Meditation, Auras and More

Meditation, Auras and More

Meditation can remove some of the blocks between you and the Spirit, but if one does not meditate on a regular basis yet uses the correct focus of his thought he will see positive results.

Some who pray or meditate on a regular basis still remain in great illusion. When you are praying or mediating you must apply correct intention. Then you will be able to make a wise judgment that leads to a correct decision that releases the Kingdom of God within you.

What is the difference between one who meditates and gets correct information from the Spirit and one who meditates and gets incorrect information?

Psychedelic substances and certain drugs that are natural to the earth may be helpful at times when used with judgment, but more often than not the supposed help is an illusion. Man-made psychedelic drugs are more dangerous and can alter the personality — sometimes to the bad and sometimes to the good — and is something like electric shock treatment.

Pot [marijuana] stimulates the Head and Sacral Center. It often brings thoughts to the mind that seem very heavy, but if the evolution of the person has not advanced to the level of thought being unleashed then the person will not consciously understand them and his communications will seem like ramblings. If his Head Center has already unfolded then he will have a natural high, but more refined than that produced by pot. Thus when the advanced person smokes pot the main stimulation will be the Sacral Center which can have the effect of shifting his energies from the spiritual to the physical.

Becoming one with the Spirit can produce many times the feeling and experience of any drug. The intention of my teachings is to lead you in this direction.


A reader asks: “Have you been able to do this (teleportation), and will you be teaching those keys of knowledge to the group?”

JJ: It would be great if I could teleport at will, but this ability is beyond my individual ring-pass-not at present. The scriptures indicate that the disciples of Jesus may have had this ability through the Molecular Relationship.

There is no record of Jesus teleporting himself during his mortal life, but he definitely did after his resurrection.

I believe teleportation will be available at some level of the Molecular Relationship. It may take the power of several molecules rather than a single one. Hopefully spiritual scientists of the future will figure it out.

Seeing Auras

A reader asked for comment on seeing auras.

If you or anyone else is having any luck in seeing them I would be interested in hearing your experiences. As I have demonstrated at the gatherings it is easy to see the etheric body, but much more difficult to see the aura, and it is extremely difficult to see the outer film.

I learned to see aura by practicing at church during boring speeches. I would look intensely at the speaker and attempt to see his aura. He probably noticed me and thought that at least there was one guy who found him interesting. Little did he know.

It took me several months of intensive practice before I made my breakthrough and the colors were so brilliant that I was quite excited about it.

I haven’t kept up my exercises and am a bit rusty, but will sometimes catch an aura when I’m not even trying to see one. I have also found I can usually intuit what would be revealed in the aura.

Question: Will we become Masters after learning all the keys in this lifetime?”

JJ: Just learning the keys will do little to make you a Master, but mastering them will.

Question: “I am still trying to work my head around how re-incarnation works. Is it only this earth we have come back to, or are there others?”

JJ: In this round of creation most of the people on this earth have only incarnated on this planet. A handful have come from other solar systems.

We descend from higher worlds to the material level, or this earthly state, and then advance back up.

The physical, the astral and the mental are actual worlds of form from which we descend and ascend. Then there are higher levels of what is called the formless worlds.

 Question: Do we have to obtain perfection to escape the wheel of rebirth?

JJ: The key is not to, live a life without error, but to live as one with the Spirit so it is as if you are the same life.

The Christ learned about his mission in increments just like we do if we apply ourselves.

Question: “This is the part I don’t understand, I guess. Just where am I on this evolutionary chain? I realize that one day I will make it, but what does living the highest I know now do for me?”

JJ: Forget about where you are and concentrate on your next step. This will be discovered by following the highest you know. As you take one step and then another you will get a sense of where you are in the scheme of things.

As you progress you will experience satisfaction and joy and become aware of eternal progression through eternal lives on eternal worlds, and spheres without end.

Jesus and Socialism

Reader Comment: “One thing that truly perplexes me is the fact that many of the right are Christian yet do not support a socialist government system. Taking from what I know about Jesus and the way the man worked wouldn’t he support socialist programs like health care?”

JJ: Rome also had social programs. They taxed the people and gave out welfare to those the State deemed as deserving. Jesus had nothing to do with giving the State power to tax and redistribute. In fact he was criticized for not paying taxes (Matt 17:24) and only then reluctantly paid them.

Jesus told the people to give their donations directly to the poor. Not once did he tell his disciples to give to Rome so the State could redistribute the wealth.

Even though this is crystal clear many like to preach that Jesus was a socialist after the order of the Europeans, or perhaps the communists. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Reader: “Giving your donations directly to the poor these days is not a good idea. That’s like giving a pyromaniac matches and saying have fun!”

JJ: It’s nothing like that at all. Giving directly to the poor today is no different than giving to the poor in the time of Jesus. For one thing, if you give $100 then 100% of it goes to where it is needed rather than a bureaucracy where maybe half goes to the need. I encounter more people in need than I have money to give without Uncle Sam stepping in to force me to give to his pet projects.

Reader: “Jesus in your opinion may have not been a socialist, but he was interested in helping everyone, even you can’t disagree with that.”

JJ: I agree, but he wasn’t into supporting the State which took money by force and redistributed it according to its whims. He was for giving of one’s own free will just as I am which is entirely at odds with modern day state sponsored socialism.

“A man may be so much of everything that he is nothing of anything.” — Samuel Johnson (1709 – 1784), (attributed)

May 29, 2009

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The Student Teacher Relationship

The Student Teacher Relationship

I received comments indicating some believe that we can simultaneously be teachers and students and it happens on this forum.

This forum is not an example of teaching and receiving at the same time. For one thing we do not even communicate at the same time. Furthermore, I do not believe that I have taught anything to speak of to new members yet nor they I. We have learned a little about each other’s thought processes, but no spiritual principle has been transmitted.

Just like you cannot send and receive at the same time on a phone, you cannot teach and learn at the same time from another human being. There has to be some passage of time (even if it is small) between learning and teaching on the physical plane.

When you send a message to me you have an opportunity to teach if I am receptive and you send something I do not already know. When I send to you then I have an opportunity to teach if I present something you do not know and you are willing to receive.

The closest thing to learning and teaching at the same time is when the spiritual teacher is soul infused. In this case he can enter a timeless sphere with part of his consciousness can bring higher knowledge down to the personality level at near the same time he is sending the knowledge out or teaching. Nevertheless, in this case he is definitely the teacher and the receiving entity is the student.

I am a strong believer in human interaction. My interaction with you is evidence of this. But interaction is not teaching and receiving at the same time. Teaching and learning can be done within a certain period of time. But even in this case one will be more polarized in the teaching energy than the other. Take Jesus and his students. He learned little if anything from them, but taught them much. Where did he get his knowledge?

Let Jesus speak for himself:

“Then said Jesus unto them, When ye have lifted up the Son of man, then shall ye know that I am he, and that I do nothing of myself; but as my Father hath taught me, I speak these things.” (John 8:28)

“For I have not spoken of myself; but the Father which sent me, he gave me a commandment, what I should say, and what I should speak. And I know that his commandment is life everlasting: whatsoever I speak therefore, even as the Father said unto me, so I speak.” John 12:49-50

“Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.” (John 14:10)

All throughout his life Jesus acknowledged that his teacher was his Father. Never did he say he learned anything from his students. How could he when he already knew everything that they knew?

The God of the Bible

A reader says, “the possibility of the biblical God existing is nil.”

Maybe the possibility is that we do not understand what God or Divine Intelligence even is.

If the Bible stories are true then there is definitely some powerful Dude or Power that can part the Red Sea and raise the dead back to life. Some cruel things attributed to God could be thoughts of mere mortals who say they came from God.

Consider this. The sun is a million times larger than earth. There are two hundred billion star systems in this galaxy. There are billions of galaxies that we can see and billions more we cannot. As a speck of dust is to the earth, even so is our planet in relation to the universe.

Maybe we are not that important to the Life who created all there is, but are of importance to other beings who are powerful enough to part the Red Sea. Look how much we have advanced in 100 years. Imagine what others lives have done in a thousand, million or a billion years.


The vibration of the molecules of your body can be somewhat affected by an electrical current, but the vibration of the atoms themselves are fairly stable by our standards.

The link between spirit and matter is soul. The amount of spiritual vibration we seem to feel depends to a great extent on where our attention is as well as the attention of the higher self.

To teleport a physical body one must learn to still the vibration of the physical rather than increase the vibration. It then seems that your vibration has been raised, but in reality the vibration of the physical is no more only leaving the spiritual which is indeed a higher vibration.

The physical is then recreated by a process of unfolding; for in teleportation the physical is folded up into the spiritual. This is also necessary in overcoming death.

You are right. We should have more spiritual powers than we do. There is a missing link and that is the connecting point to link humanity with the Kingdom of the Spiritual or the Kingdom of God. There are Keys of Knowledge that can make this happen.

“Use soft words and hard arguments.” — English Proverb

May 6, 2009

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The Separation Begins

This entry is part 2 of 43 in the series Molecular Relationship

The Molecular Relationship

Chapter Two
The Separation Begins

Approximately one third of the children of The One were interested in entering the great illusion and gathered together in consciousness and formulated a plan. Since The One did not endorse their endeavor, they decided to create a reflection of their Creator. They then used their great powers to unite as one great life that would create a new universe, inferior to the one that was their natural home, but one that would offer them many limitations to overcome as well as all aspects of duality. Not only would there be love, but there would be hate, and instead of eternal peace there would be both peace and conflict. There would be opposites to everything they presently enjoyed that would lead to many disturbing feelings. But they all felt that this opposition in all things would present great challenges, and by overcoming them an even greater joy could be achieved than was offered in heaven.

After embracing the plan, they joined to create a reflection of The One but with a mind that would accept the negatives of duality as well as the positive. They called this the United Sonship. This Sonship would be separate from the universe of The One for they would create a new universe governed by the Sonship, one that would incorporate all the aspects of duality. In their life with The One, each monad shared a supreme equality. What one possessed all possessed and all qualities were shared equally. These monads wanted to find out what it would feel like to be different from each other and create their own identity and even have their own individual names.

As the plan progressed, all the remaining hosts of heaven looked on with great alarm and did all they could to influence them to not execute their plan. Neither The One or the lives within wanted to see such a large part of the whole become separate. They were also concerned that the separation would not be temporary as planned, but could become permanent.

The United Sonship ignored their concerns and continued with their plan. To execute it they would have to use the powers given to them by The One to not only create an illusion, but make it seem totally real so the challenges could be seen as real. They realized that this could not be done in the realm of light, for in that realm they had everything. They willed themselves to go to the edge of creation – to that point toward which the universe of the One was ever expanding. Their consciousness moved past many vast creations of light until they came to a great barrier with a beautiful golden hue. They knew that beyond this golden light was a void of nothingness. Everything was within the light and nothing was without. To make their illusion real they had to go into the void and create as was done with The One, but this time using duality instead of placing focus only on the positive.

They attempted to go through the golden barrier but discovered that they could not penetrate it. It was at this time that they realized that they were a part of creation and it was impossible to leave it. It seemed then that since they were a part of The One, there was no way they could totally leave this great life of which they were a part.

These lives still wanted to execute their plan and believed that this was possible, for hadn’t they been given all power? This should mean they have power to separate from The One and create according to their own desires.

The United Sonship finally came up with a solution “We must leave our original light and mind here in the real universe and project our minds through the golden barrier into the void. Once there, we can create according to our desires. The only problem is that we will have to descend to a great depth to forget our identity. We will eventually enter a great dream state not connected to our true home.”

As the lives in the Sonship contemplated moving forward, they realized the path of return may be more difficult than they supposed and a shiver of fear echoed through the entire group.

Fear was a quality that had never been realized by any life that was in heaven. The original Twelve felt it when They created the One, but it seemed alien to them and was ignored. Now that which was denied loomed before them with such strength that it had to be recognized.

The question was, what would happen if they left their essence in heaven and projected an illusion of themselves into the void? Would they be able to awaken to their true reality and return?

“It will be worth the risk,” came a response, “because in the end we will have an enhanced heaven, one that knows good and evil yet prevailed. Just imagine the possibility of an increased joy.”

After considering this, the United Sonship suppressed their fear and decided to continue on their venture. The vast group, consisting of an immense number of monads who were Sons of God, thus went into meditation deep and projected themselves into the unknown – the great void.

The Descent into Form

Once in the void a sense of loss came over them. They still had creative powers but could not create the Eternal. From this point on, all creations would have a beginning and an end. Nevertheless, they proceeded forward.

In their beginning as living monads, they existed as points in divine space, but in this void before them, there was nothing, not even space; so the first order of creation was space itself. Their united mind then conceived of the idea of space where there could be an imagined distance between two points. They used their creative imagination to create new space as vast as they could conceive. It was a space that seemed endless, yet ever expanding to make room for themselves and all that could be imagined.

This was their first plane of descent.

Next, they decided to project themselves as monads, or points of light, into this space. In doing this they desired to take their first step toward differentiation to move away from the sameness and total equality that each had in their spiritual home. They decided to start with a Trinity of differences and use this number as the foundation of all their creations.

Within The One all monads were equal in that they had all power, a fulness of love and equally shared the mind of God. Their first limitation in their new venture was that each monad would choose to focus on one of these aspects, for in this new universe each would excel at one of the aspects while not enjoying a fullness of the other two.

A majority chose the aspect of love-wisdom followed by the next choice of mind and that which it would create. A lesser portion chose will, power and purpose. Even though power was a very desirable aspect, it was also the easiest to misuse as well as the most difficult to understand without a fullness of the other two qualities. This caused many monads to be hesitant in focusing on this first aspect.

The next order of descent was to plane number three, the plane of ideas. In the unity of The One, ideas were indeed in circulation, but none based on duality. Now that the Sonship could consider both the positive and negative, a vast number of new ideas could be expressed. The monads settled in this plane until every conceivable idea was shared and in circulation.

The problem of settling on this plane was that the ideas were merely ideas and were not followed by creation. The thinking of the group was that some type of manifestation must follow these ideas. They must create a plane wherein form can become manifest.

The decision was made to create a plane where ideas can manifest as form. This would be a big leap from anything done by The One, or by them previously, for in a universe of form it would appear to the monads that there is creation outside of their united minds. This was something never done before, but it was the reason behind their whole endeavor so they moved forward.

To manifest form, yet keep their higher connections. they proceeded to create two planes at one time. The monads would project themselves down to an initial plane of form governed by mind and then create another plane that would link the lower plane with the higher.

The fourth plane of descent would connect the higher and the lower, and the fifth would initiate the creation of form. This fifth plane is called the plane of the mind, whereas the fourth manifests the intuition. It is in the plane of the mind that higher ideas are received and given some type of form by the power of thought. It is here that individualized souls, often called causal bodies, are created.

The monads then proceeded to project a portion of themselves into the plane of the mind and reflect themselves in a soul body. Such a soul could manifest as any form desired, or merely as light, but even as light it would have a vibration and identity different from any other soul. Because of this each projected soul took upon itself a distinct name.

This world of thought was a pleasant place to reside, for as soon as a desirable thought occurred, a manifestation immediately followed. Thus, by the power of their thought they created beautiful worlds with beautiful life forms, consisting of glorious cities with marvelous buildings and scenery. Every idea that the souls desired became manifest.

The only problem with settling here was that their main objective was not yet accomplished. The souls did not have a full awareness, but they still had significant realization of who they were. To really challenge themselves they had to sever the link of awareness and enter a world where they would be a blank slate with no true knowledge of their themselves. This would be the ultimate challenge and overcoming such a limitation would be the ultimate victory.

They then moved forward to create a plane of dense physical manifestation. The soul, which was a partial reflection of the monad, would then reflect part of itself into form so dense that it would seem to be beyond the control of thought. To manipulate this dense form would require the application of other forms, instead of mere thought as on the plane of the mind.

The souls then saw that on this lowest plane they would need individualized bodies to complete their mission. Within these bodies they would be linked to a lower projection of the mind of the soul. Then they saw that the interplay of lower mind with the dense physical would create desire, and this desire, a lower reflection of love-wisdom, would constitute a distinct plane. The mind was the fifth plane, the desire nature was the sixth, and the lowest that they could conceive was the dense physical, the seventh plane. Finally, the physical was a plane that they could enter with the ultimate challenge of near total forgetfulness, yet despite this challenge, they had faith they could overcome all the limitations imposed, enter the path of return and eventually reunite with The One with an enhanced awareness.

As they began to manifest in these two lower planes of time and space a point of no return was reached, and a great fear swept over the entire sonship. They were indeed plunging into the unknown. They were confident they could return, but an element of doubt crept in saying, “what if we could never remember who we are?”

This fear which followed them caused the path of return to be much more problematic than they planned, but they certainly had what they wanted – a limitation to overcome. On the other hand, the fear factor gave them the ultimate challenge, which, according to their thinking, would give them the prospect of ultimate joy.

The Path of Return

The One and all the remaining extensions, or Sons of God, became aware of the great descent into a realm so dense that all knowledge of heaven and their true identity was virtually gone. The universe they created would indeed last for billions of years and their essence would be recycled many times, but even though some would think the universe of form was eternal, it would indeed have an end. If the monads did not regain their identity and power before the end of the universe then that which gave them habitation would disappear into the nothingness from whence it came, and all these children of the One could be lost in the great void forever.

The One was already feeling a loss with the entering into the great sleep and the departure of the consciousness of a third part of itself. “This situation cannot be eternal,” It thought to Itself. “I must save my children and thus save the wholeness of Myself.”

This thought reverberated through all the lives that were within the body of The One. There was complete agreement, for all who remained identified completely with the whole.

In that instant, all the focus of The One, which included all the lives within It, focused on Its center, and within that center was a great circular bubble which symbolized the divine space taken by the sleeping monads. Within that bubble were endless points of light which represented that great number of sleeping monads.

The One did not enter the bubble to save Its children for It would then become trapped in the illusion and heaven and all that is eternal would cease to be accessible. Instead, it gathered together all the co-creators to assist in a new creation, an entity composed of threads of living light, knowledge and love which would be projected into the bubble, but with threads connecting it to heaven and other threads extending to separated ones. This universal entity would then maintain an awareness of all that is in heaven while entering the dream with enough light to guide the willing monads back home when they are ready. The threads connecting it to The One would keep it safe from fully entering the dream and forgetting its Source. It would always know who and what it was. This was the beginning of the mission of what many call the Holy Spirit. Others call it the Christ or the God within.

The idea was that all the prodigal sons would eventually greatly tire of the separated condition and indistinctively seek guidance to return home. When that time comes, then this projection of The One would be a beacon they could follow back to their Source.

It is interesting how this account harmonizes with the famous scripture from the Gospel of John, which reads:

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God.

“All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.” John 1:1-5

Notice how this harmonizes with the account presented here, especially when we realize that the Word was Christ as noted in several passages that follow. Here is one

“And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us.” John 1:14

It is interesting that concerning the creation of all we see that it is only the Son that is mentioned and not the Father. It is also enlightening to note that the Concordant version, which gives a literal translation, describes the Word as an ‘it” and not a “he.”

“In the beginning was the word, and the word was toward God, and God was the word. This is in the beginning toward God. All came into being through IT (not Him), and apart from IT not even one thing came into being which has come into being. In IT was life, and the life was the light of men.”

In other words, the Christ, which made all the worlds, is more than the man Jesus as noted by Paul:

“For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body, SO ALSO IS CHRIST. For by ONE SPIRIT we are all baptized into ONE body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into ONE SPIRIT. For the body is not one member, but MANY (All lives together)… Now Ye are the body of Christ (the Son), and members in particular.” I Cor 12:12-14, 27

Since Christ is a body of which we are members, it would make sense to refer to such a body as “it” rather than “he.”

That which made all things in this universe of time and space was not God the Father, but God the Son which John called “the Word.” And The Christ, which created all things is a body with many members which includes all of us before we completely lost our identity as one with Christ or Sons of God.

Amazingly the Bible acknowledges that we were thrilled at the creation of the earth for the opportunity provided:

“Where was thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? Declare, if thou hast understanding…When the morning stars sang together, and ALL THE SONS OF GOD shouted for joy?” Job 38:4&6

We, which includes all the monads who left their spiritual home, were part of the Word, or Sonship which created this earth as well as the universe of time and space. We rejoiced at the creation of this earth which made it possible for us to be challenged and grow and rejoice at the overcoming of limitations.

In our history of existence, then, there were five great events which occurred.

The first was the natural interplay of cause and effect which stimulated monads to go beyond the zero point and manifest as intelligence.

The second was the gathering together of intelligent monads into groups which created a group life greater than the sum of the parts.

The third was the gathering of groups into greater groups.

The fourth was the gathering of all groups into one which created the One Great Life called The One, or God.

The fifth was the separation of a third of the monads into a void where they proceeded to create the universe of time and space, or that which we experience in the current reality where we have forgotten our true identity.

In the first four cycles of our existence, we gathered together until we became one. In the last, we shattered that oneness into the many that we now experience.

Now, in another great phase, we must unite together again and experience greater and greater oneness until we, as prodigal sons, can find our way back home.


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Are Teachers Necessary?


Are Teachers Necessary?

I think it is dangerous to not accept the fact that there are valuable teachers. It can bring your progression to a snail’s pace. Where in the world do some readers get the idea that a teacher is in a “better than others” position. I have never got that impression from anyone who really taught me anything.

Do you read books?

Then you are letting the author be your teacher. You are certainly teaching him nothing. Is that bad? Of course not.

This prevalent belief that teachers are to be discounted is a New Age illusion that is hampering many.

I don’t see a lot of difference between learning from a book written by a human or learning from the book that is in the human, but not written down.

If one is teaching me and I am a student receiving, then there is merely knowledge dispersed human to human. One is the teacher and one is the student. Two cannot be teaching each other at the same time. The teacher often stimulates himself and learns while he is teaching however.

All of the masters taught with some hints and vagueness. Jesus said that the true meaning of his parables were hidden so the people would think they understood them, but in reality did not. This allows for contemplation so he who meditates and contemplates can have the inner meaning dawn on him in a way that would not happen if the full meaning was to be written out.

To be honest with you I have learned more from books than I have learned from living individuals. The basic reason is that one can find more intelligent people in books than one can find in the normal daily experience.

With live people there is interaction which is helpful. Otherwise, learning is learning.

Jesus himself knew that different people had different levels of understanding so he spoke in parables that required different levels of understanding. Here he explains from the book of Matthew:

10 And the disciples came, and said unto him, Why speakest thou unto them in parables?

11 He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.

12 For whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance: but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath.

13 Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand.

14 And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Esaias, which saith, By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive:

15 For this people’s heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.

16 But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear.

17 For verily I say unto you, That many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them. Matthew 13:10-17

Those who stayed with Jesus and sought the deeper meaning found it through interaction similar to the method used in teaching The Keys of Knowledge. To those who were not willing to contemplate and interact, the parables were vague and they saw only the surface meaning.

Correspondingly, They Keys of Knowledge has different levels of understanding.

The first key has a surface meaning so the average person will think he understands exactly what Decision is. In other words, he will think he sees, but sees not. (See Verse 13 above.) But just like the parables there is a deeper meaning that can be gained through interaction and contemplation.

I know that I have received a number of levels of understanding about the parables of Jesus through contemplation.

You say that you believe that when you are interacting with another you are both teaching and receiving at the same time in relation to him. I’ll bet that you cannot isolate an incident when such a thing happened because such an event is impossible. In any point in time you are either sending, receiving or neutral to another. You cannot do both at once. Now in an honest exchange the two take turns sending and receiving, but often during a heated argument both are sending and neither is receiving. You cannot send and receive at the same time.

A reader asked several questions about vibrations.

“What exactly is it that vibrates? Atoms? How fast do they vibrate.”

Atoms and molecules above the temperature of Absolute Zero do have vibration as do all objects of form. Atoms contain no solid matter and ultimately are created from wavelengths that are in vibration at just below the speed of light. There is other matter created from wavelengths vibrating beyond the speed of light that is beyond our detection.

The whole universe is created from connected wavelengths.

“How can we change vibration?”

The idea of changing vibration is largely illusion. When a person says something like: “My vibration has been raised.” what has really happened is that his consciousness has tuned into a higher vibration that has been there all along, but which he is now merely aware.

The key to shifting from one vibration to another is to use the power of consciousness to tune in as you do with a radio. Your favorite station is playing even if you have not tuned it in. The internet is here even if you have not logged on.

Science will make a quantum leap toward the discovery of spiritual energy in the next 100 years.

“Not a shred of evidence exists in favor of the idea that life is serious.” — Brendan Gill

May 27, 2009

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The Real Beginning

This entry is part 1 of 43 in the series Molecular Relationship

The Molecular Relationship
Chapter One
The Real Beginning

In the beginning there was Divine Space. That was not space as we know it, which is the distance between objects of form, for there was no form in which to occupy that space. Instead, that which was Divine Space had within it unlimited points with unlimited potential. We shall call these points zero points, or monads.

Though each monad was a zero, it had the potential of all numbers, not only positive numbers, but negative numbers as well as numbers extending in unlimited directions.

The numbers available in any direction are infinite though there is always a number. When that number is found, you can always add one so there is no such thing as an infinite number. Numbers can go toward the infinite in direction, but never arrive there.

We can thus say that in the beginning there were zero points beyond number in Divine Space with potential to extend themselves, composed of unlimited numbers interplaying in ways that are endless.

This natural interplay of the points and their numbers existed from eternity, producing a natural cause and effect. There was no first cause, for cause and effect always existed and always will be, just as the principles of mathematics were not created neither can they be destroyed.

As eternities passed, the interplay became more complex, generating numbers approaching infinity, but never reaching it. Numbers began repeating, not in random order, but intelligent order until many monads began to vibrate with intelligence and gained the light of understanding. As they gained intelligence, they began to realize they were not alone and formed relationships with other monads. It was discovered that each monad had many similarities to itself, but was composed of different formulas and number combinations. Each developed beautiful geometric sequences which displayed intelligence and light. As monads looked toward other monads, they developed a desire to share the light of understanding and, as this event progressed, love was born.

Love caused monads to be drawn to others with a similar light and geometric forms while appreciating those with subtle differences. It was discovered that merging with oneness of purpose created a greater whole that was shared by all involved. They were delighted to realize that this wholeness was greater than the sum of the parts. To their joy they realized that they could identify and use the assets of the whole and yet keep their individual life intact. They felt safe merging with the whole because there was no force to remain and all were free to withdraw at any time.

All the monads who had awakened began to merge together and form groups. It seemed to all that the number of groups was endless.

As the various groups advanced in light and love, they began to seek out other groups and merge with them. This merging caused each original group to take a quantum leap in awareness, light, love and power of mind. The advantages of merging into oneness and unity became so pronounced that further merging was sought until there were many millions of large groups of monads. The merging continued and the large groups combined into still larger groups until they could be counted by the thousands. These then merged until there were only hundreds and finally all the monads in the universe merged into twelve very large groups, each having their distinct beauty and power, but each with subtle, but wonderful differences.

These twelve groups, which consisted of all there is, sought an ultimate oneness through merging into one great and ultimate life. This idea had been resisted for eternities because if the One were to have even a simple flaw, it could become a problem for all the parts involved. As it was, if one of the twelve became out of tune in the slightest, the other eleven would act as a tuning fork to restore harmony. If all were only one, then there would be no corrective force possible. Therefore, the One had to be perfect, or flawless to the extent that corruption would be impossible.

The Twelve groups, which was composed of all the lives in the universe, thought long and hard about this final creation which they called The One. Though duality is always a universal potential, they sought to bypass its problems by making the One a completely positive creation that would yield only that which is desirable to the whole, and nothing that would be considered negative. The primary aspect agreed upon for The One would be Love. The One would love and share all with the responding monads, and in return the monads would naturally love The One.

In addition to love, The One would embrace all that was deemed good and positive such as peace, joy, desire to share and complete power to manifest its will to good. All these positive aspects would be eternally enhanced by the power to create. By endlessly seeking to create and expand all there is, The One would eternally have an increase in joy and fulfillment that would be shared by the Twelve and all the active monads within.

There always have existed an endless supply of inactivated monads within the universe and the Twelve saw that the fulfillment of creation would involve stimulating these zero points and causing them to vibrate with intelligence. They therefore endowed The One with a desire to eternally expand by giving birth to the zero points and bringing them into the life of The One.

The One was thus created to eternally create and always be in a state of expansion, enabling an eternal increase of love and joy.

Then there was one more and final ingredient seen to be necessary in the life of The One. They needed an insurance policy that The One would not deviate from the good, the beautiful and the true. To accomplish this, they created a standard for what would be viewed as true reality. Reality with the One would only consist of things eternal which are love, joy, peace, true knowledge and expansion, and anything contrary to these would not be real and thus without effect in the life of the One. If only that which is good would be incorporated into The One, then joining with The One would clear a path to the greatest possible heaven that all could enjoy forever and ever.

After an eternity of contemplation and interplay of the highest of intelligence, the Twelve decided to go ahead and merge so the Twelve could become The One and experience more than the sum of their parts, which they believed would be a positive experience beyond anything that had ever been available.

Finally, the merging came and the Twelve with their countless monads joined together to create The One. All involved focused only on the positive in this creation so nothing negative could disturb the peace of heaven.

This was their faith, but as they joined, they realized they were plunging into the unknown. Indeed, it was an unknown which held for them unlimited expansion and joy, but the full results were still unknown, and though all their expectations were positive, there crept in the smallest sliver of fear that was so subtle that it seemed to not exist. Nevertheless, it was there in the background and this was the thought that all tried to ignore. It went something like this:

“This is the final gathering of monads. Up to this point there has always been a new merging to be achieved, but now we are merging into one, this will be the end of this process. From now on joy will be found in the eternal expansion of The One. What if this does not turn out to be fulfilling for eternity? Could there be negative developments that we have not anticipated? What would we do then?”

These subtle questions were in the background of the many joining into one mind and gave rise to an aspect previously unknown. That aspect was fear.

Up to this point fear had never been experienced by any monad, for there had never been anything to threaten them, so when the seed of fear was planted, its existence was not even recognized. It was as if it did not exist, yet the seed of it came with the many when they merged into The One.

The Twelve with their monads moved forward and merged into the One Great Life. When completed, all there is was incorporated within it and there was nothing outside.

After the merging, The One became aware of Itself and all monads shared this awareness. It was an awareness and shared intelligence that was far beyond that experienced by any individual monad or group life. The new awareness, potential and intensity of life exceeded the hopes and dreams of the Twelve and their monads, and all saw the endeavor to be a complete success.

After creation of the One, all the monads could share with all other monads within the universe as well as sharing in the consciousness of The One Itself. In return, The One was aware of all the monads within It and took joy in sharing their love and interplay, as well as their appreciation for the high state of being the One brought to the many.

It seemed that an eternity passed in this condition until a new feeling developed in The One that no entity in the universe had ever felt before.

The One began to feel alone.

Yes, it was true that The One had within It many trillions of lesser lives, but there was no life in existence that was close to Its equal. All the monads within, and even the Twelve, had equals with whom to share, but there was no equal for The One. It was alone in the higher state of being and there was no other like Itself.

This feeling of being alone grew more intense and affected all the lives within. The perfect peace they experienced for eternity was no longer perfect. All monads began to feel what it must be like to be alone, and it was a disturbing feeling indeed, one that had not previously been realized to exist.

The feeling of aloneness continued and grew in strength until a point of tension was reached, and The One went into a state of great contemplation seeking a solution. It thought to Itself: “I was created to have all power, but to use it benevolently and in a state of love. If I have all power then I must have the power to end this state of being alone. What is the path that I must take?”

When this question was asked, it reverberated through all the lives within, small and great, and after much circulation a grand idea came into the awareness of All There Is. Its flashing forth brought an immediate increase of light, love and unlimited power.

All lesser lives absorbed the idea and trembled at its magnificence. They were in such a state of awe that they could only wait on The One to see what It would decide, for the decision could only belong to The One and The One alone.

Finally, The One did decide and communicated it with all the Intelligences within Itself.

“I have been alone since my creation, and for eternities have comforted myself by sharing my greater awareness and aspects with all of you. I have come to realize that my sharing has been limited and must now shift to the unlimited. I did not realize it before, but now understand that I have power to remove this final limitation. I will extend myself, and all that I AM, to each and every monad within me. Each of you will be in my likeness and image and all that I have shall be yours. You will be as I am and then I will not be alone, but will have unlimited lives in which to share on an equal basis. You, as a collective, created me, and I, as The One, will elevate each of you to be equal with me. I will return the favor and create you anew with unlimited power.

“After this you will duplicate your own creation and create others like us by sharing with the new monads coming into existence. As I will be a Father/Mother to you, you will be a Father/Mother to others, initiating a process which will continue forever and ever. No one will be alone in the joy of creation, for each will share with the whole, and as creation expands joy also increases eternally.”

After making a bold decision The One shared Itself with every intelligent monad, causing each one of them to be a new creation as a child of The One, with all the attributes, powers and qualities of The One. The many had become as The One. The only difference between the many and The One was that The One was the initial Creator and the many had been created anew.

We can call these new creations Children of the One, or the Sons of God, even though they are still monads. We use the term “Sons” not because of gender, for there was neither male or female, but because it is a modern term to identify the Christ of whom it is written as “being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God.” Phil 2:6

And this is held out to the rest of us, both males and females:

“Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.” I John 3:2

After the great transformation of all intelligent monads into equal Sons of God, they were encouraged by The One to be creators like Itself. This decree went forth: “Go forth my children as equals with myself and create. Stimulate the inactive monads and make of them a new creation as yourself. You will then become Father/Mother to them as I am with you, and the expansion of our universe and the fullness thereof will be greatly enhanced.”

The Sons of God then went forward as creators and gave birth to marvelous numbers of intelligent monads who also became creators.

For an eternity The One and generations of offspring dwelt together in perfect peace. The One now had equals with which to share and loneliness was no longer a problem. Love was greatly expanded, as The One saw great value in having offspring who were now Its equal. The elimination of loneliness caused The One to draw all the Sons, or offspring, tightly to Itself. As creation expanded, this magnetic power increased causing an everlasting increase in the sensation of love. This love was returned by the offspring and the circulation of this divinely intense positive feeling created a heavenly existence indeed, far surpassing anything that could be imagined by mortals upon the earth.

Through rounds of eternity the cycles of creation and expansion continued, resulting in an increase of light and love and power. This was indeed a heavenly existence, for the only feelings that existed were positive, always bringing joy and peace.

It is true though, that no matter how good a feeling is, or the quality of existence, after a time that which was once exquisitely wonderful becomes normal. We see this on earth with children who are born into homes of wealthy parents and are given everything. Then, after a time, many of these children break off from their parents seeking more than the everything the parents thought they were giving. Even so, in this heavenly existence where all the Sons of God had everything, that which was everything began to seem normal to many monads.

The idea that there was something desirable to experience that was not available to monads being an extension of The One was always in the background, but not entertained in thought as the immediate response from The One was: “With me you have everything that is positive that brings peace and joy. What could you possibly desire that is more than everything?”

For eternities this answer was sufficient, for the response of the Sons was, “This is correct. We do have everything and who could want more? Even if we did, there is no such thing as something that is more than everything.”

The stability of the Oneness continued until a thought occurred to one of the most ancient monads: “We have all united with The One and The One has shared all that It is with us. Because of complete sharing we all have identified with The One as if we are The One. Because of our union there seems to be nothing desirable outside The One, but what if there is?”

“What if there is?”

Since nothing can be hidden from The One, this question reverberated through the one mind of The One and was shared with all the monads. This was a thought not programmed into the mind of The One at its creation because the creators created The One to have everything and to be everything. The first reaction of the other monads was, “How did you come to ask a question outside the thoughts within the mind of The One, for Its thoughts include everything? There is no such thing as something beyond everything. That has been established and never challenged.”

The ancient monad replied, “I was thinking back to before we merged with The One and found it extremely difficult to think backward or forward to any instance outside the present mind of The One. I questioned as to why this was so difficult, for in our past, before we were with The One, we experienced individual thought. I wanted to experience that again and this seemed to happen in my imagination. During this process that required great effort on my part, the question arose – What if there is something to be desired outside The One? What if duality has something to offer that we have overlooked? What if the experience of the negative as well as the positive would lead to something desirable that cannot be obtained here where all is positive?”

The One listened and spoke: “With me you have everything that is real and eternal. The negative emotions do not exist here and are not real. If we were to embrace them, then heaven would no longer be heaven.”

The ancient monad replied. “Yes, we have everything desirable here, but what would it feel like to live in a separate universe where we do not have everything, but have to overcome our limitations? Would not that sense of overcoming produce a joy that we do not yet have here?”

The One replied, “The only way that could lead to an increase of joy is if you forgot who you are, for if you entered duality with your current powers you could return with the power of a thought and there would be no sense of accomplishment.”

The ancient monad acknowledged that this was correct. To obtain an increase in joy the element of risk would have to be involved. The monads would have to create a universe and enter it without a realization of their true identity as children of The One.

The ancient monad responded, “Sooner or later, all who would enter duality would come to realize they are one with You and then they would return. Some would just take longer than others.”

“There’s no guarantee of that,” said The One. “If you did not realize your true nature while in a universe of duality then you may be stuck there forever. Heaven would be missing you and the Sons who would go with you.”

The ancient one replied, “I think we would all eventually come to realize our true nature and overcome the limitations of duality. Imagine taking in all that duality has to offer and mastering it so one can then remain in the spiritual consciousness even in the midst of the negative. That would produce a joy of overcoming that we do not have here.”

“It is not worth the risk,” said The One. “You could wind up stuck in an eternal hell of being recycled into painful life after painful life with no end in sight.”

After this thought was expressed by The One, the issue seemed to be settled, but the idea of entering duality with its limitations continued to live, and many monads began to think upon it, gather together and share thoughts. This particular thought always seemed to surface: What would living in a universe of duality and limitation be like?

The more this question gained circulation the more that many monads began wondering whether they were missing something in their spiritual heaven. What would the joy of overcoming, despite limitations, feel like? If they did overcome and returned to heaven would heaven itself then be enhanced?

They wondered…

Their curiosity increased until many decided to use their powers of creation to make a simulated universe of time, space and limitation, similar to what a video game is in today’s world. However, this simulation was very vast and realistic except for one thing. Just like a game player in our world, they did not lose the memory of who they were. If disaster occurred there was no real pain, and if successful the feeling seemed to fall short of what it would feel like if the events were really happening.

As events progressed a large portion of the monads became restless with the peace of heaven and desired to have an adventure, even if it involved risk. Finally, the ancient monad representing the Sonship approached The One with a proposal.

“We of the Sonship appreciate our creation through You – especially the fact that you have shared with us all Your powers of positive creation. On the other hand, we have developed a great curiosity of what a universe based on duality would be like, where there would be limitations and the experience of negative along with positive feelings. We feel that overcoming the problems in such a universe would give us an increase of joy.

“We realize that you were created to only focus on the positive so nothing could destroy the peace of heaven, and we have inherited this mind from you. We therefore ask permission to go outside the Universe of The One and create a real universe of limitation where we can enter, forget our identity and overcome these limitations and eventually have an increase in joy. Then, after we overcome all things, we will return and heaven will be enhanced.”

“You do not know what you ask,” replied The One. “If you were to create a universe outside of heaven using your eternal powers, that would have to be real and eternal also, and would be in competition with heaven itself. In the end the peace of heaven would be destroyed.”

Downcast the ancient monad withdrew and gathered together with like-minded intelligences and shared ideas.

“The One has a valid point,” said one. “If we were to create a universe outside heaven with limitations using our eternal powers then that universe and everything in it would be eternal. This would include the suffering and pain that would surface. The risk would be too great.”

“On the other hand, there is something we can do to discover the increase of joy we seek. We have already experimented with simulations of a limited universe; except we have not forgotten our identity. We could create such a universe based upon illusion, but make it real by entering it and forgetting who we are. We would each enter it as a blank slate and live therein for many lifetimes, advancing step by step until we remember who we are and return to heaven. On our return our joy will then be enhanced.”

This thought reverberated through the innumerable monads. “Would this illusion be eternal?” asked one.

“It may seem eternal once we are in it, but all illusions have a beginning and an end, unlike the peace of heaven which has no end. I must add that even though the limited creation will have an end that it will seem eternal. Time, space, distance and separation will manifest there and the time of existence there may seem eternal, but all will have an end when the illusion plays out.’

This discussion continued until a large portion of the inhabitants of heaven embraced it. Since they could use their existing powers to implement the plan they did not need any permission or assistance from any other monads or even The One Itself.

Many of the hosts of heaven thus prepared to enter the illusion with a blank slate and forget their true identity. Finally, they would discover what real limitations would feel like, but they would find that overcoming them would be more difficult than they had supposed.

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Gathering Audio 2024

This entry is part 31 of 31 in the series Audios

Gathering Audio 2024

Introductory Speech by JJ

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7 Seed Thoughts

Part 8 Seed Thoughts

Removing Barriers between Spirit and Matter by JJ

Part 9

Part 10

Part 11

Part 12

Part 13

Part 14

Part 15 Meditation

The Creation of God by JJ

Part 16

Part 17

Part 18

Part 19

Part 20

Part 21

Part 22

Part 23

Part 24

Part 25

Money and Spiritual Purpose by Lucie and Marnie

Part 26

Part 27

Part 28

Healing the Body and Mind By Emanuel Zevallos

Part 29

Part 30

Part 31

Part 32

Part 33

Parables of Jesus by JJ
The Prodigal Son

Part 34

Part 35

Part 36

Part 37

Parable of the Persistent Mother

Part 38

Part 39

Part 40

Part 41

Part 42

Curtis Harwell – Finding Truth in the Aquarian Age

Part 43

Part 44

Part 45

Part 46

Scott’s Presentation on a Download

Part 47

Part 48

Part 49

Part 50

Part 51

Male and Female Energy

Part 52

Part 53

More on Parables by JJ

Part 54

Part 55

Part 56

Part 57

Part 58

Part 59

Thoughtforms by JJ

Part 60

Part 61

Part 62

Part 63

Part 64

Part 65

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Truth and Judgment

Truth and Judgment

A reader pointed out that it is often painful to face the truth. It is true one must be prepared for some pain to advance in truth — this causes people to be afraid of it.

There is one important point I would like to make. You do not have to be perfect or have the ability to make absolutely correct judgments and decisions to be able to use this power. You must overcome prejudices and fears about these qualities.

The initiates on both the Light and Dark side use these powers. The average people are pretty much controlled or influenced by the judgments and decisions of the Light and Dark side, but are afraid to make them for themselves. This is why Jesus called followers sheep and taught that they needed a good shepherd, not an evil one.

To follow on the Path of Light and use the powers of decision and judgment one must overcome fears and make sure his heart and intentions are pure. Along the path you will make many judgments and decisions that seem less than perfect, but if your intentions are right you will learn from them and master the Third Key of Knowledge, which is “Communion.”

There is a third aspect or ability that you and your higher self possesses, which removes the barriers to communion with the soul or the God within so your judgments will be wise and your decisions will lead you along the most holy of paths. What is this third quality or ability?

We do not leave judgment and decision behind. Your understanding of them should continue to grow for the rest of your life. I just came to a new realization of decision last week and I expect more to come.

Never fear maintaining what you have achieved. Loose yourself in service and do not think about it and God will continue to magnify you beyond your expectations.

Awareness is a good answer. It shows that you have been thinking and contemplating. It is not the key word, but awareness must be present to use the power of the key word. There is no communion without some type awareness.

Before one can make a good decision he must assume the power of judgment, but before one can make an accurate judgment there must be communion with the Spirit of God. We must be aware that there is a universal Spirit to commune with, but we must also clear away the fogs and see through the darkness to see the inner light. What power must we use to do this?

I will add this on the Middle Way. The Middle Way is some point between the two extremes, but not exactly in the middle. It is often close to the midway point, but may also be an extreme position. In each situation it is merely somewhere between the extremes. The only way to find the Middle Way is to gather all knowledge available and force yourself to make a judgment. Even if your judgment is wrong you are following the Middle Way because if your intent is pure the point of truth in the middle will eventually be revealed, because you used judgment which is the power of God in you. Does this feel right to you?

When I was young the words of Jesus which most impressed me where: “Seek and ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened.”

I took this to heart, but after a short period I found that there were questions I asked to which I did not receive an answer.

Then I registered the following parable from Luke:

  5 “And he said unto them, Which of you shall have a friend, and shall go unto him at midnight, and say unto him, Friend, lend me three loaves;

  6 “For a friend of mine in his journey is come to me, and I have nothing to set before him?

  7 “And he from within shall answer and say, Trouble me not: the door is now shut, and my children are with me in bed; I cannot rise and give thee.

  8 “I say unto you, Though he will not rise and give him, because he is his friend, yet because of his importunity he will rise and give him as many as he needeth.

  9 “And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.

  10 “For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.” Luke: 11:5-10

The idea here is that if you persist in asking then God will give you then answer just to shut you up if need be.

I decided to keep on seeking and eventually I did find. Some of my questions took over 20 years of pondering before I received an answer, but the answers did always come. One thing I have learned is that there is no limit to the knowledge that is available to us, and all of us are capable of a soul contact that is able to register and identify all truth.

Sending & Receiving

I have received numerous responses from readers attempting to correct me by saying that we they do not identify with the student-teacher relationship I teach.

Teacher and/or student, male and/or female, send and/or receive all correspond. To say that we are all students and there are no teachers is to say we are all female, or all in a state of reception with no one sending.

Tell me. If no one is sending then what is there to receive? This is equivalent to describing the sound of one hand clapping.

One hand does not clap and one in a receiving state with no sender does not receive. Perhaps this is why contemplation does not work for many. You have to apply both the energies of sending and receiving to make it work.

By definition, if I know something you do not know — a foreign language for example — and I help you learn it then I am your teacher and you are my student. You are not helping me learn the language, I am helping you.

On the other hand, if you know Algebra and I do not and you assist me in learning it then the situation is reversed and you are the teacher and I am the student.

This seems very elementary. I am surprised that some take issue with this. Obviously, there are teachers and there are students in many categories and situations.

If I were to merely teach people the keys with no feedback or contemplation, the average person would find them interesting, but not register the full meaning. “Words veil truth,” and contemplation is necessary to see the truth behind the words. Even the great words of Jesus can be interpreted in a negative light because of illusion. Only contemplation through the soul can reveal their true beauty.

A reader tells me I am overly feminine in my teaching approach. Most accuse me of the opposite. Actually, I see both strong male and female energies involved so I won’t disagree.

Some have a problem with the word teacher. I, for example, have some knowledge that the world as a whole does not have. If I help you achieve that knowledge – does that not put me in a teaching position and you in the student position?

That does not mean, of course, that you do not have things to teach me, but the point I am getting at is that both energies of sending and receiving must be worked with or progression will come to a standstill.

May 24, 2009

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Key Twelve: The Disciple Will Be an Initiate

12 Keys of Discipleship

The Disciple Will Be an Initiate

Within many organizations an initiate is one who obeys certain programs, learns certain keys, codes or signals and progressions from one step to another within an organization.  This is not what we are talking about here.

We are looking at the actual principle behind the process of initiation itself and this has little or nothing to do with learning some code or process or going to some school.  The principle is this.  An initiate is one who initiates.

If therefore one is considered a high initiate in some organization, but does nothing to actually initiate or assist in initiating some new benefit for humanity then he or she is not an initiate according to the principle itself.

The initiate’s work must not depend on someone else or even God telling him what to do. Instead, the seeker must learn the power of self-initiated effort. He must participate in a work that will initiate the forward spiritual evolution of humanity.

How does the disciple use his power of initiation to do this?

A member gave this answer: “Instead of waiting around for God or ‘the Masters’ to call him to some ‘holy mission,’ he sees a task that needs doing and calls himself to it.”

Good concise answer. When I was young and constrained by the church I used to pine for other times in history when there was opportunity to initiate as any self-initiating in the current church can get you in trouble. There you are just expected to just obey.

As I was on the threshold of gaining some enlightenment on this issue, I read an inspiring statement from Jesus in the Aquarian Gospel. There he talked about progression along the path and when the initiate forges ahead he leaves the crowds behind. At the point of initiation, he will often be alone while the masses are in the background merely trying to do what they are told.

This helped me awake to this fact: “The more it appears that there is nothing new to initiate, the stronger is the need and the greater is the opportunity to create anew.”

It was a great joy for me to throw off the shackles that held me bound and then forge ahead as seemed good to my own soul.

Suppose the initiate looks at the situation of the planet and concludes that there is only a handful of great works that are even possible to initiate in his lifetime. He recognizes his own limitations (which is important) and realizes that he has not the internal resources to spearhead the work or do it alone.

How then should he use his power of initiation?

The disciple may not be in a situation or have the know-how or resources to initiate a monumental work to change the world. If he sees that he is unable to create great change or initiate a great work the worst thing he can do is to throw his hands in the air and do nothing.

Instead, each seeker must assess himself and then ask himself what he can realistically do to serve. There is always something. If he cannot find anything then he is not looking.

One quality that the accepted disciple has registered in his psyche is this. He wants to create change beyond that which affects his individual self, his family or community. He desires to create the most far-reaching change that is possible — preferably something that will affect the whole world. On the other hand, few disciples have the ability to spearhead such a work. What can they do then to serve as the feel impressed from within?

First, he or she must pick their area of interest. Is it politics, spirituality, education, science or what?

For most of this group it would be spirituality and for others politics or another field.

Once the seeker has identified his areas of interest, he then needs to survey the ideas circulating in the world and pick one that has the greatest possibility to create the desired change. Finally, he needs to support that work according to his talents and capacity to serve.

He can serve with his labor and his financial resources. It seems in this age that the greater is the light available the more difficult it is to gather the finances necessary to make a difference.

One thing that each person with power to initiate can do is start or participate in a group. There are many people in groups on the internet who are looking for greater light and knowledge.

We all know that starting a worldwide or national organization is difficult indeed. Starting any group centered around new ideas is difficult and tests the power to initiate in any seeker.  If he has ideas to start something new and good then this will require great effort. Most will not take this path, but will seek out some group endeavor that will benefit the world and seek to support it as much as possible.

The disciple can always initiate if he persists, holds his vision and does not give up. If he does not have the talent others will come forth who can help get the job done.

In conclusion, the most important thing the initiate or disciple can realize is that an initiate initiates. The would-be disciple must therefore ask — what can I initiate or assist to initiate that will benefit the largest number of people?

Check out this video Anni West made on my teachings on initiation:

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.” — Aristotle (384 BC – 322 BC)

July 4, 2009

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Key Eleven:  Seeking the Good of the Whole

12 Keys of Discipleship

Key Eleven:  Seeking the Good of the Whole

The disciple must work with the group in mind as his highest priority rather than the individual self.

Many there are who believe that it is a top priority to work for the good of the individual and the good of the group will follow. The reason for this belief is that the most prosperous nations on the earth allow the greatest individual freedom and the least prosperous and desirable, like North Korea and Cuba, stress the good of the group over the individual.

Do I therefore support the communist idea that the will of the individual must submit itself to the will of the State?

No. Of course not. Between the free enterprise system, which stresses the good of the individual and the communist which stresses the power of the state the capitalistic system is by far the most desirable.

If this is so then what is meant by the statement that “The disciple must work with the group in mind as his highest priority?” How is that different from communism?

The difference is freedom. Even though it is important that the disciple learn to focus on group work it is also true that it is a great evil to force people to do good. It is especially evil to force people toward an ideal that their consciousness is not prepared to accept. Since few have evolved to the state where group work takes priority over the individual, only chaos can result by forcing people to do that which they do not desire.

Another point is that the collective systems today are usually ruled by a tyrant and most do not consider service to a tyrant as service to the group. In addition the person is not allowed to do any free thinking for either the group or the individual.

The importance of true group work is illustrated by the body. It is composed of billions of individual cells. If each cell worked only for itself the body would die along with the cells. They therefore must work with the aim of keeping the whole body healthy so they can themselves survive and thrive. Is there a dictator cell that bosses others around and tells them how to work as a group?

No. Instead they are aligned with a greater will so their instinctive intelligence can pick up what needs done.

Even so, the disciples of the world must lead the way in working for the ultimate health of the human race. If the whole is healthy then the individuals will thrive as well as enjoy the maximum of individual rights.

The disciple is thus willing to sacrifice the individual satisfaction to accomplish the greater good, but with the realization that, in the end, maximum individual satisfaction is predicated on group health.

It is interesting that to accomplish this end that the fertile soil for group growth is not a socialist environment, but one of free enterprise where the pilgrim can descend into maximum selfishness. He must be allowed to make those millions and buy six cars, three homes and a yacht if he wants?


Because each of us must descend into the black hole of maximum selfishness. When most individuals reach that point they discover they are still not happy and satisfied. Then they ask that all important question:

Is that all there is?

Then they climb out of the pit of selfishness and they travel on a quest for meaning. They finally find that meaning when their consciousness expands to serving the good of something greater than themselves.

We can thus see why it is important to allow the maximum freedom of the individual for under an authoritarian government people cannot fully explore the necessary path of selfishness.

I’ll end this section with some quotes from DK on groupwork.

“You must not imagine that the particular line of work on which you may be engaged is the factor of main interest. It is not primarily the unfoldment of the intuition, or of the power to heal, or of telepathic efficiency which is of importance. That which counts with the Hierarchy as the Ashrams function is the establishing subjectively of such a potent group interplay and group relation that an emerging world unity can be seen in embryo. A joint power to be telepathic or a group capacity to intuit truth is of value and somewhat novel. It is the functioning of groups who have the ability to work as a unity, whose ideals are one, whose personalities are merged into one forward swing, whose rhythm is one and whose unity is so firmly established that naught can produce in the group the purely human characteristics of separation, of personal isolation and selfish seeking, that is new. Unselfish people are not rare. Unselfish groups are very rare. Pure detached devotion in a human being is not rare but to find it in a group is rare indeed. The submergence of personal interests in the good of the family or in that of another person is often to be found, for the beauty of the human heart has manifested itself down the ages. To find such an attitude in a group of people and to see such a point of view maintained with an unbroken rhythm and demonstrating spontaneously and naturally—this will be the glory of the New Age… There will (through this and analogous groups) be set in motion on earth a network of spiritual energies which will facilitate the regeneration of the world. The influence of these groups—when permanently established and potently working—will have a wider objective than just the elevation of humanity.”     Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 1, Page 22-23

“This will become possible when the individual members in the groups and the individual groups of disciples lose sight of their own identities in an effort to make this hierarchical work possible. In this type of group work, the feelings, reactions, wishes and successes of the individual most emphatically do not count. Only that is regarded as of importance which will further group effort and enrich the group consciousness.” Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 1, Page 43

“This is of such a nature that there emerges eventually a group steadiness and a group freedom from “oscillation” which will permit of uninterrupted group work and interplay. It will come if each of the group members will simply mind his own business and permit his group brothers to mind theirs; it will come if you keep your personality affairs, your private concerns and troubles out of the group life; it will come if you refrain from discussion of each other and of each other’s affairs and attitudes. This is of supreme importance at this stage of the group work; it will mean—if you can achieve success in this—that you will be able to keep your minds clear of all lesser things which concern the personality life. This means that your minds will be free, therefore, for group work.” Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 1, Page 60

“No group can be used in world service that is not working in perfect accord and this harmony must be attained as a group. It must be brought about, not through the process whereby people withdraw within themselves and thus inhibit that which upsets group equilibrium, but by the process of loving self-forgetfulness.”      Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 1, Page 194-5

July 3, 2009

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Key 10 — Use The Power of Judgment

12 Keys of Discipleship

Key 10 — Use The Power of Judgment

We’ve said a lot about judgment, but no matter how much the principle is taught and the people are encouraged to use it few do.

What are the four reasons seekers do not use this Key?

The three reasons are:

[1] Laziness

Good judgment takes effort and the inclination for average people is to take the line of least resistance. When taking this line of least resistance, a person who is faced with two choices will take the one requiring the least effort. If therefore such a one is faced with a direction that does not require the effort of judgment, then he will take that. Such a direction is usually the result of another person’s judgment and not his own. This is the path of the Beast.

[2] Apathy.

People are just indifferent to taking responsibility. This might be called an aspect of laziness but with a twist. A lazy person may see the need for judgment but just not get around to it. An apathetic person will not even think about the need but only what matters to himself.

[3] Fear.

This is the most powerful reason behind the avoidance of judgment. The person may be enterprising and care for obtaining good results, but if he is afraid that his judgment may do more harm than good, and he will have to be responsible for it, then good intentions are meaningless. Such a person will be stopped in his tracks and unable to make a judgment.

The disciple must care, and must be industrious enough to initiate and must overcome any fear of the failure of bad judgment. When he does this then he has the possibility of being of service to the cause of light and truth.

[4] The belief that judgment is wrong or even evil.

Judgment has gotten a bad rap because of this scripture:

“Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.” Matt 7:1-5

Here Jesus is NOT telling us that we cannot judge, but is instead warning us of the law of karma if we judge harshly or incorrectly, for he says: “with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.” Therefore, if you judge someone with minor faults to have major faults, this harsh judgment will come back to haunt you.

In this scripture He gives the key for righteous judgment: “first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.” In other words, concentrate on eliminating your own faults first, and then you will be able to make a correct judgment as to how to help your brother (or sister).

Here is another scripture illustrating even more clearly that Jesus was talking about the law of karma:

“Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful. Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven: Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.” Luke 6:36-38

Here He is simply saying that if we judge rashly, condemning our brother and not forgiving him, we will reap what we have sown and find condemnation coming back to us. Jesus gives us a guide in using the power of judgment correctly:

“I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me.” John 5:30

As we seek to become one with God and follow His will, then the beam clogging our vision will be removed and our judgment will also be just. Here is an interesting scripture where Jesus actually tells us to judge:

“Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.” John 7:24

Judge with clarity wisdom and love, and when you do this and later judged, as you have judged, all will be well with you, but if you do not judge righteously, then the law of karma will bring painful judgments to your door.

Finally, Jesus tells his twelve apostles that they shall be judges:

“And Jesus said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That ye which have followed me, in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.” Matt 19:28

When you think of it, it is silly to say we should not judge. As soon as you wake in the morning you make a judgment as to whether to get up or sleep a while longer. When you get in the shower you make a judgment as to when you are clean enough to get out. When you eat breakfast, you make a judgment as to what you will have and how much.

When you drive to work and are a little late you make a judgment as to whether you are going to speed or not. Finally, you get to work and meet the new guy who was just hired. He wants to be your best friend and now you make a judgment on whether or not you want this type of personality in your life. Then your boss wants you to dig up some dirt on the boss above him. You judge your boss to be wrong and refuse.

We could go on and on here, but hopefully we get the point. Judgments are not wrong. Only wrong judgments are wrong. Every quality and ability has a positive and negative side to it. When the Bible and A Course in Miracles talks about judgment in a negative light, they are talking about negative, limiting judgments.

Example: The child received some bad grades in school and tells the parent he is going to do better next time. The parent responds: “You’ve failed miserably in the past, so you’re going to fail again.” This is a cruel and limiting judgment.

A positive judgment would be something like this: “I have seen you make progress in the past when you make an effort and I do believe you have it in you to dramatically improve your grades.” Here the parent made a judgment on the positive possibilities of the child, and in this case, judgment is a good thing.

Like all other qualities judgment manifests in a duality. Limiting judgments are negative and should be avoided. Positive and constructive judgments can be very good and uplifting. The disciple needs to avoid judgments that limit, condemn, belittle and emphasize the flaws of others.

Good judgment is spoken of as a divine quality throughout the scriptures. Many times we are told that Christ and God are righteous judges and this power will be given to those who overcome. It is written:

“And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them.” Rev 20:4

“To play it safe is not to play.”  — Robert Altman (1925 – 2007)

June 15, 2009

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