Results of Attachment

Results of Attachment

I have previously stated this:

“Strong emotion such as love or hate, desire or repulsion, fear or protectiveness creates not karma, as we understand the term, but an energy link that will bring you into repeated contact with the person with whom you share such emotion. If such emotion carries with it any degree of attachment, then this person must be faced in relationship again and again, life after life, until you learn to let go of him and the emotion connected with the relationship.

“Even the lower octave of love creates this problem. Love from this angle would be defined as: “the desire to keep another in relationship because of what they do for you rather than what you can do for them as the prime motivator.

“This is why forgiveness is so important. If you hold a grievance and do not forgive, then that negative feeling creates a link that will draw that person back into your life until you do learn to forgive him on all levels.”

Question: What happens if I have moved on but others associated with me have not? Am I cursed to meet up with my ex-spouse again?

What happens then if you have a mean-spirited ex-spouse who is still attached to you, but you, on the other hand, have moved on and have tuned them out and are completely unattached?

In between lives when you are merged with your soul and planning your next life you will look at and consider the link of energy that he or she is sending toward you.

You may ask yourself:

This means she is going to enter my life in some way – how I am going to handle this energy she is sending my way?

Shall I take her as a wife again and attempt to guide the energy in a positive direction?

Am I crazy? No way!

Maybe I should accept her as a daughter. I can just see it now. When she misbehaves I’ll grab her and spank the dickens out of her and find myself enjoying meeting out the punishment. I’ll probably wonder if I am some sort of pervert for enjoying it so much.

Actually, accepting the attached person as a family member is a way the person often chooses to deal with the attached person. This explains why many complain so much about family. The unattached person will often choose this method as a way of helping the wayward soul without having to endure the misery they can cause through a close marital relationship.

Now suppose that you had such a bad relationship that you do not want the person as a spouse or a family member. You do not want to see them again ever!

If you feel very strongly about never seeing them again this is a subtle form of reverse attachment that will link you up with them once again. True detachment will cause you to mentally look at the energy the person is sending your way and to seek to direct it to harmlessness. The disciple always seeks to serve his fellow men even if they are irritating.

On the other hand, unless you have a debt of karma you have a right to keep your distance to the extent that this person will not bring you painful experiences.

So you look at the situation and see no value in taking the person in as a family member or spouse. You sense there is little you can do for their progress in the next life – that he needs to learn a few things without your help or interference – what then?

The obnoxious person still has his free will and may come cross your path in some way. He may be a neighbor, a classmate, a fellow worker, a student or just a person who stumbles across you and a bell rings in him stirring up the old feelings.

He or she will then have an attraction toward you that he cannot personally explain. He will then go after you seeking a closer relationship. When this happens your power of detachment will be tested to the hilt. If you yield against your better inner judgment, you will find yourself jumping into that misery you sought to avoid. If you deal with the person correctly, they will often move on and the energy link will dissipate. On the other hand, sometimes the person will become a fatal attraction and then you will have a major problem to deal with. In this case there is usually some residual karma to work out on your end.

A good possible example of this is the situation with Jodie Foster and John Hinkley Jr. It is quite possible that they had a past life link and Hinkley had a strong emotional attachment, but Jodie had moved on and was detached. When Hinkley saw Jodie on the screen the old feelings came back and he sought her out. She was wise enough to completely avoid him but he could not let go and became so destructive he attempted to assassinate a president just to get her attention.

Because Jodie had moved on, she did not have to endure a painful relationship with him and the harm he caused was entirely his responsibility and added to his karma and not hers. Her soul probably saw no way she could have reached out and helped him. Sometimes there is just nothing we can do to help another soul avoid a serious mistake. They often have to learn through their own painful experience.

In his next life Hinkley will probably be able to let Jodie go for he will have plenty to handle without concentrating on her.

All people come into our lives because their consciousness shares a certain note with our own consciousness. If you apply the principle of attrition and do not play the shared note with the irritating person then he will fade out of your life and not show up again.

This statement is very true concerning people with whom there is no major past life link. Attrition will prevent you from bringing additional problem people into your life.

If you have a strong past life link, but are unattached you will encounter them again, but if you wisely navigate you can avoid them bringing you unwanted grief.

Question: You say that the student and teacher who start in harmony together will (as a general rule) eventually have conflict. Could you elaborate on this?

You can see this principle playing out regularly in real life. Often two people marry feeling they are in great harmony, but a few years later they discover that there are many areas where they disagree to the point they cannot stand each other.

Two business partners at first see eye to eye but when the progression of the business reveals more details about each of them they soon have many conflicts with which to deal.

Unless both teacher and student have overcome glamour and illusion further progression will reveal personality differences which will lead to conflict. Then too, conflict usually follows when one or both of them are centered too much in the ego or glamors. If the teacher is wise and the student receptive the conflict can be resolved.

Some of my strongest supporters here have, in the past, been hit with teachings that have thrown them for a loop and have strongly disagreed with me. Fortunately, these situations have usually been synthesized and the relationship moved onward. Other times the student became disgruntled and went his own way.

Here is a statement from DK concerning a disgruntled student:

“It is with deep regret that I ask for your resignation from the group. If in later years you indicate to me a change of heart and a freedom from your present glamour, I will most gladly take you back into some group-though not into this one. I believe that you are prepared for this decision of mine. The reason for it is that I cannot any longer permit your group brothers to be hindered in their group work from your constantly recurring tendency to glamour. They have suffered with patience for many years, in order to give you the time to pierce through into the light, but the urgency of the times is such that all workers are needed and the group work must go forward.” Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 1, Page 616

Sept 1, 2006

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