The Law of Correspondences


Sep 7, 2016

The Law of Correspondences

As far as laws go that pertain to the seeking of truth this is the most important of them all and is stressed by DK more than any other. It is interesting that neither HPB or Roerich used this term, however, they did use the phrase “the law of analogy,” which is similar, though not exactly the same. The word “correspondences” implies a stronger relationship requiring a stronger look at the truth presented.

In addition to emphasizing this law in his many writings he also presents it in the famous introduction to all his books as a way to test the truth of his words. He says:

“…if the information given raises the aspiration and the will-to-serve from the plane of the emotions to that of the mind (the plane whereon the Masters can be found) then they will have served their purpose. If the teaching conveyed calls forth a response from the illumined mind of the worker in the world, and brings a flashing forth of his intuition, then let that teaching be accepted. But not otherwise. If the statements meet with eventual corroboration, or are deemed true under the test of the Law of Correspondences, then that is well and good. But should this not be so, let not the student accept what is said.”

In this statement he gives three criteria for verifying the truth of his words, or that of any other teacher.

(1) They must raise the focus of service away from pure emotional good feeling and intention to the plane of the mind. In other words, their service must rise to a level where it will actually accomplish some real change for the better.

(2) An enlightened teaching should bring forth a “flashing forth” of the intuition. I like this wording and it registered with me the first time I read it. The modern phrase for describing this is, “the ah-ha moment.”

Yes, when a teacher is able to stimulate these inspired moments then we know that we are at least being led in the right general direction.

(3) The teaching must be “deemed true under the test of the Law of Correspondences.”

This final test is the one in which many teachings miss the mark. Either the teacher or student may do his best to focus on the plane of the mind and have his ah-ha moments, but still manage to throw some illusion into the mix so the teachings d o not quite cme out right. This is where the Law of Correspondences comes in. It will reveal flaws in thinking that nothing else will. A seeker may think he has had a great revelation from God or his Higher Self only to discover his interpretation of the truths involved were flawed when he tests it against the Law of Correspondences.

So, exactly what is the Law of Correspondences and how do we apply it?

It works by taking that which we can observe as a known quantity and correlating it to a higher or lower creation with the idea of that which is lower will have similarities with that which is higher.

This can also be used to examine cycles such as historical ones. For example, one cycle of history will correspond to another. Correspondences will rarely be exact, but will be close enough to give us clues in the search for truth.

Here is a tributary law in connection with this law.

“Any principle which is true or leads to truth will have enough correspondences to known truth that a resonation will occur with the inner self when such correspondences are contemplated.”

As one proceeds from the lower to the higher, or the higher to the lower, there will be similarities between the various levels. Of particular note are levels that correspond to a higher or lower octave. By projecting possible correspondences in connection with reason and intuition one can discern probable realities in the unseen areas either in the higher or lower levels. No two levels are exactly the same, but similarities will always give clues to higher knowledge.

This Law of Correspondences led early scientists who had observed planets circling around the Sun to conclude that there were such things as atoms which had planet-like electrons circling around a center nucleus of much higher density.

Now that we have much exact data on the atomic world we know that there are certain things the early scientist concluded that were correct, but that the correspondence was not exact. An atom has similarities to a solar system, but with subtle differences.

From this and other studies of the Law of Correspondences we learn that there are always many similarities between the higher and lower worlds, but there are differences also. The use of correspondence is useful because it can point us in the general direction of the truth. Then it is our job to use our minds and instinct to put together the pieces of the whole.

There are three basic kingdoms where we can relate the law. First is the Macrocosm which is the larger universe of star systems and galaxies we see around is. The second is the Microcosm which is the atomic and molecular world. The third and often overlooked kingdom is the regular sized world, which we see around us and all the life forms that exist on this planet. We can just call this the World.

By observing facts in the known three kingdoms and correlating them to the unknown we can discover hints of truth. Let’s try this concept on the universe itself.

The whole of the macrocosm is the universe itself. What in our world corresponds to the universe? The closest known correspondence is the individual human being. Some religions take this a step further and teach that the physical body of God is the universe itself. Most religions teach that God is omnipresent throughout the entire universe just as our life force is omnipresent in our body.

Another evidence of the correlation between humans and the universe is that we both began with a big bang. At the conception of a human being there is a tremendous explosion of growth similar to an atomic bomb. The embryo starts with one fertilized cell called a zygote. This cell is divided in two. Then there is a division into four, eight, sixteen etc. just as what happens with the splitting of the atom.

Scientists tell us that there was a similar type of geometric progression in the beginning of the big bang and this is often related to a great atomic explosion.

The human being existed as a single cell and grows to over twenty trillion (20,000,000,000,000) cells. The Big Bang began with a single point of matter and exploded into perhaps a similar number of galaxies. We haven’t finished counting them yet.

In the past many scientists thought that the universe would eventually by the force of gravity pull all the elements back into its center and then explode again. The Hubble telescope has given us great evidence that this will not happen. This agrees with our correspondence. When a human gets old and dies his cells do not collapse back into a single cell to then divide again.

What does happen? The human body expands for many years and then reaches a point of stabilization in growth for the better part of life. Then at death the force that holds the body together dissipates and the body disintegrates. After this point there are three trains of thought:

  1. That is the end of us as a human and life form.
  2. We are born again into some type of spiritual life with God in the next world.
  3. We are reincarnated into another physical body in this world and experience another big bang at a future conception.

Thus if we want to know the end (or new beginning) of the universe we must pick one of the above three possibilities as a correspondence.

Thus the future of the universe will be:

  • A long period of growth and expansion then a long period of stabilization followed by death, disintegration and an eternal void.
  • Same as #1 above, but after death and disintegration the universe is recreated in a spiritual dimension.
  • Same as #1 above, but the matter goes back into energy and is recreated as another big bang.

Astronomers tell us that the universe is still expanding, but may be nearing the end of this growth. If this is true then the universe corresponds in age to about a 16 to 18 year old child. If we follow the correspondence out then the universe has about sixty billion years to go before it disintegrates. This is a far cry from the ten billion years that many scientists have predicted, but I would be willing to bet that the life the universe has left will be much closer to sixty billion than ten.

If assumption #2 or #3 above is true, perhaps we’ll be around to find out.

Copyright 2016 by J J Dewey

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