The Literal Gathering of Israel, Chapter Six

This entry is part 6 of 16 in the series Literal Gathering

Chapter Six

How Can Zion Be Established Today?

For the average member today the building of the New Jerusalem seems far away and when we speak of the literal gathering of Israel this is what his mind reflects on. It is an amazing thing the commandment to gather the Saints saturates the scriptures more than any other doctrine, yet it is the most greatly ignored. It is truly the irony of the age. Still the leaders today must find some way to rationalize away the fact that they are not keeping this commandment which is so important that the earth would be “utterly wasted” without it.

In the scriptures when the Lord talks about Zion he speaks of coming “out of Babylon” but today when Zion is spoken of… what comes to mind? Let us quote Spencer W. Kimball: “As we speak of Zion, WE THINK OF THE WORLD, since this has become a worldwide church.” (Taken from Stockholm Area Conference Report, Page 5 Reprinted in 1979 Church History Sunday School Manual – MY KINGDOM, page 163)).

The authorities dare not come straight out and declare that we no longer believe in the literal gathering of Israel, for this would upset too many people. A much better idea is to change the meaning of the literal gathering of Israel. Today President Kimball equates Zion with the world so the members can live anywhere On the earth and still be literally gathered. This broad interpretation is nice and comfortable; for it erases all responsibility to live in harmony with the scriptures we have been given.

Bruce R. McConkie gives us a very comfortable definition of the gathering of Israel: “The gathering of Israel consists of joining the true church; of coming to a knowledge of the true God and of his saving truths; and of worshipping him in the congregations of the Saints IN ALL NATIONS AND AMONG ALL PEOPLES.” (Mexico City Area Conference August 1972)

According to this nebulous definition you can be “among” any other group of people and still be gathered. That may be a metaphysical gathering of sorts, but only the most foolish of the “workmen” could call it a literal gathering. When I used to discuss faith and works with individuals of different religions I thought that their definitions of “salvation” and “faith” was quite nebulous, but I must now admit that the current Latter-Day belief on a literal gathering takes the cake. I have come to understand the warning that if we are not faithful that we will lose the little we have. We have lost the entire concept which is the springboard to the kingdom of God… The literal gathering of Israel.

When one reads the scriptures and sees plainly that the commandment to literally gather is not being obeyed today one may find himself in somewhat of a dilemma. How can one literally gather when the Church does not even believe in it at present? Do LDS people even have authority to gather together without the sanction of the church? If then, the brethren are astray, are members therefore released from responsibility because it was originally placed upon the brethren?

Let us put it this way. Moroni said that if the promises (the gathering) made to the fathers is not planted “in the hearts of the children (you and me)… the whole earth would be utterly wasted at his coming.” D&C 2:2-3 If you knew that the earth would be wasted if this commandment is not lived do you suppose that God would be happy to see you placing all the responsibility upon others and doing nothing yourself? Since God cannot interfere with man’s free agency don’t you suppose he would be happy to see some of his children step forth and attempt to do his will? Doesn’t it seem logical that he would lend his support to such a righteous endeavor?

“But,” says one, “We have no authority to gather God would not be pleased if we attempted it!”

On the contrary, I ask where do you get such an idea? It is true that Joseph Smith had the keys of the gathering of Israel delivered to him, but where does it say that you have to have the keys to be obedient to a commandment of God.

O ye of little faith! Can you not consider the words of Nephi that “the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them.” I Nephi 3:7. Has not the Lord commanded the literal gathering of Israel? If he has then has not the way been prepared?

The best way to figure out what to do in a certain circumstance in the present is to examine a similar circumstance in the past and see there how the prophets handled the situation. Thus if we proceed on our present circumstance according to the same pattern that God inspired in a similar circumstance in the past, then we will not go astray or be out of order.

When the Kingdom went astray in the days of Saul and Saul was the “anointed of the Lord” what did David do? He gathered out the righteous from among them and prepared for the day when the Lord’s house would be set in order.

When the kingdom was astray in the days of wicked King Noah what did Alma do when he was converted by the testimony of Abinidi? Did he wait around for King Noah, who was supposed to hold the keys of power in that area, to tell him what to do? No! If he did that he would still be waiting. Instead he received personal revelation to teach the righteous among them and then gather them out for the Lord had told his people that except they repent he “will lead away the righteous from among you.” Jacob 3:4.

In the days of the restoration of the Gospel there were several groups of people who had received revelation that the Lord was going to do a great work and they gathered together to prepare for such an event and they were in no way held under any condemnation. In one such instance Wilford Woodruff received a revelation to go and visit one such group of three hundred individuals and all of them save one accepted his message. All of the leaders acknowledged the hand of God in preparing groups such as these and not even the least of the saints considered them out of order because they did not have the keys.

But on the other hand, in a sense, they did have the keys as they are defined in the doctrine and covenants: “And as are the records on the earth in relation to your dead, which are truly made out, so also are the records in heaven. This therefore, is the sealing and binding power, and, in one sense of the word, the keys of the kingdom, WHICH CONSISTS IN THE KEY OF KNOWLEDGE.” D&C 128:14

Isn’t this interesting? In a sense the keys of the kingdom consists of “the key of knowledge.” This is why that even though the Jews had the right to the keys of the kingdom by ordination they had lost the “key of knowledge.” which key of knowledge John the Baptist had. Joseph Smith said that this was why John the Baptist was considered the greatest prophet – because he “wrested the KEYS, the kingdom, power, the glory FROM THE JEWS.” TPJS Pg 276 Why was John able to take the keys away from the Jews? Because he had the keys of knowledge.

When Joseph Smith imparted knowledge as to how to detect a true Spirit he said: “These are three grand keys whereby you may know whether any administration is from God.” D&C 129:9 These “grand keys” consisted of knowledge only.

The only keys we have on record that Alma possessed is that he received knowledge or keys by revelation from God that enabled him to gather out the righteous.

Do we not have the key of knowledge of the literal gathering of Israel given to us by God today by revelation? God has appointed to us areas which will be places of refuge and this knowledge in itself is a “key” to survival. Can there then be any condemnation in gathering together in places that the Lord has appointed and being as the faithful workmen and building the strange structures the Master Builder has commanded, which structures are symbolic of the gathering places of the Lord. If we are then faithful workmen we will be blessed by our Lord and if a literal ordination of some kind is needed he will then take away the talent from the unfaithful servant and give it unto him who was faithful.

A question now naturally arises: “How are we to gather today? Circumstances are much different now than in the days of Joseph Smith and Brigham Young. It was practical then to gather together, but not today.”

This may be what the authorities today would have you believe, but it is not true. In many ways it was just as impractical from the standpoint of the world to gather in the days of Joseph as it is today. We forget that this was the main reason the world fought against the Saints of that day. In that time the saints gathered by selling all they had and buying new lands all in the same area and built cities to the Lord. Many had to leave their homes and travel thousands of miles to Nauvoo and later to Salt Lake, and their transportation was not nearly as convenient as it is today. How then can you say that it was more practical in the days of Joseph Smith? How can one say this when many groups are successfully gathering today? The Amish, the Mennonites, and many Indian tribes are successfully gathered today, not to mention the gathering of millions of Jews in Israel. With all of this evidence in view how can the saints claim that it cannot be done today? In actuality the gathering of the saints in the early days was as much of an anomaly as it would be today. The whole world wondered at them at that day and they would wonder anew at a gathering today.

The big question is how are we to gather today when there is no place to flee to? Again that is answered from the scriptures: “Verily, thus saith the Lord, I say unto you, if those who call themselves by my name and are essaying to be my saints, if they will DO MY WILL AND KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS CONCERNING THEM, LET THEM GATHER THEMSELVES TOGETHER UNTO THE PLACES WHICH I SHALL APPOINT UNTO THEM BY MY SERVANT JOSEPH (And others) AND BUILD UP CITIES UNTO MY NAME,. that they may be prepared for that which is in store for a time to come.” D&C 125:2

As mentioned earlier these cities were to be called stakes and were to reach a population of from 15-20,000 and were to be presided over temporally by a stake Bishop. In the meeting in which the city of Nauvoo was contemplated and presided over by Joseph Smith they “wanted to know the views of the brethren, whether they wished to appoint this a stake of Zion or not; stating that he believed it to be a good place, and suited for the saints. It was then unanimously agreed upon that it should be appointed a stake and A PLACE OF GATHERING FOR THE SAINTS.” DHC 4:12

One will notice as he reads church history that the early stakes were appointed when there were virtually no saints living there yet. Today this process has been reversed whereas there has to be several thousand saints living in an area before the stake is created. This would not be done if the saints realized exactly what a stake is. A stake as taught by Joseph Smith is created by marking off a section of land for the building of a city of Zion by the gathering of the Saints. When the stake is designated it may at that time have zero inhabitants as Salt Lake Stake did, but from that time forth the Saints were to gather upon it until such time as it reaches a maximum population of 20,000. When this population limit is reached the excess leave and plot out another stake and gather there.

This is what the Lord was referring to when he said: “And behold, there is none other place appointed than that which I have appointed; neither shall there be any other place appointed than that which I have appointed, for the work of the gathering of my saints Until the day cometh WHEN THERE IS FOUND NO MORE ROOM FOR THEM; and then I have OTHER PLACES which I will appoint unto them, and they shall be called STAKES, for the curtains or the strength of Zion. Behold it is my will, that all they who call on my name, and worship me according to mine everlasting gospel, Should gather together and STAND IN HOLY PLACES.” D&C 101:20-22

God is commanding here as clear as the word can be to physically (not metaphysically as is taught today) gather together on Holy Places which are the Stakes of Zion. We are to create the first stake and when there is found no more room, or in other words, the population limit is reached, then the Lord will have us gather in other stakes. Stakes were not designed to be congregations of Saints blended in and living with Babylon, but Stakes were designed to be the method by which the Saints were to “come out of Babylon.” The stakes are to be for the “curtains or the strength of Zion.”

Heber C. Kimball said: “We have witnessed the flowing of the saints towards Zion; the stream has begun, and we expect to see it continue running until it shall have DRAINED THE SALT. OR THE LIGHT FROM BABYLON.” DHC 4:132 Thus the salt, the light, or the wheat is to be separated from the tares and gathered into barns (or stakes) whereas the wicked are bound in bundles to be burned. We are to gather upon a land “upon which there shall be no curse when the Lord cometh; and I will give it unto you for the land of your inheritance, if you seek it with all your hearts.” D&C 38:18- 19. Where is there a land today that the Saints possess upon which there is no curse? There is none because we have not obeyed the commandment to gather the saints. The Lord’s advice to the Saints after they were expelled from Jackson County is still applicable today: “Carefully gather together, AS MUCH IN ONE REGION AS CAN BE, consistently with the feelings of the people. And behold I will give unto you favor and grace in their eyes, that you may rest in peace and safety, while you are saying unto the people: Execute judgment and justice for us according to the law, and redress us of our wrongs. Now, behold, I say unto you, my friends, in this way you may find favor in the eyes of the people, until the army of Israel becomes very great.” D&C 105;24-26

This was the advice the saints tried to follow after they were expelled; however, we must admit that their gathering places were not always consistent with the feelings of the people, for Babylon has no love for the saints.

If then, we are to obey the commandment to gather what are we to do? Can the commandment be obeyed today? The answer is solidly yes.  There is no law of the church, the scriptures or man that prohibits any group from buying lands and gathering upon them.  And since all are entitled to revelation all one has to do is to get an inner confirmation through payer that the gathering place is approve by the Spirit.

New places of refuge will be created until the central stake in Missouri can be redeemed. Today it is just as practical to buy “lands and gathering together upon them” and build cities to the name of the Lord as it was in the days of Joseph Smith. All that needs done is to find a group of people favorable to the idea. Once new cities or stakes are brought into existence there will be at last places of safety for the saints of the Most High God.

The Lord will bless these stakes or cities with an abundance of wealth so that the saints can gather up the wheat of the world and then when the desolation and the famine hits and wheat becomes worth its weight in gold the Saints will then be given dominion and people will be converted to the cause of Zion by the multitudes, and “they who have laughed will see their folly.” All of this was in Joseph Smith’s mind as evidenced in the words of Brigham Young while Joseph was yet alive: “Yet he (Joseph) will lay a plan to speculate as large as ancient Joseph did; he will have power to buy up all the rest of the world.” DHC 6:16


The time will come when the dollar will collapse and their will be famines and great tribulation and since we know these things in advance we have a chance to prepare as ancient Joseph did for when the famine came in his day he was given power over all his enemies because he had seven years supply of food. It is interesting to note that almost every story in the old Testament is a type or symbol of events which will transpire in the latter-days and the story of Joseph of Egypt will be repeated on a grand scale.

This final gathering is prophesied of in the scriptures: “Turn O backsliding children, saith the Lord; for I am married unto you: and I will take you ONE OF A CITY AND TWO OF A FAMILY, and will bring you unto Zion: And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding.” Jer 3:14-15 The Saints are so blinded by the craftiness of men today that very few will see the light and gather to places of refuge.

The gathering will not be for the members of the Church of Jesus Christ only, but for all lovers of freedom for all true lovers of freedom have the laws of God written in their hearts. Joseph Smith invited “all lovers of truth and correct principles to gather as well as the saints.” DHC 4:178. This type of people will be the inhabitants of the kingdom of God for the kingdom of God does not belong to any one church, but the saints of God will bring the kingdom.

Today numerous small groups are attempting to gather, some of them motivated by the Holy Ghost, but Joseph Smith said the gathering “has to be done by the council of Jehovah, by the revelations of heaven.” DHC 5:65. One of the reasons the gathering has to be done by the revelations of heaven is that great tribulation is going to be poured out and the only way to gain a knowledge of the safe locations is by revelation. Also, it will take the spirit of revelation and the approval of God to cause the Holy Ghost to motivate a large enough group of people to make the gathering successful.

Through the still small voice we have learned that the parable of the leaven will be fulfilled: “The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened.” Matt 13:33.  Joseph Smith said that the parable referred to the last days when there would be little faith upon the earth. These people with this little faith are the leaven that will leaven the whole loaf after the period of tribulation. The grain which is to be leavened is the wheat which will be separated from the tares through the gathering of Israel.


Copyright 1979 by J J Dewey

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The Literal Gathering of Israel, Chapter Three

This entry is part 3 of 16 in the series Literal Gathering

Chapter Three

Was The Gathering Of Israel Suspended?

Those few who do yet believe in a literal gathering of Israel often state that the gathering process is-suspended until we go back to Jackson County. Then they believe we will go back there and again have a great gathering.

The gathering of Israel and the establishment of Zion was paramount on the minds of the early church. The Lord has made it clear that we should not cease in this endeavor: “Again, verily I say unto you, I will show unto you wisdom in me con­cerning ALL the churches, inasmuch as they are willing to be guided in a right and proper way for their salvation,. That the work of the gathering of my, saints MAY CONTINUE, that I build them up unto my name upon HOLY PLACES, for the TIME OF THE HARVEST IS COME, and my word must needs be fulfilled. Therefore, I MUST GATHER TOGETHER MY PEOPLE, according to the parable of the wheat and the tares, that the wheat may be secured in the garners to possess eternal life, and be crowned with celestial glory…While the tares shall be bound in bundles, and their bands made strong, that they may be burned with unquenchable fire. Therefore, a commandment I give unto ALL the churches, that THEY SHALL CONTINUE TO GATHER TOGETHER unto the places which I have appointed… if they will hearken unto this counsel they may buy lands and gather together upon them; and in this way they may establish Zion.” D&C 101: 63-67, 74

Here we are clearly told that the gathering was to continue and nowhere in the scriptures are we commanded to cease gathering, instead the First Presidency announced in the days of Joseph Smith: “The work of the gathering spoken of in the scriptures WILL BE NECESSARY to bring about the glories of the last dispensation.” DHC 4:186.

In the days of Joseph F. Smith an announcement was made that it was no longer necessary for the saints to gather, but was it done by revelation? If it was done by revelation then it had to be a “Secret” revelation and today the church openly condemns secret revelations as being a sure mark of the devil, yet the church is claimed to be run by revelation and apparently all of them are secret. Thus the church leaders are condemning themselves when they condemn such secret revelations,

Joseph F. Smith was not the first individual to try and stop the work of God in gathering his People for the gathering was one of the main causes of persecution, for most of the persecution came before polygamy was introduced.. And why were they persecuted for gathering? Because when the saints gathered together they formed a medium of power for good and they began talking about the glories of the Kingdom and how Zion would eventually rule the world and such talk put great fears in the hearts of their neighbors for their neighbors feared that they may eventually be ruled over by those “tyrannical” Mormons and thus they tried to destroy them.

When the saints gathered in Ohio they were persecuted, and when they gathered in Missouri and tried to build Zion they were mobbed and Bogg’s famous extermination order was issued. When they were ordered to leave Missouri they were told to scatter abroad – that if they dispersed then no one would bother them and they could live their religion without persecution. This seemed like good advice for them, and some followed this and taught others the same. Hyrum Smith spoke in a general conference on this subject and “made remarks disapproving the course pursued by some elders in counteracting the efforts of the presidency to gather the saints, and in enticing them to stop in places not appointed for the gathering.” DHC 4:424

Unfortunately this spirit of enticing of the saints “to stop in places not appointed for the gathering” has spread to the first presidency of the church and the sheep have followed the shepherds. Today they have told all the saints to stay in their native lands for their native countries are appointed for gathering places, yet the saints in Mexico do not gather in Mexico and the saints in Brazil do not gather in Brazil for there is no gathering places appointed for the members of the church anywhere on the earth. Today there are only figurative gatherings,and no literal ones.

On the contrary Brigham Young said: “Recollect that we are now calling upon the Elders to go and gather up Israel; THIS IS THE MISSION THAT IS GIVEN TO US. It was the first mission given to the Elders in the days of Joseph. The set time is come for God to gather Israel, and for his work to commence upon the face of the whole earth, and the Elders who have arisen in this Church and Kingdom are actually of Israel.” JD 2:268. The Lord said: “I must gather together my people according to the parable of the wheat and the tares.” D&C 101 :65 In the parable of the wheat and the tares the Lord did not instruct his servants to gather the wheat for a while and then throw it back in with the tares, yet this is what the shepherds have done in saying that a literal gathering is no longer necessary, but the Lord said: “And now I show unto you a parable. Behold, wheresoever the carcass is, there will the eagles be gathered together; so likewise shall mine elect be gathered from the four quarters of the earth.” Joseph Smith 1:27

This gathering began with Joseph Smith and the Lord instructed its continuance and he condemns those servants who do not obey the principle of gathering as “hypocrites” (verse 54). The Lord also said: “But know this, if the good man of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to have been BROKEN UP, but would have been ready.” Joseph Smith 1:47. Have the shepherds of Israel allowed the house of Israel to again be broken up even after a gathering had begun? Yes. The prophecy is fulfilled and Israel is not gathered today, but broken up. The Lord continues: “Blessed is that servant whom his Lord when he cometh, shall find so doing (Gathering Israel and building Zion); verily I say unto you, he shall make him ruler over all his goods. But if that evil servant shall say in his heart: My Lord delayeth his coming (That is be delays the building of Zion to some future date and we do not have to worry about it now. Build up Zion wherever you are). And he shall begin to smite his fellow-servants, (This is done today by excommunicating the pure in heart), and to eat and drink with the drunken. (Since Israel is not gathered today then they “eat and drink with the drunken). Lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for him, and in an hour that he is not aware of, AND SHALL CUT HIM ASUNDER, AND SHALL APPOINT HIM HIS PORTION WITH THE HYPOCRITS,” Joseph Smith 1:50-54 (Compare Matt 24)

The general feeling in the church today regarding this scripture is that it applies mainly to the lowly member and home teacher for surely the authorities are being as the wise servant. But NO! The evil servant one who has power enough to allow the Lord’s whole house to be “broken and the lowly member and home teacher has not this power. The evil servant was one, who was supposed to have care for the Lord’s house, one in high authority. The faithful servant is represented by those who do not give up on the gathering and building of Zion.

The evil servants are also referred to in the Doctrine and Covenants. The Lord compared the gathering Of Israel to a tower and after He commanded its construction “They began to say among themselves: And what need hath my Lord of this tower? And consulted for a long time saying among themselves: What need hath my Lord of this tower, seeing this is a time of peace? (That is persecution has subsided so why gather. It is no longer necessary) Might not this money be given to the exchangers? For there is no need of these things. (After all it costs money to gather together and build cities) And while they were at variance one with another they became very slothful, and they hearkened not to the commandments of the Lord. And the enemy came by night and broke down the hedge; and the servants of the nobleman arose and were afrightened and fled; and the enemy destroyed their works, and broke down the olive trees. Now behold, the nobleman, the Lord of the vineyard called upon his servants, and said unto them, Why! what is the cause of this great evil? Ought YE NOT TO HAVE DONE EVEN AS I COMMANDED YOU, and after ye had planted the vineyard, and built the hedge round about, and set watchmen upon the walls thereof – built the tower also, and set a watchman upon the tower, and watched for my vineyard, AND NOT FALLEN ASLEEP, lest the enemy should come upon you? And behold, the watchman upon the tower would have seen the enemy While HE WAS YET FAR OFF; and then ye could have made ready and kept the enemy from breaking down the hedge thereof, and saved my vineyard from the hands of the destroyer.” D&C 101:47-54 Then the Lord tells us he will call a faithful servant to fulfill his will which would be accomplished “after many days”. Verse 62 Then the He speaks clearly a few verses later and said: “They shall continue to gather together unto the places which I have appointed.” Verse 7.

One might ask how would the gathering enable us to “have seen the enemy while he was yet afar off?” Verse 54 The reason he would have been seen while he was yet afar off is because the gathering always draws opposition and the enemy would have continued to show himself while he was yet weak or afar off. If the gathering had continued then the Church would be prepared for the enemy today. As it is, with the dissolution of the gathering, the Church does not draw the evil men to oppose them. They appear as friends and the saints eat and drink with the drunken and cannot see the enemy afar off; yea, they cannot see him until it is too late.

Oh, how great is the wisdom of God in commanding his people to gather, yet how great is the folly of man in neglecting this principle because they see no need. Is it not clear that the gathering of Israel is one of the main promises made to the fathers and without it “the earth would be utterly wasted at his coming.” D&C 2:3. Nephi elaborates somewhat on this principle “For thus are the covenants of the Lord with our fathers; and it MEANETH US IN THE DAYS TO COME, AND ALSO ALL OUR BRETHREN WHO ARE OF THE HOUSE, OF ISRAEL…

Therefore, he will bring them again out of captivity, and THEY SHALL BE GATHERED TOGETHER to the lands of their inheritance; and they shall be brought out of obscurity and out of darkness.” I Nephi 22:6&12.

Jesus tells us when these promises are to be fulfilled: “When the words of Isaiah should be fulfilled… then is the fulfilling of the covenant which the Father hath made unto his people, O house of Israel. And then shall the remnants, which shall be scattered abroad upon the face of the earth BE GATHERED IN from the east and from the west and from the south and from the North; and they shall be brought to the knowledge of the Lord their God who hath redeemed them… And I will gather my people together as a man gathered his sheaves into the floor. For I will make my people with whom the Father hath covenanted, yea, I will make thy horn iron, and I will make thy hoofs brass. And thou shalt beat in pieces many people…” III Nephi 20: 11-13 &18-19

Concerning the gathering Jesus also said: he “will gather his people even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, even as many as will hearken to my voice and humble themselves before me, and call upon me in mighty prayer… And ye are called to bring to pass the gathering of mine elect; for mine elect hear my voice and HARDEN NOT THEIR HEARTS; wherefore the decree hath gone forth from the Father that they shall be gathered in unto ONE PLACE UPON THE FACE OF THIS LAND, to prepare their hearts and be prepared in all things against the day when tribulation and desolation are sent forth upon the wicked.” D&C 29:2, 7-8

Micah makes some interesting prophesies concerning the period when the final gathering will begin: “O thou that art named the house of Jacob, is the spirit of the Lord straightened? Are these his doings? Do not my words do good to him that walketh uprightly’? Even of late my people is risen up as an enemy (This could be referring to the people of the church when they abandoned the gathering). … Arise ye, and depart; for this is not your rest: because IT IS POLLUTED, it shall destroy you, even with a sore destruction. If a man walking in the spirit and falsehood do lie, saying, I will prophesy unto thee of wine and of strong drink; (That is receiving revelations the world wants to hear) he shall even be the prophet of this people. (The people will have a false prophet) I will surely assemble, O Jacob, all of thee; I WILL SURELY GATHER THE REMNANT OF ISRAEL; 1 will put them together as the sheep of Bozrah, as the flock in the midst of their fold: they shall make great noise by reason of the multitude of men

“And I said, Hear I pray you, O heads of Jacob, and ye princes of the House of Israel (The General Authorities): Is it not for you to know judgment? (That is they should know how to make correct judgments.) Who hate the good, and love the evil… Then shall they cry unto the Lord, but He will not hear them: he will even hide His face from them at that time, (What time? At the time the Lord Gathers out a remnant.), as they have behaved themselves ill in their doings. Thus Saith the, Lord concerning the prophets that make my people err, that bite their teeth, and cry, Peace; (The Knox version translates this: ‘All is well) and he that putteth not into their mouths, they even prepare war against him. (This means that the person who does not go along with those who believe all is well in Zion and raise their voice in protest they, the Authorities prepare war against him.) Therefore night shall be unto you, that ye shall have not a vision; and it shall be dark unto you, that ye shall not divine; and the sun shall go down over the prophets, and the day shall be dark over them. Then shall the seers be ashamed, and the diviners confounded: yea, they shall all cover their lips: for there is no answer from God.” Micah 2:7-12; 3:1-7

LDS missionaries use this scripture to substantiate the great apostasy during the dark ages, but there are several facts to indicate that the prophesy pertains to our day and not the dark ages. First of all the church during the dark ages did not believe in prophets, seers and revelators, but here Micah talks about people who will actually claim to be such and will receive false revelations. Secondly, we are told that at the time of these false prophets the Lord “will surely gather the remnant of Israel”. There was no gathering during the dark ages.

Thirdly, Micah makes another prophecy which is to be fulfilled after this successful gathering: “But in the last days it shall come to pass, that the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be established in the top of the mountains, and it shall be exalted above the hills; and people shall flow unto it. And MANY NATIONS SHALL COME, and say, Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, and to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: FOR THE LAW SHALL GO FORTH OUT OF ZION, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.” Micah 4:1-2. This famous quote, which is also found in Isaiah, is often used by the church to support the idea that the Church today has Zion established in the tops of the mountains in Utah, and to the casual observer it seems as if this is the logical fulfillment of the prophesy, but is it??? We are told that “the law shall go forth out of Zion”. Does the church have any dominion that they have power to give laws? The next verse says: “And he shall judge among many people, and REBUKE STRONG NATIONS AFAR OFF… And I will make her that halteth a remnant, (the true gathering of the Jews), and her that was CAST FAR OFF A STRONG NATION.” Micah 4:3 & 7. Who was cast afar off? It was the children of Lehi. When they are gathered in the Lord will make Zion a strong nation.

Does the church today have power “to rebuke strong nations afar off? Is the church today a strong nation? No. These prophecies are not yet fulfilled and it may shock some people to learn that the mountain of the Lord’s house is not in Utah among those beautiful mountains. Has not the Church been clearly told that Zion is to be established in Jackson County Missouri and that it is from this spot that the law will go forth that will govern the nations? Joseph Smith made this clear near the end of his life at a time that he was aware that the “Saints would go to the Rocky Mountains and become a mighty people.” He said: “The whole of America is Zion itself from north to south, and is described by the prophets, who declare that it is the Zion where the mountain of the Lord should be, AND THAT IT SHOULD BE IN THE CENTER OF THE LAND. When the Elders shall take up and examine the old prophesies in the Bible, they will see it.” DHC 6:318-319

If the Church accepts the revelations given through Joseph Smith then they must acknowledge that the mountain of the Lord’s house is not in the Rocky Mountains, but is in Missouri. It is from this place that strong nations will be rebuked and that the law will go forth and that other nations will come forth and want to be governed by the principles of freedom as outlined in the original constitution of the United States which was established “for the rights and protection of ALL flesh.” D&C 101:77

If this is so one might well ask then why the prophecy speaks about the Mountain of the Lord’s house in the tops of the mountains when there are few mountains in Missouri. There are several things to keep in mind here. First recall that the Lord often speaks of his holy mountain as being in Israel, yet there are no high mountains there. A good-sized hill is the highest thing you can find there. Secondly the Lord often refers to his people gathered together as his “holy Mountain” even if there are no mountains around. Thirdly, Missouri is in the center of a land filled with mountain ranges, and Forth, if you demand a literal interpretation we are told that the time will come “for the valleys to be exalted, and for the mountains to be made low.” D&C 49:23. Thus it would hardly do to establish the Central stake in Salt Lake for it would no longer be in the tops of the mountains when they are made low. On the other hand it is possible that the Lord will raise up a great mountain in the central stake in Missouri.

The Lord seemed to be aware that the gathering commenced by Joseph Smith would not be permanent as we have previously indicated by the parable of the servants abandoning the tower. The scriptures say: “Mine indignation is soon to be poured out without measure upon all nations; and this I will do when the cup of their iniquity is full. And in that day ALL who are found upon the watchtower, or in other words, all mine Israel, shall be saved. AND THEY THAT HAVE BEEN SCATTERED SHALL BE GATHERED.” D&C 101:11-13. This gathering spoken of here has to refer to a second gathering for the first had already started. This second successful gathering will take place when the Lord’s wrath is poured out upon the nations.

This second gathering was sensed by some of the early leaders. Brigham Young said: “God will preserve a PORTION OF’ THIS PEOPLE of the meek and humble, to bear off the kingdom to the inhabitants of the earth.” Contributor 10:362. Also Heber C. Kimball said: “But the time will come when the Lord will choose A PEOPLE OUT OF THIS PEOPLE upon whom he will bestow His choicest blessings.” Deseret News; Nov 9, 1865.

True saints look forward to the true literal gathering Of Israel. A  marvelous work and wonder will come forth, a work which shall be so great that the history books will teach that all that has gone on before us including the restoration of the gospel was only preparation for that which is to come. The work of the Lord through Joseph Smith, as great as it was, was only preparation for that which God will yet accomplish through the meek and humble of the earth.

John the Revelator prophesied of the great gathering, or the coming out of Babylon. He said: “And I heard another voice (rev elation) from heaven, saying, COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.” Rev. 18:4 This revelation that John prophesied of was given to Joseph Smith November 3, 1831 wherein the Lord said: “Go ye out from among the nations, even from Babylon, from the midst of wickedness, which is spiritual Babylon.” D&C 133:14 Joseph Smith said that this commandment was given “that the people of the Lord MAY LIVE when Babylon the great is fallen.” DHC 4:9

How can one deny that the commandment to come out of Babylon is literal and is yet binding on the Latter-Day Saints? The Lord said: “Save yourselves from this untoward generation, and COME FORTH OUT OF THE FIRE, hating even the garments spotted with the flesh.” D&C 36:6.

Jesus also personally prophesied of the coming out of Babylon: “And then shall a cry go forth: Depart ye, depart ye, GO YE OUT FROM THENCE, touch not that which is unclean; GO YE OUT OF THE MIDST OF HER. III Nephi 20:41

When Jacob was chastising his people he told them: “And the time speedily cometh, that except ye repent… the Lord God will lead away the righteous out from among you.” Jacob 3:4 Is not this the principle that God has used in all ages? Will he not lead forth the righteous from the Latter-Day Saints today except they repent?

Jeremiah speaks extensively concerning the commandment to come out of Babylon: “My people hath been lost sheep: their shepherds have caused them to go astray, they have turned them away on the mountains: they have gone from mountain to hill, they have forgotten their resting place… Remove out of the midst of Babylon, and go forth out of the land of the Chaldeans, and be as the he goats before the flocks. For, lo, I will raise and cause to come up against Babylon an assembly of great nations from the North country: and they shall set themselves in array against her… Flee out of the midst of Babylon, and deliver ever, man his soul… Babylon is suddenly fallen and destroyed: howl for her that ‘have escaped the sword, go away, stand not still: remember the Lord afar off, and let Jerusalem (That is the New Jerusalem) come into your mind.” Jer 50:6,8-9;.51:9,5

Again we are told: “The diviners have seen a lie, and have told false dreams; THEY COMFORT IN VAIN… I will save the house of Joseph, and I will bring them again to place them… And they of Ephraim shall be like a mighty man… I will hiss for them, and gather them… I will bring them again also out of tile land of Egypt, (That is he will deliver us from oppressive laws and taxation), and gather them out of Assyria (That is the Lord will gather them from among the wicked); and I will bring them into the land of Gilead and Lebanon;” Zech 10:2,6,7 & 10

What does the Lord mean when he says he will bring them “into the land of Gilead and Lebanon”? If we apply the Hebrew meanings of the words we get an interesting interpretation. Gilead means “many witnesses” and Lebanon means “the center” so we could render it thus: “I will bring you to a land of which you have received many witnesses which is in the center”( of the country). Did not Joseph Smith say that Jackson County, Missouri is the “center” stake in the center of the land? Is not the consistency of all of the prophets amazing?

We must keep in mind here that many of the prophesies concerning Zion will commence in their fulfillment in the Rocky Mountains, but they will not bud forth in all of their glory until the center stake is established. The prophecy that Joseph made about the saints becoming a mighty people in the midst of the rocky mountains has not yet been fulfilled. The Mormon people are now a numerous people, but they are not mighty, but a mighty people will grow up out of their midst.


Copyright 1979 by J J Dewey

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