In our far past we relied on instinct. At one time in our past lives we were tribal people and we learned to develop the instinct. We learned everything that the animals had and we took it with us and used it to the maximum and we developed it fully. Then we decided that we wanted to learn something else and to do this we dropped the instincts below the threshold of our consciousness. So where did it go?
You do not see Garrett over here taming mountain lions or anything like that. He is probably the wrong person to pick on because he is probably pretty close to nature. The thing is this, where did our instinctual powers go? And the answer is that they are still with us. And we can go back and tap into it, just like when you come across a complicated word, you can go back and tap into how to pronounce things and use that skill to sound it out. Now each of us has passed through the instinctive process so each of us has the ability to tap into the instinct as good as any native running around in the jungles, if we decide to tap into it. But the thing is a lot of us are not aware that we have passed through that and are not aware that we can go back in and tap into it.
I remember a while back, and I have not seen it lately, but there used to be these drumming clubs where men discover their manliness. Men get together and drum, apparently the people that do this say that it taps into some basic primal thing in them that they did not realize was there. We can tap into that instinct that is still there and we can still go back and retrieve it. The reason drumming brings it back is because in our past lives as natives in various places we probably did a lot of drumming and the drumming taps us into that memory and brings us back to instincts.
I remember one time I attended this meeting where this gal performed a Native American dance and as I was watching it I went into a dream state and went back into a past life where I was some type of Native myself. I thought, wow that was pretty powerful and she must have tapped into some ancient memory at the time. That was quite fascinating but all of that is below the threshold of our consciousness and we can tap into it whenever we want, but for what we are doing right now we do not need it very much.
We don’t need to rely on instinct very much to survive like some one living in the jungles or close to the earth and hunting everyday or being hunted. Instead, we need to use other resources and because of this we let the instinct pretty much go. It is not always completely gone and we feel a certain amount of instinct in things; like say we touch a hot stove and we react instinctively. Certain instincts are built into us like a computer program that we just continue to use when important. But if we do not use them frequently we just let them go. The important thing to realize is that we can let them go and bring them back whenever we want. All we have to do is pay attention to them and they can come back to us and we can use them as a tool should the need arise.
After the person develops these instincts and lets them go what is the next thing to concentrate on?
We move away from the physical instinct to the emotional self. Now as we move into the emotional realm we start using it with what we call our “gut feelings.” The gut feeling is close to being instinctual but it is kind of the bridge between instinct and psychism and so we get feelings about things and we begin to develop this side of ourselves.
Wayne from the audience: Was the choice of that shirt instinct?
JJ: Laughing, it was random! All my selections are random unless my wife picks them out for me, so you can talk to her.
So the next thing we develop is our psychic abilities and you will notice that a lot of people evolve into this as they break away from the instinct. A good example of people bridging the gap is in Haiti where they practice voodoo. So they have a lot of psychism and instinct there but as I said they are bridging the gap from the instinct to the lower psychic as they are moving from instinct to lower psychism. Next we move from the lower psychic to higher psychism and we spend a long time developing our feelings from being insensitive to the feeling world.
Now the feeling world is upside down from the real world. Have you ever looked at your self in a mirror and it really looks like you but in fact you are really reversed and it is not the way other people see you.
It is kind of funny when you see a picture of you that is not reversed you think that it looks kind of odd but when you look in a mirror you think, well that is the way I look but that is not the way other people are seeing you – your image in the mirror is reversed. The soul projects to the mind and then reflects to the emotional self as in a mirror where all is reversed.
This is why the purpose of the feeling world is not to lead us to truth but to lead us to experience. Haven’t you found that some of your greatest experiences have been when you have done something really crazy that was not logical and you look back on it and think it was a really stupid thing to do but it lead to a really interesting experience and you learned a lot. This is what the feeling world does. It takes everything and reverses it and you get a feeling about reality but you never find reality in the feeling world and this is another reason that as you develop through the feeling world you develop your psychic abilities. This is also the reason most psychics are not really very accurate.
They are interesting and they are fun to listen to and they tap into things but just like looking at yourself in the mirror if you were to describe yourself and say the mole is on the right side when it is really on the other side well that is why the psychic will say a thing is going to happen in 2001 and it will really happen in 2003. They will get a bunch of data and some of it is true. The information is just true enough that it keeps people going to psychics. Even though much is reversed, it is projected into the world or among their friends or their clients and it just rings true enough that you have got to think there is something to this.
But it is never 100% accurate and as a matter of fact whenever a major event happens like 911 you never hear a psychic saying it in advance that it is going to happen. Where they are best at is connecting to the feeling nature. Many psychics are actually quite good at picking up your feelings and describing them to you because regular psychism operates on the feeling nature. Now there is lower and higher psychism and there are different degrees. The lower psychic is actually sometimes the most accurate because he does not have a lot of ego attached to it but as a person progresses and increases his vibration; he also increases the power of ego.
So his ego gets more centralized, so he gets to the point where he begins to think that, “Oh I am a really great psychic and I am a great being because I have these powers.” When they start thinking this way it reverses and contorts their thinking all the more and so they have even more difficulty. But what they can do is they can read other people’s feelings and work with them. A psychic can also often pick up things from the other person’s aura and many psychics that claim to contact the dead are actually just picking up things in the clients aura about that dead person who is not even in the room with them or anything.
Every once in a while there will be a legitimate contact with the dead but most of the time they are tuning into the person they are with and sometimes a real psychic ability occurs where they really pick up something from the person’s memory or feeling nature. Both the psychic and the person will believe it is from the spirit world when in fact they are just picking it up from the person’s memory or the person’s aura.
Like I say there is no black and white on this because there are so many things that come into play. There are times when the veil between the two worlds is thin and people pick up things. Then there are other times when the psychic himself will pick up information from his own thoughtform, and other times he will pick it up from the person he is reading.
So we go through this psychic period and not all of us become like Jeane Dixon, a famous psychic. When you are going through this period you will find that many people you meet do have what they feel are psychic abilities and they are not a professional psychic. They are not out there reading tea leaves or anything like that but a lot of people do have psychic ability.
We go through this process and what we are supposed to perfect when we are going through this type of development is increasing emotional sensitivity and empathy. This is the most important thing to learn from developing our psychic abilities. As we develop them we tune into our emotional nature and other people’s emotional nature and we pick up their sufferings, their joys, their happiness and what brings them distress.
By picking up these sensitivities about other people it makes you more aware, more sensitive and more willing to do unto others, as you would have others do unto you. This is the important lesson from developing this ability because you never get 100% accuracy from what we call astral psychism. But you can get a really high degree of accuracy by developing empathy for your fellow man because as you develop your psychic ability you will develop an empathy for how other people are feeling. When you tune in to how they are feeling it will make you a lot better communicator and will make you a person that is much more sought out because people will feel that you understand them because you know how they feel and so on.
Copyright by J J Dewey