Love and Wisdom

Love and Wisdom

A reader comments on the quote, “Truth that is true and nothing else is true.” He asks who it is that determines what is true as many think their false beliefs are true.

This quote comes from the Course in Miracles.

Truth is not determined by anyone. It just is what it is and does not change because of anyone’s determination or judgment.

For instance it is true that I will write three X’s in the next paragraph as follows:


Now if a person “determines” that there is four X’s, will that change what I have written here at this moment in time and space?


It will be true for all eternity that at this moment in time and space I have written three X’s. What someone believes about what I have written changes nothing about this post I am making.

Now some make a valid point that a misconception or illusionary perception of a past event will cause a current belief system based on illusion that seems as real as one based on truth.

Let us suppose for instance that Ben Franklin was a bad dude and sacrificed children to satanic rituals. Up to now we have had no evidence of such deeds and our belief toward him is as if he were squeaky clean. On the other hand, our illusionary data does not change the nature of what really happened at that time and if he did malfeasant deeds they will have created subtle long lasting effects of which we are consciously unaware.

From Keith’s last post I think we are seeing eye to eye. The victor in any war will certainly color their history in their favor. True history is difficult to discern. To get a true picture one must either read two points of view or the writings of an historian who lives maybe 100 years after the event so he has little emotional investment in the presentation.

Take Bill Clinton these past eight years, for instance (written June, 2000). Two people, one a friend and one a foe, could write a biography of him today and you would think they were writing about two different people. It may take some time period before he will be able to be judged impartially.

One would have to be close to initiate status to write an accurate book about him today.

Yes, it would be a shock to learn for sure that Ben Franklin was a Satanist who sacrificed children. If this is true it would mean one of two things.

(1) He was a plant from the Dark Brothers to subtly sabotage the drive for independence. It is interesting that before the war he did all he could to reconcile the colonies to the crown.

(2) He was a worker of light at heart who temporarily yielded to temptation. I tend to go with this option (if the story is true). Workers in the light have been known to take some great slips and then recover and redeem themselves. Paul who persecuted the Christians is a prime example.

Note: At the time the discovery of bones in Franklins English residence was in the news. Here is a link to more details:

A reader says:

“No ‘thing’ can happen to you, without your conscious or unconscious thought.”

There is no such thing as unconscious thought. Thought only springs from consciousness. What people call the unconscious within us is really computer-like programs that are on line running with no more consciousness than this computer I am working on. All of our programming though was created by conscious thought at some time in the distant past.

I think we all clearly observe that many things happen to us that originate outside of our own conscious thought. I may step on some gum and not know it for some time. The event had to do with the conscious thought of whoever chewed the gum and threw it in my path rather than any thought I possess.

The reality of this is so obvious I am surprised this subject would come up.

Cause and effect manifesting thought and decision caused chaos to gravitate to organization. All organization we see before us – such as the human cell or DNA is the result of conscious thought on some level, but now operates automatically below the threshold of consciousness.

Thought and energy corresponds to the chicken and the egg and are related. Thought is organized energy.

You are not your body, you are not your feelings and you are not your mind or thoughts.

What are you?

You are that power within that can make a decision from which purpose and potential power reside and from which all things spring.

A reader maintains that we can insulate ourselves from all negativity with the right attitude of thought.

No one can close the door to all negativity. As long as we live in this reality, the door of the dualities of positive and negative is always open and only seems closed to one in illusionary thought, though an enlightened soul can successfully navigate the waters of the waves of duality. The good sailor does not pretend the waves do not exist, but makes a judgment about the conditions and acts accordingly.

There is much misunderstanding concerning the Dark Brothers. The most common one is that the aspirant will often think he is being targeted by them when he is merely undergoing the trials of ordinary living. Only when you personally become a threat to their goals will you be in danger of attack. They do affect average people but only through group influence and not individually.

It is illusion to believe that a positive attitude, having no fear, or just closing a door could shut them out. This seems to work for most new agers with this attitude because they pose no threat to them, but if a powerful Dark Brother or his group decided to attack what we would call a normal positive person with no obvious fears or negativity I will guarantee you this person would have an instant change of thought in his view of the dark forces.

Every great avatar that has ever walked the earth, including Jesus and Buddha, has had to wrestle with a direct attack from these Dark Ones in one form or another. I know of no current disciple greater than they.

If one is attacked, positive thinking and the control of fear will help but that alone is not enough for victory. Other factors include centering your attention on the true light within and strengthening your link between matter and spirit. The disciple must gather around him spiritual force of equal or greater strength than the dark brothers have in negative energy through which they attack.

Direct attacks from the Dark Brothers are only used when nothing else works for them. Overall they have found that honey works better for them than vinegar. They can manipulate unsuspecting people of goodwill through their illusionary beliefs and egos and often achieve their ends by dividing and frustrating the work of disciples.

Some are against war or killing in any situation. They think that it was wrong for the German conspirators to attempt to kill Hitler even though it would have saved millions of lives.

Many within the New Age community seem to have this type of thinking. To this let me present the writings of a Master of Wisdom (Djwhal Khul) given during the time that World War II was raging and it seemed that the forces of light were in danger of losing to Hitler.

“It is because of the delay in right understanding, and the slowness of many to appreciate the true situation, that Those Who guide the race and work on the spiritual side of life have been unable to do much up to date except spiritually strengthen the hands of the workers with the Forces of Light. The faith of many has kept the door ajar, yet even these have forgotten frequently that “faith without works is dead.” It is only when faith finds active expression upon the physical plane in right cooperation and sacrifice (even unto death) that the door can be forced wide open and divine intervention become possible. It is only when the vision and dream of peace-which beguiles so many well-meaning people-gives way to the determination to take every possible means to achieve that peace in practical ways upon the physical plane that the inner spiritual forces will be enabled to work also more actively on earth.

“Curiously enough, they are often hindered today by the idealists, who love their ideals more than they love humanity and who cling to their special interpretations of what they think Christ meant, at the same time excluding that real love which characterised His every act and which would drive them into active, selfless service to the Forces of Light. They do nothing to bring the conflict to an end because they are preoccupied with their own dreams, ideals and interpretations; when they can let these go because of love of humanity, then the new vision will come and the world will be saved; the Forces of Light will find potent expression and the forces of aggression will go down to defeat.” The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Pages 256-257

“… The neutral powers are still selfish (though they seek by philanthropy to veil it), but they are rapidly awakening to the true issues, and when there is real synthesis of goal and of purpose and a true unification of vision upon the mental plane, of fixed and unalterable desire upon the emotional plane, and a dedication to practical effort upon the physical plane, then there will be hope that the embodiment of “the desire of all nations” will appear.

“That embodiment is one mode in which divine intervention can take place. The Prince of Peace will lead His people-through war-to peace. Those who think only in terms of peace as they understand it and desire it are apt to forget the Biblical implication that the Prince of Peace takes a definite part in the battle of Armageddon (now in full progress). After achieving victory, He will then lead His triumphant cohorts through the gates into ‘Jerusalem,’ the city of peace.” (Pages 258-259)


“There are two great handicaps to the free expression of the Will force in its true nature. One is the sensitivity of the lower nature to its impact, and its consequent prostitution to selfish ends, as in the case of the sensitive, negative German people and its use by the Axis nations for material objectives. The second is the blocking, hindering, muddled but massed opposition of the well-meaning people of the world who talk vaguely and beautifully about love but refuse to consider the techniques of the Will of God in operation. According to them, that Will is something with which they will personally have naught to do; they refuse to recognise that God works out His Will through men, just as He is ever seeking to express His Love through men; they will not believe that that Will could possibly express itself through the destruction of evil with all the material consequences of that evil. They cannot believe that a God of Love could possibly employ the first divine aspect to destroy the forms which are obstructing the free play of the divine Spirit; that Will must not infringe upon their interpretation of Love. Such people are individually of small moment and of no importance, but their massed negativity is a real detriment to the ending of this war, just as the massed negativity of the German people, and their inability to take right action when Hitler’s purposes were disclosed, made possible the great inflow of ancient and focussed evil which has brought the present catastrophe to man. Such people are like a millstone around the neck of humanity, crippling true effort, murmuring, “Let us love God and each other,” but doing nothing but murmur prayers and platitudes whilst humanity is dying.” (Pages 345-346)

Interesting thoughts from a Master in the midst of the greatest conflict the world has ever seen. We must ever remember that the heart center is composed of two cooperating energies: Love and Wisdom. In this situation it was indeed wisdom to put Hitler down in any way possible, else love could have no chance to fully manifest upon the earth.

June 27, 2000

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The Left, the Right and DK, Part 3

This entry is part 3 of 73 in the series 2015

Peace Through Strength

Many on the political left assume that the spiritual Hierarchy side with typical pacifist doctrine of unilaterally disarming the military and using the funds fo social and other idealistic programs. However, according to DK this is far from the case.

We’ve already discussed the Principle of Freedom which is supported much more by the Right than the Left, as many on the Left support restrictions of freedom by big government. DK was a big supporter of freedom and mentioned it often. He was one of the few metaphysical teachers who took a strong early stand against Hitler and for the Allies in order to preserve the freedom necessary for the new age. He criticized the United States for its isolationist approach before Pearl Harbor indicating that Hitler could have been easily defeated if the United States and Europe had been prepared and taken military action earlier.

Indeed Alice A. Bailey and DK were right wing hawks compared to the Left of today.

The Left of today are the main supporters of pacifism and disarmament, but DK was a stronger critic of pacifism than Ted Cruz or Donald Trump is today. He said this:

“I would say to those who preach a passive attitude in the face of evil and human suffering and who endorse a pacifism which involves no risks: With what do you propose to fight the forces of aggression, of treachery, evil and destruction which are today stalking over our planet? What weapons do you bring to this combat? How will you begin to stem the onslaught and arrest the whirlwind? Will you use prayers for peace, and then patiently wait for the forces of good to fight your battle and for God to do the work? I tell you that your prayers and your wishes are unavailing when divorced from right and potent action. Your prayers and petitions may reach the throne of God, symbolically speaking, but then the reply comes forth: The Forces of Light will strengthen your arms and turn the tide in your favour if you stand up and fight for that which you desire. Who will arrest the progress of aggressive selfishness if the men and women of goodwill rest back upon their idealism and do naught that is practical to justify their hope or aid in the materialisation of the desired ideal.

“There are those in the world today who (despite past national selfishness and wrong) are fearlessly and with true insight fighting humanity’s battle, and with them the Hierarchy stands, as it has ever stood on the side of liberty, right understanding and correct attitudes in human affairs. I would say to those who cry, “Peace, peace when there is no peace”: Are you going to profit by their death and sacrifice when the ultimate triumph of the Forces of Light comes to pass? Are you going to take the position that you can then live in a safe world because others gave their lives that you might do so? Are you going to issue forth from the safe security of your pacifist alibi and gratefully acknowledge what they have done and grasp your share of the gains which they have purchased at such a cost? I would warn you not to be glamoured by the false premise that you must stand by your hard-earned convictions, even at the expense of other peoples’ lives and the downfall of nations, forgetting that fear and false pride will make this argument of importance to you. Are the peace-minded people of the world going to reap the benefits of a peace for which they have paid no price?”

The Externalization of the Hierarchy, Page 233

If anyone were to speak this way against our enemies today he would instantly be called a right wing hawk.

Many of the spiritually inclined today embrace pacifism and demand the United States , NATO and other allies disarm and use the funds for social programs. This was the idea promoted by the idealists before World War II and the Allies were thus caught completely off guard and unprepared. If they had been prepared to keep the peace through strength then Hitler could not have posed a threat. DK affirms this by saying:

“I would ask you to exercise your imagination in an effort to visualise a world in which there is a complete defeat of the Allies, expressing as they do the ideals for which the Forces of Light have ever stood. I would remind you of two things: First, that these Forces were defeated in the earlier phase of the conflict thousands of years ago, and secondly that—if They again go down to defeat—it will be largely due to the unpreparedness and to the pacific attitude of the neutrals of the world. Had the Allies been ready (and that in itself would have indicated attitudes similar to those now being expressed by Germany) and had the neutrals stood together from the outbreak of hostilities and proclaimed as one voice: This thing must not be—Germany would then have been arrested in her triumphant progress.

“The Allies, however, were not prepared for the onslaught of the forces of evil; on the physical plane, their position was not impregnable. The neutrals at the same time have chosen and are still choosing the negative and weak way; and through fear, a misplaced idealism, or a separative spirit, plus the failure to grasp the acuteness of the world crisis and its significant implications, have placed humanity in a position of imminent though not inevitable disaster. These are points which require careful consideration and consequent readjustment of the attitude of those who are doing nothing to further the efforts of the Forces of Light and of the men of goodwill throughout the world.” Externalization of the Hierarchy, Pages 239-240

Further he says that the pacifists “cannot believe that a God of Love could possibly employ the first divine aspect to destroy the forms which are obstructing the free play of the divine Spirit; that Will must not infringe upon their interpretation of Love. Such people are individually of small moment and of no importance, but their massed negativity is a real detriment to the ending of this war, just as the massed negativity of the German people, and their inability to take right action when Hitler’s purposes were disclosed, made possible the great inflow of ancient and focussed evil which has brought the present catastrophe to man. Such people are like a millstone around the neck of humanity, crippling true effort, murmuring, ‘Let us love God and each other,’ but doing nothing but murmur prayers and platitudes whilst humanity is dying.       Externalization of the Hierarchy, Pages 345-346

Then he struck another blow toward the idealists who see themselves as above any conflict.

“When the war broke and the entire world was hurled into the consequent chaos, horror, disaster, death and agony, many spiritually minded people were anxious to stay aloof from the struggle. They were not the majority but a powerful and noisy minority. They regarded any attitude of partisanship as an infringement of the law of brotherhood and were willing to sacrifice the good of the whole of humanity to a sentimental urge to love all men in a manner which necessitated their taking no action or decision of any kind.” Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 1, Page 784

“Those who refuse to share in that struggle for freedom will be left out of the gains of freedom, “ Externalization of the Hierarchy, Page 253     

“Humanity having decided to fight out the battle physically, there was nothing left to do but issue a challenge to the men and women of goodwill to take their stand on the side of such action as would release humanity through the destruction of the evil forces. These had determined to prove that might was right. Therefore, the forces fighting for progress and civilisation had to meet force with force. “ Externalization of the Hierarchy, Pages 178-180

Today we face a greater threat than Hitler because of nuclear weapons held by unfriendly nations and more to come from very antagonistic nations such as North Korea and Iran. Yes, peace through strength is expensive but it is a cost we must pay to prevent a conflict worse than World War II

DK says this:

“It is only when the vision and dream of peace—which beguiles so many well-meaning people—gives way to the determination to take every possible means to achieve that peace in practical ways upon the physical plane that the inner spiritual forces will be enabled to work also more actively on earth.” Externalization of the Hierarchy, Pages 256-257

His (Christ) work has been greatly hindered by the sweet sentimentality of the unthinking Christian and by the well-meaning, but oft unintelligent, pacifist. Both these groups would sacrifice the future of humanity to temporary methods of “being nice” or “being kind” or taking gentle measures. The forces of evil, stalking the world today, do not understand such measures … the simple-minded are apt to forget that the Christ said, He that is not with me is against me.” Externalization of the Hierarchy, Pages 476-477

“Let the soporific of beautiful peace talk die out and let sane methods of establishing goodwill and right human relations precede the discussion of peace. The world talked itself into a dreamy state of idealistic rhapsody about peace between the first phase of this world war and the present one. This must not again occur and it is the task of the intelligent humanitarian to prevent it. “Externalization of the Hierarchy, Page 444

Unfortunately many on the political left want to slash the military budget and funnel those funds into social programs. This is what happened after World War I and DK says this state of unpreparedness to put down evil “must not again occur and it is the task of the intelligent humanitarian to prevent it.”

It would be nice if we did not need to spend any money on defense and had no concerns about rogue nations unleashing nuclear bombs, but such is not the case. As it is, we must secure peace through strength for that is the only deterrent of the forces of evil as conformed by DK

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