Fun Facts

This entry is part 12 of 34 in the series 2010B

Over the years I have collected an interesting assortment of odd ball stories, articles and unusual information.  I thought I would share a few light-hearted stories with you.
Here is the first one:

Einstein’s Brain
Researcher Marian Diamond has discovered why Einstein was such a genius. He had 73 percent more of a certain type of brain cell than the average guy.

The University of California anatomy professor studied four slices of the famous physicist’s brain and found that the left portion of Einstein gray matter contained more glial cells, cells which supply nourishment to other brain tissue and handle mundane chores.

“There I was, looking at the brain that came up with the theory of relativity,” said an awestruck Dr. Diamond, who admitted she found the experience “overwhelming.”

Einstein’s brain is owned by a Missouri pathologist who participated in an autopsy on the genius after his death in 1955 at the age of 76. It took Dr. Diamond three years to talk him out of a few chunks of brain tissue for her experiments and six months to study the samples.

Her efforts were rewarded when she discovered differences between Einstein’s brain tissue and the tissue of ordinarily intelligent people.

Diamond said she found 73 percent more glial cells for every neuron cell in the left lobe of Einstein’s brain, Neuron cells are responsible for thinking, while the gliais supply more fundamental needs. She theorizes that the abundance of glial cells explains Einstein’s superintelIigence.

“No one knows how cells think,” she said, “It’s a mystery.”

Diamond has been studying the neuron-glial relationship in rats for years and has found that rats that are stimulated with toys and activities develop more glials for every neuron.
WEEKLY WORLD NEWS March 26. 1985

Piggly Wiggly
Clarence Saunders put the “super” in supermarket when he invented the self-serve market, but his competitors laughed in his face the day he opened his first Piggly WIggly store in 1916.

Up until then, grocery shoppers told a clerk what they wanted and the clerk gathered all the items. But Saunders had a better idea. He put the groceries on shelves, stuck price tags in front of them and let shoppers pick what they wanted. Then the customers took their groceries to the checkout counter.

“Traditional grocery store owners thought Saunders first store in Memphis, Tenn., was a joke. They prophesied customers would steal him out of business inside a month,” said Melinda Ingram, communications manager for Piggly Wiggly Corp.

“Instead, a week after he opened the store, Saunders had to issue admission tickets.” That’s because Saunders was a public relations genius and he also made sure Piggly Wiggly had lower prices than its competitors.

“Saunders was the first to start a price war, running ads comparing his prices with his old-fashioned competitors,” Ingram said.

“Two months after his first store opened, Saunders had 43 stores.”

Saunders lost his fortune in the stock market during the 1920s. But Ed Matthews, vice president and director of trade relations for Piggly Wiggly, said; “Saunders* store started a revolution in the movement of products from manufacturers to consumers.

“Piggly Wiggly and the invention of Saunders self-service has been described as the most significant change in the buying and selling of goods since the introduction of currency.”

from 1990 tabloid Unknown Source


You can tell what people are thinking by watching their hands, say experts.

“Hands can be a real giveaway to our inner feelings,” said Dr. Vernon Coleman, author of the new book “People Watching.”

“For example, observe the way people shake hands. If they reach out and try to keep their hand on top with the palm facing down, they are trying to dominate.

“When people conceal their palms they are being aggressive and when they have their hands turned upward with the palms in full view they are open and receptive.

“When people put their hands behind their head and lean back, that is a generally aggressive and arrogant sign. They are saying they can expose their bodies to you, but have so much power they don’t need to defend themselves.

“When a man or woman constantly plays with their wedding ring it indicates something is wrong with the relationship. This is especially true if the person talks about their partner at the same time.

“The hands can also pinpoint, a liar. When people stray from the truth they often touch their faces, particularly around the mouth and: the nose.

“Somebody who fiddles with their neckline or puts their hands inside their shirt or blouse is probably not telling you the whole truth. They have something to hide. Putting the hands in the pockets is another way of attempting to hide something.

“But when a man repeatedly touches his tie he is very keen on making a good impression. It is his way of saying he’s really trying.”

Liars sometimes give themselves away by scratching their necks, added Dr. David Lewis, author of “The Secret Language of Success. How to Bead and Use Body Talk.”

“They usually scratch five times – seldom more and rarely less ” he said.

“Some people know their hands can expose their lies, and they try to keep them out of sight in their pockets or behind their backs. But even then they can. subconsciously fiddle with keys or coins ? which shows they are not tolling the truth. “

Another interesting and revealing hand movement is when someone makes a hair grooming gesture, like -running their fingers through their hair. This shows the person is suddenly filled with doubt and doesn’t know what to do next”

People also betray their secret anxieties by holding something in front of them, such as a newspaper or handbag, said Dr. Coleman.

“It can mean that person is receiving unwanted attention from the opposite sex – and is trying to reject these advances by hiding. “

On the other hand, people who put their hands on their hips or their thumbs into their belt loops are trying to make themselves look attractive.”
Colin Brennan
Unknown source 1990

Excellent Drivers
Some37 percent of drivers think they are excellent behind the wheel, and 55 percent consider themselves good, reveals a poll of 500 motorists commissioned by Valvoline Oil.

But only 2 percent of drivers feel that other motorists are excellent… and 55 percent think that the other guy is generally a poor-to-fair driver.

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