Gathering 2005 Sun Valley, Part 18

Gathering 2005 Sun Valley, Part 18
Preparing for the Worst

We all know about Atlantis and Lemuria and lost continents but they have uncovered evidence that there were more recent cataclysmic Earth changes somewhere between 2000 and 3000 BC. The closest they can come up with is about 2200. It was cataclysmic to the extent that they have found in coal mines, skeletons of men two miles deep. They aren’t that old, just around 4000 years old. They’ve found ships on the mountains of Peru that must’ve been, at one time, a seashore. Otherwise, why would a ship be up thousands of feet on a mountain in Peru buried under some ashes there. They’ve found mounds and mounds of people swept away by some great cataclysm that they figure must’ve been thousands or hundreds of thousands of bodies accumulated together in big clumps. They trace this cataclysm back to the time of the flood of Noah, and what the research indicates is Noah wasn’t the only one to survive — there were probably Noahs on other parts of the world.

Some think it is the legend of people who survived Atlantis but apparently a lot of new research indicates there was a flood after Atlantis that consumed a good portion of the Earth. It was a tremendous flood with lots of earth changes where valleys became mountains and mountains became valleys. They have researched back as far as they can research recorded civilization but they can only go so far then they come upon a great stumbling block. The stumbling block is this cataclysm they had a couple thousand years BCE. There was something big that happened. When we research this, even though man has been upon the Earth millions of years, it’s a miracle he is still here when you figure the cataclysms that have come and gone.

For instance, approximately every 250,000 years there is a cataclysm big enough to almost destroy all life on the Earth. It’s happened at least 6 or 7 times and almost wiped everything out but then life started evolving again.

We might be in a kind of a pocket here where, if we can develop our technology enough to prepare for the next cataclysm, then we can continue our evolution. What’s happened in the past is during Atlantis they had a great civilization, lost it and began to develop it again. Then apparently a couple thousand years BC they had a cataclysm that destroyed a lot of civilization and they had to start again. This seems to be a pattern. A civilization evolves, then gets destroyed again and again. In a way it gives us an opportunity to relearn everything and recreate but my gut feeling is that we’re approaching a time where humanity must prepare for the things ahead so that we can escape the cataclysms of the future.

I don’t think we’re going to have a major Earth destroying one in the next hundred years but I think we’re going to have some shake-ups. But if we can survive these shake-ups and keep our technology then eventually we can prepare so even if we had to we could send ships into outer space.

Say if a big cataclysm happened or a major flood we could have an outpost in outer space and when everything settled down we could come back and reseed everything. Eventually it will come to that. When the next cataclysm, a major one, will be I don’t know. They say there will be a super one every several hundred million years and we’re supposedly not too far off from that. There is an ice age every 11,000-12,000 years and we’re also due for another one of those. That wouldn’t destroy all life on the planet but it would make it uncomfortable for a lot of people.

As far as ice ages go, there are also mini ice ages. Six hundred years ago we had a mini ice age. Fourteen hundred years ago we had a time period about like we have now where we had a pretty nice climate. Then we have a more intense ice age come every 11,500 years and greater ones still in larger cycles. Every couple hundred years there is a significant change in the climate of the Earth, a lot bigger than CO2 emissions could cause. CO2 emissions may cause only a relatively small change but the big changes come from Mother Earth itself — not only what happens internally but what happens externally, the sun and what happens when we go through a certain section of the galaxy every 250,000 years. There seems to be a cycle of destruction that coincides with our rotation around the galaxy with a similar time period between destructions.

So, the point is that it’s only a matter of time before something big happens. When we get psychic impressions we get a lot of different ones. If Sharón’s impression that New Orleans is going to be under water next year I’m going to go back and re-listen to her recording very carefully. It will be interesting to see if that comes true. I hope we don’t have big events that early. I hope we get more time to prepare. So, what can we do to prepare? If a big earthquake hits us or a tsunami or a big flood or all of a sudden a big glacier forms and is heading to where you live, what are you going to do about it?

Here is what I suggest. First of all, get in tune with your soul. If your soul wants your life saved and there is some disaster coming, you’ll get feelings about it. You may receive dreams about it. If you get a dream about it and find out other people are having the same dream about some coming disaster, that’s something to pay attention to.

I believe that if a major disaster is coming a number of people who are sensitive will start to get the same message. It’s not a sure sign because oftentimes when one psychic gets a certain message other psychics will read about it and begin repeating the same message, just because of the power of suggestion. So, you have to use judgment in all things. If it’s completely spontaneous without the power of suggestion involved and just ordinary people are getting impressions or having dreams that they should move or something is going to happen to the city they are living in, that’s the time to really pay attention.

There is something about a disaster that there is always a gathering of lights out of the area of destruction. That doesn’t mean everyone who is destroyed isn’t enlightened to some degree. Sometimes it’s just their time to go or inwardly they choose to go. But oftentimes there will be lights gathered out of a place where there will be a major disaster.

So, it’s important you pay attention to your impressions, to the impressions of your neighbors and like I say, it may not be a famous psychic that is getting the impression. You may just find that your next-door neighbor who is barbecuing his hamburger telling you he had the weirdest dream. It’s like often when there is an airplane crash one or two people will get a strong impression not to board the plane. The rest of the people either weren’t sensitive enough or their soul figured it was as good of time for them to go as any.

So, what can we do to prepare?

Number one is to pay attention to your impressions. Pay attention to what you receive. For one thing, if you get an impression — it doesn’t matter if it’s related to a disaster or your personal life or something to do with your spiritual evolution — it’s important you pay attention to it. If you pay attention to it then you’ll get more. If you don’t pay attention to it then you won’t get more. So pay attention to all the impressions that you receive. Take them seriously. Then your sensitivity will grow and if the time comes that you need to escape some calamity, you’ll be shown a way out.

“Chance is always powerful. Let your hook be always cast in the pool where you least expect it, there will be a fish.” — Ovid (43 BC – 17 AD)

Nov 7, 2009

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