Ten Happening Questions


Ten Happening Questions

In describing the separation many students proclaim that nothing has happened that there was no separation and we are still in heaven safe and sound. It appears that this is caused by a misreading of some key statements of the Course. But to those who believe this I would like to hear their answer to these ten questions:

[1] If nothing has happened and we are not here then why was A Course in Miracles created for the specific purpose to deliver us from what has not occurred?  Why would we need to be delivered from what does not exist?

[2] Why was the Holy Spirit created for the specific purpose of delivering us from something that never happened and a place where we do not exist?

[3] We are told that God was concerned that the separation would cause the Son to “be lost forever in the madness of his wish.” T-25.III.2 Therefore he created the Holy Spirit to prevent this.

How could something that never happened be so dangerous that it could separate us from God forever without intervention?

[4] We are told that the separation was “the original error that shattered Heaven.” T-18.I.12

How could heaven be shattered by something that never happened?

[5] We are told that “where you made a faulty choice before you now can make a better one, and thus escape all pain that what you chose before has brought to you.” T-31.VIII.3

We are clearly told that entering this dream and this world of pain was our own “faulty choice.”

Did we make a choice or not, and is not a choice something that happens?

If you order eggs for breakfast, does it not sound silly to proclaim that you never really ordered eggs because nothing happened?

[6] If nothing has happened then how is it that you think you are reading this using the perception of physical eyes? Why are you not seeing heaven instead of my words?

Is thinking a thought something that happens?  We are told that “you maintain the world within your mind in thought.” W-pI.132.6

Either you think things or you do not. If no thought happens then how does the Son maintain the world?

[7] How do you explain that the Course tells us that a dream actually occurred?

Nothing at all has happened BUT that you have put yourself to sleep, and dreamed a dream in which you were an alien to yourself, and but a part of someone else’s dream. T-28.II.4

“But” something did happen which was we put ourselves to sleep and entered into a dream. Wouldn’t it be silly to wake up from a dream and tell yourself that you actually had no dream? Of course no one is saying that the events in the dream happened during the waking hours and, likewise, no one is  saying life in this world is occurring in heaven.

[8] Why were angels and faithful sons sent to prevent a separation if nothing happened?

“The Atonement actually began long before the Crucifixion. Many Souls offered their efforts on behalf of the Separated Ones but they could not withstand the strength of the attack, and had to be brought back. Angels came, too, but their protection was not enough, because the Separated ones were not interested in peace. They had already split themselves, and were bent on dividing rather than reintegrating.” UR T 2 B 43

[9] How did the thought of separation “become a serious idea, and possible of both accomplishment and real effects” T-27.VIII.6 if the thought did not happen?  A thought is indeed something. The Course tells us in black and white that the “mad idea” did occur and was executed by entering a dream state.

[10] How do we keep recalling the memory of the instant of separation if such an instant never happened?

“Yet in each unforgiving act or thought, in every judgment and in all belief in sin, is that one instant still called back, as if it could be made again in time. You keep an ancient memory before your eyes.” T-26.V.5

I could name quire a few other passages confirming that something happened. So why the do so many students repeat the mantra that “nothing happened?”

This is because of a black and whie interpretation of several places where the Course declares that the separation never happened.

But we need to go by the whole text, not the part and the part telling us that nothing happened tells us that the thought of separation was not executed in heaven where eternity is, but what did happen was that we entered the dream. However, the thought did occur in heaven, but the execution of the thought made an illusion outside of heaven.

Thus when we examine all the statements of what did and did not happen we find that the idea of separation did happen in heaven, but the execution of the idea did not, but only happened in the dream state. This is where our consciousness presently is.

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CIA Plot and ACIM

CIA Plot and ACIM

What if you found out that the conspiracy theory that A Course in Miracles was really written by the CIA as a mind control mechanism, and they transmitted the Course to Helen using a filling in her teeth as a receiver?

Would this change your opinion of the Course? Would you cease using it, ignore the findings, or what would you do differently if anything.

I know there are some who think we should not even ask questions like this but let us ignore the Debbie Downers and have some fun speculation.

Since I asked the question, I’ll also give my answer.

If I definitely discovered that A Course in Miracles was not a divine revelation but created by regular mortals, whether it be the CIA, Bill and Helen or channeled from a space alien it would not alter the true principles in it that have been verified by the Holy Spirit.

Two core principles in the Course concerns forgiveness and the letting go of grievance.  The way the Course presents handling these two things harmonized with what I had verified to me by the Spirit before I even read the Course and is one of the reasons I took it seriously.

These teachings would be true and useful, even if the devil himself wrote it.

Many of the basic teachings centered around principles are true no matter who wrote them. It is mainly factual details that I would call into question if regular mortals created it. For instance, the comments on the life of Jesus would not be known to be true by a regular creative writer.

Personally, I do not think any regular mortal could have come up with the Course, so my question is only hypothetical, designed to create thought.

On the other hand, there are a lot of writings out there that claim to be divinely inspired that definitely could be written by a creative individual.

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