Christmas Message 2023

This entry is part 28 of 28 in the series Christmas Messages

Christmas Message 2023

The Christmas Visitor

Tom couldn’t take it anymore. Here he was watching the news on his favorite station and they play a clip of that politician that he just cannot stand.

Tom stood up and shouted at the TV: “Why do you even show that guy’s face, let alone let him speak? Doesn’t the network realize that many people swallow his poison?”

Tom bought into the division of the day and indeed felt that half the county had lost its mind. He thought it should be obvious that his views made much more sense than the opposition. It seemed that those on the other side were more than ignorant, but were willfully resisting the truth. If evil had a name this would be it, he thought.

Then came a knock at the door. He was greeted by Christmas carolers who were collecting money for the homeless. They sang, “Joy to the World.”

He stopped them before they finished and gave them a lecture, “Maybe you people ought to go confront some of these ministers and priests who abuse young children. Maybe your religion ought to stop supporting wars and crooked politicians. Go do some real work for your Jesus and then come back for a donation.”

He shut the door in their faces and cracked a proud smile thinking that maybe his words may soak into a couple of them.

He sat back in his easy chair debating whether or not to watch some more news when he received a text that his son wanted to talk with him on Zoom.

“Hope that kid has gained some sense since our last encounter,” he thought.

He joined the Zoom meeting and there in the video was his son, his beautiful wife and two children all wishing him a merry Christmas. “We love you grandpa,” said the two kids.

“We want you to come spend Christmas with us,” said the son.

They seemed to have a good relationship over the years until recently when their political views took a wrong turn and severely tested Tom’s patience.

“Tell me son, who are you supporting for office these days?” He gave three names and asked, “Are you voting for these guys?”

“Can we just leave politics alone for Christmas and focus on our family? Your grandkids want to see you.”

Tom was unmoved. “I asked you a question. Now answer it.”

“You know my political views,” said the son. “Can we just get together and enjoy each other like we used to?”

“I don’t think so,” said Tom. “I’ve concluded that your side is pure evil and since you are embracing it, I cannot embrace you. Call me again when you come to your senses.”

He then abruptly ended the call.

Tom was proud of himself for his strong decisiveness. “Sometimes you have to apply tough love to straighten these kids out,” he thought.

That night he had difficulty going to sleep. As he lay in bed looking at the ceiling many thoughts crossed his mind.

“I’m upset with the world going mad, but even worse is all the people going mad with it, including my own son and his family. I used to believe in the mythical Christ, but have concluded the world is too crazy for anything higher than man to even exist.”

He paused a moment, feeling a great buildup of emotion, and then shouted out at the top of his lungs:

“Okay, God, Jesus, Spirit or whatever. If you are real, then show yourselves!”

Nothing happened. Tom laid back in silence attempting again to go to sleep. Then, at the core of his being he felt something, a presence that seemed familiar, yet something he had never experienced in this lifetime. This, he could not ignore and raised himself up to see a point of light before him expanding until a man in a white robe stood before him.

“Are you Jesus?” Tom asked.

“It matters not,” said he man. “What matters is that you see the truth. Look and see.”

Tom looked and it was as if a window opened to eternity and he saw the Christmas carolers again singing at the door. Among them was a twelve-year-old boy, participating for the first time. Suddenly, Tom felt like he was actually that boy and vividly sensed being in his body, back in that instant of time. He felt the joy the boy had from the previous receptions and how much the people enjoyed the spiritual song. Then he felt the boy’s feelings when Tom lectured them. Tom’s words greatly affected the boy and made him not want to sing again.

Instantly, Tom found himself back in his body. “That’s not the effect I wanted,” said Tom. “I just wanted those people to wake up.”

“They were awake,” said the visitor. “They were bringing joy to the world and you destroyed the experience of joy for the lad. I had to enter his dream state to heal the wound you inflicted. Now, look again.”

Tom looked again and saw the politician he most despised. Again, he entered his body. He saw that because he was in a position of power, many came to him for help and he worked tirelessly to help all he could and donated considerable funds to charities. He saw how he loved his family and was very protective of them because of the spotlight they were in because of him.

The visitor then spoke, “Does your righteousness exceed this devil that you perceive?”

“Maybe not,” said Tom, “but his policies are just plain evil.”

“And what would happen if your side got their way one hundred percent?” said the visitor. “Look and see.”

Tom looked and he saw that the country turned into a tyrannical dictatorship.

“Does this mean I should switch to the other side?” asked Tom.

“The same would happen if the other side has their way 100%. Look again and see what happen when they work together and accept each other despite their differences.”

Tom looked again and saw a nation evolving toward peace and goodwill. Then, after a period of time, he saw this become a reality.

Again, the Visitor spoke. “Look one more time and see.”

Tom saw himself back on that Zoom call with his son and family. This time he felt himself being drawn into the body and consciousness of Jon, one of his grandsons. It felt as if he were actually that boy. Just before the call the boy had reflected on the good times he had with his grandfather. Grandpa had taken him fishing, hiking, to the movies, arcade games and more. He had many fond memories with grandpa and was looking forward to seeing him again. He was devastated when Tom rejected his dad. It felt as if it was him who was rejected. Why didn’t grandpa love him anymore, he wondered.

Tom’s heart was pierced to the core. He didn’t realize the impact he had upon others until now, and the hurt he inflicted on little Jon was more than he could bear.

Tom looked at the visitor and said, “My eyes have been open. I can now see that all these people I condemned are like myself, just trying to navigate through life the best they can. What do you want me to do now?”

You know what to do,” said the visitor; and he disappeared.

“Yes, I think I do know what to do,” thought Tom, as he called his son.  

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