew it was important to fulfill his destiny as president.

Even though he was a faithful husband he did have several female friends that gave him access to female energy which inspired him.

If I remember right Einstein’s first wife was a mathematician who was a strong motivator for him in coming up with the Theory of Relativity. Some believe that she actually came up with some of the ideas. I believe she drew them out of him.

Rick continues:

“The latest chapter of the molecular relationship is both the best and worst news I’ve read in some time. We’ve just rebounded from one downswing in membership and now I wonder what will happen to us, when even I question if I belong here. I hope we will pause and discuss this, before getting any more, so that we can all have time to digest such a large mouthful. It usually takes a lot to rattle my cage, but this one has left me dazed. Rick”

I’m not sure what all you are referring to here. For those of you who have specific questions I would hope that you ask them.

One thing I want to clarify is that the Molecular Relationship does not require that you have an ideal mate. We will go into more detail in this later on as we explain how it works.

A single person or one with a spiritually disinterested mate will pick a working non romantic partner to create male female units in the soul for the creation of human molecules. In many cases these couples will work together in the soul better than the married ones for they will not be carrying around the baggage from a bad relationship that so many have.

I would suppose that the idea of commitment in sex is disturbing to some. Many have left the old time religions because of the restrictions there. There is a big difference though. The religions say: “do what we say because God says so.”

I am not doing this. Instead I am attempting to teach the true principle governing the ultimate positive use of sex, money and power. These energies should be directed to fulfill Purpose, or be in alignment with Purpose so the higher energies of the soul can become manifest.

No one wants to judge the purity of your sex life. Instead what the teachers look for is your purity as a vessel for the higher spiritual energies. If one is governing his life with soul guidance then there will be endowments and manifestations of the Spirit of God through the soul. That which comes through you and out of you is evidence of your correct use of higher principles.

Glenys also had some questions. She asks:

“If I have to develop more masculine energies to serve in a proactive, ‘sending’ way, then the chances of finding someone to balance me become even more remote. As it is, I’ve always known that one of the reasons I’ve never married is that I haven’t been able to find someone who is my spiritual superior (and I don’t regard myself as a 10 by any means). Is that the price women have to pay for being spiritually aware?”

Answer: I know I’m going to have to give some more clarification on this for the female tends to think she is at a disadvantage in many ways, but she is not. The objective is to deliver teachings. For the male it is easiest just to throw them out to the audience, but on the female side, her energy is to pull out the teachings from the souls of the students. One is not more powerful than the other, but the male has an easier time in his energy as well as the female in hers. The trouble is that the female is often deceived into thinking the male energy is the better way. The female should only use male energies that feel natural to her and not try to force them.

It is not only difficult for the advanced female to find a mate in suitable evolution, but also the male. Notice Rick’s previous comments about his difficulty in finding a companion.

Glenys continues:

“Various other comments relating to the two energies I was interested to read that a woman with strong male energies needs a man with strong female energies to give balance. In my experience, strong women seek a strong male and find men with female energies good friends but bad partners. I find such men boring as they don’t challenge me at all.”


Keep in mind that a strong woman is not necessarily one with a lot of male energies. The strongest of all women are those who successfully use their female energies.

If the female dominates with male energies then her male companion turns female as far as energy is concerned.

On the other hand, she can also dominate with female energy. When she does this the male energy in her mate is amplified. Even so this dominating male will be a willing servant for the female in her energy.

Glenys also asks:

“I was also interested in your comments about teachers choosing a male body. I have had a teaching urge for most of my adult life so wonder why I chose a female body this time round. Does it mean that if I teach and it becomes a focal point of my life that the most I can expect is to communicate others’ teachings like Bailey did with the Tibetan? Does it mean that I will probably never have any original teachings of my own in this lifetime because it would require more ‘sending’ masculine energies? If that’s not right, then why didn’t I choose a male body? I can only assume from what you’ve written that I chose it because the emphasis this time round was to be on learning, receptivity etc.”

Choosing a female body is a sign from your soul that you came here with the intention to learn, especially for the first half of your life. That does not mean that during this period you will not teach but it does indicate that you, in connection with your soul, saw that there were important lessons to learn that required that you be in the receptive female energy.

Now if you learn the needed lessons that you set before yourself before you were born, then in the second half of your life you can be an effective teacher of those lessons as well as applying the female energy to learn new ones.

As for the rest of your questions just remember the first key. You are Decision and you can become whatever it is you decide to Become. Tune into the male and female energies within you and use their forces to best serve the direction you wish to take.

We’ll be talking more about male and female energies as time goes on as the correct understanding of them is a key to the successful creative path.

Susi asks:

“On the subject of male/female energies and the facts being presented as to the separateness of these two energies: I have a question. Many things in nature currently possess both male and female energies I think you wrote that JJ, and eventually all things will go back to possessing both of these energies just like Source (The One God). Do I have this theory correct so far?”


Let me clarify. All things living and existing in the worlds of form not only possess these two energies but are created by their interplay.

After the division of the Purpose energy into male and female and the amplification thereof, all lives have sought to balance these two energies. Form is basically energy slightly out of balance and the fact that we are still in a world that has form tells us that we have not achieved perfect (or relatively perfect) balance.

If you could achieve a balance of the two energies and “be still and know God,” then your body would disappear until you let the energies slip out of balance again.

This is one of the reasons that the Masters can transport their bodies instantly. They do not increase their vibration as many teach. Instead they still their vibration through the balancing of energies and can move through a door or wall as easily as an imaginary point of thought.

Susi continues:

“My main question is that I feel we all as humans posses both of these qualities and ultimately do not need to have a mate if we are able to utilize both of these energies and maintain a balance within ourselves separate from a mate, just as Source (The One God) is able too. Am I way off on this? I have this on a soul level and so far am unable to accept that it is just not possible to obtain this state in the human form.”


It is interesting you received a soul confirmation on this and it would be a good time to say a few words on this subject.

A soul confirmation always points you in the right direction to enhance your spiritual evolution, but it does not reveal to you all the knowledge and principles around the subject you may be contemplating.

Let me give an example:

Jim has been struggling to make something of his life and makes a decision to seek God believing this to be his next step. He has never been active in a church and checks out a few. Something about the Catholic Church stirs his soul and he senses the inner voice telling him to join the church.

Does this mean that the Catholic Church is the ultimate truth?


Does this mean that all the Catholic doctrines and teachings are true?


It is interesting that because of the confirmation of the inner voice Jim may be self-deceived into thinking that the above two items are true, but the real question is what is the true confirmation coming from the soul?

Answer: His soul is leading him into the Catholic Church because this organization has an important lesson to teach him. The church will be a stepping stone for him that may last a year, ten years or a life, but as imperfect as it is, the Church is a necessary step before he can catch a glimpse of his next vision quest.

The soul often gives us an inch of truth and we make it into a mile of truth. It is important that we take these inner messages and narrow them down to the core of what the message is rather than what we want it to be. I’m not picking of Susi here. But merely giving out a general teaching for the benefit of all.

Now getting to Susi’s question.

Yes, we can balance the two energies of male/female within us and establish a peaceful and contented state, but this is just a step in our evolution and far from any ultimate.

When reasonable inner balance is obtained then one can go through life as a single person without a great sense of loss or missing out. Some single people receive guidance from their souls about balancing the energies within so they can free up their attention and focus on the spiritual path for a life or two.

Nevertheless, we do not get out of relationships that easy, for relationship and the establishment of new and greater relationship is an eternal principle.

Balancing the male/female within is merely practice for the greater balance that comes with another person of opposite polarity to yourself.

If you want to learn to fly a plane the first step may be to study all about the art of flying. But you can read every book in existence and still not be prepared to actually fly. There comes a time when you have to step into the plane and physically fly it. In between flying practice you might want to do more studies on the ground and quiz your instructor. But then to master the art you have to fly again.

So it is with male/female relationships. We can seek inner balance of the energies and this is comparable to studying flight when you are on the ground. But then you need to test yourself to see how balanced you really are and that test comes through relationship with your polar opposite. By yourself you may think you have mastered the energies just as one who has studied flight may think he can fly a plane, but when you put your knowledge into practice through real relationship you then discover rough corners within yourself that you never knew existed.

Believe me my wife reveals many rough edges I need to work on that I would have never discovered without her.

I did not mean to imply that anyone is at a disadvantage for being single. You still have interplay with your polar opposite through friendships and family. It is possible that your soul wants you to take a rest from the intense relationship of marriage and better prepare yourself for your next one. And I guarantee that you will have a next one.

Many have been married three or more times and are too frustrated or discouraged to try again, but let me assure you that each of us learns a lot about ourselves from each failed marriage. Sometimes a failed marriage will teach us more than a smooth one.

Let me also assure all: if you are single, you will seek a mate again, if not in this life, the next.

The reason the drive to mate always returns is because it is a necessary relationship to establish to create higher evolution. Go back to the Molecular Relationship book and look at the diagrams of the atoms combining into molecules. This foreshadows the next great step for mankind. Each person will eventually unite with a mate or a non romantic working partner and create a finished atom (ADAM). Then these Adams will unite with other couples and create human molecules with properties more than human. This is our destiny and nothing can prevent it from coming to pass.

When human Adams establish relationship with other male/female couples there will be more balancing to do on a yet higher level. Next human molecules will establish relationship with polar opposite human molecules and more balance still will be required. This evolution continues without limit.

Susi asks one more question:

“Do you believe that some people here on earth currently had already achieved the mastery of both energies and all other prerequisites which enabled them the choice of not reincarnating yet they are here now to help with the current awakening and volunteered to reincarnate?”

“This sounds like you are asking if some of the Masters who have overcome death have chosen to incarnate as regular humans at this time in order to serve.”

Yes. A small number have. But when a master incarnates as a regular human he has to start again from point zero and regain all his ability and knowledge. He will not automatically have the energies balanced within him and he has to pass through all the lower initiations again. Thus it is not only a great sacrifice for a master to do this, but it also is quite a risk. He could get caught up in illusion and it could take several lifetimes to climb out of the mire he has found himself in.

When such a Master, or disciple becoming a Master, does achieve relative balance then death will not even be able to hold him or her.

Now I know that there are many false teachers and new agers out there who believe they are masters come to earth, but if they proclaim themselves as such it is a sure sign that they are far from being a master, but an ordinary human.

An advanced disciple or master incarnate will never reveal his point in evolution publicly. He will never say something like : “Hey! I was Moses in a past life so listen to me.” Such an attempt only gives more power to the beast of authority.

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