Noah, The Movie

This entry is part 2 of 33 in the series 2014

We went to see Noah over the weekend and thought I would make a few comments on it.

So far it has gathered some strong reactions pro and con. Many religious fundamentalists are upset with it because it doesn’t follow the Bible that closely.  Here are some of their complaints.

(1) Noah refers to God as “The Creator” rather than God. I don’t see a problem with this but some think it is disrespectful.

(2) Fallen Angels that look like Transformers made of stone help Noah build the ark. Believers think that this belongs in a science fiction movie rather than a Bible story.

Yes, the Bible does not back up such an ingredient, but it is a creative touch and makes the story more interesting.

(3) Noah doesn’t talk with God but learns about the flood through dreams and drinking a magical potion given to him by Methuselah, who comes across like a Shaman.

Again, I don’t have a problem with this.  I thought it was a good creative touch.  One orthodox critic made this observation, saying that if the movie just stuck to the few lines about Noah in the Bible without improvising, the story would have been pretty boring.  He has a point.

Now I have no problem with movies taking some creative license to make the movie more interesting but some of the other deviations from the Bible text go way beyond a mere enhancement of the story.

I was a little perplexed that only one of Noah’s sons (Shem) in the story had a wife when the Bible clearly tells us that all three sons were married and had many children after the flood.

Why would they write such a script that runs in direct opposition to the Bible story? Making up details to fill in the gaps of the story is one thing, but this completely changes the story.

Then after I saw the film I put the pieces together.  Here is what I came up with.

The writer and director Darren Aronofsky is an atheist and environmentalist.  Now why would an atheist environmentalist write and direct a film about a famous Biblical character?  Obviously his motive would not be to increase our faith in God.

BUT… if he could use it as a vehicle to further his personal agenda, then what the heck?

It appears that Aronofsky is not only an environmentalist but belongs to the wing who sees human kind as a mistake of nature, a virus in the earth that does more harm than good. This brand of environmentalist actually believes the earth would be much better off without human beings, who are a blight on the planet.

So, even though the guy is an atheist, he saw that the story of Noah would be the perfect medium for his message – that is, if he made a few fundamental changes to the Biblical record.

Here are some changes he had to make to turn Noah into an extreme environmentalist.

(1) He made Noah and his family vegetarians, even though we are clearly told that God approved of them being meat eaters, “Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you,” said God to Noah. Gen 9:3.

(2) God was only angry with humans but was happy with the rest of the living creatures, which were innocent and wonderful.

Not so, says the Bible.

“And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.

The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth. And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.” Gen 6:7-13

Here we are clearly told that God was not only upset with humans but “the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air…” and “ALL flesh.” We are even told that the earth itself “was corrupt.” The idea of Mother Earth being corrupt is particularly blasphemous to an extreme environmentalist so changes to the Bible text definitely had to be made.

So Noah was created in the image of Aronofsky. He was a strict vegetarian who lived to disturb nothing that was natural on the earth.  He even forbids his child from disturbing a flower by picking it.  It was wrong for his kid to pick a flower just to enjoy its smell and beauty.

On the other hand, the reason Aronofsky gives that the Creator wanted to destroy the earth was because greedy capitalists were ruining the planet.  Their most egregious error was at they ate meat, but on top of this they did lots of strip mining and clear cutting of the forests doing lots of damage to the environment.

Who would have thought that they did Strip mining in the days of Noah?

So the basic idea in the head of the Creator from the mind of Aronofsky was that humans were a blight and needed to be completely destroyed – every man woman and child.  After their destruction then the earth could continue in peace inhabited by the peaceful plants and animals.

To insure that humans would go extinct after the flood Aronofsky wrote in the script that Shem’s wife was barren and Japheth and Ham had no wives with which to procreate after the flood. Thus when Noah and his family died the human race would be no more.

That Shaman devil Methuselah thwarted the will of God just as the serpent did in the Garden of Eden. He healed Shem’s wife just before the flood so she could have children and thus the blight of human beings continued to exist on the face of the earth.

Never has a Bible story been so corrupted to further a political agenda. In fact I can’t think of a piece of recorded history that has been so drastically altered for an agenda film.

To portray humanity as a blight and a huge error of the Creator is about as harmful a doctrine as one can promote. Yeah, we are not perfect and make mistakes, but as time passes and we rise above our faults humans will become the most benevolent force on the planet and will nurture plant, animal and human life until the whole planet becomes a true Garden of Eden.

Copyright by J J Dewey 2014

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Keys Writings 2014, Part 1

This entry is part 1 of 33 in the series 2014


Jan 2, 2014

The Third Degree

The Third Degree Initiate

This is called the Transfiguration and was illustrated by Jesus on the Mount of Transfigurations where his disciples saw him glowing like the sun.

Three things happen that consummate this initiation.

(1) The seeker encounters the Dweller on the Threshold. This has sometimes been described by disciples as an encounter with Satan but in reality it is an encounter with a powerful thoughtform of his own making.  Even so, dark entities opposed to the disciple’s mission may use the situation in an attempt to frustrate the fledgling disciple.

This encounter was related in the life of Jesus after his baptism when he encountered Satan in the wilderness and was tempted.

Joseph Smith gave an interesting description of his encounter with the Dweller:

“After I had retired to the place where I had previously designed to go, having looked around me, and finding myself alone, I kneeled down and began to offer up the desires of my heart to God. I had scarcely done so, when immediately I was seized upon by some power which entirely overcame me, and had such an astonishing influence over me as to bind my tongue so that I could not speak. Thick darkness gathered around me, and it seemed to me for a time as if I were doomed to sudden destruction.”

(2) He has an encounter with the Angel of the Presence.

He encounters a powerful spiritual presence that will give him a sure knowledge of the two choices.  The one choice is the path of destruction represented by the Dweller and the other is the path of life represented by the Presence.

This presence was represented by Jesus when he was visited by Elijah and Moses. Then Moses encountered the Presence on Mt. Sinai

Joseph Smith gives this account of his experience:

“But, exerting all my powers to call upon God to deliver me out of the power of this enemy which had seized upon me, and at the very moment when I was ready to sink into despair and abandon myself to destruction–not to some imaginary ruin, but to the power of some actual being from the unseen world, who had such marvelous power as I had never before felt in any being–just at this moment of great alarm, I saw a pillar of light exactly over my head, above the brightness of the sun, which descended gradually until it fell upon me.

“It no sooner appeared than I found myself delivered from the enemy which held me bound. When the light rested upon me I saw two Personages, whose brightness and glory defy all description, standing above me in the air. One of them spake unto me, calling me by name and said, pointing to the other–This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!”

Paul, on the other hand, was blinded by a great light and heard the voice of Christ. This experience can take many forms but however it comes, it will be intense.

(3) He will receive enlightenment and the path of true knowledge will open up for him.  This was symbolized in the life of Paul after he was blinded by the Presence for which he was not fully prepared. His blindness produced scales over his eyes that kept out the light but when he sought help from a servant of God the scales were removed.  It is written:

Acts 9:17 And Ananias went his way, and entered into the house; and putting his hands on him said, Brother Saul, the Lord, even Jesus, that appeared unto thee in the way as thou camest, hath sent me, that thou mightest receive thy sight, and be filled with the Holy Ghost.

Acts 9:18 And immediately there fell from his eyes as it had been scales: and he received sight forthwith, and arose, and was baptized.

Every disciple must have the scales of illusion removed before the Third Initiation is complete.

The First Degree Initiate achieves mastery over physical impulses, the Second over the emotions and glamour while the Third centers himself in the mind and masters illusion.

This initiation signals to the Hierarchy that they have a disciple available who can be trusted.  And why is that?  It is because illusion must be able to be perceived or the disciple could be tricked and led astray.  Good intentions are not enough, for many with good intentions have been led astray by illusionary beliefs and have done great harm in the process.

Now this does not mean that this initiate is perfect by any means or, that he understands all illusion. But when faced with a problem where illusion is present he can pierce through the fog and see correctly as he wrestles with it. Even the Masters are subject to some illusion that they have not yet dealt with, but when the time comes to face it they will see with true vision. The average seeker cannot do this and gets slowed down with numerous illusionary beliefs.

After the disciple achieves the Third Initiation his power to initiate things in this world is increased and the things he creates will be much more likely to endure after his death. The reason for the greater endurance is his work will have fewer flaws because they were created by one who could see through illusion.

Choice Karma


One isolated powerful hurricane—correct, but multiple powerful hurricanes over a short time is indicative of climate change. Since the latter has become somewhat of a trend, there is cause for concern.


You should know by now you should do your homework and  not just repeat lefty talking points.  Here are some facts for you.

The 2013 Atlantic hurricane season had the fewest number of hurricanes since 1982. Link

2013 shatters the record for fewest U.S. tornadoes — 15% lower than previous record — 2013 also had the fewest U.S. forest fires since 1984. Link


Ice in Antarctica. Who’d have thought?


Looks like the global warming alarmists didn’t think because they didn’t anticipate the ice.


Because they believed their own propaganda on global warming. LOL

Update on Global Warming Ship:

98% of Stories Ignore That Ice-bound Ship Was On Global Warming Mission. Link

I watched a report on it on Fox News and even they didn’t mention the ship had global warming scientists and tourists.

Jareth is correct that we should work on developing cleaner fuels. Coal is the big culprit that needs replaced as it pollutes much more than petroleum.

The best chances of switching to cleaner fuels in the next 50 years depends on a strong free market economy.  If we impose trillions of dollars of various climate change taxes we are likely to strangle the economy and  thus sabotage the innovation that global warming alarmists claim they need.

Check out my global warming dialog starting here:


The problem with that JJ is that you consider anything which disagrees with you on more than one key issue as leftist.


Wow.  You are as wrong as wrong can be.  If you do not think that the alarmist global warming doctrine is an issue from the Left then I have a bridge to sell you cheap. Even most leftists see it as an issue accepted by themselves while falsely calling the Right “climate change deniers.”


Righty talking points are also apparently fine for you.


What is fine with me is the truth.  This is what I will promote whether from the Left or Right. The big problem with reasoning with a lefty is their intolerance.  The right is much more tolerant of disagreements.  When I disagree with them they are still civil, but disagree with lefties and they totally reject and stereotype you.


You puke them on your website and discussion group all the time without “doing your homework” (linking to websites like American Thinker, World Net Daily, and Breitbart Media is not “doing your homework”).


I haven’t referenced any of those sites in this discussion so what puke are you talking about?

So any site I reference with which you disagree is puke but when I reference liberal sites that is good stuff, right. What a weird way to think.

I do not care what the source is for information – my only question is – is it accurate? Facts are usually easy to verify, though theory is not. If you refuse to check sites that do not conform to your belief system then you are censoring yourself and your view will be one sided.


You cannot use one year of relaxed weather as conclusive proof that climate change is not happening. You are confusing weather and climate again.


A year is a climate indicator which is used by all climate scientists.

Yet lefties will use a single incident that will last a couple days and shout “Climate Change – we need  to do something fast!!! Tax the Rich – tax the corporations etc.”

JJ Quote

Looks like the global warming alarmists didn’t think because they didn’t anticipate the ice.


No climate scientist has ever said that they expect the polar ice to disappear.


No one said that but they did think ice was disappearing in many areas and they had a big surprise when they were trapped in ice. Do you really think they would have taken the trip if they realized there would be so much ice building up?

Chris Turney, the expedition’s leader, is a professor of climate change at the University of South Wales. According to Turney’s personal website, the purpose of the expedition is to “discover and communicate the environmental changes taking place in the south.” Link

Obviously, one of those changes was melting ice.

It is silly that this is a political issue.  We should study it by use of facts and not one, but both sides should be presented if we really want to find the truth. Whenever a skeptic surfaces the Left merely calls them names like a “denier” or “flat earther” and then retreats under a rock.


Jan 3, 2014

Choice Karma Continued

Quote from JJ

I do not care what the source is for information – my only question is – is it accurate?


If I didn’t check sites that don’t conform to my beliefs, then I would be on here typing this, but I am and, as usual, find the right wing talking points lacking.


You are full of contradictions.  First you rattle off several right leaning sites, criticizing me for using them and now you claim to be open minded and use them.

If this forum does not suit your beliefs then why are you here?  Do you see it as a mission to set us straight?

Whatever the case, all are welcome as long as they act civilly.


Also, I accept that which gives good credence. That is, it has good reason to be believed.


I don’t see much evidence of this.

JJ Quote: **No one said that but they did think ice was disappearing in many areas and they had a big surprise when they were trapped in ice. Do you really think they would have taken the trip if they realized there would be so much ice building up?

Chris Turney, the expedition’s leader, is a professor of climate change at the University of South Wales. According to Turney’s personal website, the purpose of the expedition is to “discover and communicate the environmental changes taking place in the south.”**


I don’t understand what ways they planned on studying the region JJ, but I highly doubt they were just there to look out the window and see how much ice there was. Based on what you’re saying, it would seem that that is your assumption. The article says they were still conducting studies as they were stuck in the ice.


I wasn’t assuming anything but what was reported which was that a group interested in the effects of global arming went down there to observe its effects. Then cosmic humor gives us the irony of them getting stuck in ice. Kinda funny.


And whenever a proponent surfaces, the Right merely calls them alarmists or politically motivated


To differentiate between people like myself who believe there has been global warming and others who want to spend trillions countering it or we are doomed, we use he word “alarmist.”

The ones we are concerned about are those who want to take our money and then pour it down a sinkhole that will have negligible effect on the climate but will hurt the economies of the entire planet.  Those who want trillions from us are the true alarmists.  They can only siphon off such money by convincing us that Armageddon is near.


…then goes back to looking out the window and saying “Look at all that ice, the climate isn’t changing!”


Another imaginary straw man not pertinent to the discussion.  It is the Left that takes individual weather incidents and cries global warming! After Katrina Al Gore said this was happening because of global warming and there was much more to come. Then most of the years after that we had fewer hurricanes than average.


Some of them, like John Shimkus, will even say that man-made climate change is impossible because the Bible says that it is God’s responsibility.


Most of the people here disagree with this type of religious fundamentalists as much as we do left wing extremists.


**Ok, you don’t accept one year. Give us a source covering a number of years showing how we are really experiencing climate change and hurricanes are getting more numerous and worse due to it. Where is your evidence that something is happening?**


I already gave you a source. Here it is again.


Instead of just throwing out websites you should point out an area of disagreement and state your case why you think it is wrong. I could give you dozens of good websites supporting my view, but that would be a lazy approach if that was all I did.


Here are more specific relevant pieces.


The facts are that sea ice is increasing in Antarctica and land ice is decreasing but overall there is an increase. Link

Throughout the world, for the past 11,000 years (long before the global warming scare) glaciers and ice at the poles has been melting and sea levels have gradually risen. The current rise in sea level of about the width of a dime a year is not unusual or alarming.


On the increase in tropical storms and their strength:

Here’s what your guy says:

In the case of storm frequency, there is no consensus “… two recent peer-reviewed studies completely contradict each other. One paper predicts considerably more storms due to global warming. Another paper suggests the exact opposite – that there will be fewer storms in the future.”

When we look at the hurricanes and tornadoes that cause us real problems there hasn’t been much change that can be associated with warming.

Your guy gives this misleading statement:

“extra heat in the air or the oceans is a form of energy, and storms are driven by such energy.”

If he was right about heat driving storms then the worst storms in the solar system should be on Venus which is 900 degrees F. The funny thing is that planet is very calm with little wind or change, but lots of CO2.

And where are the fiercest storms?  They are on the coldest planet, Neptune.  It is over 300 degrees below zero and has storms up to 1200 MPH.

Storms are not driven by heat or cold but temperature differences in the atmosphere.


On receding glaciers:


It is established fact that glaciers have been retreating for thousands of years (long before automobiles) with a few growth cycles in between. Not much of an argument there.


If you do not like the website because of its admittedly potential bias, then by all means go search for the references that their articles provide.


Actually for an alarmist it is a pretty good site.  He does have some good information and does allow opposing comments which is unusual for an orthodox global warmer. I do see a lot of bias and omissions though.


**From what I’ve read there hasn’t been a budge in global temperatures for quite some time. **


From what you have read? What did you read? What did it say? Where is the information from? It sounds like you are wanting me to take your word for it.


It is pretty common knowledge that there has been a lull in global warming.  Last year was cooler than it was in 1998. Global warning seems to have reached a plateau in 1998 and leveled off. This article gives a chart giving yearly data.

Check out Roy Spencer’s site for more information: Link

Here is an interesting story pertinent to our discussion:

Antarctic ice shelf melt ‘lowest EVER recorded, global warming is NOT eroding it’ Link


Think this is what we are going to see going forward as the climate-changers revise their talking points.

1. That which advances their view will be “climate change.”

2. That which does not advance their view will just be “weather.”


Great foresight Larry. Actually it is mostly true now, but no one I know of has stated the fact in black and white as you have.

There is no way to win the argument wit these guys.  If the weather warms it’s global warming.  if it cools it’s global warming and if it stays virtually  the same, as it has for 16 years, it’s still global warming.

Then if we have good weather it’s global warming and  bad weather is global warming. Then if weather is normal it’s global warming.

There’s no way to argue with these guys or present evidence, even if they had an approaching glacier in their back yard.


Jan 4, 2014

The Fourth Degree Initiate

This initiation is called The Great Renunciation and was consummated by Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. Another famous renunciation appears in the story of Abraham where he was commanded to sacrifice his son which would seem to void the very promise of God.

The Third Initiation is important to the Guides of the Race because those who pass it can see the path clearly and are not likely to be deceived or lead students on the path of illusion or harm.

There is then left another question in the minds of the Higher Lives which is:

“Is this disciple willing to sacrifice his choicest personal desires in service to higher purpose and to humanity?

In order to prove his worth a path is set up by his soul in a certain life so all circumstances will come together at a point in time to test the disciple to his very core.

We all realize that Jesus sacrificed his life, but even this is not enough to pass the test.  Jesus sacrificed something more dearly to him which was the greatest desire of his heart.  And what was this?

It was the opportunity to establish the kingdom of God upon the earth.  With the power that he possessed, the glory he was achieving and the knowledge he had, it seemed that if he could stay on the earth long enough that the prophesied kingdom could be built.

But instead of taking this direction, the Father within commanded him to give up this righteous desire and sacrifice himself instead.

Giving up what seemed to be the greatest opportunity in the history of the world was a greater sacrifice than his life.

Abraham received a promise by the voice of God that he would have a son and through him he would have a great posterity. He had to wait until the age of a hundred to see the birth of his promised son Isaac.  Isaac was the thing in his life that was dearest to his heart because it represented a miraculous fulfillment of the promise of God to gladden his life’s purpose.

Then he was told to sacrifice his son.  That was tough enough, but what was even tougher was that Isaac’s death would mean the promise of God could not be fulfilled and would make God out to be a liar.  It is pretty devastating to consider that God does not tell the truth.  This made his decision to obey exceedingly difficult but through great faith he proceeded and the sacrifice was aborted and it turned out that God was true to His word after all.

What the sacrifice is not.  It is not composed of difficulties imposed on a disciple by circumstances not of his choosing. For instance, if a disciple loses his wife, kids, job, fortune, health etc contrary to his choosing through normal living this has nothing to do with the test.

What it is:  It involves a powerful choice to sacrifice that which is dearest above all to his whole being.  That choice will be revealed to him from his higher self and will come to him with great spiritual power. He will know the source is true and that he is not some crazy person hearing voices. It will test his very faith in God because the command will seem contrary to anything that a decent God would tell him to do.

Once the test is passed the disciple can then be trusted to initiate a work that will change the world in some degree and move the purpose of God forward on the earth.

If Jesus had not passed this test he would have not gone on to the death and resurrection and his life would have probably been lost to history.

Few seekers are close to the place on the path where they could pass the Great Renunciation, but instead are preparing for that future day through current sacrifices. Many opportunities come in daily living where a person can sacrifice personal desire in order to further service for humanity. Such sacrifices bring their own rewards.


Jan 5, 2014

The Fifth Degree Initiate

This is called the Initiation of Revelation.  This is the initiation wherein the disciple becomes a Master, often called a “Master of Wisdom.”

He masters may things to get to this point but the most important thing of all is wisdom, for without wisdom intelligence, as we understand it, can often lead to wrong bullheaded directions.

We all know people who are extremely smart in certain areas, but then in other endeavors they seem to be as dumb as a rock.  It is an amazing thing to observe.

This dichotomy is most obvious today in the field of politics.

For instance the support of Big Government doing for the people by force of law what the people can do much better for themselves through private enterprise is not wise at all yet many people who are smart, accomplished and well spoken support this direction.

The person with wisdom sees that the use of force should only be used when absolutely necessary, such as in the control and prevention of criminal acts. But to go beyond this and use force to compel people to conform to one’s desire of what is good for them lays the foundation for great evil.

The disciple spends numerous lifetimes learning to use wisdom in such a way that maximum freedom for the individual and group is preserved.

There are many first and second degree initiates who are deceived into thinking that people need to be compelled to share their wealth for the sake of equality, or that we need lots of laws to prevent us from taking what is not good into our bodies, or we needs lots of government protection to save us from our own stupidity etc.

Good intentions is not a sign of wisdom.  The power to discern and follow that which produces the most positive results is the true indicator of wisdom.

He who is on the path toward becoming a Master of Wisdom will discern the workings of the stolen authority of the Beast and avoid falling into the various traps.

For instance, many people will follow the advice of their doctor without question merely because he is an authority and society says he knows more than you do about health.

He who is on the path of wisdom will listen to the inner voice and if it says to question the doctor’s advice he will question and do his own research and come to his own conclusions.

The Fifth Degree Initiate has wrestled with the Beast for many lifetimes and has finally escaped his mark through mastering wisdom and applying it.

The journey toward the Fifth Initiation and becoming a Master begins in earnest after the disciple passes the Fourth Initiation, the Great Renunciation. After this his focus is taken away from self toward fulfilling the purpose of God. He contemplates this regularly and then one day he receives a major revelation. Knowledge and principles comes to him of things that are not written in any book commonly available to humanity. He then sees how to use this knowledge to move the progress of his fellow men and women forward.

To become a Master he must teach and implement to some degree that which he has received.  He has to do his part given to him to the satisfaction of his soul.

You’ll notice that most of the masters of whom we have knowledge have been teachers of original material and have initiated a work of some kind in the process.  Some known to us include Jesus, Paul, Buddha and DK. Our knowledge of other masters is quite sketchy.  Then too, some of them have performed great works for which they received little or no historical credit.

Not a lot of information is given out on the higher initiations.  What little there is, is given by DK.

The Sixth is the Initiation of Decision which is brought about by the understanding of true freedom of choice.  The Initiate must now choose his next path from one of these seven categories:

1. The Path of Earth Service.

2. The Path of Magnetic Work.

3. The Path of Training for Planetary Logoi.

4. The Path to Sirius.

5. The Ray Path.

6. The Path the Logos Himself Is On.

7. The Path of Absolute Sonship.

The Seventh is the Initiation of Resurrection.  This brings “Freedom from the hold of the phenomenal life of the seven planes of our planetary Life.  It is in reality a ‘lifting out of or above’ the cosmic physical plane.”

This may be a little above our pay grade.


Jan 5, 2014


When did Joesph Smith under go his third initiation? Can’t recall anything in his known history approximating the transfiguration.

Below is Joseph’s description of his third initiation experience.  Note that he meets his Dweller followed by the Angel of the Presence as described by DK.  Because this happened when he was 14 (16 by another account), and before the age of 21, it tells us he was repeating an initiation from a previous life.

Initiations are different for different people. Moses and Jesus experieced a physical effect of their faces glowing whereas Paul, Buddha, Joseph Smith and others had other effects. But, they all met their Dweller followed by the Presence, followed by enlightenment.

JSH 1:14 So, in accordance with this, my determination to ask of God, I retired to the woods to make the attempt. It was on the morning of a beautiful, clear day, early in the spring of eighteen hundred and twenty. It was the first time in my life that I had made such an attempt, for amidst all my anxieties I had never as yet made the attempt to pray vocally.

JSH 1:15 After I had retired to the place where I had previously designed to go, having looked around me, and finding myself alone, I kneeled down and began to offer up the desires of my heart to God. I had scarcely done so, when immediately I was seized upon by some power which entirely overcame me, and had such an astonishing influence over me as to bind my tongue so that I could not speak. Thick darkness gathered around me, and it seemed to me for a time as if I were doomed to sudden destruction.

JSH 1:16 But, exerting all my powers to call upon God to deliver me out of the power of this enemy which had seized upon me, and at the very moment when I was ready to sink into despair and abandon myself to destruction–not to some imaginary ruin, but to the power of some actual being from the unseen world, who had such marvelous power as I had never before felt in any being–just at this moment of great alarm, I saw a pillar of light exactly over my head, above the brightness of the sun, which descended gradually until it fell upon me.

JSH 1:17 It no sooner appeared than I found myself delivered from the enemy which held me bound. When the light rested upon me I saw two Personages, whose brightness and glory defy all description, standing above me in the air. One of them spake unto me, calling me by name and said, pointing to the other–This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!


Jan 7, 2014

Interesting UFO Story



Jan 8, 2014

Global Warming Cult

During this cold spell it is amusing to watch panicked global warming alarmists quaking in their boots at the public reaction and assuring us that that this cooling we are experiencing is really global warming.

Then if you tell them that the temperatures have remained flat since 1998 they tell us that even if the temperature is not rising we are still experiencing global warming.

There is nothing we can experience that will convince them they are wrong. Even if the whole earth turned into a ball of ice they would say it is global warming.

There are many similarities to a religious cult.

1. Empirical evidence does not change their minds.

2. They have their prophets of doom.

3. They warn of a coming apocalypse.

4. They allow no dissent within the ranks.

5. They are extremely authoritarian.

6. They attempt to brainwash children, not allowing exposure to alternative views.

7. They label dissenters as heretics and deniers of the faith.

8. They will not debate with skeptics, but dismiss and ridicule them instead.

9. Their believers are generally uninformed of arguments that do not back up their faith.

10. They are after your money.


Jan 9, 2014

New Book

I have been contemplating for some time how I can fulfill my next step in the work to be done.

As a reminder, that next step, which I have been working on for some time, is to get something out there that will attract the public consciousness to a significant degree.

A small number of sincere seekers love my books and writings so far, but that is not enough to create change.  I have to produce something that will draw significant attention.

I have an idea for a book that has potential to do this.  It will be a fairly short book with small chapters and will be called:

Answers to the Mysteries of the Universe

Each chapter will give short but provocative answers to questions that many have wondered about. Then in most cases they can get more information by going to the website.

I will be posting he chapters here for my friends but will take them off after the book is published.

Here is the introduction:


Jan 11, 2014

The Avatar of Synthesis

The Avatar of Synthesis is from another solar system and has descended down to the mental plane in an effort to assist disciples.

I have felt his presence several times but we don’t have enough going at this time to warrant his full attention, outside of checking in from time to time.  I assume he is working to empower other disciples as opportunity to move the work forward surfaces.


Jan 12, 2014

Something I did not know:

“Our modern agricultural system is responsible for putting more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than the actual burning of fossil fuels?’

Here’s an interesting Article with the title:

How Grazing Cows Can Save the Planet, and Other Surprising Ways of Healing the Earth

Link:  Click HERE


Jan 14, 2014

The Universe

I watched  interesting videos about the universe today.  Here are the links:

Video One

Video Two


Jan 15, 2014

Devil Baby

You got to see this.


Copyright by J J Dewey 2014

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