Gathering 2005 Sun Valley, Part 26

Gathering 2005 Sun Valley, Part 26
The Destiny of Good

Audience: “I’d suppose that the dark brothers, who represent the evil, are using intelligence too.”

JJ: Yes, but there are not as many of them on the dark side as the light side. On the other hand, more rank and file humans inadvertently go in their direction.

Audience: “Wouldn’t another thing that made it that way be because the dark side has in it a failsafe switch that will only let it go so far without self-destructing?”

JJ: Right. See, the dark brothers eventually self-destruct. The Brothers of Light do not. The Brothers keep on going. Now, as far as controlling the people of this planet Earth, they’re more under the control of the dark brothers than they are the light right now, and the control is switching over from dark to light. And this is what’s going to initiate the age of peace that we’ve all looked forward to.

So, a lot of the illusions have to be dispelled, but everything that the dark brothers do is transitory. In other words, once the dark path is chosen, it’s a path of destruction, so they eventually wind up destroying themselves; everything except their spiritual essence eventually is destroyed. And then their monad starts their path of evolution all over again millions and billions of years hence. They lose a lot of time. But then eventually the dark brother begins his progression all over again, and he eventually becomes a Light Brother, because good even dominates with them. They try to prevent it, but they can only fight against truth for so long.

The dominating intelligence in the universe is that great Entity that we call God, and His will pushes us forward in spiritual evolution, producing the power of the dominating good.

Audience: “Just a question and maybe some ideas on good and evil. I can see some real evil things that retrogress, but don’t you think there might be, from God’s point of view, a certain point of time when he might actually create evil to make the point of evolution? It’s something that is controlled. You know, like, there are some– I don’t know how to express it, but, you know, like, sometimes destruction is important in order for a new creation to come back.”

JJ: Sure. As a matter of fact, people are surprised to learn that the Bible says that God created evil. I believe it says that in the Psalms and maybe Isaiah, too. Well, he created the positive and negative. In order to have creation, you’ve got to have the positive and negative. But he created both good and evil, but he puts his energy, his intelligence, into the domination of the good, the domination of moving forward, the domination of eternal progression.

Can you think of a greater hell than reaching the end of your progression where somebody tells you, “Well, John, you just can’t move ahead anymore. You’ve just got to stay where you are”? That would be very discouraging, wouldn’t it? I mean, you’d get bored. Yeah, it would be maybe nice for a month or so. You just rest, sit back, enjoy the beach. Then pretty soon you think, “I’d like to do something.” As we were saying yesterday, there was God in his great void, the One Great Life, saying, “Man, I’m getting tired of just being in this great void. I’m going to reflect myself billions and trillions of times, create people in my image, and pour myself into them and experience through them everything there is to experience in this universe that I’m going to create.

And then after I get done with that, then I’ll do something else, because I’m getting tired of just floating in this void here.” Wouldn’t you think that if you were God? Sure you would, because you are a reflection of God. You were created in his image.

Audience: “I really like the analogy of the tree and the forest. If a tree grows up protected from any wind it’s very weak, but if a tree has wind it grows stronger. So if we didn’t have opposition we wouldn’t develop the strength that we have. So it’s very necessary for us.”

JJ: Matter of fact, who was it that said the other day — I was reading somewhere on the Internet, I think — somebody was saying, “If you don’t have opposition in your life, go find some.” Was that you, Sharón? I heard that the past day or two. I can’t remember where I heard it or read it.

Audience: “(Inaudible) …you need to get out of your comfort zone to progress.”

JJ: That’s a good statement. If you don’t have enough opposition, everything is just sailing smooth, well, go create some ripples. Go make somebody angry. (chuckles) Go irritate somebody.

Audience: Inaudible.

JJ: At least it will make life interesting. I don’t have to try to irritate people. I can just try to be Mister Nice Guy and people still get irritated. So, it’s kind of interesting.

Audience: “Some people will go around scaring other people, like little practical jokes like jumping around on a corner when they’re bored or something.”

JJ: Yeah. You know, probably the worst hell is boredom. Indecision is perhaps the worst. The second worst is boredom. And I think that God created the world just because he was bored and wanted to do something exciting and different.

Audience: “What I wanted to ask is, is it possible that while we’re going through this life to go up, we have already been through the opposite, being on the opposite side? Do we have to experience both?”

JJ: Well, we experience both in any life that we go through. In any life that you go through, you have the pull of both going forward and going backward. And what decides whether you go forward to backwards?

Audience: “Intelligence.”

JJ: Right. And whose intelligence?

Audience: “Our own.”

JJ: Yours. You make the decision.

Audience: “Yeah but I mean, do we have to experience both to ultimately be that part of God.”

JJ: You mean like maybe in a past life your were a bank robber or something like that?

Audience: “Yeah. Or a dark brother.”

JJ: Sure. We go through all these things, but it’s a lot of trial and error. We go through a lot of trial and error when we learn anything. Just like Leonardo da Vinci, again, or Edison creating the light bulb. We go through trial and error and have many failures. We have many failures in our personal life, and when be begin our evolution we may think, “Being selfish is where it’s at, because if I’m really selfish and just looking out for me I’ll come out ahead — nobody else is going to look out for me.”

So that logic seems good, and that seems to be the path of good. To hell with everybody else; you are what is important because you’re your whole universe. That’s the way you feel at that point in evolution. And so, you’re just looking out for you, and if you can rob a bank or steal from somebody and get away with it, you think, “Well, what’s the harm for me?” or “Maybe it hurts the other guy, but I don’t care about him. I care about me.”

So we do go through that phase until eventually we have something that happens to us — somebody comes and steals from us — and we think, “Boy, you know, I didn’t like that very much. Maybe I understand how those people felt now that I stole from. Because it took me ten years to save this money up for this dream that I had, and the guy stole my dream.”

So he thinks, “Well, maybe I need to have a little empathy for the other guy.” And eventually the person tunes in to the soul and he begins to really identify with other people more. Then he eventually learns that the dominating good is not just his universe, but we all have an effect on each other — that we’re all in this together.

And because we’re all in it together, the good that his intelligence needs to be applied to is, “the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few,” to quote Spock again. And eventually everybody comes to that realization, but it’s through trial and error. Even the dark brothers do after a long, long detour. Because everybody comes to that realization, the good of the whole eventually dominates. Good dominates over evil because our decisions are made in the direction of progress for we then apply our intelligence in that direction.

Audience: “You also stated that the power of intelligence to discover that which is new or good for humanity, whether it’s something that saves lives, is just more powerful than the intelligence applied to stop that to keep people under control?”

JJ: That’s one way of putting it. But oftentimes — like we created the atomic bomb, like we said, and that’s where we really want good to dominate right now. Because if evil were to dominate even for a cycle, we could wind up destroying ourselves. So we definitely want good to dominate over evil when we do bring great power into our hands.

God may have been waiting for centuries for somebody ignorant enough of the impossible to do that thing. —Dr. J.A. Holmes

Dec 12, 2009

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