2005 Sun Valley Gathering, Part 3


2005 Sun Valley Gathering, Part 3
Guilt and Karma

JJ: The person who suppresses and denies will often blame others. Often this person will describe others in what is really a self-description. Have you ever had someone do that to you? Call you a liar and you’re not lying at all but you’ve noticed that they lie a lot?

Audience: “Some people project their feelings on to someone else because they don’t take responsibility for them.”

JJ: Projection is a very powerful thing. You see it a lot. Most of these people who do project are suppressing some of these negative teachings involving guilt. True salvation is to be delivered from guilt. When I was delivered from guilt it had nothing to do with any teaching from any religion. It had to do with me releasing myself from someone else taking the place of God.

This is what happens when the true Beast is created. Someone outside of yourself assumes the authority of God and you give them that authority. Whether it’s a prophet, priest, political leader, it doesn’t matter. If you give them authority over you like God is supposed to have authority over you then you have an outside God, an image of God that is incorrect, being your conscience. You’re allowing him to dictate what will make you feel guilty and what won’t.

It takes a lot of honesty to eliminate guilt because to eliminate it you need to go back to your foundation beliefs and ask yourself, “Do these beliefs still have an effect on me?” Often they will have a much more powerful effect on you than you can admit.

I’ve often had the case where I’ve met someone who claims to have moved to New Age or metaphysical beliefs and they think they let go of the old beliefs a long time ago. Then I talk to them about it or maybe quote some scripture and they get irritable. The reason they get so irritable is because those old beliefs are still working below the surface, buried. They’re buried in denial.

So we have to go back and unearth and be willing to look at everything we’ve ever felt, believed or thought about in the light of day. Why is Christ called the Lord of Light or Lord of Love? Because that is how deliverance comes. Deliverance comes through light and love. Not too many people are truly delivered from guilt. This is one of the purposes of “A Course in Miracles” (ACIM). How many read that?

One of the main purposes of that book is to deliver people from guilt. The exercises are good for this. They don’t really say that point blank but if you look at the principle of the book, it’s all about the one principle of delivering people from guilt. The teaching of every holy man who has ever lived has led up to this one thing, to deliver us from guilt. But before we can make quantum movements in evolution, we must be delivered from this feeling of guilt ourselves.

Audience: “I watched a program on TV then thought about my own religious teachings. Confronting someone who says Jesus died for your sins, I’ve been thinking about it the past few days. How do you approach something like that?”

JJ: That’s much more different than the religions teach. He died for your sins but in what way? He came and he taught us how to be released from our guilt and how to deliver ourselves from our sins. He got killed for teaching that so in that way he died for our sins.

His death by itself doesn’t deliver us from our sins. Matter of fact, Jesus taught the principle that we’ll be judged by our works and that we have to pay for our mistakes to the last farthing. This is how karma works. When we make a mistake, we have to recompense it to the last farthing before we can have deliverance from the wheel of karma. People often ask the question, “Let’s suppose you kill a thousand people. How can you ever be delivered from such a thing?” If you were a bad guy like Hitler in one life then decided you want to straighten yourself out, does that mean you need to go through a thousand lives and be killed a thousand times? No. If you take out a loan from the bank you have to pay back the full amount say ten thousand dollars. If when you took out the loan you were making $10 an hour it would take a long time to pay back that money. If a year goes past and the note is due and you’re now making $100 an hour, you can pay off that loan much faster than you could’ve earlier because you’re skilled at service and there is a better value for your labor. It’s become much more valuable so you don’t have to work as many hours to pay off that loan because you’re now making more money.

This is how it is with karma. As you develop your skills for service you can pay off a lot of karma with service that will benefit a large number of people. Or let’s suppose you’re in a coal mine and something is happening that may kill a hundred miners and you do something to save all hundred of them. You’ve repaid a debt of a hundred lives. So there are different ways you can pay off your karma without being killed a thousand times. You pay off the karma by paying off the amount that is due.

If your power to pay that off is increased, then you can pay it off quicker. This is what Jesus offered to the twelve disciples when he called them. He gave them power to pay off their karma through service. Through their service they could pay off their karma much faster by promoting His teachings than they could have otherwise.

Audience: “If someone commits a crime and goes to jail, does going to jail pay off anything?”

JJ: That’s a good question. Yes, any type of punishment for a crime does pay off some karma, but this is a very slow process and often creates little if any restitution. Paying off karma through service is much faster.

The advantage the higher lives have isn’t the fact that the future is just there for them, but they have greater powers of reasoning. They can see into the past farther and they can project into the future farther because they have more formulas figured out than we do but they’re not always right.

Matter of fact, you can’t find one prophet that is right more than about 60% of the time. Nostradamus is quoted quite often but he is always quoted after the event happens. Have you ever read “The Enquirer” or the “Weekly World News”? Nostradamus predicts the coldest winter in three centuries next year. Winter comes along and it’s mild and you wonder what went wrong. Then the next one will read that Nostradamus predicted 9/11. Why didn’t anyone see this before 9/11? It’s because the prediction was somewhat vague. Nostradamus wrote in such a way, and often the Biblical passages are this way, such as Isaiah and some of the more complicated verses can be interpreted a lot of different ways.

On hindsight we can say, “Boy it seems to be talking about JFK’s assassination or World War 2, but nobody figured it all out beforehand. Every once in a while somebody figures something out in advance. Some people read the Bible and say, “Every prophecy Jesus made was correct.” Let’s pick one. To the Jews he said, “This temple will be destroyed so not one stone will be left upon another.” This is cited as a great prediction he made which came true. But did it come true? The temple was torn down but there is still stones left upon the other on the wailing wall, right Assaf?

Assaf: “Well, nobody is sure that it is actually a part of it. Scientifically speaking they don’t know.”

Audience: “There is a guy who says that isn’t true because the Roman historians said they did tear the temple down stone by stone and took thousands of people they captured and made them dig under the stones. There is a chance that they’re wailing at a wall that was really just a fort.”

JJ: So if the wailing wall is really part of the temple the prophecy didn’t come true but if what Larry says is true then the prophecy did come true. Another prophecy Jesus said was, “He shall see his seed” and be married and have children. If you read “The DaVinci Code” he did see his seed, well he actually didn’t because he was crucified and Mary Magdalene had the baby afterwards.

Audience: “The legend says she had a daughter before he was crucified and a son after.”

JJ: If we go by the standard Christian belief that he didn’t have any children then that was a false prophecy but if you ask a standard Christian, “how can Isaiah be right if Jesus didn’t have children?” They’ll say, “The seed is the people who believe in him.” There is always a way to work around prophecy so it fits in somewhere.

Audience: “Is it possible that some of these people will be alive when these events take place and not all of them will die? That’s a hard one to reconcile.”

JJ: The way that is reconciled is Jesus says, “This generation shall not pass away before he will come again.” But they say, “This generation could mean an age.” There is an unlimited number of years years in that generation is one interpretation I’ve heard. Believers, by stretching the truth, say every single thing has come true. Another thing about the Bible is that it has been edited off and on by scribes who add things in to make it more reliable and more infallible.

But let’s look at things we know. There are a lot of people who are psychics, like modern day prophets. I’ve met some pretty good psychics. Some are pretty accurate but none of them are 100% accurate. The Bible itself said, in the day of Moses, that if a man comes and makes any prophecy that does not come true he must be put to death. I imagine the prophets were pretty hesitant to make predictions. It’s interesting to think about. Nobody knows the future in all of its details.

A person who I believe to be a master, Djwhal Khul [DK], who gave the writings to Alice A. Bailey through mental telepathy, has the most intelligent writings I’ve ever read. He gives a number of prophecies in his books. I’ve found him to be about 60% accurate. I’ve found others who are considered to have a prophetic gift to be less accurate than that. Edward Cayce is probably about 50% accurate. He predicted Atlantis was going to rise up a long time ago but was wrong.

Truth does not mind being questioned. A lie does not like being challenged. Neitzsche

Aug 15, 2009

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