What Happens After Death?

This entry is part 33 of 57 in the series Mysteries

Question Thirty-Four

What Happens After Death?

People have a variety of experiences right after death.  Quite a few separate in their etheric body and it is so much like the physical one they are oblivious to the fact they have passed over. These often learn they are dead when they catch a glimpse of their dead physical body.  This often comes as a shock to them.

The etheric body usually survives the physical death for a few days and then dissipates forcing the entity to move on to his spiritual home. But while it holds together he can hang around and even attend his own funeral if he desires.

The more a person’s consciousness is attached to this world the longer will his etheric body hold together causing him to hang around his associates.. The more spiritually inclined will separate from their etheric body quickly and not even attend their funeral.  This doesn’t stop them from tuning into it and being aware of what people are saying and thinking about him after his death.

After the energy of the etheric body dissipates, which can be immediately or a few days, the person then  enters that tunnel with a light at the end that we have all heard about.

This tunnel is actually the silver cord that connects a higher part of yourself to your body.  Then at death your consciousness follows this cord back to your source.  As you follow it, it seems as if you are traveling through a tunnel.

All the consciousness and intelligence which is you was not incarnated into your body in your life.  In life we are connected by a spiritual energy to a higher part of ourselves that resides in one of the planes of the spirit world.  The goal, at death is to reunite with this higher part of ourselves so we can function in the spirit world as a whole spiritual conscious being.

Unfortunately, most are not ready for that experience and have lessons to learn in connection with their past life on earth. Therefore, instead of a permanent merging with their higher self they will have a temporary one and this has been called the “life review.” During this merging they will be aware of several advanced beings guiding the process while they see their life from beginning to end.  As it passes like a holographic movie at great speed he will be aware of the effect of every action, thought and word that came from him. If he hurt people, even unknowingly, he will be aware of that. If he helped others or made them happy he will be aware of that.  After reviewing his life he will be aware of how successful his life was but most have a lot of disappointments over missed opportunities and harm that was caused.

After the review he goes to one of the many abodes that Jesus spoke of. Most people after death go to one of the places in the emotional/astral world.  These numerous dwelling places are created out of emotional/desire energy and since there is such a wide variety of desires in this world there is correspondingly a large number of worlds created from those desires.

For instance, if the person is devoutly religious he will go to a place where that religion dominates for it is created by the thoughts and desires of those who belonged to it while dwelling on earth. Here he will meet church leaders who will be in charge of the society there and he will be expected to abide by the church rules or be sent away to some dark place.

Here he will be able to see the results of his beliefs which he cherished on earth.  They will come to life for him and he’ll be able to witness how well they work in bringing happiness to him and others.

If he is a Christian his group will adore Jesus.  If he is a Buddhist they will honor Buddha and if he is a Muslim they will find their virgins if they think they are worthy and see Mohammed as the dominating entity.

The Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed or other holy figure will rarely be the real one.  It will either be an actor playing the role or a creation of group thought.  All this is designed to teach us what the result would be in the afterlife if our beliefs were true.

Entities get stuck in these astral illusions until they begin to realize that something is amiss. It will be a little like the Twilight Zone episode where the guy thought he went to heaven because he was given everything he desired.  Then when he realized his desires were not making him happy he discovered he wasn’t in heaven after all, but hell.

Most people have a belief system which is full of illusions.  This not only includes religious people but other ideologies as well.  Those who place politics above religion will go to a place governed by the political system of their dreams. Unfortunately, for them, most will discover that their ideas do not work that well and the authoritarian system they are under will eventually make them miserable and they will desire to move on to something else.

An atheist will attempt to deny his after life conscious existence for some time, depending on how hardened his views are.  Sooner or later though he has to open up his consciousness to his new world.  He will be met by other atheists who are forced to acknowledge that there is some type of other dimension they are living in, but they still see it as a creation of natural evolution and neither do they acknowledge the existence of God.

Those few who love the truth and allow it to set them free are able to bypass the worlds of illusion and reunite with their higher selves. These are able to see things as they are and to visit most any abode, person or world they desire.


Copyright 2014 by J J Dewey

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Keys Posts 2012, Part 6

This entry is part 19 of 40 in the series 2012A

March 14, 2012

The Majority Speaks

I’ve decided to do some posting on my political site. Read the first one here:


March 16, 2012

After Death

Tom writes: My G- ma died 5 years ago and was wondering if she still remembers me in the afterlife? Does one’s memory vary from area to area like the astral and mental plane?

JJ DK makes an interesting statement about memory in the next world I haven’t read anywhere else. He says we take with us our three most important memories centered around significant life lessons. I believe, however, this applies to us after we have settled down in our designated afterlife and start preparing for the next. Before that we keep our memories until we have our life review and then some time after.

Of course the higher you go in the various levels the more access you have. I would suppose that those in the higher mental and above can access whatever memories they want but these would be the least interested in doing so because they will be centered on the future rather than the past.

Our memories are not lost but stored in our permanent atoms and can be accessed through the soul whenever it may be necessary. This can be done right here in the physical as well as the next world if Higher Will sees it as necessary or if the right process is followed.

Tom If one is in the sleep state or deva or David state…will one still contain memories of their last life on earth?

JJ If one goes to the religious heaven or devachan he will enter a dream world. Just as in a dream you have vague and sometimes inaccurate memories of your waking life even so there you will construct a dream like reality that is linked to this life but not fully connected.

Tom: Another question…Why is some forms of death have to be so awful…imagine being burned to death or chocking to death? Imagine being torture or dying from drowning? Why must some forms of death be so unpleasant?

JJ Two reasons. First, all painful experiences are great learning devices that make us strong people in the long run. Secondly, there are many things about creation and life that couldn’t materialize and evolve any other way than it has. Just like the universe could not exist without gravity we also need the duality of pain and pleasure to fully evolve.

Eventually we will master the dualities so such painful deaths and circumstances will become a thing of the past.


March 17, 2012

Accessing Past Lives

They can be accessed in some people by hypnosis, guided meditation, regular meditation, suggestive dreaming and intuitively. Also if the soul concludes the seeker needs to know something it will be revealed in some way.


March 20, 2012

Microwave test – food for thought

Ruth posted some interesting information on microwaving taken from HERE

One side of the microwave debate insists that its use should be avoided at all costs – that any use of it is dangerous. They claim it damages the DNA and alters the food so it is harmful.

I think the truth is somewhat in between.

The site gives an experiment where plants are grown with regular and microwaved water. Ashley then gives us this Snopes reference where another experiment yields no measurable difference.

This reminds me of a time I was talking to a natural health practitioner and she told me that you shouldn’t even heat up water in a microwave. Apparently it changes the polarity of the molecules and makes it dead. She said that microwaved water is so lifeless that it cannot even sprout seeds.

Well, I don’t microwave much food because it just doesn’t taste as good and taste is an indicate of quality, but I do heat up coffee, tea and water in the microwave. I was suspicious so I put her words to the test.

I sorted out two batches of seeds to sprout. For the first batch I used regular water that hadn’t been microwaved and for the second batch I used water that had been liberally boiled in the microwave. I watered the two sets of seeds with the two waters until they reached maturity and couldn’t tell the difference between the two. The lady was definitely wrong about microwaved water not being able to sprout seeds.

As far as its effect on foods go I would like to see more research carried out. My gut feeling is that microwaved food does have drawbacks and is not as good for you as regular cooking but is not as bad as some claim.

I personally use a microwave sparing such as warming liquids and warming food up if in a hurry. I never cook in a microwave.


March 25, 2012

Why it is ethical to eat meat

I’m entering this post in a contest sponsored by the New York Times. The one who writes the best article on “Why it is ethical to eat meat” will get published there. I am limited to 600 words and could have done the article much more justice with a couple thousand. Here is a preview:

NOTE They didn’t select mine.  The winner is posted here.

The winning posted should have been titled “Why it is Ethical to Eat Some Meat.


April 1, 2012

Animal Destiny

Dan: And for anybody that wonders, we use ZERO chemicals of any kind on them and they eat only their natural food – weeds, leaves and grasses. We do give them free choice salt, minerals and baking soda.

JJ A lot of people do not realize that small farmers like yourself often take better care of animals than many people do their kids and their meat, eggs and milk is better quality than the government certified organic. If you want good meat products just search Craig’s list for a local guy with meat, eggs or milk for sale. Local whole foods markets also often sell products from local farmers.


April 5, 2012

The Milgram Experiment

The Milgram experiment illustrates perhaps the greatest flaw in our human nature. Most of us desire to conform to authority and associates more than we desire to do the right thing or follow the highest we know. This experiment illustrates how it is that often we see that 100% of the Republicans vote with their side and 100% of the Democrats vote with their side even though one choice is always better for the country than the other.

Here is my original article on the Milgram experiment followed by links to a modern repetition of it.

Date: 14 Dec 1998

A while back Dateline had a special on the power of Authority.

They started the show by showing an old clip from Candid Camera. In this clip the victim of the show entered an elevator with about six other people in it. The funny thing was that the other six (who worked with Candid Camera) were told to face different directions at different times.

Now normally when you are in an elevator you face the door, but this group all faced the inside panel with their backs toward the door. Even though this was very odd the victim did not want to be different so he turned with his back toward the door. Then they showed several clips of the people in the elevator and every time the group turned, the victim turned with them.

It seemed kind of funny and I’m sure the Candid Camera audience got a good laugh out of it, but the reality behind this is the scariest human trait we possess. That is, most of mankind will follow the leader or group even if it makes no sense or if it goes against every moral teaching they have ever been taught.

The second part of the feature had an experiment done with college students. Again they had an unsuspecting victim participating with a group of about a half dozen that knew what was going on. The group was shown a set of four lines and of the four there were two of equal length. They were then asked to pick the two lines that were equal. They showed the lines on TV and it was obvious which two were the correct match.

The next thing they did was to have the planted students all give the same wrong match. Then when it became the victim’s turn you could tell he began to doubt what his eyes and reasoning were telling him. Some of the victims gave the right answer for a round or two but one by one each victim gave in and started giving the wrong answer as the right answer, even though he knew within himself that it was wrong.

The interesting thing about watching their faces on TV was that they all looked a little depressed when they started knowingly giving the wrong answers as right answers. It was almost like the poor kids were selling their souls.

Finally they showed the most alarming experiment of all which was conducted by Stanley Milgram way back in the sixties.

Milgram was curious about how a group of apparently normal people like the Germans could have participated in the Nazi atrocities which was against every moral teaching that they ever believed in. Their excuse was always the same: “I was just following orders..”

Below is a description of the experiment:

<<<In the experiment, so-called “teachers” (who were actually the unknowing subjects of the experiment) were recruited by Milgram. They were asked to administer an electric shock of increasing intensity to a “learner” for each mistake he made during the experiment. The fictitious story given to these “teachers” was that the experiment was exploring effects of punishment (for incorrect responses) on learning behavior. The “teacher” was not aware that the “learner” in the study was actually an actor – – merely indicating discomfort as the “teacher” increased the electric shocks.>

When the “teacher” asked whether increased shocks should be given he/she was verbally encouraged to continue. Sixty-five percent of the “teachers” obeyed orders to punish the learner to the very end of the 450-volt scale! No subject stopped before reaching 300 volts!

At times, the worried “teachers” questioned the experimenter, asking who was responsible for any harmful effects resulting from shocking the learner at such a high level. Upon receiving the answer that the experimenter assumed full responsibility, teachers seemed to accept the response and continue shocking, even though some were obviously extremely uncomfortable in doing so.

What was interesting about watching this on Dateline was that when the subject hit the high voltage the pretended victim screamed like crazy and even said he had a bad heart and that the experiment was killing him.

The subject then turned to the authority as if asking what to do and the authority told him to continue. If the subject seemed to doubt the authority told him that he would take responsibility.

Then the subject continued to shock the supposed victim past 300 volts until he went silent. This indicated the victim was either unconscious or dead. Still the subject did not cease. He continued to increase the voltage clear up to 450 which would mean that if the victim was not dead yet this would surely kill him.

The interesting thing is that if this was a real happening, the subject would not only have killed another human being which was against every teaching that he believed in, but he would have also been brought up on murder charges. It is scary that even that possibility did not deter the subject from following authority.

The funny thing about these experiments is that the scientists predicted that only one out of a thousand would follow an authority to shock up to 450 volts, but 65% went that far and 100% of the subjects went up to 300 volts, which is still enough to kill.

Thus we have a great example of the true mark of the beast on the right hand – the willingness to follow blind authority no matter what the consequences.

The interesting thing is that very few people know themselves well enough to know whether or not they would administer the 300 or more volts to an innocent brother. Most would think that they would never do such a thing, but are they right? Remember, 100% of those in the experiment yielded to the authority.

Even more sinister is the mark in the forehead. Remember the philosophy of Big Brother in the novel 1984? It was not enough that people did as they were told. In addition to this he demanded that they also love Big Brother and totally embrace everything he stood for in their belief system. If someone was caught having independent thought he was not executed immediately. First he had to be brainwashed into loving Big Brother and when the victim demonstrated that he was willing to accept an obvious falsehood from Big Brother with Love, then he was shot, but not before.

Now we must remember that over half of the world’s population is under the direct obvious control of some Big Brother type of government. For these inhabitants there is often no way for immediate escape from the mark of the Beast. They have to at least pretend to go along or they will not be able to get work, will not be able to buy or sell and may wind up executed.

It’s a little different in the Free World. We do not have to receive the mark here; instead, we embrace it by our own free will, just as do the subjects in the Milgram experiment. They were free. They could have gotten up any moment and left, but they did not.

Kyle said that perhaps religion administers the mark of the beast in the free world. Yes, this is true as shown by Jonestown, Heavens Gate and your fanatical neighbor down the street, but this is only part of the mark.

The mark is demonstrated before us right now on TV by the Democrats and Republicans in the impeachment proceedings. Both sides are going along with group thought. I think out of the 435 Representatives only one Republican and no Democrats defied their party thoughtform and authoritative leaders on the last Impeachment vote.

One of about 435 going against accepted authorities. That’s how powerful the beast is! It doesn’t matter to the beast if you are Republican or Democrat, or even which is closer to the truth. What matters is control.

The question we need to ask ourselves is: “Would I be strong enough to be one out of the 435?”

Would we have been strong enough as an early Christian to refuse to acknowledge Caesar as God and allow ourselves to be fed to lions?

Putting religion aside you have to admire these followers of Christ who gave their lives to defy the beast. Their lives were not in vain, for they paved the way to the wounding of the beast. Now finally we are in a point in time and space where the whole beast will be destroyed, but before we can destroy such an enemy we must know and understand what it is and how it functions.

The beast, as a whole, is not a country or anything physical, but is blind authority and is demonstrated by the “blind following the blind.”

The beast is destroyed by opening the eyes of the blind, and this we shall do with power and great glory, but first we must open our own eyes to the one authority – the Spirit of God within us.

They did a modern version of the Milgram experiment. Check out this three part video.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3


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