Gathering 2005 Sun Valley, Part 7

Gathering 2005 Sun Valley, Part 7
The Interpretation

NOTE: See previous post for the visualization that is interpreted here.

JJ: The path represents your journey through life. So, the first thing you want to see is how far ahead you can see on your path. How far ahead could you see Larry? Quite away? You think you have your life pretty figured out if you can see quite away ahead. How many could see quite away ahead? Quite a few. Good. Now, did the path go uphill or downhill? Uphill? Going uphill means you see life as somewhat of a struggle. It seems like every time you make an advance you have to work to get ahead. Anyone see it going downhill? Don over here thinks he has an easy ride. He’s coasting downhill in life. He’s laid back.

Is your path worn? Have a lot of people traveled it? How worn is it? Is it just a slight path or is it well-worn? Who had a path that was not well traveled? That didn’t have much wear? This means you have a life that you feel not many people have had. It’s an unusual life with unusual circumstances you always find yourself in. If the path is well-worn, you feel like you’re living life the way a lot of other people have lived which is neiter good nor bad.

What kind of day is it? Is it cloudy or is the sun shining? If the sun is shining it means you’re an optimist and see things through rose colored glasses. No matter what happens you just keep plugging along. If it’s dark and gloomy or cloudy, you may be a bit of a pessimist and looking on the negative side there.

You go into the forest. How many saw little animals there? That means you like children. They represent children or it could be different types of friends in your life also.

You go through the forest and get to the body of water. This body of water represents your sex life.

Audience: Laughter.

JJ: The bigger the body of water, the more attracted you are to the opposite sex or if you happen to gay, it would be the polarity you’re attracted to. It shows you’re attracted to energy, in other words. Did anyone here see an ocean? The bigger it is, the bigger your attraction to romantic energy.

Audience: Inaudible.

JJ: The deeper it (the body of water) is the more intense is your passion your passion. Did anyone see an ocean? No one admits it? Well, if anyone saw an ocean we’d better keep out of tgheir way!

Audience: Laughter.

JJ: Is the water clean or is it dirty? That shows how you use it and your attitude towards it. You could see it as everything you’re doing is ok or your personal morality is fine with it. If it’s muddy you may need to re-examine your own inhibitions and belief systems. Were there any fish? Who saw a bunch of fish? Anyone who is married see a bunch of fish? That means there are romantic interests in your life. If you’re married you should probably see just one big fish, How many did you see Artie?

Audience: Laughter.

JJ: If you saw lots of fish jumping that means you have a lot of romantic interests in your life. If there is just one fish, there is just one person in which you’re interested.

Audience: Inaudible.

JJ: You saw what? People under the water? Maybe your mind just interpreted straight on because the fish represent people.

Now you come to the wall. The wall represents death and how big that barrier is in your mind. All of us, in our minds, think about it some. Some a lot, some not much. How many saw a small wall that was easy to climb over? This means death is not a big deal to you.

You see it as just one more hurdle to climb over. If you saw the wall as something big, it means it is an unknown to you. You don’t know for sure what’s waiting for you over there. You don’t know if you’ll be met by Jesus, the Devil, Buddha, or what.

Audience: Inaudible.

JJ: Oh, you saw an opening. You cheated! If you had to walk around it, it shows you aren’t sure about death and it would be nice if you could avoid it.

Audience question: Inaudible.

JJ: As long as you got through it one way or another, if you got through it by some magical means. Oh, there was a door? Okay. Death is manageable to you because you were able to find a way through. In other words, you don’t see death as something orthodox but something mystical or maybe something unusual might happen that you don’t expect. You expect to get through it okay.

Audience comment: Inaudible.

JJ: That means that the different times you consider death you have different opinions. Sometimes you might see it as no big deal but other times you might think, “It could be a big deal.”

You get to the other side of the wall and see your abode. This represents what type of reward you think you deserve. Anyone see an outhouse?

Audience: Laughter.

JJ: I’ve had people say outhouse in the past. An outdoorsy guy may think that’s heaven. How many saw a big mansion or a castle? So, Lorraine, you think you have some good stuff coming? Now you go into your abode and see the furnishings. They represent how comfortable you think you’re going to be in the afterlife.

The cup represents how you feel about responsibility. Was it a big cup or a small cup? If it was a big cup that means you don’t mind taking responsibility. If it was a small cup that means you don’t like taking on much responsibility. The main thing is how much it will hold.

One thing I forgot to tell you. Add this to your visualization. When you found your key, did you pick it up and take it with you or did you leave it lie? If you haven’t gone through that yet, ask yourself now, what would you do? Do you want the key or is it so old and useless that you don’t want it? The key represents your opportunities in life. When you come across an opportunity, what do you do with it? The bigger the key the bigger the opportunities that come to you. The shinier and more valuable the key appears, the better the opportunities that come to you. So if you saw a big gold key, that’s really good. Small gold keys indicate smaller opportunities but they were valuable ones. So the question is, “Did you pick it up?” How many picked up their keys? That means that when your opportunities come, they’re good enough that you’re going to take them. If you leave the key there it means the opportunities you’re experiencing aren’t that great and it’s not worth taking advantage of them. That’s the basic meaning of the key. If the key is old and valuable, that means your opportunities are still good but they’re proven opportunities, not new ones but older opportunities. If the key isn’t worth picking up you don’t feel the opportunities coming are worth taking advantage of at the moment. That doesn’t mean it’s going to be that way through your lifetime because it will change. A year from now you may see a different key or a different body of water or whatever. Any questions about this before we proceed?

Audience question: Inaudible.

JJ: Yes, that continues on optimism and pessimism. As you go through the details of life, which was represented by the forest you see them through a good state of mind. We’ll take a break and go on to a past life regression.

Life isn’t measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. – Maya Angelou

Aug 31, 2009

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