The Seeker’s Guide to Soul Contact, Part 11

Day 103

Identifying the Beast

One cannot obtain full soul contact if he has the mark of the beast, as mentioned in the Book of Revelations.

Identifying exactly what or who the beast is as been a subject of hot debate for many centuries. The key to understanding inspired words is to realize that they often have several levels of interpretation and those who say theirs is the one and only one are usually not correct.

What the seeker wants to look for with a valid interpretation is whether it accurately corresponds to the text. Often, an interpretation seems to fit with a line or two and then be out of sync with the rest.

I’m going to give you an interpretation that is in harmony with the text. Even if there were no such thing as the Book of Revelation the meaning behind this interpretation would be extremely useful to seekers.

I will give some of the basics here. For an in depth interpretation see my book, The Unveiling.

The Apostle John saw a beast with terrible power and authority rise up out of the sea

Of him it was written:

“And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.

And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.” Rev 13:7-8

The first key is to understand the meaning of the sea. We are told in Revelations itself that it stands for “peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.” Rev 17:15

So, this beast will rise up out of all the peoples of the world and make war with the saints, in other words, those who have soul contact. All those who are not enrolled in the book of life though obtaining soul contact shall actually worship the beast.

This scripture about the beast is very widely known and many are expecting it to be fulfilled by some powerful world leader worse than Hitler who will rule the whole world for a time. Yes, there is always a danger of another Hitler showing up, but students are missing something big here. The beast, or antichrist is not something that is coming in the future, but is already here and has dominated on the earth for thousands of years. This is made clear by John himself:

“And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.” I John 4:3

The antichrist, or the beast was already in the world 2000 years ago and is still here with us.

This brings us to an interesting point worthy of contemplation. What is this beast that has been with us all along that is worshipped y the whole world and attacks those with soul contact, who can see the truth behind the illusions of the world? Obviously, it is not one man since it has been among us for many centuries.

Think about what this could be for this is something the seeker must understand if he is to obtain consistent soul contact. We will continue this discussion in the next lesson.

Affirmation: “I will free myself from the power of the beast.”


Day 104

Great Power and Authority

John gives a hint to the mystery of the beast when he tells us that “the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.” Rev 13:2

The beast has great authority, power and position. The key word here is authority. A certain amount of authority in this world is a good thing and insures stability in society, but there are two types of authority. The first is called earned authority and the second unearned. An earned authority is one who can be trusted because he has proven ability. The unearned authority is one who exercises power over others, but has no proof that he earned his position or that his words can be trusted. Notice the scripture says that the beast was given power and authority. He was appointed, instead of earning his place.

The worst misuse by unearned authorities is when they take the place of the greatest authority of all – God. This beast will be so successful at falsely representing the authority of God that he will be worshipped by all the world except the few with soul contact.

Normally worship applies to God and when people worship they think they re worshipping God, but the prophecy tells us that this will not be the case. Instead of worshipping God all but a few will worship the beast who is a substitute for God.

How could such a thing be happening now one may wonder?

Consider this. Where do people get their modes of worship and beliefs? Do they really get them from God, or someone else?

Let us take a typical believer. Where does he get his beliefs and code of conduct?

He may say he gets them from the Bible.

But there are hundreds of different churches with different interpretations. How did he conclude what the Bible really means?

He was told the meaning, not by God, but by authorities in his church. The church leaders telling him which interpretation of the scriptures is correct represents authority from without whereas the true God along with divine authority resides within us all

Leaning on a voice without to be told what to think and how to act is worshiping the beast. The beast is represented by the many unearned authorities in the world who are human substitutes for God. The beast is the god without whereas the true voice comes from the God who speaks from within through soul contact.

Even the various scriptures of the world are instruments used by the beast for a book has its existence in the outward world whereas God resides within. If a person reads any book and takes it literally as the voice of God he is worshipping the beast.

Does this mean the scriptures are evil? No, of course not. But the true seeker will not make the same mistake that has led to hundreds of false interpretations. He will not go by the black and white letter, but run the words by the inner Spirit so the true God can verify true principles behind the words.

Unfortunately, many think they do this, but if you check out their beliefs you will generally find they agree with his church authorities. This tells us that they most probably received their beliefs from substitutes for God without, not the God who speaks from within.

Earlier we discussed the problem of guilt. Guilt is caused by going against the will of an outer authority who is a substitute for God. The true God within is a God of love and does not plague you with guilt, but will offer loving correction instead.

We have discussed the beast working through religion, but the scripture tells us that all he world will worship him. That would include those who are not religious. Your assignment today is to contemplate where one can find the unearned authority of the beast outside of religious authorities.

Affirmation: I will test the outer voices to see if they are in harmony with the inner voice that speaks through my soul.”


Day 105

The Extensive Authority of the Beast

In the last lesson we identified the beast as being those with unearned authority who are false substitutes for the voice of God. The beast represents the outer voices that attempt to control us with powerful authority whereas the true God speaks to us within the innermost core of our being.

When understanding this it becomes obvious that this false authority permeates the churches of all religions, some more than others.

It is interesting that the scripture tells us that all except those who are in the book of life will worship there beast. That would include those who are not religious, even the atheists. But do the non-religious worship anything?

The word “worship” concerning the beast here comes from the Greek PROSKUNEO. Literally translated into today’s language it means “to kiss ass”. In more sensitive language it would mean to “fawn over someone” that you see as your boss or master. Do you know anyone who “worships” in today’s world, that is, worships someone other than God? I think all will agree that we live in a world where almost everyone is sucking up to someone else. This worshipping the Beast today is probably even more prevalent than it was in ancient Rome.

The statement “Who is able to make war with him” is like the statement “you can’t fight City Hall”. There is a similarity, but there are many City Halls.

Two of the “City Halls” in the United States are the Democrat and Republican parties themselves. Often times we elect someone who seems to be very sincere about doing a good job and voting his conscience. Then, after the guy spends a little time in Washington he seems to change and his vote becomes very predictable, usually along party lines. Why? Because fighting his party leadership is like fighting City Hall. The party leader says, “This is an important issue for the party, so if you’re a team player you’ll vote with us.” The Congressman soon learns that if he doesn’t play ball, many problems will develop and leadership opportunities just dry up. In addition, he will be shunned by other faithful party members and will not be invited to parties or special meetings. Then there are other City Halls related to politics such as pressure groups, polls, the press.

The fact that the Beast is fawned over tells us that this is not necessarily a Nero type of character that forces people to acknowledge him but is something that almost all give their minds and hearts to voluntarily. In other words, people love the Beast, respect him, kiss up to him and are happy to replace the inner voice with the voice without.

Why would most worship the beast? We humans are lazy and tend to take the path of least resistance. Outer answers are easy to find and they are in black and white. Once accepted no more thinking is required.

The Inner Spirit works with our free will and it takes effort and contemplation to connect with it and come up with an answer. And the answer is never the final answer but is always something to help the seeker on the path of true knowledge that will take him to his next step. Another problem is an answer from the inner Spirit is seen as threatening to the Beast and his agents so the person who is guided by the inner rather than the outer God will often meet with great opposition.

We have shown that the beast is in politics and religion. In the next few lessons we will reveal his presence in other areas.

The next category will be medicine. Contemplate on how outer voices control medicine with an almost godlike authority and who they are that escapes the beast in this area of life.

Affirmation: “The voice of God within delivers me from the beast.”


Day 106

The Omnipresent Beast

Most believers in the Revelation of John are waiting for a world dictator to arrive who will be worse than Hitler. They do not realize that this would not fulfill the prophecy which tells us that all but a few will worship him. The Greek word for worship implies a voluntary act of reverence, support and fawning over someone or something. Many people under any ruthless dictator of history are not worshipful toward him. The inner circle who benefits from the power are always supportive, but among the masses many merely pretend to be supportive, but in their hearts loath the guy.

The real beast is supported worshipfully by all except those who have a measure of soul contact. The real beast has more universal worship than any dictator past, present or future.

This is because the real beast is not a man, but an authoritative force than manifests through humanity as a whole and forces compliance that all but a few accept.

The beast has many tentacles that reach into every aspect of life. If he cannot control an individual through religion he will seek to do it through politics. If that doesn’t work he will try healthcare. If that fails he may try business, science, the educational system or maybe a benevolent organization to which one belongs. The beast has its control devices attached to the average individual through several different interests.

Another category besides religion and politics where the beast uses unearned and unjust controlling authority is healthcare.

I received my first taste of the beast in this category when I was 13 years old. In 1958 at the beginning of the space age I was one of those kids that made his own rockets. One exploded prematurely and put me in the hospital for a total of three months with six surgeries altogether. My first stay in the hospital lasted for a month and I soon found out that at bedtime they gave every single patient a sleeping pill whether they needed one or not. During my stay I made friends with numerous other patients and found that all of them took the pills. I took them too. After all, it was doctors orders, they are the experts, and they know what is best for us, right?

Even though we all took the pills a part of our minds realized that the policy was not logical as a common joke among us was, “They woke me up to give me a sleeping pill.”

After a month’s stay I was released and I soon discovered that I had difficulty sleeping without the nightly pills. Fortunately, after a couple weeks of not taking them my sleep patterns returned to normal. I then realized that those pills did me more harm than good and decided to never take them again. During my other stays in the hospital I never took them and had no problem with sleep.

This was an early awakening for me to the error of blindly following unjust authority.

When my kids were young we had a family doctor who seemed like an intelligent sincere fellow and dabbled a little in natural medicine but was no fanatic by any means, but overall he was pretty much establishment. Even so, other doctors sensed he was not completely one of them.

One day he criticized another doctor’s diagnosis. This other doctor happened to have a lot of authority in the hospital and trumped up a charge against our doctor and had him barred from the hospital. Since this was the only hospital in town, this was a great inconvenience for him and he was barely able to make a living. Nevertheless, we continued to go to him because he was the best doctor in town.

Our doctor received a taste of the authority of the beast, but many have endured much more.

The assignment today is to think about areas of medicine and healthcare where the beast exercises unjust authority and how he makes war against those who oppose him.

Affirmation: “I see through attempts of unjust control.”


Day 107

Prescriptions from the Beast

The last assignment is to find places in the area of health where the beast asserts unjust authority.

The beast exerts tremendous authority in this department of life, especially with prescription drugs.

When you look at the statistics it becomes obvious that the doctors and authorities pushing these drugs are doing so with unearned, unproven authority.

For instance, 16% of hospital admissions are related to adverse reactions to medicines.

Prescription drugs are the 4th leading cause of death, ahead of pulmonary disease, diabetes and auto accidents.

Almost 1.3 million people went to U.S. emergency rooms due to adverse drug effects in 2014, and about 124,000 died from those events.

There are ten times more deaths per year due to adverse drug reactions to properly prescribed drugs than illegal ones.

A study, published in the journal Mayo Clinic Proceedings, shows that seven out of 10 Americans take at least one prescription drug.

More than half of Americans take two prescription mediations, and 20 percent of Americans are on at least five prescription medications. Over a third of people 55 and older take five or more prescription drugs; 9 percent were taking more than 10.

You would think that people would be alarmed at the dangers of prescription drugs and their use would be going down, but the number of prescriptions filled for American adults and children rose 85 percent between 1997 and 2016.

On top of prescription drugs, non prescription ones also have to be added into the equation for most people take several of these fairly regularly.

So why does society keep increasing their intake of drugs when the data seem to indicate they do more harm than good? There are several reasons:

(1) Follow the money. Big Pharma currently takes in about $450 billion a year in the United States. The big profits only give them incentives to push more pills on us through advertising and the medical system.

(2) Medial doctors are not educated in alternatives to drugs so they work with what they have been taught.

(3) Prescribing a drug is the line of least resistance. Rather than dong some research on an alternatives it is easier to just write a prescription. Besides it often makes the patient feel that something is being done to help him. Orthodox medical doctors have close to zero education in nutrition or alternative medicine or, many of which are much more helpful than prescription drugs.

So, what happens when the average person has a visit with a doctor and is given a prescription?

Unfortunately, he usually accepts it without question. To follow authority without question is to receive the mark of the beast in the forehead. The doctor has the mark of the beast in the right hand as this mark signifies labor for unearned authority or working for such authority without questioning.

Those who have the mark of the beast are like simple animals in consciousness who do what they are told without question – this is a herd type of mentality.

The scripture says that the beast will attack those who do not worship him. The assignment today is to think about how unjust authorities representing the beast attack those who do not submit to it but present alternative health solutions.

Contemplate being one with your soul and look at the situation through the eyes of the Higher Self. Does it support blind acceptance of prescription drugs and does it nudge you into researching alternatives?

Affirmation: “I see and refuse to be led by the blind.”


Day 108

Great Authority

So what happens to those who promote alternatives to prescription drugs?

The beast through the drug industry attacks in every way possible. If anyone uses the word “cure” in relation to anything alternative they will be prosecuted to the fullest extent possible and many have been jailed for merely doing their best to help others with alternatives.

Often when a patient does a little research into natural remedies and runs them by the doctor he will be met with a disapproving shaking of the head. He will be told that foods we eat have little effect on health as long as we eat the basics. He will rarely allow you to substitute a natural cure for one that involves pharmaceuticals, chemo, radiation or surgery. Some will tolerate you experimenting with a few natural things as long as you make following his instructions the first priority. He will then take credit for any healing that occurs.

That said, it is important that the seeker remember that few things can be consistently interpreted in strictly black and white terms. Once in a while a pharmaceutical drug may be temporality helpful, but I would say that in over 90% of the time the patient would be better off just eliminating them or replacing them with some natural treatment.

The reason they permeate society as they do is they are supported by the unearned authority of the beast.

This great authority of the beast does all in its power to restrict natural cures and hurt those who advocate them. They are restricted by law from outright putting heretics to death, as in the old days, but they still create many problems. Here are a few things that those with the mark of the beast do.

(1) Ridicule. This is the most ubiquitous line of attack and it is very effective. If they can make others feel ashamed to be associated with a particular belief or practice then opposition is immediately neutralized.

(2) Group Think. The authority of the beast does an excellent job of convincing the masses that their way is just the way it is done and if you do not follow then there is something wrong with you.

(3) Fear. You are told that rejecting orthodox treatment is very dangerous. Your life may even be at stake if you do not listen to them.

(4) Superiority. The doctors are much more educated than you in healthcare and not listening to them is not smart. It puts you in the tin foil hat category.

They do not realize how lopsided their education is. Whereas they are educated in orthodox medicine most have very limited knowledge of alternatives and have no earned authority to make judgments on it.

They are like the guy who is an expert on rice and knows everything about every variety, but knows nothing about other foods that are needed to supply good nutrition for the whole body.

(5) Regulation. They try and regulate everything possible to hinder alternative practitioners. Legislation has been promoted that would require herbs and vitamins to only be available though medical doctors by prescription.

(6) Threats. Alternative practitioners have many threats hanging over their heads. If they ever use the word “cure” they could face serious jail time. If a patient dies under their care they can be sued or prosecuted in some cases.

The beast thus seeks to normalize the abnormal and dangerous intake of prescription drugs. It not only increases his authority but numbs the minds of many so they are easier to control.

Healthcare is just one area of life the beast seeks control and drugs are just one division of health. Contemplate other areas in health where authorities push their will upon the public.

Affirmation: “I will question without fear of what others think.”


Day 109

The Vaccination Epidemic

Extremely fertile soil for the authoritarian beast lies in its control and manipulation of vaccinations, which occurs on a worldwide basis.

100 years ago kids received vaccinations for one disease – smallpox. That was a very dreaded and deadly disease so this precaution made a lot of sense. Later came the polio vaccination and any risk from this seemed to outweigh the danger poised by that disease.

Today we have gone way overboard and vaccinate our kids for 14 different diseases, some of them quite minor such as measles, mumps and chicken pox. Most of my friends and I caught all of these when I was a kid in the 1950s and they proved to be a mild inconvenience with the bonus of getting off school for a few days.

They will often administer five vaccines to small children, even babies, at a time. President Trump made the comment that the vaccine schedule was “meant for a horse, not for a child.”

And concern over vaccinations crosses party lines. Chief of citizens voicing concerns over vaccines is Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Kennedy is concerned about the link between vaccines and autism and believes there has been insufficient research on the problem.

He says that, “We need to do double-blind placebo testing. Because particularly when it comes to injecting aluminum or mercury into babies, the consequences may be latent. In other words, they may not manifest or diagnosed to age 3 or 4. So the current protocols, which require testing for vaccines of sometimes as little as 48 hours, are not going to disclose the kind of dangers that the public and the regulators ought to know about.”

He also says that the authorities are deceptive about the use of mercury in the vaccines. They have not been taken out of all and flue shots contain “mega doses of it.”

The biggest concern over vaccinations is its possible link to autism, a terrible affliction that is plaguing our children.

Autism is a modern disease, first diagnosed in 1943. From then until he 1980’s cases were fairly rare. Then, after Congress gave drug companies immunity from lawsuits and the expansion of vaccines took off so did cases if autism jumping up over 13 times what it was before 1980. Today, one out of 150 eight year olds has autism.

This dramatic increase did not happen without some cause behind it and many concerned parents fear it is related to vaccines.

Even though polls show that the majority of parents have concerns over vaccines and autism over 90% of them go ahead and have it done to their kids anyway. The pressures from the authoritarian system on parents is becoming increasingly potent. Public schools require vaccinations and exemptions are becoming increasingly difficult to get. The pressure to conform is enormous.

Rebecca Bredow of Michigan found this out in October 2017, for she was jailed for refusing to vaccinate her nine year old son.. This may be just the beginning of additional force as the beast increases in authority in this area. You would never know that a large portion of the public are becoming concerned about the dangers of vaccination if you listen to the Medea. Anyone who questions the authorities in this matter is portrayed as unreasonable a best to anti science and insane at worst.

The authorities under the power of the beast are not as concerned about benefits or dangers of vaccines as thye are their base of power and mandatory vaccines is a potent step in securing that base. Cheerleaders for the beast would rather have authority over others than any other asset.

The largest problem is not so much who is right or wrong, but the loss of freedom of choice.

Assignment: Contemplate other areas concerning health where the beast has great authority.

Affirmation: “I will do my own research and discover the truth,”


Day 110

A Cure Worse than the Disease

The authority of the beast reveals itself quite strongly in the treatment of cancer. When the doctor tells a patient he has cancer it is often seen as a death sentence. The person is usually scared to death and willingly puts his life totally in the hands of the medical authorities.

Those who wish to escape the mark of the beast will not blindly trust these authorities but will do some research of their own.

Doctors that automatically recommend chemo or radiation are often seen as the ultimate authorities to rely on for cancer treatments but consider this.

Back in 2004, an Australian study on the effectiveness of chemo showed the 5 year survival rate was 5%. On top of this, chemo and radiation stimulate the growth of additional cancers. Perhaps the worst thing about chemo and radiation is the decline of the quality of life. The quality of life of a person receiving orthodox treatments is often far inferior to that of one receiving no treatment.

Let us say that you had a projected two years to live. Would you be willing to live two years of consistent torture to gain a couple extra weeks or would you rather go without treatment and live the two yeas in functional condition with less pain and discomfort?

Fortunately an increasing number of cancer victims are researching out of the mainstream and discovering cures that work better than chemo and radiation and do not lower the quality of life.

Suzanne Somers felt ill and was told that cancer riddled most of her body. Instead of accepting orthodox treatment she did some research and discovered she had been breathing in black mold from a house she was renting. After moving out she concentrated on natural cures and completely regained her health. Today, at 71 she still looks great.

Parker Jensen had a terrific run-in with the beast of authority. In 2003 when he was 12 yesars old he was diagnosed with cancer and told he needed chemotherapy. Both he and his parents did not think this was the best course and resisted.

The medical authorities filed against them in juvenile court and a judge ordered the state to take custody of the boy.

Fortunately, the warrant could not served, for the family fled the state to Idaho. Their troubles did not end as the father spent some time in jail for his resistance to the beast. The parents concluded that the doctors gave the wrong diagnoses, concentrated on natural cures and Parker has been healthy ever since. He is now a happily married man of 26.

The stories of those who have rejected the beast and cured their own cancer with alternative treatments are legion. And perhaps the best part is the alternative cures do not cause them to suffer so intensely as do some of the orthodox treatments.

For those who do not have cancer the best course of action is a healthy lifestyle. Drink pure water and eat foods free of chemicals and pesticides.

Cancer is aggravated by suppressed emotions so do not suppress and do not hold grievances. Be honest and open with your emotional communications.

There are many alternative approaches and some work better than others.

A seeker who does get cancer should not rule out all orthodox treatments, but definitely should look at the value of alternatives. If one does lean toward following the doctors orders he should ask this question.

“Would you recommend this treatment to your own child?”

It is interesting that many physicians do not use their own treatments on their own family members.

Seekers can find many alternatives by merely Goggling, “cancer alternative treatments.”

The assignment today is to continue to think of other places in the area of healthcare where the strong authority of the beast surfaces.

Affirmation: “I trust, but verify.”


Day 111

The Semmelweis reflex

Authorities in the health industry have been wrong many times in the past as well as the present. History tells us that when a better way is found that threatens the established authority of the beast that the authorities affected will ridicule and attack the innovator.

This automatic, often mindless attack, characterized by reflex-like rejection of new knowledge because it contradicts entrenched norms, beliefs, or paradigms has a name. It is called the Semmelweis reflex.

Where this name originated is an interesting story.

Ignaz Semmelweis was a Hungarian physician working in Vienna hospitals in 1847 when he became very concerned about the high mortality rate of women giving childbirth in one of the hospitals. He researched what was different with this hospital from others and discovered that many doctors delivering babies had, hours before, been working with corpses doing autopsies. He concluded that they were carrying something invisible on their hands that was infecting the mothers.

This happened before Louis Pasteur confirmed the germ theory so the idea that we may transfer invisible little lives with our hands seemed strange at the time. Even so, Semmelweis’ research indicated that something deadly was being transferred and came up with a simple solution. He instituted a policy in the hospital that physicians should wash their hands before delivering babies.

Amazingly, the mortality rate went down a whopping 90%.

Problem solved, right?

Wrong, his problem was just beginning. After two years of tremendous success his job was terminated and became frustrated with the meager work he could find. Medical authorities ridiculed him for believing that washing hands was necessary because of seeming invisible that was causing infections.

He accused the authorities as being accomplices to murder if they refused to accept washing hands before medical procedures.

He left Vienna and moved to Budapest. The only job he could find was as an unpaid volunteer in an obstetric ward. Again he implemented hand washing and the mortality rate dropped to near zero.

He felt that he had made a simple discovery that could save many lives and tried to convince the medical authorities to to adopt it.

All his efforts did was inflame the beast of authority and they ridiculed him and attacked back. Finally at the age of 47 authorities forced him into a mental asylum where he was beaten by the guards and died of an infection within two weeks.

The beast killed the messenger, but it could not kill the message. Within twenty years after his death the evidence of the benefits of washing hands became so overpowering, especially with the discovery of germs, that even the representatives of the beast had to yield and give in to the truth.

Does this mean that the authority of the beast was defeated? No. Far from it. As society progresses the beast will lose authority in certain departments of life, but when he does he just established a new base of authority in another.

We have already discussed two of the current bases. The first is an increasing authority over vaccinations, pushing so many that obvious dangers are looming. The second is orthodox radiation and chemo treatments for cancer while rejecting with a Semmelweis reflex many promising alternatives.

Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States. Heart disease is number one. The assignment today is to contemplate where the beast uses his authority in this area of health and where those who resist the beast are making their efforts.

Affirmation: “I decide, not by reflex, but by reason.”



Day 112

A Good Heart

Since heart disease is the number one cause of death people are very concerned if anything seems out of order. Whenever one goes to a doctor he always checks his heart and will often run tests to check for levels of cholesterol.

Concern about heart health causes many to make frequent trips to the doctor which often results in discovery of other problems with the patient winding up taking three or more prescription drugs, thus yielding more power to unproven authority.

And talk about unproven authority. Since 1953 the medical system has been promoting the idea that cholesterol is bad for your heart and one needs statin drugs to control it. This myth originated from a flawed study in 1953 Dr. Ancel Keys where he kept the data that supported the dangers of high cholesterol and discarded that which did not.

Statistics show that that more than 50 percent of those admitted to hospitals with heart disease have normal cholesterol while many with healthy hearts actually have high cholesterol.

Cholesterol is an essential ingredient for good physical health. As you know, oil and water do not mix, but they must work together in our bodies, so the liver manufactures cholesterol to assist in this process that provides lubrication for the body.

In addition, cholesterol enables the production of hormones, vitamin D, aids in digestion and combats cellular damage, which increases as we age. It is essential to the immune system and brain functioning and helps to relieve stress.

The amount of cholesterol you need will vary with your diet and lifestyle. Some people actually need a fairly high level of it.

Determining an approach for good heart health is a fairly complex problem, but if it can just be reduced to a simple test measuring cholesterol the doctor’s job becomes much more simple. Then, later, when more problems occur expensive surgery or a transplant may be required.

Doctors mainly concentrate on drugs and surgery for heart health and will offer some encouragement to exercise. They warn patients to stay away from saturated fats. In this case, they are mistaken as saturated fats from natural sources are good for your heart. Some sources include, olive and coconut oil, nuts, wild fish, grass-fed meats, seeds, avocados, and eggs, preferably free range.

For years we were warned that eggs were bad for our heart, but opinion is changing on this. A pioneer in promoting eating eggs is Dr, Joel Wallach. He personally eats over a dozen eggs a day, is 77 years old, never goes to a doctor or takes drugs and is in perfect health.

A simple healthy diet and moderate exercise can do much to insure a healthy heart. The number one food to avoid is processed sugar and artificial sweeteners. Avoid standard sodas with vigilance. For sweeteners raw honey is your best bet. Next in line would be maple syrup or molasses.

Avoid processed foods and oils with trans fats. For cooking use either butter, avocado or grape seed oil. For consumption use extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil. The more raw fruits and vegetables you eat the better.

The final advice for good heart health is for the seeker to maintain a “good heart.” One is said to have a good heart if he is friendly, helpful, loving and kind. There is a correlation between having a good heart from a spiritual angle and a good physical heart.

The assignment today is to reflect on the health of your own heart, not only the physical aspect, but the spiritual. Are you following the will of your soul in maintaining a good spiritual heart and outlook on life and relationships? What more need you do?

Affirmation: “My heart radiates with vitality and goodwill.”


Day 113

Let the Patient Heal Himself

The beast above all other things seeks power over the souls of men. Some may add that it seeks money, but when this seems to be the case we will find that the motivation behind the money is power and authority more than the material goods that money will buy.

Some individuals exercising great authority over the souls of men live fairly frugal lives giving the impression they are spiritual. This will sometimes hide the fact that their true motive is in alignment with the beast which seeks authority.

Because money will often enhance power and authority the representatives of the beast usually seek to obtain as much of it as possible, even those claiming to guide followers on the spiritual path.

A great example of misplaced authority in the health field is related to us by Dr. Joel Wallach. He has successfully promoted natural cures through nutrition for many years and has been attacked numerous times by medical authorities. He discovered that most children suffering from muscular dystrophy could be cured with extra selenium and supplements of trace minerals. He told Jerry Lewis about this, who at the time was very successfully heading up the yearly muscular dystrophy marathon.

Jerry was very excited about the possibility and suggested to the medical authorities involved that they look into Wallach’s claims.

Instead of investigating they dismissed Wallach as a quack and when Jerry continued to want to investigate they fired him and threatened to sue him for all he was worth if he said anything that would damage the reputation of the organization.

Therefore, it became a mystery why the organization’s greatest money maker for over 40 years was suddenly dropped until Wallach gave the details. They liked the money he raised, but keeping their power was even more important. They would lose both if all parents had to do was spend a few dollars on a food supplement.

Another disease that medical authorities do not want any simple inexpensive plan to replace them in is Alzheimer’s.

Dr. Dale Bredesen thinks he has done just this. He has created what he calls the Bredesen Protocol which is a combination of nutrition, fasting, exercise and lifestyle changes. If caught in the early stages he says he can reverse Alzheimer’s in nine out of ten patients.

Others claim that just taking daily supplements of virgin coconut oil can reverse the disease.

And why isn’t the authoritative medical establishment rushing to verify these simple inexpensive treatments?

The simple answer is this. If the patient can gain a little knowledge and then treat himself he will no longer need the medical authorities. He will no longer have to worship at their feet and give them large amounts of money.

Medical doctors have their place. If someone has an accident and needs patched up, or needs a corrective surgical procedure then a well trained doctor can be a life saver. Unfortunately their greatest authority is exerted on patients suffering from disease and in treating most of these they have not shown us to have a justified authority.

We could go through many different aeas of health and show how average people who researched health for themselves have freed themselves from the need for medical authorities escept on rare occasions.

The tendency to over medicate has proven dangerous, for drugs only temporarily relieve symptoms, including depression. The one things that every mass shooter I have researched had in common is that they all took mind altering prescription drugs. The recent Las Vegas shooter was no exception. He took a powerful psychotropic drug called diazepam. Is the increase in mass shootings linked to mind alerting drugs? That seems to be the only common denominator for the increase.

Next we will examine where the beast establishes his authority in the educational system. The seeker can contemplate how this may be playing out.

Affirmation: “I will question all outer authority.”


Day 114

The Expanding Beast

The seeker may not suspect that the beast of authority is present in our public schools as well as our institutions of higher learning.

Isn’t educating out kids a good thing with few drawbacks?

Yes, education is good. The beast would prefer total ignorance for the less light and more ignorance there is the greater will be his authority Humanity has moved into mass education contrary to the will of the beast but once humanity takes a step forward the beast of authority assesses the new situation and then determines how he can make the best of it by re-establishing authority through new avenues.

Sometimes a little progress actually offers him greater opportunity for control than the mass ignorance of the past.

For instance, the Nazis put a lot of attention on educating the youth, but instead of creating enlightenment the beast stepped in with his authority to control their minds to force allegiance to a destructive belief system.

So, is the beast having any success exercising his authority in the educational system today?

More than one may think.

The first thing the beast does to maintain his base of power is to control the money. Over 90% of elementary and secondary students attend public schools. It matters not if your child participates in the system you still have to pay taxes to support it. If you send your child to a private school you still have to pay taxes to support the public schools plus the extra money for the private one.

The money spent for each child in the public system is about three times that of a private school.

The latest statistics I have available puts the average cost per year for a student in the public system to be $10,700. Some states are much higher. For instance the cost per student is almost $20,000 in New York.

The average cost for private school attendance in the United States is $3,267 per year.

You would think that with such a potential savings that the stewards of our tax dollars would be demanding some type of voucher system that would allow parents to send more children to private schools. A handful of parents, educators and politicians are advocating for this, but they are in the minority and ridiculed by the powers-that-be.

Are private schools resisted because they are inferior?

Not really. Many politicians who are outwardly strong advocates for public education send their own kids to private schools. Their actions verify what their true thoughts are.

Even though the cost of private schools is lower average people cannot afford them, but many of those who have higher incomes spend the extra money because of their high quality.

The results speak for themselves. 88 percent of senior-year students in private high schools applied to colleges, compared to only 58 percent of seniors in public high schools.

It seems to defy logic that there would be so much resistance to a more economical and efficient system but when you realize the ever present goals of the beast it makes sense. The public schools are a source of great sums of money that flows through the hands of a very authoritarian bureaucracy. Such an authoritative system can control what is fed into the minds of students much better than a private and independent school.

Our kids are not brainwashed like the Nazis yet, but the powers of the beast are pushing us in that direction.

Assignment: Contemplate how the authority of the beast is seeking to exert itself in our education system and control our teachers and children.

Affirmation: “I will look through the eyes of my soul and see the hidden workings of the beast.”

Copyright by J J Dewey

For the next lesson (Part 12) Go HERE

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