Gathering 2005, Sun Valley, Part 13

Gathering 2005, Sun Valley, Part 13
Seeing the Future

JJ: What’s your name?

Audience member: “Belen. It’s like Helen with a ‘B.’”

JJ: Okay, Belen, close your eyes. We’re going to put you into a state of deep relaxation. Visualize the process of relaxing your legs and your arms and your whole body relaxing. Concentrate on completely relaxing yourself. I’m going to count to three and you’ll be in a deep state of relaxation just like you were earlier. One. Your whole body is completely relaxed. Two. You’re drifting like you’re floating on the clouds, feeling very light. Three. You’re in a very, very deep state of relaxation. You feel very comfortable, very good. Now instead of going into the past we’re going to go into the future. You’re up in the clouds and you see a stairway made of clouds. You’re going to walk on them and instead of taking you into the past, they’re going to take you into the future, into a future life.

Now, your soul knows the cycles that you are going to be in for so your soul can project you into a future cycle of activity. It can provide us with some interesting information. I’m going to count to ten and you’re going to go up ten steps. One step, two, three. You feel it as an ascending process instead of a descent, ascending into the future. Four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. When I say ten you’re going to visualize yourself jumping off the last step and you’ll jump into a future lifetime. You’ll be aware of where you are and who you are. Ten. You’re jumping into a future lifetime. Jump. You’re completely safe. You find yourself catapulted into the future. Where are you?

Belen: “I’m not on the earth plane. I’m on another planet.”

JJ: How far into the future is it? Is it a long way from earth?

Belen: “About 150 years.”

JJ: What do you see around you?

Belen: “Clouds and different people. They are light beings.”

JJ: Is it on this sphere or a different sphere? Is it a physical planet?

Belen: “There are different kinds of people, maybe not in this room. They seem to be very happy.”

JJ: Do they have physical form?

Belen: “Not very dense.”

JJ: Are they like energy beings or something?

Belen: “They seem to be very mobile and very light and they can travel faster than the people on the earth plane.”

JJ: If they want to go a hundred miles away, do they not need a vehicle?

Belen: “Some. It looks like some can do that and some need a different kind of vehicle.”

JJ: Are you one of these beings now?

Belen: “I think I am, yes.”

JJ: Is it a physical planet or a spiritual planet?

Belen: “It looks like it’s in between the earth and the other higher realms.”

JJ: If we went there in a spaceship could we see it or is it beyond earthly vision?

Belen: “It’s beyond earthly vision.”

JJ: Is this planet like a reward for you or something?

Belen: “Yes, it is a promise.”

JJ: Do you like living here?

Belen: “Oh yes. It’s a very nice feeling. It’s very light and the beings are comfortable and happy.”

JJ: Do they eat?

Belen: “They eat lightly. They have small food.”

JJ: Does this world live in peace?

Belen: “Yes very peaceful, very harmonious.”

JJ: Are there a lot of people on this planet? Is it sparsely populated or highly populated?

Belen: “I would say moderately populated in some locations. Other locations are thinly populated.”

JJ: I want you to concentrate on this earth. Do you see anything between living on this planet and your life on earth? Do you get any information?

Belen: “Oh yes. The earth plane, going back to the earth plane there are many responsibilities still to do, to be done, mostly on the spiritual reach out, mostly on the service of learning and the service of community.”

JJ: Which planet do you feel you got the most growth from, the earth planet or the highly evolved planet?

Belen: “Earth plane is very grounding. Other plane is a reward.”

JJ: Okay, now I’m going to count to three and you’ll be back in the present. One, two, three. Thank you.

Now, Laura, will you come up? Where are you from Laura?

Laura: “Texas.”

JJ: Have you ever felt like you have psychic powers?

Laura: “Yes.”

JJ: What made you think that? Are you professional or anything?

Laura: “Sometimes things just happen.”

JJ: Give us an example.

Laura: “Like I’ll have knowings before things happen. I don’t always know who but I get a dread or something. I usually get that when people pass away.”

JJ: Okay. Would you want to go into the future for us?

Laura: “I’ll try.”

JJ: Okay, close your eyes. We’ll go through a similar process. I’ll count to three and you’ll be in a state of deep relaxation just like you were before. One, relaxing. Two, your whole body is completely at ease, all the muscles are completely relaxed and you feel almost like you’re floating away. Three. You see yourself on a path in the forest this time. You’re walking carefree, the sun is shining through. You feel very happy. As you walk along you’re going to take ten steps and on the tenth step you will leap into a future life. One. Two. It’s a very beautiful forest. Three. Four. You feel yourself sensing the future already. Five. six. You’re sensing a future life. Seven. Eight. Nine. You’re just about to plunge into the future. Ten. You’re moving into a future, a different lifetime where you will have a different name than you have now, perhaps a different body, a different situation but still the same you. Where are you at?

Laura: “I’m on Earth.”

JJ: What time period?

Laura: “2200.”

JJ: Tell us a little about the situation on Earth in this year, 2200.

Laura: “It’s peaceful. People are real happy. It’s very technologically advanced.”

JJ: How do they travel?

Laura: “Magnetics.”

JJ: Some type of magnetic power?

Laura: “Yes.”

JJ: Do they have cars like we have today?

Laura: “No.”

JJ: What do the vehicles like?

Laura: “Like flying buses.”

JJ: Flying buses?

Laura: “Kind of. It’s hard to explain.”

JJ: Have there been any Earth changes in the past 200 years?

Laura: “Yes.”

JJ: What are they?

Laura: “You can go high in the atmosphere and you can see the Earth and it is totally different.”

JJ: Can you still recognize the United States or does it look different than it did in the year 2000?

Laura: “It looks really different.”

JJ: Is Florida still there?

Laura: “No.”

JJ: Is the United States as big as it used to be or is it smaller?

Laura: “Smaller.”

JJ: Is there more water on the Earth or less water?

Laura: “It’s like the same but shifted.”

JJ: Are there new lands?

Laura: “Yes.”

JJ: What year did the new lands appear?

Laura: “2110.”

JJ: Did anything much happen in 2010, 2020, 2030? Anything significant in those years?

Laura: “No; the changes were gradual.”

JJ: Where are you living in this future life? What country?

Laura: “They don’t have countries.”

JJ: Is it all one world?

Laura: “Yes.”

JJ: So the United States of America no longer exists as a country?

Laura: “No, not as a country. There are no countries.”

JJ: Are people considered citizens of the world or are they considered citizens of anything?

Laura: “They’re just cooperative. It’s just different.”

JJ: Is there any record of Christ showing up the way anyone expected?

Laura: “There is a great leader but they don’t call this leader Christ.”

JJ: Do people think he might be Christ?

Laura: “Christ-like.”

JJ: How long has he been the leader?

Laura: “Like several hundred years.”

JJ: So he’s at least several hundred years old?

Laura: “Yes.”

JJ: How old does he look?

Laura: “Thirty.”

JJ: Are there others like him?

Laura: “Yes.”

JJ: Is he considered a master?

Laura: “Yes.”

JJ: Does he have associates?

Laura: “Yes.”

JJ: Have you ever met one?

Laura: “Yes.”

JJ: What did you learn from the one you met?

Laura: “I learned to let go of everything that was not good.”

JJ: Do you think you can live to be a couple of hundred years old?

Laura: “In that time period, yes.”

JJ: How old are you now?

Laura: “43.”

JJ: What do you do for a living?

Laura: “Taxes.”

JJ: They still have taxes there?

Laura: “No.”

JJ: So you work with taxes? What do you work with?

Laura: “In this life?”

JJ: No, in the this future life.

Laura: “Oh, I work with healing.”

JJ: What is the most significant thing that happened by 2050? From 2005 to 2050 what is the most significant thing in your history?

Laura: “I’m not in that time.”

JJ: Yes but you should have records of that time. Do your records tell you of anything interesting?

Laura: “Well, yes, they had a form of government that doesn’t exist anymore. That gets changed.”

JJ: What made it discontinue to exist?

Laura: “The people. The people got smart.”

JJ: Anything else you want to tell us about your time period in 2200? Say if you were giving advice to someone in 2005 that would be good for them to know about the future time, what would you tell them?

Laura: “To live in each moment and that the past does not matter.”

JJ: Okay. I’m going to count to three and you’re going to return to the present. One, Two, you’re going to feel great. Three. Do you want to give us any impressions?

Laura: “It was awesome! The vehicles!”

JJ: Have you ever seen anything like that before?

Laura: “No. You would fly and they’d show you a map of what the Earth used to look like and impressed upon what it is now.”

JJ: Let’s give a big hand of applause to these two. (Applause) We’ll do one more. (Discussions on who will go next.).

In order to find the edge, you must risk going over the edge. —Dennis Dugan

Oct 3, 2009

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