The Three Preparations


The Three Preparations

The Question:

“When the student is ready the teacher (or Master) will appear.”

What are the three signs that tell us that the student is ready?

We received some great comments on this. That said I will give what I consider the three most important (but far from all) keys.

In considering what the teacher or master may be looking for in students we might ask ourselves what we would be looking for if one of us were a teacher for an organization which was trying to accomplish a great purpose.

In the early Sixties Kennedy presented to the United States the most fantastic goal ever given to a nation in recorded history – to send a man to the moon and bring him back alive before the end of the decade.

Let us just supposed you did live then and you were one with great knowledge commissioned by Kennedy to find the right students and teach them the knowledge necessary to help complete the goal.

What would you look for? Do you think you would be looking for people who did not believe we could go to the moon with that short time period? No of course not.

So, we may be able to word the first criteria as follows:

(1) The student must be open to the plan no matter how fantastic it sounds and have a belief that it can be accomplished.

To apply this to the seeking student of light today we might say this.

The student must seek out and find the next step in the plan of God as it is seen through the eyes of the Brotherhood of Light. He needs to understand that the Plan is truly possible and believe and endorse it with every part of his being.

  1. Now you’ve found a large number of people who are open minded and really believe we can go to the moon. You discover there are many more volunteers than you need. What is the second criteria of selection you use?

(2) You now look for people who have prepared themselves through strenuous effort to attain the knowledge and ability to appreciate and incorporate those sometimes difficult-to-understand-and-apply principles to get the job done.

To apply this to the seeking student of light today we might say this: Being enthused and believing is not enough. You must develop your talents and abilities so you can be useful to the work of the Masters.

Enthused and believing people with no talent could not have taken us to the moon. What makes us think we can believe only and be lazy in our personal development and then help accomplish an even greater feat than going to the moon?

So now you have found a number of people who are all for going to the moon – they believe it is possible and they also seem to have great talent. Are you ready to choose your students?

Not quite. There is one more important factor to look for. You tell yourself that you have applicants who are believing and talented, but the question now is will they do anything?

If you teach them what you know will they just say yes yes and then go on to the next theory and wind up in an eternal quest for ultimate truth while being of little use to God or man, or will they take what you teach and do all the grunt work necessary to make sure our man gets to the moon?

This brings us to number three:

(3) Are they willing to do the hard labor and overtime necessary to get the job done?

To apply this to the seeking student of light today we might say this.

Are they willing to be servants and actually do the work necessary to manifest the next stage in the divine plan?

If you visit any large office or production plant you will discover that there are many people who think they are working hard and efficiently who are doing neither. Then there are a small handful who are very hard and effective workers on whom the boss and fellow workers depend.

Even so, the Teachers do not look for one who performs the appearance of work, but a student that one can truly depend on who will be a great asset to accomplishing the goal.

Incorporating these three principles in our lives will bring us many steps closer to recognition by those who watch.

In the current topic we have been discussing methods of contact with the Masters or Teachers. We covered the types of visible contacts and now we approach the invisible.

Question: What are the methods of contact used by the teachers and higher lives wherein they remain invisible to the receiver? How do these methods work and why are they used in place of physical contact?

I was asked about the kingdom of God that was supposed to manifest as prophesied by Daniel the prophet. Will we play a part?

To bring down the powers of Godliness into the physical realm is an act that can only be accomplished through the Spirit of God. It’s not like an individual or group can just get together and demand that the powers of Godliness become manifest. The Dark Brothers attempt to make commands and control lower lives in able to impress those in darkness with their powers. Divine power only becomes manifest when the individual or group puts themselves in alignment with the voice of the Spirit and the Purpose of God. When this happens then revelation will be received which will outline the coming manifestations of the Plan which are shortly to appear on the earth.

The Molecular Relationship is one such revelation that fits within the purpose of the Plan of Light and your will or mine has nothing to do with it’s activation. Our job is merely to follow the whisperings of the inner voice and create the necessary structure as habitation for divine life.

The old orders of controlling the souls of mankind through glamour, illusion and force will be destroyed as Daniel predicted and replaced by higher orders that link heaven and earth and bring greater freedom to the children of men.

This will require our cooperation and much work on the physical plane for not even God can set up a kingdom among us if we refuse it. The Dark Brothers may attempt to force people into their dominions, but the workers of light only work with free will. Our responsibility is to use that free will to accept or reject the coming manifestations of Purpose.

August 24, 2000

Copyright by J J Dewey

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3 thoughts on “The Three Preparations

  1. JJ: I appreciate you posting (what I consider to be) “”foundation teachings.” And while I consider myself to be familiar” with the majority of what you teach/taught— I still am “amazed” just how much I thought I knew — and didn’t — or just “misunderstood” — or “missed” & find that I often have to re-read them multiple times in order to either “correct” my previous (mis?)understanding of a topic.


    1. Thanks for your comments. These edited archives should be much more productive reading as I have edited out much non essential dialog.

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