Time and Consciousness

This entry is part 71 of 73 in the series 2015

Dec 29, 2015

Time and Consciousness

JJ Quote

From our perspective the time involved is vast, yet from a higher perspective the life of a universe is the blink of an eye.“


How does that work in this context? It takes time to develop things and that is a heavy and time consuming work, higher perspective or not. … The time is vast from our perspective. If our perspective of time was different then how much different is it after we die? The same perspective? So I can feel like a day has passed from my death but in reality a 1000 years would have passed down here? Or is it a little more complex than that?


From our perspective the time that has passed since the creation of the universe, or even earth, is vast indeed. No argument there. Time is registered differently by each type of life and even within humanity there is some difference. Time passes slower for a child than an adult and much slower still for a fly, or a cell. It passes differently out of incarnation than when in a physical body. Some say there is no time in the afterlife, but we are not governed by clocks there and there is no feeling of rushing to get anything done. Yet there is still time.

Time is the registration of passing sates of consciousness or as DK says, “Time is literally the length of a thought.” (A Treatise on White Magic, Pg 557)

Wherever there is thought or conscious calculation of some kind there is time. We have thought in this world and the next so there is a registration of the passing of time, but because consciousness is different time is different.

On the physical plane it takes about the passing of one heartbeat to register the passing of time. The tinier lives have faster heartbeats and the larger ones are slower. The heart of the earth only beats about once every 25,000 years so this gives an idea of how different the time scale is for the planetary life as a whole. The life of the sun would be even slower.

Now the time registration for the masters and the Kumaras are different than the planetary life. They are in touch with the timeless spheres as well as those of time and can direct their consciousness in and out of time.

Humans when in incarnation work on their own little destinies whereas when out of the body they may be assisting with the creation or improvement of various life forms. There is no sense of being rushed for those who work in the spirit.


City on and Under the Sea

Here’s another idea that can be used for Seasteading.



Clear vision as to these outer relations in the world of professional activity, of friendships and of family relations is a necessary requirement in treading the Path, and until a disciple sees these relations in their true and right proportions, his mind is frequently disturbed and his service handicapped. I give you here a hint. Every link that one makes on earth does not necessarily entail the recognition of a soul link. We make new and fresh links and start new lines of karma and of dharma. One of the first things that a disciple has to learn is right judgment as to the relative soul age of his associates. He soon discovers that these vary. He learns then to recognise those whose wisdom and knowledge surpass his own, to cooperate with those who stand with him upon the Path and to work for those whom he can help, but whose evolutionary status is not on an equality with his own. The ordered pattern of his life can then take on definite forms and he can begin to work with intelligence.

Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 1, Page 307

As birds fly together to summer realms, so souls unite in flight. Passing through the gate they thus alight before the throne of God.

DK quoting an unknown Saint of the Church

Copyright 2015 by J J Dewey

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The Ethers

This entry is part 72 of 73 in the series 2015

Dec 30, 2015

The Ethers

Dan asks:

Why would cameras suddenly be able to photograph the 4th ether?


The fourth ether is the densest of the more refined matter that is unseen by most of humanity and is quite easy to see at times and in past ages was closer to the physical plane and was more generally recognized.

The etheric body of most humans is built from the fourth ether. To see this find a light colored background, like white or cream, and holdup your thumbs with the background behind them. Put your thumbs together until they are touching and then produce just a little space between your thumbs; about a quarter of an inch. Now look at the space right in between and slowly pull the thumbs apart until they are about a half inch apart and you will see a light blue film around your thumbs.

This film that you see is your etheric body built of the fourth ether.

I’ve done this exercise before numerous groups and almost all the audience generally sees the etheric matter.

This illustrates what a fine line there is between the physical world and the invisible etheric.

Assuming that the images in the clouds were made of the fourth ether then why could they be actually photographed now and then? The answer lies in the principle of energy following thought. Because the fourth ether is so close to the physical plane it only needs a slight lowering of vibration through the power of thought (or some unknown spiritual science) to attain some visibility here in the physical.

Many thousands of people have reported seeing ghosts. What they saw were left over images of individuals composed of the fourth either. They can be seen because their thoughts at the time of death were very earthbound.

I do not know what produced those buildings photographed in the clouds. Since many remain in bodies of the fourth ether for some time after death it is possible that these strange buildings reflect after death habitations of those who have not yet returned to their souls.

Alex makes some interesting guesses about the possibility of some secret science or aliens just messing with our minds.

Actually DK tells us that life on the seven sacred planets is centered in the fourth ether. Venus, for example, looks barren to us but there is advanced life dwelling in its fourth ether – not yet visible to us. Life on earth will one day move to the fourth ether when it too becomes a sacred planet.

It is possible that these buildings are some type of projection from another planet where life dwells in the fourth ether.

Each one of the seven planes of this Cosmic Physical is composed of seven subplanes. This includes the physical plane which is composed of seven ethers or states of mater which are.

Ether Seven: Solid matter

Ether Six: Liquid matter

Ether Five: Gaseous matter

Ethers Four through One: These are invisible states of physical matter. Four is almost dense enough to be seen with natural eyes whereas the higher ethers are much more rarified. For instance, the city of Shamballa is built of the Second Ether and the bodies of its inhabitants are constructed of still higher ethers or planes.

It is the job of the disciple to purify himself in word and deed so his etheric body is gradually rebuilt with higher ethers. He becomes a master when his etheric body is composed of the first ether as the primary ingredient.

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Truth and Health

This entry is part 73 of 73 in the series 2015


Dec 31, 2015

Truth and Health

Dan writes:

I am curious why you think this book is “one of the best”. Is there some particular aspect of it that impressed you specifically?

The reason I ask is – In the above post you also recommend eating raw garlic but the author whose book you recommend, Andreas Moritz, says that garlic (and onion) are very toxic and bad for you (video and transcript below).


There are two reasons I recommended Moritz’s book. First is that the book is quite thorough and gives useful information on a wide range of alternative health issues.

The second reason is that it is accessible free online so all who are interested can download it and read it.

Do I think the book is infallible or completely accurate?

No. In fact I have not found any health writer that I agree with 100%. Getting the truth about health is like getting the truth about philosophy. There is truth and error everywhere and the seeker must run all things by his common sense and the light of his own soul and then follow the highest he can perceive. He must also consider that one man’s cure may be another man’s poison and find out what works for him.

I probably agree with about 90% of what Moritz has written and that 90% lays out some very useful information, especially for the person not well studied in alternative health.

I disagree with him on garlic as do most health students and practitioners.

I read about the health benefits of garlic over 40 years ago and tried to take it raw but just couldn’t handle it. Over the years I have taken garlic tablets but didn’t notice much either positive or negative. Then my wife stumbled across an article about how extra strength was released from garlic ran through a garlic press and exposed to the air for 5-15 minutes. A positive effect was that it would greatly reduce the chance of getting colds and if you did get one it would be mild.

Well, getting a significant cold about once a year was the only health issue I have had to deal with for some time and once I get a cough I have a hard time getting rid of it.

About 2-3 years ago I started taking the raw crushed garlic most every day and I haven’t had a cold, flue or anything since (knock on wood). I can sense that my immune system is much stronger and I can see no problem with my brain because of it.

Eating the crushed raw garlic is much easier if combined with food. Eating it with chili works great as well as soups, stir fry, pizza or salad. Make sure you do not heat it after application. If I do not have anything that works I put some on a Triscuit cracker and wolf it down with a small slice of cheese.

Moritz had many health problems and weak heart when he was young and this drove him to seek out health solutions. All seemed to work for him and appeared to be in robust health until he died suddenly at the age of 58. Many of his fans suspected foul play and his critics suspected that he died of Cancer or some disease he claimed to have cures for. His family stated that he died of a mold he contacted that was just too much for his heart that never operated at full strength.

I suspect that what pushed him over the edge was taking too much of a fairly dangerous formula he recommended called Miracle Mineral Supplement which was developed by Jim Humble. Taking too much of this could be toxic for the body.

Here is information about it from Wikipedia


If I had to pick one guy who has the most common sense and safe approach to alternative medicine it would be Dr. Mercola. I would imagine some of you receive his emails.

Here is a link to his site:


I’ll write more about good examples and teachers of health shortly.

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