Principles of Healing

Principles of Healing

The audio begins with group singing “I am Become”, a song written by JJ.

I Am Becoming

I think and dream many a dream
Some dreams are great
Some thoughts are small.
I feel and love
Many a great love
Some loves are great
Some feelings small.

I am I am I am Become
That which I decide to be
I am I am I am Become
That which I want to be.

I climb I climb up a great height
Until I see
The clear blue sky
Ascend, Ascend
Step by step
I finally arrive
Where I want to be.

I am I am I am Become
That which I decide to be
I am I am I am Become
That which I want to be.

Unite Unite
Through oneness of soul
With friends that are old
Numbers untold
The path the path
With the one goal
To reach the end
With Love in our souls.

We are, we are, we are One Soul
Ever Becoming, Becoming
We are, we are, we are One Soul
On One Path Eternally.

I think and dream many a dream
Some dreams are great
Some thoughts are small.
I feel and love
Many a great love
Some loves are great
Some feelings small.

We are, we are, we are One Soul
Ever Becoming, Becoming
We are, we are, we are One Soul
On One Path Eternally.

JJ Speaking

We still miss that guitar work by Margaret but we’re making do here. We’re going to do the healing ceremonies tonight. I’ll talk a few minutes on healing principles then we’ll get into it. How many are here? 36? That’s enough for three groups of twelve; a trinity of twelves. If we have 35 here we’ll haul somebody off the street. (chuckle)

The interesting thing about illness is that everything has a cause. A lot of people seem to think things just seem to happen with no reason. But there is a reason for everything and there is a reason for each illness that we have. All of us, throughout our lifetimes, have had a number of illnesses we’ve had to deal with. In this particular lifetime some of us have to deal with more than others but if it were all averaged out all of us have had to deal with quite a few different things.

What the soul does is-for every new series of lifetimes-it turns on a new energy and sends it down to us. What happens when we receive this energy for the first time is that we have a tendency to resist it. Why do we resist? We like to do what is easy for us. If we’ve finally mastered what we’ve been doing in the past and now we’re good at it, we want to continue doing the same thing. Suppose you were a musician in your past life and you were very good at it. You were almost like Mozart. You don’t need to do that anymore because you’ve already mastered it so your soul says, “It’s time to do something new. I want him to be a plumber in this life and learn how to deal with the common man and things like this.” So, the guy is born and says, “I want to be a musician. I’m good at this.” So, he resists that soul inclination to do something contrary to what he’s good at. He’s not a good plumber; he doesn’t know anything about plumbing. He’s not a natural at it. He doesn’t like associating with ordinary folks very much which a plumber does so he resists this.

This is a simplification because oftentimes the energy doesn’t translate into career type things. It’s just a certain type of energy. For example, when your heart petals begin to open your soul will tell you that you’re now ready for spiritual love. If this energy of spiritual love is resisted, the person may have heart problems of some type. You’ll notice that people of a lower evolution don’t seem to have as many heart problems as people of a little higher evolution. That’s because their heart centers aren’t even opening up. They may have some heart problems because of some physical thing; maybe too much lard or something. There are a number of ingredients that go into every illness but the prime thing to deal with is a resistance to soul energy.

What the soul will do when we resist the energy is that it starts putting the squeeze on us. We may end up dying from a disease from this cause in this particular life. Then we come back and have the problem again but the problem is worse. We may die from it a second lifetime. Then we come back again and the soul puts a stronger squeeze on us. It keeps putting a stronger squeeze on us until we say,” Uncle” then we say, “Why God? What do you want me to do now?” We look up to the stars. Has anyone ever done that is your life? Things have gotten so bad that you look up saying, “What do you want me to do then?” You just ask that question.

Audience: Inaudible.

JJ: Right. When we look up and ask, “What do you want from me,” is indeed a point of tension. Many of us have done that and when we do it it’s somewhat of a turning point, isn’t it? It means that you’re finally ready to receive the soul energy or finally getting ready to get ready because even after that we sometimes want to go back to the old ways. Anyway, the Soul keeps putting the squeeze on us tighter and tighter. Has anyone had an illness that makes you feel like you’ve had the squeeze put on you? It’s not always an illness. Sometimes maybe it’s a relationship problem that keeps appearing over and over. Have any of you had the same type of relationship problems that keep showing up again and again?

Audience: Inaudible.

JJ: Or like the woman that gets beaten up by her husband. He beats the diickens out of her then says he’s sorry and please take me back. She takes him back and he beats her up again and it keeps going over and over. Finally she divorces him then she ends up with somebody worse. Then he puts the squeeze on her and maybe he kills her. She has to come back and go through this process until she says, “Alright, I’m not taking it anymore.” Then she finally breaks out of this mold of being with an abusive spouse. For most of us-well, for all of us at one time of another we have to have the squeeze put on us really tight before we finally say, “Okay, I’m willing to give up my old ways and do whatever is necessary.” Then we finally learn a new lesson. When we learn a new lesson we start to heal. Then we heal and get good at the new lesson and get good at handling the new energies. Then about one life out of seven we’re given a Sabbath life and get to relax a little. So, since there are 36 here, there are maybe 5 people here having their Sabbath life. They’re having it pretty easy. Where are they? (laughter) Or are these the ones who aren’t on their Sabbath?

Keith, are you having it easy? Okay, great. Keith is maybe having the time of his life.

Audience: Inaudible. (laughter)

JJ: Maybe we’re all just workers here. I know this hasn’t been my Sabbath. I’m looking forward to maybe my next one. Anyway, you get a bit of a break.

Even in your Sabbath life you have problems to deal with so you might not feel it’s a Sabbath. But it’s easier than your normal life. Then after a little breather your soul has a new lesson for you. It says, “Okay, now you’ve mastered that energy. Now we’re really going to release another energy.” You get another energy and you go through the same cycle all over again until you learn this principle. Then you can start saying, “Okay I mastered that one energy. I’m ready for the next one. I’ll do whatever is necessary and I’ll accept it this time.” If we were to have that attitude and accept the changes that our soul wants to bring into our life, we’d rarely be ill. Isn’t that interesting? You’d never be seriously ill again. You’d be healthy until the end of your life. At the end of your life you can pretty much even decide when it’s your time to go. Like Jesus said, “Father, receive my spirit.” He decided it was time to go. No one decided it for Him.

So, in order to maintain health it’s important that we do not resist the will; the higher will, the will of God, the will of the Soul, the Soul energy that we feel pouring into us, circumstances that come into our life that are to teach us. We need to watch patterns, every ten years it’s good to review your life and look back over this period and see patterns developing. This will help to teach you what your soul is trying to teach you. By examining it in these ten year periods you can get a pretty good idea and you can watch for certain repetitions that happen in it, certain lessons that are learned and you can get a pretty good idea of where you’re supposed to be going.

There are several other different things that cause illness and difficulties that are beyond our control; certain physical things like too much pollution, certain types of accidents and also group karma. If you’re in a group of some type, the group itself may have karma related to it that you are subject to, to a degree. Also there is your personal karma, where the only way to learn a lesson is to go through a certain illness. That might not have a lot to do with resisting soul energy in the present. You may accept the soul energy but part of energy from the soul is directing you to learn a lesson through a particular difficulty or illness.

On the other hand, if you’re in this circumstance, the task is to learn the lesson as quickly as possible. Learn what you need so that you can become healed. This is the type of person Christ healed when He said, “Your sins are forgiven.” Then they were healed. In other words, they had karma to pay off and He opened an avenue where they could pay off their karma through service. By the forgiveness of sins or the transfer of karma they were able to be healed. Then He said, “Go thy way and sin no more.” In other words, if he were to revert to his old ways, then the karma would come back in play and play out the way it was planned originally.

There is always a path to healing. Sometimes death, itself, is a way of healing. For some people have reached such a stage in their illness that healing isn’t practical and death itself is a healing thing and prepares them for the next life where they can have good health. But for a very large percentage of people they can be healed by the correct acceptance of the soul energy.

So, what we’re going to do is to have a healing ceremony similar to what we did at the first gathering. A number of you remember that. We did a partial one at the second. It’s good for all us. No matter how healthy you are it’s good to receive energy and through the healing energy you’ll be revitalized to a degree. Even if you don’t have any particular illness it’s good to receive the energy of healing through your brothers and sisters.

An important thing to realize in performing healing ceremonies is that the energy does not come from you then to the other person. It comes through you. Visualize the energy coming through you, not from you. If you visualize if coming from you, you’ll be weakened. If you visualize if coming through you, you’ll merely be a conduit for the energy to flow into the person that needs it. So concentrate on this. See the energy coming through you because unlimited energy is available from God to go wherever it is directed.

Any questions before we begin?

Healing sessions followed but transcription was not practical.

Delivered May 25, 2002 at the Gathering in Wimberly Texas.

Copyright By J J Dewey

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