Gathering 2005 Sun Valley, Part 5

Gathering 2005 Sun Valley, Part 5
The Beast and Enlightenment

JJ: It’s an interesting concept if you think of God having to create. He had to create because the impulse to create and manifest experience is built into everything that has life. It’s built into us so much that we can’t get away from it. Even when we sleep, we dream. Dreams manifest experience. People say dreams aren’t real but when you wake up you can remember a dream and how it made you feel.

Our waking lives are the dreams of the soul so we should make the dream interesting. Don’t concentrate on righteousness so much as making it interesting. Righteousness is fine. Don’t create harm but don’t concentrate on being pious or the most spiritual person in the world but make your life interesting. If you make your life interesting, you’ll end up on the spiritual path. This is one reason I think a lot of the dark brothers take the dark path is that they simply didn’t have enough interesting experience so they seek the ultimate experience in selfishness.

The people who truly flavor their lives with interesting experience and still follow the path of harmlessness — this is important — they do not hurt consciously another human or another life but live as harmless as they can. You must be willing to take some risk, add some flavor to your life and have some good experiences. Any questions before the break?

Audience: “I was going to ask about what you said about creating the beast whenever you create an authority outside yourself, is that what you were talking about in ‘The Immortal’ when John was saying that Elizabeth’s doctor already had the Mark of the Beast?”

JJ: Yea. Matter of fact, I’ve written quite a bit about that for the Keys group. It’s in the archives where we go through The biblical Book Of Revelations and talk about the Beast. There is a lot of misunderstanding about what the beast is. In the first book of John, John said the Antichrist is already in the world. (I John 4:3) Some are sitting around waiting for the great Antichrist to appear that will make Hitler look like Cinderella. The Bible itself says the Antichrist was already in existence 2000 years ago. What is the Antichrist? What is the Beast? The Beast is really somebody that takes the place of God in your mind and you give the power of God unto them. You give power to a prophet, priest or king to be the mouthpiece of God for you and to you he becomes your Beast.

Let’s suppose you’re a member of a particular religion. The church teaches that the priest speaks for God. You don’t have enough common sense to figure out what God is saying but he does. What he says goes. If the priest says a particular thing is wrong then it is. The priest is an extension of God on the outside. You have to eliminate God on the outside and put him on the inside. When God is inside, then you have escaped from the Mark of the Beast.

In Revelations, Chapter 14, it talks about 144,000 who escape the Mark of the Beast. They have the name of God written within their foreheads. What does that mean? God is where? Within. Within their minds, within their hearts, within their foreheads. The name of God within their foreheads. These are the people who have escaped the Mark of the Beast. If you haven’t escaped the Mark of the Beast, then the words of the prophet, priest or king is your God and you have put God outside of yourself, for outside authorities are the ones who interpret what God wants you to do.

If they say not to work on Sunday you don’t work on Sunday. If they say not to marry someone, you don’t. If they say you’re to be a shoeshine boy then you become a shoeshine boy. Whatever they say goes because they’re representing God and they can tell you what God thinks and believes. That’s the Mark of the Beast.

The Mark of the Beast extends way beyond religious things too. It extends among government and doctors. A doctor can’t do anything without approval of his peers. He has an outward authority that tells him what he can and cannot do. If a doctor sees a combination of herbs that he thinks will cure cancer, he wouldn’t touch it with a ten foot pole because the Beast on the outside is telling him no. “You can’t do that or you will be punished. You will have your license taken away.”

So a doctor cannot promote a cure for cancer or herbs that will help because of this outward authority that takes the place of God tells him that he cannot do this. This outward authority is everywhere. No one lives outside the Mark of the Beast. In other words, any job where you work for someone else you’re following some type of authority on the outside where you cannot exercise your own free will to the maximum. The closest you can come to escaping the Mark of the Beast is to work for yourself. By working for yourself you can make your own decisions but you’re still under the Mark to some degree. It’s almost impossible to escape entirely but escape it as much as possible where you can still make a living.

Audience: “Can a Dark Brother attain salvation?”

JJ: It depends on whether he’s totally committed himself to the Dark Side. We’ve heard there are Seven Planes of existence. There is also what is termed ‘The Eighth Sphere’ which is matter of such a low vibration that’s it’s below physical matter. When these people choose the Dark Side they create a physical vibration lower than the physical and their consciousness goes in it. When the consciousness goes into this descent, even lower than the physical plane, they can’t get back out. They lose contact with the Soul and without the Soul they cannot be delivered. They vibrate with this Eighth Sphere which is built entirely of illusion.

Because the Soul can’t go there they place themselves beyond its reach. When they place themselves beyond the reach of the soul there is nothing the soul can do to reach them. Then they slowly disintegrate. This is the ultimate “Second Death” talked about in the scriptures. There are several meanings to the second death but this is one of the meanings. What happens to the Dark Brothers when they reach this place is that they are in a state of disintegration and everything they have built up for hundreds of lives begins to disintegrate. Then they’ll go back to their essence where they began their evolution and start all over again, which we are told will take myriads of time.

After all the forms are shattered, in a future solar system with a future sun, they’ll have another chance to begin their evolution all over again but it will be several billion years from now until they get a chance to start over. Then they start all over again with totally new vehicles and personality. So the Monad starts over fresh. Their Karma is paid off through the suffering and disintegration of their personality selves..

So, they start over completely fresh but it’s a long time and they lose several billions years. Not only do they lose that but they lose all their friends because their friends have moved on to higher heights of evolution whereas these guys are way back in the beginning. They’ll need to form a new field of associates.

There are only a handful of people who go on the Dark Path. A lot get tempted by the Dark Path but because of pain they switch back to the path of light. Only a handful resists all the warnings of the Soul and get concretized in this lower matter where they can’t get out. A lot of people worry about being a Son of Perdition and having done an unforgivable sin but you haven’t gone on this Path as long as you have an ounce of compassion in your heart and a degree of wanting to serve your fellow man you are not on the Dark Path.

The sin against the Holy Ghost is when a person distances himself to the degree that he is unreachable by the Soul.

Audience: “What about Adolf Hitler?”

JJ: I’d guess he’s pretty much beyond the point of no return. It’s possible. It’s difficult to judge people like this. It’s possible that he could turn around in some future life. If he hasn’t completely chosen the Dark Path he’s come dangerously close to it.

My guess is that he has chosen it.

He was definitely manipulated by the Dark Brothers. When we read about him it really sounds like he believed he was doing the right thing. If he was completely tricked by illusion, then he could still choose the Light Path, but if he knew what he was doing, then he’s in big trouble.

Audience: “So you are guessing?”

JJ: Yes, I’m guessing. I don’t know for sure about Hitler.

Audience: “I have a question. You were talking about how we, as entities or beings, can never catch up to the creation of God because by the time we catch up to where He is He would’ve already moved on. So if we are to attain a state of enlightenment, then is all revealed? The infinite? Do we recognize the infinite at that point and become part of it?”

JJ: That’s a good question. If we attain enlightenment here in the physical it would seem to some that  we have gotten close enough to God that we can see everything? Not really. In other words, the imagination of God always exceeds our own. There are many levels. Remember the bumper sticker that read, “I found it”? We think we know a lot that others don’t know so we figure they haven’t found the stuff that we know but, on the other hand, there are those who think they have found enlightenment and that’s it. This is what a lot of people want to do. This is the lazy man’s path to salvation. He wants to find it and once he finds it, it’s over. He understands God; he understands everything so there is no more to understand. This point is never reached in the worlds of time and space.

What true enlightenment is and what Buddha reached when he achieved it is: we have the various planes, the astral, the physical and the mental. Above that is the buddhic plane and above that is the atmic plane. Above that is the plane of the monad and above that is the plane of the divine. Buddha reached the Fifth Plane up. He reached the Atmic Plane. He thought he had achieved the ultimate but he didn’t. There are several planes above that. But all these Seven Planes are planes that compose a higher physical plane called the Cosmic Physical. The Cosmic Physical is the lowest of the cosmic planes. Then we have the Cosmic Astral, the Cosmic Mental, and so on. So no matter how high we get, there is always something higher.

The mind and the lives of God stretch out beyond imagination. We might think we’ve achieved the ultimate but when we achieve enlightenment what we’ve done is that we’ve torn away the veil to the next level. When we do that we see so much we think that can’t possibly be any more than that. After you’re there awhile you’ll think that maybe there is more and maybe you ought to look. You look and find, “There is more, beyond belief.”

There are layers of enlightenment. What people call enlightenment is actually a lot of different things. Buddha called it enlightenment when he saw the Atmic Plane. Jesus saw the same thing and called it the Kingdom of God. It was called by different names but it was enlightenment for both of them.

Audience: “Would it be correct to say we’re infinite as we exist in the eternal flow?”

JJ: We can say that. Here’s what I compare it to. A song. And the song I like to compare it to is [the Beatles’ song] “Yesterday” because it’s one of my favorite songs and it’s so basic and easy to remember. What is the beginning to its manifestation? It owes its incarnation to Paul McCartney because he is the one who actually wrote it instead of John Lennon. Right now there is a problem because he wants credit for writing the song but Yoko Ono disputes it. He actually wrote it and when he did he brought the song into incarnation. Then others put it into incarnations with different versions and arrangements of it so it’s gone through probably a thousand incarnations but it is still the same song. It’s still the basic melody. Let’s say we tore up every piece of music that has anything to do with this song. Does it still exist? Has it always existed? Yes. That notes have always been there and will always be there and that’s the way you are. You are a series of notes in the mind of God that have always been there and have always been available. When the right combinations have come forward then you came forward. There was a beginning to you coming forward in creation and there will be an end to the way that you incarnate. You’ll come through all the various pieces of manifestation, all the various fears and learn everything you can from them, then you will go back enriched.

The song, “Yesterday,” went back enriched because it went through these various incarnations and all kinds of arrangements. Before it came down here and manifested, nobody had a clue that it could be put together in so many different ways. It’s been manifest in so many different ways, by so many different voices. You come down here the same way from eternity. The essence which is you, which is called the Monad, never had a beginning, and will never have an end. In that way you are infinite. But as far as the numbers go there is no such thing as an unlimited number. My theory is this: the number of particles in the universe is the number of Pi. Scientists have tried to figure out Pi and have it out to hundreds of numbers but still haven’t figured it out. On the internet they published about 3 pages of numbers for Pi. They published 3 pages just to show people how big the number is. That’s my theory. The number for the perfect circle, Pi, is the number of particles in the universe. However, there is no way to prove that yes or no.

“When you do something noble and beautiful and nobody noticed, do not be sad. For the sun every morning is a beautiful spectacle and yet most of the audience still sleeps.” – John Lennon

Aug 28, 2009

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