The Real Beginning

This entry is part 1 of 40 in the series Molecular Relationship

The Molecular Relationship
Chapter One
The Real Beginning

In the beginning there was Divine Space. That was not space as we know it, which is the distance between objects of form, for there was no form in which to occupy that space. Instead, that which was Divine Space had within it unlimited points with unlimited potential. We shall call these points zero points, or monads.

Though each monad was a zero, it had the potential of all numbers, not only positive numbers, but negative numbers as well as numbers extending in unlimited directions.

The numbers available in any direction are infinite though there is always a number. When that number is found, you can always add one so there is no such thing as an infinite number. Numbers can go toward the infinite in direction, but never arrive there.

We can thus say that in the beginning there were zero points beyond number in Divine Space with potential to extend themselves, composed of unlimited numbers interplaying in ways that are endless.

This natural interplay of the points and their numbers existed from eternity, producing a natural cause and effect. There was no first cause, for cause and effect always existed and always will be, just as the principles of mathematics were not created neither can they be destroyed.

As eternities passed, the interplay became more complex, generating numbers approaching infinity, but never reaching it. Numbers began repeating, not in random order, but intelligent order until many monads began to vibrate with intelligence and gained the light of understanding. As they gained intelligence, they began to realize they were not alone and formed relationships with other monads. It was discovered that each monad had many similarities to itself, but was composed of different formulas and number combinations. Each developed beautiful geometric sequences which displayed intelligence and light. As monads looked toward other monads, they developed a desire to share the light of understanding and, as this event progressed, love was born.

Love caused monads to be drawn to others with a similar light and geometric forms while appreciating those with subtle differences. It was discovered that merging with oneness of purpose created a greater whole that was shared by all involved. They were delighted to realize that this wholeness was greater than the sum of the parts. To their joy they realized that they could identify and use the assets of the whole and yet keep their individual life intact. They felt safe merging with the whole because there was no force to remain and all were free to withdraw at any time.

All the monads who had awakened began to merge together and form groups. It seemed to all that the number of groups was endless.

As the various groups advanced in light and love, they began to seek out other groups and merge with them. This merging caused each original group to take a quantum leap in awareness, light, love and power of mind. The advantages of merging into oneness and unity became so pronounced that further merging was sought until there were many millions of large groups of monads. The merging continued and the large groups combined into still larger groups until they could be counted by the thousands. These then merged until there were only hundreds and finally all the monads in the universe merged into twelve very large groups, each having their distinct beauty and power, but each with subtle, but wonderful differences.

These twelve groups, which consisted of all there is, sought an ultimate oneness through merging into one great and ultimate life. This idea had been resisted for eternities because if the One were to have even a simple flaw, it could become a problem for all the parts involved. As it was, if one of the twelve became out of tune in the slightest, the other eleven would act as a tuning fork to restore harmony. If all were only one, then there would be no corrective force possible. Therefore, the One had to be perfect, or flawless to the extent that corruption would be impossible.

The Twelve groups, which was composed of all the lives in the universe, thought long and hard about this final creation which they called The One. Though duality is always a universal potential, they sought to bypass its problems by making the One a completely positive creation that would yield only that which is desirable to the whole, and nothing that would be considered negative. The primary aspect agreed upon for The One would be Love. The One would love and share all with the responding monads, and in return the monads would naturally love The One.

In addition to love, The One would embrace all that was deemed good and positive such as peace, joy, desire to share and complete power to manifest its will to good. All these positive aspects would be eternally enhanced by the power to create. By endlessly seeking to create and expand all there is, The One would eternally have an increase in joy and fulfillment that would be shared by the Twelve and all the active monads within.

There always have existed an endless supply of inactivated monads within the universe and the Twelve saw that the fulfillment of creation would involve stimulating these zero points and causing them to vibrate with intelligence. They therefore endowed The One with a desire to eternally expand by giving birth to the zero points and bringing them into the life of The One.

The One was thus created to eternally create and always be in a state of expansion, enabling an eternal increase of love and joy.

Then there was one more and final ingredient seen to be necessary in the life of The One. They needed an insurance policy that The One would not deviate from the good, the beautiful and the true. To accomplish this, they created a standard for what would be viewed as true reality. Reality with the One would only consist of things eternal which are love, joy, peace, true knowledge and expansion, and anything contrary to these would not be real and thus without effect in the life of the One. If only that which is good would be incorporated into The One, then joining with The One would clear a path to the greatest possible heaven that all could enjoy forever and ever.

After an eternity of contemplation and interplay of the highest of intelligence, the Twelve decided to go ahead and merge so the Twelve could become The One and experience more than the sum of their parts, which they believed would be a positive experience beyond anything that had ever been available.

Finally, the merging came and the Twelve with their countless monads joined together to create The One. All involved focused only on the positive in this creation so nothing negative could disturb the peace of heaven.

This was their faith, but as they joined, they realized they were plunging into the unknown. Indeed, it was an unknown which held for them unlimited expansion and joy, but the full results were still unknown, and though all their expectations were positive, there crept in the smallest sliver of fear that was so subtle that it seemed to not exist. Nevertheless, it was there in the background and this was the thought that all tried to ignore. It went something like this:

“This is the final gathering of monads. Up to this point there has always been a new merging to be achieved, but now we are merging into one, this will be the end of this process. From now on joy will be found in the eternal expansion of The One. What if this does not turn out to be fulfilling for eternity? Could there be negative developments that we have not anticipated? What would we do then?”

These subtle questions were in the background of the many joining into one mind and gave rise to an aspect previously unknown. That aspect was fear.

Up to this point fear had never been experienced by any monad, for there had never been anything to threaten them, so when the seed of fear was planted, its existence was not even recognized. It was as if it did not exist, yet the seed of it came with the many when they merged into The One.

The Twelve with their monads moved forward and merged into the One Great Life. When completed, all there is was incorporated within it and there was nothing outside.

After the merging, The One became aware of Itself and all monads shared this awareness. It was an awareness and shared intelligence that was far beyond that experienced by any individual monad or group life. The new awareness, potential and intensity of life exceeded the hopes and dreams of the Twelve and their monads, and all saw the endeavor to be a complete success.

After creation of the One, all the monads could share with all other monads within the universe as well as sharing in the consciousness of The One Itself. In return, The One was aware of all the monads within It and took joy in sharing their love and interplay, as well as their appreciation for the high state of being the One brought to the many.

It seemed that an eternity passed in this condition until a new feeling developed in The One that no entity in the universe had ever felt before.

The One began to feel alone.

Yes, it was true that The One had within It many trillions of lesser lives, but there was no life in existence that was close to Its equal. All the monads within, and even the Twelve, had equals with whom to share, but there was no equal for The One. It was alone in the higher state of being and there was no other like Itself.

This feeling of being alone grew more intense and affected all the lives within. The perfect peace they experienced for eternity was no longer perfect. All monads began to feel what it must be like to be alone, and it was a disturbing feeling indeed, one that had not previously been realized to exist.

The feeling of aloneness continued and grew in strength until a point of tension was reached, and The One went into a state of great contemplation seeking a solution. It thought to Itself: “I was created to have all power, but to use it benevolently and in a state of love. If I have all power then I must have the power to end this state of being alone. What is the path that I must take?”

When this question was asked, it reverberated through all the lives within, small and great, and after much circulation a grand idea came into the awareness of All There Is. Its flashing forth brought an immediate increase of light, love and unlimited power.

All lesser lives absorbed the idea and trembled at its magnificence. They were in such a state of awe that they could only wait on The One to see what It would decide, for the decision could only belong to The One and The One alone.

Finally, The One did decide and communicated it with all the Intelligences within Itself.

“I have been alone since my creation, and for eternities have comforted myself by sharing my greater awareness and aspects with all of you. I have come to realize that my sharing has been limited and must now shift to the unlimited. I did not realize it before, but now understand that I have power to remove this final limitation. I will extend myself, and all that I AM, to each and every monad within me. Each of you will be in my likeness and image and all that I have shall be yours. You will be as I am and then I will not be alone, but will have unlimited lives in which to share on an equal basis. You, as a collective, created me, and I, as The One, will elevate each of you to be equal with me. I will return the favor and create you anew with unlimited power.

“After this you will duplicate your own creation and create others like us by sharing with the new monads coming into existence. As I will be a Father/Mother to you, you will be a Father/Mother to others, initiating a process which will continue forever and ever. No one will be alone in the joy of creation, for each will share with the whole, and as creation expands joy also increases eternally.”

After making a bold decision The One shared Itself with every intelligent monad, causing each one of them to be a new creation as a child of The One, with all the attributes, powers and qualities of The One. The many had become as The One. The only difference between the many and The One was that The One was the initial Creator and the many had been created anew.

We can call these new creations Children of the One, or the Sons of God, even though they are still monads. We use the term “Sons” not because of gender, for there was neither male or female, but because it is a modern term to identify the Christ of whom it is written as “being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God.” Phil 2:6

And this is held out to the rest of us, both males and females:

“Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.” I John 3:2

After the great transformation of all intelligent monads into equal Sons of God, they were encouraged by The One to be creators like Itself. This decree went forth: “Go forth my children as equals with myself and create. Stimulate the inactive monads and make of them a new creation as yourself. You will then become Father/Mother to them as I am with you, and the expansion of our universe and the fullness thereof will be greatly enhanced.”

The Sons of God then went forward as creators and gave birth to marvelous numbers of intelligent monads who also became creators.

For an eternity The One and generations of offspring dwelt together in perfect peace. The One now had equals with which to share and loneliness was no longer a problem. Love was greatly expanded, as The One saw great value in having offspring who were now Its equal. The elimination of loneliness caused The One to draw all the Sons, or offspring, tightly to Itself. As creation expanded, this magnetic power increased causing an everlasting increase in the sensation of love. This love was returned by the offspring and the circulation of this divinely intense positive feeling created a heavenly existence indeed, far surpassing anything that could be imagined by mortals upon the earth.

Through rounds of eternity the cycles of creation and expansion continued, resulting in an increase of light and love and power. This was indeed a heavenly existence, for the only feelings that existed were positive, always bringing joy and peace.

It is true though, that no matter how good a feeling is, or the quality of existence, after a time that which was once exquisitely wonderful becomes normal. We see this on earth with children who are born into homes of wealthy parents and are given everything. Then, after a time, many of these children break off from their parents seeking more than the everything the parents thought they were giving. Even so, in this heavenly existence where all the Sons of God had everything, that which was everything began to seem normal to many monads.

The idea that there was something desirable to experience that was not available to monads being an extension of The One was always in the background, but not entertained in thought as the immediate response from The One was: “With me you have everything that is positive that brings peace and joy. What could you possibly desire that is more than everything?”

For eternities this answer was sufficient, for the response of the Sons was, “This is correct. We do have everything and who could want more? Even if we did, there is no such thing as something that is more than everything.”

The stability of the Oneness continued until a thought occurred to one of the most ancient monads: “We have all united with The One and The One has shared all that It is with us. Because of complete sharing we all have identified with The One as if we are The One. Because of our union there seems to be nothing desirable outside The One, but what if there is?”

“What if there is?”

Since nothing can be hidden from The One, this question reverberated through the one mind of The One and was shared with all the monads. This was a thought not programmed into the mind of The One at its creation because the creators created The One to have everything and to be everything. The first reaction of the other monads was, “How did you come to ask a question outside the thoughts within the mind of The One, for Its thoughts include everything? There is no such thing as something beyond everything. That has been established and never challenged.”

The ancient monad replied, “I was thinking back to before we merged with The One and found it extremely difficult to think backward or forward to any instance outside the present mind of The One. I questioned as to why this was so difficult, for in our past, before we were with The One, we experienced individual thought. I wanted to experience that again and this seemed to happen in my imagination. During this process that required great effort on my part, the question arose – What if there is something to be desired outside The One? What if duality has something to offer that we have overlooked? What if the experience of the negative as well as the positive would lead to something desirable that cannot be obtained here where all is positive?”

The One listened and spoke: “With me you have everything that is real and eternal. The negative emotions do not exist here and are not real. If we were to embrace them, then heaven would no longer be heaven.”

The ancient monad replied. “Yes, we have everything desirable here, but what would it feel like to live in a separate universe where we do not have everything, but have to overcome our limitations? Would not that sense of overcoming produce a joy that we do not yet have here?”

The One replied, “The only way that could lead to an increase of joy is if you forgot who you are, for if you entered duality with your current powers you could return with the power of a thought and there would be no sense of accomplishment.”

The ancient monad acknowledged that this was correct. To obtain an increase in joy the element of risk would have to be involved. The monads would have to create a universe and enter it without a realization of their true identity as children of The One.

The ancient monad responded, “Sooner or later, all who would enter duality would come to realize they are one with You and then they would return. Some would just take longer than others.”

“There’s no guarantee of that,” said The One. “If you did not realize your true nature while in a universe of duality then you may be stuck there forever. Heaven would be missing you and the Sons who would go with you.”

The ancient one replied, “I think we would all eventually come to realize our true nature and overcome the limitations of duality. Imagine taking in all that duality has to offer and mastering it so one can then remain in the spiritual consciousness even in the midst of the negative. That would produce a joy of overcoming that we do not have here.”

“It is not worth the risk,” said The One. “You could wind up stuck in an eternal hell of being recycled into painful life after painful life with no end in sight.”

After this thought was expressed by The One, the issue seemed to be settled, but the idea of entering duality with its limitations continued to live, and many monads began to think upon it, gather together and share thoughts. This particular thought always seemed to surface: What would living in a universe of duality and limitation be like?

The more this question gained circulation the more that many monads began wondering whether they were missing something in their spiritual heaven. What would the joy of overcoming, despite limitations, feel like? If they did overcome and returned to heaven would heaven itself then be enhanced?

They wondered…

Their curiosity increased until many decided to use their powers of creation to make a simulated universe of time, space and limitation, similar to what a video game is in today’s world. However, this simulation was very vast and realistic except for one thing. Just like a game player in our world, they did not lose the memory of who they were. If disaster occurred there was no real pain, and if successful the feeling seemed to fall short of what it would feel like if the events were really happening.

As events progressed a large portion of the monads became restless with the peace of heaven and desired to have an adventure, even if it involved risk. Finally, the ancient monad representing the Sonship approached The One with a proposal.

“We of the Sonship appreciate our creation through You – especially the fact that you have shared with us all Your powers of positive creation. On the other hand, we have developed a great curiosity of what a universe based on duality would be like, where there would be limitations and the experience of negative along with positive feelings. We feel that overcoming the problems in such a universe would give us an increase of joy.

“We realize that you were created to only focus on the positive so nothing could destroy the peace of heaven, and we have inherited this mind from you. We therefore ask permission to go outside the Universe of The One and create a real universe of limitation where we can enter, forget our identity and overcome these limitations and eventually have an increase in joy. Then, after we overcome all things, we will return and heaven will be enhanced.”

“You do not know what you ask,” replied The One. “If you were to create a universe outside of heaven using your eternal powers, that would have to be real and eternal also, and would be in competition with heaven itself. In the end the peace of heaven would be destroyed.”

Downcast the ancient monad withdrew and gathered together with like-minded intelligences and shared ideas.

“The One has a valid point,” said one. “If we were to create a universe outside heaven with limitations using our eternal powers then that universe and everything in it would be eternal. This would include the suffering and pain that would surface. The risk would be too great.”

“On the other hand, there is something we can do to discover the increase of joy we seek. We have already experimented with simulations of a limited universe; except we have not forgotten our identity. We could create such a universe based upon illusion, but make it real by entering it and forgetting who we are. We would each enter it as a blank slate and live therein for many lifetimes, advancing step by step until we remember who we are and return to heaven. On our return our joy will then be enhanced.”

This thought reverberated through the innumerable monads. “Would this illusion be eternal?” asked one.

“It may seem eternal once we are in it, but all illusions have a beginning and an end, unlike the peace of heaven which has no end. I must add that even though the limited creation will have an end that it will seem eternal. Time, space, distance and separation will manifest there and the time of existence there may seem eternal, but all will have an end when the illusion plays out.’

This discussion continued until a large portion of the inhabitants of heaven embraced it. Since they could use their existing powers to implement the plan they did not need any permission or assistance from any other monads or even The One Itself.

Many of the hosts of heaven thus prepared to enter the illusion with a blank slate and forget their true identity. Finally, they would discover what real limitations would feel like, but they would find that overcoming them would be more difficult than they had supposed.

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Key Nine: Ask Questions, Part 2

12 Keys of Discipleship

Key Nine: Ask Questions, Part 2

Or Seek & You Shall Find

Where are the Seekers?

After the experience in Idaho Falls, we concluded that we must experiment with different approaches.

Curtis did have a bit of good and bad luck in the Idaho Falls, Idaho, area. He was fired from his job from his Mormon boss who was freaked out that he was excommunicated, but then he received an answer to one of his ads from a guy who was very enthused about our teachings. I made a trip over there and we visited him together. He said that God had spoken to him and all he had was ours for the asking. For starters he said he had $50,000 worth of gold in his basement and we could take what we wanted. (Keep in mind that amount is worth about $164,000 in 2009 dollars – or $230,000 in 2024 dollars). That sounded almost too good to be true. We figured some unseen force must be helping us so we told him that we could start off with maybe $10,000. We explained that the first thing we needed to do was to move Curtis and his family to Boise so we could work together. He agreed and traded in $10,000 worth of gold and handed us the cash.

We immediately moved Curtis to Boise, Idaho, and just as he was settling in we received a call from the guy. He said that he and his wife were going to be in town the next day and wanted to visit with us. We immediately sensed there was a problem and sure enough when we got together they both had a very serious look on their faces. He explained that now God was telling him something else and he wanted his money back.

I took Curtis aside and we had a brief conference. We realized that since he had given us cash and we had it in our possession that we could just tell him we were going to keep it but we decided against this for a number of reasons and decided to give him back what we had left over.

We went back in their presence and I explained that we had used $3,000 to move Curtis to Boise and get him a place, but we would give him back the cash we had. He agreed, took the money and we never heard from him again.

“Well,” I told Curtis, “At least we got you moved here so we can work together.”

Meanwhile to keep body and soul together I worked at my real estate business that was dealing with rising interest rates and Curtis started a tree and shrub business.

Along the way I came across a book from the local library containing revelations from a guy who called himself Onias. The book contained a number of revelations that started out authoritatively proclaiming, “Thus saith the Lord.” They were mostly directed at the authorities in the LDS church condemning them for not living up to their own stewardships and previous revelations. I shared this with Curtis and he found the writings particularly interesting and wanted to contact him. We wrote him in care of the publisher and a short time later he called us back on the phone.

It turned out the guy lived in Canada and he had been trying to draw attention to his revelations for some time and was thrilled to talk to someone who found them interesting. He then told us he was going to take a trip down to Idaho to meet us.

A few days later he showed up and we spent some time with him. He was looked about sixty (but was only 50), balding with white hair and kind of looked like a prophet. He then shared with us two revelations that were not in his book. The first was “The Parable of The Pear Tree” and the second was “The Parable of the Deceitful Merchants” which can be found at:

We read these over and concluded that this was his best work to date. Then I came up with what I thought was a masterpiece of an idea. We could send these out to every single Mormon in the Boise area and if that went well, we could send them out to every Mormon in the country. We figured that if anything would jar the LDS out of complacency that these writings would.

Both Curtis and Onias thought this was a great idea and we later pooled what funds we had and began the project. Onias was long gone back to Canada and Curtis and I started an organization that we called “The Restorers.” Under this name we published and distributed my writings and the two parables of Onias.

The major hurtle we now faced in sending out the writings was getting mailing lists of the LDS in the Boise, Nampa, Caldwell, Idaho, area that we wanted to cover as a test. The lists were under tight control of the Bishops and we figured that the various Bishops would be very suspicious if we asked for a copy of a list of the local members. Then I had an idea. I told Curtis that there was another person in each ward that had a copy of the list and that was the female Relief Society president. She is not pestered for things nearly as much as the Bishop and was likely to be much less suspicious. Now Curtis was quite charming with the ladies so I told him he was the best one to carry out this project and I would handle the nitty gritty of compiling lists and creating the mailing labels. His job would be to charm the Relief Society Presidents into lending him the lists for a few moments while he photocopied them.

Curtis carried out this project admirably and wound up getting a copy of every single list in the designated area. If you every meet him at a gathering he will he happy to tell you stories of how he did this and sometimes succeeding by a hair.

I headed up compiling the list and made labels, and altogether we had about 10,000 LDS families that were going to receive the most startling piece of theological mail of their lives.

We printed up 10,000 copies of the writings and sent them out in several different mailings. The first mailing was around 2000 homes. A day after sending them out we sat by the phone waiting for it to ring. What kind of response would we receive we wondered. Would we get some calls from a few of those who are seeking the truth but know not where to find it?

We soon found out. A day after the mailing the phone did ring, but it wasn’t from anyone seeking the truth. An angrier bunch we had never encountered. Those who called did so to let us know how upset they were that we had sent them such trash and that they were going to burn it. Many of them said they had called the post office to complain and warned us to never send them a piece of mail again.

Fortunately for us it was not against post office regulations to send unsolicited mail or we would have been in big trouble.

We didn’t get the response we wanted but we decided to forge ahead with the complete mailing anyway and we sent out the whole 10,000 pieces.

After we got over the shock of there not being anyone seeking higher knowledge we got kind of a kick in answering the phone and dealing with the angry Mormons.

Then, a short time later we found out we had a greater impact than we thought. We talked to an active member of the church and he told us that the churches in the whole area were alarmed at the mailing and had notified headquarters in Salt Lake City, Utah, about it. One of the head apostles, Mark E. Peterson,  then came to Boise, Idaho, and gave advice to the members and leadership about the problem.

The member told us that they were beside themselves about how we got all the names and addresses of the members in the area and wanted to put a stop to any more proliferation.

Actually, we would have done more mailings, but we ran short of money do they didn’t have to worry, but they didn’t know that.

Out of the 10,000 mailings we received one friendly call. He was a guy on the fringe of the church who was interested I what we were doing, but didn’t want to support us. He did come to some of our meetings and visited with us now and then.

After concluding that mailing directly to the LDS wasn’t going to find the seekers we decided to hold some seminars on interesting scriptural subjects and invite the masses instead of just the LDS.

This didn’t work either. We’d have maybe a half dozen people show up which was nothing to get excited about.

Then I had another bright idea. We would run short classified ads in national magazines using the two parable/revelations as a hook. We reduced the wording to the fewest possible words to save money. It ran as follows:

“Mormons! New revelations sent free!”

This was followed by our address. We ran the ads in The National Enquirer and about five other tabloid classifieds that were sold in grocery stores.

Again we waited in anticipation. Would we find some of those Mormons who were looking for truth?

We were pleased to finally get some reasonable response but somewhat amazed that most of it came from people who were not members of the LDS church. This was strange we thought. We advertise specifically to Mormons and non-Mormons respond.

When Curtis and I were active in the Church we figured that the LDS people were above average in seeking after truth, but now we began to wonder.

To those that were interested we sent them the two parables first and then followed up with several things I had written. We sent them the original draft of “Infallible Authority” and my first treatise on The Gathering called “The Literal Gathering of Israel.” We also used the story “Journey’s End” which is now in The Archives.

May 31, 2009

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Christmas Message 2023

This entry is part 28 of 29 in the series Christmas Messages

Christmas Message 2023

The Christmas Visitor

Tom couldn’t take it anymore. Here he was watching the news on his favorite station and they play a clip of that politician that he just cannot stand.

Tom stood up and shouted at the TV: “Why do you even show that guy’s face, let alone let him speak? Doesn’t the network realize that many people swallow his poison?”

Tom bought into the division of the day and indeed felt that half the county had lost its mind. He thought it should be obvious that his views made much more sense than the opposition. It seemed that those on the other side were more than ignorant, but were willfully resisting the truth. If evil had a name this would be it, he thought.

Then came a knock at the door. He was greeted by Christmas carolers who were collecting money for the homeless. They sang, “Joy to the World.”

He stopped them before they finished and gave them a lecture, “Maybe you people ought to go confront some of these ministers and priests who abuse young children. Maybe your religion ought to stop supporting wars and crooked politicians. Go do some real work for your Jesus and then come back for a donation.”

He shut the door in their faces and cracked a proud smile thinking that maybe his words may soak into a couple of them.

He sat back in his easy chair debating whether or not to watch some more news when he received a text that his son wanted to talk with him on Zoom.

“Hope that kid has gained some sense since our last encounter,” he thought.

He joined the Zoom meeting and there in the video was his son, his beautiful wife and two children all wishing him a merry Christmas. “We love you grandpa,” said the two kids.

“We want you to come spend Christmas with us,” said the son.

They seemed to have a good relationship over the years until recently when their political views took a wrong turn and severely tested Tom’s patience.

“Tell me son, who are you supporting for office these days?” He gave three names and asked, “Are you voting for these guys?”

“Can we just leave politics alone for Christmas and focus on our family? Your grandkids want to see you.”

Tom was unmoved. “I asked you a question. Now answer it.”

“You know my political views,” said the son. “Can we just get together and enjoy each other like we used to?”

“I don’t think so,” said Tom. “I’ve concluded that your side is pure evil and since you are embracing it, I cannot embrace you. Call me again when you come to your senses.”

He then abruptly ended the call.

Tom was proud of himself for his strong decisiveness. “Sometimes you have to apply tough love to straighten these kids out,” he thought.

That night he had difficulty going to sleep. As he lay in bed looking at the ceiling many thoughts crossed his mind.

“I’m upset with the world going mad, but even worse is all the people going mad with it, including my own son and his family. I used to believe in the mythical Christ, but have concluded the world is too crazy for anything higher than man to even exist.”

He paused a moment, feeling a great buildup of emotion, and then shouted out at the top of his lungs:

“Okay, God, Jesus, Spirit or whatever. If you are real, then show yourselves!”

Nothing happened. Tom laid back in silence attempting again to go to sleep. Then, at the core of his being he felt something, a presence that seemed familiar, yet something he had never experienced in this lifetime. This, he could not ignore and raised himself up to see a point of light before him expanding until a man in a white robe stood before him.

“Are you Jesus?” Tom asked.

“It matters not,” said he man. “What matters is that you see the truth. Look and see.”

Tom looked and it was as if a window opened to eternity and he saw the Christmas carolers again singing at the door. Among them was a twelve-year-old boy, participating for the first time. Suddenly, Tom felt like he was actually that boy and vividly sensed being in his body, back in that instant of time. He felt the joy the boy had from the previous receptions and how much the people enjoyed the spiritual song. Then he felt the boy’s feelings when Tom lectured them. Tom’s words greatly affected the boy and made him not want to sing again.

Instantly, Tom found himself back in his body. “That’s not the effect I wanted,” said Tom. “I just wanted those people to wake up.”

“They were awake,” said the visitor. “They were bringing joy to the world and you destroyed the experience of joy for the lad. I had to enter his dream state to heal the wound you inflicted. Now, look again.”

Tom looked again and saw the politician he most despised. Again, he entered his body. He saw that because he was in a position of power, many came to him for help and he worked tirelessly to help all he could and donated considerable funds to charities. He saw how he loved his family and was very protective of them because of the spotlight they were in because of him.

The visitor then spoke, “Does your righteousness exceed this devil that you perceive?”

“Maybe not,” said Tom, “but his policies are just plain evil.”

“And what would happen if your side got their way one hundred percent?” said the visitor. “Look and see.”

Tom looked and he saw that the country turned into a tyrannical dictatorship.

“Does this mean I should switch to the other side?” asked Tom.

“The same would happen if the other side has their way 100%. Look again and see what happen when they work together and accept each other despite their differences.”

Tom looked again and saw a nation evolving toward peace and goodwill. Then, after a period of time, he saw this become a reality.

Again, the Visitor spoke. “Look one more time and see.”

Tom saw himself back on that Zoom call with his son and family. This time he felt himself being drawn into the body and consciousness of Jon, one of his grandsons. It felt as if he were actually that boy. Just before the call the boy had reflected on the good times he had with his grandfather. Grandpa had taken him fishing, hiking, to the movies, arcade games and more. He had many fond memories with grandpa and was looking forward to seeing him again. He was devastated when Tom rejected his dad. It felt as if it was him who was rejected. Why didn’t grandpa love him anymore, he wondered.

Tom’s heart was pierced to the core. He didn’t realize the impact he had upon others until now, and the hurt he inflicted on little Jon was more than he could bear.

Tom looked at the visitor and said, “My eyes have been open. I can now see that all these people I condemned are like myself, just trying to navigate through life the best they can. What do you want me to do now?”

You know what to do,” said the visitor; and he disappeared.

“Yes, I think I do know what to do,” thought Tom, as he called his son.  

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Gathering Audio 2023

This entry is part 30 of 31 in the series Audios

Gathering Audio, Sept 14-18, 2023

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5 Molecular Relationship

Part 6 Molecular Relationship

Part 7 Meditation

Part 8 Group Comments

Part 9 Union Exercise and JJ Comments

Part 10 Seed Thoughts

Part 11 Seed Thoughts

Part 12 Seed Thoughts

Part 13 Seed Thoughts

Part 14 Seed Thoughts

Part 15 Seed Thoughts

Part 16 Cosmic Logos

Part 17 Cosmic Logos

Part 18 Cosmic Logos

Part 19 Cosmic Logos

Part 20 Cosmic Logos

Part 21 Cosmic Logos

Part 22 Cosmic Logos

Part 23 Cosmic Logos

Part 24 Life of Christ

Part 25 Meditation

Part 26 A Course in Miracles Discussion

Part 27 A Course in Miracles

Part 28 A Course in Miracles

Part 29 A Course in Miracles

Part 30 A Course in Miracles

Part 31 A Course in Miracles

Part 32 A Course in Miracles

Part 33 A Course in Miracles

Curtis Harwell  gives a presentation on the Power of Spirit and the Sacred Word.

Part 34  Curtis

Part 35 Curtis

Part 36 Curtis

Part 37 Curtis

Part 38 Curtis

Part 39 Curtis

Part 40 Moving on to Air/Mind

Part 41 Meditation on Air

Part 42 A Course in Miracles Continued

Part 43 A Course in Miracles.

Part 44 A Course in Miracles

Part 45 A Course in Miracles

Part 46 A Course in Miracles

Part 47 A Course in Miracles

Part 48 A Course in Miracles

Part 49 A Course in Miracles

Part 50 A Course in Miracles

Part 51 A Course in Miracles

Part 52 Meditation on Fire

Part 53 Meditation on Fire

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Christmas Message 2022

This entry is part 27 of 29 in the series Christmas Messages

Dec 25, 2022

Christmas Message 2022

Bill turned off the TV and sat back in his chair. He had just finished watching the news on Christmas Eve and was pretty frustrated. This was supposed to be the season where we celebrate the birth of the Prince of Peace and messenger of love, but all around him he saw no evidence of peace or love. In the past 24 hours through television and the internet he witnessed tremendous suffering and destruction through war, gang murders, drugs, the virus along with lots of political conflict.

Rather than give a prayer of thanks this season Bill felt more like telling God off for not making this world a better place. It seemed to him that God was not doing his job and just letting chaos reign. Then the more he thought about it the more he sided with the idea that there must not even be anyone up there extending a hand to help us out.

He had enough, He looked to the skies and raised his fist and shouted: “All right God; I’ve had enough. You’re either not there or you just don’t care. The world is going to hell and the only thing your Son can be prince of here is chaos. What do you have to say for yourself?”

Bill stared upward in a moment of silence and then said with a perverse satisfaction: “I thought so. You are saying and doing nothing.” Then he shouted at the top of his lungs, “Do you hear that NOTHING! You are a nothing God!”

Bill slouched back in his chair and wept. It was as if he had lost all hope in the world as well as God. He had never felt such despair.

He just sat still for a couple moments soaking in his thoughts when at the core of his being he felt something. It seemed familiar though he was sure he had never felt it in his mortal life. He paid attention. It was some type of living vibration that seemed to bring a sense of peace that was increasing.

“What is this?” thought Bill. “In the midst of my turmoil I feel a great inner peace like I have never felt before.” He couldn’t resist putting his attention on it, and as he did he registered a clear communication.

“Focus on the peace that never fails.”

On hearing this he increased his focus and the peace increased beyond anything had felt before.

Next, he registered these words: “Take my hand.”

“Hand? What hand?” he thought.

He then looked upward and saw a cloud of light. He had the feeling that he was supposed to reach into the cloud. He did so and felt a strong grip take hold of him, which seemed to pull him right out of his body into the cloud.

Suddenly he found himself in a land of beauty beyond description standing next to a being of light. He found he could see in all directions and clearly in any distance. He could see millions of people living in peace and harmony in a land of beauty which provided for the needs of all.

“What is this place?” Bill exclaimed.

“This is the earth a thousand years from now,” came the response.

“And who are you?”

“I am that Prince of Peace that you were cursing.”

So, you are real after all? Then why do we have to wait a thousand years? Can’t you just use your powers to end suffering on earth now?

Humanity can receive guidance but freewill must be maintained or the peace and happiness you see about you cannot exist. The only way for even God to solve the problems of humanity is to take away free will and force you to do good.”

“That may not be such a bad idea,” Bill mused.

“In this vast universe every possible solution has been tried. Let us visit a planet where strong leaders took away free will in an attempt to force people to behave correctly.

Immediately, they ascended and appeared on another planet. Bill again found that he could see far distances in all directions. He saw that on this planet here were no wars and conflict was not allowed, but the people seemed depressed and the very life force of the land seemed low and lacking color.

The Prince spoke, “These people have no free will over major decisions and have not yet had the joy of overcoming and mastering their problems. All solutions seem to come from outside themselves causing them to feel as if they are drifting in a void. Come, let us visit another place.”

Again they were taken to another planet, but this one was even more beautiful than the future earth. Bill saw perfection that was beyond anything he had imagined and the people had almost godlike powers. If they needed to travel a thousand miles they could just think themselves there and everyone communicated with an advanced telepathy where misunderstanding was impossible.

“What a terrific place,” said Bill.

“But it was not always so,” said the Prince. In their early days they had terrible conflicts that make your present conflicts seem mild. But they endured and became masters of the situation and solved their problems. These efforts through free will opened the door to the joyful living experience they now have. The previous civilization we visited is about the same age but the tight controls limited their progress. Which would you prefer for results; the previous world or this one?

“This one, of course,” said Bill. “I see now that the struggle and solving our own problems may be a necessary step if real progression is to be obtained.

“Yes,” came the reply. “Consider the lesson of the caterpillar. If we try and help it break free from its cocoon it will die. It needs the struggle to gain the strength to turn into a beautiful butterfly. Even so, humanity has its problems, but they need the struggle to transform the earth and its people into a place of wonderful existence. I’ve shown you these things to give you hope that you can share with others. You can make a much greater difference than you realize, so go forth my friend and do your part.”

Immediately, Bill was back in his body, sitting in his chair. He still felt a residual peace from the experience. He now saw that all his doubt and complaining just added to earth’s problems and he made the determination that from this point on he was going to do his part to make the world a better place. It wouldn’t be easy but that view of the earth 1000 years from now gave him the faith he needed.


Christmas Message, 2021

This entry is part 26 of 29 in the series Christmas Messages

Christmas Message, 2021
The Birth of Christ

I sat in silent thought as I contemplated my yearly Christmas message to the group. I focused within and asked the Holy Presence, “What words would you have me give to a divided world that is so full of fear and animosity?”

After a period of silence, the words of Spirit, love and light came:

Tell them to not only look within but listen within and hear my voice. Hear the words I spoke to the disciples when their hearts were troubled:

“Fear not. It is I. Peace be unto you. Not peace as is known in the world, but as realized by the Son of God that rests deep within every human heart.”

Tell them I am here. I stand at the door and wait, but each individual must open the door and journey out of the past into my presence in the Eternal Now. The journey has no distance in time or space but there are barriers that must be removed. Each can discover these barriers if they will honestly look within and seek My Voice to guide them.

Many there are who have heard My Voice calling them to peace and communion, but they rejected the Presence because of fear or unbelief. Behold, my voice calls to every individual in every time, every place and every condition, but few respond. Many there are who are fearful, unbelieving and plagued with guilt, pain and downcast thoughts. But let the message be that I am available to all: to the mighty and the weak, the rich and the poor, the despised and the honored. You are all children of the same God and all are welcome. Tell them to just listen for my voice and know that it is I.

This Christmas the world again celebrates my birth among the children of men 2000 years ago. It is good that their thoughts are directed to goodwill, giving and cheerfulness more than usual, but my birth could mean so much more than this. Instead of celebrating my birth in ancient times let the celebration be a birth of your own.

My life was the result of the birth of the Christ within the heart and was an example for all to follow. If you would thus celebrate the birth of the Christ child within your own heart the Christmas spirit that I seek would manifest.

When you discover your inner connection to me and are born into the life of Christ with me you will shine a light that others will see and follow and like the passing of one candle to light others many will experience the true Christmas that I envision.

Verily the day will come that all will experience the birth of Christ in their hearts and the Mass of Christ will be eternal.

Yes, my friend, tell them to seek the inner Voice and listen, listen in the depth of the great silence, hear my voice, “It is I. Be not afraid. I am with you always. Enter thou into the joy of the Lord.”

Dec 25, 2021

Copyright By J J Dewey

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The Principles of Discovery

This entry is part 26 of 31 in the series Audios

The Principles of Discovery

Since most of us do not have any supernatural ability to discover truth what then are the tools available for the typical seeker who is seek

ing to discern truth from error? This  video series examines the principles of discovery that available to all of us.

Principles of Discovery, Class 1
Examining principles that will aid the seeker in finding and verifying truth.

Principles of Discovery, Class 2
The importance of admitting error and a willingness to change

Questions and Answers, Part 1

Principles of Discovery, Class 3
Staying in harmony with reason and common sense.

Principles of Discovery, Class 4
Discussing Principles 5, 6 & 7. Gathering Correct information, the process of elimination and using proven authorities.

Questions and Answers, Part 2 
Life after Death and More.

Questions and Answers, Part 3
Initiates from Lemuria and more

Principles of Discovery, Class 5
How emotions distort truth and how this problem can be corrected.

Principles of Discovery, Class 6
Are you open minded?

Principles of Discovery, Class 7
Applying teachings and asking questions to discover truth

Principles of Discovery, Class 8
Using the Law of Correspondences and understanding key numbers.

Principles of Discovery, Class 9
How Principles Can Lead to Truth

Principles of Discovery, Class 10
Finding truth where others refuse to look

Principles of Discovery, Class 11
Finding Truth by Focusing on Truth

Principles of Discovery, Class 12
Final Steps in Discovering Truth

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