The Void and Conflict

The Void and Conflict

I’ve been thinking about the situation that has occurred since the teachings of Eckhart Tolle has surfaced here. The most surprising development was that four longtime friends and members have reacted very negatively toward me because I do not completely agree with Tolle.

The comments I have made on the Tolle writings are similar to those I have made before on similar teachings of the past, but for some reason this time I have pressed a button or two.

Anyone who finds themselves more comfortable with the vibration there than here is welcome to move on.

The puzzling thing is that Tolle indicates the results of his teachings are peace, love, acceptance and detachment yet these four seem to be in emotional turmoil over the fact that I do not see Tolle in the same light as themselves. This state of mind seems to be miles away from the peace acceptance and detachment that is supposed to be happening in the Now.

What is it about the Tolle teachings that causes such a zeal to convert in the minds of followers?

As I reflect over the years to similar situations the common denominator seems to be “The Great Void.”

As you may recall the centerpiece of Tolle’s philosophy is the entering of “The Void.”

Here is Tolle’s description of the first time he entered it:

“I heard the words ‘resist nothing,’ as if spoken inside my chest. I could feel myself being sucked into a void. It felt as if the void was inside myself rather than outside. Suddenly, there was no more fear, and I let myself fall into that void. I have no recollection of what happened after that.”

Then he tells us he entered the void fully conscious many other times and this is the NOW. This is where we want to be. This is bliss and joy beyond description.

Now those who teach of the void as if it is the end of our evolution (or non-evolution) and insist we believe in it I have called the “Nothingness People.” Now several insist that Tolle’s teachings do not fit in the category of the “Nothingness Philosophy,” but the core of his teachings is about entering the NOW state in The Void and this is the “Nothingness Philosophy” as I have encountered it many times in this forum.

If readers will reflect back they will recall many encounters I have had with the people of “The Void” or what I call the “Nothingness Philosophy.”

With each encounter they have approached us with a missionary zeal to convert us to believing and accepting the Void. This approach seems very odd because they always preach to us about the importance of detachment, especially that we should not be attached to an outcome. But then they seem extremely attached to the outcome that we accept the Void and jump into it with them.

Then they preach to us about love and in the next breath accuse me and other members of lacking or having none of it.

The worst offense though is that they will not move on with the class. For believing in detachment, they are the most attached bunch I have ever seen. When the class wants to move away from talking about “The Void” and on to other things they still talk about “The Void” to the point I am forced to moderate their posts. Then when they find they can’t post about the “Nothingness Philosophy” they generally quit.

I am coming to the conclusion that there has to be something about entering this Void that alters personality and causes people to see themselves as opposed to me sometimes to the point of seeing me as an enemy, losing light, or in league with the devil.

Could it be that this opposition to me is caused because one side identifies with a void or nothing whereas I teach identification with the soul which is something?

Whatever the case, the idea of the Void bringing peace, love, acceptance and joy does not seem to be playing out in real life.

Most members disagree with me in some areas but find my teachings valuable enough to put the differences on the shelf and take advantage of where we are in harmony.

For some reason this rarely happens with a Void believer. If the Void experience is not endorsed then total rejection is the norm. Nothing I say is to be trusted — no checking with the soul is necessary.

To my friends who are endorsing Tolle I have this to say. Some of you are seeing me in a new light. Some fear I am losing light or may have deceived them from the beginning. What has changed? I have not, but you have. My light is has not diminished but I am in a constant state of Becoming.

To be or not to be – to enter life or the nothingness – that is the question. If one is truly entering into life then his love for me and his brethren will not be conditioned on the acceptance of the Void or the Nothingness Philosophy.

Yes, there are many states one can enter through meditation and if good judgement is used one may benefit, but that is not why we are here. We are here to experience, enhance our livingness and quality of life and love for one another.

Peace is not the absence of conflict, but the presence of God no matter what the conflict. —Anonymous

March 29, 2008

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