Words of Wisdom From the Past

Words of Wisdom From the Past

Some criticized the speech that George Bush gave tonight because he spoke of aggressively seeking out the terrorists and destroying them. Does this sound like something that Christ and his Hierarchy would support?

Read the words given by Djwahl Khul speaking for Christ and His Hierarchy to Alice A. Bailey in June 1940 and in place of the word “Germany” substitute “terrorists.” What he says here may surprise you.

Everything he writes here applies to us today and the wording would not have to change much if he were to speak to us live.

Read and you’ll understand why I felt positive as George Bush spoke of attacking the terrorists.

Would you have me at this time of planetary crisis refrain from direct speech, have me withhold from you who read my words the truth-a truth which is already apparent to those who ponder the signs of the times with an unprejudiced mind, unbiased thought and a true love of humanity? This last quality, a true love of humanity, constitutes a basic test of wrong or right action. It is phenomenally clarifying if applied at this time to the combatants. Would you have me deal with pleasant platitudes anent a future happy world, when perhaps the very possibility of such a world trembles in the balance? Would you have me present the attitude of the Hierarchy as that of a placid band of onlookers, ready to help the world when the conflict is over, but at present insulated from all action and simply waiting till the dust and clamour of battle settle, to stimulate in men’s minds the vision of a new world order wherein everyone will have a good time, where there will be no unemployment, wherein fear and terror will find no place and everyone will be happy, well fed and reasonably intelligent? Would you have me picture to you the great band of disciples, initiates and aspirants as a band of pacifists, cherishing the form side of life, afraid of death and remaining passive in the face of the death struggle of human liberty, of life, conscience and mind?

I tell you that this I cannot do. The Hierarchy is very different from this. Pacifism, as interpreted by you, has no place in its ranks. The destruction of form in battle (which causes so much fear to many of you) is of small importance to those who know that reincarnation is a basic law of nature and that there is no death. The forces of death are abroad today, but it is the death of liberty, the death of free speech, the death of freedom in human action, the death of truth and of the higher spiritual values. These are the vital factors in the life of humanity; the death of the physical form is a negligible factor in relation to these, and one easily righted again through the processes of rebirth and fresh opportunity.

I would say to those who preach a passive attitude in the face of evil and human suffering and who endorse a pacifism which involves no risks: With what do you propose to fight the forces of aggression, of treachery, evil and destruction which are today stalking over our planet? What weapons do you bring to this combat? How will you begin to stem the onslaught and arrest the whirlwind? Will you use prayers for peace, and then patiently wait for the forces of good to fight your battle and for God to do the work? I tell you that your prayers and your wishes are unavailing when divorced from right and potent action. Your prayers and petitions may reach the throne of God, symbolically speaking, but then the reply comes forth: The Forces of Light will strengthen your arms and turn the tide in your favour if you stand up and fight for that which you desire. Who will arrest the progress of aggressive selfishness if the men and women of goodwill rest back upon their idealism and do naught that is practical to justify their hope or aid in the materialisation of the desired ideal.

There are those in the world today who (despite past national selfishness and wrong) are fearlessly and with true insight fighting humanity’s battle, and with them the Hierarchy stands, as it has ever stood on the side of liberty, right understanding and correct attitudes in human affairs. I would say to those who cry, “Peace, peace when there is no peace”: Are you going to profit by their death and sacrifice when the ultimate triumph of the Forces of Light comes to pass? Are you going to take the position that you can then live in a safe world because others gave their lives that you might do so? Are you going to issue forth from the safe security of your pacifist alibi and gratefully acknowledge what they have done and grasp your share of the gains which they have purchased at such a cost? I would warn you not to be glamoured by the false premise that you must stand by your hard-earned convictions, even at the expense of other peoples’ lives and the downfall of nations, forgetting that fear and false pride will make this argument of importance to you. Are the peace-minded people of the world going to reap the benefits of a peace for which they have paid no price? It is the people who value peace above all else who are today seeking by every possible method to stop Germany.

Let me tell you something about the peace for which the Hierarchy works and which the spiritually minded people of the world envisage even whilst they fight, and for which they are ready to pay the ultimate price. Peace, when it comes, will be the result of right world conditions and right human relationships. It is an effect and not a cause; it is the effect of certain subjective attitudes which are not yet present in the world on a sufficiently wide scale. Against these emerging conditions Germany has assembled her potent war machine, after years of scientific and planned preparation. Today the Allies stand waiting the opportunity for the final struggle with that potent nation, prepared to institute afterwards those conditions which will guarantee peace. There is no peace on the planet anywhere today. There is no peace in the questioning hearts of those who are not actively sharing in the struggle against evil. There is no peace in any field of human endeavour. It is not to be found in the economic field, torn as it is by the conflict between labour and capital, and between great schools of economic thought; it is not to be found in the religious field, where the struggle is going on between authority (tainted with old world churchianity) and experimental religion; it is not to be found in the social order, where class is ranged against class, poor against rich, and man against his brother; it is certainly not in the political field, where party strife controls and blinds the warring groups, hiding the wider vision of world affairs and the needs of humanity as a whole. There is no peace, and peace will not come through an applied and fanatical pacifism or through the loud talking and wishful thinking of those who hate war and who at the same time swell the tide of conquest and delay true victory by their violently uttered opposing views.

I tell you that all nations hate and oppose war; even Germany, behind the imposed terror, shrinks in horror at what is being done. The same love of peace which inspires the ordinary pacifist inspires those who are today fighting in order that peace may be the result of their sacrifice and the effect of the establishing of those right conditions which Germany is set to prevent. Yet many neutrally minded and pacifist people are unwilling to pay any price for what they profess so much to cherish. A complete refusal to fight on the part of the Allies and of those who are seeing with clarity the issues at stake would open the door to the world domination of the Forces of Materialism and Aggression. It is upon this that these evil forces count when they face the greatest neutral of all, the United States of America, (Written June 1940 – before Pearl Harbor) and for which they are preparing as they disseminate their lying propaganda and plant their agents in every country and every state-preparatory to a peaceful conquest of a people who refuse sufficiently to value the spiritual issues at stake to take positive action.

And we, the teachers on the inner side, who for aeons have aided in the preparation of humanity for the coming age of peaceful cooperation and brotherhood, see all this future hope imperilled. Aggression and the rape of peaceful nations go steadily forward, as nation after nation crumbles under the iron heel of Germany, grinding the peoples of the world and sweeping them into slavery on a scale of serfdom and cruelty that the world has never before seen. As those who sought to arrest German progress succumb to treachery and pain and desert their comrades, the machine of evil marches on; neutral nations, resting back upon their peaceful intent and the claims of civilisation, are absorbed by the forces which impose the German demand for living space, and are thus denuded of liberty, of territory, and of all economic resources. And, at the same time, the greatest and most powerful neutral nation in the world arms for defense of its territorial rights, but refuses to arm for the defense of human liberty.

Do I speak too strongly to those of you who are not participating in this planetary war? I speak with clarity because I seek to arouse you to the true issues whilst there is yet time. I seek to arrest in you the idea that the western hemisphere is the seat of all civilisation, the custodian of the best that there is in humanity, and that the spiritual future of humanity lies in the cherished land of liberty. Liberty is a thing of the human soul and is found throughout the entire human race. Civilisation is a universal human right and not the prerogative of one nation. I tell you that humanity is everywhere spiritually minded and that the new race, the coming civilisation, and the new age culture will be found throughout the world-the universal inheritance of the human race. But everywhere humanity is the victim of propaganda-a propaganda which can only be seen in its true light when men think in terms of human liberty; when they together take the needed steps to ensure human happiness, and learn in so doing to face world conditions as they are, not hiding their heads in a dream world of their own making.

From Externalization of the Hierarchy, Pages 232-235

Sept 20, 2001

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The Gadianton Terrorists

The Gadianton Terrorists

I was pleased today to see President Bush speak in a Muslim Center in Washington DC and actually preach peace to the nation by quoting from the Koran. I was proud of the guy. He’s stealing from my play book as to what I would do.

As some of you know I spent about twenty years of my life as a serious student of Mormonism and on reflection of the Book of Mormon I find that one of its core messages is very pertinent to this age, a message few Mormons even understand.

The Book of Mormon claims to be a history of a race of white Indians called the Nephites who lived in the Americas from 600 BC to 421 AD. In 421 AD they were virtually destroyed from this hemisphere. I have heard that there is a small tribe or two of white Indians in South America and once in a while a light-skinned baby will be born in a dark-skinned Indian tribe as evidence of their past existence.

The Book of Mormon tells us that one of the main threats the Nephites faced again and again and finally proved to be their downfall was a group of terrorists called the Gadianton Robbers.

These terrorists were very difficult for the Nephites to fight or to dominate because, just like the modern terrorists, they hid out in secret compounds and caves and were an enemy that was difficult to find and destroy.

In addition to this many associates to the terrorists lived among the people and passed themselves off as s supporters of the government, but in reality were dedicated to destroying it. The Nephites often did not know if their next door neighbor was a friend or a foe pretending to be a friend.

Besides operating in secret and hiding in the shadows the Gadiantons had great power for a number of reasons. (1) People were afraid of them. If the terrorists knew someone was exposing them they would be assassinated. (2) They had secret covenants and signs that allowed them to escape punishment. For instance, if a secret Gadianton was a judge and another of that order was brought before him, the one on trial would give the judge a secret sign which would signal that he was to be set free. Thus the authorities could arrest many criminals that would be set free. Sound familiar? (3) If any Gadianton did not cooperate and fulfill his oaths he was killed by having his throat cut. Thus even if a Gadianton wanted to change, he often lacked the courage. (4) The oaths were sworn to in the name of God. Thus many who may give their lives to go against the order were afraid of offending God who could punish them in the next world. Because of this few ever betrayed the order.

What was their goal? Their goal was to rob, plunder and gain power and domination by taking away freedom and replacing it with tyranny.

Because they were motivated by dark forces being nice to them or sending them love did no good whatsoever. They pursued their goals with the Nephites whether they fought against them or not, whether they were nice to them or not and whether they negotiated with them or not.

The Gadiantons as representatives of dark forces had a natural hate toward freedom and representative government, which the Nephites had. As long as there was one free people, tribe or person the Gadiantons were sworn enemies seeking to destroy that which was good.

During their history, the Nephites had periods of peace where they controlled the Gadiantons to a degree, but they always seemed to bounce back and finally at the end of their history the Nephites were completely destroyed by their power.

Mormon was one of the last surviving Nephites and compiled a record of his people in the hope that this record would be revealed to a future people who would occupy this land whom he referred to as the “gentiles.”

He and his son Moroni saw in vision the United States as it exists today and desired that this record would come to us.


Whether or not one is a believer in the Book of Mormon readers should find this quote interesting. It was written by the last Nephite, Moroni, son of Mormon.

20 And now I, Moroni, do not write the manner of their oaths and combinations, for it hath been made known unto me that they are had among all people, and they are had among the Lamanites. 21 And they have caused the destruction of this people of whom I am now speaking, and also the destruction of the people of Nephi. 22 And whatsoever nation shall uphold such secret combinations, to get power and gain, until they shall spread over the nation, behold, they shall be destroyed; for the Lord will not suffer that the blood of his saints, which shall be shed by them, shall always cry unto him from the ground for vengeance upon them and yet he avenge them not. 23 Wherefore, O ye Gentiles (the people of the United States), it is wisdom in God that these things should be shown unto you, that thereby ye may repent of your sins, and suffer not that these murderous combinations shall get above you, which are built up to get power and gain–and the work, yea, even the work of destruction come upon you, yea, even the sword of the justice of the Eternal God shall fall upon you, to your overthrow and destruction IF YE SHALL SUFFER THESE THINGS TO BE. 24 Wherefore, the Lord commandeth you, WHEN YE SHALL SEE THESE THINGS COME AMONG YOU that ye shall awake to a sense of your awful situation, because of this secret combination which shall be among you; or wo be unto it, because of the blood of them who have been slain; for they cry from the dust for vengeance upon it, and also upon those who built it up. 25 For it cometh to pass that whoso buildeth it up seeketh to overthrow the freedom of all lands, nations, and countries; and it bringeth to pass the destruction of all people, for it is built up by the devil, who is the father of all lies; even that same liar who beguiled our first parents, yea, even that same liar who hath caused man to commit murder from the beginning; who hath hardened the hearts of men that they have murdered the prophets, and stoned them, and cast them out from the beginning.

26 WHEREFORE, I, MORONI, AM COMMANDED TO WRITE THESE THINGS THAT EVIL MAY BE DONE AWAY, and that the time may come that Satan may have no power upon the hearts of the children of men, but that they may be persuaded to do good continually, that they may come unto the fountain of all righteousness and be saved. Ether Chapter 8:20-26 (Caps mine)

Few realize that one of the main reasons these Indian prophets compiled the Book of Mormon was because they saw our day and realized that we would have the same problem with terrorists that destroyed their own people. Mormon boldly states: “Behold, I speak unto you as if ye were present, and yet ye are not. But behold, Jesus Christ hath shown you unto me, and I know your doing.” Mormon 8:35

They thus thought that if they could warn us by showing us what happened to them that perhaps we may be a little wiser and remove the current crop of Gadianton terrorists from our midst for they seek to “overthrow the freedom of all lands, nations, and countries.”

Whether or not the reader takes the Book of Mormon seriously, we should indeed take its warning seriously, for I think we have seen that there are indeed secret organizations lurking in the shadows which seek to overthrow our way of life and bring tyranny on the earth.

Sept 17, 2001

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I Am a New Yorker

I Am a New Yorker

My Friends, I’ve been going to write some comments about this major catastrophe of 9-11, but its been difficult to settle on the thoughts I would want to express.

After a couple days reflection the keynote to manifest from this tragedy is LOVE.

Because of the tremendous loss and pain experienced by many one would think that feelings of hate, revenge and rage would dominate. There is some of this, of course, but overall the main emotion we have seen surface is love, concern, sacrifice and brotherhood.

I watched those who many would consider as “fat cats” break down and cry with sorrow over the loss of their employees whom they considered as family. Another said that the payroll would be met by his company and that he and other managers would take a loss in pay so the mainstream employees could get paid.

I watched the firefighters choke up with emotion for the loss of their brethren. When one described their association as a brotherhood, I understood because I was a firefighter for several years and when you live, work and take risks together there is indeed a closeness that develops. When I think back on my old friends in the department and I can see that they would also have taken the great risks that the firefighters in New York did. Thank God we never had to make that choice.

We often think of police as hardened and distant, but there was not one policeman in New York whose eye was dry or his heart was not touched over the loss suffered by the people and his comrades.

We tend to see people as greedy and willing to take advantage when opportunity presents itself. Yet at this solemn moment there was plenty of opportunity for those who have little to loot and destroy, but they did not.

We watched Congress, Democrats and Republicans, black and white join hands in tears and sing God Bless America.

We watched the President of the United States choke up with great emotion and concern toward the victims and become so affected that he had difficulty in finishing his answer to the press.

Our hearts were touched as we saw an English military band play the U.S. National anthem at the changing of the guard – an unprecedented show of solidarity ordered by Queen Elizabeth. We continued to be impressed by displays of love and concern shown by country after country. It felt good to know that we are not alone as a country in suffering this loss.

As I write this I see on the television that all of Europe is observing three moments of silence in respect for this tragedy.

One of the largest problems in the rescue effort is not a lack of help, but too many volunteers, not a lack of blood donated, but more than is needed.

I was impressed at a picture of a rescue worker who was so tired he was sleeping on solid concrete in a sleep so sound that he was oblivious that he was being filmed for national TV. His faithful trained dog was also sleeping with him and looked equally exhausted.

Time and time again we heard stories of people risking their lives in an attempt to save others and common people being more concerned for others than themselves.

We hear of great courage of the passengers on the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania. When one of them learned what happened in New York through a cell phone conversation he told his wife that he and several others were going to take action. Apparently they did and instead of crashing into the White House or Pentagon the plane crashed into empty field. We can only imagine the heroic struggle that took place by nameless ones who gave their lives to save thousands.

The ugly American, the arrogant American, the conceited American… No no no… I d do not know such people, not now. I see people, people like you and me, average people with hopes and dreams put on hold, rising to an extraordinary occasion, making a mark in history that shall stand for a thousand years.

No matter which city, which state or which country we come from we all stand with these brave souls and in the spirit of John Kennedy we declare: “I am a New Yorker.”

Sept 13, 2001

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Facing Fears

Facing Fears

After the 9/11 disaster various comments were made about fear. Some thought there was no useful or positive aspect about it.

The Course In Miracles is a great book, but so is the Bible and readers of both who have a rigid interpretation of them can go off course.

The Course talks about fear as if it were the devil itself and consequently many of its readers develop a fear of fear and falsely convince themselves that they are only full of love and have no fear.

In the context of the teachings fear is usually associated with guilt or grievances and fear in this regard is indeed unproductive. But there is a positive aspect of fear which can cause us to awaken to a perilous situation and then do something about it. Then when we act in a positive way the fear disappears.

The unknown creates fear, but when the unknown becomes the known fear evaporates as the morning light causes the dark to no longer exist.

In the parable of Decision (see the Immortal) there were four people faced with a choice between two paths. All experienced a fear of the unknown. Two moved ahead and overcame their fears, but the other two were paralyzed with inaction and their fear lingered on and grew in power.

The key here is to not allow ourselves to be paralyzed, but neither should we allow ourselves to suffer the glamour of “being beyond the touch of fear” and end up suppressing it. Suppression and denial merely plants a seed and adds nourishment. One of the most fearful things we can do is to honestly face our fears, acknowledge them and work through them.

There is illusion in the idea that the lack of consciousness of fear leads to perfect love.

Consider this:

The men who hijacked the planes and caused the disaster of 9/11/2001

were virtually fearless. They killed passengers and pilots and then faced death with little or no fear.

On the other hand, the passengers were very much afraid.

Which ones were doing the hateful deed? The terrified passengers? No. It was the fearless terrorists.

Terrorists are often void of recognized fear themselves, but they strike fear in the hearts of people much more loving than themselves.

Boasting about fearlessness does not a loving person make.

While it is true that the perfected disciple is almost fearless, it is also true that many who are both good and evil who do not face their fears live in the illusion of fearlessness, but under the surface are fearful issues that must be faced.

It would have been a good thing if we had allowed some extra fear to wake us to the awful possibility of our vulnerable situation (before 9/11) and taken additional precautions.

A little fear can be a constructive force to wake us to reality. The dismissal and suppression of fear by many in this country today has put the world to sleep concerning the real perils, which we face.

We were more worried about what happens to Gary Condit and Monica Lewinsky than the fate of our nation, the world and generations to come.

I therefore issue a call to awake to the reality of our various dangerous circumstances and act in a positive way.

Most probably this disaster was caused by those who felt they were pleasing God and would go to heaven for giving their lives to destroy their fellow men and women and thus were beyond the normal parameters of logical fear or concern.

The Good, the Blind and the Arrogant

In an e-mail from Sterling I found this quote:

“In the city of God there will be a great thunder. Two brothers torn apart by Chaos, while the fortress endures, the great leader will succumb. “The third big war will begin when the big city is burning.” Nostradamus 1654

This is quite an interesting prophecy if it is a true quotation. There is a lot of false data in circulation. For instance there was recently circulated a supposed study on the IQ’s of various presidents showing that Bush had the lowest of the bunch and Clinton had the highest. This was totally made up, obviously by someone who didn’t like Bush.

Even so, there are many references to Nostradamus that are not true. My question is: Are there any Nostradamus buffs in the group? If so can you find this quote?

Some of the falsified quotes from Nostradamus comes from World War II when each side would make up quotes from him indicating victory for their side and destruction for the other.

A reader cooments that three people in disagreement can all be right and cites the parable of the three blind men and the elephant.

Two opposing beliefs can have overlapping elements of agreement but the two actual areas of opposition cannot both be true.

Let us examine the elephant parable.

The first blind man grabs the tail and says the elephant is like a great rope. Was he correct?

No. The elephant is not like a great rope. He was deceived into thinking he had the whole of the elephant in his hands.

The second man grabs an ear and says the elephant is like a great carpet.

Was he correct?

No. The whole of the elephant is not like a great carpet. He was again deceived into thinking he had the whole of the elephant in his hands.

The third man grabs a leg and says the elephant is like a great tree. Again, this man was wrong also.

If the three could open their eyes of vision they would all see they were wrong and deceived because the piece of the elephant they felt was just that, a piece. None of them had much of an idea as to what the whole of the elephant looked like. It is true the three blind men were correct in their view of the pieces, but the three could only be correct if they had said something like: “A piece of the elephant is like a carpet.” The argument was about the whole elephant and thus all three statements were incorrect.

Thus my statement that three opposing teachings or statements cannot all be true stands.

I said: “The unknown creates fear, but when the unknown becomes the known fear evaporates as the morning light causes the dark to no longer exist.”

To this a reader objected, “The unknown does not create fear. The unknown simply IS the unknown.”

Many fear death simply because what happens after death us an “unknown” to them. If they knew for sure there was life and justice after death the fear connected with the unknown would cease. Without the unknown factor most fears would disintegrate; thus the unknown creates the situation inducing the fear. Stating that the fear is caused by how the individual “chooses to relate” to the unknown is like defining what IS, IS.

Those who fear death have not learned how to make a choice to nullify fear. No choice in this matter is even available for them until they evolve to a higher level.

For instance, there are choices available to the Greater Lives that are not even possible for us at our state of evolution.

A reader expresses his opinion that Americans are conceited and the 9/11 disaster teaches us a needed lesson. Just ask anyone from a foreign country as most of them are annoyed at the American feeling of superiority, lack of compassion and arrogance.

As I have been watching television today I have not seen this and after viewing the outpouring of love and concern and soul to soul sharing and helpfulness that is manifest in average Americans helping each other, I would say that one would have to have a jaundiced eye to feel this way.

Everyone I know has considered that catastrophes such as this and worse could happen to us and none of them have conceit and arrogance about our safety as you accuse. What kind of cynical people do you associate with anyway to give you such a view of people, most of whom are good and decent?

One of the problems is that the nightly news, Jerry Springer and the tabloids give the impression that the majority of people are conceited, arrogant, dangerous and to be feared, but in reality the far majority of people in this and other countries are just attempting to follow the rules of life and get along the best they can.

As far as your accusation of Americans being seen as arrogant overseas. I am familiar with this belief, as I have lived overseas with the people for a couple years.

Those who see Americans as arrogant do so largely because they do not understand us and this perception is as much of a fault of Europeans, English and others as it is us. It is even revealed in the handwriting samples I have examined that Americans as a whole are much more outgoing and extrovert than most in other countries. This is often perceived as arrogance whereas it is merely a personality difference. Being outgoing and arrogant are two different things and the various people I got to know overseas realized this when they became associated with a variety of Americans.

Of course, there are some arrogant Americans, but I have seen no more arrogance with us than with people of other nations.

I have found overall that an American will go more out of his way to be friendly than will others go out of their way to be friendly with us. This is a positive characteristic that we do not give ourselves enough credit for.

Speaking of arrogance, a new member, from of India writes this concerning himself:

I am “the only human being present on Mother Earth who is in direct contact with the Creator of all the Universes (the complete Cosmos) … can his visionary powers be questioned!!”

It looks like there are people in India with some arrogance also.

Sept 12, 2001

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Nuclear Sense

Nuclear Sense

Let us sum up the nuclear discussion, one of the most controversial issues to date.

Remember our discussions on the Middle Way where we learned that there is a point of truth between two extremes? On this issue as on all others there are extremes, but remember this. Finding the point of truth is not so easy as merely looking in the exact middle. The point is somewhere between the two extremes and it could be anywhere.

One way to recognize a far right or left who is a distance from the point of truth is that he will be unwilling to incorporate true and proven facts into his thinking, but instead will stick to his mindset with religious conviction.

The nuclear issue is one of the most emotionally charged of our day and as such is a good separator from those who want to remain Piscean (emotional) conscious verses Aquarian (mental) conscious.

I’ve been a science buff all my life and studied some nuclear physics when I was younger. Since we are dealing with this subject I have been refreshing my learning on it and catching up on new developments.

As I have surveyed the whole situation as it exists in the present I see a large pull of Piscean Age thinking pulling on the emotional nature and has caused mankind to focus where the danger is not rather than where the danger is.

Many have examined at nuclear power and made it look like we are sitting on top of a doomsday bomb. But, nuclear power plants have a near perfect record in the West, to the extent that not one death has occurred which can be attributed to radiation.

On the other hand, hand there does definitely exist a real nuclear threat which is capable of blasting us back to the stone age – the atomic bomb. This is a real threat, yet for some reason almost all the nuclear activists put their energy into shutting down nuclear power as a source of energy and little or nothing into the prevention of a nuclear war.

In the late 70’s and early 80’s when nuclear activism was in full bloom I was encouraged and attempted to cooperate with them. Unfortunately, all the activists I met had as their main interest, protesting rather than putting forth a plan of action. It was not long before their attention seemed to shift completely away from nuclear weapons to nuclear power and has remained so unto this day. I discovered that most of those who were against nuclear power knew very little about it. They just seemed to be against it because it was the religious conviction of the group.

I had no desire to be in a group just to be against things, so I moved on seeking instead to be a positive force for change.

Unfortunately, very little good has happened in history by people who were merely against something, even if that something was a great evil. If there is no positive plan in place, that which is protested against is usually replaced by something even worse.

Many cite the Founding Fathers of the United States as an example positive protesting, but these men were reformers first and protesters second. In fact most of them merely acted in a positive direction rather than reacting through protest. Instead of making a protest as their main goal, or to bring the economy of England to a standstill, they instead merely sought to be left alone to implement their ideas.

If an individual, company or group has a track record of reasonable harmlessness then they should be free to pursue their goals.

A Sensible Direction

Comment: “I would endorse immediate, total, unilateral disarmament of all nuclear weapons, and set an example for and offer an invitation to the world.”

The thought is good here, but such an action would put us in even greater peril. The United States and Europe attempted to set the example and disarm before World War II and this just gave Hitler encouragement to take advantage of the situation. If we were to unilaterally disarm then a rogue nation could attack us with impunity, which would make the attack on the world Trade Center and Pentagon look like child’s play.

The only solution is a coordinated world wide disarmament with the cooperation of all the nuclear nations of the earth. Such a plan is presented in Project Peace and Goodwill.


A reader quoted Stewart Brand of “Whole Earth Catalog” fame:

“We have wished, we ecofreaks, for a disaster or for a social change to come and bomb us into the Stone Age, where we might live like Indians in our valley, with our localism, our appropriate technology, our gardens, our homemade religion guilt-free at last!”

There is some controversy as to whether he was serious or not but I have encountered some that lean strongly in that direction.

Unreasonable attitudes like this are more prevalent than one might assume. Just a couple days ago a member of the Sierra Club knocked on my door with a petition. After having a conversation with him and after he assured me that the views of his organization were moderate and not radical, he began to speak with glee about his hope that we would have a complete economic collapse so we would be too paralyzed to do any more damage to the environment.


Sept 10-11, 2001

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